Sunday, June 16, 2019

Evellia's Daring Rescue Mission! Storming Section V!! Part 3

Travel Multiversal
Shirokku-D Chronicles
“Evellia’s Daring Rescue Mission! Storming Section V!! Part 3”

An RP between Shirokku-D and eshonen

Meanwhile, down below, Ashuro, Annaliese, Karin and Paprika have reached their destination as the doors to the secret elevator opens. What stood before them was a very long, dark, one-way corridor.

Ashuro: ...of course it would be the dark, empty corridor with only one way forward... =w=

Annaliese: Empty... that's a little c-comforting....

Karin: Heh. You took the words right out of my mouth, Ash.

Paprika: I wonder how they're doing up there...?

Ashuro: Now that Batou no longer has his hands tied they'll do just fine without us being there for a while, but I am worried about them as well. The sooner we get finished here the sooner I can warp us back up to help them; let's get going.

*The foursome walk down the dark path, with Ashuro, Karin and Paprika lighting up the way as they walked forward. They continued on for few minutes until they saw a dim, red light up ahead. Sensing that they were close they ran forward towards the light as it got brighter and brighter. Eventually that came into a large, circular room that had an odd-looking sword embedded in a slot in the floor, surrounded on all sides by a revolving force field.*

Ashuro: Wow...reminds me of that fight with the Parasite Queen in Metroid Prime.

Karin: *sniffs out what's in here* ....That Scent... It’s coming from above. =O

Annaliese: *Gets ready to fight, while shaking in fear* I'm...I'm a Big Girl....

Paprika: *looks around* Never heard of this Parasite Queen... What is the Parasite Queen?

Ashuro: Don't worry about it, it's from a video game.

*Looking at the revolving force field, Ashuro opens a portal that bypassed the force field, allowing them all to go right to the protected center. Once in the center it was just them and the mysterious sword.*

Ashuro: *touches the sword for a moment* strange...for some reason the sword itself is in stasis. Let me just disable that... *channels some of his E-nergy into the sword, dispelling the stasis* there we go. Now, let's pull the plug on this thousand year gimping machine!

*Ashuro grasps the sword's hilt and begins to pull. He pulls and pulls with all his might as the sword slowly but surely budges. As the sword becomes looser and looser, the four of them begin feeling...lighter; as if there was some invisible weight being taken off of their shoulders that they hadn't noticed before. Nobody was sure if this was the satellite losing its hold on all non-humans...but Karin, Paprika and Annaliese were assured that this was the case when they saw Ashuro's antenna flashing gold in a similar fashion to Goku when he went Super Saiyan for the first time.*

Ashuro: *antenna continues to flash golden light* final stretch, HYAAA!! >o<

*With one great, mighty pull, Ashuro yanks the sword from its pedestal! ...and the moment he did his entire body glowed golden as a bright light surrounded everybody as all of the machinery in that area powered down. The only light now illuminating the area was the strong bright light that Ashuro was now brimming with!*

Ashuro: OoO *finally notices his transformation* whoa...does this mean that Aquiticans have a Super form?

Karin: Whooooa! Hot Dang! We'll surely win. No turning Back now, Guyz.

Annaliese: They Do?!

Paprika: Amazing... o.o ...Now since you can transform, That means Annaliese can do the same?

Annaliese: Wait. Can I?!

Ashuro: I'm pretty sure that you can...right now I just wish that I knew how I am doing this? OwO; But this feels...natural; way more natural, powerful and comfortable than Backfire Drive ever did. Likely now all non-humans throughout the multiverse must feel like us and possibly might even be rediscovering the ability to do stuff that they haven't been able to do in over a thousand years.

Annaliese: ...Um, Got it. This could be useful for our adventure today... If can master it that is.

Ashuro: Now we need to rejoin the others; I got a feeling that...

