Sunday, June 16, 2019

Evellia's Daring Rescue Mission! Storming Section V!! Part 2

Travel Multiversal
Shirokku-D Chronicles
“Evellia’s Daring Rescue Mission! Storming Section V!! Part 2”

An RP between Rokku-D and eshonen

As the rescue team began making their move their friends sat in their high-tech cells, wondering what was to happen to them. Batou, Klarina, their infant son, Elska and Sarna all shared a cell while e-chan, Mizuki and Hiri shared the cell next to them.

e-chan: ... *takes out the ring box he bought earlier and looks at it as he sighs then puts it away again* How are you guys holding up?

Batou: Okay enough...

Mizuki: Darn it, I knew I could've got my power suit at all times....

Hiri: *whimpers* What will happen next?

Elska: Hey now... Calm Down, Sweetie... *hugs Hiri to calm her down* -.- There... There...

Hiri: ;^; *hugs back*

e-chan: Everything is going to work out, Hiri; that I promise you. For now, all we can do is wait. And... *looks around* those Vacuum guys didn't get ALL of my gear when they caught us *takes out a deck of his special cards* while I try to come up with a plan with the tools that I do have... *takes two cards out and channels his E-nergy into them, creating a big box of M&M Cookies and a Game Boy Advance SP that had Super Mario World in it* try not to think about our current state right now ^^

*Mizuki immediately goes for the cookies while Hiri takes the Game Boy and immediately starts playing, her worries for the time being completely gone. That's when they hear the rustling from the bed of one of their cell mates. A little white sea bunny girl with black spots that was no older than five years old awoke from her slumber to see her new cell mates.*

Zenni: Oh, hello~ I've never had roomies before. I'm Zenni, who are you?

Hiri: ;w; ...Everything is okay.... *plays away* w

Mizuki: Thank Yo--! ....Eh? .... Hi Hi! My Name Is Mizuki!

Elska: The Name's Elska. How long you've been in that bed, I didn't noticed you there. o.o

Zenni: *stretches a bit then yawns* I don't really know how long I've been asleep since Mr. Metachan last came to see me. He's always showing me these new things, telling me how they work and asking me to make them; I'm always very tired after this happens but he gives me some good tasting water as a reward, so it's okay ^w^ *notices the cookies that Mizuki is eating then sniffs the air* Ooh~ what are those? I've never seen things that smell so good like those before... OoO

Mizuki: o.o ...? ...Nuuu, Mine. >/^/<;

Hiri: ...She's very greedy with cookies... <_<;

Elska: Hey, Mizuki... I Think I see Sarna's Butt is suddenly exposed. o3o *points at Sarna*

Mizuki: >//w//> It Is?

Sarna: .O. ...(Why is it me?)

Elska: *takes one cookie from Mizuki's 4 cookies* Yoink.

Mizuki: Wha? Heeeey!! D:

Elska: Here you Go, Sweetie... *gives Zenni a cookie*

Zenni: *eagerly accepts the cookie from Elska then gives it one more sniff before biting into it* QwQ Wow~ *slowly chews and savors the bite before swallowing it then demolishing what was left of the cookie* Wowwie-wowwie-wow~ that was the best thing I've ever tasted! I've never seen anything like that; I thought that only water could taste that good! What do you call these?

Batou: They're called cookies; they come in a large variety of types...are you saying that you've never had one before?

Zenni: Nope, never ^o^

e-chan: What have they been feeding you here?

Zenni: I've only get water here; Mr. Metachan keeps saying that my kind can survive on water alone so that's what he's always given me. I never knew there were things other than water out there that tasted that good! ^o^

*Everybody's heart went out to the young, innocent sea bunny; she must've been a prisoner here all of her life if she never had anything other than water.*

Zenni: *notices Hiri playing Super Mario World on the Game Boy Advance SP then sits next to her to look at the screen* Ooh, what's that? OwO

Hiri: It’s a Video game, Super Mario World! ... I have to greet you to the greatest thing since Gojira, Video Games!

Zenni: Wow~ *watches the screen closely and sees Mario grab a Fire Flower and become Fire Mario* what just happened?

