Sunday, June 16, 2019

A Chance for Redemption? The Legend of Lana Flare! Part 2

Travel Multiversal
Friendly Chaos Chronicles
“A Chance for Redemption? The Legend of Lana Flare! Part 2”

An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

Everybody, minus Ashuro himself, enters into the portal and finds themselves in the town square. Snoopy and his group decided to head back to their base, leaving Kevin with Jodie, Josie and Lana. The twins were obviously very happy that their friend from so long ago was back in their lives. They suddenly found themselves in a world where everything they knew was gone not too long ago but now that Lana was with them again that didn't seem to matter anymore; they didn't see Lana as a dangerous criminal, just their very dear friend who was lost and alone for so long. It actually brought a tear to Kevin's eye due to how sweet the scene was.

Kevin: ...You've all been through a lot. More than most people will experience in their whole life. But now, hopefully, we can settle for a little bit of peace. Also, I believe that I have yet to formally introduce myself to all of you, even though you might know who I am. *Kneels down to all three of them, holding his hand out* Kevin Aasheim, owner of the Norse Thunder God powers, and Slumber Gigas' king-to-be when it finally gets to that.

Jodie: Jodie Toxma ^o^ *links her pinkie finger with Kevin's pinkie finger*

Josie: Josie Toxma ^o^ *links her thumb with Kevin's thumb*

Lana: .///. ... *feeling very awkward about the whole situation*

Kevin: *Looks at Lana* ...Look... I know this must be very weird and...frankly ridiculous from your perspective even, but I want things to work out. I am just a sympathetic and forgiving fool, and I know it's going to come back to bite me eventually... But Lana, even if you are in this "state of punishment" right now, I hope we can, at the very least, get along. Don't get me wrong though, I will not be letting you off easily either, I just feel like you deserve at least some positive influence right now.

Lana: ... *puts her tiny hand in Kevin's hand* ...Land Flare >//3//>

Jodie and Josie: Yay! ^o^

Kevin: Much better: ......You know, the three of you match more, now that Lana is a little snuggle cushion.

Jodie: You know, now that you mention it...

Josie: You do seem a bit more plushie, Lana~

Jodie: And after all of the times you told us to ease up on the sweets and snacks~

Josie: Looks like you couldn't keep away from the donuts yourself~

Lana: It’s not what you think; this is all natural -w- *proudly puffs out her chest*

Jodie and Josie: Yeah, natural chub~ ^3^

Lana: ...shut up, you jelly donuts... -w-;

Kevin: Whatever it is, you all look like a bunch of round and adorable cinnamon buns.

Jodie, Josie and Lana: *giggles*

Kevin: *sighs happily and chuckles a bit* Such cute and bubbly girls you actually are. Well anyway, first thing first is to get all of us something to eat later on. Any requests?

Jodie: Something meaty! ^o^

Josie: Something cheesy! ^o^

Jodie: Meaty! >_<

Josie: Cheesy! >_<

Jodie: Meaty! >o<

Josie: Cheesy! >o<

Lana: ._. about some nachos then?

Jodie and Josie: *looks at Lana then at each other and then smiles* Nachos! ^o^

Kevin: Okay, I can make us some nachos. We'll need to pick up some vegetables too for those nachos. *Gently pats Josie and Jodie on their rears* You have to eat some greens~

Jodie and Josie: Bleh...

Lana: Still don't like veggies, I see You know, when cooked right they are quite tasty

Jodie and Josie: We'll believe when we see it -3-

*Kevin was a bit glad to see that Lana was slowly but surely slipping back into the mindset of her previous self again; he made it a note to have Jodie and Josie over more often when Lana was with him.*

Kevin: You are worse than Amethyst. Don’t worry, I have my tricks to make you eat veggies, you'll see. And spoiler desserts are delicious, and you don’t get any unless you empty your plates entirely~

Jodie and Josie: Awwww... -o-

Lana: *licks her lips and drools slightly in anticipation* >w<

Kevin: *offers his hands to the girls* Come now, just a quick stop at the store, then home to my place.

