Sunday, June 16, 2019

Evellia's Daring Rescue Mission! Storming Section V!! Part 1

Travel Multiversal
Shirokku-D Chronicles
“Evellia’s Daring Rescue Mission! Storming Section V!! Part 1”

An RP between Rokku-D and eshonen all happened so fast that she wasn't sure where it went wrong. Evellia was sitting with her Sensei, Batou, his wife Klarina, and their newborn child, Batou Jr., underneath the same tree they always sat under after a nice day of training. She had really grown attached to the two of them, as if they were her second chance at having a Mom and Dad in her life. But something nobody expected happened...

A group of strange men in weird costumes appeared before them all, threatening to do them harm if they didn't cooperate. Batou seemed to know who they were and warned them against doing anything stupid...they refused and a battle ensued. Batou engaged the strangers in battle and after handing Batou Jr. to Evellia and telling her to run to safety, Klarina joined him. Before Evellia could get far, even more of the strange men warped right in front of her, blocking her exit and snatching the baby away from her. Evellia tried to fight back but was greatly outnumbered and soon restrained. With both Batou Jr. and Evellia in their clutches Batou tried to strike a deal with the strange men: he would go with them willingly if they let his wife, child and student go free. After a few seconds they got a radio response from their commander: they would honor Batou's request. They let Evellia go...and then quickly went back on their word and warped away with Klarina, Batou Jr. and then Batou himself. Enraged, Evellia went on the attack again but a quick blow to the back of the head quickly took her out of commission.

Evellia awakens several hours later to find that the sun was now setting and that she was all alone. A mix of frustration, anger and sadness overtook her as she punched the ground repeatedly with her fist as tears freely flowed down her face as she cried bitterly. Once again, people close to her heart were taken from her. But before the feeling of despair and depression could overtake her she noticed that she was no longer alone; standing to her side was a bat boy and kneeling in front of her was a little cheetah girl, both of which looked vaguely familiar to her.

Bat boy: ... *crouches down to Evellia’s level*

Cheetah girl: *gets down on her arms and knees to be at eye level with Evellia* .3.

Evellia: :depressed: ....... "sigh" Hey.... *koffs*

Cheetah girl: What happened here? ._.;

Evellia: :tears: .... "sigh" ... Those.....Those bastards has beaten us, and they... they... :x Took Batou! ...I can't believe I was so weak, I was sure I can win, and save the day like I promised Lynette... :( *wipes her tears* .... Now, I not sure I can beat them and save Batou... my.... step father.... :sniff: What am I going to do??

Bat boy: *helps Evellia up, dries her tears with a handkerchief then smiles warmly at her* :aww:

Cheetah girl: Looks like things have changed again; they never told us about this happening here at this time. Don't worry, we're going to help you rescue your family because family helps family in times of need! ^o^

Evellia: Thanks... but… I don't want you guys to get hurt cause of me...

Cheetah girl: You don't have to worry about us. This guy over here doing the silent protagonist thing was trained by a master swordsman. As for me I was trained in hand-to-hand combat by two cool gals: my Mom and you~ ^o^

*The little cheetah girl hugs Evellia warmly. After taking a look at the bat boy beside her, Evellia noticed that he had the same big, staring eyes and hairstyle of little Batou Jr.*

Evellia: T_T You're right... I shouldn't give up so easily. :x *wipe her tears* They won't see the last of me.... But... ugh, they really kicked my butt... so.... can you take me to Kayako?

Cheetah girl: Of course :nod: Big bro, give her a lift!

Bat boy: *nods then scoops Evellia up in his arms, carrying her bridal style, then sprouts wings from his back and flies off towards Kayako's place*

Cheetah girl: *dashes off after them*

*Within minutes the bat boy and cheetah girl arrive at Kayako's with Evellia. Upon seeing Evellia's injuries Kayako quickly goes to work in healing her.*

Evellia: Ugh...

Kayako: Wh-What happened? D: :worry: Evellia h-hold on! *Puts her hands on Eveilla's torso, and healing her*

Cheetah girl: She was ambushed by what sounds like Vacuum Co. goons.

Evellia: Yeah... and they took Batou... I'm going to crush them...

Kayako: "gasp" :fear: Oh No... We got to do something, fast!

