Friday, June 3, 2011

Know My Pain! Overflowing Feelings Lash Out!!

Travel Multiversal
  Shirokku-D Chronicles
“Know My Pain! Overflowing Feelings Lash Out!!”
  An RP between Shirokku-D and eshonen

Annaliese confided in Marius, e-chan and Ashuro about the many horrible things that she suffered in her life. From being physically abused by her big brothers to being regularly hurt mentally by others she encountered, she told them both everything in great detail. While both of them were greatly angered by the injustice she experience, the one who would get the most enraged was Ashuro. To him, Annaliese was his priceless treasure; the one he loved the most out of all the people he’d ever met. Both of them truly understood the pain of loss and what it was like to constantly be a victim of such an uncaring world. So it was only natural that when he fell in love with her that he would be very protective of her. He had heard many of her stories, but the one he was about to her just might be the one that finally breaks his resolve to not harm her tormentors…

Annaliese: "sigh" That's hard…

Ashuro: Anna?

Annaliese: Boot Camp…I hate it! I HATE IT!

Marius: Mind telling us what happened?

Annaliese: Okay…

e-chan: *notices that Ashuro, Marius or Annaliese hasn’t realized that John and Maxal are coming their way* O_O; (Gotta act fast!) Hey, Ashuro, why don’t take Annaliese and Marius to your favorite resting spot? Y’know, so you can all talk in a more relaxed atmosphere.

Ashuro: OwO Okay! *opens a portal and enters it with Marius and Annaliese*

e-chan: Phew, that was a close one… *sees John and Maxal right behind him* Hello…

Maxal: Don't sneak up on us like that…

John: That's creepy…

e-chan: What are you two talking about? I was standing right here; you two were the ones who walked up to me.

*Exiting the portal, Ashuro, Marius and Annaliese find themselves in a calm, pleasant valley.*

Ashuro: How is it? This is where I come when I want to relax. ^w^

*After getting comfortable, Annaliese tells Marius and Ashuro her story*

Annaliese: Okay, when I was there, I thought it's going to be the best day of my life; I actually thought I can trust them, and love them again, but Boot Camp was horrible! :(

Marius: Go on…

Annaliese: …okay. The Coach is a big yelling meanie…he keep hurting my feelings all the time, and I keep on crying that he did that to me… *sniff* he kept calling me…"The B-word" and "a Candy…Butt…"

Marius: You mean "Candy-Ass" and "Little Bitch?"

Annaliese: Uh-huh, that one! Anyway, he said can't play with my dolls, h-he kept throwing water on me when I wasn't awake in the morning, and…Ooooh-nooo…

Marius: What?

Annaliese: …the lunch room; Ohhh, I hate to remember that… Okay…I was walking with a tray full of food, till one of the kid's tripped me…that all laughed at me…and…my lunch went on a round girl named, "Donna" and she was angry at me, so she trying to fight me…but till the workers takes her away…

Marius: …Okay, How's that horrible?

Annaliese: …"gulp" Okay…she somehow ran back and tackled me down…and when she tackled me down, she made my pants fall down, and everyone saw my butt…and it was scary and embarrassing!

Marius: O//O; Ohh…

Annaliese: Yes…and all the kids won't stop talking about my butt, and everyone keeps bulling me…and…and…WAAAAHHH!!!

Marius: Okay…Okay…don't cry, it's okay…tell us more…

Annaliese: Every time I got into trouble, the coach tells me "You going to have to clean the bathrooms" It was scary…I saw there…"gulp" Gross Poop everywhere in the boy's bathroom…

Marius: Good Lord…

Annaliese: Till one day, Maxal told the Coach that I was retarded…and he told me I'll never come back here again, EVER…

Marius: F***ing Harsh for you, kid…

*Ashuro looks upset; like he’s really thinking about hurting them*

Annaliese: …A…Ashuro? D-D-don't do it---!

Ashuro: *struggling to restrain himself* those monsters…how can anybody be so cruel?

Annaliese: A-a-a-Ashuro?

Marius: I think his rage has broken…

Ashuro: *regains his senses* sorry about that; nothing angers me more than when somebody hurts the people I care about…especially when it's the one I love more than anything else.

Marius: All it matters is that it's over with…

Annaliese: I think he's right…

Marius: But still…kick their asses!

Annaliese: What? O_O;

Ashuro: …no, that won’t do any good. They’ve never had to suffer what Anna went through; I could beat them up all I wanted to but it won’t make them sorry for what they’ve done…and I’ll be no better than them if I did that. They choose to ignore it, but the fact is that they know what they did was wrong and they’ll have to live with that truth for the rest of their lives *gets an idea* I think they just need some help realizing that *the antenna on his head flicks about* they’re over in e-chan’s direction; let’s go.

