Thursday, December 17, 2015

Return to the Dream World! The Case of the Missing Dream Warrior!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 13
“Return to the Dream World! The Case of the Missing Dream Warrior!!”
An RP between Flashshadow and eshonen

Officer Europa has a dream after her encounter with Benjamin Koco a week earlier. In it, she has found Salty and after a long and drawn out fight she manages to defeat him by knocking him out cold. She then hears a voice that asks her "what will you do now?" Then the orb that contains Salty's life force drops down from the sky into Europa's hands. The voice says that she could give the orb to Salty and simply put him back behind bars...or she could shatter the orb and end him right then and there. While Europa thinks about out it, the voice reminds her of everything that Salty has done and everything he has taken from her over and over again until it gets to be too much for her to bear and she gives in and shatters the orb. Afterwards she wakes up initially shaken over the choice she made but at the same time feels a sense of satisfaction.

The next night and the nights after that, the dream repeats itself; the events play out exactly the same and Europa is once again presented the same choice. With the choice getting easier each time she has the dream, she shatters the orb each time, in different ways each time, then awakens feeling more satisfied than before. As she keeps having the same dream night after night, everybody around Europa begins to notice that she has begun changing. She was a lot more aggressive, went too far when fighting criminals, even using harsh methods to extract information and truths from criminals that she knew were lying to her. Worried for his mentor and friend, Andy Apollo confronts her and asks her what's been going on with her recently. The only thing of note that Europa told him in her current state of mind was of the dream she had every night. That dream, he had heard about two others who had a similar dream around the time Europa first started having her dream. Andy was beginning to feel that this was no mere coincidence and decides to get more information from the one person he knew that he could contact more easily: Sashi Venus. The investigation begins...

*At the Venus Family household inside Sashi's workshop...*

Sashi: *working on a dress* and...there, finished. Alexa will look so cute in this~ ^//w//^

Venus Family henchman: *enters the workshop* Miss Venus, you have a visitor.

Sashi: I do? Who is it?

Venus Family henchman: Mister Andy Apollo.

Sashi: Andy? I haven't seen him since the party Luna put together the other week. Tell him I'm on my way.

*A few minutes later, Sashi meets Andy in the living room.*

Sashi: Hi Andy, long time no see; how can I help you today? ^^

Andy: Well, you see. It's about Europa. Ever since we all got back from helping Pepper and Cherry, she seems like a whole other person.

Sashi: Really; how so?

Andy: Well, lately she seems more "aggressive" than normal. Sure she always takes her job as a Galactic Police officer seriously but, not to this extreme. She keeps attacking crooks and villains even after they surrender, she physically abuses them during interrogation, and I once had to stop her from nearly executing a villain. I know she doesn't mean to, but she has really gotten out of control...

Sashi: Oh my goodness. O_O Do you have any idea what could've caused such a drastic change?

Andy: Well, she mentioned having some recurring nightmare about Salty the Space Pirate I fought on Cherry's home world...

Sashi: Recurring you know what it is about?

Andy: She told me she had Salty's life orb thingie in her hands. The same one that Benjamin is using to manipulate Salty. Some voice kept telling her to destroy it over and over again. Soon she couldn't take it anymore and destroyed it... Several times.

Sashi: That kind of dream, huh? You know, I too had a dream like that not too long ago...

Andy: What?! For real?

Sashi: Yes. Did I ever tell you about my twin brother, Musashi? He was the one of us who was originally going to be the next boss of the Venus Family. The two of us were very close. My parents seemed to favor him more when we were little due to their grooming him for the future and all the other kids aside from Ashuro always teased and made fun of me because of my boyish looks at the time, but Musashi always treated me like an equal and a friend. But one day, a rival family hired an assassin to murder him...and he succeeded; I saw my own brother killed before my very eyes.

Andy: Wow, gee... I'm so sorry that happened, Sashi.

Sashi: It's okay; thanks to my friend Lorenzo altering history in just the right way he was able to save my brother and many others; he's currently living on Planet Ookami in a safe dimension. Anyway, I had this dream the other week where I encounter that assassin; we fight for a long time and I barely win. That's when I hear this voice telling me to finish him off. It keeps telling me that this guy is nothing but a killer who took my brother's life for money and that he was more than deserving of death. I looked very hard and long at him and truly think about everything the voice was telling me. In the end I just left him there and left; I knew that my brother wouldn't want me to do something like that. Afterwards I woke up and didn't have the dream again since.

Andy: That's a relief. If only Europa was able to get through it like you did...

