Sunday, June 16, 2019

Calming of the Storm

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 36
“Calming of the Storm”

An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

After flying through an intergalactic tunnel for a few seconds the six heroes pass through another portal and find themselves in another room in the tower.

Snoopy: What the...!?

???: So, you decided not to heed my warnings and come all the way up here anyway...

*Looking around the group now sees that they were in the room that they saw earlier from the TV footage: they were on the top floor of the tower and before them stood the Mershark, Tsubaki, with the Creation Trident in her hands...and a frozen Rocky behind her.*

Gaura: Warning, schmorning, I don't give a damn right now. You have messed with the wrong person, seaweed breath...! *Draws her lance once again*

Ruby: Hold on a second....please...I am a bit woozy after that… @~@;

Zero: That...caught me off guard... @~@;

Dandelion: Hold, stomach, hold...@ 3 @;

Tsubaki: *growls* so it's a fight you want, huh? That's fine with me, you white beetle! *twirls the Creation Trident around gracefully* I'll throw you all out of here so I can get back to loving my new boyfriend!

Snoopy: O_O;; Oh crap...

Gaura: THAT! IS! IT! *Kicks off the ground and rushes at Tsubaki, dragging her lance across the ground for an upward swipe which combos into forward thrusts, dangerously aimed at Tsubaki's chest region*

Tsubaki: *falls backwards onto her back to dodge the lance thrusts then uses her mighty tail to sweep Gaura's feet from under her*

Gaura: *Uses her lance to break the fall, push herself up and swing into Tsubaki from the side with a kick* Don’t even think about it!

Tsubaki: *blocks the kick with her arm then uses the trident to propel herself back onto her feet* why are you cosplayers here anyway!? *fires ice shards from her trident*

Gaura: *Shatters the ice with her lance and lounges forward, tackling Tsubaki into the ground* Because you have put my fiancé on ice, you crazy, walking sushi roll!

Ruby: Technically not her fiancé yet... And also the fact you have been wrecking havoc on the nearby area with your shenanigans...

Gaura: Stay out of this, Ruby!

Tsubaki: You're not taking him from me; I need him more than you do! *fires a jet of water at Gaura to push her off and allowing her to get back on her feet and counterattack with a flurry of trident jabs*

Gaura: So you snatch the person up and imprison them in ice, just because of your own little problems!? Hell. No. *Dodges between the jabs from the trident and grabs the handle herself, pushing herself into Tsubaki and headbutts her. Hard. And then proceeds to twist and pry the weapon out of the Mershark's hands, standing tall with both her lance and the trident in her possession* I don't think so, missy.

Tsubaki: Give that back! *tries to wrestle her trident away from Gaura*

*While the two girls fight over the trident a chipping noise could be heard. Stopping the struggle for a few seconds, both Gaura and Tsubaki look over in the direction the sound was coming from and were very surprised with what they saw; somehow both Ichigo and Sarita had made it to the top floor and were trying to break Rocky out of his icy prison.*

Ichigo: *hacking away at the ice* c'mon, Sarita, just a little bit more...

Sarita: *hacks away at the ice and whimpers* we're going to be in so much trouble if we get caught... TnT

Ichigo: Stop worrying, we're not going to get caught; as long as they keep fighting we'll be able to free Daddy befo-


Ichigo: OwO;; GULP!

Sarita: QxQ EEP!

Gaura: ICHiGO! SARiTA! WHAT DiD WE TELL YOU BEFORE WE LEFT!? *Socks Tsubaki right in the face while they were both yelling at the kids*

Ruby: -.- ...I.. I am not surprised. Sarita is MY daughter, after all...

Sally: *Looks around and sighs in relief* At least my boy knows how to stay put...

Tsubaki: *out cold and drooling from the rather precise punch*

Sarita: I-I only left in attempt to talk Ichigo out of coming here...but instead got talked into coming with her .///.

Zero: Then where is Brendan?

Ichigo: *makes a guilty noise* I told him that we were playing hide-and-seek so he's back at HQ still looking for us...

Zero: Why would you do that!?

Ichigo: Because he would've forcibly stopped me from coming here...even if it meant making me feel super embarrassed... -//~//-;

Gaura: Oh, is that so...?