*The sword that Ashuro was holding began glowing brightly, surrounding him, Annaliese, Karin and Paprika in its light, warping them all out of the area. Meanwhile, the others seemed to have run into an unexpected snag in dealing with the reproduced Robot Masters. Metachan must've programmed them with a Hard Mode like the Robot Masters in Mega Man 10 had; they were using attacks and movement patterns that not even gamers like Hiri had seen before. This particular Magnet Man had the ability to magnetize living beings, something he used on Mable to pull her away from the terminal and get stuck to a nearby wall, thus ending her hacking attempt. Spark Man apparently took some lessons from Sheep Man and could now make thunder clouds that shot bolts of lightning. Gemini Man could make endless copies of himself while Top Man was completely invincible since whenever he spun once he created a wind barrier that kept everything at bay and lingered for 10 seconds, which was just long enough for him to completely recover and spin some more. Hard Man was definitely slower and heavier than the original one, but in return his body was twice as hard and his punches nearly three times as powerful. Spark Man and Snake Man had a combo attack thing going where Snake Man was sending out electrified Search Snakes that exploded upon making contact with their targets. Shade Man had the ability to create areas of complete shadow that he and his fellow robot brethren could hide in while Needle Man remained unchanged and simply used the shadows to hide and attack simultaneously. Everybody was definitely in some serious trouble.*

Hiri: Gheeeh!! That's Not---! I'm not a robot, how come this be possible??! D:

Magnet Man: Nice Try, Missy. Not when we're around. Haha.

Marius: *taken a hit from the Top Spin* Augh! Aw, Hell... Top Spin is useful now!? *got hit by top spin once again without any warning* Yeow!

Top Man: You look like a Ninja, What do you expect to happen? I want a Dance partner for this battle, Don't disappoint me now! >:3

Saturn: *dodge the first incoming Hard knuckle, but got struck by the second one, and got a nasty dent* Kuugh!! Wow... That's even more than a single punch.... >_O;

Hard Man: Saturn, your weapons do resembles of our Blue enemy, but are you just as honorable in battle like he?

Saturn: Not sure if an upgrade by your current master isn't what I call honorable...

Sakura: *getting wrapped up by the search snake, and they exploded* AIEEE!!! ....I Hate Snakes.... and I hate you... >//^//<; *tries to cover up*

Snake Man: Kinda Harsh, don't cha think? Hehehehee.

Kayako: *saw the Needle cannons coming* Eeek!

Marius: *knocks the needles back at Needle Man*

Needle Man: WAH! *move out of the way in time* Don't. You. Do. That. AGAIN!

Marius: Then Don't try to impale my daughter, You asshole.

Kayako: E-CHAN! Look Out!

Shade Man: *He dives onto e-chan, and tries to suck all his energy*

Mizuki: *tries to shoot fire balls At Top Man but he deflects it with Top Spin* Take This! >0<

Top Man: What? You Think those puny fire-balls are gonna to effect ME?

e-chan: Crap! *struggles to resist Shade Man*

Mugz: Heh, never thought that I'd get a chance to try these out >w< *fires some magnet missiles from his Wing Pack at Shade Man, scoring a hit* Bullseye! XP

*The magnet missiles did their work, magnetizing Shade Man and hilariously sending him crashing into Magnet Man due to his powerful magnetic pull.*

Batou: *tries to cut Hard Man in half, only for his sword to bounce off of his body* that's some serious defense you got there...

e-chan: *begins preparing a lot of different stickers*

Marius: *whispers* Hey, Mugz, Throw some Magnet Missiles at Hard Man.

Shade Man: Gweeeah!! Lucky shot.... *rubs his wounds*

Saturn: ...... This might be crazy enough to work... *grabs Marius, and spins him like a top* Reverse Top-Spin!

Marius: Hey, What the---!? Ooooooh Snaaaaaaaaaaaap! O_o; *spins towards Top Man*

Top Man: Huh? *Gets hit by the reverse spinning direction.* Gaaah! D8

*The Hit made Top Man spinning out of control causing him to hit some of the Robot Masters*

Top Man: Somebody Stop Meeeeeeeeeeeee!! D8

Magnet Man: Watch where you're going, you fool! >_<;

Mugz: Round 2, Fire! *fires another round of magnet missile at Hard Man, once again scoring a solid hit*

Hard Man: Auuuuuuuggh!! D:

Magnet Man: How?? O_o;

Marius: Haha, Niiiice! ...Alright, how bout some Needle Cannons for our pal, Snake Man?

