Sunday, June 16, 2019

Everything Has Been Leading to This: The Defeat of Benjamin Koco!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 34
“Everything Has Been Leading to This: The Defeat of Benjamin Koco!!”

An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

By the time Snoopy makes it out of the HQ he has already lost sight of Sarita. With no idea where she ran off to he decides to just choose a direction and hopes that he catches up to her quickly. During his search he comes across some familiar faces: Rex Tyrant, Lucca Allison and their son from the future, Raphael.

Snoopy: Rex, Lucca, have you seen a little Lobinu girl in glasses run by here? I think she's in some sort of trouble.

Raphael: Lobinu girl in glasses...would her name happen to be Sarita?

Snoopy: Yes, that's her name; have you seen her?

Raphael: No, I haven't; I've been with Mom and Dad here all day. .o.

Lucca: We're having our first family sleepover tonight~ ^3^

Rex: *Puts his hands in his pockets* While I agree that I should relax more, we are kinda in a bit of a crisis with our lives at stake... I would rather train or do something that I feel is productive to the situation at hand... However, I can't deny that I want to spend time with those around me, as well, so... >//_//>;

Snoopy: I understand how you feel; but sometimes it is good to do something to take your mind off of the bad things going on around you.

Lucca: Exactly ^^

Raphael: Sarita tell you anything of importance?

Snoopy: Just that Benjamin Koco was going to make his move sometime this week and then she ran off to deal with what sounded like some sort of emergency.

*That bit of news immediately caught Rex and Raphael's attention.*

Rex: ....This week? You serious?

Snoopy: Yeah; according to this mystery informant of hers the guy doesn't have much time left so right now he's at his weakest and most dangerous.

Rex: Tsk... *Rubs his eyes* Does anyone else know of this yet? Information like this should not be widespread to more than necessary...

Snoopy: As far as I know Sarita has only told me, Zero and the hero girls...and she did mention having a friend and cousin working with her so most likely know this too. I hope that Ashuro gets back soon to help us deal with this...

Rex: .....Yes...let's hope for the better to happen.

Snoopy: *groans* why did the Vacuum Co. have to start messing with us now of all times? And they just had to target Batou and Klarina; there's no way Ashuro wouldn't chase after them off planet.

*A sinister presence could suddenly be felt by both Snoopy and Rex. Looking ahead they see none other than Benjamin Koco emerge from a shadowy portal. He definitely didn't look good at all, proving that Sarita's information about him was indeed valid.*

Benjamin: *coughs* So, the cat and ex-successor to my family are off planet? That definitely makes things easier... *coughs up some blood*

Snoopy: OoO *activates an emergency call signal on his phone to send an SOS to Ruby and the others*

Rex: !! *Positions himself in between his group and Benjamin, while tapping into his "Tricera State", his hair growing slightly longer as he did, while his suit gained a red-highlight to the sleeves* Don't you even dare oppose us right now...

Benjamin: *coughs violently* as you can see I don't have too much time to waste so why don't you be a good boy and just hold still for me?

Rex: Sorry to disappoint you...I am kinda bad at following orders from older people...

Benjamin: I'm aware of that; that's why they're here...

*Benjamin snaps his fingers and suddenly Snoopy, Rex, Lucca and Raphael find themselves being held in place by June, Wendy, Ash and Justin. The four of them had received a massive boost in power as their targets were finding it incredibly difficult to resist their strength.*

Snoopy: *struggles to break free from June's hold*

Lucca: What the...? Where did they come from? *struggles to break free from Wendy's hold*

Raphael: *struggles in vain as Justin lifts him off the ground and holds onto him with an unbreakable hold*

Rex: *Glares back at Ash* these are Crimson's group!

Benjamin: Good, just keep him there for a few seconds. I wish I had one of those crystals to make this easier and a lot less risky but thanks to that stupid Saiyan I've been forced to do it this way. Now is the time, for my glorious REBiRTH!

*Benjamin's energy levels rise higher and higher until his body literally begins to burn and turns into a ball of blue fire. The blue fire then rockets towards Rex and he had no way of dodging out of the way in time. But help arrived just in the nick of time when a young Lobinu girl with blue skin leaped onto the scene, yelling...*

Ichigo: Batter up! *swings her wooden bamboo sword imbued with E-nergy like a bat and sends the blue fire ball back into the sky* No need to fear, Ichigo is here!