Sashi: Now that I think about it, Shonnie also had a dream similar to that around the same time I did. Maybe he could tell you about it; him and Cheeko should be getting here soon.

*Like clockwork the doorbell rings and one of the attendants answers the door. Seconds later both Shonnie and Cheeko enter the living room to greet Sashi.*

Sashi: Shonnie, Cheeko, welcome. ^o^ Make yourself comfortable, there are snacks and drinks on the table. ^w^

Shonnie: Thanks, Sashi. Always a pleasure seeing you. *kisses Sashi's hand.*

Cheeko: Yeah, it was getting pretty dull around the office.

Andy: Um, hey there. My name is Andy Apollo.

Shonnie: Detective Shonnie Flash.

Cheeko D: Cheeko D, Canine Companion.

Andy: Cool! A robot doggie! How are you, little buddy~?

Cheeko: Whoa, dude! Boundaries! *pushes Andy off of him.*

Shonnie: So, whatcha need, Sashi?

Sashi: First, the repairs to the outfit that you want to keep for sentimental reasons is almost done. Second, remember that dream you had about Don Raptor and the mysterious voice trying to convince you to kill him when he was down? Well, it seems that you and I aren't the only ones that have had a similar dream. According to Andy, his friend Europa not only had the dream too but she's still having it.

Shonnie: What really?

Andy: Yeah, right after Benjamin Koco "freed" Salty.

Shonnie: I see, I see... So this Salty guy... He took the life of someone special to Europa, right?

Andy: Yeah, her fiancé and most of her police unit.

Cheeko: Man, this Salty guy is a real scumbag.

Shonnie: And worst, yet. This Benjamin Koco, defeated Europa and the entire GPD and just freed the man responsible for ruining her life. Such traumas and hardships could easily shake someone's faith in justice.

Sashi: ... *thinking deeply* y'know, something just occurred to me. Shonnie, in your dream you decided not to kill Don Raptor right?

Shonnie: Indeed, as much as I despise him for murdering my parents and for the many atrocities he's caused. But I couldn't bring myself to take his life...

Cheeko: Yeah, I thought it sounded crazy at first, too.

Andy: But, after all he's done to you and everyone you care about... How could you let him live?

Shonnie: Perhaps the same reason you let Salty live, even when the opportunity to destroy him presented itself...

Andy: *shocked at the realization*

Sashi: Deep stuff indeed. And after you made that decision you never had the same dream again, correct?

Shonnie: That's right, sunshine~ The rotten bird never showed his face in my dreams since then.

Sashi: In our dreams you didn't kill your aggressor, I didn't kill mine, but Europa did and she's the only one still having those same dreams. Do see what's happening here?

Andy: Well, it seems like the problem lies in her dreams. If only there was a way of convincing her that killing isn't the answer...

Sashi: You're halfway there, Andy; the problem does lie within her dreams but think just a little bit deeper on this. Europa, Shonnie and I each had the same kind of dream all around the same time. The three of us were also presented with the same choice near the end of our dreams. Shonnie and I chose not to end our aggressor's life and have no longer had the dream since. Europa chose to end her aggressor's life and continues to have the same dream night after night. Don't you find it strange that out of the three different people who experienced the same painful loss and had the same dream that only one of them would continue to be having that same dream?

Andy: Well, that does seem unusual... Is there any chance someone is controlling her mind? Like some kind of dream psychic or something?

Shonnie: I suppose mind-control is possible. But it doesn't seem that simple...

Cheeko: Yeah, it's not like there's some kind of disembodied voice telling her to kill the guy, right?

Andy: Well, actually yeah.

Shonnie: Eh?!

Cheeko: Wow, talk about shot in the dark.

Andy: She said each time something kept pointing out to Europa, why Salty deserved to die and that she should kill him, like it was egging her on, or something.

Shonnie: Hey, Sashi. Did you hear something like that, too during your dream?

Sashi: I did; if we all really had the same kind of dream then you should have heard it too, Shonnie. Try to think back...

Shonnie: Oh, I have heard the voice, Sashi. I just wanted to confirm our information.

Sashi: ...hey, you don't suppose...that there's something going on in the Dream World again do you? Someone was able to cause mass nightmares before so there's a possibility that somebody could be targeting specific dreams.

Shonnie: I'm not sure, Sashi. But it's worth investigating.

Andy: Um, excuse me. But, what is the Dream World?

Shonnie: It's a special plane of existence where dreams are manifested.

Andy: Wow, that sounds pretty cool!

