Thursday, June 16, 2011

Leave Me Alone! A Maiden's Broken Heart!

Travel Multiversal
Shirokku-D Chronicles
“Leave Me Alone! A Maiden's Broken Heart!"
An RP between Shirokku-D and eshonen

*Victora's heartbroken condition worsened as the days went by; she had stopped eating, she wandered around aimlessly and pretty much ignored everybody and everything around her. Eventually, she just closed herself off in her closet, refusing all visitors, wishing to remain alone. Within hours of closing herself off from the outside world, she let her reality altering ability roam free, not even bothering to control it, eventually driving the entire Koco Family out of the huge mansion. Distraught, Megumi turns to Ashuro, Marius, Annaliese and Maggie to help her snap Victora back into reality. The 5 of them now stand in front of a nightmarish looking castle which used to be the pleasant and inviting Koco Family mansion.*

Ashuro: OoO feels like I'm in a Castlevania game...

Marius: ......weird...

Megumi: Yes...weird AND disturbing. -w-;;

Annaliese: *looks very scared*

???: It is frightening, isn't it?

*Everybody turns around and sees that Claire is behind them*

Claire: I heard that Victora had been feeling bad these past few days, so I thought that I'd come and visit I'm beginning to wonder if this is the right place or not.

Megumi: This is the Koco Family mansion...the haunted house version at the moment.

Annaliese: *looks even more frightened*

Marius: *smells her out*

Claire: *hugs Annaliese soothingly* don't be afraid, Anna-chan; I'll protect you with my life *looks over to Maggie then pulls her into the hug as well* and of course, I'll protect you too, Maggie-kins. ^w^

*Being so close up on Claire, both Annaliese and Maggie couldn't help but notice the scent of her body; she smelled like strawberries.*

Annaliese: Mmmmmmh... ^//^

Maggie: *feeling itchy* Ack... >_<;

Ashuro: *goes over to Maggie and inspects her condition* you're allergic to strawberries, aren't you? *channels E-nergy into one of the bun-shaped nubs on his tail before pulling it off*

Maggie: *blow into a balloon* eeep! I'm hideous! and I can't breathe!!

Annaliese: *panicking* Oh Dear, Oh My!

Ashuro: I thought so; open wide now, okay? *pops the bun-shaped nub into Maggie's mouth* now calmly chew.

*Maggie begins chewing the E-nergy charged bun; as its flavorful juices escape with each chew and trickle down her throat, she begins regaining her original form. By the time Maggie finishes eating the healing treat, not only is she back healthy again and back to normal, she actually looks a bit more...well...cute an adorable*

Ashuro: Eh; a side effect? That's new...

Maggie: Wh-what?

Annaliese: Maggie, you're cuter!

Maggie: What? I'm always cute, what are you talking about?

Annaliese: No, Even cuter. ^^ *points at the mirror*

Maggie: *looks at it* O///O Whoa!

Megumi: Ashuro, you sly rascal; you had the ability to create a cuteness snack and didn't tell anybody?

Ashuro: I didn't even know that this would happen; she's the first person that's ever had this sort of reaction to my cure-all medicine. I hope this is the only side effect there is...O_O *senses a dangerous presence approaching them* everybody, hide!

*Everybody hides behind the tall, thick fence of hedges in the nearby garden, completely out of sight from anybody passing by. Ashuro and Marius peek through the hedge and seconds later see the last person they'd ever want to run into approach come into view: Mariyou. He looks on at the now horrific-looking mansion with an interested look on his face.*

Mariyou: … *walks away, without another sound, and vanishes*

Marius: …Who is that guy?

Ashuro: I don't know, but whoever he is, he's got this incredibly dangerous aura that surrounds him; not the kind of guy you'd want to tangle with. I sure hope this is the last time I ever see him again.

Marius: Yes...

Annaliese: He gives me the creeps...

Maggie: What Aura, Ashuro?

Ashuro: His emotions, the way he carries himself, the feeling he gives off just from being seen. Everything about that man was dangerous and even a bit deadly. If you ever see him again, get as far away from him as possible.

Maggie: Okay...

Annaliese: Always...

Marius: Sure, unless I find out more about him, but right now, we need to find out what's up with Victora...

Ashuro: Right.

Megumi: Thank you, everybody.

*All 6 of them once again stand before the nightmarish mansion. Annaliese is still terrified and even Maggie is beginning to look a little shaken-up. Claire takes a bite out of a chocolate bar before giving both girls a reassuring hug; Maggie was about to panic again until she noticed that Claire's scent had changed from strawberry to chocolate.*

Claire: Yeah, I know; weird, huh? My scent changes depending on what I eat.

Marius: *makes a scary laugh to scare Maggie*

Maggie: AIEEE!!!