*Seconds later, two more kids arrive behind Ichigo; one of them was Sarita and the other was a chubby Awesum boy whose hair covered the front of his face.*

Awesum boy: *panting* did we make it in time, Ichigo?

Ichigo: We sure did, Brendan.

Brendan: So which plan are we going with?

Sarita: We can't do Plan A since we still haven't gotten the delivery from Sui so we're going with Plan B!

Ichigo: Plan B it is then *takes a battle stance* Victory Flash!

*Ichigo zips to Ash, then June, then Wendy to finally Justin, delivering a quick but hard strike on each of their heads with her E-nergy imbued bamboo sword, making them loosen their grip on their captives allowing them to finally escape. Once free, Lucca manages to elbow Wendy in just the right place on her face to KO her and make her fall unconscious. Snoopy breaks free from June and immediately goes into action, saving Raphael from Justin. Not missing a beat, Rex takes the opportunity to begin his counterattack.*

Rex: *Let's out a roar as he dashes at Benjamin* I am stopping you right here and now!

*The red energy emitting from Rex takes the shape of that of a triceratops as he homes in on Benjamin, absorbing it all into his right arm, causing the sleeve of his suit to flare open as he thrust his fist out to land one massive and destructive punch aimed at the chest of his adversary. Surprisingly, upon receiving the attack Benjamin's main body instantly incinerates into dust.*

Ichigo: You just hit an empty shell; the real Benjamin is up there! *points to the blue ball of fire in the sky*

Sarita: He's at his most vulnerable right now! That fire is his very being and it can and will go out if it doesn't get housed into a new vessel pretty soon! Extinguish the flame and you'll get get rid of him once and for all and this nightmare will be over!

Snoopy: Extinguish the flame, huh? *releases the first tab on his glove to transform into his Water Guard form* leave that to me!

*Snoopy sends out a torrent of water at the blue flame Benjamin but he puts up a fight by shooting pillars of blue fire down on the group, even resisting the water he was being doused with.*

Rex: *Grits his teeth to the point where those around him could hear them creaking and cracking* Come on, then! Add more power to it!

*Rex jams his arm into the torrent of water and starts to pour his energy into the attack as well, standing his ground to avoid being dragged along with the water, not really having other options to assist in this attack*

Snoopy: FULL POWER!!

*The power of Snoopy's water torrent increases significantly but the blue flame Benjamin still refuses to go out as he increases his firepower to match the combined strength of both Snoopy and Rex's energy. The standoff continued for a quite a few seconds until it looked like Snoopy's power was waning and Benjamin was beginning to get the upper hand again...that was until help arrived from above and both Zero and Heavy Knuckle, now enhanced with Zero's E-nergy, both deliver dual pulverizing punches to blue flame Benjamin, sending him down to the ground where he is met by Victory Knight, who uses her lance to swiftly cut him into smaller, easier to extinguish flame balls and then finally Masked Eagle, now donning her Aquatic Armor, prepares to assist Snoopy with the water combat.*

Masked Eagle: A large-scale waterfall attack, aka: Drop water from high up, should deal with these spread flames~

*Ruby leaps up on a nearby roof and starts firing streams of water down to the road below, at the area where the fire is the most prevalent. Causing a comedic little scene where Rex is holding up both Lucca and Raphael, so they wouldn’t get soaked by the water*

Snoopy: *sprays down any remaining blue flames he could find* and... *shoots one more stray blue flame* ...that's it. Did we get all of them?

Masked Eagle: I don't see anymore flames.

Victory Knight: ...No, it can not have been that easy, keep your guard up.

Rex: *Setting Lucca and Raphael down* .....What did he mean with "rebirth", back then...

Ichigo: *approaches Rex* that technique where he turned into that blue flame; if he had been able to touch you while in that form he would've taken over your body and the whole mess we came here to prevent would've been for naught. -o- He would've had a brand new, well-maintained body and along with the power he already possesses, he would've been impossible to stop. It's a good thing that I decided to tail him ever since we got here.

