Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Trapped! Ruby Version Part 1

Travel Multiversal
Friendly Chaos Chronicles
“Trapped! Ruby Version”
Part 1
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

Kevin and Ruby have been captured by Rex, soon to become the pawns that’ll enact the first steps of his latest plot. Soon after their capture, Snoopy learns of what has happened and boldly invades Rex’s mansion in order to save them…but is it already too late?

Snoopy: I'll save you, Sensei!

Ruby: I know you will, Snoopy... *smiles*

Kevin: Nice to see that you care about me…I'll just hang here…

Snoopy: Sorry, but I can only focus on one person at a time. But don't worry, there's an army coming to save you, Kevin.

Kevin: Whatever you say…

*One of the walls explodes as something plows through it; when the dust settles, Ashuro is seen standing there.*

Ashuro: I'm here and ready to rumble!

Kevin: Oh look...the small fluffy guy is here to save us…

Masquerade: Wow! My trap's effect is working faster than I thought! O.O;

Rex: *places his hand with the black glove on Ruby's head and it starts to glow with a dark color*

Ruby: Hah! … *faints*

Snoopy: Sensei! What did you do to Sensei, you creep?!

Rex: Nothing…Just- *holds 3 red spheres* gathered her powers…

Trigger: She can't use her Prominence Armor without those, nor use her eagle-themed abilities without them either.

Cazador: My research was perfect. These red spheres are her main power source.

Kevin: …meh… *looking more and more depressed*

Snoopy: Give those back!

Ashuro: *looks around the room* this is a rather raggedy hangout you've got here…

Rex: This mansion is the only place we've got to call for these... *crushes all of the 3 spheres with his hand* No...I'm not giving them back...

Ruby: *her eyes shoot open for a brief moment as she let out a shriek, then her body return to the lifeless state it was earlier*

Kevin: so much tragedy.....I don't care.....

Kiki: Nya, kinda weird seeing Mr. Raijin like this...

Fuu: Makes you wonder why he ever started dating that Nightshade girl in the first place. It has only caused him trouble and problems anyway... Sorry, someone had to say it.


Ashuro: Simmer down, buddy *picks up all of the pieces of the crushed spheres* something broken *channels Time E-nergy into the broken spheres* can always be repaired *the Time E-nergy rewinds the spheres back to before they were smashed then uses the stone embedded in his left hand to absorb the spheres into it, keeping them safe in a storage dimension* well, if that's all, we'll just take our friends and go now; don't worry about the wall, I'll fix it on my way out.

*When Ashuro frees Kevin and Ruby from their restraints, Snoopy quickly dashes forward and catches Ruby before she hit the ground.*

Snoopy: Sensei, wake up, please!

Cazador: Hehehe, foolish Ashuro... He doesn't understand that it's not that simply...

Rex: Besides...I didn't just TAKE spheres from'll understand soon enough...

Fuu: Please leave now. Cyclone Shot! *fire a tornado that blows the four of them away, making them land somewhere else*

Snoopy: What Rex said back there has gotten me worried; what if Sensei is in real danger?

Ashuro: It'll all work out in the end, Snoopy; I promise.

Kevin: But what if she really ends up in danger? What THEN? *looks at the two of them with a lifeless expression on his face, his hair having turned a bit pale, along with his skin*

Ashuro: ...I'll have to get back to you on that one. Excuse me, there's something I need to go take care of; I'll be back ASAP *teleports away*

Snoopy: When did he learn to do that?

*Ashuro teleports right back inside of Rex's mansion*

Oceana: O.O !!! *walks right into him and fell on her back* Owwie...Where did you come from? >_o;

Ashuro: Hi Oceana, didn't mean to startle you like that. I still haven't gotten the hang of teleporting just yet. I'm actually here to speak with Rex; is he still here?

Oceana: *points in the direction of Cazador's laboratory* in there…

Ashuro: Thank you *takes a bottle of grape juice out of the stone embedded in his right hand and gives it to Oceana* that's for you; enjoy.

*A little bit later, there is a knock on the laboratory door; when Cazador opens the door and doesn't see anybody there. Highly annoyed, he closes the door and walks back to his work area mumbling under his breath.*

Cazador: Next time I'll connect the door to a battery so they get shocked…

Sangre: …You should calm down a bit…

Ashuro: *hiding and using his E-nergy to make himself invisible and untraceable to everybody else* (I don't see Rex anywhere...I'll just have to hope that Cazador says something about what happened to Kevin and Ruby)

Cazador: Well-well...I wonder what Rex's little "energy transfer" will do to that girl...