Jodie, Josie and Lana: *places their tiny hands in Kevin's hands*

Kevin: Just be mindful of air vents. *Walks with them* And while we are on it, maybe getting Lana some fitting clothes should be a priority?

Jodie: Ooh, you should get her a kimono like ours~ ^o^

Josie: And then all three of us would match~ ^o^

Kevin: That would actually not be a bad idea. *Starts heading to the clothes store with all three of them* ...And maybe some fitting underwear to go with it, would be an idea? <w<

Jodie and Josie: Boo! Too restrictive! >3< *both takes out a box of water-proof bandages* we've got a lot of these that we can share that serve the same purpose as underwear and swimwear~ ^o^

Lana: ...y-yeah, what they said *chuckles nervously* ^w^;;

Kevin: .... *Blinks* So you're just wearing THESE underneath your clothes? <//<;

Jodie and Josie: Yup! ^o^

Kevin: .... *Takes a deep breath* ...Okay, that's quite the information to keep in mind. >////>

Jodie and Josie: *giggles*

Kevin: (That's going to be hella distracting....) =///=; *Looks around after a bit more walking* Okay girls, the clothes store is right here. Can't you three try finding something for Lana while I fetch groceries, then I can come back and help you out? It will be much faster that way.

Jodie and Josie: Okie-Dokie! ^o^ *each grabs one of Lana's hands and pulls her along with them into the clothing store, giggling all the way*

Lana: *has a look of worry on her face*

Kevin: ......Better do this quickly. >.>;

*It took about 15 or-so minutes until Kevin was done shopping groceries. Getting nacho chips, cheese, the meat to go with them, tomatoes, onion and whatever else do not only make the sauce from scratch, but also vegetables to have on the side. He even scooped up some other ingredients on the way, planning to make the girls something extra special for dessert. He found his way back to the clothing store, and was at least happy to see it standing in one piece, still.*

Kevin: *Looks around inside of the store, carrying his bags and looking for the girls* Are they still looking around, or are they trying the clothes on at the moment...?

Jodie: Kevin-Kevin! ^o^

Josie: Over here! ^o^

*Turning in the direction of their voices Kevin sees that both Jodie and Josie were standing in front of the door to one of the changing rooms.*

Kevin: Oh, there you are, Jo twins. *Walks over and puts the bags down by them* Is everything going alright here?

Jodie: Uh-huh

Josie: Lana is trying on one of the outfits she picked herself ^w^

Jodie: I wonder why she didn't go with the outfits that we picked out for her; she would've looked cute in them... -3-

Josie: Her "all-natural" body was too wide for them, remember? We couldn't tie them up to complete the look and it took longer to get her out of them.

Jodie: Oh yeah; seems like her name should've been Jiggles instead of Lana~

Lana: *from behind the changing room door* you know I can hear you, right? -w-;

Jodie and Josie: *giggles*

Kevin: .... Oh dear. Well, I look forward to see what you've picked. When I go clothes shopping with Amethyst and Samantha, they always just want to try on everything. And they can pretty much make themselves look adorable in anything. Be it dresses, school uniforms, overalls, jean and shirt, Halloween costumes, you name it.

Lana: Okay, I'm coming out.

*The door to the changing room opens and out comes Lana, dressed in a matching top and skirt combination reminiscent of her original dress. Both the top and the skirt had black as the base color but had a very similar flame motif. There was no denying it: Lana was so incredibly adorasexy!*

Jodie and Josie: Ooh~

Lana: -///- ...

Kevin: OwO .... *Quickly glomps and scoops up Lana, rubbing his cheek against hers with a look of pure bliss on his face* Mmmm~

Lana: Good grief; if this is how you're reacting I already know how Ashuro is going to react when he sees me next -w-;

Kevin: Sorry sorry! You just look so gosh darn adorable and plushy... >//w//<; *Carefully sets her down*

Lana: D-Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate that or anything. actually felt...nice? ...yeah...yeah it did feel nice. I...I can't remember that last time I felt like that. I've been so angry for so long that I've...I've forgotten how good something as simple as a hug could feel... .//.//.