Hiri: 0w0 Keep it up everyone!

*Applying an Adrenaline Rush sticker to himself, e-chan get's a major, limited time buff to his speed and stamina as he rushes about to help his friends.*

e-chan: *rushes over to the wall that both Mable and Hiri were magnetized to and applies a sticker to that wall* De-magnetize!

*Both Mable and Hiri were instantly freed from Magnet Man's magnetization and free to move again.*

e-chan: *applies a sticker to both Mable's and Hiri's foreheads* Absolute Protection!

*Both Mable and Hiri were now protected from any other status infliction the Robot Masters might afflict them with.*

e-chan: *speeds over to Sakura and applies a sticker to her tattered clothing* Clothing Mend!

*Sakura's clothes are instantly repaired from the explosion attack from earlier*

e-chan: *applies another sticker to Sakura then speedily rushes over to Saturn then Kayako then finally Vivi, applying a sticker to each of them* Robot Master Database & Weapon Synthesizer!

*Sakura, Saturn, Kayako and Vivi were now outfitted with an upgrade that allowed them to instantly outfit themselves with weapons from every Robot Master from Dr. Light and Wily's database.*

Magnet Man: Just.... What are those??

Mable: *thumbs up* Thank you very much, e-chan. *continues tinkering, and almost done*

Sakura: Gee, Thank You!

Saturn: ^//^; Glad you're okay, Sakura...

Sakura: ^w^ Hehe! ...Now, Saturn... While you excuse me, I got a Snake to kick...

Snake Man: Oh Yeah? *blast more search snakes at her*

Sakura: *uses eye beams to destroy the search snakes in front, and then uses her rocket shoes to fly towards Snakeman, and delivers a punch to the face*

Snake Man: Ugh!!! >.O;

Saturn: With these new weapons, I may use these for future use. ...Now, What does Snakes hates? Spiky things? ...Ooh lookie here, I got a magic trick called "Needle Cannon." Interesting. *fires needle cannon at Snakeman*

Snake Man: This is gonna hurt... *Gets Hit by the needle cannons, and explodes* Gah!!

Kayako: *looks at her hands*

Spark Man: Forgive me little one, But the master's orders! *charge up Spark shock*

Kayako: Eeek! NO, Don't hurt me! *shoots a hard knuckle at Sparkman* >//^//<;

Spark Man: GAH! D8 *smacked away to the end of the room*

Kayako: *opens her eyes, and wipe her tears* OAO; Ohh! Sorry SORRY! ...I didn't mean to do that!

Marius: Good Job, Kiddo!!

Sakura: No, No! Its a good thing, Kayako!

Shade Man: *dives at Sakura, and ready to bite her* Never keep your eyes away from your enemies! Hahaha!

Sakura: Waaah! >_<; Watch The hands, pal! *attacks him with Slash Claw*

Shade Man: Ugh!!

Sakura: *uses rapid fire punches to him* You Vampire Creep shouldn't mess with us! *finish it off with a Charge Kick*

Shade Man: *flies down to the ground* Ooogh! ...Can someone tell me the name of that truck that just hit me?

Sakura: TRUCK!? D:

Mable: Annnnnnnd Done.

*Suddenly, all of the Robot Masters shut down and stop moving for a few seconds, only to reboot seconds later. They all rallied by Mable's side, ready to follow her orders to the letter.*

Metachan: You think a simple reprogram is enough to wrestle control away from me? Amateurs! *takes out a remote and presses a button* ... *notices that the Robot Masters didn't shut down and reboot so he presses the button on the remote again* ......... OwO;;; *presses the button repeatedly but notices no change whatsoever in the Robot Masters...or any of the other robots throughout the base with his remote camera* How? I put over a thousand years-worth of work into writing the code for that server; I created countless back doors and fail-safes for the off-chance that somebody managed to manipulate the in this universe or the next did you manage to rewrite the ENTIRE code in mere minutes!?

Hard Man: We got a new function, we must put a stop to Metachan.

Shade Man: This shall be fun.

Top Man: Let's see if he has good form into the battlefield. Heh. *grins*

Mizuki: Huh?