Cheeko: Sure does, although I wouldn't know. Since, I was NOT involved in the case !

Shonnie: Jeez, Cheeko. I've already apologized for that dozens of times now!

Cheeko: Hmph!

Shonnie: Anyways, since Anthony is a good guy again and training Dream to be a Dream Warrior. It should be much easier finding our way around Dream World this time.

*Shonnie's phone starts to ring.*

Shonnie: Eh? Hello?

iDEAL: Hello, Shonnie? It's me, iDEAL. Listen, we've got sort of a situation that could use your investigative expertise. Do you think you could come over? And if you can, please bring some powerful backup.

Shonnie: Understood, iDEAL. We'll be there right away.

Cheeko: What did iDEAL want?

Shonnie: iDEAL's got a case for us... A BIG one.

*Meanwhile at the Galactic Police HQ, the Chief has called Europa in for an assignment.*

GP Chief: Ah, Europa, you're here; please, have a seat and we'll begin.

Europa: Understood. *takes a seat*

GP Chief: We just got a positive identification on Salty "Dogg" Josiah; he's on Earth right now.

*Europa leaps out of the chair and is about to bolt out of the chief's office before he calls out to her again.*

GP Chief: Not so fast; there's more you need to know!

Europa: *soft sigh* What is it, chief?

GP Chief: Due to the serious nature of not only this particular criminal but also of what's he's taken and what he did to obtain it, you'll be working with an Earth officer that specializes in handling dangerous criminals such as Salty.

Europa: Very well, sir. Who is this Earth officer?

GP Chief: He should have been standing by the door when you came in.

*Europa thinks back to before she entered the chief's office and doesn't remember seeing anybody that looked like an Earth officer.*

GP Chief: You can come on in.

*The door opens and in comes a tall Lobinu man with strong violet eyes and a goatee, wearing a green T-shirt over a grey long sleeve shirt, blue jeans and brown, heavy duty boots.*

GP Chief: Europa meet Bruce Raiko, ace undercover officer and your partner for this case.

Bruce: Yo... *slightly waves his hand to greet Europa*

Europa: Yes, greetings... >_>

Bruce: Let's work together to catch this pirate, alright?

GP Chief: Have you received any new information about Salty's most recent crimes?

Bruce: Yeah. Apparently he's been busy collecting various chemicals and heavy duty materials...some of which are very volatile. What's even more disturbing is that he seems to be able to cause explosions at will.

Europa: Well, that's just great... -_-;

Bruce: But the really puzzling thing is how he keeps escaping the officers back on Earth. He'll break into the place, set off the alarm, the officers surround all the exits then enter but are unable to find him anywhere. We've tried reviewing the security tapes but the footage always cuts off after he makes his break-in; every time he makes his entrance into the place he always manages to cease the security cameras functions long enough for him and his bounty to escape through some unknown means.

Europa: Perhaps he acquired a device (or more likely a power) to disrupt electronic equipment.

Bruce: That is a possibility; but whatever the case there are only a handful of places left that carry the materials that he's been making off with. If he sticks to this pattern it'll only be a matter of time before he hits them. I suggest that we pick one of these places, hide inside and wait for him to come.

Europa: It's certainly worth a shot. But how do you plan on stopping him?

Bruce: There will be time for catching him later; right now we need to find out where he's going with these dangerous materials and what he's planning on doing with and whether or not he's already done something with them.

*Europa didn't really like the sound of that plan, especially the catch Salty later part.*

Europa: With all due respect, Bruce, with someone like Salty on the loose we can't afford to drag our feet. Every minute that monster is free puts countless lives in danger!

Bruce: ...well, if the opportunity presents itself we'll bring him in without question. Let's get to it then, shall we? ^^

Europa: Hmph, very well. Let's go.

*Europa commandeers a cruiser then drives both her and Bruce to Earth. While on the way to Earth, Bruce takes note of Europa's tense posture as well as her muttering under her breath and the overall angry aura she was emitting.*

Bruce: don't really want to do it.

Europa: Excuse me?

Bruce: I've read Salty's file; the two of you have a history of sorts.

Europa: You can say that... <_<

Bruce: I can help you catch him...but something tells me that you want to do more than just catch him.

*Europa tenses up as Bruce's hunch was spot on but she wasn't about to let him know that.*

Europa: My only goal is to make sure Salty pays for his countless atrocities to society. Salty has caused nothing but suffering to so many innocent people. As far as I'm concerned, the galaxy would be a better and safer place without him! >_<

Bruce: ...okay, I'll leave it at that then. Let's go catch us a pirate.