*Kevin was now sure that Ashuro's desire to see Lana be completely reformed was possible. Yes, she still needed punishment for her lifetime of crimes but he saw that she could respond favorably to positive reinforcement.*

Kevin: *Gently nudges her against him again, petting her gently and stroking down along her back* You were by yourself for so many years, so it's understandable. And while I am supposed to be punishing you, I also want you to be happy and enjoy yourself for a change. hear you actually felt like that? That makes me smile a bit too. *Gives her a soft little kiss on her forehead*

Jodie and Josie: Punishing? Were you naughty, Lana~?

Lana: ...unfortunately...yes, I was; you two deserve to know the truth about me and what happened back then. I'll tell you everything when we get back, okay?

Jodie and Josie: Okay~ ^o^

Kevin: That's good Lana. Proud of you. *Pets her again* ...Why don’t I pay for the clothes you want, then we can head to my place?

Lana: Okay ^w^

Kevin: Good, come then. *Holds her hand and leads her up to the counter to pay*

*After paying for Lana's clothes they all head back to Kevin's home. Kevin had been feeling a bit lonely the past few weeks as Ring had decided to go with Ashuro to help out with the situation on Aether; he loved the fact that she very much wanted to help save a kingdom from ruin and would be sure to give her lots of love when she came home. He immediately went to work on getting the meal ready as Lana sat down with Jodie and Josie and began telling them everything that had happened since they last saw each other. Kevin made sure to check in on the three of them every now and then as Lana continued her story; the twins were paying very close attention to every detail. As Kevin continued to prepare the meal his focus is broken when some loud crying erupts from the living room; he rushes in to see both of the twins crying bitter tears and Lana was trying to calm them down as best she could.*

Jodie and Josie: WAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!

Lana: Please guys, calm down... ^~^;

Kevin: Oyoyoyoy... *Quickly takes a seat by the twins and lifts them up, holding them both close in a hug as he tried to comfort them* Shhshsh...There there, Josie, Jodie, everything is fine now.

Jodie and Josie: WE'RE SO SORRY, LANA!

Lana: Guys, none of this was your fault.

Jodie: But we went with Benjamin Koco, a stranger; our parents and even you always told us to stay away from strangers

Lana: Under other circumstances that would have been wrong but in this case cooperating with him was the best and smartest thing to do. He was dangerous and there was no telling what he would've done to you if you resisted him.

Josie: But you came to save us! You tried to save us and got caught and then they did all of those horrible things to you that turned you into a bad person

Lana: Going to save you was my choice! I knew what could happen if I failed but I did it anyway because I couldn't let anything bad happen to my best friends without even trying. It was my choice to risk everything to save you! ... *has an epiphany* OoO WAS my choice. It was my choice to seek revenge, it was my choice to do all of those horrible things I did, just so I could enact some elaborate, twisted revenge on the Vacuum Co., it was my choice to commit several crimes and selfish acts that hurt and killed so many people. I became just like my tormentors; I betrayed myself and everything that I stood for and became everything I hated... None-none of this is your fault, it's mine; you two shouldn't have to feel responsible for anything that I did! It's me who is sorry...Jodie, Josie, I...I'M SO SORRY! WAAAAAAAHHHH!!

*There it was, the absolute proof that Kevin needed that Lana could be redeemed. She recognized her mistake and felt genuine remorse for what she had done. The whole time she was Pyro Darkesis could be likened to that of a child hit by massive trauma, didn't know how to deal with or had anybody to help them deal with it, and went down the worst possible path as a result. What she really needed was somebody strong, wise and kind enough to point her back in the right direction, something that both Kevin and Ashuro did and was willing to do. He was just so glad that the situation that resulted from all of this allowed Lana to have two people she was very close with to help her through these times.*

Kevin: *Picks up Lana as well, hugging all three of them close, lovingly* What's important now is to steer back in the right direction. I am here for you to help you do that, Lana. Your friends too, and Ashuro. You have done horrible things, yes. But everyone deserves a second chance, especially after what you had been through. But I will only help if you want me too. *gently kisses her forehead once again*

Lana: *sniffles* I'd...I'd like that

Kevin: *Cradles her against his lap, hugging and nuzzling her sweetly* Nothing bad is going to come your way again, Lana. They'll have to get through me first.