*As if something out of a horror movie, Gaura's transformation was lifted as she slowly approached her daughter, cracking her knuckles a little bit, while wearing a smile on her face, that was nothing short of creepy*

Gaura: Because we don't want you to feel embarrassed or anything, do we? It’s not like the situation at hand is very dire for a little kid, and you just being here could actually result in far worse, right? Everything to avoid a little "embarrassment", right~?

Ichigo: B-B-But, it all worked out in the end, didn't it? Thanks to our unexpected appearance you were able to knock out the shark lady with one punch; that has to count for something, right...? R-Right...? *sweating very hard and nervously*

Gaura: Maybe. But I am not in the mood for this right now~

*Even though Ichigo tried to scramble away as fast as she could, Gaura easily managed to grab the young girl and pulled her back, forced her over her lap as Gaura herself knelt down, flipped her skirt over, pulled her panties clean off, and started to spank her bared blue bottom with firm and precise strikes, at least once a second. The sweat on her cheeks flying off as she is spanked red and pristine*

Ichigo: EEEEEEEE!!

Sarita: .///. *twiddles her fingers nervously*

Ruby: *Undoes her transformation and picks up Sarita* Sorry kid...but you are not in the clear...

*Ruby chuckled nervously as she held Sarita close with her dress up-turned. Her underwear was soon at her ankles as Ruby started to spank her as well as she sat in her lap, while sitting next to Gaura and Ichigo*

Gaura: Do mind, this is just me using my hand! If you don’t want a belt or paddle, you behave and listen next time, young lady! Got it!? *Smacks both her cheeks at once*

Ichigo: Yes Ma'am!! *continues to cry her eyes out, kicking her legs and wiggling her reddened booty in a futile attempt to ease the burning pain*

Sarita: ;n; *cries softly, obviously resigned to her fate and taking her punishment better than Ichigo*

Gaura: "Yes Ma'am" what..? What are you agreeing to? *Grabs Ichigo's tail and tugs on it just gently to make her raise her bottom a little bit, allowing Gaura to angle her slaps better and stopping a little bit of the kicking*

Ruby: *Stroking Sarita's back with one hand while smacking her butt with the other* You're doing good, sweetie; just a bit longer.

Sarita: ;n; *meekly nods her head to her mother*

Ichigo: EEEEE!! Yes Ma'am, I'll listen to you and behave next time!

Sarita: (No matter how many times she says that the two of us always end up like this T3T...)

Gaura: .... *Closes her eyes and pushes Ichigo to her feet, adjusting her skirt so her tail is keeping it up, keeping her reddened bottom exposed* You're going to stay clothed like this until bedtime, young girl.

Ruby: *Does the same to Sarita* This is just the embarrassment you two have to deal with, for now...

Ichigo and Sarita: *makes embarrassed faces*

Dandelion: Nice display of parenting, you two ^w^ *finishes tying up Tsubaki with strong spider silk*

Snoopy: *helps the now defrosted Rocky walk by letting him lean on him* it's nice to know that my little sweetie knows when to acknowledge when she was in the wrong ^^

Rocky: *shivers a bit* cold...s-s-s-s-so cold...

Gaura: Rocky..! *Rushes over and puts her arms around him, hugging him close* You've had me and the others worried sick...

Rocky: *puts his arms around Gaura, keeping her close to him* I'm sorry for worrying you...

Tsubaki: *wakes up* no...NO! STOP! *struggles to break free from the strong, elastic spider silk but is unable to* Don't take him from me, PLEASE! He's all I've got left in this weird dimension!

Gaura: *Growls in an annoyed tone*

Ruby: ...Um...

Gaura: Ruby, no. I don't want to hear of it.

Ruby: Come on, she is obviously troubled....let's try to help her.

Sally: D-Dandelion came around after we helped her, so...maybe...?

Gaura: .... *Groans and turns away* Fine.

*A dinging sound could be heard as everybody looks to one of the walls to see in fact that an elevator was there. The doors open and everybody that had joined the heroines earlier pops out of the very overstuffed elevator, all gasping for air. The only one remaining inside was Sundae, who seemed to be stuck.*

Nikki: *rapidly gasping for air* Air! I need air! O_o;;

Connie: So very hot...why did it stop at every floor like that?

Jim: We were so packed in there that it was unavoidable that all of the floor buttons got pushed in...

Sundae: *struggling to move* little help, please?

Skylar: I TOLD YOU that we should split into groups and not squeeze in there...! =A=;

Jason: *gasps and coughs, taking off his coat and shirt to fan off* Never...again....

