Thursday, December 17, 2015

Shanghaied! The Return of Salty "Dogg" Josiah!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 9
“Shanghaied! The Return of Salty “Dogg” Josiah!!”
An RP between Shirokku-D and eshonen

Mugz is walking about and happens to see one of his crushes, Karin, ahead of him wandering around by herself. He quickly hides, unsure of how to approach her or even if he should approach her. Today however, the choice would be made for him as his best friend Pepper shows up behind him and decides to help him out by breaking the ice with Karin. Pepper pushes the reluctant and panicking Mugz towards the pretty and funny Fox-HI for what is sure to change his life. What happens next?

Mugz: O//_//O ...

Pepper: *pushing Mugz towards Karin* C'mon Mugz, you know what they say: "nothing ventured, nothing gained" ^w^

Karin: Hi There, Mugz. :3 What'cha wanna talk about?

Mugz: I...K-K-Karin-chan...w-would is... *heartbeats loud enough for all to hear*

Pepper: Go on, tell her, buddy. ^w^

Karin: *her ears are close to his chest* Wowzers, Your heart is louder than an egg beater. o3o;

Mugz: O///O; KARiN, I LiKE YOU! PLEASE GO OUT WiTH ME! *passes out and falls back into Pepper's arms*

Pepper: I got you, buddy *steadies Mugz so that he doesn't fall*

Karin: O///O Oh! ...... Is he okay? .w.;

Pepper: Yeah, he'll be fine in a few moments. This happens from time to time whenever he gets very nervous.

*Pepper notices that the three of them are really close to the park so carries Mugz on his back while Karin follows them. He sits Mugz underneath a shaded tree before he again turns his attention to Karin.*

Pepper: It'll be a few minutes before he wakes up. I can answer any questions you may have at the moment.

Karin: Okay. :3 ...Why he's all blushy like a cherry, does he likes me? >w< *acting coy*

Pepper: Yep. ^^ He saw one of your acts at the circus one day and ever since then he's been a fan. He's seen you around several times after that and has wanted to get to know you better, but as you might've guessed, Mugz can be incredibly shy at times.

Karin: ^//w//^ Awww, that's so sweet. Well, I won't disappoint. I'll stick around, and chat with him till he's up.

Pepper: That's nice. ^^

*A few minutes later Mugz opens his eyes, looks to his right and sees Pepper.*

Mugz: It...happened again, didn't it? -_-;

Pepper: Yep.

Mugz: Oh...I guess Karin has left already, huh?

Pepper: Nope, she's still here *points over to Karin*

Mugz: *looks over to his left and see Karin* O.O K-Karin-chan...

Karin: OwO ...Yo.

Mugz: H-Hi, Karin-chan; h-how have you been?

Karin: Fine, all fine. :3 ...I heard you’re a fan of me, thanks for coming to the circus by the way. ^_^ Wanna see a trick right nowz? owo Do ya, Do Ya?!

Mugz: S-Sure, if you don't mind. ^w^

Karin: *eats a whole apple in one shallow* Ulp!

Mugz: OoO Whoa...Awesome! ^o^ *claps happily*

Pepper: O_O; your throat made of rubber or something?

Karin: *points at Mugz's sleeves, and Pepper see a lump on the sleeve* :3

Mugz: OwO

Pepper: Oh, I see; that was pretty cool. ^w^

Karin: Thank You. *bows* -w- Thank You. Nrf.

Mugz: *applauds and blushes* -//w//-

Karin: I got more tricks, like... juggle, Blazing air flips, cracking eggs with my butt cheeks, doing the splits on a motorcycle while flying though a volcano. etc.

Mugz: ...So cool... -//o//-

Pepper: ._. are you able to...? No...I don't think I want to know. <w<;

Mugz: A girl as amazing as you... *looks slightly discouraged* ...must have a ton of admirers, huh?

Karin: .w. Yeah... But that doesn't mean we can't hang out.

Mugz: Okay!

Karin: Great! >w< *hugs him* Let's go and get some Maffles! <w>

Mugz: Yay! ^//w//^

*Mugz and Karin leave the park together.*

Pepper: Way to go, buddy.

