Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Budding Friendship - Rocko and Maggie?!

Travel Multiversal
Shirokku-D Chronicles
”A Budding Friendship - Rocko and Maggie?!”
An RP between Shirokku-D and eshonen

Feeling mischievous and without a true grasp on the truth of his situation, Rocko decides pull a prank on Kikisho. The only problem with his plan is Senkia...and her katana, Naginata. To pull this one off, he's going to need some help...and he knows just who to ask when he arrives at the park in town.

Rocko: -w- Hee-hee-hee...

Maggie: Hmm?

Rocko: You like pulling pranks on people, right?

Maggie: Yeah.... what about it?

Rocko: Y'see, here's the thing; I've noticed that Kikisho has been a little too hard on Senkia lately. I want to teach Kikisho a lesson for being too harsh of a friend...but there's a huge problem there.

Maggie: O Rly?

Rocko: In order to get anywhere near Kikisho, I'll have to get past Senkia first; and the last thing I want is for her to filet me with that katana of hers. ^_^;

Maggie: Ok, why on earth would I help you?

Maggie: $10… for right now...

Rocko: Hmm...even though you're task doesn't have any risks to worry about, here's $50, just in case; call it insurance *hands Maggie $50*

Maggie: Hmmm, Okay... :)

Rocko: All I need you to do is to distract Senkia; y'know, like taking her shopping for cute clothes or something. If you can keep her distracted long enough until I give you a call to let you know that my mission was successful, I'll give you an extra special reward. ^3^

Maggie: ...Like, get Marius to love me? :) Then Yes!

Rocko: It's a deal then! ^w^ Meet me here tomorrow at 12 P.M. and I'll go over the plan with you.

Maggie: Kay.

*The next day*

Annaliese: Hello Maggie, what are you doing today? :)

Maggie: Go away, right now....

Annaliese: Awwww! Why? :(

Maggie: I've got to meet up with someone...

Annaliese: Who?

Maggie: None of your business... *walks off*

Annaliese: :(

*Maggie arrives at the designated meeting spot and sees that Rocko is already there waiting for her. Unlike before, he's in his human form this time so it takes a little while before Maggie realized that it's him.*

Rocko: Hi Maggie ^w^; something wrong?

Maggie: .....You look.... Human....

Rocko: Oh this? Well, that's because I am part human; I just prefer my other form better. ^w^ My plan would fail if I approached either Kikisho or Senkia the way I usually look; since neither of them have ever seen this form, I have a better chance of not making them suspicious... O//O ...uhhh... ^//^; There she all her beauty...^//^

Maggie: Aye...

*on a well, Senkia sucking on a lollipop*

Senkia: ^//^

Maggie: Senkia?

Senkia: Huh? Maggie, what do you want? :)

*Seeing that Senkia is talking freely with Maggie, Rocko slinks away without being seen to go and find Kikisho*

Maggie: Do you mind if I borrow something? :)

Senkia: What?

Maggie: Your....Sword...

Senkia: My Naginata?

Maggie: Yeah! That!

Senkia: Gee, I dunno....

*Rocko finds Kikisho at her shop reading a magazine at the counter due to the lack of customers. Before entering, Rocko finalizes his disguise by taking off his hat and poncho and putting on a green t-shirt and sunglasses. He walks inside and Kikisho greets him as a customer, unaware as to who he really is.*

Kikisho: Sup?

Rocko: Hi, the name is O-Rock Ammey; are you the owner of this shop? I'm looking for some mountain climbing equipment; what would you recommend?

Kikisho: Sure. *goes at the back and get some*

*Kikisho returns with the gear and Rocko pays for it with cash, leaving the shop casually.*

Rocko: Success; from holding that cash laced with my special formula for as long as she did to count it all, the fun can now begin. Now it's time to get back to my workshop and contact Maggie; she did a great job of making sure that Senkia didn't come back unexpectedly ^w^


Senkia: ^//^

Maggie: Are those your panties? It's cute, yellow. ^^

Senkia: Thank You. ^//^

Maggie: Can I borrow them for a day please? ^^

Senkia: ....Why??

Maggie: …cause, I'm out of them at the moment...

Senkia: .....Really? Then lift up your skirt....

Maggie: -///- Okay..... *lifts it up, and reveals that she IS out of them*

Senkia: O///o Whooooa! Damn... Okay... *gives Maggie her panties* There you go...

Maggie: Thank You *put it in her pocket*

Senkia: Anytime. ^//^

Maggie: by the way.... You know that guy right there...?

Senkia: Who?

Maggie: *points at Rocko*

Senkia: What about him?

Rocko: *continues walking without realizing that Maggie and Senkia are looking right at him*

Senkia: What does he want?

Maggie: You ask him.

*Senkia comes to Rocko suddenly*

Rocko: *startled by Senkia's sudden appearance* OwO;; AiEEEEEK! *calms down* Oh, it's you, Senkia...O//O...^//^

Senkia: What do you want, little guy?