Blitz: *Glances at Sundae* ...Try splitting up...?

Tanya: Someone, call an ice cream truck to take us home... =~=;;

Sundae: *separates into Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry*

Vanilla: hindsight we probably should have done that earlier

Caramel: *desperately takes off her dress to give her chunky body a chance to breathe and cool off* =o=;;

Cinder: *literally slides out of her armor* at least you managed to subdue Tsubaki *walks up to Tsubaki* now, could you please tell us why in the world you caused all of this chaos?

Tsubaki: Be...because you all left me! >o<

Vivi: Left you...? .3.

Estella: What are you talking about?

Skylar: Yeah what exactly are you talking about? =-= And this better be good, or else you're going to regret getting this pack of wolves involved....

Gaura: ...Speak up, sushi roll...

Tsubaki: Back in our home dimension and planet, we were all super close; we had an unbreakable bond. We lived together, fought together, dreamed together; do you all remember what my particular dream was?

Cheryl: You wanted a harem of cuties and hotties, right?

Tsubaki: .///. ...yes...but the other one: the big one! >//o//<

Penelope: If I remember correctly, you wanted us all to live together forever in a dream town you wanted to build after the wars were over.

Tsubaki: Exactly! And from the moment I was captured and sent to this new dimension, I've been fighting to free myself from that accursed capsule prison every second that I could. I fought for what seemed like years to free myself...and the only reason I managed to escape was because my capsule landed in the mountains and eventually got caught in a rock slide that broke the thing open. Once freed, I immediately went to work in finding all of you and when I find all of you what do you think I see?

Jason: I am gonna take a wild guess and say that you found your friends, and they were enjoying life in this new dimension instead of being worried about where the heck you were...right?

Tsubaki: *tears well up in her eyes* I saw all of your happy faces while you were with these new people: your new boyfriends, your new besties; when I saw that you all had found genuine happiness and even had a future planned out, everything I had hoped and dreamed for went up in smoke. With these people in your lives you wouldn't need to live in any place I made for you wouldn't need me at all for anything anymore...

Jason: .... *Walks over to Tsubaki, gently pets her, and then lightly hits her on top of her head* Idiot. Don't sell yourself short like that. I don't know you, but I am sure that your friends would still want AND need you around, and you know why? Because you are their FRIEND, you dummy... Family, even. If your big dream doesn’t exactly fit into this dimension, then don’t lose hope so quickly either.

Meryl: He's right, you know.

Estella: Our conditions may have changed but you'll always be our irreplaceable friend; we're sorry that nobody was there to greet you when you got freed but we're very, VERY happy that you're here, alive and well.

Tsubaki: ...WAAAAAAAHHH!!

Cinder: *pats Tsubaki's head* there-there~

Jason: *Cuts her loose* There now...calm down, it's alright now...

Tsubaki: *calms down and sniffles a bit*

Snoopy: So, was there any particular reason you captured my cousin, or...?

Tsubaki: ...he comforted me when he saw me crying...and actually said some things similar to what you all just said. He was so kind and I was so afraid that I wouldn't find somebody as kind as him here that I...just took him with me Maybe I can make a better first impression and try again with him now that-

*Gaura looked very pissed again as she glares daggers at Tsubaki.*

Snoopy: B-B-But before all of that, do you think you could do us, and the entire town, a small favor and clean up the mess you made with all of those storms, disasters and this tower?

Tsubaki: ...yes, yes I can; but I'll need my trident back first. ^^

Gaura: .... -_-# ....Here. *Passes it over*

Tsubaki: Thank you~

*Tsubaki raises the Creation Trident high in the air and the tower starts lowering back down to the ground. Once everyone is back on the ground the materials of the tower go back into the ground as Tsubaki completely restores the street back to its original state; she then shoves the trident into the ground and it sends out a wave of energy that radiates outwards, dispelling all of the storm systems and repairing all of the buildings, cars and other things damaged by the storms. The town was as good as new, although there were quite a lot of confused townsfolk around wondering what was going on.*

Caramel: OwO;; *rushes to put her dress back on*

Ichigo and Sarita: OxO;; *forgets that they're being punished and quickly pulls their skirts down to prevent their very red butts from being seen*

Gaura: *Is quick to notice the kids* Ichigo, Sarita, what do you two think you're doing? >_>

Ichigo: B-But Mom, there are people around... ;3;

Sarita: *hesitantly pulls the back of her dress up and over her tail and rolling it up even tighter than Ruby did to show off her reddened bottom in its entirety* TTnTT

Rocky: Mom?

