Thursday, June 16, 2011

Confession Time! I Love You, Lalao Yakaru!

Travel Multiversal
Shirokku-D Chronicles
“Confession Time! I Love You, Lalao Yakaru!”
An RP between Shirokku-D and eshonen

Gathering up all of the courage he could, e-chan confronts Lalao Yakaru to ask her an important question that’s been on his mind for a long time.

e-chan: Hey Lalao, can I ask you something?

Lalao: What is it?

e-chan: Am I the kind of guy that you wouldn’t mind hanging out with? (Doh! That didn’t come out right at all! ^^;)

Lalao: …Huh?

e-chan: I’m going to stop being so weak, and say what’s really on my mind and how I feel about certain things from now on. And I wanted to start by telling you what I should’ve told you in the very beginning; I…I love you, Lalao Yakaru. >///<;; (I’m so-SO sorry, Samantha; you deserve so much better than me TT_TT)

Lalao: O_O; …………?

e-chan: (I knew it…no chance whatsoever) It's okay, I understand; I mean, I'd be just as astonished as you right now if I was suddenly confessed to like this…^^;…well…I just thought it would be fair to let you know how I felt, y'know. I'll…I'll go now if you want me too.

Lalao: Wait-a-minute, you like me??

e-chan: Yes, I do like you; very much so. ^w^

Lalao: Wait, what about Samantha?

e-chan: Although I like her, I’m not in love with her as I wished. It’s kind of hard to have a relationship when one of the two never stays in one place for long with no way to get in contact with one another; I mean, the two of us haven’t even gone on a single date yet. I can count on one hand how many times we’ve encountered each other since we both first met. I really wanted to love her, but under our current circumstances, it seems impossible. -_-

Lalao: Yeah, Samantha is acting a bit strange lately…

e-chan: I wonder what’s going on with her… *awkward silence* So…um…^^; What now? Do you need some time to think? I mean, I understand if you’re not interested…

Lalao: Your right, I do need the time to think it over…

e-chan: Okay, I’ll let you do that; just know that no matter what conclusion you come to, I’ll always be happy with the fact that I got to tell an awesome girl like you how I felt about her. ^w^ See ya later! *leaves*

Lalao: …Have you gone to my Facebook?

*e-chan returns when he hears that Lalao still wants to talk with him?*

e-chan: Facebook? No; that kind of site isn’t my kind of thing, really. ^^; I like to have a certain degree of privacy when it comes to the internet…

Lalao: Ohh, I figured that you sawed my Pin up in there…

e-chan: OwO Pin-up? *imagines Lalao in various poses that show how beautiful she is* ^///^

Lalao: Yeah, I post many… I'm just trying to get a handsome, hot guy…and…its hard, cause there are nerds on there…and also some hot guys don't dig me cause, they think I'm a lesbian…TTnTT DO I LOOK LIKE A FREAKING LESBIAN??! Huh??! ……………Sorry…

e-chan: That thought never once popped into my mind when I first met you. I mean, look at me; a lot of people think I’m nothing but a bum because of the way I dress while in reality I actually work really hard, give my 100% best and get the job done *hugs Lalao* That’s why I can empathize with you, knowing how much it hurts to be judged like that.

Lalao: Really? *feels e-chan’s belly* Do you got a Potbelly?

e-chan: Yeah…I do.^^;

Lalao: *squeezes e-chan’s belly* XP

e-chan: Hehehe! XD It used to be a lot larger when I was younger, but it’s shrunk a lot since then by me keeping relatively active and changing what and how much I eat. Most of my weight is now muscle.

Lalao: Interesting……hey, I wonder something, do you like, FRED?

e-chan: He’s okay; a little hyper for a laid-back person like myself, but he’s still okay in my book. ^w^

Lalao: Oh, I just Kaiwaii over FRED; he is sooooo cute!! …also Justin Biber! …and "gasp" Jackie Earle Haley! ^///^

e-chan: I know of FRED and Justin, but I’ve never heard of Jackie Earle Haley; I hardly watch TV anymore ^^;

Lalao: He's in Movies like, Losin it, Little Children, Watchmen, and the A Nightmare on Elm Street 2010 Remake…! …and also a TV Series, "Human Target" ^//^ He's SO Hot…

e-chan: Sounds cool! (No wonder I’ve never heard of him; I don’t watch R-rated movies ^^;)

Lalao: Lemme show you a FRED video! ^^

Marius: *came out of nowhere* Fred-Whore… -_-;

Lalao: Shuddap! Leave me alone!

e-chan: Oh, hey buddy; what brings you way out here?

Marius: I meant to pick up Lalao…

Lalao: Take that back for what you said about FRED!

Marius: Okay, I'm sorry that he sounds like a Chippette…only on crack…

Lalao: Your so mean to him!!!

Marius: -_-; …"sigh"……btw, e-chan what are you doing here anyway?

e-chan: Making a confession of love and asking Lalao to be my girlfriend.

Marius: Oh, well have fun listening to her, not shutting up about her Justin, FRED, and Jackie Porn... XD

Lalao: *slaps Marius’ arm* I Said Shut UP!