Noir: My guess is that she'll be destroyed by it, unless she masters it...something I really doubt.

Ashuro: (...interesting...) *remains still and listens for more like a highly trained professional spy*

Cazador: Heh, she's already got the powers of birds, insects, heavy animals, felines and aquatic animals…I wonder what the power of dinosaurs are able to do?

Ashuro: (...something about that doesn't sound good at all, but it'll have to wait; I need to find out exactly what he did to Kevin to make him all depressed like that...) *continues to listen*

Noir: And Masquerade's traps?

Cazador: Heh, he really bended reality this time...bending a person's personality, weakening their life energy, changing their thoughts and dreams? Masq sure knows how to mess things up! And the good thing is that NOTHING can stop his traps, especially now that Victora has become a crybaby and is sobbing over the loss of that Ashuro fella. Not that she could bend Masquerade's traps from the beginning…

Ashuro: (...I figured as that I know that, I need to see if I can figure out just "why" their doing this. What is their objective?) *continues to listen*

Sangre: We're doing some bad things around here, aren't we…

Cazador: Tsk…don't start to get soft just because your sister is their friend…we're doing this to set an example, starting with the weak ones and building our way upwards…Kevin and Ruby weren't actually that strong from the beginning…

Noir: They both know that, so we'll just put them out of their suffering as fast we can… Eventually, as we take down more of the stronger ones, like Gekido and my little brother, their team will give up soon enough…

Cazador: Heh, indeed… but before they fall, we make them destroy their own lifes a bit… Which is exactly what Kevin and Ruby are going to do… starting with Ruby's armed friends, and on to the innocent little sister and also the dark girlfriend of Kevin… If everything goes as planned… Let's just say that they won't be trusted as easily again.

Ashuro: (...that's all I needed to hear...but before I go, I still need to talk to Rex; there has to be another way of doing things for him to accomplish whatever goal he has) *focuses on sensing where Rex is* (...there...) *teleports directly to Rex* Hello, again.

Rex: Oh? Ashuro? Nice to see you again; and thanks for giving Oceana something, we forget about one another in this mansion sometimes... Yes, I saw you, and no, I'm not going to help out getting Ruby and/or Kevin back to normal.

Ashuro: Rex, is all of this really necessary? Is there no other way for you get what you really want?

Rex: …This is just to make sure that they stay away, with as few of them damaged for life or dead if possible… It's not just what I want; this is about something I see as necessary for my ideals…

Ashuro: "Make sure that they stay away?" What do you mean by that exactly?

Rex: …With that, I mean stay away from me and my team…we got something to do, and don't want anyone getting in the way…

Ashuro: I'm sorry; it wasn't my intention to do such a thing in the first place. It's just that…whenever I see my friends hurt or somebody suffering an injustice…I just can't stop myself from helping them. You and I, we both understand pain, right?

Rex: I do understand…though I've never suffered before, when the nature is destroyed for foolish desires, such as money…my heart cries for the forests and animals dying.

Ashuro: Is that what you're fighting to protect?

Rex: …You figure that out…the magic is in the mystery. *points to his head and pokes it a bit, smiling slightly*

Ashuro: Anyway, I'll try not to interfere with whatever it is you're doing; but let me warn you about one thing.

Rex: I think I know what you'll say… But go ahead anyway.

Ashuro: Okay then, I'll give you the brief version; you do things your way and I'll do things my way.

Rex: That the way I want it to be. *smiles*

Ashuro: And with that said, I'll take my leave; nice chatting with you. *teleports back to where Snoopy, Kevin and Ruby are*

Snoopy: Ashuro, please tell me that you know how to save Sensei!

Ashuro: ...sorry, Snoopy; I don't know how...

Snoopy: …*begins to whimper*

Ashuro: But I know somebody that does.

*Ashuro opens a portal and Cazador falls out. Before he can realize what's going on he finds himself being attacked savagely by Ashuro; within seconds, Ashuro has broken both of Cazador's arms and legs in several places along with a few of his ribs before using Space E-nergy to greatly increase the gravity to keep him pinned to the ground.*

Cazador: *with blood flowing from his mouth* …what have I done, ow, huh… *sighs*

Kevin: …Was that really necessary…

Ashuro: *Points to Ruby then glares at Cazador* tell us how to save her AND Kevin; and think about your response REALLY carefully before answering.

