Sunday, June 16, 2019

Braving the Forces of Nature! The Tower in the Eye of the Storm!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 35
“Braving the Forces of Nature! The Tower in the Eye of the Storm!!”

An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

As another day came to a close, Snoopy, Ruby, Sally, Gaura and Zero return to HQ after using the rest of their patrol time to assist in the search for Rocky. They were greeted by the kids and their recent recruit, Dandelion, who stayed behind to watch them.

Sarita: W-Welcome back ^o^

Ichigo: Were you able to find any leads?

Ruby: *Sighs and shakes her head* No. This is unnerving...

Snoopy: Very unnerving; Rocky doesn't willingly just go off the map like that for any reason.

Zero: Well, he isn't at any of the places he usually hangs out at or has been investigating on assignments; where else is there left to search?

Snoopy: There has to be something that we're all overlooking, but what? ...

Dandelion: ...may I make a suggestion?

Sally: Y-yeah, go ahead...?

Dandelion: I'm sure that an organization like RIFT has tried this already but were they able to trace his phone using its in-built GPS?

Snoopy: Yeah, they were, but that's where it gets even more bizarre. When they found his phone it was encased in amber.

Dandelion: in fossilized tree sap amber?

Snoopy: The very same. There were traces of amber and even ice around the area as well as some foot prints belonging to something that isn't in their records so they have no way to identify whatever was there or where to look for it.

Ruby: And we were just about done with the bullshit too! D|

Sarita: There were unknown footprints at the scene? Do you have a picture?

Snoopy: Sure *pulls up a photo on his phone and shows it to Sarita* do these look familiar to you?

Sarita: *looks at the photo* not immediately, but I know somebody who would know for sure ^^

Ruby: ...? *Glances at the phone herself*

Snoopy: And who might that be?

Sarita: My informant from this time period. ^o^

Ruby: Oh? Well sweetie, like with most of the know better than us.

Sarita: Not true; besides, I could really use some help when it comes to dealing with her. As you would guess, her information doesn't come for free or cheap...

Snoopy: ...I see where this is going; how much cash are we going to need?

Sarita: Oh, she doesn't take money.

Zero: Then what does she take?

Sarita: Food.

Sally: Food?

Gaura: ...Odd choice for currency...

Sarita: For her money isn't a problem but she's always on the lookout for good food. But the problem is that she's incredibly difficult when it comes to what you serve her. She can say that she wants one thing one moment and by the time you get it for her she wants something else and won't take what you just brought her. And this can go on for quite a while until she eventually craves what you got her originally in some cases.

Gaura: there anyone else we can go to for information? -___-;

Sarita: Out of all of the people I've got to for information not only was she the one with the most abundant information but it was on average 95% accurate.

Ichigo: We can't really do anything about it because we're kids and were taught to respect our elders but all of you are adults and thus have more ways at your disposal to get the information we need from her without as much hassle.

Gaura: *Pats her on the head* If you are saying that just to make us feel better about being unable to do something about anything that happens lately, it's not really much of a morale boost...

Ruby: Not that we have a choice in the matter. We are all worried about Rocky right now.

Dandelion: ... Oh, I get what she's trying to say~ Don't worry, I know exactly what to do ^^

*Everybody goes to sleep for the night to prepare for the next day. When everyone awakens they find that little Ichigo had been up all night and had prepared various different foods.*

Snoopy: Wow...can't say that I ever had fresh Chinese food for breakfast.

Ichigo: Ah-ah-ah~ this isn't for us; I don't know what our informant will want so I was up all night creating a dish of every kind that I could think of to cover every possibility. The sooner we can get our information the more time we'll have to look for Daddy!

*Everybody looked at Ichigo's food offering and to them it all looked very good and well made. The only ones that looked worried were Sarita and Brendan.*

Sally: Well, um....I-I don't have any comments anymore. Start of the day and I am already out of words. <~<;

Gaura: Ichigo, you need sleep just as much as anybody else.. -.-;

Ichigo: I'll sleep... *yawns* when I'm being held in Daddy's arms...

