Thursday, June 20, 2019

Lunch Time Shenanigans! Just Another One of those Days!

Travel Multiversal
Life of an Average Guy
Episode 3
“Lunch Time Shenanigans! Just Another One of those Days!”

An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

Taking an elevator down to the basement level both Kevin and Ashuro travel down a well maintained hallway until they find a man lounging up against the wall beside the door to the underground laboratory; it was Cazador Veins himself. He too seemed to be taking a break from whatever was happening in the lab as well. From the grin on his face, something interesting must've happened not too long ago.

Kevin: Hey Caz.

Cazador: *Looks up* Oh, hello Kevin.

Kevin: .....What is up?

Cazador: Nothing too much, just...well, something came up. And knowing you, you are down here because it is somehow related to your current agenda. =w=

Ashuro: Is our friend Batou still here? We heard that she was here earlier =o

*As if to answer both Ashuro's and Kevin's question at the same time Cazador simply opened the door to his lab to give both of them a look inside. The inside of Cazador's lab was covered from top to bottom in sticky spider webs. It was another one of Hayumi's failed inventions. Taking inspiration from Dandelion's natural ability to create spider silk, Hayumi thought she would create a spider silk that could possibly replace cement as a binder in building materials. So, with Hana's assistance, she synthesized some cybernetic spiders that could synthesize said spider silk. However, before Hayumi could install some virus protection software in the spiders, Batou made her surprise visit and got distracted. Hana was so happy to make a new friend that she decided to show Batou the jar containing the spiders that she and Hayumi were working on together. Unknown to Hana, however, Batou was absolutely terrified off spiders and freaked out upon seeing them, smacking the specially-lined jar out of Hana's hands and onto the floor where it shattered, setting the spiders free. They immediately locked onto the Wi-Fi and because no anti-virus software had been installed on them yet they immediately got infected and went berserk, creating super sticky and elastic spider webs everywhere. Batou, Hana and Hayumi ended up getting suspended and trapped in the spider webs but thankfully Hayumi had made a kill switch remote for the spiders and managed to activate to destroy them before they could get free from the lab. That was one crisis averted but the more immediate one was getting free from the super sticky spider webs. Suspended in the air in a mess of spider webs were three now completely naked girls in awkward positions, with their clothes dotted all over the spider webs in their attempts to struggle free. Hayumi had also created a solution to dissolve the spider webs but it was still being synthesized and wouldn't be ready for a few more hours. The three girls would be going nowhere anytime soon, unfortunately.*

Ashuro: ... |D

Batou: Are you sure that the spiders are dead?

Hayumi: Unfortunately yes; that's days of work I'll never get back... -3-

Hana: Ooka-Ooka! It's Mr. Kevin! Hi Mr. Kevin! ^o^

Hayumi: W-W-What?? Kevin's here!? *butt and boobs suddenly expand* Noooo, so embarrassing! >///<;

Kevin: ..... =//o//=;

Cazador: *Chuckles joyfully to himself* At this point you will have to ask the guy to marry you, Hayumi! He has seen you naked more than anyone else in the company! Hana, try to rock your body back and forth a little, as if you are bouncing on a trampoline! Maybe the additional weight Hayumi just gained will tear the web if it bounces hard enough! =w=

Kevin: ....Y-you sure love to put the girl through humiliating situations... o//o;

Cazador: Nah, it just happens and I roll with it. =w=

*Hana begins doing as Cazador suggested; she and Hayumi were only a few years younger than Ashuro but Hana had a well-toned body from her very athletic and wild child life, with traits of her half-Kakuen DNA beginning to manifest on her arms and legs. Hayumi was at the exact opposite of the body spectrum. Due to her mostly indoor and less active lifestyle she was slightly chubby but had a very well developed and womanly body despite her age. She had been crushing on Kevin since the first day he started working at Tyrant Corporations but due to her shy and awkward nature was never able to hold a regular conversation with him due to something random happening all the time. Sure enough, with Hana rocking back and forth combined with Hayumi's extra weight, one of the spider web strands broke and the three girls were lowered down low enough by the web's elasticity to allow the others to help fully free them. Their clothes would have to wait, however, to avoid tearing them to pieces due to how strong the stickiness of the web was.*

Cazador: Alrighty then, Kevin, Ashuro, let’s get these three nudists out of their pickle. =w= *Steps over to Hana and starts to try cutting her loose*

Kevin: I guess we better... *Approaches Hayumi from behind, due to the way she was hanging in the web* Look at the bright side, are not trapped and exposed in public. Well, not this time.