Cazador: …I can't, my hands are tied… Masquerade's magic and Rex's energy is something that I can't help you with, because even if I did help, I wouldn't be able to get them back to normal on my own…

Ashuro: I kind of figured that Masquerade's abilities were somehow involved, but what exactly is Rex's energy doing?

Cazador: Hey, if I knew something, I wouldn't tell anyway. Rex isn't just my leader, he's a friend… You'll…just have to find out what it is and do something about it…

Ashuro: …fine then. *charges one of the nubs on his tail with E-nergy before pulling it off of his tail and popping it into Cazador's mouth then releasing him from his gravity hold*

*Once Cazador finished eating, he completely recovers as all of his broken bones mend back together and all of his injuries heal up. He gets up to his feet and backs away cautiously as Ashuro sits down on the ground facing away from him, looking at Ruby's worsening condition.*

Ashuro: …*observes Ruby closely*

Snoopy: Ashuro, what are you doing?! You're just going to let him walk away after what you just did to him?! He'll bring back reinforcements to get us or maybe even Rex himself!

Ashuro: …what's done is done; if that's how things are going to happen, then so be it.

Snoopy: …this isn't like you at all…are you really the same Ashuro that I know?

Ashuro: …*continues to observe Ruby*

Cazador: .....Hey, maybe this can help. *throws a small can to Ashuro* the can is filled with a couple of small but EXTREMELY effective healing pills I created. They were created especially if someone were to lose control and go on a rampage… If that happens to your friend, find a way to get her to swallow one.

*Cazador turns around and starts to walk back to his research*

Ashuro: ...thanks...Rex, huh? As much as I'd like to avoid it, I know that the two of us are going to clash several times in the future. So if things like this happen again, I just want you all to know that it's nothing personal. I don't hate you guys, nor have I ever considered you all my enemies. If anything, I'd rather be your friends. Maybe someday we'll all come to some sort of understanding; but until then, we'll just live by our ideals and follow our ultimate dreams. *returns to focusing on Ruby*

Ruby: *opens her eyes slowly* …

Snoopy: S-Sensei!

Ruby: *looks at Snoopy, slowly reaching for and taking hold of his hand, smiling sweetly to him*

Kevin: Heh…would you look at that…

Ashuro: Cell Buunshin! *claps his hands in the air and 3 Ashuro clones appear* cover our backs while we take care of our comrades, please.

Ashuro clones: Right! *creates a giant barrier to keep intruders at bay*

Ashuro: Snoopy, there's a new kind of energy flowing through Ruby's body; if her body isn't able to adjust to it, she'll die.

Snoopy: No! I don't want her to die!

Ashuro: She's not; that's because you're going to help her overcome this from the inside. Lay down next to her and don't let go of her hand; I'm going to mind link the two of you. Once you're inside, it's all up to you to fix things; and take these with you *hands Snoopy the three orbs that he had fixed up*

Snoopy: But Ashuro, Rex said that...

Ashuro: Just like I don't know everything that "he" is capable of, he doesn't know everything that "I'm" capable of.

Snoopy: *looks relieved and reassured* Okay *lays down next to Ruby and holds her hand firmly* I'm ready; I'll save Sensei for sure.

Ashuro: Good, there's that enthusiasm that I like to see from you! While you're helping her, I'm going to get to work on undoing all of Masquerade's work on Kevin. We'll save both of them, I know we can! Let's begin!

*Snoopy is mind-linked with Ruby and they both fall asleep. Snoopy reawakens inside of Ruby's mind.*

Snoopy: I made it *looks around* where does Ashuro learn this sort of stuff?

*After looking a bit around, Snoopy soon finds someone else inside Ruby's mind. It was a little boy, with orange and red hair and blue overalls. Looking closer, he could see that it was a younger version of Rex. With him, was a little girl with long and blonde hair, she was wearing a red dress. It was Ruby, younger, but it was her. The two of them seemed to be talking together, Ruby looking a bit annoyed at Rex*

Snoopy: Rex…and Sensei?