Dandelion: *makes a makeshift backpack out of spider silk and loads all of the dishes into it* okay, we're all set ^^

Sarita: (I sure hope Ichigo's cooking ability got a boost from her desire to see her Dad again)

Gaura: Alright, lead the way.

*Sarita leads the group to a wooded area where there is a lone tree house in one of the trees. There was a rope connected to a bell on one of the high branches to act as a doorbell of sorts. Sarita pulls the rope, ringing the bell, and seconds later a tiny squirrel woman pokes her head out of the tree house. She had short red-hair, orange eyes, a gigantic bushy tail that was even larger than her body and was wearing a cute brown dress.*

???: Who goes there?

Sarita: Meryl, it's me, Sarita!

Meryl: Little bookworm? Hey, great to see you again, kid ...but, who are they?

Sarita: They are my family; we've come to ask you about something.

Meryl: ...okay, I'll be right down.

*Meryl climbs down out of the tree house and onto the ground in front of everybody. On closer inspection, she was no taller than any of the kids and even looked like a kid herself.*

Meryl: Hello, all. I am Meryl, a Ratatoskr information broker; if there's info you're looking for I've either got it or can get it, no matter how obscure.

Gaura: ......

Sally: W-we are looking for our friend. He has gone missing...

Meryl: I see, and you're wondering if I've seen him?

Snoopy: That and if possible could you identify what made this footprint? *shows Meryl the photo on his phone*

Meryl: Hmm...okay, I can help you but first I'm going to have to ask for payment up front.

Sarita: Okay.

Meryl: Since it's morning and I haven't had breakfast just yet...I'd like something with eggs ^^

Ichigo: Got it! Miss Dandelion?

Dandelion: Of course *sets the silk backpack down*

Ichigo: *searches through all of the dishes and pulls out a foil-wrapped breakfast burrito* here you go; I made all of these myself ^w^

Meryl: Ah, it looks good~ *unwraps the burrito* down the hatch! *bites into the burrito, begins chewing and taking in the flavor...then suddenly stops* URK! Q//3//Q BLEH!! *spits out the food and sputters* WATER! WATER! WATER!

*Meryl quickly climbs back up the tree to grab some bottled water and then climbs down again after the taste is out of her mouth.*

Meryl: Are you trying to kill me!? How many spices did you put in those eggs!?

Ichigo: All of them~ ^o^

Gaura: ...Y-yeah, she has my cooking talent alright... -~-;


Meryl: Thanks to that it's going to be a while before I even want to look at another egg...I've got the munchies now; think you could rustle me up a burger then?

Ichigo: Can do! *goes through the backpack and pulls out a bacon cheeseburger* Here you go~

Meryl: *looks at the burger* ... *bites into the burger, making an incredibly loud crunching sound* QxQ OW!!

*Meryl drops the burger on the ground and clutches her mouth. The heroines could see that the burger patty was burnt up so much that it was pretty much a brick*

Meryl: *muffled moans* what kind of meat was that? QxQ

Ichigo: It actually started out as a humongous ground round patty but shrunk down to that when it was finished cooking~ ^^

Ruby: *Shakes her head and sighs* This is not gonna end well...

Ichigo: We've got plenty more food for you to choose from if you don't like those~ ^o^

Meryl: ...y'know, there's no way I could possibly eat all of this that you made just for me. So how about this? Why don't the rest of you finish off what's left and I'll tell you I know and what I've seen.

*Everybody, except for Ichigo, goes stone-faced at hearing this.*

Ichigo: Yay, we all get to have breakfast together after all~ ^o^

Gaura: Y..yaaay.... =~=;

Ruby: Lord, have mercy... T^T

Sally: .... *wiggles uncomfortably*

*Ichigo laid out all of the food she had made. There were some weird pancakes for Ruby, some really dubious-looking muffins for Gaura, some mystery dumplings for Sally, some fried rice that had quite a lot of everything in it for Snoopy, some very burnt up fish for Zero, a mystery meat sloppy joe for Dandelion and a pizza with things that should never be toppings for Sarita and Brendan.*

Snoopy, Zero, Dandelion, Sarita and Brendan: =_=;; ...