*Traveling through another portal, Ashuro, Marius and Annaliese arrive in the area where e-chan, John and Maxal are. Annaliese clings to Marius with all her might as Ashuro walks up to her two mean-spirited brothers.*

Ashuro: *looks at John and Maxal* it’s been a while since we last saw each other, huh? :)

*John and Maxal break out in a cold sweat*

Maxal: It’s you…! O_o

John: That damned pussy-cat! O_O;

Annaliese: ………

Maxal: …Annaliese??

Ashuro: Chill out, relax; as long as you don’t give me a reason, let’s all be civil, alright? :)

Maxal: Okaaaay… *leaves*

*Maxal unknowingly walks into a hidden portal Ashuro had set up and finds himself back with the group*

Ashuro: Actually, I came here to talk to you two, if it’s alright. ^^;

*Marius and Annaliese look on at Ashuro; he’s actually relaxed, showing no sign of rage what-so-ever.*

Maxal: What do you want?

Ashuro: Tell me, why do you both treat your little sister, your flesh and blood family, like trash?

Maxal: … *looks at Annaliese*…You told on us again, did you?

Annaliese: Y-y-y-y-y-yes? Don't hurt me again…!

John: …

*Ashuro hisses ferociously to get John and Maxal’s attention back on him.*

Ashuro: Eyes on me! I’m still waiting for an answer.

Maxal: Alright you vile Cat! We were angry at the time!!

John: Don't you see?? Our parents are dead, remember?!

Maxal: And Mom told us, that we're in charge!

Annaliese: Ohhhhhh… *looks down, sadly*

Ashuro: It's painful to lose somebody you love, so I can understand how you might've felt at the time...but that's still no excuse for what you did. They were her parents too, y'know; she was hurt just as much as you two were.

Maxal: …

Annaliese: Mommy & Daddy were the best people in the world! They loved me and you 2 said I won't get any love! That broke my heart… T___T

John: …

Ashuro: … *patiently waits for John and Maxal to respond*

Maxal: …sorry…

Annaliese: Huh; what was that?

Maxal: Sorry. Sorry for being a…a…a…Mother F***er…

Annaliese: I…think you’re more than that.

Maxal: What?


*Ashuro, Maxal, and John are horrified by her sudden change*

Ashuro: O_o\ and she worried about me going postal…

Annaliese: *still in snapped mode* …that reminds me! *picks up a steel bat* I'M GOING TO RETURN THE FAVOR!! *ready to hit them*

Maxal: Annaliese, No! Stop! O_O;

John: Quit it! O_o;


*Ashuro stops her*

Ashuro: Got’cha!

*In her raging state of mind, Annaliese ends up hurting Ashuro unintentionally several times as she wildly swung the steel bat with great strength. He simply just stands there and takes each hit while keeping the raging Annaliese away from the two who caused her so much pain. The more she struggled and thrashed, the firmer Ashuro held her in his embrace while taking all of the wild attacks.*

Ashuro: *winces* just let it all out, Anna *winces* I’ll take all of your pain for you, so just...*winces* so just let it all out *firmly holds Annaliese in an embracing hug*


Maxal: O_O …

Annaliese: *back to normal* …I…I don't know what's become of me…Why did I act like my brothers? Why, Why?! I can't be loved! I can't be loved if I…hurt you, Ashuro! Noooo! I'm a demon, a monster!! A freak of nature!!! *runs away*

John: …Annaliese… T___T

*Night falls as Ashuro restlessly searches for Annaliese, very worried about her safety. He was searching alone because he was a little too fast for Marius to keep up with him, resulting in the two of them getting separated. Around midnight, Ashuro finally finds Annaliese up in the mountains in a cave just in time to avoid getting caught in a storm that was about to begin; he was amazed that she had gotten that far. Shaking from the cold, Annaliese is startled by the booming thunder and begins to cry again. When she sees that Ashuro had come to find her, she immediately gets up and embraces him with a hug, happy that she’s not alone in the dark anymore. Using Fire E-nergy, Ashuro gets a warm fire started to light up the cave and keep both of them warm throughout the night*

Ashuro: Looks like we’re gonna be here until the storm lets up.

Annaliese: T__T I'm a monster…

Ashuro: You’re not a monster, Anna; everybody loses control like that when they’re pushed to the brink of mental exhaustion. You’ve suffered for so long and endured so much while keeping a smile on your face. You just needed to get it all out of your system, that’s all; and I must say that it was very brave of you to confront your brothers like that and tell them how you really felt.

Annaliese: …wait, I did?