Gaura: That's the point. I intended for you to keep your skirt up, knowing full well that you might be seen. Now, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. You decide what you want more, Ichigo.... =_= *crosses her arms and taps her foot, waiting for her daughter to act*

Ruby: *While petting and comforting Sarita, she leans in against Rocky* That little blue red-head is your future daughter, you lucky dog. Now, I know you said you would give Gaura your response as soon as you could...but I think you should wait until she has calmed down a bit.

Ichigo: ... *folds her arms and pouts* I'm not walking all the way back home like that!

*Yep, Ichigo was definitely Gaura's daughter. They were both stubborn and headstrong but Snoopy, Ruby, Sally, Zero and Sarita already knew who would win out in the end.*

Gaura: Alright, we can arrange something different in that case, little hothead... *Grabs Ichigo and proceeds to completely strip her out of her skirt, leaving her bare from the waist and down* Hard way, it is. =_=

Ichigo: EEP! *tries to reclaim her skirt from Gaura but is too short to reach*

Rocky: Okay, that's enough, little one *gently but firmly grabs Ichigo by her arm*

Ichigo: D-Daddy?? O//.//O

Rocky: If you really are my daughter then I'm quite sure you know what happens to little girls who are disrespectful to their mother, right?

Ichigo: *becomes like stone when she realizes what's coming her way* Please, Daddy, no...

Gaura: ... *Clears her throat* ...Go ahead, Rocky. It’s not just my decision how...our girl, is raised... <//_//<;

Rocky: Thank you; but first let's return to base, shall we? I want to thank all of you for your help; it was greatly appreciated. ^^

Cinder: So what will you do now, Tsubaki?

Tsubaki: Hmm...I don't know right now but I'm sure I'll figure out something. Well, I'll be seeing you girls later; maybe we can get together sometime...

Rocky: Yes, but before that... *gently but firmly grasps Tsubaki's arm* you'll be coming with us as well

Tsubaki: Really~? ...wait, why?

Rocky: *speedily disarms Tsubaki of her trident and hands it off to Ruby* oh you'll see; come, stay the night and we'll chat. But if you don't want to we can definitely make "other arrangements" for you. ^^

Tsubaki: OwO;; I-I'd love to stay the night!

Ruby: Alright, it is settled then!

Sally: Let us hope B-Brendan did not get too worried in our absence....

*Everybody goes their separate ways from there. The heroine group walks through town all the way back to the HQ, with Sarita and Ichigo both getting their fair share of looks along the way. When they finally enter the HQ they find a very worried and in tears Brendan waiting for them.*

Brendan: WAAAAHHH!! Sarita, Ichigo, where are you?? This isn't fun anymore; I don't want to play this game anymore! Wherever you are, please, just come out so we can play something different!

Sally: !!! *Hurriedly makes her way over to her son and gives him a comforting hug* Shh-shh-shhhh... Don't cry, sweetie. Mommy is here...

Gaura: ...Ichigo, Sarita, I believe you have something to tell Brendan, before we do anything else...?

Ichigo: *approaches Brendan while keeping her lower half covered by her hands* Brendan, I'm sorry for tricking you like that...

Brendan: *sniffs* tr-tricking me?

Ichigo: Yes. I suggested we play hide-and-seek to keep you occupied while I snuck out to go and help save my Daddy...and I made Sarita come with me...I'm sorry, bud.

Sarita: I'm so sorry that I made you worry, Brendan

Gaura: *Places her hand on Ichigo's head* That's better.

Sally: *Wipes her son's tears from his cheeks* pains me to see you like this...

Brendan: But why would you trick me like that? I thought we were friends...

Ichigo: Because I knew you would do whatever it took to keep me from leaving and-

Brendan: OF COURSE I WOULD'VE DONE ANYTHiNG TO KEEP YOU TWO OUT OF HARM! You're my best friends and I'd be a complete mess without the two of you in my life. I'd never be able to live with myself if something happened to you and I could have prevented it from happening. Remember the dynamic we decided on? If you're the strength of the body and Sarita is the brain of the body then I am the armor that protects that body. So please, let me be that armor for the two of you...