Hiri: He turns into Fire Mario once he touches The fire Flower!

Mizuki: I wish all flowers do that... ._.

e-chan: It lets him shoot fireballs ^^

Zenni: Fire Flower...

*Zenni does something of a deep burp and then blows a big bubble out of her mouth that floats in the air before everybody. Inside the bubble was none other than an actual Fire Flower!*

Batou: O.O Is that...?

Hiri: O_O ......................WHAT THE?!

Mizuki: Oh. My. God!!

Elska: ....That's ....New. o_o

Sarna: Oh, True...?

Hiri: ...No Way. .... *touched it, then suddenly, She transformed into Fire Hiri, with her clothing also changed hue* NO WAY!!!! OwO

Mizuki: OhmygodOhmygodOhmygodOhmygod!!! OwO ... Do Me! Do ME!

Hiri: *shoots a fire ball* ....This is The Best Day of my life! I'm Officially Mario! -w-

Batou: How did you do that?

Zenni: It's what I do all of the time. Mr. Metachan is always coming to me, showing me new things and telling me how they work; afterwards he has me make them for him.

e-chan: long as you've seen something and knows how it works, you can make it?

Zenni: I...guess?

e-chan: Let's test this then. Okay, try making a...oh, I don't know, a flashlight.

Zenni: Okay .........what's a flashlight?

e-chan: Alright then, can you make another Fire Flower?

Zenni: Okay *almost immediately burps up another bubble containing another Fire Flower*

e-chan: So it's true; as long as she has seen an item and knows how it works she can make it ^w^

Sarna: Any means to let us free.

Mizuki: This is going to be sooooo awesome! Mama and Papa wouldn't believe this. >w<

e-chan: *thinks for a moment* Zenni, how would you like to see everything outside of this cell?

Zenni: You mean, stuff that are in the cells further down...or even, the rooms connecting to this place?

e-chan: No, I'm talking much, much further than that. You see, we all come from a planet called Earth that is far away from this place. If you can help us escape from here, we'll be glad to take you with us and even find somebody nice and caring to look after you.

Zenni: OwO ...does that mean I can be with these two some more? *points to Hiri and Mizuki*

e-chan: Absolutely

Zenni: Alright! I'll help-I'll help!

e-chan: Great; now does Metachan use anything to open these cell doors?

Zenni: *thinks for a moment* Oh! *burps up a bubble containing a key card* he uses that on the panel to these door to open them. ^^

*Upon hearing that, Elska pops the bubble and grabs the key card. She then skillfully guides her arm through the laser beam bars to use the key card on the panel to the doors. Once the data is read from the card, the laser beam bars disappear and everybody in the cell was now free!*

Hiri and Mizuki: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!! :bummy:

Elska: A-Ha. Got it. Okay everyone, let's get a move on.

Sarna: Thank God...

Hiri: Let's hope we don't get caught...

Mizuki: Hiri-Chan, Don't say things like that... >.<;

*Almost as if on cue from Hiri's last statement, a swarm of security robot flood into the area.*

Elska: God Damn It. -_-;

Mizuki: You Jinxed us, Hiri-Chan!! Dx

Hiri: Shoot. *then whispers to Mizuki's ear* Well, Not a problem... I've got Fireballs.

Batou: Then get to using them! *sprouts his wings then dives into the swarm or security robots, slashing at them relentlessly*

Hiri: I've been itching to test them out! *shoot out fireballs at the robots, even improvise with something like the hadoken* HADO-KEN! *Shoot a bigger fire ball* (THIS. IS. SO. COOL!!!! )

Mizuki: Go, Hiri-Chan! Banzai! Banzai!

Elska: Kyaaaa-YA! *Elska does a spin kick in mid-air on the 6 robots who were surrounding her*

Sarna: Lighting Punch! *A charge of electricity comes out her hand, and delivers a powerful jolting blow on 2 robots*

e-chan: *takes out a blank sticker and writes "Reprogram" on it and sticks it on an incoming robot, thus turning into an ally that began fighting the other robots*

Hiri: *shooting out more fireballs*

Mizuki: I Need a..... Super Mushroom! Heeeey, Zenni-Chan! Can you give me a Super Mushroom?