Hayumi: >///<

Ashuro: *stretches her arms above Batou and tries to cut the spider threads attached to her from above*

Kevin: ^///^; *Attempt to get Hayyumi loose by gently pulling at her body in various places, at first*

Cazador: This might sting a bit... *Gives a quick yank and swipe on the spider web stuck to Hana, as if removing a wax tape, leaving her red and sore in areas where it had been stuck*

Hana: *winces slightly* >wQ

Hayumi: TwT (I want to crawl into a hole and disappear...but Kevin is actually touching me, trying to help me~ ...I don't know how to feel... )

Batou: This is part of the reason why I don't like spiders... -_-;

Ashuro: What about Ms. Dandelion?

Batou: She's okay, I have no problem with her; it's the small, tiny ones that can crawl into your ears that I don't like *shivers slightly*

Kevin: Spiders are not all that bad.... Now, bees and wasps, that is another story... =~=; ...Just need one last...

*Kevin grabs Hayumi by her hips and uses the strength he could muster to pull as hard as he could, the wax tape effect applying to Hayumi and her enlarged chest, just like it did with Hana. The two then find themselves on the ground, Hayumi firmly planted in Kevin's lap*

Kevin: T-there we go. ^//^;

Hayumi: O//o//O *unsure of what to do next*

Ashuro: Almost...there! *cuts the last strand holding Batou in the air*

Batou: WAIT! WHOA! *falls to the ground and lands directly on her butt* YOW! ... *looks over at Kevin and Hayumi and grumbles a bit* lucky... -//3//-

Cazador: *Looks up at the clothes, hanging in the web* It's going to take a while to get those down. Even Ms. Fantastic here is not reliable for that, she might just end up tearing them to pieces with her strength.

Kevin: *Stands up and holds Hayumi close, to keep her front covered, at least* Well you can't just have them strut around without clothes...? >///>

Cazador: Boy, that is probably the easiest task I can complete right now. I just need to lump them out of the door, and it would be done. |D

Batou: O//~//O;; please tell me you have more of those lab coats lying around...

Hana: *removes the last bit of spider web keeping her trapped and lands expertly on her feet* Ooka-Ooka! Of course we do; Hana will go and get some ^o^ *goes over to a closet nearby and opens it only to find that it was empty* ...oh yeah, Hana remembers now; the sentient blob that Hayumi accidentally created yesterday got into the coat closet and Hana had to take all of the lab coats to the cleaners down the hall. ^^

Batou: -|||- ...and when will that dissolving solution be ready again?

Hayumi: Unfortunately it won't be ready until the end of the work day...

Batou: ...great... TTwTT

Kevin: ...Well, uh....c-can't you three just chill here and just stay out of-

Cazador: No can do. Without anything to wear, the risk of them getting some dangerous chemicals on their bodies is too high. I can't let them stay in here..

Kevin: ....Uh...I am not sure if you are just being cruel now, or if you are serious. ._.;

Cazador: I am both, dear normie. So skedaddle out of the lab now, or be forced out by me.

Kevin: ...Guess we have to abide by his words... >//__//>;

*With no other choice, the three naked girls leave the lab with Kevin and Ashuro right behind them.*

Batou: *covering up her breasts and crotch* ...well this sucks... -~-;

Hayumi: *covering her nethers since her breasts were too big to cover anyway* On the plus side there is barely any traffic down here so the odds of us being seen by a lot of people are...

Batou: *quickly covers Hayumi's mouth* DON'T, say anymore. Whenever things like that are said thing ALWAYS gets worse. >~<;

Kevin: *Follows the movements of the butts of the three of them, having to shake his head a few times to get out of the trance-like state they put him in* ...I won't say anything, in that case. I will be quiet. .//_//.;

Ashuro: Yep, you really haven't changed a bit, Batou |D

Batou: How so?