Ichigo: *the full reality of what she had done fully hits Ichigo's heart as she goes down to her knees and weeps*

Gaura: *Goes on her knees as well and hugs Ichigo close, cuddling the red-head against her body* There there, let it out...

Ruby: *Nudges closer, together with Sarita, sitting down with her on her lap*

Sally: *Takes a third seat by them all, still comforting Brendan* You three are quite the bunch...

Snoopy: It is quite obvious that they share a kinship just like the ones their mothers share with each other

Rocky: I agree with you on that

Zero: *smiles warmly*

Gaura: *Pets Ichigo gently* ...Good to see you understand how much your actions actually hurt...

Ruby: ....I wonder what "daddy" had in mind for her~? <w<

Rocky: Oh yeah, why don't the rest of you just relax and unwind; you've had a very busy day. Gaura, do mind if you, I, Ichigo and Tsubaki retreat to your quarters for a bit so we can talk? ^^

Gaura: I don't mind it... *shrugs a little*

Rocky: Alright then, we'll be right back ^^

*Rocky and Gaura lead both Ichigo and Tsubaki down the hall while everybody, besides Snoopy, wonders exactly what Rocky has planned for the two.*

Snoopy: -.-; Oh boy, those two are in for it...

Sally: I can imagine....

Ruby: *Flips Sarita's skirt back down* Anyone want some grilled cheese?

Brendan and Sarita: I do-I do!

*Inside Gaura's room, both Ichigo and Tsubaki sit kneeling before Rocky and Gaura as they stand before them. Both girls were quite nervous as to what their fates were.*

Ichigo and Tsubaki: ...

Rocky: Tsubaki, from what I gathered, you were one of Cinder's companions before winding up here; a proud warrior who fought for the freedom of her planet, correct?

Tsubaki: That's right

Rocky: And yet since you've gotten here you've caused untold chaos to this city by creating massive storms and natural disasters everywhere, endangered countless innocent civilians, caused millions in property damages and have even resorted to kidnapping and keeping me trapped in both amber and then ice.

Tsubaki: *gulps and looks very worried*

Rocky: And even though you did fix all of the damage you caused the authorities are going to want to punish the one who WiLLiNGLY created this whole mess. Gaura, for offenses like these, about how many years of jail do you think she's looking at? ^^

Tsubaki: J-J-Jail???

Gaura: The laws are not exactly catered to account for someone manufacturing their own natural disasters...but, as it can fall under terrorism, we are looking at multiple decades of jail time. She is lucky that death sentences is a really huge taboo that is not really touched upon anymore...except in a few extreme places in the world. >.> *Crosses her arms* Jail time at the level of security and terror as Impel Down, perhaps...?

Tsubaki: *looks absolutely terrified*

Rocky: And of course that trident of yours will be confiscated; a sacred family treasure like that will be locked away for all eternity or maybe even destroyed by those who don't know how it works out of fear of what it could mean if somebody else got a hold of it. Yes, it would be a real shame for a warrior such as yourself who fought for the freedom of your world to spend the rest of your life locked up, and at such a young age too...

Tsubaki: P-Please, don't send me away; I never got to see what this world holds for me. I never even realized how peaceful this place was; I didn't even get to try out the water or food here. I'm sorry, I'm so SO sorry! Please, help me; I'll do anything, so please, help me!

Rocky: ...okay, I will; I just needed to see how repentant you were about your actions. Just remember what you said earlier about doing anything to repay for what you did *turns to Ichigo* and as for you, young lady...

Ichigo: OwO;;

Rocky: From what I gathered you were supposed to have stayed here with Brendan and Sarita while your Mother and the others went to save me. Not only did you disobey that order, you left your friend all alone to worry about you, got your cousin involved in your scheme, went out into very unstable weather conditions, got involved in a critical situation that could've gotten you and others I leaving out anything, Gaura?

Gaura: Well, she refused to comply to her punishment after it was set in motion. But she didn't make that much of a scene out of it...other than that, nothing else.

Rocky: Okay then and from what I can see your Mother already gave you a pretty decent punishment...and to really drive home how much we never want you to do all that you did again you'll be receiving my punishment as well. A session with the slipper should do nicely. ^^ *takes a slipper out of his coat*

Ichigo: QnQ *moans a bit*

Rocky: *takes another slipper out of his coat and gives it to Gaura* the same goes for you too, Tsubaki; Gaura will handle you while I deal with Ichigo. ^^

Tsubaki: Wh-What??

