Thursday, December 17, 2015

Suddenly New Parents! The Week of New Bonds!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 17
“Suddenly New Parents! The Week of New Bonds!!”
An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

Camilla is excited for her date with Baron because he said that he had something very special planned for this one. However when she made her way to his place she finds that he is packed up to go somewhere without her. Baron isn't one to just break off a date without a reason; just what is going on?

Camilla: Hmph...typical, getting me all prepped and excited for nothing...

Baron: I'm really sorry, honey. I knew you were looking forward to today and so was I, but something massive came up that can't be ignored.

Camilla: *sigh* Fine....Guess I'll bug my brother and still try to figure out why that ninja likes him so much, instead. <_<

Baron: I promise, I'll make it up to you as soon as all of this is done and over with. I should only be gone for a week but I'll do everything I can to get back sooner.

*That reminded Camilla that she didn't even know where Baron was headed off to.*

Camilla: ....Answer me this though; where the heck are you actually going?

Baron: All hunters are being called in by the Guild to take care of a series of Urgent Quests that just got put up. Apparently a variety of dangerous Elder Dragons that aren't native to the area or planets they are on have just suddenly popped up out of nowhere and are causing chaos and destruction. The guild is trying to spread enough of us out evenly to take care of these threats as quickly as possible. My first mission is on a distant desert planet where a massive Jhen Mohran is causing mayhem.

Camilla: I...I see...please be careful, in that case.

Baron: I will be. Oh, and just so I don't lose it anywhere *pulls a rose-colored envelope with a pink heart seal out of his vest*

Camilla: .....Hmm?

Baron: This was going to be the basis of our date today but I'm afraid that if I keep it with me I might lose it amidst all of the coming chaos so I want you to hang on to it *hands the envelope to Camilla* don't open it though; I want it to be a surprise until I get back. As I said, I should be back in a week but I'll do everything that I can to get back sooner; I'll see you soon, sweetheart~

*Baron turns around and then dashes away, being completely out of sight within mere seconds. Camilla then turns her attention to the envelope; pointing it towards the sun, all she could tell was that the contents contained in it wasn't a simple letter.*

Camilla: .....hmm...whatever could that goof be planning now...?

*Deciding not to think too-too much about it, Camilla decides to head home. However, once she arrives there she sees that she has a rather small guest. There was a small pink-haired boy in glasses on a ladder next to an upside down and suspended in the air by a rope tied around his ankles Sander.*

Pink-haired boy: *trying to untie the knot in rope* ... *notices Camilla has arrived and is staring at him* O_O; this isn't what it looks like!

Camilla: ........ *pulls out her phone and snaps a picture* It's funny either way. <w<

Sander: Eeeeeeeeegh.....guuuuuys....I can't feel my head feels heavy..... @___@;

Camilla: Yeah big bro, that's the blood in your body swelling up in your brain. <.<;

Pink-haired boy: Man, why does she have to use the invisible rope? *notices that Camilla was taking a step forward* O_O; WAiT, DON'T!!

*The Pink-haired boy jumps down from the ladder and pushes Camilla back just as a hidden rope snare trap using invisible rope snags the young boy by his right ankle and lifts him in the air next to Sander.*

Pink-haired boy: Darn it, Cass! I told you not to set anymore traps! >o<

Sander: Welcome to the upside-down club.... @ ^ @

Camilla: ......Okay, whoever set these up: Show your face!

Pink-haired boy: Cass! Cass!! You better not be ignoring me! ...she must not be in here *takes out a cellphone and calls somebody* ...hey Kurt, I need your help; Cass set traps with invisible rope again and two of us here are stuck in them; where is she? ...again with trying to toughen up Lily? *sighs* can you come down here and help us? ...yes, she's here ...why are you on the roof in only shorts in this weather?? ...okay-okay, just hurry, please; we're getting very dizzy... *hangs up* I've got some help coming in about a minute or two so just stay where you are for right now; I don't know how many more traps that stubborn girl has set up.

Camilla: -.- ......Okaaaaaay. Dunno what to say in this situation....just a bit confused.

*A minute later a young boy who looks a remarkably a lot like Baron walks in. He stops and smiles at Camilla briefly before climbing the ladder the pink-haired boy was on earlier and finally freeing both him and Sander. Sander and the boy walk around dizzily for a while after getting back on their feet.*

Sander: Oooowww.....all the blood is gushing out in my brain.... @ ^ @;

Camilla: Just stay up and stay calm...

Kurt: So what happened, Ben?

Ben: Cass went rogue again, that's what happened. -_-

Kurt: That girl really just does what she wants, doesn't she? No respect for you as the big brother or me as the older cousin.

Camilla: ...Now why does that sound familiar...?

Sander: It kinda sounds like you... @_<;

Camilla: What? Nah, I respect you.....not much, but I do respect you. >3>;

Sander: ...That makes me feel a bit better.

Camilla: ...... -.-;

Ben: I'm sorry, I never meant for this to happen; all I wanted to do w-

???: WAAAAAHH!! Oniichan! Oniichan, help me!!

*Camilla looks behind her to see where the cry of help was coming from and sees a little Xeno girl with wings flying towards them all.*

Xeno girl: *sees Camilla* Okachan! *flies over to Camilla then hides behind her*

Camilla: What? What? ....And a third time for good measure: What? O_O;

Sander: *kneels down to the little bug-like girl* Hey hey hey, you alright little bud? What's wrong?