Ashuro: This: all of this. Your ENF syndrome, as Hayama calls it, is still in full force, affecting you and any other unfortunate girl that happens to be nearby

Batou: There is no such thing as ENF syndrome, Ashuro; Hayama was just trying to be funny. -3-

Ashuro: Well, after travelling with you, Emerald, Sashi, Victora, Megumi and I beg to differ. -w-

Kevin: ....So.... Did I get you right? All six of you...ended up naked on a regular basis against your will..?

Ashuro: Yup it happened regularly and it was always when Batou was around. Surprisingly the guys around us never suffered the same fate despite being in the same place so they seem to be immune, but any girls caught up in whatever situation Batou was involved always ended up as naked as the day they were born whether they wanted to be or not. Ms. Dandelion definitely took her break at just the right time in this case

Kevin: That is...interesting, to say the least. ./w/.; And it seems like you have managed to survive the day unscathed so far as well, Ashuro.

Ashuro: Yeah, I guess you're right. But I'll admit, even when Batou isn't around I do have my...slip-ups Most recently, before meeting you, I rushed to get ready for work and forgot to put on underwear. I delayed too long in getting off of the bus and the bus door snagged my hoodie and skirt, driving away with them

Kevin: Oh...well, that is indeed unfortunate. But hey, at least no situation like that has popped up while you have been working here. The only times that you have had some accidental exposure has been the times you have been doing laundry and end up accidentally mooning me, because that tail of yours likes to raise the shirts you wear...

Hayumi: You think something like your bus incident is bad? Imagine just walking along, minding your own business, when your butt decides to suddenly expand, completely destroying any bottom clothing that isn't a dress or a skirt? Or have your chest suddenly grow larger and destroy or stretch out your top? Or both at the same time? >///<;

Kevin: …… *Puts his arms around Hayumi and hugs her close* And it’s not exactly made better by the fact that me and others just stare at you until you run off crying or Cazador drapes a new coat over you... Sorry...

Hayumi: O///O ... -//w//- *melts into Kevin's hug* I-I don't mind if it's you watching, Kevin~ *realizes that she said that out loud* O//x//O;; *quickly buries her face into Kevin's chest*

Hana: *lounges around, not even trying to cover up*

Kevin: o//3//o; ....Um....a-and Hana is just embracing her natural self. >///> Her well-toned and athletic natural self... *Strokes the back of Hayumi's head and down along her back*

Hana: Ooka-Ooka! I Hana's Mama can walk around with little to no clothes on everywhere and not be ashamed then why should Hana?

Kevin: ...Fair point, I guess? >//>; "If you got it, flaunt it", right? Right...? *Glances at Ashuro, Batou and Hayumi* ....She is without a doubt the most healthy and fit person I know of, that is for sure.

*Although they didn't want to just leave the three girls like they were but Kevin and Ashuro would have to get back to work soon. When they made it back up to the lobby they saw Rex and Byakuru sharing a final handshake with one another.*

Byakuru: Here's to working with you all here Now I can finally tell that cockroach Gecko to stop bugging me.

Rex: Believe me, sir. You won’t regret this decision.

Kevin: *Approaches the two of them along with Ashuro* So, I take it everything is alright here?

Rex: Hmm? Oh yes, it all went really well. And I will gladly help in supporting your case, Kevin.

Kevin: ...Excuse me?

Rex: I think it is a brilliant idea that you are taking care of Batou and making sure she is kept in check and learn a few things. We can try to work her into your working hours so you can bring her here, work alongside you and the others and stuff like that.

Kevin: *Hears glass break in the back of his mind as he realizes what it meant to have Batou around at work, now that he knew of her "syndrome" and the shenanigans that would ensure* ...Oh, r-right, of course. That sounds wonderful. ^/w/^;

Ashuro: OwO;;

Byakuru: BTW, where is that little spitfire of mine?

Ashuro: Um...she's...she actually became friends with two members of the staff here and is getting to know them better

Byakuru: Really? That is wonderful! No sooner than we all become comrades and there is already massive progress. Now I know for sure that I made the right decision. Well, I'll see you all later then. ^^

*Byakuru exits the building in high spirits.*

Rex: You are making progress.

Kevin: ...Sir?

Rex: Never mind your training, your social life is slowly improving as well. You are starting to make some connections. That is very good.