Rocko: O.O;; Well, you see...the thing is...I've've always been a very—PLEASE GO OUT WiTH ME!! *bows down*

Senkia: *roll her eyes* Oh Goodness....

Rocko: O_o Eh?

Senkia: If you had a p****... Yes I would go out with you.

Rocko: O.O ...EH???

Senkia: Other words, I'm freaking Gay!

Rocko: x_x *stands there stiff like a statue*

Senkia: ....Hello?

Rocko: x_x *remains stiff and motionless*

Senkia: *pokes him* Yo...?

Rocko: x_x *falls over when poked without moving a single muscle, remaining silent and stiff*

Batou: he's finally been forced to accept the truth, huh?

Senkia: Strange Guy... why guy's sometimes strange...?

Batou: *shrugs* I dunno

Senkia: I'm going now... Bye... *leaves* Kiki-Sempai... ^^

Kikisho: Senki! :D

Batou: Okay then; bye...or...whatever *looks at Rocko and picks him up* If you stay tense like that for too long you really will become a statue.

Maggie: *comes to batou* O_O; ...The Heck?

Batou: Hmm; question?

Maggie: What's up with him....... it didn't go well, did it? -_-;

Batou: I guess you can say that ^^; the poor fool didn't even know anything about Senkia's preferences -_-;

Maggie: What a Dork... XD

Batou: ^w^ Glad I'm not the only one who thinks that too... X3

Maggie: Hehehee....

Batou: *looks at Rocko as he starts to loosen up and starts to move again* so, you're once again among the living I see. ^w^ How are you, buddy?

Rocko: I'm fine...I think...

Maggie: What's Up?

Rocko: *thinks for a moment* I feel a little embarrassed that I couldn't figure out the..."relationship" between Kikisho and Senkia, but I'll be okay. ^w^ I want to thank you for helping me today, Maggie; as soon as I get back to my workshop, I'll get to work on fulfilling my side of our bargain and get you a date with Marius.

Maggie: Okay! :D

Rocko: I'll give you a call when it's finished; in the meantime, just...focus on making yourself look cuter than usual. ^w^

Maggie: *blushes* Oh Stop it, you card... *giggle*

*A few hours later, Rocko is finished making his preparations and gives Maggie a call; both of them meet up in the same place they had met up earlier that day.*

Rocko: Introducing...Love MAX!! *hand Maggie a bottle of perfume* With this, you can make Marius yours in a simple two step process! ^w^

Maggie: Thank You. :) *sprayed it on her*

Rocko: Okay, here's how it works. Step 1. You need to spray some of this on Marius to get things started. You've already done half of Step 2, which was to spray it on yourself; the final half of step to is to make skin contact with him and make sure that he smells the perfume on you. With one whiff, any and all love that Marius has in his heart for you will be increased to the maximum level. Let me know how it works...and make sure that this stuff doesn't touch Aluma, Angel, Crystal or any other girl that Marius may have feelings for; it'll cancel out the effect, returning his feelings for you to their original level and he'll focus on the next girl.

Maggie: I'm on it.

*Maggie walks off to see Marius. On her way over she sees Kikisho...looking like a giant inflated blueberry; Rocko must've had Wonka on the mind when he thought up this prank.*

Kikisho: Hmmm? ....Mmmmmm.... Rocko?

Rocko: O.O Pfft! ^x^ *laughs uncontrollably*

Kikisho: Heres an apple... ^^ *hands him an apple*

Rocko: O_o ...uh, thanks... *cautiously takes the apple*

*The apple burst on rocko's face*

Kikisho: *giggles* Hehehee, Nice Try Rocko... XD

Rocko: ... *licks some of the exploded apple on his face* touché, Podo; so classic yet I didn't see it coming.

Kikisho: *leaves to get Senkia*

Rocko: *cleans the remaining bits of apple off of his face* I sure hope things work out for Maggie; oh well, I won't know for sure until later, so I guess I just head on home for the day. ^^

*next day*

Maggie: *knocks on Rocko's door sweetly*

Rocko: *looks out of peephole then opens the door* Hi Maggie; what brings you by today?

Maggie: *hugs him*

Rocko: O//O *caught off guard by the surprise hug*

Maggie: Thank You! ^//^ That was the best day of my life!

Rocko: You...You're welcome. ^w^;

*Suddenly rocko sees a tear drip down on the floor, that was on Maggie's cheek*

Rocko: O_o Maggie, you alright?

Maggie: ...Yeah.

*Although he was still a little skeptical, Rocko decides to believe Maggie's words.*

Rocko: ...that's good. there anything else I can help you with? :)

Maggie: Not really, just here to thank you...

*With that said, Maggie takes her leave and heads to her home, leaving Rocko feeling...conflicted*

Rocko: That was...odd (Was that really a tear I saw? Nah, maybe I was just seeing things. I mean, it IS real hot out here; maybe it was just a sweat drop...that...came from her...eye...huh...) I guess I shouldn't think about it too much; I'm sure that the next time I see her, she'll be back to good ole mischievous self ^w^ least...I hope so -_-

To be continued... 

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