Friday, June 3, 2011

One Crazy Sundae Night! The Great Roxie Lock-Down!

Travel Multiversal
Neo Hero Chronicles
“One Crazy Sundae Night! The Great Roxie Lock-Down!”
An RP between Flashshadow and eshonen
Roxie sells some of the world's best ice cream, and due to that she has quite a few regular customers; two of them happen to be Kikisho and Senkia. Although they're her best customers and order sundae after sundae in one day...they're also her messiest ones when they get too much sugar in their systems. Good thing she has two wonderful employees like e-kun and Dust Man. They have a unique work system; one focuses on making sundaes while the other keeps Roxie locked away to prevent her from going postal on messy customers with that deadly broom of hers...

Kikisho: Hey, Dusty, we need another round over here!

Senkia: And go WAY heavy on the syrup this time!

Dust Man:
Already?! That's sundae #11! Don't you two think that you've had enough for one night?

Kikisho: We'll tell you when we've had enough!


Dust Man:
Okay, just don't hurt me! *puts sundae #12 in front of them*

Kikisho and Senkia: WA-HOO!

Dust Man:
How are things going on your end, e-kun?

e-kun: Not good! She's about to bust this door down!


Dust Man: OwO;; This is gonna be a long night...=_=;;

Shonnie: Hey, Roxie can I get a... *sees the mess* ...Nevermind... *turns around*

e-kun: Oh thank goodness you're here, Shonnie! I need your help in the worse way!

Shonnie: *stops in his tracks* What you need?

e-kun: I need help in keeping the door shut so that Roxie doesn't get out!


e-kun: Not until you promise that you won't go crazy on anybody the moment the door opens!


Shonnie: Yikes! Mad, Roxie!

*Shonnie uses his F-Space gloves to keep the door fixed in its spot*

Shonnie: I'm not sure how long I can hold her back... O_O

e-kun: We're gonna have to find a way because Dust Man is the only one who can make sundaes faster than Kiki and Senkia can eat them and Roxie won't calm down until they leave. But we can't just kick them out; it's just not professional.


Shonnie: Sounds like a big job...I may need some back up for this. *hits a button on his watch*

Jenny: Yo.

Shonnie: Hey, Jenny. I need a dispatch team, quick.

Jenny: Teams A, C, and Q-T are available.

Shonie: Better send team R for this one...

Jenny: Crowd control?

Shonnie: You can say that...

*Jenny dispatches Team R to Roxie's Shop*

Shonnie: They are on their way, dude!

e-kun: So who's on Team R?

Cheeko: The Neo Force. ^^

Shonnie: Aside from being super heroes, the Neo Force is great for crowd control, damage control, and organizing charity events.

*Pieces of the metal door begin to break of and fall to the ground as Roxie's struggle to escape increases in strength.*

This door was made to with stand even the most powerful of bombs...

Shonnie: Trust, me a furious Roxie is more dangerous than a bomb. I still got bruises form the "microscope theater" incident. Cheeko, contact Neo Force.

Cheeko: On it, chief. *starts to contact Jenny*

*The front door opens and in walks a few more customers: Scooter Bo, Sashi Venus and Doc.*

NOOOOO!! Kikisho and Senkia beat us here!!

Sashi: *sigh* I sure hope there is at least some Mint Chocolate Chip left...huh?
Shonnie, Cheeko, what are you guys doing?

Shonnie: Hey, Sashi; just trying to help prevent a disaster.

Cheeko: Sorry, Flash. The Neo Force isn't available...

Shonnie: WHAT?!

Cheeko: I checked with Jenny. Ray is looking for something called the "Breath of Life". Zoey is on a mission with Ikoma. And Bernie is visiting his family in New York...

Shonnie: Oh, man. This might be trouble... O_O

Scooter: Great; just great! Not only will I not be getting any ice cream, but something monstrous is about to break loose and wreak havoc...

Doc: Not just yet... Cheeko turn into a door behind e-kun!

Cheeko: You got it, daddy! *slides behind e-kun and turns into a large block of metal*

Shonnie: Good thinking, Doc. Cheeko should be able to buy us some time.

Sashi: Is there anything we can do to help?

Shonnie: Hmm... Dust Man! He can use his vacuum to get rid of all the ice cream stains! But, now we still need a way to get rid of Kiki and Senkia...

Scooter: They're not gonna go anywhere. I tried to get them to move once when they were in this state before; Senkia nearly chopped my Bo off in one swing with that sword of hers, and it was as hard as steel that day! *points to his afro*

Shonnie: In that case. We're going to have to eat them under the table!

*Awkward silence…*

Shonnie: As in, we stuff them with so much ice cream that the two will have to call the quits and head home.

Doc: Well that makes more sense...

Cheeko: ...And sounds less explicit.

e-kun: Sounds like a plan. So, who's brave enough to go into the freezer to grab some ice cream to refill the tubs up here?