Rex: *Glares at the little girl for a moment before kneeling down and pressing his face into hers* You know I am getting really sick and tired of you kids keeping these kinda things hidden until the very last second? Its starting to piss me off, frankly.

Victory Knight: *Grabs Rex by his suit and drags him to his feet* Easy there, Dinoboy. No need to get snappy.

Rex: *Growls and crosses his arms*

Masked Eagle: I also think he is pissed that the cuties keeps stealing the moments from him and the other boys~

Sarita: I'm sorry, I wanted to explain it in further detail but he just decided to make this move before I could properly inform anybody about the plans I came up with... Q~Q

Rex: *Frustrated/annoyed groan* Fine, it's whatever. It is not your fault. -_-#

Heavy Knuckle: Come on Rex, no need to sound so cold and rough...

*What nobody noticed was a tiny blue ember floating through the air that slowly began to grow and grow until it became a blue fireball the size of a baseball. As it takes aim Lucca happens to look up and see it,*

Lucca: *gasps* OoO Rex, look out!

*As the blue fireball rockets downward Lucca leaps forward and shoves Rex out of the way just in time but gets hit by the blue fireball.*

Lucca: ACK! >~<

Rex: ...Lucca!? O_O

Victory Knight: ....Ssssssssskeetz...

Lucca: I-I'm okay, d-don't *struggles* worry...AAAHHHHH!

Raphael: MOM!! QOQ

*As a dark aura begins to surround her, Lucca's body transforms into that of a dark-skinned female Verdenté Vampire Bat. Once the dark aura disappears the transformation is complete as Lucca opens her one good eye to reveal that it had turned into the same shade of orange as Benjamin Koco's. Then she spoke...*

Lucca: At last, I finally did; I've got the body I've de- *sees Rex then looks at herself* no, No, NO, NOOOO!!

Snoopy: That's-That's Benjamin's voice! Oh-No!

Benjamin: Curse that cosplay pirate woman! It'll be a week before I can do that body transfer technique again!

Rex: Yoooouuu.... *Grabs him/her by their collar and glares into their eyes* What do you think you are doing...? O_O#

Benjamin: Unhand me! >o<

*A few seconds pass by but nothing happens.*

Benjamin: I said "UNHAND ME!" >_<#

*A few more seconds pass by but nothing still happen.*

Benjamin: What's going on? Why aren't you doing as I command?

Snoopy: If I had to guess, you made a miscalculation about that body-stealing technique of yours.

Benjamin: What!? *tries to forcibly remove Rex's hand from off of him but can't* my strength, where is it? *tries to create an E-nergy attack but is unable to* where are my powers? Where is my...everything?? O_O;;

*Around that time June, Ash, Wendy and Justin could finally feel control of their bodies come back to them.*

Justin: *Holding his head* What...just happened...?

Ash: Whatever it was: Do not make it happen again!

Wendy: ...? *Lightly taps her lips* Where did my smoke go...?

June: I....Oh! Master Crimson! We have been breached! We...have... *Looks around* I have so many questions...

Masked Eagle: Uh....we are going to fill you in later....

Benjamin: Wait, even if a week passes by I still won't be able to use E-nergy techniques...which means...I'm stuck like this!? O_O;

???: Sounds like you could use a hand~

Snoopy: That voice...oh-no... -~-;

*Pyro appears in front of Rex and Benjamin.*

Pyro: Greetings all, so nice to see you all again~

Benjamin: Pyro, I'd like to request your help again!

Pyro: Okay, but first I must collect my fee from the previous times I've helped you~

Benjamin: Fee? But we have a partnership; there is no "fee!"

Pyro: No, our partnership officially concluded the moment I freed you and gave you the information you were seeking. After that I told you that any assistance from me would cost you~ So right now, I' ^^

Rex: You are free to collect whatever you want, but not before we do something about....This here! *Shakes Benjamin roughly* Get this sicko out of Lucca's body!

Pyro: I suppose I can do that while I collect my fee~ You see, dear Benjamin, that technique that you came to me to learn only works if ALL of you makes it to your chosen vessel. All of your strength and powers are floating around in the air as vapor as we speak *raises his arm skyward and makes the smoke and water vapor rising from the ground swirl around him, forming the lost blue flames that were put out earlier*

Benjamin: Great, now hand over those flames so that I can be complete again!