Europa: Right!

*As Earth comes into the view, Europa hits the gas and the cruiser speeds towards the planet with a huge burst of speed. Meanwhile back on Earth, Shonnie, Cheeko and Andy arrive at Blitz' house.*

iDEAL: *opens the front door* Shonnie, thank you all for coming *invites all three of them inside*

Shonnie: No problem, iDEAL.

Andy: And don't worry another friend is coming soon to help as well.

Cheeko: And you're sure this guy can handle himself, right? We're not exactly handling featherweights here...

Andy: Trust me; my friend always knows what to do in times of crisis. ^^

Shonnie: So, iDEAL. What's the big emergency?

iDEAL: My sister will fill you in.

Dream: It's Anthony-sensei, he's disappeared.

Shonnie: What?!

Cheeko and Andy: Who?

Shonnie: Anthony is a dream warrior who's been training Dream to better control her powers. Anyways, when did this happen Dream?

Dream: It started around yesterday during training. Anthony-sensei had told me that over the past few days that there have been sudden spikes in nightmares throughout the Dream World. When he sensed one happening close by during our training he told me that if he wasn't back by this time tomorrow that I should assume the worse and get help; he asked me to go to you specifically. I haven't seen him since yesterday so that's why we've called you for help.

Andy: Whoa, this sounds serious.

*Shonnie kneels down and rubs Dream's head.*

Shonnie: Don't worry, Dreamy. We'll do our best to bring Anthony back safe and sound.

Cheeko: Tracking and retrieving are my specialty, y'know. You can count on us.

Andy: No matter the danger or risk involved, Team Cosmic Flash will save the day!

Shonnie: Uh, Team Cosmic Flash...?

Andy: Yeah, our crossover team-up name. Every good hero team has one. ^w^

Shonnie: Er, right...

Dream: ^w^ I've learned how to open portals to the Dream World without having to go to sleep first, but Anthony-sensei told me that until my training is complete that I shouldn't enter combat in the Dream World with my real body yet.

Shonnie: I understand, Dream. Safety comes first.

Dream: I'm ready to get started anytime you all are; did you say that another was coming to help?

Shonnie: Oh, yeah. That's right! Andy, where is this guy you've made such a fuss on the way over?

Andy: Oh, he's already here. ^^

Cheeko: Really, I don't see anyone else here--.

Kobe: Yo, mans!

Cheeko: Holy cheese! Who the heck are you?!

Andy: Fellas, let me introduce you to my best friend since Europa, Kobe Sinclair!

Kobe: Glad to be here, Pal-Guy. I'm ready to help save Dream Man, like you asked.

Shonnie: You can't be serious... -_-;

Dream: Great, everybody is here; I'll open up the portal and meet you on the other side *makes her ponytail fluff up to use as a makeshift pillow as she lies down and instantly goes to sleep, causing a dreamy portal to open up above her*

Andy: Wow, a real dream portal!

Kobe: This reminds me of...

Shonnie: Enough with the sci-fi, fellas. We got work to do it. Let's go save Anthony!

All: Yeah!

Shonnie: Shh!

*The group leaps into the portal and into the Dream Realm. Elsewhere in town, both Bruce and Europa have arrived at one of the possible locations that Salty would rob next. After taking their positions inside the warehouse, both of them wait as the stakeout begins.*

Europa: You are going down, Salty... I'll make sure you never ruin anymore lives...

Bruce: ... *pulls out his phone, writes a message then sends it*

Europa: (whispers) What are you doing?

Bruce: (whispers) Informing my fellow officers of our current status and to have a squad on standby ready to be deployed should something happen *writes another message then sends it*

Europa: Hmph, good thinking.

Bruce: And that last message was to my son, letting him know where I am and that I'm currently okay. ^^

Europa: Y-your son?

Bruce: Yes, his name is Snoopy. Even though he turned 20 this year I just can't help but inform him of where I am when I'm on assignment; it is something I've done ever since he was little to put his mind at ease. ^^

Europa: That's... That's very sweet.