*At Waffle House*

Karin: =w= Mmmmmmm-Maffles.

Mugz: These are good, aren't they... -//w//-

Karin: Yeah. :3 Do you want more strawberries?

Mugz: Yes please ^w^ Would you like some blueberry syrup?

Karin: Yessy. Hey, have I told you about Anna-Chan?

Mugz: Anna-Chan? Is she that violet-haired girl I've seen you with from time to time?

Karin: Yes Yes! That Cutie.

Mugz: ....Oh, I remember her now; Annaliese Fellorr, she's Ashuro's girlfriend, right?

Karin: Uh-huh. She also bonded with Clarie, remember her?

Mugz: Yes, I remember her too. Pepper and I occasionally work with Ashuro and his friends; the Checkmark Pirates are definitely a lively bunch. ^w^

Karin: Pirates? owo Ooooh!

Mugz: Oh, you didn't know? Before Ashuro and a lot of his friends came to this world they travelled the universe as least that's what the galactic government called them. From the stories I've heard from them they were more like adventurers and explorers than true pirates. If I were to compare them they were a lot like the Strawhat Pirates.

Karin: Cool. :3 I wanna be a universe pirate! is it fun?

Mugz: *shrugs his shoulders* I wouldn't know; although my work with Pepper takes me all over the universe I haven't been able to travel it like Ashuro has... *takes a pen and paper and writes some names on it* but you can ask Ashuro, Claire or one of the others I written here *hands the paper to Karin*

Karin: owo *writes it* Sure Thing, Mugzzy!

Mugz: Glad to help ^w^

Karin: >w< I can't wait.

*As if on cue, Mugz and Karin see Ashuro walk in with Claire and Annaliese. They call them over to their table and get seated there.*

Ashuro: Nice seeing you two here. ^w^

Claire: Waffles! *drools a bit*

Ashuro: Yeah, apparently if either Claire or Annaliese get a strong enough craving for something they'll both end up craving it; today Claire's craving for waffles won out over Annaliese's craving for pizza.

Karin: Oh my glob. owo ... O3O I Need not know that!

*While Ashuro make an order to the waiter for Claire and Annaliese, as they hungrily eye Karin's and Mugz's waffles, Karin remembers that she actually had questions to ask Ashuro about his life as a pirate.*

Karin: Hey Ashuro, I heard you got that dimension job, and stuff, and I was wondering that..... Can I join? :3

Ashuro: I don't know anything about a dimension job but if you're asking if you can join us on an adventure some time then yes, by all means join us. ^w^

Karin: Sweet! :3

Ashuro: Just know that the one thing about our adventures is that you never know when they'll start or what'll...

*An explosion happens on the outside of the restaurant that blows a hole open in it.*

Ashuro: O_O; ...I've really got to stop saying that...

Karin: Eeeeh, Wha? Wha?! O3O

*As the smoke clears a light blue wolf man with sinister eyes, a pointed cone-shaped nose and sharp teeth enters. Mugz immediately recognizes the dangerous looking stranger.*

Mugz: O_O Th-th-that's Salty "Dogg" Josiah! But what is he doing here?! Pepper said that he was arrested by the galactic police a few weeks ago!

Salty: *looks over in their direction then grins evilly* acquired.

Karin: Yikes! O.O; Who is this scary stud?

Mugz: Somebody that we need to keep away from at all costs. C'mon, we need to get out of here! *takes Karin and Annaliese by the hand and tries to lead them out the back exit*

Salty: Not so fast, squirt! *dashes at sonic speed towards Mugz and Karin*

Ashuro: O_O He's fast! *gets up and tries to intercept Salty*

Salty: *grins evilly as he pulls out a small device that looks like a taser* Stun! *shoves the device into Ashuro as it delivers thousands of volts of Lightning E-nergy into his body*

Ashuro: KiYAiEEE!! *falls to the ground stunned*

Claire: Ashuro! *gets up and charges Salty*

Salty: *intercepts Claire's attack, flipping her over his shoulder and onto the ground where he proceeds to also use the taser-like device to shock her as well*

Claire: AHHHHH!! *passes out*

Salty: Oh no you don't! *uses his speed to catch up to Mugz, Karin and Annaliese and cut them off from the exit* Where do you think you're going?