Ashuro: *lightly grasps Kevin's hand*

Kevin: ... I-I guess there is truth to that.

Rex: Yeah, so just keep it up. And take good care of him, just as much as he takes care of you. *Pets her and starts to walk off*

Ashuro: Will do, sir

Kevin: Watch over me, you can hardly watch a pizza in the oven without the timer clock~ *Chuckles and pulls back her hoodie, giving her a noogie*

Ashuro: *giggles*

Kevin: *Chuckles and smiles at her* .....Everything so good, so far.... =w= But knowing this place, we are sure to continue to have stuff happened until the day is over.

Ashuro: That's usually what you think that Ms. Dandelion stayed away from the coffee like you told her to?

*No sooner had she said that before they heard something crash*

Kevin: ....You had to say it... o~o;

Ashuro: *covers her mouth when she realizes what she did* oops OwO

Kevin: Come on, to the cafeteria we go… Ho boy...

Ashuro: Right behind you ^o^

*And true to Kevin's had happened again. There, lounging over one of the chairs, feet on the table, clad in nothing but her undergarments, was Dandelion. She was all red in the face and giggling/laughing like a goof, with a coffee cup in one of her hands. True to her arachnid blood, the caffeine was making her drunk.*

Kevin: Oh my god, Dandy.... I told you to not drink any...

Dandelion: *hiccups* Hay Kevin, whashup? 'ave you tried dis cuffee b'for? Ish real delishous~

Ashuro: What kind of coffee is that? Irish?

Kevin: Doesn't matter....spiders get really drunk if they get any caffeine. Its like white wine to them. >_>; *Walks over and puts both his arms under Dandelion's arms, hoisting her up from her seat* Come here, you...

Dandelion: Whoo~ where we goin'~?

Kevin: Somewhere out of the public eye. You can’t spazz around in your underwear.... =//=;

Dandelion: Public? But thiz iz my private beach; we're milez awai from the public~

Kevin: .... *Glances back at Ashuro* See what I mean? =~=; *Hoists Dandelion up onto his back, holding onto her butt to keep her up.* >//~//<; Sorry....

Dandelion: Whee~ Emu ride time! Onward! Ya-Ya! *kicks at Kevin's sides in attempt to get him to move*

Kevin: Guh! Ouch! Kidneys, Dandelion! Quit! Q~<;;; *Attempt at grabbing her legs instead*

Ashuro: *gathers up Dandelion's clothes* where are we taking her?

Kevin: Downstairs to the others... I frankly have no idea where else to put her.

Dandelion: Downstairs...we goin' to see Cazzy? Oh joy~ I knows a shortcut~

*Dandelion reaches out towards a wall and presses a hidden switch behind a painting hanging on the wall. All three of them are warped away and back to the inside of Cazador's lab...but in midair where there were still a lot of spider webs hanging about. With cat-like reflexes Ashuro stretches out her arms and legs out to the walls to cling to them and uses her long tail to catch Kevin before he fell into the spider webs. Unfortunately she could not do the same for Dandelion and her clothes as she fell safely into the same spider webs as Batou, Hana and Hayumi were in, getting stuck there as well. Ashuro carefully lowers Kevin down to the ground and then has him catch her as she falls into his arms. Ashuro was so fun to hold in his arms that Kevin really didn't want to put her down. They both then look over to see Cazador, who was previously trying to do something about the remaining spider webs, looking back at them then at Dandelion and figured that they must've used the one malfunctioning warp panel to get there.*

Cazador: Hmm... Tsk, well... This doesn’t surprise me as much as it should have. =w=;

Kevin: Sorry for barging in like that. We just kinda "poof"ed in here, beyond our control.

Cazador: Yeah, thanks to little miss pink and exposed up there...

Dandelion: Cazzy~ whassup my lovely Cazzy~?

*Dandelion tries to stumble out of the spider webs but just ends up completely naked and still stuck in the webs.*

Ashuro: Is it ironic that this happened and Batou is just outside?

Cazador: No, it’s not rare for her to get naked when she is drunk. =3=; I am just going to cut her down...

Kevin: You do that...