Ruby: Go away! I don't want to have you here! >_<

Rex: But…where am I supposed to go?

Ruby: Don't care, just go!

Rex: … *turns away and starts to walk in the other direction, mumbling silently* I hope you die…

Snoopy: …Harsh *walks up to Ruby* um, hi there…

Ruby: Huh? How did you get in here as well?

Rex: …She doesn't want me to stay. She's mean…

Snoopy: *pat's Rex on the back in an attempt to make him feel better* so what's going on here, you two?

Rex: I need a place to stay… I don't know how to get out of here, but she won't listen.

Ruby: This is MY place, not YOURS, I make the rules! Hmph! *turns away*

Rex: … *starts to cry a bit*

Snoopy: Why won't you let him stay?

Ruby: ...For starters, he didn't ask if he could come in here... Secondly, I don't even know him...

Rex: I'm...just trying

Snoopy: I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding *looks at Rex and smiles* you just need a place to stay until you can figure out where you are, right?

Rex: Well...yes...but I can't seem to leave this place...

Snoopy: This place? *thinks about where they are* Oh...I see what you're talking about now; you can't exactly get in AND out of here easily without the right means *turns to Ruby* how about giving him another chance? I think that it would be beneficial if you both work together. ^w^

Ruby: …Don't expect me to trust you that easily…

Rex: I can live with that. *reaches his hand out to her*

Ruby: …Yeah, okay. *smiles and shakes his hand*

Snoopy: ^w^ (Okay then…what now?)

*The 3 orbs in Snoopy's pockets begin to glow bright red*

Snoopy: Eh? *takes the orbs out of his pockets* I sure hope that this is a good thing.

Ruby: Hey, those are mine. Where did you get those?

*the 3 orbs float over to Ruby, who takes them all in her hands*

Snoopy: A friend of mine found them; they were broken but he fixed them up and asked me to return them to their rightful owner…and after seeing this happen, I guess that must mean that they belong to you.

Ruby: Well, thank you.

Snoopy: You're very welcome. ^w^

*Ruby looks as Snoopy with sparkly eyes*

Snoopy: *chuckles nervously*

Ruby: You're a cute one. I like you. ^w^

Snoopy: OwO; Oh…well…thank you (Sensei thinks I'm cute…)

Ruby: Teehee~

Rex: ^w^

Snoopy: Actually, there is something I need to check out further ahead before I go anywhere else; have you two noticed anything weird going on around here lately?

Rex: …No…

Ruby: Not really.

Snoopy: That's good to hear; I'll be back soon, so you two get along, okay?

*Snoopy runs forward to explore the area ahead; as he gets farther out…*

Snoopy: I wonder if I should've asked Ashuro about just what I should be looking for; there's no way I can help Sensei if I can't identify the problem.

???: HALT! Who goes there?

*Snoopy suddenly finds himself surrounded by three people he had never seen before, but somehow, he thought he had seen them before. They where each dressed in their own colored coat, hiding their identities, one green, one grey and one red*

Red person: He looks familiar.

Grey person: Well, he doesn't look like someone dangerous…

Green person: Well, I'd be careful if I were you two! This guy could be the reason Ruby's body has been acting different!


Red person: ...Wait! I remember that voice; its little Snoopy.

Grey person: Wow, how did he get in here?

Red person: Sorry, we're very sorry to have frightened you. *kneels down to Snoopy* Here, let me help you up. *reaches his/her arm out to him*

Snoopy: *allows the red person to help him up* Huh; you three know who I am?

Red person: Sure we do. Don't you know who we are?

Green person: Red, we're completely hidden by our coats, remember?

Red person: Oh yeah...

*the 3 of them removes their coats to reveal themselves. They were all looking like one of Ruby's armors, more specific, the Prominence, Fortress and Beetle armor. "Prominence" was looking like a feminine avian-like creature, "Fortress" was a male golem-looking creature, and "Beetle" was also male with the characteristics of various insects, but all of them looked like Ruby's armors more than anything*

Snoopy: You're all Sensei's different armors! This is so cool; it reminds me of Inoue Orihime's Shun Shun Rikka.

Prominence: Hehe, you got it right.

Fortress: Well, you're not exactly yourself now, are you Prominence?

Prominence: Yeah… ever since my cores were destroyed, I've felt a lot weaker than usual…

Snoopy: I'm sure you'll regain your strength real soon. Ashuro is VERY thorough when he does things.