Rocky: Yes, you too; I think that your actions in the past few days warrant at least this.

Tsubaki: But I've never been...y'know, before... .///.

Rocky: Is that so?

*A very creepy and evil smile creeps across Gaura's face.*

Gaura: No wonder you behave like a brat. Now, do you need to have me strip you down, or are you dignified enough to do that yourself, sushi roll~?

Tsubaki: That face you're making is real creepy, beetle *turns to Rocky* are you sure that you don't want to be the one to deal with me, Rocky-poo~

*Pissed off again, Gaura makes the decision to strip Tsubaki down herself and make sure that her first spanking would be one that she never forgot.*

Gaura: ...Yeah, okay, that does it.

*And she went right ahead and did so. Starting by grabbing Tsubaki's arms and locking them in a hold behind her back, limiting the amount she was able to fight back as Gaura practically shred off her bottom clothing until nothing was left to cover Tsubaki with. And as if that wasn't enough, afterwards, Gaura made the Mershark raise her arms up and promptly removed what she had on her upper body as well, before pinning her visitor down over her knee, while sitting on the bed herself. And by using one of her legs, she managed to lock Tsubaki's legs in place too, preventing her from getting free anytime soon*

Gaura: I dunno. Something so big and squishy could need something a bit more firm and hard to strike the point home... *Flips the slipper in her hand, waiting before starting to spank her*

Tsubaki: Wait-wait-wait-wait!! *flails about in panic and fear*

Rocky: *picks Ichigo up then sits down on a nearby chair and places her over his lap* just tell me when you want to get super serious. These slipper are custom made for punishments; if I channel a little E-nergy into one of them then each strike will feel like that of a wooden paddle. ^^

Tsubaki: EEP! OxO;;

Ichigo: TwT *moans and fidgets a little when she feels the slipper lightly touch her still sore and red bottom*

Gaura: Good. Sounds good. =^= *Raises her arm, holding the slipper, and swings it at Tsubaki's rear, angled to strike the sitting spots of her butt cheeks first, where she believed it would hurt the most. She also gave her inner thighs a bit of a beating as well, to start*

Tsubaki: YOWiE!! That really stings, beetle! TToTT

Rocky: ^w^ *raises his slipper high and brings it down on Ichigo's bottom, making nice popping noise on impact, reigniting her tears and cries with just one strike. He finds a steady rhythm while peppering her behind with popping smacks, making sure to cover both cheeks, the sit spots as well as her inner thighs*

Ichigo: *cries loudly with each slipper strike*

Gaura: Oh we are just starting, missy. *Grabs at one of Tsubaki's butt cheeks and starts to swat her ass more along her crack, landing a couple firm blows between her cheeks (a little bit) while also peppering her entire bottom with slipper flicks, not really having a steady rhythm but more-so trying to really make it sting for Tsubaki, as much as possible*

Tsubaki: AiEEEEEE!! Who came up with this bizarre, inhumane punishment!? QmQ *chews on Gaura's bedspread with her sharp shark teeth in an attempt to take her mind off of the pain her butt was feeling*

Rocky: *delivers a particularly stingy strike on both of Ichigo's cheeks at the same time*

Ichigo: *squeals out, bucking her hips wildly, trying to fan out the burn she was feeling*

Rocky: *gently grabs Ichigo's tail to lift her up slightly and get a better aim at any parts of her but that he missed with the slipper*

Gaura: You call it bizarre, I call it effective. I gotta admit though, it’s cute to watch you struggle. *Firmly swats her across both her cheeks four more times, before looking to Rocky, awaiting the "upgrade" so the spanking could be a bit harsher*

Rocky: *stops spanking Ichigo momentarily*

Ichigo: *crying and panting*

*Rocky touches Gaura's slipper, infusing it with some of his E-nergy; Gaura could feel a slight change in the way the slipper felt, telling her it would definitely do the job and then some. Rocky then does the same for his slipper as he prepares to move to the next stage of his daughter's punishment.*

Rocky: *swats both of Ichigo's cheeks with the enhanced slipper*

Ichigo: *cries out loudly upon feeling the new, sturdier more solid force hitting her backside*