Mugz: Darn it! >_<

Annaliese: ASHURO, C-CLARIE!! D8 .... ;^; Please don't hurt them anymore!

Karin: *charge up her fire fist* Harm them, or you got yourself a tangle! >:I

Mugz: *activates his Wing Pack and makes it shoot to taser prongs into Salty that deliver a powerful shock to his system* quick, get out of here! He absorbs powers and energy from others!

Salty: *struggles as he pulls the taser prongs out of his body* sorry, but I don't have that power anymore thanks to him...but he DiD give me a wide assortment of new abilities, such as... *forcefully pulls Mugz towards him then shoves his right palm into his stomach* Quake! *causes a strong shock wave to course through Mugz's body, causing him a great deal of pain and to fall to the ground unable to move*

Mugz: ...ow...

Salty: *turns his attention back to Karin and Annaliese* I've been instructed not to kill you so come along quietly and I promise I won't rough you up too much. >

Karin: Why should we? >_<

Annaliese: ;^; ...I have no choice... *pulls out a Poké Ball*

Salty: ! *speedily shoves his right hand into Annaliese's stomach* Quake!

*Salty causes a strong shock wave to course through Annaliese's body, causing her a great deal of pain and to fall to the ground and drop her Poké Ball, unable to move.*

Annaliese: GAAAAH!! QAQ; ...*fell to the ground, and sobbing in pain* TAT

Karin: ANNA-CHAN! D: .... *Karin's berserk button been triggered, and attacks Salty by smacking him in the face 4 times, and kick him in the gut with a burning kick* Don't Ever Touch My Anna-Chan, Bub!!!! D8<

Salty: *regains his balance* seems like this one has powers too. It's not the kind of power that he's looking for but I'm sure that he won't mind me taking it for myself... *pushes a button on the taser that causes two claws made of E-nergy to pop out of it*

Mugz: ...n-no... *grabs Salty's left leg* K-Karin, don't fight him; j-just take Annaliese and r-run...

Salty: *looks down at Mugz* so you still had some fight left in you, eh? *powerfully kicks Mugz to the other side of the restaurant where he crashes into the wall*

Mugz: Ugh...

Salty: *turns his attention back to Karin* last chance to surrender before I get serious...

Karin: Okay. *picks up Annaliese* I'll come back to get you guys, I gotta take Anna-Chan to a safe area! O.O ...And I'm coming back for you, Salty! >:I

Salty: *grins evilly* Wrong answer!

*Salty quickly closes the gap between him and Karin then speedily jabs the two E-nergy claws emitting from the taser into her chest. To Karin's surprise, the stab didn't break the skin or make her bleed. When Salty pulls the taser out she sees that the claws have hooked into what looks like an orb of fire connected by a very long string of small white pearls. The moment Salty severs the string of white pearls connecting to Karin, she immediately feels incredibly weak and falls to the ground. She tries to create fire but to no use; it was if her flames had been internally extinguished.*

Salty: Fire powers, eh? But what's with these pearls connected to it...? Eh, I'll worry about that later. But for now, nighty-night!

*Salty speedily karate chops Karin on the side of her neck, knocking her unconscious. He then picks up Karin, Annaliese and Claire then takes them all outside where he summons his ship that beams them all aboard. By the time Ashuro and Mugz recover from Salty's attack seconds later, he and the girls are long gone, having taken off to somewhere unknown. The two of them make their way out of the restaurant to try and see where Salty might've flown off to. However, before they managed to get far some familiar faces meet up with them: Marius, e-chan, Elska and Sarna. Apparently, Marius and e-chan had a run-in with Salty a bit earlier before Ashuro and Mugz...and like them, somebody precious to them was taken by him; they learn that Salty had also abducted Aluma, Lalao and Angel.*

Ashuro: I can't believe I let my guard down like that! I'm going to destroy that pointy-nosed creep for hurting my Annaliese! >o<

Mugz: Karin-chan... I couldn't do anything to save her... T_T

Marius: I can sense him; where is he now?! >_<

Elska: Marius, I'm upset too, but Calm down, we'll find that creep!

