Friday, June 3, 2011

Speak Up and be Honest Part 2

Travel Multiversal
Shirokku-D Chronicles
"Speak Up and be Honest! Marius & Aluma”
An RP between Shirokku-D and eshonen

The youngest of the Yakaru siblings confides in her new friend; the shy Aluma loves Marius.

Aluma: *sniffing* I……I…don't know…I'm too scared to tell him my true feelings…

Angel: ...I understand; those three little words are always so hard to say. Hmm…that reminds me, how is your sister, Lalao? She’s been quite cheerful recently.

Aluma: Yes… She is doing great…

Angel: Did she happen to tell you why she’s been feeling real cheerful?

Aluma: …Quite! Yes. ^^

Angel: Well, don’t keep me hanging in suspense; what happened? *looks really eager and excited about wanting to know more*

Aluma: She is texting him all day… and showing him more…pin ups… kissing involved…

Angel: Aww ^w^ It’s so nice that she found somebody special. So, who the lucky guy, if you don’t mind me asking; is possibly somebody I might know? *has the look of a curious child on her face*

Aluma: Uhhh…Elska?

Angel: @_@;; *looks REALLY confused and dumbfounded*

*Lalao walks by and sees the hilarious look on Angel’s face causing her to bust out in laughter. Snapping out of her trance, Angel decides to ask Lalao directly.*

Angel: I need to know, Lalao; the name of the person you’re dating…their name wouldn’t happen to start with an “E,” would it? ^^;

Lalao: e-chan? :)

Aluma: My bad; I thought of Elska in my head… ^^;

Angel: *breathes a sigh of relief* Oh, thank goodness; for a moment there I thought…

Aluma: *still thinking about Angel & Marius* -_- "sigh"………*looks away, and thinking deep*

Angel: So you’re the one that e-chan speaks so fondly of; you know, it took a LOT of courage on his part to actually confess like he did. He may not seem it, but e-chan is an incredibly shy person with some major confidence issues; but I suppose his love for you was so strong that he risked even the possibility of heartbreak to let you know how he felt.

*Aluma stands up with her head looking down at the ground.*

Angel: Aluma-chan?

*Aluma walks off, heading back to where Marius and e-chan were.*

Angel: ^w^ Be brave, my friend...

*Meanwhile, e-chan and Marius are chatting with each other when Aluma comes into view*

e-chan: Hey Aluma, are you o…

*Aluma walks right past e-chan and up to Marius*

e-chan: …kay? ^^;

*Aluma looks Marius with tears in her eyes and a blushing red face...and surprises him by suddenly kissing him on the lips and following up by hugging him tightly with no signs of letting him go anytime soon.*

e-chan: O.O, such a sweet and heartwarming moment…^w^

Aluma: ……

Marius: Uhhhh.....?

Aluma: O///O ...... *runs away crying*

Marius:  Aluma? ......Aluma....?

Luna: :( *looks sad*

*e-chan and Luna look at Marius and all three of them nod their heads in agreement, deciding to go and find Aluma. It took a few hours before they finally found her sitting underneath a shaded tree next to Angel who was trying her absolute best to cheer her up, but to no avail. Defeated and feeling really guilty, Angel decides to give Aluma some alone time and walks away toward Marius.*

Angel: TT_TT*tears falling down her face* I’m so sorry, Marius-kun! *cries remorsefully* I-I only wanted to help her be more open and honest...I didn’t mean for...*sniffles then cries again*

Luna: *tries to comfort Angel* you meant no harm, Angel-chan; I’m positive she knows that you were just trying to be helpful. Marius, I believe you’re the only person here that can make everything right again; please, talk to Aluma-chan and try you absolute best to help put her mind at ease.

Aluma: TT_TT *sobbing*

Marius: *walks to Aluma, looking down at her*

Aluma: "sniffing" huh? M-Marius; a-a-a-are you mad?

Marius: ..........

*e-chan, Angel and Luna watch from a distance but are unable to hear what either of them are saying*

e-chan: We’re just doing this to make sure things go alright...right?

