Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Stop Being a Bully! Angel's Words of Wisdom

Travel Multiversal
Shirokku-D Chronicles
”Stop Being a Bully! Angel’s Words of Wisdom”
An RP between Shirokku-D and eshonen

Angel notices that Maggie is getting a little TOO close to Marius when she sees her affectionatly hugging him wearing only her undergarments; determined to speak her mind about the situation, she approaches them both.

Angel: >_< ...little girl in green, just what do you think you're doing with Marius-kun?

Ashuro: O_O;;

Maggie: And who are you might be, hmmm?

Marius: Oh God...

Angel: Nitori, Angel Nitori. Wait, I recognize you now; you're that Maggie girl that's always picking on Ashuro's little sweetheart, aren't you?

Maggie: Yeah. wait, that cat is in love with that lame-o?? Worst taste ever...

Annaliese: I'm not lame!

Angel: I highly recommend that you stop bullying people in the future; nothing good ever comes out of it in the end. -_-;

Ashuro: *nods his head in agreement*

Maggie: Well its funny to me, I don't give a rat's butt about it...

Marius: -_-; (I Need a Fu**ing drink....)

Angel: It's not going to be so funny when the rat bites back; trust me, I know from experience. ^^;

Maggie: What? You're saying to me that Annaliese will kick my butt?? Hahaha! Please! She can't even beat up Mizuki... XD

Annaliese: ....True.... -_-;

Maggie: XD See?!

Ashuro: *comforts Annaliese*

Angel: *sigh* Just don't say that you weren't given fair warning; every action has a consequence *notices how Adeleine's anger has increased* which you're about to find out in a few seconds. ^w^ *bends down and whispers into Adeleine's ear* go for the sit-spots on her butt. >w<

Adeleine: Well Do... *cracks her fists*

Maggie: You? Hahahaha! sorry honey, you can't kick my butt... XD

Adeleine: Watch me... *kicks her on her butt* Hyah!

Maggie: Ekkk! >_< The heck did you kick there for??!

Angel: A little brat like you stands no chance against the rest of us aiming for the affection of such a great man like Marius.

Maggie: Okay, you called me a brat, so?

Adeleine: She has a point, finkle butt...

Maggie: Don't test me girl...

Angel: Not a lot of guys like brats; especially those that take delight in tormenting people.

Maggie: Marius like me for being pretty, Right Marius?

Marius: Quiet You.

Maggie: Don't be like that, baby... :(

Angel: See? The man said it himself in his own way.

*Maggie runs up to Angel angrily and continues to argue with her. Batou passes by and sees the scene before him; he takes two bottles out of his jacket and hands one to Marius and motions for him to drink from it. Doing so, Marius takes an instant liking to the drink as it soothes his nerves.*

Batou: Good stuff, isn't it?

Marius: Yeah...What is it?

Batou: Tomato Sake. Keep it away from Kikisho; I learned the hard way that it has double the effect on half-sukus. -_-

Marius: Bleh... I don't like tomato....

Batou: Hmmm...*takes another gulp of the sake* I guess I did use a little too much tomato juice in this batch; normally the tomato taste is relatively mild compared this.

Marius: I See, sense Kiki IS Half human and half suku, ordinary beer can affect her too... but it is quite funny to see her outbursts... it's funny, XD but it can get out of hand... ^^;

Batou: Out of hand is an understatement; the last time she got into this stuff she ended up tearing my faceplate off! For some reason, she thought it was cookie. So there I was down on the ground, writhing in pain while she's crunching away on my face plate. That thing is connected to several nerves in my face; it felt like having a gigantic bandage or scab being pulled of your face. Can you imagine how much that hurt? *winces in pain from remembering the unfortunate event*

Marius: ...Shit.... it depends on how many drinks she drinks...

Batou: I stopped pouring her drinks once we both finished the first bottle. I go out to buy some eats for all of us and when I come back, I see that the rest of the bottles that I had hidden where all on the ground, empty, and Kikisho running around my place naked chasing after Jenny and Roxie.