Gaura: *Starts to swat away at Tsubaki again, focusing the strikes on the center of her butt cheeks now, and only there. Gradually turning her cheeks beat red*

Tsubaki: GYAAAAAA!! What was that!? That felt like hard wood! QwQ

Gaura: Well good, means it's hard enough. *Angles the next few smacks to strike Tsubaki's rear from below, and thus drag the slipper across her cheeks with each slap, roughing up the treatment further*

Tsubaki: EEEEEE!! *squirms a lot, finally having enough and trying to break free from Gaura's hold*

Gaura: Oh no no no, you are not wiggling out of this. Forget it. *Puts her arm around Tsubaki's waist and continues to whack and pepper her bottom in hard and punishing swats with the slippers, even more unrelenting than before as she gradually turns the entirety of her cheeks beat red, one swat at a time.*

*As Tsubaki's squirms and squeals in pain Rocky continues with Ichigo's punishment, alternating between swatting the top, the center and the sit spots of her bottom until it was a nice crimson red but with no bruises anywhere.*

Rocky: I think that it's about time we move to the final part of the punishment: the one part that is guaranteed to help them to remember to behave in the future. Don't let her up just yet ^^ *reaches into his jacket and pulls out two pairs of latex gloves and a jar of some sort of gel*

Tsubaki: Please, no more spanking; I can't take anymore!

Ichigo: QnQ *whimpers and cries, not looking forward to what was coming next*

Gaura: *Keep a firm grip on Tsubaki* Bite it down, sushi roll. It could've been worse.

Rocky: *hands Gaura a pair of the latex gloves* you'll need these for this next part ^^ *holds up the jar of gel* this is what our parents used on us to help us learn to behave: Dragon Gel.

Gaura: ....Dragon Gel? *Starts putting on the gloves*

Rocky: *puts on his gloves as well* yeah, it is some rather potent stuff *dips his hands in the gel and gets a reasonable amount* here's how it works; on a freshly punished bottom it has an initial cool down effect *rubs the gel in his hands and then rubs and massages it into Ichigo bottom*

Ichigo: EEE! Cold! ... *breathes out a momentary sigh of relief in response to the soothing feeling* -~-;

Rocky: Make sure to get a nice coat on there; enough to cover every punished spot ^3^

Tsubaki: That looks very soothing; hey, make sure to put a LOT more on mine

Rocky: Er...okay...if that is what you really want~ *winks at Gaura, in a way to say "go ahead and give her what she wishes"*

Gaura: ...Ooooooh.... Alright then, you wish. *Dips both of her hands in the stuff and starts to rub and apply it to Tsubaki's rear; circling and groping her a little from every possible angle until a layer of the gel is coating her butt perfectly.*

Tsubaki: Oooooooh~ that feels gooooood~

Rocky: Yeah, that's a nice, thick layer you got on there. Now we let it dry for a few seconds...and...we let them up ^^

*Both Rocky and Gaura allow Ichigo and Tsubaki to stand. Tsubaki was happy for the ordeal to finally be over but she noticed that Ichigo wasn't nearly as pleased as she should've been.*

Tsubaki: What's up with you, squirt?

Ichigo: The worse is about to come... TwT

Tsubaki: Huh??

*Within seconds of hearing this both Ichigo and Tsubaki feel a red hot burning sensation spread across their entire bottoms; it felt as if their butts were being roasted all over by an open flame as the stinging sensation they felt from their spankings were magnified threefold.*

Tsubaki: KYAAAA!! WHAT iS THiS!? IT WAS COOL BEFORE AND NOW iT FEELS WORSE THAN EARLiER!! *dancing about as if her butt were on fire*

Ichigo: *moans in discomfort* T~T

Rocky: What you're feeling is the effects of the Dragon Gel. It truly is a healing gel as it indeed does heal punished skin well and even provides an initial cooling and soothing effect but once it gets to work on actually healing it burns like heck. Ice, water and other cooling methods don't help in the slightest; you'll just have to wait for the burning to go away on its own. That's exactly why it is perfect for after corrective punishments; the amount put on determines just how long the burning sensation will last.*

Tsubaki: *immediately grabs the small jar of Dragon Gel and looks inside of it* WHY iS iT EMPTY!? QxQ

Rocky: In a jar that size there is enough for three separate sessions; I used one session's worth on Ichigo and you seem to have gotten all of what was left in the jar so yours is definitely going to last longer ^^