Ichigo: Dig in, everybody; I know you'll like it~

*Nobody had the heart to crush Ichigo's spirit by refusing to eat the food she poured her heart out to make. They would each have to dig deep and gather all the resolve they could to get through this meal.*

Gaura: O-okay, sweetie...

Sally: ... *Swallows nervously and picks up a dumpling, starting to carefully chew it*

Snoopy: *nervously takes a bite of the fried rice*

Dandelion: *picks up the sloppy joe as it drips everywhere before timidly taking a bite*

Zero: *takes the fish and just bites into it without hesitation*

Sarita and Brendan: *gulps nervously as they each take a slice of pizza and then copy Zero by just taking a bite immediately*

Ruby and Gaura: *Mimicing Zero and the kids, they just take a deep breath and bite into their food as well*

*Sure enough, the dishes were as bad as everyone thought they would be. Ruby's pancakes and Gaura's muffins had a very unusual texture; they were somehow both raw yet crunchy at the same time. Sally's dumplings were just pure mush; from looking inside them after the bite she had taken she could see the ingredients used but it tasted like absolutely nothing...just lumpy, flavorless mush. Snoopy's rice was raw, had way too many overcooked meats and was super heavy with soy sauce. Zero's fist was so overcooked that the bite he took out of it was mainly crispy skin and fish bones. Dandelion's sloppy joe was super soggy, cold and the sauce used was...indescribable. Sarita and Brendan's pizza was just...difficult to eat to say the least.*

Snoopy: ;3; (Too...much...salt!!)

Zero: -m- (...there's no meat on this thing...)

Dandelion: QnQ (This isn't going to stay down...)

Sarita and Brendan: T_T (I never thought there was such a thing as a bad pizza...)

Sally: =A=; (It’s like...chewing on paper...)

Ruby: >3<; (I asked for MERCY not MISERY...!)

Gaura: Q~< (...Disgusting...)

*It took a while but everybody eventually finished all of the food before them...even if they did feel like blowing chunks right then and there. After that experience Gaura vowed that the first thing she would do after all of this was over was to take cooking lessons along with Ichigo.*

Ichigo: Yay, new achievement! Nobody threw up this time!

Dandelion: Wait, you KNEW it was bad but served it anyway!?

Ichigo: I thought that I would get lucky and succeed in making something edible AND save time and money by not having to rush all over the city to get food. ^^

Sarita and Brendan: *glares daggers at Ichigo*

Ruby: not take it personally....but I am excluding your family from the weekly movie night gathering.... =~=#

Gaura: None taken....

Sally: *Breathes heavily and slowly* Huff....uuuuhhhh....I don't feel so good....

Meryl: Hehehe~ that was quite the show Okay, as promised, I'll tell you what I know. First off, about that footprint you showed me, yes, I have seen it before. It belongs to an aquatic species of monsters known as a Mershark; a subspecies of Mermaid. They're quite rare as it is and I only know of one in this area: an old friend of mine named Tsubaki. Both of us were a part of the Ripple Warriors under our Commander, Cinder, back in our home dimension. She wields the Creation Trident, an incredibly treasure used by her family to control the elements. She's been acting kind of weird...well, weirder than usual...ever since we all got here. The last time I saw Tsubaki she ran past me carrying a huge chunk of fossilized amber. I only caught a brief glimpse of it, but inside that fossilized amber was a fellow that actually looked sort of similar to this guy over here *points to Snoopy*

Snoopy: That's Rocky! Where did she go?

Meryl: I don't know where Tsubaki is right now and I don't have any way of really contacting her right now but I can safely say that she hasn't left this town since everybody she knows is around here.

Gaura: That's not enough...! Any places she usually hangs around? Favorite spots to visit? Anything?

Ruby: (Oy, she is really worried...)