Bruce: He is what keeps me going everyday...and all th-


*There is a sudden explosion on the other side of the warehouse. Taking a look from their hiding place they see none other than Salty himself walk through the giant hole in the wall.*

Bruce: So he showed up here after all *quickly sends a message with his phone*

*Europa holds her blaster ready to open fire on Salty.*

Salty: *yawns* man, this sucks... =_= Ever since I screwed up on that one mission that crazy bat has been working me nonstop with all of these gathering missions *searches the shelves* but it's not as if I could just simply quit this job *takes a few items off of the shelves then starts looking elsewhere within the warehouse* not as long as he has my life force in his hands *takes a few more items* and even though he gave me all of these new powers there's no way I could even dream of taking him on and taking my life back; I mean, not even Checkmark Ashuro could touch him and that guy is known for accomplishing the impossible *takes some more items then searches for more items on the other side of the warehouse* I hope that can find everything in time; I really don't think I can handle any trouble right now... *yawns* =_=

Europa: (Well, that's just too damn bad for you, Salty... )

*Euopa's laser pistol begins charging in preparation for a full-powered blast on an unsuspecting Salty.*

Bruce: (whispers) what are you doing? We need to find out where he's going with these materials and what he's doing with them first.

*Europa reluctantly restrained herself from firing, as she didn't want to jeopardize the case by acting too soon.*

Europa: ....Right. *disengages the charge on her weapon and resumes her position.*

Salty: *grabs a few more materials* I guess it could be worse; at least I'm not trapped in a laboratory and being forced to create an army like Toma or just being mind controlled like those poor saps that used to work for that Crimson guy. I really feel for them, having to see their boss and friend get a hole blown in him like that and not be able to do anything to help him. From what I know of the guy he went out of his way to help each and every one of them to make that personal connection with them. Hmm...maybe I missed the boat on that one; wouldn't have minded working for guy like that... *grabs a few more materials, places them in a case then yawns again* I think that's everything for this place *takes a device out of his coat pocket and pushes a button on it to make a dreamy portal appear in front of him*

Bruce: Portal? So that's why nobody was able to find him...

*Unable to hold herself back any longer, Europa charges her weapon again then confronts Salty with her pistol drawn and locked on him.*

Europa: Not so fast, Salty! Your scheme stops right here!

Bruce: *comes out of hiding and joins Europa* drop the case and step away from the portal, please...huh?

Salty: *asleep on his feet*

Bruce: ...well, that's a first...

Europa: Is he...? Is he sleeping...?

*Europa's face turns red in anger.*

Europa: Salty you bastard... Even now, you continue to mock me? THAT DOES IT!

*Europa delivers a hard kick to Salty's face knocking him off his feet. She then prepares to fire a fully charged laser blast right at the slumbering pirate’s head.*

Bruce: Wait-wait-wait-wait-wait! *pushes Europa's pistol away from Salty's head* if someone like him really is THAT tired, we might be able to use it to our advantage.

Europa: And how do you propose we do that?

Bruce: Hmm... it’s a long shot but it is worth a shot *kneels down and whispers into Salty's ear* Salty, return to base immediately.

Salty: *groggily opens his eyes and stands up* yesssssir... *wobbles about as he walks towards the portal*

Bruce: (whispers to Europa) the extremely sleep deprived can be very suggestible; let's go

Europa: I hate having to rely on this monster...but for the sake of the case... Fine, let's go.

*Europa and Bruce follow Salty through the portal in hopes of discovering what he's been up to. Meanwhile, Shonnie, Cheeko, Andy and Kobe have arrived in the Dream World and are taking in the new and familiar sights.*

Shonnie: Wow, this place looks as trippy as ever.

Cheeko: I'll say...

Andy: It's hard to believe such a place exists...

Kobe: Huh, you'd think a Dream World would be a little more chaotic than this. It actually seems pretty stable.

Shonnie: You should've been here a few months back. This place was a mad house.

Cheeko: I guess that's nothing new for us, eh, chief?

Shonnie: Heh, for sure, pal.

*The four heroes continue to trek through Dream World in search of Anthony.*

???: Oh, you're here~ ^o^

*Everybody looks to the sky where the voice came from as dream particles fall to the ground and take shape; in a flash of light Dream appears*

Dream: Hallo~ ^o^

Kobe: Hey, little Dream Kitty!

Shonnie: Hiya, Dreamy; fancy seeing you here.

Dream: So, what do you three think of the Dream World?

Cheeko: Feels like I'm in a Lewis Carroll book.

Andy: I think it's pretty amazing.

Kobe: Same here!

Dream: When you become one with the Dream World there's almost nothing that you can't do; isn't that right, Shonnie? ^^

Shonnie: For sure!

Andy: Holy cow, really?!

*Kobe looks around at the Dream World.*

Kobe: Excuse me, Dream Kitty? Where is everybody? It seems pretty empty here.

Shonnie: Well, the Dream World isn't exactly a public park.