Sarna: How Dare he take our sisters! D8<

Marius: *helps both Ashuro, and Mugz up* ...Yup, he just came here alright... I hope he didn't beat you guys up too bad... :<

Ashuro: He caught me off guard with that taser thing of his but Mugz here got the worse of it.

Mugz: I'll live; I'm just worried about Karin...

e-chan: ...I'll save you, Lalao...somehow...

*Marius senses two very powerful energies approaching them. He gets into a fighting stance ready to take on whoever showed up but to his surprise he soon sees that it's just a very enraged Rocko and e-kun followed by e-sama.*

Rocko: WHERE iS HE!? >_<

e-kun: LET ME AT 'iM! LET ME AT 'iM!! >_<

e-sama: ... *trying to keep calm but is visibly upset as well*

Marius: Mugz... You knew him, right? do you know where's that bastard would be at??

Sarna: *Notice a dropped pokeball* Eh? a Pokeball? *picks it up, and toss it*

Aria: *pops out* Hello, Mast--! .....Oh. H-h-hello, Sarna Yakaru... ^^ Where is my master, Annaliese?

Marius: Uhhh, Aria... I hate to be the deliver of bad news, but... Annaliese just been kidnapped by a creep, named, Salty.

Aria: WHAAAAT???!!! D8> *panicing* Where is she?? Maaaster!!! ;^;

Marius: Aria? ...Aria!

Aria: *sobbibg* Maaaster---!

Marius: *slap her* Aria, listen! ...sorry.. But don't panic, unless we get some answers, we'll soon find the others....

Aria: Okay.... ;^;

Marius: So, Mugz... where would Salty be at?

Mugz: I have no idea; he was in his ship so he could be anywhere in space right now so tracking him will be difficult.

Ashuro: Rocko, what's up with you three?

Rocko: Some sky blue pointy-nosed wolf crashed my date, pinched a nerve cluster in my neck that rendered me unable to move and then took my sweet Maggie away on a spaceship! >_<

e-kun: The same guy busted into the ice cream shoppe and started messing the place up! When Dust Man and I tried to get him out of the shoppe he overwhelmed both us with his speed and beat us down hard then captured Roxie and flew away in his spaceship! >_<

e-sama: He attacked me from behind with that taser-thing and kidnapped Samantha when I was unable to do anything.

Ashuro: This guy has been busy, hasn't he?

Marius: God knows what he'll be doing to them, and don't wanna know... But for some reason, he didn't took Oceana... ._. Thank goodness, tho...

Sarna: Which direction that ship is going?

Aria: Like a clue...

*Some lightning zapped in the distance, until Rocko remembered that Maggie probably has the tracker panties on.*

Aria: AAAH! Lighting! Scary! ;0;

Rocko: Wait! *takes out his phone and activates the tracker* ...darn it, out of said that he's in space, right? Ashuro, how fast will it take you to get the ship?

Mugz: Actually I have a ship that can get us out into space, but I highly suggest that we make a plan of some sort before we try to storm Salty's ship.

Marius: Plan, eh? ...Well he can do a copy ability, right? >w> ...I Think I have an Idea.

Mugz: To tell you the truth I'm not sure what he can do anymore...

*Meanwhile, deep in space aboard Salty's spaceship, his captives: Aluma, Angel, Lalao, Annaliese, Claire, Karin, Maggie, Roxie and Samantha were in a large cell sealed by a force field. Claire and Annaliese soon awaken and see Aluma, Lalao, Maggie and Roxie sitting down watching Angel as she furiously pounded away at the force field in her Were-Nekofi form. Annaliese looks off into the corner and sees Karin and Samantha together. Karin was lying down using Samantha's lap as a pillow; she looked and felt very weak since her encounter with Salty.*

Annaliese: K-Karin....? C-Claire? ....Can you hear me, please say something... T.T

Claire: I'm right here, Anna-chan. It looks like we weren't the only ones targeted by that pointy-nosed creep.

Angel: *pounding away at the force field* ARGH! >O<

Annaliese: What does he want from us?

Karin: Zzzz-- Huh? o3o; ....Oh, Darn, I thought it was a bad dream...! DX .... >3<; Grrr, That guy is such a jerk!