Meryl: Well, she does like high places...and she is a Mershark so she'll also like to stay near water...but she has that trident so she can make water for herself anywhere...I don't know. The best I could tell you to do right now is to be on the lookout for any bizarre environmental changes, be it to the terrain or the weather; when stuff like that happens Tsubaki is definitely in the vicinity.

Gaura: ..... *sighs and turns away* Never mind then... Thanks for what info you have shared.

*Everybody decides to head back to HQ with the intention planning out their next move, but due to Ichigo's cooking, all except for Zero and Ichigo ended up lying down and eventually taking a nap until the queasiness passed by. Gaura has a dream where she was chasing after Rocky but never catching up with him as he gradually drifted away and out of reach. Her dream is suddenly ended when she hears a gigantic booming noise, forcing her to wake up. Upon awakening she notices that it is completely dark in her room; thinking that she had slept too long she immediately checks her clock to see that only an hour had passed by as it was barely 10:30 AM. Ichigo then rushes into Gaura's room, sounding very excited.*

Ichigo: Mama, we know where Daddy is! ^o^

Gaura: W-wha-? You have!? I mean, you do!? Where!? O.O

Ichigo: Come, I'll show you ^o^

*Ichigo leads Gaura into the main room where she sees everybody gathered around the TV, watching a news report. Apparently in the last hour a tall tower had formed in the very center of town and since then strange weather patterns have been happening all over the town. Flooding, snowstorms, thunderstorms, volcanic activity, seismic activity, tornadoes, hurricanes, everything; and they seemed to be rotating around the tower.*

Snoopy: This is insane... O.O;

Sarita: And it IS what Meryl told us to look for, too.

Ruby: I thought we were done with this kinda of least for a bit... TwT

Gaura: No rest for heroes, you know? That aside....what actually is going on there...

Zero: They haven't been able to confirm anything; every time a chopper gets close to the top of the tower a huge gust of wind blows them away.

Snoopy: Looks like they're sending in an RC drone this time...

*Everybody watches the TV as the RC drone flies through the sky during all of the different extreme weather conditions happening, sending a live feed all the while. It manages to get to the top of the tower and zooms the camera in through one of the windows. What was displayed was a well put together room, complete with furniture and other luxuries. The drone circles around to view through another window and it was then that everybody got their first look at the occupant inside. It was a bipedal mermaid lady with shark features; she had long deep blue hair and was wearing what looked like tropical tribal island garb. She seemed to be fawning over a big chunk of ice; when the camera zoomed in further a face could be seen inside the ice...sure enough, it was Rocky Raiko. Just as the camera got a shot of Rocky's face it seemed that the Mershark lady spotted the drone and almost instantly the drone was shot down by a lightning bolt, killing the live feed.*

Gaura: ...... *looks seriously pissed*

Sally: OoO;; N-n-now, Gaura....calm down... We can not confirm that what we-

Gaura: I know what I saw, and it is enough for me to judge. We are going there. NOW.

Zero: Looks like air travel for me is out of the question here, which means I can't give any of you a heads up as to what's ahead.

Snoopy: That means we'll all have to get there the old fashioned way *looks out a window to see the outrageous weather conditions* like action hero movie stars...

Ichigo: All right! I can't wait t-

Snoopy: You kids are staying here.

Ichigo: Whaaaa??

Ruby: Mhm, no kiddies on this mission. You will just have to stay put.

Sally: is just for your own good... *Hugs Brendan against her bossom*

Sarita: We understand

Brendan: We'll watch over things from here ^//^

Ichigo: But I wanted to help rescue Daddy... -3-

Gaura: Consider this part of your punishment for that food... =.=

Ruby: Rather that than a spank on that little tush.

Ichigo: *mumbles with a pouty face*

Snoopy: We better get a move on before the flood weather decides to strike.

Ruby: Yeah, agreed. We do not have time to sit here and chat.

*The three heroines armor up and then lead the charge out of the HQ and into the storm system with Snoopy, Zero and Dandelion right behind them.*

Ichigo: *still pouting*

Brendan: So, what should we do?

Sarita: We've got some board games, some movies, snacks, and I think that my Dad has some video games stashed away somewhere.