Marius: Oh Yeah, I loved that... XD ^///^

*Batou and Marius' talk is interrupted when a piercing scream shoots through their ears; since Batou's ears were a LOT more sensitive due to being a bat, he instantly went to the ground covering his ears and thrashing about on the ground. Marius then sees Maggie being chased by an uber pissed off Angel...who was topless; apparently, Maggie had grabbed Angel's top and ripped it open, revealing her bare chest for everybody to see.*

Marius: O////O Awesome....

*Angel catches Maggie by both of her arms and lifts her into the air so that she couldn't escape or retaliate in any way.*

Angel: You little brat; this was my favorite outfit!

Marius: O///O; *still watching*

Angel: Now, either you provide me with funds to repair this or make me a better, more acceptable offer; which will it be?

Maggie: Unless you back off away from my Marius!

Marius: *snaps back* Uh! ...Maggie, do what she wants dammit...

Maggie: Wha? No way, hubbie; this Witch well never be the perfect future wife for you, I'm you greatest one!

Adeleine: Which that'll never happed...

Maggie: Say something to me again...

Adeleine: ...Something...

Maggie: That's it! *tackles adeleine*

Adeleine: Yeow! >_<

*Angel grabs Maggie by her right ear so fiercely that you can actually hear a sizzle noise.*

Angel: So...I'm a Witch, am I? Look I'm willing to pretend that you never ruined my outfit and this entire mess never happened...if...and ONLY if you go home, right now, and don't bug Marius OR me for the rest of the day... *smiles happily and has a throbbing vein of anger on her forehead*

Maggie: Make Me... (Ow...)

Adeleine: Mizuki!!

Mizuki: *comes* Hmm?

Adeleine: *points at Maggie's panties* She's wearing panties!

Mizuki: PANTIES!!! *grabs her panties*

Maggie: What are you doing?! Oh no you!! Let g--! *got her panties removed* EEK!

Marius: *saw maggie's butt* O///O Awesome...

Adeleine: Wheh Wheh Wheh...

Maggie: .........!

Mizuki: Bum... ^//^

Angel: Why thank you, Mizuki; seeing as how this one is determined to be so bull-headed, you've just saved me some trouble for what I'm about to do to her next *grins evilly at Maggie* Oh Marius-kun, would you please be a dear and clear the bed for us, I'm going to need a spot to sit before I can do anything else.

*Marius instantly gets off of the bed and neatly smoothes out the covers for Angel to sit on, really eager to see what she had planned.*

Angel: Adeleine, Mizuki, I'm going to need your help for this one.

*Once Angel sits down she lays Maggie belly down over her lap so that her arms and legs are laying on the bed as well; before Maggie could react, Angel issues her command.*

Angel: Adeleine, grab her wrists so she can't interfere; Mizuki, sit on her legs to keep her from kicking.

Mizuki & Adeleine: Got it! *does so*

Maggie: Unhand me!!! >_<

Mizuki: Such a nice bum... ^//^

Maggie: *gets an idea* Hey Mizuki....

Mizuki: Hm?

Maggie: You're one stupid, bone headed, FREAK!

Mizuki: .....F....Freak?

Maggie: Yes, you heard me...

Mizuki: *let's go of her legs* NOOOOOOOO! *runs away*

Adeleine: Mi-Mizuki!

Maggie: *elbows Adeleine* Eegh!

Adeleine: Ooof! >_<

Maggie: *runs off and grabs her underwear* Bone heads... -///-; ...keeping me away from my Marius...