Prominence: He sure is. ^w^

???: Fortress~ Where are you~? You were supposed to give me a massage~

*Aquatic, Ruby's blue armor comes in sight to Snoopy. She was very beautiful and pretty, enough to make Snoopy blink a couple of times at least. Aquatic also had some unique aqua-creature characteristics along with an hourglass shaped body. Beetle, Fortress and Snoopy get a nosebleed from looking at her, since she was, at the moment, just wearing a very small towel*

Aquatic: Oh? Oh my…I didn't know we had guests…

Snoopy: *quickly averts his eyes away from Aquatic with a blushing face* S-SORRY! *frantically tries to stop his nosebleed*

Aquatic: No-no, don't worry; it’s okay *walks up behind Snoopy and gives him a loving hug, pressing her breasts against his back*

Snoopy: O//O …

Aquatic: *let go off of him and makes her armor clothing appear*

Prominence: *looks at Snoopy and giggles*

Snoopy: ^_^; You said that Sensei's body is acting weird, right? I think I know what might be going on.

Prominence: Oh? Please, do tell.

Fortress: That would be nice if you told us. ^^

Snoopy: A little while ago, I ran into a child version of both Sensei and Rex Tyrant. I talked to both of them and they agreed to get along with each other; I thought that it would be to their benefit to become friends. Hmmm…I'm curious; can any of you tell me how you first came into contact with Sensei and how she's able to utilize your abilities?

Prominence: Well, maybe we should tell him that? ^^

Fortress: But…guys…

Aquatic: Good idea, it's been a long time since I told someone the story.

Fortress: Guys…

Beetle: Tsk…I don't care, just do it…

Fortress: Hello.

Beetle, Prominence, Aquatic: What?

Fortress: Shouldn't we…you know…all 5 of us tell the story…

*5? Snoopy had to think a bit to figure this one out, but then remembers that Ruby's base form had yellow legs, and guess what color was missing?*

Snoopy: Wait…there are 5 of you?

Beetle: …Yeah…there is…one more…

Prominence: *shudders* Beast…

Snoopy: Beast?

*A thunderous roar is heard coming from the direction where the young Rex and Ruby are. The others recognized that roar all too well; it was Beast!*

Snoopy: O_O;; …that roar came from where young Rex and Sensei are!! *runs off in their direction without a trace of fear*

Prominence: No-no-no, come back! *Follows quickly*

Beetle: For the love of-! *follows*

Snoopy: REX! SENSEi! *increases his speed*

*Within moments, Snoopy is back where in front of young Ruby's home. Young Rex is on ground struggling to get back up on his feet after suffering a relentless barrage of attacks from Beast that he received from protecting young Ruby. As Beast rushes at young Rex, Snoopy shoots a gigantic blast of E-nergy at Beast, sending her flying backwards a few feet.*

Beast: ARG! What the-?!

Ruby: Snoopy! *picks up Rex and drags him over to Snoopy* you shouldn't be here. It's dangerous!

Snoopy: But I couldn't sit back and watch the two of you get mauled by that thing!

Ruby: Hey! Do you think I'm weak or something?! *stares angrily at Snoopy, but she had such a cute look on her face even when she was angry, so Snoopy couldn't take her seriously*

Snoopy: ...*stares at Beast as she gets back on her feet*

Beast: Rrrr... You shouldn't have come here…

Snoopy: *creates to rotating circular shields that hover around him then takes up a defensive stance* and why is that?

Beast: *steps around him slowly* this place is an unstable battle ground; Ruby's mind has enough of trouble to deal with... Even if such a cutie as yourself entered, it would be dangerous for both you and Ruby...

Snoopy: I came to help *walks over to young Rex and begins to heal him with his E-nergy* why were you attacking this Rex? He's friendly and has agreed to get along with everybody.

Beast: He was the one who suddenly jumped at me, that little fighter...

Ruby: He might just have thought that you were the enemy...

Beast: Yeah-yeah...

Snoopy: Is that what you were thinking Rex; it was just a simple misunderstanding, right?

Rex: ....... *looks away*

Beast: Well, since you're already here, shall we two go at it, perhaps?

Snoopy: What; you mean like...fight?

Beast: Well, you've been training with Ruby for a while, haven't you? Personally, I don't think you stand a chance, shrimp.