Brendan: Those sound like fun what about you Ichigo; do those sound good?

Ichigo: ... actually, I have a better idea; let's play a game of hide and seek before we do any of that. You'll be it first Brendan, so try and find Sarita and me after you count to 100; no peeking~ ^3^

Brendan: Okay *turns around to face a wall and begin counting*

Ichigo: *grabs Sarita's arm* this way...

Sarita: But won't the game be over too quickly if he finds the hiding place we're both in?

Ichigo: Just be quiet and follow my lead ^^

*As the group of six moves through the huge thunderstorm in the driving rain they soon come across a massive roadblock just as they are about to breakthrough to the next storm system: a massive wall of water. But when Zero takes to the sky to see over the wall he sees that it is actually the next storm system: the flood system. All of the systems were in the shapes of rings around the city with the tower being at the very center.*

Snoopy: Insane, I tell you, insane! O_O;

Dandelion: Amazing; it's like a section of the city is submerged in a ring-shaped bowl...

Zero: I'm open to suggestions on how to get past this...

Ruby: Well, my armors can get me through most of these, but I will exhaust myself by changing form too much. Not to mention I can’t do this by myself.

Sally: I honestly have no idea... .~.;

Snoopy: ......there is something I've been working on with Ashuro and Rocky's guidance... *pulls one of the tabs on his glove and transforms into his Water Guard form* okay everyone, hold still for a moment...

*Just before Snoopy could do anything something emerges from the water wall: six watery forms of the Mershark Tsubaki.*

Water clones: *takes a fighting stance* LEAVE!!

Gaura: Pardon me... *Stab into a clone quickly with her lance* But we are not listening to demands. *Cleaves the water in two with a singular swipe*

Ruby: ....That would have been terrifying if it was not water. o_o

*The attacked water clone falls to the ground with a splash while the remaining five all leap into the air and decide to dive bomb Gaura.*

Gaura: "Breakthrough Macabre!!" *Aims her spear upwards and does multiple upward thrusts, whilst circling around in the same spot to make short process of all the water clones, splattering her armor (and what she had of exposed skin) with the liquid, making her standout and look rather sparkly*

Ruby: O.O ..... OwO Well, she is in tip-top shape, that is for sure~

Snoopy: So she can create fighters out of water, huh? Looks like I'll have to revise my plan a bit *sticks his hands into the water wall* lets see just how much mastery I have over my natural element...

*Channeling all of his E-nergy throughout his body, Snoopy manages to part the wall of water down the middle, creating a very long pathway through the flooded part of town to the next storm system.*

Sally: Oooooh....neat. =O

Ruby: Who says an old dog can't surprise with new tricks?

Sally: That's...not how the saying goes...

Ruby: It is now!

*The group walks forward through the flood but it appears that Tsubaki's assault wasn't over as more water clones come out from both sides.*

Snoopy: This is bad; I'm not at a stage where I can both fight AND keep this water parted like this.

Zero: Don't worry, we've got you covered! *flies forward and punches one of the water clones, making it burst and slash on the ground*

Dandelion: *creates two spider silk whips and manages to cut four separate water clones in half, making them splash on the ground* just keep moving forward and we'll deal with these things!

Gaura: Yeah, don’t worry. Like she said, just keep moving!

*Everybody dashes through the parted flood waters, avoiding the many flooded-out cars that litter the streets and weaving around and through flooded buildings. Snoopy kept the waters at bay while the others swatted down any water clones that tried to get in their way and stop them. However just as they were about to enter the next storm system they all run into a massive group of water clones blocking their exit.*

Water clones: LEAVE NOW!!

Zero: Looks like she's trying to wear us out so that we can't reach her.

Snoopy: I can't keep this up for much longer! >~<;

???: Leave this to us!!

*Everybody looks behind them to see that they had company: it was Cinder, Estella, Caramel, Vivi, Cheryl, Penelope, Sundae and even Meryl from earlier. They all jump into action and make quick work of the small army of water clones, making it possible for them all to move into the next storm system: the volcanic storm.*

Cinder: You all headed to that tower too?