Xeno girl: *looks at Sander with tears in her eyes* Ojichan, Cassandra is playing rough again!

???: Lily, please return outside; today's training isn't over with.

*In walks a girl who looks a remarkably lot like and dresses like Annette wielding kunai, shurikens and bombs in both her hands.*

Cassandra: You know that we're going to need all the strength we can get so why do you continue to refuse my training, Lily?

Lily: I don't know what you're talking about; I'm not strong like you and Oniichan.

Cassandra: I know what I saw that day; you've got tremendous power inside that small body of yours and I'm going to bring it way or another *gets in a throwing stance*

Kurt: What the!! Don't do that in here! O_O;;

Camilla: *whacks Cassandra on the back of her head with a paper fan* Enough of that, you little brat! Can't you see she has had enough of your crap?

Sander: *walks over and joins in by restraining the girl's arms* Yeah! I'm not tolerating the use of violence and/or force in my house! Especially not the kind with weapons!

Ben: Now that that's settled can we please go about this the way I suggested in the first place, Cassandra? You know, the less extreme more direct approach?

Cassandra: QnQ ... fine... *pouts and mysteriously makes her projectile weapons vanish*

Ben: Alright *turns to face Sander and Camilla* I'd say that it's time for introduction now, right? ^^

Both: Yes please!

Sander: I do not like being ambushed in my own home. -3-

Ben: My name is Ben. The little hothead in ninja garb is my little sister, Cassandra. The guy in...nothing but shorts despite the weather being wintery is my cousin, Kurt. And the little one with big blue eyes and four arms is Kurt's little sister, Lily. And all four of us with a lot of others have come here through a time game from the future to this time period.

Sander: .....Oh, I overheard some talk about this with my buddy Skylar. =O Apparently he has three wives now.

Camilla: Three? Well, if he can manage, who am I to object? <3<

Ben: Oh, so some of the others are already here? That's good news ^w^

Cassandra: I hope that Sui is already here; I feel that I may need to resupply after all of this is over with.

Sander: So you kids are with them? Explains a bit.

*After thinking about the situation for a few seconds more something clicks in Sander's brain telling him that these four kids being here had to do with him or Camilla.*

Sander: You guys....wouldn't possibly be our children or something? OuO

Camilla: ....What? <.<

Ben: Actually...yes. ^^

Camilla: ....what... o____o

Kurt: You heard right, Mom~

Camilla: .......Oh my goodness... o///~///o *looks down and covers her face, blushing red as a tomato*

Sander: *scoots closer to Ben and Cassandra* So...does that mean that you two....are mine? QuQ

Ben: That is correct

Cassandra: *nods*

Sander: *embraces them both and hugs them close* Yay~! >/u/< She loves me, she really loves me~!

Camilla: *quickly looks up* I still do not understand that, by the way! D|

Kurt: Huh?

Camilla: I do not understand how that girl could just...fall for my brother like that! It makes no logical sense! >____<;

Lily: S-Something you and Otosama once said was that s-sometimes love doesn't need logic.

Camilla: Uggggggh.....!!

Sander: And what about you, little one? *pets Lily carefully*

Lily: M-Me, Ojisan?

Sander: Who do you belong to? *strokes her cheek*

Lily: To Otosama and Obachan *points to Camilla*

Sander: Aaaaaah, I see.

Camilla: ... *blinks*'re a bug...

Kurt: *whispers to Camilla* Dad brought her home one day after a mission went bad; he didn't tell me about it but he does tell you in detail what happened. So until that happens all you need to know is that she's the daughter you always wanted.

Camilla: ... *blinks* H-huh...? <_<;

Sander: *plays with her little hands*

Lily: *giggles happily*

Camilla: ....She is...adorable, though...

Sander: *lifts all 3 of the young ones up and lets himself fall back with them on top of him* Hug pile! >w<

Ben, Cassandra and Lily: *laughs happily*

Camilla: ..... *lightly taps Kurt's shoulder before pulling him into a hug too* ...I need a bit time to adjust to this....but I don't dislike it.... <///<

Kurt: ^w^ Oh Mom... *hugs her back*

Camilla: .... *murrs a bit* ...Baron isn't here today, sadly. He went off on an errand for the guild, but you'll get to see him soon.

Kurt: OoO Oh yeah, that's a big part of the reason why we're all here.

Ben: You're right; now that introductions are out of the way it is important that we tell about our mission.

Sander: *while stroking his daughter's back* we're listening.

Ben: You see, sometime during this week that Uncle Baron is away, two unknown assailants break in here and take both of you hostage back to Mom and Uncle Baron's home planet.

Sander: Say what....?

Camilla: o_o;

Ben: I'm sure that by now either Mom or Uncle Baron told you about how they ended up here: that they had to escape when an ally family suddenly attacked the Quick Family home.

Sander: Yeah, Baron said something like that...

Ben: Well, it's this week that we learn which one was behind the attack and...well...

Camilla: Well? Spit it out...

Ben: was the Winter Family...but not as a whole; it was the actions of one in the Winter Family: Archie's grandmother, Gertrude Winter.

Camilla: ...What's the old lady's business, exactly...?

Ben: I'm not sure exactly. Mom and Uncle Baron couldn't get an answer out of her.

Sander: Bummer....

Ben: One of our friends that was with us is on her way to inform Archie of what happens so that he can do his investigation and probably stop this in time, but just in case he isn't able to we're here to help repel the intruders.