Pyro: Wow, you really can't take a hint, can you? Before I do anything else for you I'm going to collect my fee! Now let's see: you've come to me for information on Salty "Dogg" Josiah, the Saiyan Toma and how to get to the Dream World. You borrowed AND lost my experimental bone dragon and you even got my favorite crystal cave destroyed through your negligence. And what else...oh left me with a faulty product in the form of that amulet you "let" me have in our previous exchange!!

Benjamin: O_O; ...

Pyro: Yes, I know all about it; you did in fact get behind those doors that you said you couldn't get past and you siphoned off 99% of the amulet's true power for yourself. What I got was an amulet with so little power that it turned from an unbreakable artifact to a piece of junk! The other stuff I would've let slide but this, THiS!! NOBODY SCREWS ME OVER LiKE THAT AND GETS AWAY WiTH iT!! And for will pay~ All of that power you assimilated into your body AND all of those powers you stole for yourself, I'm taking them for myself! *absorbs the blue flames into his body*

Benjamin: NOOOO!!!

Pyro: And so you'll never forget this lesson~ *takes out a crystal*

Benjamin: That crystal...

Pyro: Yes, it's the very kind that you were looking for to make that body switch 100% perfect. But did you also know that these can be used just like Shinigami use Mod Souls?

Benjamin: Noo... OnO;;

*Pyro touches the crystal to Benjamin's head and it glows brightly. Benjamin lets out a mighty screech as everything about him is absorbed into the crystal and Lucca's body goes limp and falls into Rex's arms. Pyro then takes out a toy stuffed bat and inserts the crystal inside of it. Within seconds the toy comes alive.*

Benjamin: You miserable little jester! When I get out of this mess I'm gonna...!

Pyro: Hold that thought~

*Pyro opens a portal and out of it walks Crimson Mahiru along with Necro, Ellen, Cyborg Pat, Dean, Slayer and Sting.*

Pyro: A little gift for you, my friend, as my way of saying sorry for the mess I caused by freeing this joker~ ^^ *hands Benjamin over to Crimson*

Benjamin: *remembers what Crimson last told him then begins to sweat*

Crimson: You know, I said I would end you, and I distinct remember you saying "And I'll meet you head on when you do", before you blew a hole in my chest. *Tightens his grip a little bit as he glares at Benjamin in his sorry state* Finishing you off like this...not sure if it will satisfy me.

Pyro: That's actually a stress-relief toy he's in made by me personally. It should be able to stand up anything you do to it~ ^^ Plus he'll be able to walk about and do things for you, so you've essentially got yourself a minion to boss around, which I say is a fitting punishment for how he bossed around your companions against their will. ^3^ And if you ever get tired of him you can just shatter the crystal and that'll be that~

Victory Knight: Kinda like what Aku did with Demongo in that one episode of "Samurai Jack"?

*The group collectively turns and looks to Gaura with questioning gazes*

Victory Knight: ....What? Am I not allowed to enjoy cartoons suddenly? <//_//<#

Rex: Just didn't expect that from you, is all.

Crimson: Hmmmmmmm.... *A sinister grin forms on his face* I like it~

*Crimson gives Benjamin's new body a squeeze, making him squeak and make a very comedic face where his eyes bug out of his head and tongue sticks out in a very cartoonish manner, bringing a smile to his face.*

Benjamin: Stop that!

Crimson: Make me.

Wendy: So...can we, like...mess around, insert him into different bodies, as long as we use that crystal thingy to absorb him back in?

Ash: Kyahahaha! That sounds like lots of fun~!

Justin: ...A living target for my training is much more efficient than a sandbag...

Pyro: *opens another portal and a very large square container comes out of it* the crystal itself is his container and the doll is like a physical body you can give him. But if that particular body isn't to your liking, I've made others for various situations~

*Crimson and the others peek inside the container to see a variety of different doll, objects and tools that Benjamin's new vessel could be inserted into. Ranging from various plushies, tools, training equipment and even what caught Crimson's eye: several life-size custom-made dolls that had striking resemblances to famous anime girls like Nami, Lucy Heartfilia, Erza Scarlet and many more. They could all tell that Pyro wanted Benjamin to pay just as much as they did and he put a LOT of effort into his lifetime humiliation.*


Crimson: Took the words out of my mouth there, Ash. These will do plenty...and if I get bored, well, magic IS my forte, I might be able to string some stuff together using the Mahiru birthright of mine.