Lana: ^//w//^

Jodie: I had no idea that our hometown was being attack and that Benjamin Koco was leading it! >x<

Josie: I hope he suffers the consequences of everything he's done too >o<

*Now knowing how all three of these girls, the previous Benjamin Koco and even the Vacuum Co. were all tied together, Kevin was glad to see that some justice had been served...and that all three of the girls should take part in serving that justice.*

Kevin: You know...Crimson has invited the gang over to a little get-together later on down the road. You should join in. The main event is going to be the getting back on Benjamin, and I believe you three have a lot to give him. -w- *Ruffles the hair of Jodie and Josie*

Jodie: YEEEEEE!!

Josie: Can't wait!

Kevin: Figured. Well, if you girls will just let me get up from the couch, I will go and finish our food.

Jodie: Okay, but before you go, do you have any board games?

Josie: Ashuro showed us this really good one called Monopoly ^o^

Lana: Huh; I've known about that game for some time but I've yet to try it myself... ._.

Kevin: Of course. *Gets up and pulls a board game out from one of the shelves* Here, Monopoly. This should keep you occupied for a bit. Just don't cheat against Lana, play fair. -w-

Jodie and Josie: We won't~ ^o^

*Kevin returned to the kitchen to resume cooking. He even took some extra time to both make everything taste just that little bit better and to give the girls some extra time to play. When everything was finally ready he went back to the living room to get the girls and saw that they all seemed to have went off track with the original rules of the game. Apparently they came up some sort of trade system where not only money and territory cards were used as bargaining chips; promises, deals and handicaps could also be used apparently. As it was, at that moment both Jodie and Josie were down to their last dollars but Lana on the other hand had all of the really great territories and a LOT of money...but was buck naked as well. It was hard for Kevin to tell who was really winning and losing at the moment.*

Kevin: .//w//.; .... *clears his throat and claps his hands together* Okay girls, nachos are ready! You can continue the game later... ^//^;

Jodie, Josie and Lana: Yay! ^o^ *runs into the kitchen*

Kevin: *Follows Lana with his eyes* ....Erm....aren't you forgetting something, little bouncy bunny? >//.//>

Lana: Oh, I...uh...have to stay like this for a while; all part of the deal for the exchange of all of those territories.

Kevin: That's going to be distracting. =////= Especially when you're such an attractive lady. >//>; *Quietly walks into the kitchen again*

Lana: Attractive? This disproportionate, little body? ...that actually makes me feel better about this look now ^///^

Kevin: Just don't tell anything to Ashuro. It's supposed to be a punishment... But yes, I find you attractive; both in this state and your regular form. You're an adorasexy bunny, is what you are. >//3//>

Lana: *smiles at Kevin then takes a seat next to Jodie and Josie*

Kevin: *Clears his throat* Anyway, that aside... *Brings four trays of nachos to the table, along with small separate bowls of sliced vegetables like salad, cucumber, tomato, etc.* Here you go. Remember Jodie and Josie, I expect you to eat greens as well. If you do not, then there won’t be any dessert. <_<

Jodie and Josie: *groans a bit upon hearing this*

Lana: *immediately goes for the veggies and begins eating them* Mmm, give them a try, you two; these are very good

Jodie and Josie: *begrudgingly eats a piece of steamed broccoli* O.O *begins to eat the other veggies, not openly admitting that they were quite delicious*

Kevin: See? Was that so traumatizingly bad? You're young girls, you need to eat this stuff if you want to grow up healthy and well. *Scoops up a good chunk of vegetables onto his tray and starts to eat them with the nachos he had prepared*