Sander: ......Well, taking into account who your mother is, I have no problem believing you guys will be able to put up a fight....however-

Camilla: However, they are also your kids... Right? <_<;

Sander: ....Arf... TuT;

Ben: Between the four of us only Cassandra and Kurt know how to fight. I'm more of a strategist; for instance, I wanted to do this in the very beginning: get together with the two of you and tell you what was going to happen and what we should do together to get through it. Cassandra, on the other hand, darted over here ahead of us as quickly as she could and decided to set up a bunch of traps everywhere to deal with an enemy that might not have even arrived yet...and you saw how that turned out. -_-;

Sander: *glances at Cassandra* ....Yeah.

Ben: Speaking of which, Cassandra, please disarm the rest of your traps; at this point they are most likely to get one of us since you're the only one who knows where they are.

Cassandra: But-but I have to protect Daddy!

Camilla: Can you do it without the traps...? <_<

Sander: *hugs Cassandra close* Shhhh....

Ben: I understand that you want to protect Dad but there are other ways we can do that. You tend to go overboard with the type of traps you set; I'm surprised that you didn't... O_O; Aunty Camilla, there was nothing wrong with the front door when you opened it, was there?

*Camilla remembered opening the front door but also remembered not opening it all the way when she entered so that she could get in without letting out too much heat to the cold outside.*

Ben: Kurt, what about you?

Kurt: I came in through a window.

Sander: What about the door...?

Camilla: I...don't remember anything special happening.

Cassandra: Hmm, maybe I didn't set it right...

*Suddenly a huge electrical burst comes from the front door. When the sparks and smoke cleared there in the doorway stood a slightly charred and smoky Annette in her winter ninja outfit. In her hands was a picnic basket full of goodies for her date with Sander.*

Annette: ... *coughs a small cloud of black smoke* and that is why I usually don't let my guard down...

Sander: Oh my goodness! O^O *hurries up and over to check on Annette*

Camilla: ....... *carefully grabs Lily and pulls her against her in a hug* I'm liking you more and more, because you don't seem to do that crap. -3-

Lily: *nuzzles against Camilla* Obachan~

Annette: *dusts herself off* were you expecting somebody other than me with that beginner's level shock trap?

Sander: Y-you know I'm not able to make stuff like that. It was one of the kids....which..makes me a bit disencouraged, knowing that a bunch of kids do better than me...

Camilla: *strokes Lily's back* Yeah that's right, come on in Annette and meet your kids from the future. >.>

Annette: Kids? O_o I have kids as well?

Sander: *blushes and gets Ben and Cassandra to come over* Y-yeah....with me, apparently....I hope that's not an issue...

Annette: *stoops down and looks closely at Ben and Cassandra*, it's not an issue at all... ^^

Sander: .... QuQ *his tail wags*

Camilla: .... Kinda expected her to react differently... <.<

Annette: ...that is, provided you can show me that you can fulfil your duties as a good father.

Sander: Yes yes yes, of course! O^O

Annette: *looks at Ben* ...just like his father ^^ *pats Ben's head* what is your name?

Ben: It's Ben, Mom.

Annette: Ben... *looks at Cassandra* ...just like me ^^ *caresses the side of Cassandra's face* and what is your name?

Cassandra: Cassandra, Mother.

Annette: Cassandra... that shock trap, that was your handiwork, correct?

Cassandra: Y-Yes mother. Please don't be mad; I set it to catch intruders...

Annette: I am not mad, young one. You have the makings of a great ninja in you. ^w^

Cassandra: *wags her tail happily* ^//w//^

Annette: of the first things a ninja must have is common sense; a lesson I must've neglected in your teachings...

Ben: No, it's not that...

Annette: any case, setting a dangerous trap in a place like that where anybody could set it off whether they be friend or foe was highly irresponsible, young lady.

Cassandra: .///. *twiddles her fingers nervously*

Annette: And if you truly are my child you must know what happens next, right?

Cassandra: QnQ

Annette: *takes Cassandra by the hand* Sander, shall we take care of this in your room?

Sander: *nods* Yeah yeah, sounds appropriate. Will you be okay here for a while, sis?

Camilla: *got herself a brush and is now tending to Lily's hair* We're gonna be fine.

Lily: *hums happily as Camilla brushes her soft, plush hair* ^w^

Annette: Come along now, Cassandra.

*Sander leads Cassandra and Annette to his bedroom; after closing the door Sander sits on his bed and looks at his reluctant daughter as she fidgets about.*

Sander: ...Cassandra, come here and sit with daddy, if you'd please? *taps the spot next to him on the bed*

Cassandra: *after hesitating for a second she goes over to Sander and sits next to him on the bed* .///. ...

Sander: *gently strokes her back* I see you understand what you did was bad, even though you had good intentions. But you mother is right, you could've really hurt someone, and we don't want that, do we? Now, we're not going to punish you because we're angry at you, it's because we care about you....though we do not know you that well yet, but we at least have to try, so we'll do our best to act like the parents we are going to be. I hope you understand that we do not mean to harm you in any way, shape or form...right?

Cassandra: Right, I understand. .///.

Sander: Good. Now sweetie, would you please get in a position you are comfortable with so we can get it over with?

Cassandra: *nods then lies across Sander's lap* .///.

Sander: That's a good girl. *lifts the back of her outfit*

*Sander is greeted to the sight of his daughter's cute kitty cat print panties.*

Sander: ....Aw~ you might have your mother's sense of fashion, but you wear cute undies~ *he chuckles a little and places his hand on her rear, starting to lightly tap her* You ready?