Marius: Sorry, Maggie…

Maggie: O_O;; >_<

Marius: Calm down, it was just a joke…

*Just as everybody is about to walk forward to enter the mansion...*

Ashuro: Wait...*looks around* it could just be me being paranoid, but if Victora doesn't want anybody getting anywhere near her she'd have some sort of way of keeping people out. Let me try something...just to be safe *plucks his fingers* Cell Buunshin!

*An Ashuro clone appears and charges at the front door. Just before it makes it to the door, a spikey pillar erupts from the ground, nearly impaling the clone who jumps away just in time to avoid being hit. The clone lands safely and another pillar erupts from the ground, once again nearly hitting the clone. This process continues a few times until Ashuro cancels out the technique and the clone disappears in a puff of smoke. The spiky pillars go back into the ground shortly afterwards.*

Ashuro: OwO;; Yikes...she seriously wants to be left alone *thinks* I got it! First, let's deal with that door *swings his right arm around to build up momentum before throwing a powerful stretching punch to the front door, breaking it open* And finally, to get everybody inside.

*Ashuro aims his left arm at the group and sucks them all into the stone embedded in his left hand. Once that's done, he runs up to the doorway and dives inside it. Safely inside, he points his right arm out and Marius and the others fall out of the stone embedded in his right hand and onto the ground.*

Ashuro: We're in!

Marius: Okay, what now?

Megumi: I would say we need to head to her room, but...*looks around*...I don't even know where her room could be anymore.

*The entire interior of the mansion was so different from before, that not even Megumi could figure out where they were. There were rooms missing, altered staircases, horrific decor; it was like walking right into a living nightmare.*

Megumi: I've *gulp* never been this terrified to be in my own home before...

Marius: What the heck is going on??

Claire: Victora is a reality bender like Ashuro, Nikki, Scooter and Masquerade. Her dark mood must've made the entire place like this to keep everybody else away from her.

Annaliese: How should we get to her now?!

Megumi: As much as I hate to even think it...we're gonna have to split up into groups. -_-;

Annaliese: NO!

Megumi: I know, Annaliese; I don't want to do that either. But this place is now twice as big as it was before, and it would be dangerous if we were all together and something bad happened.

Annaliese: I'm scared! I want to be with someone!

Marius:'s okay if Anna goes with Ashuro?

Annaliese: Please! I want to do that instead!

Megumi: Of course; I'd never send anybody off on a mission like this alone.

Claire: I'm going with them too!

Megumi: Okay, then; Ashuro, Annaliese and Claire will be team 1 and Marius, Maggie and I will be team 2. How does that sound, everybody?

Maggie: Me & Marius...? YES!

Marius: Okay… (Marius ole boy…might want to get used to this…-_-)

Megumi: Good; now that that's settled, I think it would be best if all get started by searching the basement then...

???: Why...are

*Everybody looks at one of the open hallways and see Victora standing there. The color of her skin was white and blotchy, her eyes look faded from how long she had been crying, there are bags under her eyes from several sleepless nights, her hair was flowing straight down to her ankles from not being in its usual ring-shaped style, and very skinny and sick-looking from not eating for a few days. It took a little while for everybody but Ashuro and Megumi to recognize that the person before them was Victora.*

Megumi: *gasps* Mistress, you're sick; you need to start eating again.

Claire: Yeah, you almost look like a real vampire…er…vampiress.

Annaliese: AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! *runs away*

Maggie: O_O;; Good……Freaking……Lord…!!

Marius: …Shit…… O_o

Ashuro: Annaliese, wait! *runs after Annaliese*

Claire: Wait up, you two! You have no idea where that hallway leads! *runs after Ashuro and Annaliese*

Megumi: -w-;;

Victora: You...shouldn't have come here. I want alone right now. Please...leave now...

Megumi: Mistress, this is dangerous; you can't keep going on like this.

Victora: ...why do you care? ...nobody...really loves me...anyway.

Marius: We do care...!

Victora:'re all nothing but a bunch of liars. Just...just go back home and leave me alone or otherwise I'll let "him" deal with you.

Marius: Who is this..."Him?"

Victora: ...*vanishes in a shadowy mist*

Megumi: ...I've got a really bad feeling about this... *looks around nervously*

*A dark mist of shadows gathers in front of them and grows larger and larger as it takes on a certain shape and form. When the dark mist fades away, its place stands something absolutely horrific. It looked like their new friend, Oswald Cobblepot, AKA the Penguin...but he was HUGE...DEFORMED...and incredibly UGLY*


Marius: GOOD F***ING LORD!

Megumi: W-W-WHAT iS THAT THiNG?!

Marius: Pe-Penguin?? What the hell happened to you??

BOOMER Penguin: "Wheck Wheck!" Yeeees?

Megumi: Wait...that's supposed to be Cobblepot?!

Marius: The top hat, the monocle, the fancy cigarette… Yup, that's him!

Annaliese: What happened? Victora is---! *sees the hideous monster* AIEEEEEEE!!! Who's that!

Marius: Penguin...

Annaliese: Mr. Cobblepot???! Nooo! What did she do to you?!