*The rest of the meal goes off without a hitch. The girls polish off all of the veggies, despite Jodie and Josie still not admitting that they loved how Kevin had prepared them, and demolished the nachos; Kevin's recipe for nacho cheese was simply divine in its balance of chosen ingredients. Now it was time for the final course: Desert.*

Kevin: You all ate it all up, that is very good. But I do hope you have room left for a special dessert as well. But let me warn you right away: My desserts have a tendency to be so good you cannot stop eating it. Keep that in mind so you don’t stuff yourselves more than you already have~

*The girls got to sit by the table and just relax as Kevin cleaned off the table. And when he was done with that, he brought out the desserts for all four of them. Or rather, the separate components of the dessert, and started to fully prepare it in front of the girls. Starting by scooping up fruit compote made out of mango, raspberry, pear and pineapple, into decorative bowls. Then, each bowl got two scoops of homemade blueberry ice cream put into them. And the finishing touch, a thin layer of chocolate sauce poured on top of the whole thing.*

Kevin: There you go. It is not the most beautiful looking dessert in the world, but I am sure that will not matter in the long run.

Lana, Jodie and Josie: *left speechless by the spectacle before them as they drool in anticipation*

Kevin: *Glances at the three of them* *Gently shoves the bowls in front of them* Here you go, have a taste.

Lana, Jodie and Josie: *each takes a spoonful of the desert then stops to savor the flavors as a look of bliss and euphoria gradually appears on their faces*

Kevin: Judging from your expressions, I guess I did an amazing job. Enjoy it, you cuties~

*The girls indulge in the great dessert, shivering with bliss with each bite they take. After just that one bowl, each of them were stuffed, which was a good thing in truth, as Kevin's daughters would be really mad and pouty for a few days if he made such a dessert when they were away and didn't save any for them to have later. Afterwards all four of them went back to the living room where the girls resumed their game. Kevin learned that the reason he found Lana naked was that she had pawned her clothes for extra money in order to buy and trade for groups of different territories. Now that she was in a financially stable situation Lana managed to pay back what she borrowed and was able to get her clothes back. The rest of the game then boiled down to chance and strategy. In the end, Lana ended up winning due to those deals she made earlier in the game to increase her hold on the territories on the board.*

Lana: Whew GG!

Jodie and Josie: Wow, Lana; you're so good at this game! ^o^

Lana: I've just had some experience in making deals that I really regret making now that I'm finally thinking more clearly...

Kevin: *Lifts Lana up in his lap and leans her against him, gently rubbing her belly* Just focus on making good and non-shady deals from now on to make up for it, and try to not dwell too much on the past. You're having fun tonight, with me and your friends. ^3^

Lana: It's just that...I'm really ashamed of what I did; I locked away everything about myself that would get in the way of me getting revenge on the Vacuum Co.: my happy memories, my pain, my humanity. I thought that if I convinced myself that all of that had been taken away from me that my actions would be justified. Then when Ashuro unlocked and made me remember everything I made myself forget, I...I just couldn't find it in me to fight anymore; even if Ashuro hadn't sealed me afterwards, I don't think I had it in me to go through with that plan anymore. I...was prepared to die in that moment, thinking that I was irredeemable at that point...but Ashuro and you obviously thought differently...

Kevin: *Smiles softly and strokes the side of her face, brushing some of her hair strands aside* What can I say... I've ran into my fair share of girls who had their future torn away from them and had to live through terrible conditions. You're not much different from them, in my eyes. True, what you have done will take a long time to be made up for, but don't tell me you don't deserve a second chance, as I can see how genuine you feel about your actions, the regret you are feeling... Or maybe I am just a sentimental fool with a weakness for cute and adorasexy girls like yourself, who knows?

Lana: *smiles warmly* well, regardless of the reason, I appreciate being shown a little bit of mercy despite my crimes...I bet that "Beverly" wishes that she could say the same right about now~

Kevin: *Chuckles and pats Lana's back* True enough. X3 *Sets her down* Do you want me to warm up a bath for you, maybe? Scrub away the dust from our fight earlier and stuff.