Necro: A new hobby in doll-creation, sir? Well, you were never much of a puppeteer-style fighter, but now it might have some use, indeed.

Benjamin: I will not stand for this! I am a King, an almighty conqueror! I AM BENJAMiN KOCO AND YOU WiLL ALL RUE THE DAY-!

Pyro: Let me stop you right there. You WERE all of those things before...but the moment you gave up that body of yours for your grand "rebirth" and messed it up you ceased being Benjamin Koco. Now you're nothing more than a brain with a stubborn personality; your identity is now whatever Crimson and his buds here decides it to be~ ^3^

Crimson: Well, I am sure we will figure out a common use for this little bugger. Maybe a month as "Hello Kitty" would do him good? I dunno, I just know that we have so many options to go over, it is hard to start. Well, besides the squeaky-toy squeezes....actually. >|3

*Crimson flips Benjamin's toy-bat form over in his palm and holds on firmly, using his other hand to slap his rear, resulting in him squeaking each time he did.*

Crimson: No wonder people love doing this to Goku. It is hillarious~


Rex: ...Pfft!! Hahahahaha!!

Victory Knight: *Snort* Its..its not that funny... >w<

Ash: Admit it, heroine girl, it IS funny!

Pyro: Well, looks like everybody is happy with this result so I'll take my leave~ ^^

Raphael: But what about my Mom? She still looks like...

Pyro: That'll be wearing off pretty soon so don't worry~ Till next time~ *opens a portal then warps away*

*True to Pyro's word, seconds later Lucca's body begin reverting back to its original form as her skin gets lighter and lighter. However, not everything seemed to return to their regular state; for one, the ears that was always covered by her long hair remained like that of a bat's. But when she opened her eye Rex was greeted with the familiar green color he was used to seeing yet when she smiled he noticed that she now had some rather cute bat fangs.*

Lucca: *looks up at Rex and smiles* h-hey, are you okay, love? ...feels something strange on her back and butt* OwO;; KYAAAAAiii!! THERE'S SOMETHiNG iN MY CLOTHES!! GET iT OUT-GET iT OUT-GET iT OUT!!

*Not caring about the large amount of people around her or that she was out in public, Lucca begins stripping down to her underwear in an attempt to get whatever foreign thing that was on her body off of her. Everybody then saw that Lucca was now sporting a pair of tiny bat wings on her back and a stubby bat tail famous among the women of the Koco Family women above her rather ample peach. Apparently that little body transfer that Benjamin had done left Lucca with a bit of Verdente Vampire Bat DNA.*

Brendan: O//o//O

Sarita: *covers Brendan's eyes* >//~//<

Raphael: ...huh...I guess that explains my DNA now...

Ash: *Whistles* Woooo-woah, this is a good day~! O/w/O

Wendy: *Uses her hat to block Ash's view* Pipe down...

Masked Eagle: ....Are those Pikachu-themed panties? Oh my god, that is C-U-T-E! >/w/<

Rex: .....Good grief... =//=; *Places his hand on Raphael's head, when something suddenly comes to his attention* Wait-wait-wait, hold, Raphael came here, looking like he did...which means that...something like this must have happened in the other timeline? Or....what...?

Crimson: Don't think about it too much...just enjoy seeing your girl in her undergarments. *Uses his magic to levitate Lucca's clothes out of reach*

Lucca: *reaches behind her and touches her new wings* EEEEE, WHAT iS THAT!? GET iT OFF-GET iT OFF-GET iT OFF!!

Rex: *Walks over and gently takes hold of her arms* Sweetie, calm down, don't be scared. ^-^; *Gently kisses her cheek (by standing on his toes), and smiles a little bit* It seems like Benjamin taking your body has had a few effects on you... You now have a little stubby bat tail, as well as wings....and ears.