Cazador: Please don’t move so much, Dandy... *Starts to cut her loose*

Dandelion: Cazzy Cazzy Chuki Chuki~ *maneuvers around so that she can nuzzle up against Cazador lovingly*

Cazador: D-Dandy, please.... =//~//= Not now....

Kevin: .....Soooooo you two going to Netflix and chill tonight, then?

Cazador: Wha- Shut up. =/A/=

Ashuro: *giggles*

Kevin: Dude, it’s obvious that the two of you have a thing going. Just admit it and everything will-

Cazador: Oh yeah, why don’t you and kitty girl rent a hotel room and stay there for the weekend.... -//__//-

Kevin: ..... .//__//.; ...Um...

Cazador: Thought so.

*With one final cut of the spider web, Dandelion is freed and lands right in Cazador's arms and start kissing him all over his face in a drunken state.*

Dandelion: Kiss-kiss-kiss~

Cazador: D-Dandelion, stop that. Not in front of the others... >///O; *Isn't restricting it as much as he is letting on*

Kevin: ..... Shall we leave these two to their own devices?

Ashuro: Let's

Kevin: *Takes Ashuro by the hand* See ya later. Don't do anything you'll regret.

Cazador: I won't! D//X

*Both Kevin and Ashuro exit the lab and see Batou, Hana and Hayumi, still naked, just outside next to the door.*

Batou: Huh? How did the two of you get back here without passing us by?

*Kevin couldn't help but notice that neither Batou or Hayumi were bothering to cover up anymore, despite him standing in front of them.*

Ashuro: You three are looking close

Batou: Yeah, these two are really cool; I can't believe that our families have been friends for all of this time and I never got together with these two sooner. Thanks to Hana, neither Hayumi or I feel absolutely anxious about being seen naked fact, it's quite liberating -w-

Hayumi: If I imagine myself in my room cooling off after a long, hot bubble bath then it's not so bad

Hana: Ooka-Ooka! Hana is always happy to help

Kevin: Huh. Well, uh....nice work, Hana; that was an unexpected turn of events, but well done. ./w/.; *Gently pets Hana and gives her a light kiss on her forehead* You have done well, I would say. ^//^

Hana: *wags her tail happily*

Kevin: *Glances at Batou and Hayumi again...instantly bursting into a bright red blush* Well, I still find it hard to face you in your state of attire, if I may be honest...

Hayumi: Then...then you better make sure to look at us a lot when we get our clothes back, o-okay?

Kevin: *Nods* Y-yes of course, Hayumi. I promise to give you all the attention you deserve and/or need. ^//^

Hayumi: *smiles warmly*

*As the lunch break drew to a close both Kevin and Ashuro went back to work with nothing big happening for the rest of their shifts. Once their shifts were over they both headed back down to Cazador's lab; seeing as the girls were no longer standing outside the lab naked it told them that they all must have been allowed back inside the lab. Walking inside they see that Batou, Hana and Hayumi were fully dressed and using the dissolving agent that Hayumi had made to deal with the remaining spider webs while Cazador sat and watched, taking a much needed break after having to work alone for several hours. They also couldn't help but notice a sober but still completely naked Dandelion standing in a corner with her hands on her head and now sporting a bright red bottom, paying her dues for breaking her promise not drinking coffee when Cazador wasn't around.*

Hana: Ooka-Ooka! Welcome back, you two! ^o^

Batou: We're just cleaning up the mess we made.

Hayumi: Batou... -o-

Batou: Er...I mean...the mess that "I" made

Kevin: Well, at least you didn't run away and shirt responsibility...

Cazador: But next time, please stay with your boyfriend and don’t wander aimlessly into my lab... =w=

Kevin: I-I am not- o//o;

Cazador: I am teasing you and the bat, blondie...

Batou: .//w//.

Hana: *sprays the last webs with the dissolving agent high up on the ceiling* and done! Hana is all finished over here~ ^o^

Hayumi: *sprays the last webs on the wall with the dissolving agent* finished here...I'm not sure on how to classify this experiment; things went south very quickly due to me not installing the anti-virus software right away but the spider silk my little spiders made proved to be incredibly strong...I'm not sure if I failed again or succeeded for once...

Cazador: Let’s just say it passed, but it needs work.

Kevin: Sounds about right.