Bat boy: *nods in agreement*

Cheetah girl: That's good and all but there are a few things we'll need before we take on an entire organization. First of all, we need to get you a proper weapon to fight them with.

*Kayako was so preoccupied with healing Evellia that she just now took notice of the two new faces that were with her and was now curious as to who they were.*

Kayako: Uhh! Oh, Hello! S-sorry for not noticing! o.o;

Marina: It's okay, Kayako-chan~ ^^ Allow me to introduce myself: my name is Marina, Marina Koco. And this big guy over here is my big brother, Batou Koco Jr.

Batou Jr.: *bows to Kayako and Evellia*

Marina: He doesn't talk much but since he's easy to understand I talk for him...I guess he gets that quirk from Mom. ^^;

Evellia: Hm. Okay then... Is he strong enough to take them all out?

Kayako: *waves* ^_^

Marina: His strength and skill with the swords are on par with Dad and Grandpa; he could easily take on a group of Vacuum Co. grunts.

Batou Jr.: :nod:

Eveilla: Then that's great! We'll Win for sure!   .... please say yes.

Marina: Of course we'll win! :w00t: But we'll need some help to reach them as well as provide a distraction for us to do our search once we get to where they're holding Mom and Dad.

Evellia: Okay then! :D ... Hey, Kayako!

Kayako: Yes? o.o

Evellia: Get your dad here, he needs to hear this.

Kayako: You got it~ =O *runs out the room, but them crashed into something* Owie! I'm okay!

Evellia: =w=; ....Oh god...

Marina: *giggles* :giggle:

*A Few moments later, Marius, Saturn, and Sakura arrives and Evellia fills them in on what has happened thus far.*

Marius: Shit... That happened to him? ._. Are you sure you're not talking about someone else with a sword...?

Evellia: I know, its shocking to me too! D:  That's why we gotta save him now!

Marius: Well Damn, Looks like we're not holding anything back. =O

Saturn: Seem So.

Marina: Now our chances of success have risen significantly ^o^

Saturn: Indeed! Let's move out, Team! B-)

Marina: But before that I recommend that we go and recruit just one more person in particular for this mission; somebody who will boost our success rate past 100% ^3^

Sakura: Yeah? :)

Marina: We need Uncle Ashuro~ ^o^ And I know about where he might be; follow me~

*Marina leads everybody to a wooded area close by. It is there that they find Ashuro sitting with Mugz and Caramel as they watched Annaliese, Karin and Paprika do some battle training. Claire, Potpourri and Nougat were there as well, wearing cheerleader outfits and cheering, dancing and being her usual silly selves while the three battled.*

Claire, Potpourri and Nougat: Show some spirit! Fight, Fight, Fight~

Ashuro: Are you sure that you don't want to join them, Caramel? Claire got you an outfit and everything ^^

Caramel: N-No thanks; I-I-I'm fine just sitting here... ^^;

Mugz: Even though you would look very cute in it? :)

Caramel: :blush: *blushes deep red*

Karin: Yeah, Flaunt it like ya mean it! :meow:

Annaliese: ^///^ I believe in you!

Marius: *can't help but smile at this* Heh. :)

Ashuro: *notices Marius and Evellia* hey guys! :wave: What brings you out here; want to get in a little training time as well? :)

Marius: Um, Sure... but we came here for help. =O

Evellia: Batou’s been kidnapped! We gotta move! D8>

Saturn: So, What do you guys say?

Karin: Let's-A-go! :dummy:

Annaliese: :worry: I...I hope he's okay...

Ashuro: :omg: *immediately rises to his feet* Batou has been kidnapped!? But how!? Batou would never go down or get captured in a fair wasn't a fair fight, was it?

*Evellia shakes her head "no"*

Ashuro: Yeah, that's what I thought :upset: ...Batou's captors; were they wearing bizarre outfits that looked like this *takes a photo of a Vacuum Co. grunt out of the stone in his left hand and shows it to Evellia*

Evellia: :furious: That's Them Alright!! *gripping on her sword*

Kayako: C-Calm down, Evellia... We'll get them back... :fear:

Ashuro: Okay, that confirms who’s behind this; so they have finally decided to focus on us now, just like Pyro said they would. The only problem now is finding out where they took them...