Zenni: Right! ...what's a Super Mushroom?

e-chan: I don't think that she saw Mario get a Super Mushroom when Hiri was playing the game, Mizuki; the only new thing that she knows how to make are Fire Flowers right now.

Mizuki: Oh Yeah. Sorry! Hold on, Lemme show you! *Trying to grab Hiri's gameboy and trying to start the game until, one of the robots destroyed it during the attack* NO! D:

Hiri: MIZUKI!!! D8> NOO!

*Seeing the loss of a perfectly good, functioning and fully-charged hand-held gaming device caused Hiri's inner fire to blaze wildly. Her fire got a massive power boost as she releases her gamer-fueled anger out on the robot swarm.*

Hiri: NOOOOOO!!! *Blasting a fire finale At the robots in blind rage* Cuuuuurse Yoooooouuu!!!

Mizuki: .________o; S-s-sorry, Hiri-Chan...

*During her Unikitty-esque rage fit, Hiri easily melts all of the robots that came into the room into molten metal.*

Hiri: *Huffs and puffs* .....

Mizuki: O_O; Wowza!

Elska: *whistles* ...Amazing Job, Hiri!

e-chan: *takes out a "Repair" sticker and places it on the broken GBA SP, which instantly repairs it to its former state seconds later* all better ^^ *hands the handheld gaming device over to Hiri*

Hiri: Welcome back, baby...! *snuggles with her GBA SP* >w< ...... Thank You.

Mizuki: Sorry for taking your game boy out...

Hiri: Its Fine, Its Fine. ....Just.... Don't do it again, Okay?

Mizuki: はい!

*Before the group could make any further progress, one robot core that wasn't fully destroyed by Hiri's rampage reactivates and hovers in the air. The molten metal then begins to fly up to the core and surround it, beginning to take on a new form. Seconds later the thing that stood before them all was a huge foe that looked exactly like Dr. Wily's Yellow Devil but with a silver color instead.*

e-chan: Yellow Devil!?

Batou: No, more like Silver Devil. This is going to get annoying very fast...

Mizuki: Oh NO! Not You!! D8

Hiri: Please be the Rockman 3 one, PLEEEEASE be the Rockman 8 one at LEAST! ;^;

*The Silver Devil sets it's sights on Hiri and then begins shooting parts of itself at her in an non-telegraphed fashion...just like it did in the first Rockman game.*

Hiri: Noooooooooo!! *tries to dodge, but gets smacked around by the other parts of itself* Ow! Ahh! I Hate You, Yellow Devil!

Elska: What is The "Yellow Devil?" ._. *Attempt to punch it away, but it got her hand caught in the goop* Eeeew, What the hell is this stuff?! D:

Sarna: Good Job, Elsker... o_o;

Elska: Enough with the sass, and Help me out!

Mizuki: The Weak spot is its eye! Fire at it, e-chan!

Sarna: We... Kinda figured that. =O

e-chan: On it! *channels E-nergy into his right hand and then aims it like a gun at the eye of the Silver Devil* Point Sensor *fires a beam of red E-nergy at the Silver Devil's eye, creating a field of red E-nergy around it* alright Hiri, fire away; anything you shoot will now act like a homing shot. ^^

Hiri: Got it! Eat My Fireballs, Jerk! *Shooting balls at the Sliver Devil*

Mizuki: Go! Go! Gooo! Banzai!!

*Hiri's fireballs hit their mark perfectly. No matter where the Silver Devil tried to dodge or stretch to, thanks to e-chan Point Sensor all of Hiri's attacks found their way to the core. That's when the core went for a new, dangerous tactic; the core made the metal form around it to make a huge spiky ball and then it started beeping rapidly.*

Batou: O_O;; No, get down everybody; that thing has turned itself into a bomb!