Doc: I could always teleport in and get it. Where might it be?

e-kun: *Pulls out a piece of paper and a pencil and draws a diagram on it* It's in the room behind this room that we're keeping Roxie in behind this door. But here's the thing; the ice cream freezer is kind of full at the moment, so there's not really any room inside to move around. If you warp in there, Roxie will know that you have a way to get in and out freely and will make sure that you don't leave unless you take her with you...and given the situation, you can see why that's a bad idea. However, if you had something to keep her a bay like a barrier or somebody that wouldn't get hurt in her violent state, you'd be safe and there wouldn't be any problem.

Doc: Oh, dear... O_O that’s part of the reason, I had to have a separate lab from Roxie... But, fortunately, I do have a special force field installed in my watch, in case of villain attacks. *hits a button on his wrist and he is surrounded by a barrier incasing his body* Now I can go get the ice cream, without getting pummeled!

Shonnie: Good, work you guys.

Roxie: LET ME OUT OF HERE THiS iNSTANT!! *bangs heavily on the door, making e-kun and Cheeko feel the shockwave impact of each hit*

e-kun: O_O Yikes! Hurry Doc; she's about to break down the first door! And if that happens, Cheeko is going to have to withstand the assault until we can think of something else.

Doc: Oh dear! O_O *Doc quickly presses the button on his watch teleporting him in the freezer*

Cheeko: Be careful, dad!

Doc: *The Doc then realizes that e-kun's warning was correct. And he was teleported directly behind the angry Roxie and in front of the supply of ice cream. If not for his force field veil, Roxie's back would've been pressed against his body* EGAD! O///O *Doc stumbled back in embarrassment almost knocking over the ice cream containers. He then grabs a random container and frantically hits the button on his watch to teleport out before Roxie grabs him*

*Doc reappears in front of the others with the ice cream looking extremely terrified*

Doc: Flash, I sure hope this plan of yours is successful... *hands Shonnie the ice cream*

Shonnie: It will, trust me.
And for part two... Scooter, Sashi; I need you both to make a sundae, quickly!

Scooter: Got it, bro!

Sashi: I'll do my best!

*Scooter and Sashi go to work and help Dust Man in making sundaes. Once they finish working on the sundaes…*

Shonnie: Excellent work you guys; and now, for “The” final topping.

*Shonnie draws a high-tech gun from his afro and fires a blue powder on the ice cream sundaes*

Sashi: Ooh, sparkly; I wonder what it is...

Shonnie: It's Doc's specialized non-toxic sleeping powder. While they are eating these sundaes, the sleeping powder should knock them out for about an hour or two.

Doc: One of my best devices, yet! I was thinking of pitching it to Agent Walker. ^^

Shonnie: Once they're knocked out, we can get them out of here and start cleaning the restaurant.

e-kun: Good, it's almost over *feels a giant bang on the other side of the wall then total silence* What the heck…Roxie-chan? *hears no reply* Roxie-chan, are you okay in there?

*e-kun begins to get worried when Roxie doesn't answer*

e-kun: Cheeko, please let me through; she might be hurt!

Cheeko: Right, dude! *makes a gap so e-kun can get to the door*

Shonnie: Oh, man. I hope Roxie's alright.

Doc: Maybe we should phone Virgil and Snoopy just in case…

*Opening the door, e-kun examines the storage room and discovers exactly why Roxie wasn't making a noise...she wasn't there! While trying to figure out just what happened, e-kun notices the cleaning supply closet was wide open and that there was a huge hole in one of the walls; e-kun really begins to panic when he notices what was taken from the supply closet.*


*e-kun runs back to the parlor to inform the others and sees that Kikisho and Senkia are already out cold after taking just a few bites out of their sundaes.*

e-kun: Dust Man, please tell me that you have the key to the cleaning room.

Dust Man: The key to the cleaning room? You know Miss Roxie keeps that with her at all times.

OoO We...are in serious trouble...

Shonnie, Cheeko and Doc: O_O;;

Dust Man: Why; what's wrong?

e-kun: Roxie isn't in here anymore...and...she took "IT" from the cleaning closet with her.

Dust Man:
"IT"…? No…you don't mean THAT "IT," do you? *sees how scared e-kun is* we're all going to die…

Shonnie: Man, oh man…Not "IT"!

Cheeko: *turns back to normal and tries to comfort Shonnie* Whoa, happy place, chief! Happy place!

Doc: Um, what is "IT", exactly?

*The front door bursts open and an uber angry Roxie storms inside with fire in her eyes and armed with a very familiar item...her favorite broom!*

e-kun and Dust Man:

Shonnie and Cheeko: WAAAAHHH!

Doc: Oh, look at the time, I gotta…live. Ta-ta! *tries to teleport but the force field drained the watch* Oh, dear.

Roxie: My precious shop! ...I...I...I JUST CLEANED iT THiS MORNiNG!!

*Roxie swings her broom upwards, creating a crescent moon-shaped shockwave that Doc just barely avoids before it hits a wall, putting a serious dent in it*

e-kun: Yikes!

What kind of broom is that?!

Doc: O_O;;

Cheeko: Oh, man. What do we do, Shonnie?