Ashuro: Yes, you did. You really told both of them off; I don’t think they’re gonna be bothering you again anytime soon.

Annaliese: I hope so… T_T

<Six hours ago>

*Since e-chan’s home was the closest to them by the time the storm started, e-chan, along with Marius, John and Maxal decided to take refuge there until the storm decided to let up. Scooter was already there playing MvC3 with Hiri while Ring, Mizuki and Erusu watched and cheered them on when the four of them arrive.*

Scooter: Hey, what’s up, e-dude? That storm came out of nowhere didn’t it? I already called the girls’ parents to let them know that they’re all here and safe. ^^

Ring: T-This will be my v-very first sleepover w-w-with my friends. ^w^

Mizuki: Yeah! ^^

Scooter: Yeah, we're all gonna have a good---O_O *looks at the TV screen and sees that Hiri had just defeated him* NOOO! Darn it, Hiri; no fair! We weren't on a time limit, so why didn't you wait for me to finish talking to them?

Ring: But S-Scooter, you said t-that if the game isn't p-paused, the battle c-c-continues.

Scooter: Yes; you're point being?

Ring: You didn't p-push the pause b-button.

Scooter: OoO *realizing that what Ring said was true he slowly turned to look at Hiri who was smiling like a champion*

Hiri: *giggles*

*Ring notices that John and Maxal are with e-chan and Marius, sending her into an immediate state of panic*

Ring: OxO

*Ring aims her arms at John and Maxal as a beam cannon comes out of each of her shirt sleeves, charging up power*


Maxal: Good Lord! O_O;

John: Bwaaah!

e-chan: OoO Ring, NO! They’re here as guests! They’re here as guests!


e-chan: They’re not gonna hurt you, Ring; I promise! Now, please, calm down and put your cannons away; I can’t afford to pay for anymore home repairs right now. ^_^;

Ring: *calms down and slowly recalls her beam cannons back into her hands then stares fearfully at John and Maxal, shaking like a leaf* TTnTT

e-chan: Phew…-o-;;

John: Freaky…a Big ol' Cat…O_O;

Maxal: …??

Hiri: Rrrrrrr…

Mizuki: Grrrrr… *barking*

Hiri: *looking at Mizuki* O_o;; …?

e-chan: …we’ll be in the study if you need us.^^;

*e-chan and Marius quickly guide John and Maxal into another room*

e-chan: Phew…I didn’t expect all of them to be here; we just narrowly avoided a loli lynch mob. ^_^;

Marius: Hmm.

e-chan: *notices that the storm is getting heavier* looks like all of us are really stuck here for tonight. Hopefully it’ll take a few hours before it reaches wherever Ashuro and Annaliese are.

Marius: I'm sure there alright; all Ashuro’s gotta do is to protect her…

Maxal: Yeah… -_-

Marius: Huh?

e-chan: Something on your mind?

Maxal: I feel really bad…for doing those things to Annaliese…

John: We belong out in the rain… -_-

e-chan: …

Maxal & John: *walks out*

e-chan: *sighs then gets up and stops John and Maxal from leaving*

Maxal: Let go!

e-chan: I can’t let you two leave while that storm is going on.

John: No, we deserve it; we hurt her in many ways and we deserved to go to Hell!

Maxal: Yes, it's wrong that we abused her and took her to boot camp… the way Annaliese went nuts like that summed up the pain she felt a year ago…

e-chan: While that may be true, going off and getting yourselves hurt will only add to her pain!

Maxal: Why?! Why is that??! We are monsters! Annaliese probably wants us…gone…

e-chan: Doesn’t the fact that you’re still here prove that that isn’t true?

Maxal: … -_- I want to end my suffering… I want to end Annaliese's suffering…

e-chan: Well this definitely isn’t the way to do it! *pulls them back inside the room and blocks the door to keep them from leaving again* if you’re really serious about wanting to end the suffering you each share you’re going to have to work hard for it! And to clarify what I was talking about earlier, if Annaliese really wanted you two gone she would’ve let Ashuro have his way a long time ago!

Maxal: …you're right…all I can do, is to stay away from her…

John: Where is she?

e-chan: I don’t know; but knowing that Ashuro is out there, she’s definitely be okay.

Maxal: I need to tell her I'm sorry…and that I'll leave her alone…forever…

<Present time>

Ashuro: If your brothers were to ever whole-heartedly apologize for everything that they did to you, Anna, what would you do?

Annaliese: What?

Ashuro: I’m just curious as to what you would say or do if something like that EVER happened.

Annaliese: I don't know at the moment…

Ashuro: It’s okay; to tell you the truth, I don’t know what I’d do if Lorenzo came up to me and suddenly apologized for all of the crap he put me through.