Hayumi: *looks happy about receiving a passing grade*

Dandelion: Cazador, can I come out of the corner now? ;3;

Cazador: ... *Looks at his watch* .....Yes, you can. Just be aware that your clothes are not available right now. They are being cleaned.

Dandelion: Okay; if you need me then I'll be outside the lab...

Hayumi: You don't have to do that, Dandelion *takes off her lab coat, revealing her casual clothing of a monochromatic-colored top and skirt, and gives it to Dandelion* here, you can borrow mine ^^

Dandelion: Thank you, Hayumi ^^ *graciously accepts the coat and puts it on*

Cazador: ....That works too... -w-

Kevin: That’s nice of you Hayumi. *Pets her atop her head*

Hayumi: *giggles*

Batou: So what are you two going to do now that you're done with work?

Hana: Ooka-Ooka! Hana is going to go and train with Mama; Hana already feels rusty from not moving around a lot these last few hours.

Hayumi: I'm going to head home and revise some details for some of my experiments and see if anything I learned today can be used to improve any of my other projects.

Ashuro: I've got to help Kevin make dinner~ ^o^

*Kevin was a little nervous with the idea of Ashuro helping him make a meal again; the little kitten might be a prodigy at combat but she had no cooking sense or skill whatsoever, either injuring herself or ruining the food whenever she tried to cook. Just the other day the microwave almost exploded due to her putting a bowl with a spoon in it along with it also being covered in aluminum foil.*

Kevin: It’s....a learning process. If she is going to ever learn to live by herself, I gotta at least try to help her out in learning the basics.

Batou: Seriously? Are seriously telling me that you've forgotten everything I taught you about cooking, Ashuro?

Ashuro: Sorry, Batou

Batou: Figures

Kevin: She has told me multiples times that it’s only thanks to you and her other friends that she has been able to go on to this day… =w=;

Batou: That is indeed accurate...but it was only natural; she went up to bat for each and every one of us and helped us all in our largest times of need so helping her out in the departments that she lacked in was the least we could do. ^^

Kevin: *Picks Ashuro up and holds her close in his arms* Maybe one day you will help me out of a big blunder. Though I hope you won’t need to help me with something like that...I like having a peaceful slightly-above-average life...

Cazador: Yet you are jealous of us who have powers and abilities.

Kevin: Yes, I admit to that. =3=;

Batou: Wait, you don't have powers? Then why are my senses and gut telling me that you're brimming with power? I couldn't have lost my touch for sensing powerful opponents after a year of not getting into fights, have I?

Cazador: Allow me to correct. Kevin does have some latent powers, however, he is unable to draw them out, which basically is the same as him not having any. In theory.

Kevin: Rex has been training me, but....we still can't get anything to come out.

Ashuro: Now that you mention it, the two of you are actually in the same situation ^^

Kevin: ...pardon?

Ashuro: Batou also has the same problem. She has above average physical strength and is an excellent swordswoman but her powers are also latent. The two of us trained together for quite a while but we just haven't found that one way that'll work for her to bring them out.

Kevin: ...Oh really? O.O Now I am the one surprised.

Batou: My Dad has Fire elemental powers; if he wanted to he could make each of his sword strikes explode with flames.

Hayumi: That's so cool! My Dad has Time elemental powers; he's learned how to use them so he can see a little bit into the future. That talent really comes in handy when he's deciding what actions to take during his experiments...I wish that my element was that useful... .///.

Kevin: That is certainly a really useful and powerful thing to have... What was your element again, Hayumi?

Hayumi: Mine is Space element, which mainly controls gravity...but mine is still unstable. More often than not I can't fully control where my gravity control goes and it leads to...some embarrassing situations... >///<

*Kevin managed to put two and two together and figure out why he's seen Hayumi naked so many times now. Most of those times happened whenever she was training and he always encountered her in the weirdest of places, usually dropping out of the sky from nowhere and into his arms, naked as the day she was born.*

Kevin: ....Oh, I see.... <//.//< You know, I can ask Rex if you can join my sessions. Maybe if you got more help from some professionals and get decent enough gear it would be...easier for you to train and master it?

Cazador: Why? Isn't it fun to have her expose herself like that? =w=

Kevin: No comment. .//_//.