Ashuro: NO WAY!! H-how could she...?

Claire: *notices that her cell phone is ringing and answers it* Hello, uh...whoever you are, please call back later; this REALLY isn't the best...What? Penguin, how did you get my cell number? Oh, you misdialed-- *phone is snatched from her hand by Annaliese* HEY!

*Annaliese frantically answers the phone, and sure enough, the person on the other end is her friend, Oswald Cobblepot. He was sort of confused as to why Annaliese was panicking and decides to ask what was happening.*

Penguin: Why are you so uplighted?

Annaliese: Mr. Cobblepot! Help! Heeeelp!! There is a Huge Man that looks like you; he's scary, and huge! You've gotta do something!

*The phone hangs up*

Annaliese: O-Oswald? MR. COBBLEPOT?!

BOOMER Penguin: "wheck! wheck!" You Seem tense little one, mind if I can make it all better, he he...

Ashuro & Claire: *stands in front of Annaliese and takes a defensive stance*

BOOMER Penguin: Hohohoho… Nice, you got a party… Let's go you 2. *uses umbrella gun*

*Claire expands and hardens her tail and uses it as rubbery shield to protect Annaliese while Ashuro dashes up to BOOMER Penguin a hits him with a stretching punch square in his face to throw him off balance before using his retractable arm-like ears to deliver a dual open-handed shove into his stomach, that resembles Monkey D. Luffy's Gum-Gum Bazooka tech, sending him into a wall.*

BOOMER Penguin: Owww, haha! Nice... *smacks him away, grabs him and throws him around like a ragdoll*

Annaliese: NO! Let go of him!!

Claire: *inflates her left arm to gigantic proportions and hits BOOMER Penguin with a full-force punch that makes him release Ashuro as he is sent flying through two walls*

Ashuro: *lands on his feet after being dropped* thanks for the assist, Claire.

Claire: *left arm deflates and returns to its regular size* my pleasure.

Megumi: it...dead?

Claire: Not even close; for a guy like him, that was nothing more than a love tap.

BOOMER Penguin: Hahaha! owww... ^^ That gotta hurt... *walks weakly about to grab Annaliese*

Annaliese: Get away!! Nooooooo!! ASHURO!! CLAIRE!! MEGUMI!! BR-BROTHER!!!

BOOMER Penguin: *grabs Annaliese* Sorry Darling, but you keep making that racket, and it's getting unpleasing....

*Boomer Penguin gets shot by a gun, and fell dead; he was shot though the temple and was bleeding badly*

Annaliese: *fell over from the Penguin's hands* Waaaaah! Ooof! >_< Wh-What was that?

Penguin: *with his umbrella, that got smoke passing though the cockpit* If there is something that grinds my gears, is that there is an ugly son of a bitch, personating me!

Annaliese: M-Mr. Cobblepot!

Megumi: *walks up to the motionless body of BOOMER Penguin an pokes it few times to confirm that it was indeed dead* phew, that...

*The BOOMER Penguin body evaporates into a shadowy mist the rises into the air.*

Megumi: O.O; So it was just one of the Mistress' illusions...OoO...that's a really bad thing.

*The shadowy mist expands and billows outwards increasing in size*

Claire: You can't be serious!!

*Taking on an all-too-familiar form, the shadowy mist disappears and in its place stands BOOMER Penguin who is now even larger than before.*

Ashuro: Guys, we've got to run! That thing is just one of Victora's thoughts; it can't be defeated!

BOOMER Penguin: Cutting, but not that Cutting!

Penguin: What the Hell is he??!

Annaliese: Let's Go!

Penguin: *runs along*

Marius: We need to stop Victora, that's all.

*Everybody dashes into one of the hallways*

Ashuro: Yes, all we need to do is stop Victora, but the problem is finding her; she's made it so that I can't sense her anywhere.

Claire: She made this place larger and changed the layout so much that we're basically in a labyrinth now; a very creepy maze with an illusionary monster Cobblepot that's able to hurt us but we can't hurt him.

BOOMER Penguin: Get back here, you puny little wimps! *shoots his umbrella gun*

Annaliese: *runs and doges at the same time* HELP ME!!

Penguin: *covers anna with his umbrella* "ghek!" >_<

Annaliese: SOMEONE STOP HER!! *holding her head, as in, that she's going to the point where she's going in to snapped mode*

Ashuro: *sees that Annaliese is about to go into snapped mode* GRRR...LEAVE US ALONE!! *tackles BOOMER Penguin in his stomach to throw him off balance before grabbing his umbrella and destroying it then uses his strength to keep BOOMER Penguin from getting any closer to the others* ... Marius, Claire, I know how we can find Victora now, but I'm gonna need both of you to help me!*still holding BOOMER Penguin in place*

BOOMER Penguin: You Got a grab there sonny boy... *grabs him, and he is unable to be free* you’re so cute I'm going to pet you till you bleed...

To be continued…

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