Annaliese: ;^; Karin?

Karin: Anna-Chan! oAo; .... QAQ That creep haven't hurt you again while I was asleep, did he?!

Annaliese: ...N-No.. ;^; ...

Angel: *delivers one more powerful punch to the force field then stops, panting and out of breath* no good *panting* I can't bust it...

*Salty appears before everybody on the other side of the force field.*

Salty: I was hoping that you'd run out of steam soon; that banging was getting annoying.

Karin: Hey! Heeey, Salty! Why did you got us for??! >:I ...What are you up too, you doo doo brain!

Salty: Why did I bring you here? I guess I can tell you that...right after I introduce you to your new cellmate ^^

*Salty steps aside to reveal that another girl was standing behind him. She was a chubby Nekofi girl with a large puffy white and violet tail, sky blue hair and two differently colored eyes. The force field drops for an instant as the girl is shoved inside the cell with the others as the force field instantly goes back up again. Karin walks over to the girl and helps her to her feet.*

Karin: Whoa! ...You okay, girl. D:

Caramel: Y-Yes, I'm fine. OoO Oh, y-you must be Karin; Mugz speaks very highly of you all of the time... .///.

Karin: Yes, I'm Karin. ...Nice to meet ya. ^^ ...But Maaaan, sure is a bummer that we have to meet in here. >3<;

Caramel: Yes. I was in the middle of making a delivery too *whines* my boss is gonna yell at me again... T~T

Annaliese: That's Terrible. :<

Samantha: I can relate....

Karin: But that jerk didn't gave me a reply... <3<#

Salty: Oh, right, that. Well, it's not so much that I'm interested in you all personally; I just needed something that would get your boyfriends, husbands or whatever you call them to do as I say. My new employer has need for their abilities and would like to make them his own; my job is to get them all in one place so that I can extract their powers and talents and present them to my boss.

Karin: And Who is your Boss, Huh? <3<;

Salty: Him? Oh, you'll know about him soon enough; he's got nothing but total conquest on the mind.

Annaliese: P-Pyro? :<

Salty: Nope. This guy... *shivers* makes Pyro seem like nothing in comparison.

Annaliese: D: .....I'm scared...

Salty: Yeah, you should be scared. Heck, I'm scared, terrified even. This guy quite literally holds my life force in his hand; I have no choice but to do what he says if I want to keep living.


Lalao: Oh yeah? where is big, tall, and scary? >:/

Salty: He'll be showing up once I've confirmed that your men have been safely secured.

Aluma: *tries to hack the system* :<

Salty: I wouldn't try it, lady. This ship may be ancient in age but its technology is far more advanced than anything that we have in this day and age; that's why I chose it as my personal ship.

Caramel: Ex-excuse me, Mr. Salty sir? You explained why you captured these girls but that doesn't exactly explain why you captured me. I still relatively new to this timeline and I don't have a boyfriend with special powers or abilities...

Salty: Oh that? You're going to be my new bride~ >w<

Caramel: O_O;

Aluma: Huh? D:

All: What??

Salty: Well, now that I'm out of the running for the Mitoian Princess Cherry's hand in marriage and my plan to take her kingdom by force has been thwarted by that do-gooder Cosmic Man I've decided to go after my secondary ideal girl. If I can't have one that is cute and busty, I'll take one that is cute and chunky.

*All of the girls, except for Caramel who still looks horrified, look on at Salty in disgust.*

Salty: Judge all you want, I don't care; I'm a pirate so I'll take what I want when I want it.

Caramel: O~O; *gulps then hides behind Karin*

Claire: You call yourself a pirate? You're not even close to half the pirate Ashuro is! Don't think you've won just because you beat him in the initial fight you had; when he gets here those little tricks of yours won't save you in the least, especially since he has the others with him as well. You may not think it but you've made some very powerful enemies today. -w-

Annaliese: Yes! That's Right! Hahahaha~ ^^

Salty: Oh, I doubt that I'll meet with much resistance when they get here. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go and send my message to your men *leaves to the upper levels*

Annaliese: (Please Everyone, Please make it... ) <

To be continued...

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