*Before panic could set in, something they didn't expect happened. There were a load of rapid slices happening all over the Silver Devil before them before a figure wearing a familiar red coat landed in front of them all in a cool ninja-like fashion: it was Evellia! The core stopped beeping and the molten metal melted on the ground as Vivi, Sakura, Batou Jr. and Marina entered the area, having just finished defeating the robots they were fighting which allowed Evellia to arrive as fast as she did.*

Batou: Evellia...well done *gets down on one knee and opens his arms wide*

Evellia: Batou.... *runs up too him, and hugs him tight* …Thank goodness you’re okay... T^T

Mizuki: Eve-San!!

Hiri: That was so Bad Ass, Eve! OwO

Elska: Heeeeeeeey!!

Sakura: Aunt Elska, Aunt Sarna! Glad you all okay!

Vivi: Master Mizuki, are you alright? You appear to be unharmed ^^

Mizuki: Vivi-San!! OwO Ooooo, I've missed yoooooouuu!!!

Hiri: ....So, We're cool now, right? Hopefully Its over...

Elska: Can't be too sure, Hiri...

Klarina: *notices Batou Jr. and Marina* um, Batou, honey; look! >w<

Batou: *sees Batou Jr. and Marina* well-well, so nice of you two to join us

Marina: What? You knew about me already? I was going to blow your mind with my existence >~<

Batou: Your cousin told me about you beforehand ^^

Marina: Oh, Leonora, you blabbermouth -3-

Batou: ^w^ So who else is here? I don't think that you five alone could have gotten here by yourselves.

Mizuki: Did I miss something...?

Mable: You are correct.

Kayako: Heeeeey!

Marius: Oh Great, you guys are alright. ^_^

Karin: ..What happened here? O.O

Annaliese: There is a lot of burn marks in this room...

Paprika: ......?

Ashuro: Batou! ^o^

Batou: Hey Ashuro! ^o^

Ashuro: Glad to see that you and your family are okay. Oh, and before I forget... *pulls out two swords from the stone in his right hand and hands them to Batou*

Batou: Nice; so what's the plan now?

Ashuro: Now we liberate this place from the Vacuum Co.

???: So that's your big plan? You lot are even stupider than I first thought!

*A screen appears before the group, showing off a rather short cyborg man standing on a floating platform.*

Zenni: Hey, it's Mr. Metachan ^^

Karin: D' Awwwww! Look at the little Metachan! >w<

Annaliese: Who are you? o.o; *hides behinds Paprika*

Marius: You know this guy? *looks at Zenni*

Zenni: Yeah, he brings me the tastiest water everyday ^^

e-chan: *whispers to Marius* she was raised in captivity so she doesn't know that he's actually a really bad guy.

Metachan: I am Metachan, the warden of Section V; I've been well aware of your presence ever since you all got here and I decided to let you do as you please, if only to give you some false hope that your pathetic plan would work *looks quite smug*

Ashuro: You seem awfully confident that we'll fail; are you sure that you're in a position to be counting us out just yet?

Marius: *nods* ..Ahh...

Annaliese: Ummm... Are we sure to underestimate him?

Mizuki: We won't fail to you, You might as well give up!

Hiri: Fire Powers, and ready for target practice!

Karin: Oo, Oo! when we get him, can I snuggle em? :3

Metachan: ^w^# While this has been fun I really think that it's time to end this little game *opens a panel on his metallic arm and punches in a code* my toughest robots are on their way to end you all now...except for your more mechanical friends; I'll be sure to just reprogram them to be my new lackeys. Ta-ta~

*The screen disappears.*

Annaliese: Why must you disrespect a person with killer robots?

Karin: Sorry, It’s a bad habit.

Paprika: You two, focus.

Anna & Karin: Right!

Kayako: Wh--What does he---? ...Oh no...

Mizuki: No need to worry, everyone! Hohoho, We got Zenni on our side, She can give us awesome abilities, Right?!

e-chan: I think we're going to need more than Fire Flowers to get us through what is to come, especially if these robots have a similar feature to the one we just dealt with.