Lucca: Huh?? *feels her new parts then tests each of them out by making each of them move a little bit* that's...definitely different...but not bad. I always thought that Victora and Megumi were cute the way they were...does this make me cute like them? ^///^

Rex: ...Um.....uh.... .////.;

*Rex staggers a bit, having everyone around and listening in*

Rex: .... *Swallows and mumbles a bit* Y-yes, very cute... >///~///>;

Lucca: Yay! ^o^ ... with this new look I bet I could pull off the sexy vampiress look~ ^//3//^

Crimson: *Drops her clothes on top of her head, finally* Okay you two lovebirds, if you gotta discuss that kinda stuff, wait until you are home and the kid is out of the room.

Ash: Aw come on, I wanted to listen and see just how far they would go, in public too. >3<

Wendy: Remember Ash, we have our own little "toy" to live out such fantasies for us.

Ash: ..What..? Oh. Ooooooh.

Gaura: *undoes her transformation as well, together with Sally* Under normal circumstances...I would feel sorry for the guy. But after everything considered? Nope. =3=

Snoopy: I agree; he's caused my friends so much grief and pain that it is very satisfying to see everything he's done come back to bite him. >3< ...ha, to tell you the truth I don't even think you can consider this thing a "he" anymore. What was Benjamin Koco is now nothing more than a core with a defiant and stubborn personality.

*A new wave of ideas run through the minds of Crimson and his friends and they drool over the possibilities. Their new toy would definitely need a new name for its new position.*

Benajmin: Such all disgust me

Crimson: OH THAT'S RICH, coming from YOU. Tell you's not fair that only we of the Blood-Red Army gets to dish out your punishment. *Hands Benjamin to Necro* Hold the runt for a bit, will you? I have a proposition to make.

Necro: Yes sir. *watches as Crimson walks over to Rex and the others, then turns his attention down to "Benjamin" and gives him a light squeeze, to make him squeak again* Hehe, that IS fun~

Snoopy: Proposition?

Ichigo: We're listening~

Lucca: OwO;; *remembers that she's in her underwear then frantically starts getting redressed*

Crimson: Allow me. *Snaps with his fingers and Lucca is automatically redressed.* Cute girl you got there, squirt.

Rex: Well..thanks. ^w^;

Crimson: Anyway... While I am the one in possession of the hell spawn, because lets be honest that is what "they" are, I am not the one that deserves to torment, humiliate, embarrass, take advantage of or just do any kind of ill-intended actions towards Benjamin the most. That's something that your group has more rights to. But let us be honest, you do not want to have that sucker around, so it is better that me and my group are the ones in charge of "playing around" with this situation.

Gaura: ...He has a point, you know?

Sally: C-Can't really disagree... So..w-where are you going with this...?

Crimson: Simple. I know that you guys already had a gathering, but now it is my turn to arrange something. We would all meet up and partake in an "initiation ritual" to "welcome" Benjamin, or whatever their name will be from now on, into their new lifestyle.

Rex: So without speaking in circles: We all come together to just have fun at the cost of Benjamin's dignity, pride etc, and just have one hell of a time with it?

Crimson: To put it in short terms, yes. Interested?

Ruby: Many would be interested just for a chance for all of us to get together again, to be fair. ^w^

Ichigo: A chance to see the public humiliation of the monster that turned our timeline into a post-apocalyptic mess, forcing us into this desperate situation in the first place? There's no way I'd miss that!

Sarita, Brendan and Raphael: *nods in agreement*

Sally: It...would be good to see someone else be on the receiving end...f-for once.. ^//^;

Ruby: *Puts her arms around Snoopy's neck and nuzzles into the back of his head* What do you think, sweetie~?

Snoopy: I'm okay with this ^^ long as the kids get to take a part in the proceedings; after all, like Ichigo over here said, they never got to experience a world at peace because of that monster and without them we all would have been much worse off if they didn't take the risk in coming to this time period to help us.

*Crimson remembers back to when he awoke to find himself wrapped in that silk cocoon by Valencia, Minami and Dex and how they were able to keep him alive until Ashuro managed to heal him; he definitely owed all of those kids a world of thanks as well.*

Crimson: ...Very well, that is fine with me. I will even prepare a ball pit and such for them. ....Kids still like ball pits, right? Or should I just let them watch Steven Universe on the television? Maybe both?