Cassandra: Y-Yes sir .///.

Sander: Then here we go, sweetie. *starts to lightly swing his arm and strike her bottom with his palm, letting Cassandra get a quick 1-second break in-between each strike.*

Cassandra: *winces slightly with each strike*

Sander: Now then, repeat: I won't set up ninja traps without supervising from my mother. *slaps her a bit harder*

Cassandra: Eep! I won't set up ninja traps without supervising from my mother!

Sander: Because what can happen if you do not? *lands a couple consecutive smacks on her buttocks, stopping to let her reply*

Cassandra: Eee! Somebody could get hurt!

Sander: That's right. Good girl. *uses his thumb to peel her knickers all the way off*

Cassandra: Daddy, noooooo~! >///< *buries her face into the bed sheets*

Sander: Heh, your butt has the same plumpness as your mother's~ Okay Cassandra, five more strikes and we're done here. Starting now. One. *his hand swings and lands firmly and comfortable upon her exposed rear, staying there for a few seconds before being pulled back again* Two. *Second verse, same as the first one.*

Cassandra: Owie!

Sander: And three, and four....aaaaaand five! *the last slap was placed so he struck both of the little ninja's exposed cheeks*

Cassandra: WAAAAHHH!!

Sander: There there, such a good little girl you are. *lifts her up and sets her in his lap, tugging her mask down slightly so he could see her full face* Daddy loves you, which is why he is now going to hug and comfort you, little princess~ *he smiles warmly and hugs the little girl against him, stroking her back and trying to comfort her*

Cassandra: *cries softly into Sander's chest for a few seconds before calming down*

Annette: *sits down next to Sander* very well done, my love ^w^ *kisses Sander*

Sander: O//u//O .... *blushes and curls up while hugging Cassandra* P-please love, I'm trying to comfort our daughter. Don't distract me~ >//u//<

Annette: Sorry go ahead

Sander: *chuckles and pets Cassandra gently, turning her attention up to him* How are you feeling, sweetie?

Cassandra: Uh-huh ^3^

Sander: Feeling good then. *sets her down, waving the panties in front of her* Better put these on again, less you want the others to peek.

Cassandra: O///O *quickly grabs her panties and puts them back on, blushing all the way through the process*

Sander: *kneels next to her* So adorable~

Cassandra: I'm not adorable; I'm fierce! >3<

*No matter how Sander looked at her, his daughter looked just like a cuddly puppy dressed as a ninja trying to look tough which in reality just made her doubly adorable.*

Sander: ......I love you, my little one~

Cassandra: -3-

Annette: Shall we join the others now? ^^

Sander: Yeah, sounds good to me.

*Sander, Annette and Cassandra rejoin the others in the living room where Sander sees that his sister has really taken to her future daughter as she is now happily braiding Lily's hair.*

Lily: *humming happily* ^//w//^

Camilla: Yes yes, there we go. Mommy is gonna make you the prettiest little girl around~

Sander: .... *smiles softly* that images really warms my heart...

Annette: Now, how about we go and disarm the rest of those traps you set, huh?

Cassandra: Okay

Sander: *pets her* Want to help her out...honey? >/u/>

Annette: Of course...sweetheart~

Sander: ... *shuffles cutely over to her and gives her a kiss on the lips* Just...repaying that kiss from before. ^/3/^

Annette: *giggles then heads outside with Cassandra to disarm the traps around the perimeter of the house*

Kurt: Man, Aunty and Uncle are lovey-dovey in this time too.

Camilla: ....Hmm...guess there really is something there...I just don't see it...

Kurt: See what?

Camilla: ....Whatever the two have....I do not see it... =/

Kurt: Oh that; don't worry about. Like you and Dad always tell me when I can't figure something out, "you'll see it in due time."

Lily: *stomach growls* I'm hungry, Obachan. ^o^

Camilla: Hmm? Oh, right, I'm sure Sander has some stuff in the kitchen. Come along, kids. *takes Lily by the hand and walks with her to the kitchen*

Kurt: *gets up and follows Camilla*

Ben: I guess that means me too. ^^ *follows Camilla*

*Interested in seeing how this would turn out Sander decided to go to the kitchen as well to lend a hand if needed.*

Sander: You know you can just ask me to help out, sis?

Camilla: Nonsense! I'm an up and coming mother of two, so I'll have to be able to pull my weight doing these kinda things. -3-

Lily: Grilled cheese, Obachan~ ^o^

Kurt: *whispers to Sander* you'll want to stick around for this; it's always a good show

Sander: ....Okay? >.> *leans back and watches, as told*

*Camilla goes gather the ingredients needed for grilled cheese sandwiches and begins preparing the sandwiches.*

Camilla: ...I can do's just....grilled cheese sandwiches.....

Sander: <.< ......I...dunno if I should just stand here and watch...I have a sorta bad feeling...

Kurt: There's nothing to worry about if her fire powers have already activated.

Camilla: *starting to grill the bread slices in the pan, taking good time and making sure to keep a watchful eye on them* J-just wait a little bit kids, it will be done soon enough...

*His nephew's mention of Camilla getting fire powers really sparked interest in Sander.*

Sander: ....Excuse me....Fire powers? But...Camilla and I are just perfectly normal Inumimi....