Snoopy: It'll have to wait; I've still got a patient here who's not fully healed yet *continues to heal Rex*

Ruby: ... *pushes Snoopy towards Beast* don't worry, you can do it! No backing away now!

Snoopy: OwO;; B-b-b-b-but what about Rex; he's still not healed and-and a good doctor must NEVER leaves his patients unattended when they still need treatment.^_^;Besides, didn't you just say that just my being here could put both Ruby and I in danger, let alone fighting in here?

Beast: Just use a barrier to create a "safe zone".

Ruby: Come on! Don't be a coward! >_< *still pushing him*

*Seeing no way to avoid a fight, Snoopy creates a dome-shaped arena for him and Beast to spar in. Everybody else watches from the outside of the barrier, safe from harm.*

Snoopy: *Looks at Beast as she stretches and limbers up her body to prepare for the fight* (Why did it have to end up this way...? TTwTT)

Aquatic: You can do it!

Beetle: Really now?

Aquatic: ...he MIGHT have chance...

Fortress: A tiny one...

Beast: *licks her lips* Come at me, boy~

Snoopy: ... *forms a giant sphere of E-nergy and shoots it at Beast*

Beast: *slices it in two* that all you can do? *raises an un-existing eyebrow*

*Although Snoopy's attack was cut in two, it was still active as the two half spheres hit Beast with a heavy barrage of laser shots. With Beast temporarily surprised by the attack, Snoopy closes in knocks her hard into the barrier wall using his E-nergy shaped in the form of a Home Run Bat. As Beast slides down the barrier wall, Snoopy reshapes his E-nergy into a working drill that digs into the ground and creates multiple holes, each with connecting tunnels, then jumps into one of them.*

Beast: Owwie~ >_- *rubs her head and looks around after Snoopy* Okay...come out with you...

Snoopy: *pops his head out of one of the holes and sees Beast* O.O;; EEP! *ducks back inside*

*Seeing where he was, Beast dives into one of the many holes and looks around for him in the new underground caverns but is unable find him. Thinking that he might be back on the surface, Beast tries to exit through one of the holes only to find out that they were all being blocked by an invisible barrier.*

Beast: Wha-? Oh, ha-ha, very creative...

*Looking around, Beast sees several reflective shields appear in various spots through-out the newly created underground labyrinth. Beast doesn't have to wait long to figure out what was getting ready to happen when she sees another giant sphere of E-nergy, the same kind that shot lasers, come through the hole in the center of the entire area.*

Snoopy: Preparations complete. Activate! Laser Rush!

*The sphere shoots a laser shot at one of the reflective shields, causing it to bank shot off of another one which directed it straight at Beast, who barely dodges it due to the size of the path ways, only for it to another reflective shield starting the entire process over but only in a different direction which eventually finds its way back to her. After dodging it again, Beast realizes the just how bad the situation really is as the sphere shoots more laser shots at the other reflective shields, resulting in Beast having to constantly dodge multiple laser shots through-out the entire maze.*

Beast: Eh? But-?! I-??? NYAAAA!!! This is too hard! TT_TT

Prominence: Wow, she's losing it...

Fortress: Cool...

*Though no one is paying attention to it, Prominence, Fortress, Beetle and Aquatic's bodies has turned into that of young children. What this means can no one guess, yet.*

Snoopy: ...I think that's enough now.

*Snoopy ends his attack and drops all of the barriers he set up then helps Beast out of one of the holes.*

Snoopy: Sorry for ending things really quick like that, but I really want to make sure that Sensei is truly alright before I leave. If something were to happen to her that I could've prevented when I had the chance, I'd never forgive myself... -//- She's...precious to me.

*Snoopy is suddenly hugged by Beast, surprising him*

Beast: You're a good guy, Snoopy... Thanks for the fight, though it was short~ *licks his cheek*

Snoopy: *giggles shyly*

*Both Snoopy and Beast return to the others...and notice their rather significant change*

Snoopy: this something normal for all of you?

Beast: *With a very light and cat like voice* No, it's not...

*After turning around, Snoopy sees that the same has happened to Beast as well, and now she looked like a little neko girl*

Snoopy: Is this the first time something like this has happened?

Prominence: Yes, it's the first...

Beetle: is...