Marius: What? It’s just a Joke... XD

Lalao: Well, it’s not funny!!

Marius: To me, it is...

Lalao: Stop dissing them like that...

Marius: I only like Jackie... not those other guys... and lemme guess you like Twilight?

Lalao: "gasp" How did you knew?

Marius: -_-; I'm a mind reader.... (Zinger...)

e-chan: (^w^ I’ve got really interesting and funny friends) You still need time to think, right Lalao? When you’ve thought things through, give me a call and we’ll talk, okay? ^w^ *hands Lalao his home and cell phone number*

Lalao: Umm, Okay... ^^

e-chan: *smiles at Lalao* Until then, I’ll see you later. *waves goodbye and leaves the scene, looking really happy*

Lalao: ^w^ *giggles*

*A few hours later, Lalao is at her home on her laptop*

Lalao: *on her laptop*


*At e-chan’s home...*

Scooter: WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! iDiOTs! Those kids really tried to rob a police station! *rofl*

Megumi: HAHAHAHAHAHA! I KNOW, RiGHT! I LOVE watching “The World’s Dumbest” Thank you, Tru TV! XD

e-chan: *on his laptop detailing a picture to be posted later* You should’ve seen the one that came on the other week; that one about the world’s dumbest...pfft...hillbillies! HAHAHA! It’s quite sad really when you stop and realize that the smartest individual in all those videos was always the dog! XD


Lalao: *posting another picture of her in a pin up.* ^//^


e-chan: *on the net using Google to search for something*

Scooter: You’ve been doing a lot of typing over there; what are you doing?

e-chan: I talked to Lalao today and she told me that she had a facebook page; I’m trying to find a possible link to it.

Megumi: Lalao, eh? *grins mischievously*

e-chan: *rapid typing and mouse clicking* Found it! ^o^ Now to take a look at the...O///O *completely overwhelmed by all of the beautiful pin-ups of Lalao*

Scooter: e-chan? *snaps fingers* e ~ chan; earth to e-chan, are you there? Come back to reality.

Megumi: It’s no use Scooter; he can’t hear you now. He’s in “Kawaii Overload” mode right now.

Scooter: How long will this last?

Megumi: Until he comes to his senses or passes out; either one would do the trick.


Lalao: *send a message to e-chan*


Scooter: *drawing on e-chan’s face with a black marker* You’re right; he doesn’t even realize what I’m doing. ^w^

Megumi: *painting e-chan’s fingernails* Yeah; when he’s like this, he won’t notice a thing that’s going on around him.

*Laptop chimes*

e-chan: E-mail!

*e-chan’s sudden movement surprises both Scooter and Megumi as they scramble back where they were before and watch the TV, as if nothing had happened at all.*

Scooter and Megumi: ^3^ *whistling nonchalantly*

e-chan:’s from Lalao! ^w^ *begins reading the message*

Lalao: *using video chat* Hey, and--! *sees e-chan's face* AAH! O_O

e-chan: Eh? What’s wrong?

Lalao: Your face dude! O_O;

e-chan: My face? *picks up the clipboard next to him and looks into the shiny metal clip like a mirror* WHAT THE...!? *notices his fingernails have been painted* O_O

Scooter and Megumi: Pfft! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! *runs out of the room*

e-chan: Scooter! Megumi! *grabs a pillow and chases after them.*

*Lalao hears the sounds of laughter and an all out battle happening off camera. A few minutes later, e-chan returns with a clean face, clean nails and a battle-worn pillow.*

e-chan: Sorry about that; I had something that needed to be taken care of. So, how are you, Lalao; anything I can do for on this fine evening? ^w^

*Lalao sees Scooter and Megumi in the background with pillow feathers all over their heads making funny faces at e-chan while his back is turned on them.*

Lalao: You guys also get crazy times, huh?

e-chan: I get my fair share.

Scooter: Especially when you get together with Kevin.

Megumi: The two of you are just beacons for trouble. ^w^

Lalao: Heh. How's my Pin Up...?

e-chan: It was awesome; you’re just so beautiful. ^w^

Lalao: *blush* Oh, hoho... Thanks. ^//^

e-chan: ^w^

Scooter: Oh, e-chan, you lady-killer you!

Megumi: Hey, give her a web cam kiss! ^3^

e-chan: O//O S-S-Shaddup, you two! >//< *grabs pillow*

*Scooter and Megumi scramble off of e-chan’s bed and run out of the room laughing*

e-chan: *drops pillow* Those two...hahaha... X3 So, what should we talk about now?

Lalao: Oh, Just trying to see that you got a working account. ^^

e-chan: Okay...hey, do you like web comics?

Lalao: Not much of a comic geek...

e-chan: I see. Well, this one is worth checking out at least once. It’s a comic made by Phillip M. Jackson, more commonly known as “Jollyjack” called “Sequential Art” It’s all about the many misadventures of a human comic artist named Art and his roommates Pip, an otaku penguin, Kat, a professional photographer cat girl, and Scarlet, a genius squirrel girl with the most severe case of A.D.H.D. you’ll ever meet. XD

Lalao: I’ve heard of it...

e-chan: It's a real nice read, and the artwork is awesome *looks down to his
left* OoO;; No-no-no-no-no...AH CRAP!!