Lana: That would be much appreciated ^^

Jodie and Josie: Bath time-Bath time! ^o^

Kevin: Then I shall get on that. ^-^ *Stands up from the couch and starts heading upstairs*

*Kevin runs the water to the tub, getting the water to just the right temperature before letting it fill up. He then gets towels as well as a change of clothes for Lana as well as the twins, when he remembered how much dirt their white and red robes had on them; he would make sure to wash all of their clothes so that they would be fresh and ready to wear when Ashuro came by to pick them all up. Now aware of the twins' personal dress code he pulled out some old t-shirts for them that would do the job for them as well as some pajamas that he kept for Midna whenever she stayed over that would fit Lana; it would be a tight fit but they'd fit none-the-less.*

Kevin: Hmm, that should do it. *calls out the door* Okay girls, the bath is ready for you. You can all come upstairs, but no running in the staircase.

*The giggling twins are the first to make it to the tub as they immediately and without hesitation strip out of their robes and leap high to cannonball into the tub. However, thanks to his quick reactions, Kevin manages to catch both of them midair and tucks them both under his arms. Lana enters the bathroom just in time to see Kevin pull off that marvelous feat.*

Lana: Nice catch ^3^

Jodie and Josie: Aw, no splash... -3-

Kevin: I am not going to clean the entire bath just because you two want to play-pretend as marine artillery. -w- *Puts them both down and gives them both a playful slap to their chubby bottoms*

Jodie and Josie: *smiles at Kevin while at the same time playfully taunting him*

Lana: Hahaha, you cheeky pair; I see that some things never change -w-

Kevin: =/w/= Hoho, okay cuties, if you insist.... *Grabs one of the brushes in there and uses it to gently smack the plump twins' rumps*

Jodie and Josie: ^//w//^ *wiggles their butts cutely*

Lana: *undresses then gets into the tub, slowly easing herself down* Ah~ =w=

Kevin: *Puts the brush aside and lifts both Jodie and Josie into the tub, petting both of them* I can give your butts more attention later.

Jodie and Josie: Okay~ ^o^ *blows a kiss at Kevin*

Lana: You flirts~ Guess that's just one of the quirks of being Furry Sukus -w-

Kevin: Guess so, huh? *Scoops up some water and pours it over Jodie, then Josie* Seriously, how does Ashuro find all the adorable little girls, like you?

Lana: *begins washing herself* like yourself, by chance and taking a chance ^^

Kevin: Hmm...guess so, huh? ...Oh, um, sorry, maybe I should walk out and let you three bathe by yourselves? ^//^;

Lana: That would be the decent thing to these two like to splash. Don't worry, I'll try my best to keep them under control ^^

Kevin: Alright. Just call for me if you need anything. *hands Josie a sponge before heading out of the bath*

*Kevin heads back downstairs with the girls' clothes and puts them in the washing machine so that they'll be clean and ready in the morning then gets started on doing the dishes. While going about this task he hears various squeaks, squeals and giggles coming from upstairs; he figured that the girls were having quite a good time together after such a long time. Once the dishes are finished he goes back to the living room and lounges on the couch. A few minutes later the girls descend downstairs all squeaky clean, Lana wearing some of Midna's spare pajamas that were a slight tight fit for her and the twins were wearing some old t-shirts, their tails holding up the backs of them and showing off their plump bottoms. The twins then immediately climb onto Kevin's lap and begin nuzzling up against him affectionately.*

Jodie and Josie: ~

Kevin: Oh? Hehe, hey there. ^//^ *Holds his arms around the twins and gently strokes their back as he nuzzles them back. His hands gently tap their bottoms a bit too* Oh, so much softer now, post bathing~

Jodie and Josie: *licks Kevin's face as they wag their tails*

Lana: *chuckles* what are you two, dogs? ^^

Kevin: Well, technically, foxes are canines.... ^///^ *Gently grabs and rubs their plump and plushy bottoms, digging his fingers in deep enough to make their cheeks jiggle and wobble each time he let go*

Lana: I suppose -w- you think that it's possible?

Kevin: ....Do I think what is possible, Lana...?