*Everybody looks in the sky when they hear what sounds like a jet flying above them; it turns out that it was actually the recon robot, Vivi. Seeing everybody gathered together she lands there.*

Vivi: Just the people I was looking for. I've got some bad news; a number of your friends, as well as Master Mizuki, have just been abducted by some people in strange uniforms!

Karin: Mizuki?! D:

Marius: WHAT?! :O

Annaliese: :worry: Oh No!!

Saturn: When was the last time you've seen them?

Vivi: Just a few minutes ago; they all had just come out of the jewelry store when those bizarre people showed up in their space craft and warped down in front of them all. I would have fought them but I'm no good without a ranged weapon and I left my guns behind. Along with Mizuki, these four were also captured...

*Vivi shoots out holographic beams from her eyes to project images of all of the people who were captured; they were Mizuki, e-chan, Hiri, Sarna and Elska.*

Karin: This feels familiar...

Kayako: "gasp" My Aunties! D:>

Annaliese: Not them...! How dare they! :x

Marius: Hm. Let's contact Mable... She can summon Serin over, and aid us to find those bastards...

Vivi: They said something about having a use for e-chan and took the others as hostages to make sure that he would obey them without question. Before they flew away, I managed to also get a good shot of their ship; I'm currently doing a cross-check of the online ship database to see who uses these sorts of ships, hopefully narrowing down our list of possible culprits.

Karin: There isn't a moment to lose, Let's get em! >.<

Saturn: Anything Else, Vivi?

Vivi: I should have a good lead on where to look in a few seconds; the search is almost complete...and......done! We have a match for that ship that took Mizuki and the others. This data comes from my friend, Meryl, so the information is reliable. Apparently ships like those are only used by an organization called the Vacuum Co. Apparently they use those ships I saw for transporting prisoners to a place they've named Section V.

Saturn: Okay then. *contacts Mable on his wrist*

Annaliese: Not another ship adventure... T^T

Karin: Another Ship Adventure! WHOO! :w00t:

*Vivi shoots out some holographic beams out of her eyes to display an image of Section V in full. The place looked very similar to the Death Egg but had a giant V shape on it instead of a mad doctor's face and had several other versions of itself in varying sizes orbiting around it.*

Vivi: This is Section V. The gigantic ship in the middle is the main facility; it acts as a massive intergalactic prison run by the Vacuum Co as well as their own personal satellite, attack ship and anything else you can imagine. The smaller facilities orbiting it each have a specific function like being a docking station for the ships, a courtroom, living quarters for the staff and other things.

Marius: Huh. The V is kinda a bit much, huh?

Karin: Wow... Now I Really wanna go there... o.o

Annaliese: But Ship Adventures might lead to more broken dreams, and broken bones... D:

Karin: Well, Anna-Chan.. Maybe things might be different... >w>

*Mable arrives a few moments later, inside Serin*

Karin: Hey, there she is! :)

Marina: Giant robot! :woohoo:

Batou Jr.: *nods in agreement* :nod:

Saturn: Yes! Those jerks are going to get it, for sure! *say all that, while doing sentai poses*

Paprika: .... Why you're doing that?

Saturn: Sorry, I got into the moment... ^^;

Mable: What happened?

Marius: Well, Batou, and other groups of our friends and love ones were kidnapped, and we need your help, as well your Giant Mecha.

Mable: Okay… Then Climb aboard, all of you.

Ashuro: ...Vivi, do you have any other information about Section V? You know, like who is in charge and how many men they have working for them, that sort of thing?

Vivi: Actually, I do; believe it or not the entire station is run by robots like me. The head robot goes by the name of Metachan and he even has his own factory deep within Section V that takes damaged materials, strengthens them and then recycles them to create even more robots or tools he desires; aside from the prisoners there are no organic lifeforms running the place.

Ashuro: ...I see...hey Mable, how would you like to own your own space station?

Mable: Sure, I could always use a 2nd space station. :aww:

Ashuro: By attacking us the Vacuum Co. has basically sent us a message that they see us as nothing more than targets to dominate. I say we send them a response to that message that says we're not going to let them walk all over us; and what better way to do that then by taking control away from them of one of their most important weapons? :D

Mable: That's True. :nod: Now Everyone, get on board.