Mable: My Mother taught me this when I was 8 Years old; *slight giggle* I've been tinkering this type of technology for quite some time growing up...

Marius: This is gonna be good. Give it up, Dude; Ya' busted!

Hiri: Let's Get em!

Elska: CHARGE!

*The Gang and The Robot Masters all teamed up and attacked Metachan*

Metachan: Time for a tactical retreat! O_O;; *summons his remote hovering platform and quickly boards it* so long, suckers! >w<

*Just as Metachan was about to hover away to safety, Ashuro appears midair in front of him along with Annaliese, Karin and Paprika.*

Metachan: OxO;;;;

Ashuro: for all of the millions of non-humans throughout the multiverse that you and the Vacuum Co. weakened and enslaved with this entire space station! >o< *wielding the sword he had just retrieved high, the sword opens up in the middle and emits a gigantic beam blade of pure energy*

Metachan: NOOOOOOOOO!!

Ashuro: Kamake Buster! *swings the massive energy blade at Metachan's body, destroying it in one strike, reducing him to just a head that falls to the ground*

Metachan: *head clatters to the ground* this can't be! My robots, my security system, my thousand-year perfect streak as the warden of an inescapable prison, all reduced to nothing *looks over to Mable* and by one that wasn't even labeled as a threat in the slightest! How!? HOW COULD I LOSE LIKE THIS!??!

Mable: Your confidence is your biggest weakness... The generators are well built I'll give you that.. But, I bet you didn't count on a dimensional inventor and traveler like me and my family would show up. ; Never underestimate someone, Metachan. Even if I didn't appear threatening.

Karin: ..You'll be caught with your pants down. =w=

Mable: ..."ahem", A rather quirky way to put it, yes.

Annaliese: Uhh... What's with the Robot Masters from Mega Man doing here??

Mizuki: Long Story. ...But isn't it cool, Anna-San?! We Got Robot Masters as Allies! OwO

Batou: So... *walks over to Metachan's head* what should we do with the remnants of the warden over here? Trash compactor?

Metachan: OwO;;;;

Ashuro:, nothing like that. I'm going to do something that he's never done and extend him some mercy.

Metachan: Phew...

Ashuro: But...that doesn't mean that you're getting off scot-free~

Metachan: Huh?

*Minutes later and everybody is in front of one of the main cannons; Metachan's head was already loaded inside as ammunition.*


Ashuro: Yeah-yeah, like this is the first time I've made that list. -w-

Mable: *replies to his list threat, with sass* Ohh. I'm on a list, I'm getting quite popular.

Batou: ...Ashuro...a moment?

Ashuro: Hmm?

Batou: *whispers into Ashuro's ear*

Ashuro: Oh, that's fine; go ahead

Batou: Great. *turns to Evellia* would you like to do the honors, Eve-chan?

*Evellia's eyes light up with delight.*

Batou: Shoot him as far, far away and deep into space as you can.

Evellia: Yes Sir! *runs to the cannon's controls, cracks fingers, and then pressed the button with glee* Tchau!!!

*Metachan's head is shot out of the cannon and deep, deep into space; with him now gone the rescue mission was now complete and the battle against the Vacuum Co. had officially started.*

Annaliese: Congratulations!

Mizuki: Yaaaay, Good Job, Eve-San! *hugs her tight* You Rule!

Evellia: Y-Yeah.. Th-thanks Mizu...

Hiri: ...I helped too. ._.

*Mable quickly gets to work in freeing all of the prisoners...the truly innocent ones, at least, and getting them warped back to their home planets; as for the many true criminals that were there, Mable turned them into the Galactic Police, claiming the enormous bounties that were on their heads, earning enough cash to fund her endeavors for the next 20 to 30 years depending on how she invested it. After setting a course back to Earth she decides to tour the rest of her newly acquired space station while the others sit back and rest from all of the action.*

Zenni: *looks at the sword in Ashuro's hands* Ooh, what's that?

Ashuro: This? Originally I thought it was a Pensword...but after holding it for a while, I don't know. Unlike the other one I had, this one feels...alive somehow. o.o

Batou: Was that the one fueling this place's hardware that weakened all non-humans?