Rex: ...You seem to care about kids more than you let on.

Snoopy: I'm sure they'll appreciate anything you provide for them to do Take all the time you need to think up the event; just knowing that we don't have to worry about this joker anymore is a load off of my mind and I'm sure it'll be the same for the others once they're informed. Right now, all I want to do is... *turns to Sarita and picks her up* get to know my beautiful daughter~ *nuzzles Sarita*

Sarita: O//o//O H-H-How did you know?

Snoopy: Those eyes, that silky blonde hair; there was no way that I would realize that you were the product of the love Ruby and I share~ ^3^

Ruby: OwO ...... 0o0 OHMYGOSHYOUARERIGHT!! EEEEE!! I have a beautiful little daughter~!! >//w//< *Joins in on the nuzzling and hugs*

Sarita: Mommy, Daddy~ >w<

Brendan: *shyly tugs on the side of Zero and Sally's pants legs to get their attention* ... .///.

Zero: Yes, little one?

Sally: *Picks him up* I...think this guy is ours. .///.

Zero: I agree *raises Brendan's hair to get a good look at his face* after all, he's got his mother's eyes ^^


Sally: Z-Zero, don’t....ngh... >////> *Wiggles cutely*

Zero: *chuckles then give Sally some sweet kisses* ~

Sally: *Blushes brightly and leans on Zero a bit*

Gaura: ....

Ichigo: ... >w>

Gaura: *Looks down at her* ...Oh, that...must mean...I am your mother, then?

Ichigo: Of course; as if anybody but you could pass down such a lovely complexion *strikes a random, dynamic pose*

Gaura: ... *Smiles softly and kneels down, giving Ichigo a big and loving hug* I love you already...

Ichigo: hey, why isn't Daddy here?

Gaura: ...And uh...your daddy would be...?

Ruby: Your mother is currently only dating, and awaiting a response from her current boyfriend after having a little "episode" earlier.

Gaura: D-d-d-don't mention that! D//X

Ichigo: ??

Gaura: ...He is...out and doing some work-related stuff...I guess...? <//~//<;

Ichigo: Oh, okay...hey, we should surprise him the next time we see him! >w< *wags her tail happily then turns to Ruby* what do you think we should do, Auntie Ruby?

Ruby: Surprises are good, but I am not sure what to suggest...beyond Gaura wearing a reveali-

Gaura: Stop. D//|

Ruby: ...-ng bikini~

Ichigo: Then we've got to go shopping! C'mon, Mama~ ^o^

*Ichigo pulls Gaura along with her surprisingly easy, much to her surprise and despite her attempted protests.*

Snoopy: What do you say we all go and get a sweet victory snack? My treat!

*Surprisingly, Sally's stomach growls again; getting to the current location as fast as they did and delivering that powerful attack along with Zero had burned off a good amount of the dinner she had earlier. Something sweet sounded delightful.*

Sally: ..... .///.; *pokes her fingers together* Y-yes...sounds good...

Ruby: You glutton! |D

Sally: Sh-shut uuuuup.... >//~//<;

Crimson: Seems like you all got this under control, then?

Snoopy: Yeah, we're all good now. I'm pretty sure that you're ready to get back to your place after being forced out like you were, huh?

Crimson: Pretty much. Remember to give my regards and invitation to your pals, alright?

Snoopy: Will do

Lucca: *tries to fly with her tiny wings but is unsuccessful* c'mon... >3<

Raphael: I don't think it's gonna happen, Mom

Lucca: Nonsense~ A Dragonite's wings are tiny compared to the rest of it but it can still fly; if it can fly with small wings then so can I

Rex: Lucca, you are just too heavy, It’s not gonna work.

Lucca: Then I'll train my new wings little by little until it does work!

Raphael: *chuckles* that famous "never give up" attitude -w-

*Everybody goes their separate ways from there to enjoy the rest of their days. For the next three days it was business as usual for the hero team...but something was off. Snoopy had tried to get in contact with Rocky since the day their kids arrived but he wasn't answering his phone; this was strange since even the organization Rocky worked for, RIFT, haven't been able to get in contact with him and had already begun searching for him. He had…disappeared…*

To be continued…

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