Caramel: Um, I wouldn't be of much help to you on a mission like this. I'll stay behind and watch the girls; can't leave them unsupervised or take them to a battle...again... ^^;

Mugz: Okay then *stoops down and kisses Nougat and Potpourri on their cheeks* be good for Mama Caramel, girls ^^

Nougat: We will, Daddy ^^

Potpourri: Go out and win, Mommy and Daddy! :w00t:

Karin: Let's- A - Go! :D

*Everyone got on Serin, and proceed flying off*

Kayako: O.O Wow... *trips* Oof!

Marius: You know, you can sit down, sweetie... ^^;

Vivi: *going over the data about Section V* ...hmm...that'll be a problem.

Ashuro: What will be a problem, Vivi?

Vivi: Among the various robots at Section V there are these small, parasitic types of robots that find their ways into the electrical systems of other robots, usually through charging ports. Once they plug into those ports, Metachan will be able to fully control them as long as they are within Section V.

Ashuro: So that means that you, Kayako, Sakura, Saturn and Serin here are in danger the moment we get there. Should one of you get infected is there any way that any of us can help you?

Vivi: There is. There is a machine specially dedicated to maintaining the signal that these robots need to function. Should anything happen to any of us you will need to find this server and destroy it. Once it is destroyed the signal should stop and we should regain control of ourselves.

Saturn: *shudders* The thought of that makes me sick to my circuits... @ _ @

Kayako: :fear: WH-Wh-What?!

Marius: Ass. ._.; Thaaaaat's Perfect, What should we use now to reach up there?

Mable: Which means we need to switch to plan B.

Claire: There's a Plan B? I didn't even know what Plan A was. ._.

Mable: This isn't the first time we try to encounter a ship with something like that... although... This feels different from Dixie's ship; So, I plan ahead; What dimension hopping told me, we can use these *pull out a weird suit from the locker* This suit can helps us warp there, we may get to the best fast enough, so the parasites won't catch up to our suits... these suits is something that isn't made by me, made by another Aluma from universe C.

Marius: But once we do get in there... will the parasites get us then?

Mable: I always got a force field, but keep in mind... the power might go out in 3 hours....

Annaliese: *looks worried* :worry:

Kayako: Is There a way to gain more power cells to it? :worry:

Mable: In Serin... But I got to keep her to earth, cause we don't want a giant mecha be after us... ^^;

Karin: owo; Good Call.

Ashuro: ...question, Vivi: these parasitic robots, do they need to insert directly into your access ports or can they get in through other means?

Vivi: The data shows that this particular model needs to get to the access ports to take control of us. They have no power over organic beings so the rest of you guys are safe.

Ashuro: If that is the case *takes some devices out of the stone in his left hand* the ports that you use to charge yourselves up again, just plug these into them and then turn them on to provide a tight seal as well as protection from outside signals. They are special blockers that Rocko made long ago for a band of robot warriors who also ran into a problem like this. These each have about 2 to 3 hours’ worth of power in them so as long as we're quick and don't get caught you all should be safe. I don't have one big enough for Serin so she'll have to stay away from the action like Mable said.

Annaliese: d-Did you catch all that, Karin?

Karin: Yeah? Why you ask? <w<

Annaliese: @ _ @ No...reason...

Mable: These other suits are unique tech is organic... *points at the 2nd locker*

Marius: Those 2nd model suits are Organic?? ._.

Mable: Now let's put the warp suits on, and put the stones into good use. :)

Marius: Organic...? what did she-- ah screw it. =/

Ashuro, Claire, Mugz and Vivi: *suits up*

*Everyone suits up*

Annaliese: *slips it on, but it’s all baggy* I'm ready! ^_^

Karin: <w< ... Hold on. *pressed the button to adjust her body height, and size*

Annaliese: Oh. Thanks, Karin. ^//^

Marina: *finishes suiting up then notices that Evellia was armed only her beat-up training swords* Hmm...Ms. Mable, you wouldn't happen to have any weapons stored away, would you; something suitable for fighting off hordes of robots like swords or blasters?

Mable: Of Course. Right in Locker 270; It lies beam sabers. >.>

Karin: But those swords aren't useful, their playful, remember? o.o

Mable: Now, Why would I bring fake ones for something like this?

Marina: *goes over to the locker and opens it* Miss Evellia, it's time for an upgrade; take your pick ^w^

Evellia: Hmmm... I'm always a fan of green. *takes it, and swing it around* Nice...!