Ashuro: Yeah...

Batou: And is that why you're still all Super Saiyan-like right now?

Ashuro: Oh yeah... *concentrates a bit and ends the transformation* whoa... *transforms back and forth a few times* Awesome! I can do it at will now! This truly beats Backfire Drive by a long shot!

*Suddenly, Ashuro's new sword begins to move, separating into two halves before finally transforming...into two young chubby fox girls wearing short white kimonos...twins by the look of them. Oddly enough, they greatly resembled Karin and Paprika to some degree.*

Jodie: *yawns* Jodie had a great nap! ^o^

Josie: *yawns* Josie had a good nap too! ^o^

Jodie: Did Josie dream that she was on an endless summer vacation?

Josie: Josie did! Josie did! Did Jodie dream the same thing?

Jodie: Jodie did! We shared the same dream again~

*Everybody around watched the two twins go on like this for a few seconds before they both finally noticed that they weren't alone. Their eyes meet with Karen and Paprika and are then overcome with joy.*

Jodie and Josie: Aunties! *both tackle Karin and Paprika to the ground*

Marius: What in the world??

Paprika: Wait, A-Aunties?? O_O;

Karin: Oh Heeeeey...! >wO ...Aunties? We're Aunties? What is going on?? This sword gave Ashuro a super power boost, and next thing we know... Mini Me and Paprika?!!

Mizuki: Eeeee!! Whoever they are, their so cute! >w<

Paprika: ....Something about them... feels familiar. I do not know why that is, honestly...

Karin: Yeah, I feel it too, Sis. o.o

Annaliese: C-Can someone explain... Please?

Ashuro: *approaches Jodie and Josie* wait, so you two actually know Karina and Paprika here? O_o

Jodie: Karin?

Josie: Paprika?

*Both girls look at Karina and Paprika again more deeply.*

Jodie: Josie, they're really not our Aunties...

Josie: I see, Jodie... *takes Paprika hand in her tiny hands* but they feel and smell just like them, though... :\

Ashuro: How about you two introduce yourselves first and we'll take it from there? ^w^

Jodie and Josie: Okay~ ^o^

Jodie: Jodie is Jodie Toxma!

Josie: Josie is Josie Toxma!

Jodie and Josie: Together like this we're the Toxma Twins! And like this~ *interlocks their hands with each other and then fuse together to form an adult version of themselves with two tails* we're known as JoJo Toxma! ^w^ *undoes their fusion, turning back into two separate girls*

Karin: Wooooooooooooooooah!! That is Sick!

Paprika: My Word. I don't recall seeing them in our family reunion....

Karin: Same. Holy Cow, Paprika! We gotta introduce them to our family! Their gonna flip! OwO

Annaliese: Mon Dieu... They can do a fusion! ....Excuse me, J-Jodie, and um... Josie? Can the other Toxmas like Karin and Paprika can fuse?

Jodie: I don't know about the others in the family...

Josie: But if they're Solnar Twins like us then they should be able to. ^o^

Ashuro: Solnar Twins? I've never heard of such a... *thinks for a moment* ...I get it now; they were the power source for that machine that put out signal that weakened all non-humans. It's been like that for over a thousand years so everything that we've known as fact is sure to change now that things are finally back to normal *looks at Jodie and Josie closer* I didn't notice it before two are Furry Sukus, aren't you?

Jodie: We sure are! ^w^

Josie: Papa was a Fox-HI and Mama was a Fox Furry Suku! ^w^

Ashuro: That's really nice; now I don't want to alarm the two of you but things have greatly changed since both of you were last awake.

Jodie: Changed?

Josie: How so?

Ashuro: Well...a little over a thousand years have passed since you were last awake; the world you knew is long gone.

Jodie and Josie: O.O Really?

Sakura: Oh, I heard about these type of Sukus; there aren't that many of them as I noticed.

Karin: For Example, Not sure your too familiar with Tech, Bigger cities, and even... folklore creatures aren't too common today. Somethin' like that. =O

Paprika: This may distraught you... We're sorry if you feel that way.

Karin: ...Yeah, There's a lot of things we can teach ya along the way.