Ashuro: Don't worry; his more powerful robots may be coming to this room but we won't be here when they arrive

*A portal opens up in front of everybody.*

Ashuro: I sent a few clones to some key locations in this place when we got the maps earlier; this portal goes directly to the server that gives Metachan direct control over all of the robots *turns to Mabel* your time to shine, Ms. Mabel

Mizuki: But, Isn't Fire is all we need? D:

Karin: Haha, You'd be surprised that it takes more than pyrokinesis to help fight your battles, Little Mizu. <w<

Mizuki: Awwwww!! D:>

Mabel: Thank You, Ashuro. *speaks soft-spoken* Now listen carefully, Me and Ashuro agreed to enter the server... we can check what makes them tick, and see if we can find their weaknesses...

Paprika: ...How about reprogramming them?

Mable: That could work too... But you all have to promise me, you have to be very quiet...

Karin: *holds up "okay" gesture*

*Everybody enters the portal and finds themselves in the server room; there were many different computers and monitors everywhere, each containing valuable information.*

Ashuro: The server should be over there somewhere *points in the general direction of the server then notices some data on one of the monitors* huh...what's this?

Batou: What's up, Ashuro?

Ashuro: *reads the data on the monitor* WHAT!?

e-chan: What is it!? O_O;;

Ashuro: This place, it's more than just a prison; it also acts as a gigantic multiversal satellite that is constantly sending out a signal that has been severely weakening all non-human races throughout the multiverse *reads more* it’s been doing this for well over a thousand years apparently...

Annaliese: What?!

Karin: Whooooa... O.O ...Dimensional hopping, I assume?

Mizuki: Wh-What does that mean? :<

Ashuro: It means that for over a thousand years this place has been sealing away the true potential of all non-humans EVERYWHERE. Nearly all of us here are affected by this thing in some way; we each could have abilities or talents deep within us that have been long forgotten about by our respective people.

Karin: Really Now? ...My Power is yet to be unlocked... That is... Interesting honestly...

Paprika: Hm, Well I'll be damned...

Karin: Now is there any way we can put a stop to this thing? o.o

Annaliese: W-w-well, I was born human, before the Solnar bond... D-Does that mean it won't affect me?

Ashuro: Well you do have some Aquitican in you now after our last encounter with Benjamin Koco, does sort of affect you too, Anna-chan, but for you it'll be more like discovering a brand new power that was gifted to you or something like that. As to how we can stop this thing from continuing to broadcast this energy signal... *looks further at the data on the monitor* apparently there is some sort of...sword...a special sword installed deep within this place, connected to a system separate from everything else. If I had to guess, it would be someplace that Metachan would guard personally, like the core.

Annaliese: Is there a short cut of some sort you, e-chan, and or Mable can do?

Marius: I Mean, There has to be.

Karin: I can try an illusion tricks I learn from my days in the circus.

e-chan: Hmm...there is something that I can try. I've never done this before but in theory it should work and tell us exactly where we need to go *takes out a piece of paper, an ink pen and two stickers that have "Map" and "Locate" written on them* okay, next is... *gets down on his knees and places the paper on the floor, sticks the two stickers on it, writes "Power Sources" on the "Locate" sticker, then channels his E-nergy into the paper to activate the stickers, turning the paper into a virtual interactive map of Section V, showing off the power sources it had* It worked!

Ashuro: *looks at the map* there seems to be two different power sources...the main core is where I assumed that it would be...and the second one is beneath the main core...but I don't see any possible way to get there from anywhere...

*While everybody else was focused on the map, Zenni was wondering around the room, amazed by everything she was seeing for the first time. She happens to go near the one out-of-place machine that nobody else seemed to notice: a drink vending machine.*

Zenni: Ooh~ there are drinks other than water? Sparkling water? Is it better than the water I've been drinking?

*Zenni repeatedly pushes the Sparkling Water button on the vending machine; she got no sparkling water, but something else happened instead: the vending machine front opened up like a door, revealing a large elevator. The noise that the machine made in revealing this hidden elevator managed to attract the attention of the others.*

Ashuro: Huh? *sees the hidden elevator* now that looks suspicious~

Annaliese: ...Oh Wow.

Karin: Great job, Gurl.

Marius: Welp, Thanks Zenni.

Paprika: ...Well, That was quick.

Mable: e-chan, this E-nergy is something I like to examine more...