Kurt: True but that all changed one day after a date Mom had with Dad. On one of their dates Mom saw a beautiful ruby necklace that she loved being sold by a jewellery vendor; being the nice guy that he is Dad got it for her and she was eternally thankful to him. She wore it for the entire day and even to bed that night. However the next day when she woke up the ruby that was in the necklace was gone without a trace. There was no trace of a break-in and no matter how much she searched and retraced her steps, Mom never found the ruby. It wasn't until Dad's next birthday when Mom decided to make him breakfast in bed that she eventually learned what happened. Using high heat to try and speed the cooking process up she accidentally burned herself and her body ignited in flames. Don't worry, she wasn't harmed but she did panic a bit and it took Dad to calm her down and put her out; he definitely got his birthday surprise if you know what I mean. Soon afterwards Dad did a little detective work and learned that the ruby he bought for her was actually one of those rare alien gems, the same kind that gave him and Pepper their powers, crafted to look like a ruby. Ever since then Dad helped her learn how to control her powers and the two of them have been inseparable ever since.

*After thinking about Kurt's story Sander remembered Camilla showing him a ruby necklace that Baron had bought her last week and that she was upset the very next day that the jewel had seemed to have disappeared; he even remembered helping her search for it. He even remembered hearing Annette talk about the arrangement that Camilla made with her to surprise Baron for his birthday in the coming months. Which meant that now the only thing between now and the incident to come was Camilla getting to close to an open she was right now.*

Camilla: *yelps and jumps back a little, waving her hand* Oww! Burned my fingers on the pan!! Now I know why you use mitts for these things...! >.O; *seems oblivious to the fact that her fingers were now....ablaze*

Sander: ......Does..."burn" mean....any kind of burn, Kurt? O_O;

Kurt: Apparently so... O_O;

*Just as Sander begins making his way over to his sister, Ben quickly shoots a small blast of water from his palm to put out the unnoticed blaze on Camilla's hand. Sander looks at Ben, then Camilla, then at Ben again before finally looking at Kurt with a confused and bewildered look.*

Kurt: ...I should also mention the same thing happens to you with a different stone but I'll leave that up to Ben.

Sander: .....Better just...let things come naturally, huh? >^>;

Kurt: That would be best. But for now it would probably be best that you take over for Mom while I explain what just happened. ^^

Sander: ...Right. Sis, maybe I should take over, so you don't burn yourself again?

Camilla: N-no! I can do this! I'm not-

Sander: *places his hand on her shoulder* ...Sis...I don't want you to hurt yourself. Can I please take over, then I can teach you how to work in the kitchen later on?

Camilla: .....Fine.... *hangs her head and steps away*

*As Camilla walks away from the stove feeling a bit down Kurt goes up to her and gives her a hug and then calmly explains to her the same story he had told Sander earlier. After hearing all of the details in full she surprisingly felt a lot better about herself and her ability in the future.*

Kurt: Feeling better, Mom?

Camilla: Yeah...yeah, kinda. I guess.

Kurt: Just know that you're a great cook and an even greater Mom to us. ...and even though you never officially went professional, your cooking actually wins you several awards and popularity.

Camilla: S-stop that.... -//u//-;

Kurt: How can I when it's all true?

Camilla: *covers her face as she giggles and blushes* Stooop iiit~

*About that time Sander announces that the food is ready and both Kurt and Camilla go back to the kitchen to eat.*

Sander: Okay, be careful now, because it is really hot still. And I've poured you all a glass of milk, and I cut off the crust so you just get to much on the soft goodness in the middle. Even you get a piece, sis.

Camilla: ... *blushes* He...always liked to spoil me...

Sander: That I still do. ^^ Ben, can you get your sister and mother? I'm sure they'd want a little snack too.

Ben: Sure thing, Dad *leaves the kitchen to go get his Mom and little sister*

Sander: Such a good boy. ^^

Camilla: .... *smiles weakly*

*Seconds later Ben returns with Annette and Cassandra. While Ben and Cassandra immediately go to the table to eat, as Annette passes by Camilla she suddenly to take a second look at her.*

Annette: ... *looks at Camilla closely*

Camilla: ....What's wrong, ninja girl? Am I in your seat or something...? <.<;

Annette: Oh no, nothing like that; it's just that your energy feels different than it did minutes earlier. You have a fiery aura now...

Camilla: ....Uh...more on that later, okay? We'll explain. <_<;

Annette: Very well *picks up the picnic basket she had brought with her and pulls out a bento box* for you~ ^w^ *hands the bento to Sander*

Sander: Awwww, thank you...! QuQ *nuzzles against her as he murrs happily, his tail wagging excitedly behind him*

Annette: *playfully nuzzles against Sander in return then pulls out a bento box for herself out of the picnic basket*

Camilla: .....I don't really understand the relationship between you two...but, it does make me happy to see you this happy, brother.

Sander: That's nice. Thank you.

*The rest of the day goes by rather uneventful. Over the next two days, Annette and the kids stick around Sander and Camilla's home, remaining vigilant to any possible approaching danger. On day four there is a knock on the front door. When Sander goes to answer the door, after looking through the peephole he recognizes one of the three at the door immediately as Archie Winter. He remembers him from the several Guy's Nights he had been invited to by Baron; the two of them actually became fast friends. He opens the door to see that he was also accompanied by a girl in samurai armor and a little girl with a pot on her head.*

Archie: Hey Sander, good to see you again. ^w^

Sander: Likewise; friends of yours? *points to the girls*

Archie: This here is Kim Peach, my self-proclaimed bodyguard *points to the girl in samurai armor* and this adorable little lady right here daughter from the future, Kimiko. Can you imagine my surprise when she suddenly appeared on my front door three days ago and told me the news?