Ashuro: And your senses were actually right on the money. Both Karin and Paprika here are members of the Toxma family just like you. ^w^

Jodie and Josie: Oh? OwO Does this mean that we're their Aunties?

Ashuro: More like they're your descendants. do you both feel right now?

Josie: is a bit of a bummer that everybody we once knew is gone now...

Jodie: But it is very cool that we got to see the future! Which means...

Josie: *gasps* you don't think that they finally have it now, do they?

Ashuro: And what is it?

Jodie and Josie: Something tastier than rice cakes! You all have something like that, right? RIGHT!?

Karin: Oh GOSH, We sure do! ...Hey lemme introduce you to waffles! Or how I like to call em: "Maffles."

Annaliese: I'm a Cook. I'll be sure to make you two something.

Karin: Gee Wiz, Paprika! Maybe they can live with us.

Paprika: Hm, If only we have room for them...

Mizuki: Can I hug them? >w> Pleeeeease?

Jodie and Josie: Hugs! ^o^ *glomps Mizuki*

Mizuki: >w< Yaaay!

Ashuro: Now-now, be gentle you two ^w^

*Upon saying that both Jodie and Josie suddenly disappear for a few seconds, re-emerging from Ashuro's shadow.*

Jodie: Oh neato!

Josie: Did we form a Solnar Unity with you, cool guy?

Ashuro: I-I don't know; did we? Maybe it happened when you both were in you weapon form?

Jodie: Cool! Then that means that we'll be staying with you from now on. ^o^

Josie: Mama always told us to be loyal to the ones that we formed a Solnar Unity with and that's what we're gonna do! ^o^

*Karin looked a bit disappointed.*

Jodie and Josie: ^w^ *goes over to Karin and hugs her* but we'll come and play with you anytime you'd like, big sis! ^w^

Karin: Well, I'm cool with that at least. *snuggles back*

Zenni: *nuzzles up against Hiri*

e-chan: Looks like somebody has taken a shine to you, Hiri

Hiri: Oh BOY! Me, You, and Mizuki are going to have soooo much fun together! EEEEE!! >w<

Zenni: Really? Will there be more things more tastier than water?

Mizuki: Yes yes, Apple Juuuuice, Lemonaaaade, uh.. uh... That one drink my father like to drink... I think it’s called Sake. o3o

Marius: I suggest you don't touch this alien liquid called Sake, might be bad for you. :V

Hiri: Yeah. You gotta try out my mother's lemonade! its Sooo Good!

Mizuki: But My Mama's lemonade's is sweeter... o3o

Hiri: >_>; We've been through with this, Mizuki-Chan! My Mama's lemonade is better...!

Mizuki: Nuh-uh! D:

Annaliese: --Why Not we go and try one, huh? Right?

e-chan: *looks out of the window and sees Earth coming into view* we'll do that *stands up* but first I need to see my girlfriend...and I'd like an audience to be present when I do.

Annaliese: Oh? What do you have in mind?

e-chan: You'll see I asked Aluma to keep her busy while I got everything I needed. This little abduction may have slowed me down a bit but we should be just in time to meet them at the park like I planned. ^^

*Soon enough they all made it back to Earth; wanting to set up a teleportation hub so that she could travel from the station to her lab at any time she chose, Mable chose to warp everybody back down to where they all started from. From there it was a short walk to the park where e-chan and the others found both Aluma and Lalao waiting for them.*

e-chan: I'm here! I'm here! Sorry I'm late, lots of crazy stuff happened in such a short time...

Aluma: e-chan!! So glad you made it! ...We were wondering about you.

Lalao: and....What happened to you guys??

Evellia: Uh, errr... Long Story. But-- HEY, Look at this set up tho!

e-chan: Thank you all for coming. I was...very...very nervous about today...and in truth I still am to a degree. *approaches Lalao* Lalao, my love, we've known each other for several years now; I consider myself a truly lucky man to have the love and support of somebody so lovely and full of life as you...

*If it wasn't apparent before what about to happen, after hearing that opening everybody absolutely knew what was about to happen now.*

Marius: Awwwwww Shiiiiit! >w<

Aluma: Oh... I always cry during this....