Lana: you really think it is possible for the others to forgive me?

Kevin: ... *Gently nods* Yeah. I'm sure it's possible. It is just gonna take a while.

Lana: there anything in particular that you personally want me to do or do you have something already planned for me?

Kevin: ....Well...tonight you don't really need to do anything for me. But, I do however have something in mind. *Puts Josie and Jodie next to him and taps his lap, signing for Lana to come over*

Lana: *timidly makes her way over to Kevin*

Kevin: *Places his hand on her head and pets her a little more before grabbing and lifting her up to him* In this house, when someone is being punished, the punishment always involves a bit of sore bottoms. We're gonna have to make it part of the daily routine when you're staying over. *Reaches down and unties the pajamas pants Lana was wearing*

Lana: .///. *doesn't resist in the slightest*

Kevin: *Slips the pajamas down and leans Lana against him, making her press her butt out* Okay, you ready? You're surprisingly calm about this.

Lana: I've taken worse pain; compared to that this shouldn't be too bad...

Jodie and Josie: -w- ... *keeping silent like they know a secret*

Kevin: Okay...but if it gets painful, just bite down on my shirt.

*Kevin starts rather softly with the way he was handling Lana; Just gently patting her rear, slightly making it bounce to that slow rhythm he was building up. But, slowly but surely, he started to not only slap her butt faster, but harder too. Swiftly swatting her with his open palms, pancaking both of her butt cheeks firmly*

Lana: *begins to squirm uncomfortably as tears begin to well up in her eyes* I-I don't understand; compared to what I went through this should be nothing for me. Why does this hurt so much?? Q~Q

Jodie: Don't you remember? Out of the four of us, you were always the worse at taking punishments; you'd break down and cry after it barely started. -w-

Josie: You may have all of your memories but it sounds like Ashuro gave you your old sensations back along with this young body of yours.

Lana: QxQ are you saying what I think you're saying?

Jodie and Josie: Yup; basically you're a kid again, just like us~

*Hearing Jodie and Josie's conclusion actually made a lot of sense to Kevin; due to everything that happened to her, Lana missed out on having a normal childhood. Perhaps Ashuro giving her this body was a part of his way to help her start over from where she lost everything. And Jodie and Josie's conclusion also began to fully be confirmed as Lana involuntarily begins kicking her little legs and makes very childish noises in response to each smack her plump bottom gets. With all of this in mind, Kevin knew that he would just have to treat her as he would his own children when they were very naughty. Thank goodness he had some practice and experience in doing this.*

Kevin: *Raises Lana's rear by moving his leg a bit, continuing to firmly smack her plump posterior* Josie, could you be a dear and fetch me the flyswatter that lays there on the coffee table?

Josie: Okay~ ^o^ *hops off of the couch to retrieve the flyswatter*

Lana: F-F-F-F-Flyswatter!? QxQ

Josie: *returns with the flyswatter* here you go~ ^o^

Lana: N-N-No, wait, there's no need for that! *really begins squirming and wiggling*

Jodie: Yep, that's starting to sound more and more like Lana now ^o^

Kevin: *Teasingly drags the flyswatter across her cheeks, one arm keeping her held close and in place* Keep squirming, Lana. You look cuter that way~

*The swatter swung swiftly through the air before cracking over Lana's exposed cheeks, the webbed pattern digging into her butt and leaving a red imprint the more Kevin swung it and spanked her with it.*

Lana: *frantically tries to swim off of Kevin's lap to avoid the flyswatter but to no avail as she begins crying out with each swat*

*The cracking off the swatter across Lana's bare cheeks continued for a couple minutes until her butt looked like she was wearing red fishnet pantyhose, due to the marks from the flyswatter having imprinted itself so thoroughly. Kevin eventually put the flyswatter aside and returned to using his hands, but more-so focused on rubbing and gently grabbing her ample cheeks, rather than spanking them further*

Kevin: *Looking down at the sobbing little rabbit as he caresses her butt* Lana, look at me. Are you sorry? Do you want me to stop?