Gaura: Isn't that obvious? I don't think anyone wandering through these storm systems without a purpose of getting to the tower.

Ruby: Oh boy, many many many good-looking people here~

Cinder: Before it was even confirmed to be her I had a feeling that it was Tsubaki behind all of this; only she has the means to create chaos like this.

Meryl: I should've figured that something was up when I saw her run past me earlier but I didn't think she would do something like this.

Snoopy: Wait, so you all know her?

Cinder: Yes; she was a part of my warrior brigade; with her abilities we could always alter the battlefield to our advantage and fight with the very elements of nature on our side.

Estella: Although I must admit that this seems to be rather out of character for Tsubaki...

Sally: *Whispers to Ruby* Don't we feel a bit....out of place and weak, in comparison to all these people...?

Ruby: Don't think too much about it...

Gaura: Well whatever that little friend of yours is doing, we are going in to deal with her. And fast, before she does something...stupid. -.-;

Ruby: ...Stupid...sure. |D

Cinder: Then allow us to assist you. Know her she'll have many more elemental clones up ahead so we'll help clear a path through all of this chaos so you can reach Tsubaki at your full strength.

*Just then from the ground comes a small group of lava clones.*

Estella: Looks like I'm up *takes out her E-nergy rifle* Arctic Rounds!

*Estella unloads super freezing E-nergy shots into the lava clones, making them cool and harden rapidly*

Cheryl and Penelope: Double Spinning Lariat! *spins around rapidly like spinning tops and collides with the group of lave clones, shattering them* Yosh!

Sally: .... *blinks and timidly rubs the back of her head, staying a bit in the back* Y-yeah...

Ruby: Um....okay?

Cinder: Try to...keep it simple, girls...

Cheryl: Oh lighten up, Captain; it's been too long since we've been able to go all-out on something... -3-

Cinder: Just try and save the more crazy attacks for larger groups than this; let's move on!

*The now rather large group charges forward. There was chaos everywhere as eruptions happened at random and civilians were trying to find safety. The hero team desperately wanted to help them out but deep down knew that the only way to help them out in the long term was to stop Tsubaki and get her to fix everything afterwards.*

Gaura: ...Are we in the eye of the storm, yet?

Ruby: Clearly not.

Gaura: *grumbles* I mean: HOW far is it...? -__-#

Cinder: *hurls her spiked chain ball through a lava clone, defeating it in one shot* we're almost there; once we get past this next storm system we'll be at the tower!

*Finally exiting the volcanic storm system the group moves into the final storm between them and the tower they sought: a mega hurricane. Thunder, lightning, rain, tornadoes and flying debris; this one would prove to be the most challenging one to get through.*

Ruby: Hmmmm..... Never traversed an actual hurricane field before... =/

Vivi: Wowzers, she REALLY doesn't want us getting any closer .o.

Gaura: *Huffs in an annoyed and angry tone* Come on then! What do we do to get through a hurricane!?

Sally: Um....people usually avoid them all together... ._.;

Zero: Very true ._.;

*Hail starts falling.*

Snoopy: Find shelter!

*Everybody begins heading towards the nearest building and takes shelter.*

Dandelion: *picks ice chunks out of her hair* hmm...this is a hurricane and these storm systems are going on in a ring formation, right?

Snoopy: Correct.

Dandelion: Then all we need to do is wait for a little bit ^^

Gaura: *Tapping her foot* -_- ....

Sally: I…do not think she has time to wait... .~.;

Dandelion: Trust me, just wait a little bit...

*After two more minutes pass the storm lets up and eventually stops despite still looking stormy.*

Dandelion: Yes, I was right; we're in the eye! Now we can make progress safely for a little while

Ruby: Smart.

Sally: Oooooh.... .3.