Annaliese: I don't want to think about them… T_T

Ashuro: Okay, I won’t say anything more about them right now *notices that the storm has gotten even heavier as well as the sound of booming thunder and bright lightning crackling in the sky through the entrance of the cave*

Annaliese: "whimper" T_T I'm scared, I want to go home.

Ashuro: I’d open a portal to get us home, but I’ve exhausted all of my energy *notices a stream of rain water going deeper into the cave* we might have to move deeper inside if we don’t want to get wet; I wonder how far this cave goes *stands up and place Annaliese on his back so he could carry her piggy-bag style* Hold on tight, okay? ^w^

*Both Ashuro and Annaliese journey deeper into the cave; as it gets darker, Annaliese increases the strength of her grip on Ashuro and shakes a little bit out of fear. As they get further in the cave, it actually get lighter and brighter…and Ashuro discovers something that he had forgotten about a long time ago.*

Ashuro: OoO This place… *places Annaliese on her feet*

*A two-story house in a large expansive area comes into view. The cave walls were decorated with many colorful gems and gleaming diamonds, complete with a meadow and a majestic waterfall in the background as well as a large, outdoor hot spring.*

Ashuro: I can’t believe that I actually forgot about this place. This is one of my Master’s many secret bases that he created throughout the land! This place brings back awesome memories! ^w^

Annaliese: Wooooow! O0O

Ashuro: C'mon, let's go inside. ^w^

*Ashuro and Annaliese run up to the front door. When they get there, Ashuro places his hand on the touch pad console in the wall then speaks into the microphone.*

Ashuro: Kamake, Ashuro.

electronic voice: Welcome back, Kamake, Ashuro.

Ashuro: Open ally registration; I want to add somebody to the friend list.

electronic voice: Ally registration open; to register, say your last name then your first name into the microphone.

*Ashuro motions for Annaliese to walk up to the console and do as it says*

Annaliese: F-Fellorr, Annaliese...

electronic voice: Voice print confirmed. To finish registration, place both of your hands on the touch pad in front of you.

*Annaliese does so and the touch pad scans her hands for their prints*

electronic voice: Registration is now complete. Welcome to A.K. Base #026, Fellorr, Annaliese.

*The door opens and both Ashuro and Annaliese walk inside.*

Ashuro: Cool! Not only can you now enter this base, but all of the other bases my Master made; it’s like you’re a part of my family now.

*Both of them enter the living room area; overwhelmed with nostalgia, Ashuro happily plops down on the soft plush rug on the carpet. Looking around at the comfortable surroundings, Annaliese notices a picture on one of the bookshelves; it was a photo of 2 men, 1 woman, and 5 young kids in front of them smiling for the camera. The child in the middle of the 5 she instantly recognized was Ashuro.*

Annaliese: … T___T *sniff*

Ashuro: *hears Annaliese sniffling* Huh, Anna; are you…*sees the photo that she’s looking at*…oh…that. This was taken 7 years ago when A.K. took me into his home…

Annaliese: T___T No…what happen to them?

Ashuro: Well…this tall guy right here and the rest of the kids in this photo are ones that you already know. That tall guy with the big silver afro is Scooter when he was 18. That boy standing next to me with the long bat ears is Batou before he had to wear the automail; he was 12 years old at that time. The little fuzzy guy on top of his head is with the mischievous grin is Rocko when he was 9. The boy with the big blue timid eyes and orange hair is Snoopy when he was 8, and the girl with the black and white stripe pattern and long fluffy tail is Claire when she was 7.

Annaliese: You've got a family… T__T but...I don't have my…Mommy and Daddy… *sobbing*

Ashuro: *hugs Annaliese consolingly* the man and woman in this photo is my Master A.K. and his wife, Denea…they’re…not around anymore…

Annaliese: No…Don't tell me they’re…Dead… T_T

Ashuro: I…I don’t know. When I last saw them 4 years ago, they said that something incredibly urgent came up that they had to go fix. What was so scary about it was that they both had the same look of fear and regret on their faces that Lorenzo had on that day he left to also take care of something incredibly urgent. Unlike him who reappeared the next day a completely changed person, neither A.K. or Denea ever came back. To this day, I still don’t know what happened to them…

Annaliese: There alive somewhere, but for my Mommy & Daddy…they're dead! TOT

???: Well, not exactly…

Ashuro: OoO Who’s there?! S-Show yourself!

*In front of him stand the last person that Ashuro would EVER want to see at this moment; Lorenzo Saturn*

Lorenzo: Long time no see, Ashuro-boy. ^w^

To be continued…

1 comment:

  1. Shonnie: Man, I wish I was able to help my friends at BBI, the way you and Kevin always get too... :(