Dream: Oh there are plenty of people around *points to the silhouettes walking around* each of those represents a person back in the real world. When they are clean like this I can enter their personal Dream World and eat part of their dreams. ^^

Kobe: Wow, it must be so nice to be able to see the dreams of your best friends!

Cheeko: Wait, you EAT dreams?

Shonnie: It's how she sustains herself, pal. ^^

Kobe: That's even better! Not only do you get to bond with your friends while they dream. But the happiness that comes from their dreams makes you happy and healthy! That is truly amazing!

Dream: I know, right!

Kobe: I wanna eat dreams, too!

Shonnie: Maybe later, Kobe. So, Dream. Where did you last see Anthony, before he disappeared?

Dream: At our training area yesterday; follow me~ ^o^

*Dream marches enthusiastically ahead leading Shonnie and the others through the dreamy version of town. They eventually reach an open wooded area outside of town; looking around the area Shonnie immediately knew where they were. It was the same area he did his ninja training with Annette and Baron back in the real world.*

Dream: Here we are~ ^o^

Shonnie: No way!

Cheeko: What is it, boss?

Shonnie: I remember this place. It's where I did my training with Annette and Baron. Good times...

Dream: This is where I last saw Anthony-sensei. We were training here when he suddenly sensed a spike in nightmare energy and took off back towards town *points in the direction of town*

Shonnie: Then, I guess we better start looking for clues in town.

Andy: Really, just like that?

Shonnie: Do you have a better idea..?

Andy: Well... No.

Shonnie: Right, then let's move.

*The group makes their way back towards town. Once there, Shonnie begins looking for anything out of the ordinary; maybe he would see something similar to the time he was here last time. After doing some searching with his companions in the dreamy town back alleys, Shonnie senses that something is happening back on the main streets. As they exit the alley, Shonnie has them take cover in the alley's shadows; his instincts were telling him that something was about to happen. Sure enough, as if on cue, something appears on the streets; it looked just like...Nightmare Alto, but with a shadowy aura surrounding it.*

Dream: OoO ...

Shonnie: I-it, can't be...

Cheeko: What? What is it?

Andy: Isn't that the guy we're looking for?

Shonnie: Well, yes and no.

Kobe: Seems like he's being influenced by an excess flow of negative energy.

Shonnie: Actually, that's about right.

*Just then, two more Nightmare Altos, each covered with the same shadowy aura, fly down from the sky and land next to the first one.*

Shonnie: What the--?

Andy: Uh, we're supposed to find only one person right...

Cheeko: Uh, gotta plan chief... O_O;

Shonnie: We keep watch for a little longer. Chances are these three "Nightmares" are plotting something, so we--

Andy: Um, guys..? Where's Kobe?

*The three exchange glances and look about wondering where their friend disappeared to.*

Dream: They're moving; after them!

*The three Nightmare Altos dash off towards town square. Following them, Shonnie and the others sees a terrifying sight: there had to be over a hundred Nightmare Altos within the highly populated area. Each of them were tagging the passing silhouettes with some of their shadowy aura.*

Shonnie: *jaw drops*

Cheeko: This may be my first time here, but I can already tell this is bad.

Andy: I've never been too big on crowds...

Dream: What are they all doing?

Cheeko: Making one unsettling flash mob for starters.

Shonnie: They seem to be amassing all their evil power...

*After a few minutes of tagging silhouettes the many Nightmare Altos take to the sky and all fly off. It was time to follow to their base of operation.*

Shonnie: Alright, team! Let's move!

Andy: But, what about Kobe?

Shonnie: We'll have to look for him later. If we don't figure out what all these Nightmare guys are up to. Everyone will be put in danger, including Kobe...

*Andy reluctantly agreed and they all set off after the group of Nightmare Altos. After following the Nightmare Altos for a few minutes, Shonnie notices the route they've taken leads to another place he's been already and braces himself for the worse. Sure enough, they are led to where Shonnie was hoping they wouldn't end up at. It was the old factory used by Anthony when he was Nightmare Alto; somebody seems to have reactivated it and finished re-decorating the outside to finally match the inside.*

Shonnie: Oh-no. No...

Cheeko: Oh, boss...

Andy: Shonnie, are you okay?

Shonnie: I-I'm fine! Really. We can't afford to be distracted. We have a villain to stop and two friends to find. C'mon...

*Shonnie shook his head in-order to regain his composure. The group proceeded into the factory to see what the Nightmare Alto's were plotting.*

To be continued...

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