*The group pushes forward at great speed, taking in the sight of the storm ravaged city as they go, managing to exit the storm system just before the hurricane started up again. The area they were in was the only calm part of the city despite the massive tower that had erupted out of the middle of a four way stop. Surprisingly the group sees that they had even more reinforcements waiting for them in the form of Skylar, Blitz, Tanya, Nikki, Jim, Connie, Jason and Mujakina.*

Sundae: Hubby~ *pounces on Jason*

Snoopy: You guys made it, too? How did you get here so fast?

Jim: It just so happened that this tower rose up close to one of the portal terminals that the Guild uses.

Zero: So, in other words, you didn't have to go through all of those storms... -_-;

Nikki: Nope~ ^^

Gaura: ...You saying that, in such a tone, with that expression, is just making me more angry... -__-#

Skylar: *Grabs Nikki's hand and pulls her back*

Jason: >/3/o; *Finds himself pinned under Sundae's massive body* R-regardless....we are all here now...

Snoopy: So, have you tried going up the tower yet?

Jim: We did try several times but every time we get close to the staircase we get swarmed by an army of these stone lady sharks that come out of the tower walls and start attacking us, telling us to leave.

Blitz: As strong as we are, faced against rock and earth-style, we are a bit at a disadvantage, as far as we Moonshredder siblings go.

Skylar: The lady seems content in keeping us away. =/

Snoopy: Hmm...what if we...?

Estella: *charges up her rifle to the maximum* Geo Mod! *fires a massive E-nergy shot at the tower base, blowing a massive hole in the side of it, revealing a spiraling staircase inside* Quick, get inside!

Gaura: That works! *Rushes ahead*

Ruby: ......Um....okay...then...

*Everybody makes it into the interior of the tower just before the wall completely rebuilds itself. The army of stone clones come out of the walls and floor from all angles, ready to fight.*

Cinder: *hurls her spike ball flail through a stone clone, defeating it* keep moving! I can handle things here! *spins around and takes out several more stone clones with one swing of her spike ball flail*

Ruby: Huh, stronger than she looks... *Shrugs a bit and keeps going with the rest*

*Going up the spiral staircase the group reaches the second floor and enters what looks like a storage room of sorts. The moment they were all in the two doors slam shut and flying stone turret sentries fly out of compartments in the wall.*

Dandelion: How the heck did she build all of this within an hour!?

Caramel: Tsubaki was always a genius at construction and with the Creation Trident she was effortlessly able to create anything she pleased. Great for rebuilding cities ravaged by war, not so great in situations like these...

Sally: ..... *sits down* I don't want to go on anymore... I am tired of this... T-T;

Ruby: Um...sounds like the over-the-top bullshit is getting to her...

Snoopy: I'm with her on that; just how many more floors do we have to go through?

Vivi: Vivi estimates from the height of the tower that there are a total of 15 floors ^^

Nikki: ...SCREW THAT!!

Snoopy: ... Nikki, you're Pensword; you can open up a gate that'll allow us to get to the top in an instant!

*Gaura looks super pissed that she's just now finding out this info.*

Gaura: .....Seriously...

Nikki: I don't know; since a few days ago Horror Sheathe has been...well...see for yourself.

*Nikki summons her Pensword but it looks nothing like it normally did. In appearance it looked more like a Keyblade.*

Nikki: It just turned into this just the other day and I can't get it to work the way I want it to.

Skylar: Really now? That's odd...wonder why th-

Gaura: And now on with excuses! I am starting to lose my head with everything going on these days! First its just one thing, but then stuff pile up out of the blue. I am thrown into situations I hardly have any business with, even as a heroine! And it just keeps building and building AND BUILD SOME MORE!!

Sally: G-Gaura, calm d-


Sally: O~O;; .....

Gaura: *Closes her eyes and takes a deep breath* ...Is there ANYTHING you guys can do that will actually HELP in this situation? -_-

Nikki: Hey, we're trying our best here! I really do want to just send you guys directly to the final floor but I sti-

*Suddenly Nikki's Pensword glows brightly then shoots a beam of light above Snoopy, Ruby, Sally, Zero, Gaura and Dandelion that turns into a portal and sucks the six of them inside.*

To be continued…

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