Hayumi: Perhaps getting a teacher for this would be more beneficial than self-study; I would like that ^^

Kevin: Alright then, I am going to talk to Rex and we'll go from there. Will be nice to have a training buddy for once, and not just having Rex and others oversee my growth and experience.

Ashuro: Nice; when you get farther in your training we may be able to get a sneak-peak at what your element might be by giving you the E-Wood test

Batou: E-Wood?

Ashuro: Yeah, have you never heard of it?

Kevin: I have heard of a couple things in my time. E-Wood is not one of them. ._.

Ashuro: It's quite simple, really *takes a hunk of wood out of the stone in her left hand* this is E-Wood; it is used for finding out what sort of elemental power, if any, you have. You know how the Shinobi have that paper test for elemental Chakra and how Hunters have that water test for determining what Nen type you are? That's basically what this is but for a variety of different energy types and elements. Once you get far enough in your training and learn how to channel your energy throughout your body, all you need to do is channel your energy into the wood. Depending on what happens to the wood determines what elemental type you’re more suited for.

Hana: Ooka-Ooka! Let Hana try; Mama has been teaching Hana how to channel energy recently~ ^o^

*Hana holds the chunk of E-Wood in her hands and begins channeling her energy into it; after a few seconds of waiting the wood splinters into multiple pieces, looking like she was holding a bunch of toothpicks.*

Hana: Ooh~ O3O

Kevin: ....Oh. Interesting. =O

Cazador: The Kakuen has potential, no doubt about it.

Ashuro: Ooh, a splintering of the wood like that means that your element might be Wind. Usually a clean split down the middle would be a sign of Wind element power but for it to cut the wood up to this degree must mean that your particular Wind power is very strong ^^

Hana: Yay!

Ashuro: Depending on what your element type is the wood will react in different ways. If the wood burns up into ash that means that you're a Fire element. If water starts leaking out of the wood that means that you're a Water element. Sparks coming out of the wood, the wood getting sliced in half, the wood becoming as hard as stone and the wood growing leaves and flowers are a sign of Electric, Wind, Earth and Nature elements respectively. Those six are some of the more common and base types that you'll find. But there are advanced variants of these as well as rare specialty ones.

Hayumi: Advanced and specialty?

Ashuro: Yes your Gravity element is an example of a specialty element, Hayumi; your Dad's Time element is another ^^

Kevin: Lots of stuff to investigate and test, in other words.

Ashuro: But all of those pale in comparison to the super-duper rare one. If the E-Wood glows gold that means that you're actually capable of using every element imaginable.

*Ashuro could see that Cazador was finding this information fascinating.*

Ashuro: *takes several more hunks of E-Wood out of the stone in her left hand* I've got a lot of these so you can have some if you want ^^ *offers them to Cazador*

Cazador: Ah, thank you little one. This is something I really want to look into~

Dandelion: Ooh~ let me see one! *grabs a hold of one of the E-Wood chunks and holds it in two of her hands, focusing deeply on it, causing it to erode and melt in her hands a few seconds later* OwO;; Uh...was...was it supposed to do that? What does that mean?

Ashuro: If I remember correctly, if the E-Wood corrodes or melts like that it means that you have an advanced variant of Earth and Nature element: Poison. ^^

Dandelion: What?? I have a variety of chemicals in my body but poison is not one of them.

Ashuro: The definition of Poison in this sense is very wide; it can range from all sorts of chemicals from actual poison to acid and beyond. ^^

Kevin: I am following so far, but don’t drop an entire DnD guide on me... ^w^;

Cazador: *Notes down what Ashuro is saying*

Batou: Since when did you become such an intellectual, Ashuro?

Ashuro: I just know a lot about the world of fighting techniques; it's the one thing that I know and am good at ^^

Kevin: That and cuddling.

Cazador: Hmm...? >w>

Kevin: Nothing. .///.

Batou: Well, if I'm going to be staying with you I can at least help you out in the cooking department; aside from fighting that is the only other thing that I am good at ^^

Kevin: Oh hey, sounds like the maid uniform will be fitting anyway, then?

Batou: OwO; Oh, right...that...

Kevin: *Pats her on the head* I am sure you're gonna look amazing, or at least adorable, in it~

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