Angel & Luna: Uh-huh...

e-chan: But do you two REALLY need to have binoculars to do that?

Angel & Luna: Uh-huh...

e-chan: two just want to see what happens, don’t you?

Angel & Luna: Uh-huh...

e-chan: And do you both need to zoom in on Marius alone?

Angel & Luna: Uh-huh...

e-chan: two just want to ogle Marius, don’t you?...

Angel & Luna: Uh-huh...

e-chan: ...freakin’ perverts...

Angel & Luna: Uh-huh...

e-chan: -_-; *sigh*

Angel & Luna: Uh-huh...

Aluma: It's true, you hate me.... *sniffling*

Marius: Aluma....?

Aluma: Hmm?

Marius: Why did you kiss me?

Aluma: ....I....I.....I....Don't know....

Marius: Now you’re lying; you never lie…tell me what happened...

Aluma: ..........*sobbing* I’ve have a crush on you the whole time when we were children! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!!

Marius: O///O;; Uhhhhh.....?

Luna: She crying...

Angel: She must’ve just confessed to him.

Luna: Do you think everything will be alright?

Angel: I’m positive; I believe in Marius-kun...

e-chan: *notices a tear roll down Angel’s face* ...

Aluma: I....I...Love you! T___T

Marius: .........

Alexa: *out in the field* Noooo!! T_T

Marius: Huh?? O_o;;

Angel: What the...? Where’d that girl come from?

Luna: I don’t know; I’ve never seen her before.

Angel: Well, whoever she is, she has just made things more complicated than they already were.

e-chan: ... (Poor Marius...-_-;)

Aluma:  I'm sorry for kissing you suddenly like that...I'll go quietly...

Marius: ...Aluma, wait!

Aluma: Huh?

Marius:  Why’d you never wanted to tell me before? I would say yes...

Aluma: All I had to do was ask? ...."gasp" Oh Dear..... *faint*

Marius: ....Ummmm....?

Alexa: *sobbing* it’s over for me.... Marius is in love with Aluma... "sniff" Noooo……Damn it! Dammit all too Hell!

*Luna, Angel, and e-chan able to hear Alexa what she's saying, and comes to her*

Angel: Please, honey, get a hold of yourself!

Luna: Aw, don’t cry…

e-chan: *takes Alexa’s hands in his* Alexa…

Alexa: T___T Marius-kun…

*Angel and Luna take Alexa with them to help her calm down.*

e-chan: *looks at Marius* Nice job, man. :) *thumbs up* when your sleeping beauty wakes up *points to Aluma who is still laying on the ground passed out* go out and spend some time with her; I’m sure she’ll love that *leaves to go assist Angel and Luna*

Marius: Sure, Okay…

*Angel, Luna and e-chan try their hardest to console Alexa, but so far, nothing seems to be having an effect in making her feel better. They were so focused on trying to make her feel better that they didn’t even notice that Ookahara was there with them, having arrived in the area soon after they left to get Alexa. Taking one look at Alexa’s face, Ookahara right away knew what was going on. He sits down next to Alexa*

Ookahara: Ook-Ook! What’s troubling you, Miss?

Alexa: Marius-kun…with Aluma… T_T

Ookahara: You too, huh? …I can greatly relate to how you’re feeling right about now, ook-ook…

Alexa: Oh…do you?

Ookahara: Do you know Candy-gir…er, I mean, DJ Candy?

Alexa: I’ve heard… T__T what about her?

Ookahara: She's the girl of my dreams. Ook-Ook! I was there on the day she first premiered and I've followed her career since then; I've been to all of her concerts and managed all of her many fan clubs, merchandising, you name it, I did it whatever I could to make her known throughout this universe. I finally got to meet her for the first time last year and we've been buds ever since…then earlier this year, I confessed to her…

e-chan: O_O;; (Oh dear, this will not end well…)

Ookahara: …and she told me that...she loved Marius! WAAAAAHHHHH! *cries heart brokenly*

e-chan: *facepalms* (CRAP!!)


e-chan: *sigh* How troublesome; talk about absolutely pathetic…

Ookahara: *stops crying* and what is THAT supposed to mean? >_<

Alexa: What did you say?! >:(

e-chan: … OwO *gets an idea* you realize that the person you love doesn't even notice you, and suddenly it's the end of the world.