Lana: *cries a bit* I-I'm sorry! Really, I am! *sniffles* I'm really sorry, and I know that I deserve much more than this for everything that I've done, but I'm really, really sorry!

*Lana cries even harder, as the walls of her dam of guilt finally crumbled, and she began crying out some of her built-up guilt. Even Jodie and Josie joined Kevin in rubbing her sore bottom and her back to comfort their friend. Seeing Lana in this state only strengthened the resolve he shared with Ashuro to redeem this girl.*

Kevin: Okay Lana, we're done for now. You've been really good, I'm proud of you for taking the punishment like you did.

*He wasn't sure if it was on reflex, the heat of the moment or a genuine reaction at that time. But Kevin, seeing Lana in the state she was in, just couldn't help it at the time, finding her adorasexy as she was, on top of starting to genuinely like her... He just kissed her. Square on the lips, nearly without any sign or warning of the like. Was it to calm her? Was it to show affection? Whatever it was, he held the kiss for a bit, whilst gently holding Lana cuddled close*

Lana: O//x//O

Jodie and Josie: O//w//O

Lana: O//x//O ... *chuckles nervously* y-you must REALLY miss Ring if you needed to kiss somebody like me *chuckles nervously again* <w<;;

Kevin: ... *blinks* ... Oh! Um...ehehe... >//w//>; Eh, that was my fault, yeah..... *Holds around her and hugs her closer* But...I didn't kiss you because I miss Ring. I kissed you because...I wanted to. <//3//<;

Lana: Oh! Um...thank you...for giving me... O//o//O first kiss... .///.

Kevin: ...You're welcome...? <///<…if it wasn't satisfying enough... I can give you your second one as well....

Lana: It's okay, it was good!...or at least I think it was good. I've got nothing to compare it to and as much as I would love to do it again I know that we really shouldn't and... *cutely and rapidly stammers and mumbles incoherently as she blushes madly* <w<;;

Kevin: *Smiles and chuckles a little before giving her a second, much gentler and softer kiss* Sorry, I seem to have acted a bit selfishly, once again... ^3^;

Lana: *swoons* ...that one was really nice~ -//w//-

Kevin: .... ^//^ *Leans back and lays on the couch with Lana, stroking her back, tail and sore butt, to make her relax and rest*

Lana: Mmmm... -w- *snuggles into Kevin* can...can I ask one more thing from you?

Kevin: Of course you can. What is it, Lana?

Lana: Can you just...hold me for a little while? The last time I was ever held with such...affection, was by my parents all those years ago and...well...I really miss that feeling... .//w//.

Kevin: ...Yeah, that sounds good to me. ^/-/^ *Keeps Lana held close as he lays with her on the couch, nuzzling and kissing her cheek sweetly* ...Josie, Jodie, you two come here too. There is room for you two as well.

Jodie and Josie: Yay! ^o^

As Kevin and the three girls settle in for the night, another saga of the lives of the heroes comes to a close. The battle against Pyro Darkesis was a long and tough one; he had caused much pain and turmoil, leaving destruction and ruined lives in his wake. Yes, he was indeed a dangerous threat...but as they learned that day, Pyro Darkesis was nothing more than an accident created by the heartless and cruel actions of the Vacuum Co., a group whose threat level continues to increase more and more the more is learned about them. They had branches setup throughout the multiverse that the general public and even the galactic law enforcement didn't know about, they've wiped out and enslaved countless different non-human races, they had a massive space prison that had been weakening non-humans for over a thousand years, they were turning non-humans into weapons to create chaos and hate for non-humans as a whole...and their actions led to the accidental creation of Pyro Darkesis, a being who would've, without hesitation, destroyed all life throughout the multiverse in his crusade to eradicate the organization who wronged him. Taking on this organization was going to be like trying to cure a plague that has overtaken an entire town or kingdom, but on a multiversal scale. The Vacuum Co. could very well be the personification of hate...with that statement being true about them the question that remains now is this: how do you fight hate itself? Hopefully our band of heroes will find the answer in the days to come...

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