*Sander thinks back to three days ago when his own kids along with his nephew and niece showed up and how surprised and delighted he was.*

Sander: Believe it or not, I have a little idea about how that went~

Kimiko: Hi Uncle Sander~ ^o^

Sander: *kneels down to Kimiko's level* Hello little one. Glad to meet you.

Kimiko: *giggles as her large fluffy tail switches back and forth*

Kim: Hmph... >3<

Archie: Don't mind Kim; she's still having trouble processing all of this, especially the fact that her and Annette actually best become friends in the future.

Sander: That's what bothers her? Really?

Archie: Oh, then I guess Annette hasn't told you then. You see, those two don't exactly get along right; it all stems back to a training mishap years ago.

Kim: *puffs out her cheeks cutely*

Sander: ..... *looks down at Kimiko* from that alone it sounds like your mom and my girlfriend are being a bunch of brats, huh~? >3> *strokes along her tail*

Kim: This...this can't be true; me marrying Master Archie and having a child together? It goes against my very code of service! And me becoming besties with Annette of all people is absolutely outrageous; she's my enemy and eternal rival: the LAST person I would become friends with! >~<

Sander: Well, he must've done something to really impress you or something.

Kim: V-Very unlikely; I-I'm not some girly-girl that's easily impressed by a few romantic gestures and the such... >///>; *blushing the entire time she said that line*

Sander: .... *smiles sadly and sighs* I wish I could get some reactions like that out of Annette...she's just...too good at being a calm and content ninja... I hate to admit it, but maybe my sister is right and the connection between us just isn't there? No matter what the future says...

Archie: Oh I think you are; you probably just can't see it because of that least, that's what Baron is always telling me. ^3^

Sander: Well that's easy for you to say, when you're not the one trying to impress someone.

Archie: True; I guess what I'm trying to say is don't over think it. Speaking of which, is Baron back yet or is Annette around?

*To Sander's knowledge Baron was still off-planet and Annette was out with Camilla and the kids to go get groceries but should probably be getting back soon as they had left some time ago.*

Sander: No. Just boring old me today...

Archie: Well then I'll pass the message on to you since this affects you and your little sister as well. First of all, you guys are no longer in any danger.

Sander: What...? How did that happen?? o_0

Archie: You've got little Kimiko here to thank for tipping me off about Nana Gertrude; the entire Winter Family has been very busy these past few days because of her.

Sander: I see.... *smiles and nuzzles Kimiko a little bit* Thank you then, little buddy~

Kimiko: *giggles happily*

Archie: Nana Gertrude is under surveillance by my Father and some of his best men and we were finally able to get an answer out of her for why she did what she did to the Quick Family.

Sander: Oh? Was it something shady...?

Archie: Years ago before I was born my grandfather and Baron's grandfather were best friends and allies. One day my grandfather accompanied Baron's grandfather to defend the Quick Family territory from some bandit invaders. They successfully dealt with the bandits but my grandfather was mortally wounded in the process. Nana Gertrude blamed Baron's grandfather for the loss of her dear husband and apparently never got over it. So she came up with this twisted plan to punish Baron's family for his grandfather's failing to protect my grandfather.

Sander: .....I see.

Archie: We even found out that she had several secret labs dotted about with an entire staff of scientist and warriors that worked for her that the rest of the family didn't know about. In one of those labs we found what she was going to send to capture you and your sister to lure Baron out: two homunculi who apparently have Baron's mother's and father's alien element powers. They were being programmed when they were found but those programs have since been deleted; the two homunculi are now being re-programmed to be of assistance to the Winter Family instead of tools or revenge. We're still trying to find out what happened to the rest of the Quick Family...

Sander: Geh, this is really not my cup of tea. .~.; I hope you find anything soon.

Archie: Well, the important thing is that you all are safe now; you can let your kids know that their mission to protect you all was a success.

Sander: I will. Thanks for the information. *puts Kimiko down again*

*Just then Annette, Camilla and the kids return with various groceries in their arms. Upon seeing her friends Kimiko skips over to them and greets them and they do the same. However, the moment Kim sees Annette...*

Kim: *stomps over to Annette*

Archie: Uh-oh...

Annette: ...have you finally come to apologize?

Kim: Annette! I challenge you! >o<

Camilla: What's going on he-OH MY GOSH, look at you~!! *she had noticed Kimiko and was now joining the group of kids just to get a closer look at the little girl*

Sander: Is she serious? A challenge just like that? ._.;

Archie: Unfortunately, yes... -_-;

Annette: This again? What is this, the 258th time you've challenged me after 257 consecutive defeats?

Kim: The numbers don't matter; with every defeat I get that much stronger and wiser! I will defeat you and reclaim what is rightfully mine!

Sander: Would be a hollow victory at this point, wouldn't it? Can't you settle with a less violent approach?

Archie: Actually after the tenth challenge Annette suggested alternate ways of doing these challenges. They now range from races and target shots to even more childish things like who can hold their breath the longest and rock-paper-scissors. Since then property damage has been reduced greatly.

Sander: Hmm...okay, I can understand that......

Annette: So what's the game for today? Chess, a race, cooking treats...Smash Bros.?