Kayako: :worry: Um, Watch where your swing that, E-Evellia... ^^;

Evellia: Sorry, kid. ^^;

Batou Jr.: *smiles at Evellia, drawing his own two swords and making his black wings appear on his back*

Marina: Wow; my big bro is all fired up; he's ready to slice up some robots and save Mommy and Daddy as well ^w^

Ashuro: So my assumption was right; you two are Batou's kids from the future after all. ^^

Marina: *giggles* :giggle: Nothing gets by you, Uncle Ashuro~

Ashuro: *looks at Batou Jr.* are your brother's wings anything like his father's?

Marina: They're exactly like Daddy's; with his wings out he has four swords to use in battle ^^

Kayako: Just, Be careful... :worry:

Karin: *pets Kayako* C'mon, chin up, Kayako-Chan. =p ...We can do this!

Mugz: You got that right! :D This time around I'm ready for what is to come; ever since Benjamin Koco released my wind powers I've been practicing with Pepper every day and now I have much better control over them. ^^ that I think about it, there are several things we need to do once we get to Section V...

Ashuro: You're right. We've got to find the others, disable the server that the robots need to function and deal with Metachan: the robot in charge of everything, all the while dealing with the horde of robots at his disposal.

Vivi: I recommend that we each split into three teams. I would like to be part of the team that rescues our friends; I have various features installed inside me that can deal with security doors. ^^

Annaliese: T-Team Paprika, forever! :D

Karin: Same! :dummy:

Paprika: We're Set.

Marius: I Guess Me, Saturn, and Ashuro are good to go. :) What do ya say?

Kayako: What about me? o.o ...I-I Want to help! :D ....and n-not get hurt. :worry:

Ashuro: Hmm...Mable, do you think that you could take care of the server controlling the robots if you had adequate backup?

Mable: Of Course. Oh, I almost forgot. Kayako, You might want to take this. *hands her a box*

Kayako: Oh... Th-Thank you. :aww: ...What is it? :?

Mable: It’s a suit I wanted to give too you, Kayako... This outfit can be useful for this mission.

Kayako: A Suit in a small box? Whoa... O.O

Ashuro: In that case, Kayako, why don't you, Mable, Paprika, Annaliese, Claire, and Karin team up? Metachan is sure to have some of his more powerful robots guarding that server and I'm sure Paprika and the others could use a medic to patch them up if they get hurt. ^^

Kayako: Ohh! ...I'll do my best. :aww: ... Wish me luck, Daddy! :D

Marius: Kay. Good Luck. ;p

Kayako: >w< :giggle:

Ashuro: Sakura, could you go with Vivi's group and help them in rescuing the others?

Sakura: You Got it, Little guy! ;)

Ashuro: And Mugz, you come with us ;)

Mugz: Got it! :eager:

*With the teams made Section V came into view as they were getting close to arriving at their destination. It was one thing to see Vivi's holographic diagram of the place, it was another thing entirely to see Section V in reality; the space station was absolutely massive.*

Marina:'s huge... :wow:

Vivi: Land us in the hangar over there *points to the orbiting planetoid just above them* there is a warp pad that can take us to the main station.

*Mable does so and has Serin land inside of the hangar. Once everybody disembarks they are surprised by just how wide and spacious it was with the various ships docked there.*

Annaliese: The Echo of this place... s-so we got to be extra extra... quiet... o.o;

Karin: *inhales* ....

Annaliese: Don't. You. Even. Dare. >/^/<; :x

Karin: I'm only kidding. >w> Okay, Let's Roll. :)

*The Rest Walks over to the warp pad. Unknown to them all was that by using the warp pad a silent alarm was triggered, letting the sole warden of the entire base know that there was something moving around freely.*

Metachan: What's this? *looks at the security monitors and sees Ashuro and the others moving about* so...the cat and his friends came directly to us. Looks like that promotion to Commander is a sure thing now :mwahaha:

*Meanwhile with the others, Vivi finds a terminal and begins downloading the map and other useful information from it.*

Vivi: And...done! I've got the layout of this place downloaded; I'm sending you all copies of the map of this place to your suits now ^o^

Karin: Okay Sweet, Sweet... ouo *wags her tail*

Marius: ....For some reason I can feel someone here is laughing.... I dunno, call it a hunch. ^^;

Annaliese: Huh? .3.

Marius: Nevermind. -w-

To be continued…

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