Annaliese: *covers her mouth* ;w; Awwwwwww!!

Karin: Booyah, a Smell a Wedding!

Mizuki: Congrats, e-chan and Lalao-Saaaaan!

Lalao: Oh, e-chan! You make me the happiest woman on this very planet! TwT

e-chan: *gets down on one knee, takes out the ring box he had in his pocket then opens it, revealing both a gold engagement ring as well as a clear, crystal-like ring* then, will you marry me, Lalao Yakaru?

Lalao: Oh My God, Yess! YES, Of course I will marry you, dude! ;w;

Karin: W00p! w00p!

e-chan: *stands up, slips the ring on Lalao's ring finger, then brings her in close to kiss her tenderly*

Lalao: -///.///- Mmmmmh...

Mizuki: Awwwww...

Klarina: *notices the second ring* so...what's that ring about?

e-chan: Huh? Oh yeah *takes the second ring out of the box* the shop keeper gave me this ring as a freebie when he learned that my bride-to-be was a Suku. She said the ring was made out of something called Sukite; said that it can give Sukus a power at random. I think she said something about this particular one being a transformation-type power...

Lalao: Oh Ho! OMG, This is amazing! hey, ...I think my dad mention to me about that, I must've forgot.

e-chan: So do you want to try it out?

Lalao: Ummm...err, Hmm... Oooo, The Sukite. That one got me curious.

Sarna: No Fair...

Elska: Hey, it’s her ring, sis.

*Lalao tries on the ring. With e-chan's news that it contained a transformation-type power, she thought hard about transforming into various different forms...and in little over a minute she manages to transform into a Kitsune, a Tanooki, a Fire Elementa, an Oni, a Mermaid, a Lamia and even a Scylla. Apparently the ring gave Lalao the power to transform into various monster girls.*

e-chan: O//w//O

Lalao: Transformation all at once... is suuUuuure a dozy! *shakes it off* ...Hmmm... I'll have to go with... *she thought of a panda, and then suddenly turn into a Ren Xiongmao* ...How do I look? ^//^;

Elska: O_O .....Huh. a... Panda?

e-chan: So sexy yet fluffy... =//w//= ...I love it.

Lalao: And Heeeey... I'm even taller, and more thicker then you, Sis. Even YOU, Aluma and Elska! Heh! pphhhht! >w<

Elska: It sure hasn't change her maturity..... -w-;

Aluma: Oh, Lalao....

*While the Yakaru Sisters, Marius and e-chan were talking amongst each other, Ashuro and Annaliese find themselves being approached by two young girls: one looked like she was a teenager and the other a pre-schooler. Getting a good look at them, and remembering his son's descriptions, Ashuro immediately recognized the two girls as his two daughters.*

Ashuro: Eclair! Akari!

Akari: Daddy! ^o^ *jumps into Ashuro's arms*

Eclair: Maman, Papa, désolé d'être si tard à obtenir là pour vous aider. >~<;

Marius: More kids from the future?

Akari: Like my sis says, sorry for being so late to everything; we just now got to this time period and it seems like everything has been taken care of.

Ashuro: Everything has been taken care of? We still need to take care of Benjamin Koco once and for all.

Akari: Didn't you hear the new from big brother? Benjamin Koco isn't a threat anymore; while all of you were gone, Uncle Snoopy, the Armored Heroines and Crimson Mahiru managed utterly defeat him after he made a desperation play. ^w^

Annaliese: What? Really?? O_O Wooooow...!

Akari: Yep; everything that the others did added up and forced Benjamin's hand. ^w^

Eclair: Désolé que nous ne pouvions pas être utile pour vous, papa et maman ...

Annaliese: Oh non, c'est bon. Nous comprenons.

Eclair: Oh Mama, vous êtes trop gentil~ *hugs Annaliese lovingly, purring happily*

Ashuro: Annaliese, I don't know if Tsubasa told you or not, but this is our second-born, Eclair. The reason for her rather adult appearance is due to contracting the same disease that Ring had as a child: the Fast Forward Syndrome. In reality, she is really only about 5 years old. She also really likes to alternate between speaking English and French...and if I remember correctly, you're trying to learn some Japanese as well, correct? ^w^

Eclair: Soudesu yo Papa! ^o^

Annaliese: S-Soo, She's like Ring?? No way! OAO

Ashuro: Yep, isn't she beautiful? ^w^

Karin: *looks around her, and analyzing her* Consider yourself proud, Anna-Chan! She got the figure that mother could be proud of!