Kim: No, none of that this time. Today we're having a one-on-one battle, just like old times.

Archie: Oh no...

Kim: When you took my family's most prized possession from me my parents told me to do what I had to do to earn it back. We've tried things your way with these juvenile games, knowing that I wouldn't be able to beat you. I thought to myself "why doesn't she just battle things out like we used to?" Then it hit me: because you knew you almost lost to me the last time we fought and that you were finally out of tricks to combat me with! Now that I've got you figured out I definitely won't lose now!

Archie: ... *face palms*

Sander: ... *puts his head in his hands and groans loudly*

Camilla: Duuuuuuuumb.... D|

Kim: One battle, winner takes all.

Annette: Aside from an honest "apology" you don't have anything that I want.

Kim: So what do you say; is it a deal?

Annette: ...

Sander: I'm not sure if this is a good idea. Take the high road and just...move on, please?

Kim: I can't; not until I get my family's treasure back!

Sander: .....? Annette? *looks to his girlfriend*

Annette: Not until I get an honest apology.

Sander: ....Really, just..not gonna explain that? *looks between the two and ends up frowning* You know what, I'm just gonna let you two try to settle this like rambling kids, because it's appearant that you guys have no intent on stopping. -_-

*Sander walks over to Camilla and the kids, sitting down by the fence to the backyard. Annette and Kim begin to size each other up as they circle each other.*

Archie: *walks over to Sander and sits next to him* our ladies are quite stubborn, aren't they?

Sander: Hmph! -3-# *crosses his arms and just watches the two of them*

Camilla: ...Someone is a bit grumpy... <.< *grooming and brushing Kimiko's hair*

Archie: Since they won't be clear with anything I'll provide some backstory for you. Back when we kids a few years ago Kim was practicing with the Peach Family sword close to where Annette was training Baron. Now Kim, although she is actually a nice person, she can also be quite clumsy and dense as well. She was swinging that sword around very carelessly and with her immense strength felled any obstacle around her with great ease. Soon enough she lost her grip on the hilt and the sword went flying on one of her more powerful swings. That flying sword would've taken Annette's head off if she hadn't seen it coming at the last safest moment and bent over backwards to avoid the sword as it cleaved several trees and a boulder. Although Annette escaped death she was left with a permanent scar on her face. Now a scar to a ninja like Annette is usually like a badge of honor if received during an honorable battle so you can imagine the hurt her pride took when the one and only scar she received during her 300+ years was from a clumsy kid. When Kim came looking for her sword she saw that Annette had it but she refused to give it back to her until she apologized for being reckless. Kim, of course, didn't see what she did wrong and continued to demand that her family's sword be returned. Now that I think of it, it was around that time that Annette suddenly started wearing those masks.

*Now that Sander had an idea of what was going on he understood both girls' position in the matter.*

Archie: Personally I think neither one of them is right. Kim either refuses to see or is too dense to realize that her actions that day were reckless and dangerous. Annette, despite her many years of knowledge, could've handled things differently like going to Kim's parents about what Kim did and let them deal with her accordingly. Kim feels her pride as a samurai was damaged when her family's sword was taken from her and Annette feels that her pride as a ninja was damaged when she got a permanent scar from a careless kid. Their pride has blinded both of them to see where they were wrong.

Sander: *sigh* They're both just making things worse for one another too...

*Annette and Kim finish sizing each other up then get into a strike position. In the blink of an eye, Annette disappears using her amazing speed and Kim pulls her right arm back to gather power to deliver a powerful punch. A few seconds pass and then Kim throws her punch and scoring a powerfully clean hit on Annette's face as she reappears but not before receiving and equally powerful punch to the face in turn. An explosive shockwave from both impacts can be felt by Archie, Sander, Camilla and the kids as it pushes them backwards. When the dust settles both woman are seen still standing with each other's fist in the side of each other's face.*

Annette: ... >3o

Kim: ... o3<

Annette and Kim: ...I yield... *both fall backwards and collapse with swollen faces*

Archie: ...well, that's a first for both of them...

*Sander looks absolutely horrified as a result of this. He never expected them to harbor this amount of power. He quickly shakes the feeling off and scurries over to the two of them, helping them both up and letting them lean on him for support*

Sander: Alright you two, come here. >^o;

*Sander walks the two back to where he and the others were on wobbly feet. Once he sets them both down they both finally come around.*

Annette: *rubs the side of her face* you've gotten stronger...

Kim: *rubs the side of her face* so have you...

Annette: *pulls her mask down* I'm definitely going to have to ice this tonight...

Kim: OoO *notices the scar on Annette's face* ahh, your face; what happened to your perfect face!?

Annette: You punched me in it, remember? -.-;

Kim: Nooo, the scar; when did you get that scar on your face?

Annette: ...seriously? I got this back when that sword of yours flew out of your hands years ago! You seriously didn't realize this till just now?

Kim: I...I did that? I ruined your perfect skin that you kept safe from blemish despite many years of deadly battles? QnQ

Sander: *stares blankly at the two* (Is it actually going the right way, now....?)

Kim: I...I......I'm sorry, Annette, I really, really am; I didn't realize what I had done to you. Can you forgive me? QnQ

Annette: ... Apology accepted *takes a scroll out of her cleavage then channels E-nergy in it, making an elegant katana appear in its place* and forgiven; here, this belongs to you *hands the elegant katana to Kim*

Kim: OoO My family's sword...thank you, Annette.

Annette: You're welcome, Kim-chan.