Ashuro: We'll teach you all about it later, Mable; right now I need you to begin working your magic on these servers and get all of Metachan's robots on our side before they find us again. Annaliese, Karin, Paprika, you three come with me down the mystery elevator; the rest of you provide backup for Mable should the robots reach you before she can finish.

Annaliese: Okay.

Mable: Understood.

Marius: We'll try our damn best.

*Ashuro, Annaliese, Karin and Paprika enter the hidden elevator and take it down to the lower levels. Mable immediately gets to work at the main terminal to begin reprogramming everything to be more to her liking since the entire station would be hers soon enough.*

Batou: *ears twitch* Heads up, I think that we're about to get some unwanted company.

e-chan: What, they found us already?

Batou: No, not yet, but they're close...real close; so get ready for a fight.

Marius: *Gets his sword ready* ...Its Showtime.

Saturn: ........ *hold up his arm cannons* Okay, Everybody ready?

Kayako: Oh n-nooo....

Mable: (( Hmmm, The tech is certainly unique. It looks like something familiar to my parents worked on years ago...)) *Continues to reprogram the tech, and put a special chip in there*

*The robot that enters the room was some sort of toad robot with a giant mouth.*

Vivi: *examines the robot* uh-oh, this is bad!

Batou: What? Is it strong?

Vivi: No, it's not a fighting robot but it is bad news for other robots. This particular model is one of those that spawns the parasitic mini-robots I mentioned earlier: the ones that can take control of robots like us if they can get to our charge ports!

Hiri: P-p-parasitic? Eewwww...

Mizuki: Great Nintendo Gods ...Please give me strength. >_<;

Vivi: The moment that thing opens its mouth, open fire! >o<

Mizuki: Yes Ma'am...

Hiri: Gotcha. *nods nervously*

*The toad robot scans the room and its sensor zero-in on both Vivi and Kayako, identifying them as compatible targets. It opens its mouth wide, preparing to spit out its cargo of mini robo-toads.*

Vivi: *takes out her plasma machine rifle* NOW!! >o< *begins shooting up the toad robot*

Kayako: *takes cover in fear* Waaaah!!

Mizuki: Huh?! Those Toad robots reminds me of those Crockers from Rockman 2! D:

Hiri: I Hope they like spicy food! *Tossing fire-balls at toad robots*

Mizuki: *Fires as well* ....Since we got these powers, Hiri-Chan... If we get hit once, doesn't that mean we'll lose the powers?

Hiri: ...Geez, I hope not. ._.;

*With the toad robot stunned from the initial attack of Mizuki, Hiri and Vivi, Marius and Saturn move in to deliver the final blow.*

Hiri: Annnnnnd.... BOOM!

Marius: Well, That's That. o.o ....I hope?

Mizuki: Ha! We showed them!

Hiri: Hey, sooo....What's Next?

*A warp beam appears before the group and out of it comes Metachan and several strong robots that were basically exact copies of Robot Masters from the Mega Man 3 game but with different color schemes.*

Metachan: That would be us, little intruder.

Marius: No fucking way! O_O Its.... (My Word, I'm either going to geek out, or should be worried...)

Mizuki: Metachan! Prepare to taste defeat! What you're doing is unforgivable! (Wow, I Feel like a Real Super Heroine! >w< )

Elska: I've seen those guys from somewhere... Are they from Astro Boy?

Hiri: What?! NO! They’re from Rockman, Duh! Its Spark Man, Gemini Man, Magnet Man, Needle Man, Top Man, Hard Man, Snake Man, and .....Sh-Shadow Man!

Elska: Sheesh, Kid... My mistake.

Sarna: Snakes...? I HATE Snakes...

Mable: *Still tinkering, sweating a bit.* Almost.....

Metachan: ...some of you seem to be missing...where's the cat?

Batou: Forget about him *points his sword at Metachan* and worry about bat with the swords who you made a deal with to let his family go if he went quietly but betrayed him instead!

Marius: What's it gonna be?

Mizuki: Who should we start first?

Hiri: Let's get the robot masters out of the way first!

Elska: My fists are ready for that Top looking machine...

Batou: Let's crush 'em!

The fight begins as both sides charge each other!

To be Continued…

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