Annaliese: Kariiiiiin! >//A//<;

Paprika: *slaps karin on the back of her head* Down, Girl. -.-#

Karin: I was just joking. x//3 *rubs the back of her head*

Akari: Auntie Karin! ^o^

*Akari leaps into Karin's arms; to Karin it was like holding a tiny, kitten version of both Ashuro and Annaliese combined. In other words, she was beyond cute!*

Karin: OwO Huh? D'Awwww!! Look at heeeeeeer!! Q//w//Q *snuggles her tight* >w<

Annaliese: Don't squeeze her too hard now, Karin. oAo;

Akari: *giggles* Don't worry, Mommy; I'm tough, just like you and Daddy!

Karin: See, Anna? You worry too much. >w< ..I am really, Do you wanna snuggle this little sunshine too?!! OwO

Annaliese: I Don't See why not. ...I mean, she is my future kid. *hold up her arms, offering a hug*

Akari: O//w//O Mama~ *hugs Annaliese lovingly, nuzzling up against her*

Annaliese: *Hugs her lovingly* Mommy's here... *kisses her forehead*

Evellia: Okay, enough with the mushy stuff. -w- Do I got a future kid or somethin'?

Akari: Not yet but that can change on what happens in this time period, Ms. Balinko. Has Batou Jr. talked to you yet?

Evellia: Uh, what? No?

Akari: Well, maybe I shouldn't be telling you this, but if I don't I don't think that he will make a move anytime soon. Batou Jr. fell in love with the future you. He asked at one time if the two of you had met earlier could the two of you have been in a serious relationship. When you said maybe and then this opportunity to make the future better came about he said that he would try and ask you out then. But he's a shy one, that Batou Jr. -w- You'll probably have to meet him half way in order to get him to open up.

Evellia: Oh Really now... *chuckles* That's certainly... interesting. <w< Let me go and talk to him really quick...

*Evellia approaches the tall bat boy. Judging from appearance he looked to be in his early teens if nothing else.*

Batou Jr.: *notices Evellia approaching him* o.o ...

Evellia: Yo. Whatssup? ...I Got a some questions.

Batou Jr.: Okay, shoot ^w^

Evellia: What was I like in the future? and how ‘bout my sister, Cleio?

Batou Jr.: You were a very cool-headed swordswoman. Passionate, a little reckless but you did everything with a smile. Both you and your sister kept everybody's spirits up during those tough times when Benjamin Koco was conquering everything in sight.

Evellia: Heh-heeey, I Still strut my coolness even in the future. Bad-ass. =w=

*Ego boost up to 50+*

Batou Jr.: You, my Mom and my Dad were quite a team. Although we couldn't really put a dent in Benjamin Koco's forces, the three of you certainly did a good job at repelling them and defending what territory we did have.

Evellia: My God... At least I know now I'm quite the fighter. ....Next Question: Are you into girls, and what's your type? ouo Hm?

Batou Jr.: Honestly, I like the sporty, bold type...I guess if to be more specific, the... "you" type... .//w//.

Evellia: Ohhh, Okay then... Good to know. ....You wanna hang out sometime, bro?

Batou Jr.: Sure thing

Evellia: Cool. My Place, tomorrow afternoon?

Batou Jr.: I'll be there

Ashuro looked all around him. His best friend and his family was back safe and sound thanks to Evellia's efforts, e-chan got to propose to Lalao, Hiri got a little sister in Zenni, Karin and Paprika met two of their ancestors, Benjamin Koco was actually defeated, a thousand year curse on all non-humans had been lifted and both he and Annaliese finally met their daughters. Usually all of this happening would take some time to process but for now, he just wanted to enjoy the moment of the right now. Little did anybody know just how much the events that happened that day would impact the future of all universes in the time to come...

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