Sander: And...done and done. =O

*Over the next few days Camilla got to know both Archie and Kim a lot better. She learned that Archie was a lot like her brother Sander in most respects; one of the only things that separated them was Archie always having a shield of some sort with him at all times. As for Kim, although she was older than Camilla, she definitely felt more like an over-the-top funny little sister that could be easily fooled or manipulated to some extent; she was especially fun to dress up in cute clothes given her very underdeveloped and small body and see her very tsundere reactions. Before Camilla realized it had been exactly one week since meeting her future kids as well as Archie and Kim, a fact that solidified itself when Baron finally returned from his week of urgent quests, meeting her at the same spot at exactly the same time as last week; only this time she wasn't alone.*

Baron: Hi honey, I'm home~ *laughs heartily* it took the entire week but we took care of every Elder Dragon that suddenly appeared. So how was your week... *sees Kurt and Lily by Camilla's side* ...and who are the munchkins?

Camilla: Oh, well, my week has been...eventful, so to say. *smiles and gently pushes Kurt and Lily in front of her* And...these two little ones are Kurt and Lily. They've been waiting to see you for pretty much a whole week themselves.

Baron: Hey sprouts; the name's Baron Quick: Ace Hunter. If you ever need anything or anybody found or a monster taken down, I'm your man.

Kurt: Of course

Lily: Otosama~ *flies up to Baron and hugs him lovingly*

Baron: Whoa...Otosama? But...that means father...wait... *takes a good look at Kurt then at Camilla* would that make you my...?

Kurt: Yep, I'm your son, Dad. Or at least I will be in a few years. ^^

Baron: But then what about...? *points to Lily*

Kurt: She's the daughter you always wanted

Camilla: Adopted, apparently.

Baron: Aww~ *cuddles with Lily, sets her down then looks to Kurt* and you, my son, you look exactly like me when I was your age but you have your mother's beautiful eyes. ^^ Um...aside from looks did you inherit any of my...?

Kurt: *metalizes his right arm*

Baron: Yay!

Kurt: *his left arm alights with fire*

Baron: Fire?

Camilla: Eh...apparently, he got that from me. We'll explain later. ^w^;

Baron: Okay. By the way, do you still have that envelope; you haven't opened it yet, have you?

*In all honesty Camilla had forgotten all about that envelope that Baron had given her a week earlier and definitely forgot to bring it with her. However, little Lily pulled the envelope out of her dress pocket and handed it to Camilla.*

Camilla: Oh, thanks sweetie. Well, look for yourself, Baron. Does it open to you? =O

Baron: Great, it's still you can open it. ^^

*Camilla opens the envelope and see some sort of handmade coupon as well as what looked like some sort of membership card.*

Camilla: ...What is this for, now...?

Baron: Read the ticket

*Camilla began reading the ticket. It read "Valid for one Queen Day date. Baron will do any task (within reason) asked of him by Camilla be it shopping, dinner and dancing or whatever, which will all be finished by a deluxe spa session.*

Camilla: OoO Baron! Y-you didn't need to.... Aw, this is all so sweet... Thank you! Q/u/Q I'm not sure if I deserve it, though.

Baron: Of course you deserve it. That last part on the ticket also brings me to my second piece of news. I'm going to be opening my own local spa.

*This piece of news definitely top Camilla by surprise.*

Baron: Something my Dad and Annette always told me was to have a backup plan just in case I got an injury that kept me from doing work for the Guild. Annette always told me that I had talent as a masseuse so she taught me the basics and I learned from various other places with my spare time and recently became a licensed masseuse. I got a place all set up for business that has more than enough room to add on and expand into other spa facilities. I know it'll be tough in this economy but I'm positive that it'll succeed here.

Camilla: ...... *snuggles up against Baron, nuzzling into his tummy* I'm so proud and happy~

Baron: Thank you; you have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that

Kurt: Plus once you partner up with that Ninetales lady in the kimono the business really takes off and expands. ^^

Camilla: *lightly hits Kurt on top of the head* Hush. Adults need to be able to make their own decisions. Knowing EXACTLY what to do, because we have a living cheat sheet from the future, is not going to help us grow as adults. If we make mistakes, we learn from them, and grow. Not to mention WE are the ones supposed to be teaching you, not the other way around.

Kurt: *lightly rubs his head* Noted. -w-

Lily: Spoken just like the Obachan from our time~ ^o^

Camilla: *blushes and hugs Lily close to her* I promise to look high and low until I find you....

Baron: *smiles warmly* so, did anything else of note happen while I was away?

*Just then Annette and Kim walked by and waved at Baron, welcoming him back. Kim was wearing a pink butterfly-print camisole top, red skirt and knee high socks with brown shoes and even had her hair in short pigtails tied off at the ends with pink bows. Annette was wearing an elegant winter dress and hat but most notably wasn't wearing her mask. What was even more surprising was that the two were talking and having fun together instead of fighting. Following behind the two girls were Sander and Archie, carrying multiple shopping bags and being followed by three more kids: Ben, Cassandra and Kimiko.*

Baron:, maybe I should go on week-long trips more often if things like this happen as a result.

Camilla: *giggles and holds onto his arm* The only week-long trip you're gonna be planning is the honey moon. -w-

Sander: Meanwhile I'm just here with my arms falling off! But I'm fine, really! >~Q;

Camilla: Big brother, you're a sweet guy, but you gotta learn to say "No" once in a while.

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