Shonnie: *tries to frantically come up with a plan*

*Shonnie quickly reaches for his sleeping powder gun and fires a capsule towards Roxie. As she smacks the capsule with her broom it bursts covering her in the sleep-inducing powder*

Shonnie: Please work - please work - please work…

*Roxie pauses for a few moments before shaking the powder off of her. Closely examining her left wrist, e-kun sees a bracelet attached to it, now realizing why the powder had no affect.*

e-kun: Oh I remember. =_=

Cheeko: OoO

Shonnie: … *slowly turns his head to e-kun, his face filled with both terror and disbelief* What…do you…remember…

e-kun: I noticed how Roxie broke out in hives when she got covered by some kind of dust or something like that. So for our 3 month anniversary as a couple, I got Rocko to make a miniature dust cloak in the form of a bracelet...and I gave it to her as a present.

Shonnie: Great...

Doc: *starts writing his will*

*Roxie sets her sights on the sleeping Kikisho and Senkia; it was then that e-kun got an idea on how to stop Roxie from destroying them all.*

e-kun: Shonnie, the sundaes!

*Shonnie looks over and notices the ice cream sundaes that the two girls only a few bites out of before falling asleep instantly on the counter. He then understands what e-kun was trying to tell him; the powder wouldn't affect Roxie in its basic state, but it would definitely work if it was ingested through food like ice cream.*

Shonnie: *Thinking quickly Shonnie uses his F-Space gloves to levitate a scoop of the sundae from the bowl and aimed it at Roxie’s mouth. Following his lead, Cheeko quickly rolled over behind Roxie and leaped on her back and began tickling her under her arm pits. Roxie started to laugh uncontrollably as Cheeko tickled her, giving enough time for Shonnie to launch the ice cream.*

Cheeko: Hurry, dude! >_<

Shonnie: Time to shine!
*Shonnie hurls the ice cream into Roxie’s mouth. Cheeko then leaps off her back and backs away slowly*

Roxie: ...*getting drowsy*

*Within seconds, the ice cream takes effect and Roxie falls safely into e-kun's arms fast asleep.*

You saved us all, Shonnie; thank you.

Doc: Indeed, Shonnie. You prevented quite a disaster.

Shonnie: Aww, gee. It's no problem, guys. It's all in a day's work.

e-kun: I'm going to take Roxie back to my place for a while; with hope, I might be able to convince her that everything that happened here was a dream. This should give you all enough time to get this place cleaned up so that it'll be convincing.

Shonnie: Sure thing. You can count on us, buddy.

Cheeko: We'll have this place so clean, Roxie will pass-out!

Doc: Not that we want another Roxie episode, of course…

e-kun: Sounds like a plan! Make sure to get Kikisho and Senkia out of here ASAP...and do something about that killer broom *carries Roxie out of the shop bridal style*

Shonnie: Roger that, e-kun.

*As they leave Shonnie starts to set-up a cleaning plan for everyone*

Shonnie: Okay, Doc. Since you can teleport, you should get Senkia and Kiki home.

Doc: Very well.

*Doc picks up Kikisho and Senkia and teleports out of the ice cream shop*

Shonnie: Cheeko and Dust Man. You two are in charge of getting the ice cream off the walls.

Cheeko: On it, chief!

*Cheeko grows an extra set of arms and starts cleaning one wall, while Dustman uses his vacuum to suck up the ice cream on the other*

Shonnie: Scooter, Sashi, you two help me with the dishes.
But first... *takes Roxie's broom and sticks it inside his afro* Okay, let's get to it, guys!

*Working quickly yet efficiently, Roxie's shop is cleaned and all damages are repaired*

Scooter: T
hat took some doing, but we got everything cleaned up.

Shonnie: Great work, everybody!

*Cheeko walks over with his face covered in the wall ice cream.*

Cheeko: We cleaned the shop, got rid of the two eating machines, and avoided a savage beating from a broom.

Shonnie: Another case done, another problem solved.

*Roxie runs into the shop and looks around frantically while e-kun walks in casually*

Roxie: *inspecting everything* but I could've sworn that they were here; I heard them and everything.

e-kun: As I said, Roxie, you were dreaming.
You had a little too much ice cream, went to sleep and had a nightmare. The shop is fine, see? Not a thing out of place.

Roxie: *relaxes a bit* I...guess you're right after all; but still, it all seemed so real...*notices how clean the shop is*
Amazing; I've never seen this place look sparkly clean *notices Cheeko* except for that *wets a dishrag and cleans off the ice cream on Cheeko's face* there, now everything is perfect.

Cheeko: Thank you for that.

Roxie: Hey, since everybody is here and you've all worked hard in getting this place super clean for me, how about a round of free sun...

*Kikisho and Senkia return to the shop ready for more sundaes*


*Roxie raises her right arm in the air and her broom flies out of Shonnie's afro and into her hand before she chases both Kikisho and Senkia far out of the store swinging her broom around with great force.*

e-kun: ...better them than us, huh?

Scooter: Your lady is scary, e-kun.

Shonnie: *adjusts his afro* Did she just "Force pull" her broom from my afro.

Cheeko: Well, this is a case for the books, eh chief?

Shonnie: Indeed it is, dude.

1 comment:

  1. Awsome story, dude! We sure dodged a broom swing on this one, didn't we? XD