Ashuro: >_< *opens a portal and catches Maggie as she fell out of it* you shouldn't have said that to Mizuki, y'know…

*Ashuro's his zig-zag tail wraps around Maggie tightly, leaving her unable to move her arms then it lifts her into the air so that she can't run away again. Ashuro looks behind him and sees Annaliese holding Mizuki in a caring hug and comforting her as she sobs deeply into her chest; looking in front of him, he sees Angel helping Adeleine by massaging the spot where Maggie had elbowed her. Once everybody is calmed down and feeling better again, all attention is back on Maggie as Angel retakes her previous position back on the bed with Maggie back over lap. This time, however, Angel undoes the sash hold her outfit in place and securely ties it around Maggie's mouth to keep her from being able to say anything at all then she secures her arms and legs all by herself to keep her from moving.*

Angel: You know, originally, this was just between you and me...

*Maggie tries to shout at Angel, but due to her mouth being gagged, it comes out as nothing more than a muffled protest.*

Angel: But since you saw it fit to hurt Mizuki AND Adeleine, I think it's only fair that they get a turn with your plump, freckled behind as well. *pinches Maggie's butt*

*Maggie does her best to escape, but Angel has her securely pinned down.*

Angel: With that said, Mizuki, would you like to have the first turn? ^w^

Maggie: You...wouldn't dare!

Mizuki: *hugs her butt* ^//^ BUM!

Angel: Having fun, Mizuki-chan? ^w^ *glares at Maggie with a frightening face* don't even think about calling Mizuki "that" name if you know what's good for you...

Maggie: Ohh what? Ffffffffffffffff....fFfffffff......

Mizuki: *sniffing* Noooo, I'm not.....

Maggie: ...Freak-Freak-Freak-Freak-Freak-FREAK!!! XD

Mizuki: .................................. *walks away from the room said nothing*

Maggie: ....Okay Demon, what now?

Mizuki: *came back looking angry as ever, holding a bat* ......私はフリークではない!

Maggie: e-e-e-e-easy with that Mizuki... O_O;

Mizuki: 黙れ!!! *runs to Maggie, but angel stopped her* 何?!

Angel: You see, Maggie, this is exactly what I was talking about earlier; keep on doing what you're doing now and there'll much more of this and worse in your future.

*Angel struggles to keep Mizuki from going postal on Maggie; she never realized how strong the little girl was. Angel then takes the bat away from Mizuki.*

Angel: Mizuki, this isn't the proper tool to deal with somebody like her; the thing you really need is...*whispers into Mizuki's ear*

*Mizuki's expression changes from anger to absolute delight when she hears what Angel told her; in a flash, Mizuki zooms out of the room and then back inside just as quickly holding a REALLY solid-looking hairbrush. Seeing the hairbrush and the devilish expression on the faces of Angel, Adeleine and Mizuki, Maggie immediately gets scared.*

Mizuki: ^//^

Adeleine: >w<

Maggie: OoO;;

Angel: Is there anything else you would like to say, Maggie-kins? Think careful about what you say because we can always upgrade to the bath brush or even the wooden spoon.

Maggie: You're not going to spank me, are you??

Angel: Well, I definitely want to; but... *pinches Maggie's butt* I guess that I DON'T have to spank you. I need a second opinion

*Angel turns her attention to Mizuki and Adeleine*

Angel: Ladies, should I leave this freckled little bottom in front of me unpunished and able to sit easily for days to come? ^w^

Adeleine: … allow me. *uses her paint brush to spank her*

Maggie: OWWWW! Marius, Help!!

*Marius is so mesmerized by what's happening that he can't hear a thing.*

Marius: OwO Hehehe....

Maggie: MARIUS, PLEASE! Mercy!! TToTT

Adeleine: Keep cry'n! *still spanking her*

Mizuki: *spanks her too* Wow, so this what it feels like! ^^

Maggie: Noooo!! TToTT

Angel: Okay guys, pause for a moment; I need to ask her a few things.

*Adeleine and Mizuki begrudgingly stop; Maggie's butt wasn't even pink yet*

Angel: Maggie, do you know why you're being punished right now?

Maggie: I was just trying to spend time with my Marius until you idiots came!!