Lalao: Hmm??

e-chan: My DSi ran out of power and shut down before I could save my game; it took me FOREVER to beat that boss, too. T_T

Lalao: Sucks... O_o

e-chan: I know, right? It was bad enough when my Action Replay DSi device got messed up, leaving me unable to download that upgrade I need to be able to use the codes I got for my Pokemon Black Version.

Lalao: Games can do that... ^^;

e-chan: Maybe I should go get Luna to check it out for me; she’s a genius when it comes to game mods...I wish I had her knowledge; that girl can access debug mode on ANY game out there without having to fear getting hit by random flying “hax” monitors.

Lalao: O_O; Hows that's possible?? Ohh, no wonder Luna often look frightened every time she does a debug... but she dodges them, right; was there one time where she got hit?

e-chan: Once or twice in the beginning; I mean, who expects to get hit by a flying monitor all of a sudden? ^^; Once she figured out what was going on, dodging then became second nature.

Lalao: Good God...

e-chan: OwO That reminds me, the next time me and my gaming buds get
together I want to invite you to enjoy us; Luna created an awesome game mod
for SSBB and she's gonna bring it with her for us all to test out. Don't ask
me how they did it, but one of the many things she did to that game made it
possible to play as the Assist Trophy character AND the Pokemon from the
Pokeballs. ^w^

Lalao: Ahh... *notice the clock* That Justin Biber concert is on! OMG! BRB! ^^ *runs to the T.V.*

e-chan: *notices that Lalao wasn't wearing any pants* OwO

Scooter: Hey, e-chan, we’re gonna order some pizza.

Megumi: You like the veggie-lovers topping, right?

*Both of them see that e-chan is in “Kawaii Overload” mode again*

Megumi: thinking what I’m thinking?

Scooter: Yeah...go get the electric hair clippers and a marker; we’ll give him the Krillin style ^w^

*After the concert*

Lalao: Kawaii! So Great!! ...So e-chan, now what do you--- *see what happed to him* AAAAAIEEE!!!

e-chan: *snaps back to reality* Huh-who-what-where?! *sees the surprised look on Lalao’s face...then a cold breeze on his head* O_O;; *feels the top of his head and notices that he’s bald* What the heck, man!?

Scooter and Megumi: *snickering*

e-chan: Not cool, guys; SO not cool! *reaches underneath his bed and pulls out a toy plastic bat*


Megumi: OwO;; I think it’s safe to say that we might’ve gone too far this time!

*e-chan jumps off of his bed and chases after Scooter and Megumi who run out of the room screaming and laughing at the same time. Lalao hears some loud, hollow thuds echo through the speakers; thinking about what must be happening, she couldn’t help but to bust out in laughter, wishing she was there to see what was going on.*

Lalao: O My God...

*Lalao can still hear Scooter and Megumi laughing as the run back into the room and jump onto e-chan’s bed followed by e-chan who playful whacks Scooter on his hardened afro with, 99 cent toy plastic bat. She sees that the three of them were just having fun together and that e-chan wasn’t trying to really hurt them at all (not that anybody could be hurt with such a toy that was nothing but a thin shell of plastic) no, the three of them were just a couple of goofballs that liked to joke around with one another.*

All 3: *laughing*

e-chan: That was a good one guys! ^w^ You actually just saved me $15 by doing this.

Scooter: Hihihihi! Always happy to help, buddy :D

Megumi: Don’t thank us just yet; we need that $15 to pay for the pizzas. ^o^

e-chan: I was gonna spend it at some point; pizza is always a nice investment.

*All Lalao could think was that they truly were just three silly goofballs as she watched them laughing and having fun with one another; she was actually happy knowing the kind of person that e-chan could be that much of a fun person.*

Lalao: Hehehehe...

e-chan: So, Lalao...where should we go from here?

Lalao: Maybe, Dinner?

e-chan: OwO Dinner sounds great; how about Saturday evening?

Lalao: Sounds Great! ^^ OMG this well---! Wait, where to go to...?

e-chan: Hmm...I work at a Red Lobster here in town and we’ve got some good deals going on right now; so if you’re not allergic to seafood or if you’d prefer something else, we could go there if you’d like. ^^;

Lalao: Allergic? No; not at all! ^^

e-chan: So, it all good? We can go? *looks very excited and happy*

Lalao: Hell-Yeah! ^^

e-chan: ^w^ Yes! Alright! I’ll pick you up at 5 P.M. then, okay?

Lalao: Sure Thing. ^^

e-chan: Great! I’ll see you then; have a nice night...

*e-chan and Lalao stare deeply into each other’s eyes*

Scooter & Megumi: Awwww... ^3^

Lalao: Bye now, I got dinner... ^^

*Both of them shut off their webcams.*

e-chan: YiEEEEEEEE!! I can’t believe it! I never thought it would happen! I got a date with Lalao! *rolling around on the ground*

To be continued...

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