*While wondering about this weird situation, Snoopy takes a look at Rex and is shocked at what he sees. Rex is now grown up to his actual age and is emitting a purple aura, his clothes were purple, along with his eyes and the red part of his hair. He was giving the group a sinister looking grin.*
Snoopy: *prepares two spinning disks of E-nergy* Stupid me, I should've known better! *keeps his eyes fixed on Rex, waiting for him to react*

Rex: ..... HAH!!!

*In the blink of an eye, Rex spontanously combusts, leaving a glowing, purple flame in his place, changing shape egg? Snoopy tries to destroy it, but it was made out of energy, so it was no use... Beetle and Beast try to absorb it, but it instantly leaves their bodies as they try*

Prominence: What the heck is that egg???

Ruby: And why did that guy disappear???

Snoopy: *continues pounding the egg with his E-nergy shaped into the form of a giant hammer* I can't believe I actually trusted him and let myself be fooled by that act of his!

*Suddenly, the eggs cracks; Snoopy, thinking that he is actually destroying it, pounds it again. It does shatter, but then, the energy changes shape, taking a spiritual form similar to that of Prominence, Beast and the others, just a purple spirit instead. It had a helmet looking like a Triceratops, arms with something looking like wings growing on them and claws on the hands, the armoring bringing a Pterodactyl to mind, and legs covered by armor looking like Velociraptor legs*

Aquatic: What in the heh??? O_O;;

Fortress: Uh-oh, not good.....

Snoopy: Hmmm... *creates two spinning disks of E-nergy and tosses them at dinosaur-like foe*

???: ... *grins and catches the two disk with his hands and crushes them* You're really stupid trying to take me on...

*The spirit takes one step forward, and at the same time, Ruby is stepping forward towards it*

Snoopy: What are you doing, Sensei?

Ruby: ..... *continues stepping forward, ignoring Snoopy completely. She continues to step forward up to the point when the spirit is able to place its hand on her head*

???: Good girl...

Snoopy: HEY! I don't know what you’re planning...*creates a thinner spinning disk of E-nergy*...but I won't let you try anything funny on Sensei!

*Snoopy tosses the spinning disk at the arm of his opponent and it cleanly slices off the arm it was using to touch Ruby's head*

???: .....Ouch? Tsk...foolish kid...

*the spirit changes shape into that of a soul pictured in games, mainly a floating sphere surrounded by a flame-like energy. Ruby takes hold of it and turns to the group. Then, to their big surprise, she puts it in her mouth and swallows it.*

Beast: .....

Fortress: .....

Prominence: .....

Aquatic: .....

Beetle: .....Where are we in; "Soul Eater" or something?!

Snoopy: ...really didn't see that one coming...

Ruby: ... *grins*

*Three spheres is summoned from her body, floating in front of her. Snoopy knew what was coming, she was going to transform...However, something was wrong... The three cores weren't any of the colors she uses...they were purple.*

Prominence: Wait a minute... YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!

Ruby: ...HAAAAA!!!

*the shockwaves from the scream sends Snoopy OUT of her mind, the 5 spirits being sent out as well, reappearing in the real world where Ashuro and Kevin was. Ruby was standing on her feet, grinning, her eyes glowing purple.*

Ashuro: Wha--?? ACK!

*Ashuro is suddenly sucker punched by Kevin who gets up and escapes, his body brimming with dark energy.*

Ashuro: What was that? The first thing I know, I'm beginning to see how Masquerade's traps work, then I get distracted for one second, only to blasted out of Kevin's mind the next moment. I didn't even get close to saving him...*looks at the scene behind him again* OH! Gravity Squash! *uses his Space E-nergy to increase the gravity around Ruby to pin her to the ground* what happened in there?!

*Before anyone could answer, Ruby gets to her feet again and grabs the three spheres*

Ruby: HEN.....SHIN!!! *her armor parts are summoned. She now looked almost exactly like the purple spirit*


Snoopy: *approaches Ruby* that really you in there?

Ruby: ... *raises a fist*

Beast: Look out! *tackles Snoopy out of the way, just as Ruby punches the ground, leaving a small crater*

Snoopy: TT_TT Sensei...

Ashuro: So you can still move under all of that pressure, huh? Let's see just how much you can really take then!

*Ashuro increases the gravity around Ruby. She still stands, but the pressure is slowly starting to push her down into the ground*

Ruby: Rrrrr... *holds the three spheres in her hand and absorbs them all into her chest*

Beast: Uh-oh, she's preparing a special attack!