Mizuki: Idiot? :( DON'T CALL ME AN IDIOT! *spank her again*

Maggie: Owwwww!! >_<

Angel: Try again, Maggie. Why are you being punished; what were some of the things that you did that were deserving of this? And be honest with yourself on this.

Maggie: For being a rude little but head! THERE! I said it, now give me back my panties and let me GO!!

Angel: Do you promise to be nicer in the future? *keeps a firm grip on Maggie*

Maggie: I'll Think about it... *walks away, and grabs her panties and ran out the door*

Mizuki: ^^ That was nice. ^^

Angel: Yes...Ashuro.

Ashuro: OwO;; Y-Yes?

Angel: Keep an eye on that girl for me, will you?

Ashuro: Why?

Angel: And deal with her accordingly if she acts up again.

Ashuro: ...again I ask, why?

Angel: *picks up the bat Mizuki had* to keep "this" from happening again.

Ashuro: ...I...um...

Angel: I know you saw how easily she can get herself in trouble; you don't want to see her get hurt because of that, do you?

Ashuro: Well...no, but I... *looks to Marius, Adeleine, Mizuki and then Annaliese in hopes that one of them would say something about what he should do*

Annaliese: No, don't hurt her...

Marius: Uh-uh...

Mizuki: Beat her up!

Adeleine: Don't do it...

Ashuro: Angel, I can't do this...

Angel: ... *smiles at Ashuro* Impressive as always, Ashuro. I wanted to see how you would react to being asked to do something like that and you passed with flying colors. ^w^ Believe it or not, Maggie really isn't the way she makes herself seem; she's actually just a scared and lonely little girl that doesn't know how to reach out to others that well. So, perhaps the best thing you can do to help her is to try and become her friend.

Annaliese: Wait, that what she really is? Oh My.....

Angel: Annaliese, seeing you and Maggie together just reminded me SO much of Luna and I when we were your age; Luna was everything I wanted to be: intelligent, cute, approachable and so much more. I really wanted nothing more than to become her friend, but I was just way too afraid of her rejecting me; in the end, I started picking on her without even giving her the chance to possibly reject wanting to be my friend...and it just continued like that for years. And after taking all of that abuse I put her through in all that time, she broke down and became something that she wasn't...and she made sure that I felt ALL of the suffering I made her experience *looks at Mizuki, who is still really angry, and then at the bat she had brought with her; a few tears can be seen coming from her eyes*

Annaliese: Awww, Do-don't cry... :(

Angel: After that happened, I became so afraid of Luna; I knew that not only had I lost any possible chance to ever become her friend, but now she might actually hurt me again if she ever saw me. I lived with that fear and that guilt for the last 5 years. It wasn't until recently when Marius-kun helped me confront Luna; after all that time, she was still the same sweet Luna I knew from childhood. She surprised me SO much when she ran up to me and hugged then told me how much she missed me and how bad she felt for hurting me. I told her everything and asked if there was still a chance we could start over and become friends; before I could even finish asking my question, Luna agreed several times and expressed how happy she was *a stream of tears flow down her face* I never thought that I'd stop crying...

Annaliese: *pats Angel's back*

Angel: Maggie will never be able bring herself to admit how she feels as things are now, so guys, please try to reach out to her; I know it'll be hard...REALLY hard ^^; but I know in time, she'll change. So, promise me neither of you here will give up on her just yet, okay?

Marius: *shrugs* I guess...

Annaliese: I'll try...

Ashuro: If she's willing to let me, I'll do my best.

Angel: *looks reassured* Thank you, everybody...

*The next day...*

Rocko: >_< Hmph! How can Kikisho treat such a sweet and beautiful girl like Senkia the way she does? That girl needs to be taught a lesson that she won't soon forget! But...*thinks for a little bit* since Senkia seems to be very loyal to Kikisho for some reason, she'd slice me into pieces if I tried anything. I'll have to distract her somehow in order for me to pull this off...but how?

*As he continues walking, he sees Maggie sitting down on a park bench relaxing.*

Rocko: -w- Accomplice found.

To be continued...

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