Ookahara: Ook-Ook! Do you have ANY idea what this feels like? >:|

Alexa: Yeah! Do you?!

e-chan: 7 times; I’ve experienced this same exact feeling 7 times in a row over the course of my life.

Alexa: .......

e-chan: Yeah, it definitely sucked each and every time it happened, but the thing I had to keep reminding myself of is that there were many girls out there and that one day, if I didn’t give up, I’d find somebody.

Alexa: You don't understand how I feel around Him... "sniff"

e-chan: ...true. Then feel free to enlighten me.

Alexa: Try your best to have a lover in you dreams, that you wanted so
bad, like Roxie, possibly Yuki...! or Samantha... and then found out
there with someone else! Sucks all the damn time! Right, Ookahara?

Ookahara: Ook-Ook! Exactly!

e-chan: *shrugs* Yep, it definitely sucks. ^w^

Ookahara: How can you possibly have the gall to act all cool like that when such a little cutie like Alexa is pouring her heart out over here?! >:(

e-chan: So you're saying that you think Alexa is cute? ^w^

Ookahara: Ook-Ook! That's exactly what I'm saying! >:(

e-chan: And you really want to see that she feels loved? ^w^

Ookahara: That's right! >:(

e-chan: Will you help her find somebody that'll love her? ^w^

Ookahara: With all my might! >:(

e-chan: And if you can't find anybody, will YOU be the one that'll love and care about her? ^w^

Ookahara: Of course; it would only be natural if I was so devoted to do all of that for her! >:(

e-chan: And you honestly and truly mean that with all of your heart? ^w^

Ookahara: Ook-Ook! YES! I give you my word that it's all true; and I NEVER go back on my word! >:(

e-chan: Really? Okay then, what do you think about that Alexa? ^w^

Ookahara: O.O

*Ookahara turns around and sees Alexa's face is beet-red*

Ookahara: OoO;; … *stands there with his mouth wide open and an expression on his face that says "Oh crap! I actually said all of that AND meant it without even realizing it!"* TTwTT

Alexa: .....................?! O////O

Angel: *whispers in e-chan’s ear* ”e-chan, do you really think that that was a good idea?” ^^;

e-chan: *whispers in Angel’s ear* “I dunno, but we accomplished our mission in buying Marius time and neutralizing Alexa”

*Both of them look at Alexa; both her and Ookahara are so stunned by what just happened that they just sit there unsure of what to do next.*

e-chan: Anyway, I’ll see you two later. ^w^

*e-chan, Angel and Luna leave the dumbfounded Ookahara and Alexa by themselves to go check back in on Marius and Aluma.*

Marius: ...So, When you and I was visiting.... You have that...Feeling?

Aluma: ^//^ Y-Yes... I have... ^^

Marius: Damn, why I didn't notice?

Aluma: ...I don't know... O_O;

*The trio watch from a distance*

e-chan: It looks like things are going great now. :D

Luna: Yes, they look like they’re having fun together. ^w^

Angel: Yeah...they do...-w-

Luna: Angel?

Angel: I’ll be okay; I knew what I was doing from the very beginning by encouraging her to speak up.

Aluma: *hugs Marius sweetly* ^///^

Marius: ...something tells me you want me to hang out in the lab all the time with you, huh?

Aluma: Yes... ^//^

Marius: Umm, Sure, okay... *gets up and walks off with Aluma*

e-chan, Angel and Luna: Awwwwwww... ^w^

Luna: That’s so sweet. ^w^

Angel: Seeing that really reassured me that I made the right decision. ^w^

e-chan: Mm-hmm...I get the feeling I’ve forgotten about something...OwO...oh yeah...Ookahara and Alexa...

Alexa: .... T___T *goes to find Sashi*

To be continued…

1 comment:

  1. Shonnie: If only heart-ache was that easy to deal with... :(