*all her armor parts light up, she brings her hands together in front of her face, her three horns and her hands generating two spheres of energy that merge together into one enormous one*


*The energy blast is fired, the ground burning away under the blast. Fortress gets in the way and blocks the blast together with Beetle. They both are sent flying by the following explosion. Ruby is moving like as if she wasn't affected by the gravity*

Ashuro: Hmmm... *uses his Space E-nergy to highly reduce the gravity around Ruby, making her float in the air and unable to move around on her own* and just in case you get any ideas... *dashes up to Ruby and uses the stone in his left hand to pull her into the storage dimension within it* and as an extra precaution...Dimensional Loop! *a ring of spinning E-nergy circles around Ashuro's hands* good, now even if she finds a way to escape she'll just keep getting sent back to the same exact place each and every time *looks at everybody remaining* any volunteers?

Beast: You don't mean fight against...THAT there!

Prominence: We can't; without Ruby, most of our powers are useless...

Snoopy: ...I'll do it.

Ashuro: ...

Snoopy: It's my fault that things became like this; I have to clean up the mess I made. Besides, I've still got that one thing that I haven't shown Sensei yet during our training sessions *points at the glove on his right hand*

Aquatic: A glove?

Beetle: What can that do?

Snoopy: This glove acts as a restraint, or brace, that seals off a lot of my power; it's designed for helping me learn how to better control my E-nergy without it overwhelming me and making me go wild. When I was fighting Beast earlier, I was only using about 20 to 25% of what I'm truly capable of.

Beast: *gazes at him with big eyes* you truly are an amazing guy...

Fortress: *waving in front of Beast’s face* ......

Prominence: You...want some help? We might be a bit helpless on our own, but we can fight very well when we work together with someone!

Snoopy: Absolutely; your presence might even help Sensei come back to her senses.

Aquatic: We can't risk going all together...

Beetle: You should pick two of us to take with you.

Snoopy: Hmm...My strong point is defense, so I need somebody real strong and somebody real speedy.

Aquatic: Well, my strong point is recovery and I'm best used underwater, Beetle and Beast has both speed and power, Prominence is fast with aerial agility, and Fortress got the strongest defense. Take your pick.

Snoopy: ...okay then; Beast, Prominence, would you two like to help me?

Prominence: Yes!

Beast: Sure, as you wish.

Fortress: "phew"...

Ashuro: Before I send you three in, let me give you a little heads up about where you'll be fighting. This dimension is where I keep all of the items I use while adventuring. Each of them are in separate clear blocks; to get the item inside, just stick your hand in it and pull the item out. You just might find something that'll help you out. Alright, I'm sending all of you in now; we'll be watching you from here, so I'll pull you all out if I think things are getting dangerous. Be safe now, okay? *sends Snoopy, Prominence and Beast into the storage dimension with the stone in his hand*

Beast: *looks around* .....

*A ton of clear item boxes are stacked on the ground and floating in the air*

Snoopy: Ashuro has got some cool stuff here *sees an item box containing a mirror shield* OwO *reaches in the box and pull the mirror shield out of it* this'll work nicely. ^w^

Prominence: Wow.

Snoopy: You guys see anything you that you like.

Beast: ... *finds a pair of gloves equipped with claws on them that creates fire and lightning when she swings them through the air* Cool!

Prominence: *puts on a pair of boots that could change appearance depending on her imagination* Perfect, since my talons are my primary weapons.

*The three of them feel a sinister presence and look up just in time to avoid getting attacked from above by Ruby still in her Jurassic Armor.*

Snoopy: Too close...that was way too close.

Prominence: .....Do it again!

Beast: You're a nut!

Snoopy: Sensei, snap out of it!

Ruby: Rrrrr..... RAAAAAAGH!!!!!

*the shockwaves from Ruby's roar makes the ground the group is standing crack*

Snoopy: Do you two think that Sensei would be able to regain her senses if we defeated her in battle?

Prominence: I'm not sure...but it's worth a try...

Snoopy: *Nods then grabs the strap on his glove that has the blue tab on it with his left hand* Get ready, Sensei; I'm coming at you with everything I've got! *unsnaps the blue tab strap* UNLEASH!!

To be continued…

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