Gaura: *Shrugs nonchalantly* You asked for it, after all~ =3=

*The burning intensifies for Tsubaki and she resorts to rolling around on the floor in a comedic fashion as if she were trying to put out actual flames, making Gaura laugh to herself at the scene. The Mershark was definitely an over-the-top individual.*

Rocky: And with that I'd say that you have paid for your crimes, Tsubaki *turns to Ichigo* and Ichigo, sweetheart, your punishment is over and you are forgiven *lifts her up into his arms and hugs her*

Ichigo: *buries her face into Rocky's chest* ~

Gaura: *Carefully joins in on the hug, holding around both Rocky and Ichigo*

Rocky: *quickly sets Ichigo down and gives her back her skirt then helps Tsubaki to her feet and hurries them both to the door* you two are free to go now; enjoy the rest of the day~ ^o^

Tsubaki: Wait, first let me get my clo-

Rocky: *opens the door and puts both of the girls out before closing it again and then returning to Gaura* and as for you~ *lifts Gaura off of the ground and does a twirl, nuzzling his nose against hers, before sitting down on the bed and having Gaura sit on his lap as he holds her close to him* I can never say how much I appreciate everything you and the others did just to come and save me. ^^

Gaura: O//3//O Err-err-ummm.... N-no worries... Just did what...anyone would do to help their dear friend and...stuff... </////<

Rocky: ...that time I spent trapped I was worried that I'd never get the chance to give you a proper reply to your question the other day... *tilts Gaura's head up gently with his right hand so that they're looking at each other eye-to-eye* and this is my response *gives Gaura a tender, affectionate kiss on her lips* I love you too

Gaura: O////O Eheheheh~ *leans against Rocky and affectionately snuggles against him, baring a goofy little smile on her face*

Rocky: *chuckles and smiles warmly at Gaura as he holds her close*

*The next few days were rather calm for the heroes, giving them a chance to take a well-needed break after the incidents that happened with Dandelion, Benjamin Koco and Tsubaki back-to-back to each other. Rocky cleared things up with the Helping Hand Guild about Tsubaki and even worked out a deal with them that would put her talents to use in helping them; she was made a Guild Master in charge of reconstruction works across the universe as well as being a part of the driving force of constructing new Helping Hand Guild bases on other planets. The days were peaceful and nothing out of the ordinary had happened...until one day Gaura awoke one morning to look out her window and see that her scenery had changed...a lot. Going outside the HQ she sees that Snoopy, Ruby, Sally and Zero were already outside trying to figure out what was going on as well. While their HQ was indeed in the same spot as it always was, the area behind it had been completely terraformed into that of a tropical beach; there was sand, palm trees and ocean as far as the eye could see as well as a giant beach mansion that definitely wasn't there before.*

Snoopy: *looking at the new beach* ...

Zero: *looking at the new beach* ...

Ruby & Sally: *Looking at one another rather, with questionable looks on their faces*

Gaura: ....What in the douchewagon is going on here...?

Tsubaki: *rockets out of the ocean and in front of everybody* OH MAN WAS THAT A GOOD SWiM! Hey gang; do you like the view I set up here? ^^

Gaura: I should've known....

Ruby: I...uh...even I am at a loss for words...

Sally: It is....well, it is nice, I won't deny that. ^w^;

Tsubaki: It's okay, I got the approval of the city before I went and did this so there's nothing to worry about. I suppose you're all wondering why I decided to do this, huh?

Zero: Even if we're not you're going to tell us anyway, I suppose -w-;

Tsubaki: You're correct! You see, I started talking to Dandelion a few days earlier and she told me about how you five saved her from this group of non-human haters called the Vacuum Co. She told me about her time with them, how they took everything away from her and basically enslaved her and countless others as well. Then I got to thinking "if they sent Dandelion to attack this place and cause chaos, what's to say that they won't do it again, be it here or some other place?" That's when I decided to revise my original dream a bit. I would still build my dream property; but instead of housing all of my old friends and comrades I will house those like Dandelion, whose lives were destroyed by the Vacuum Co. We'll all live together here with you guys and make an even more gigantic hero force!

Gaura: .... *Puts her hand to her cheek* Hmm...that honestly doesn't sound that bad. I like the idea. <.<

Tsubaki: Plus, this way I'll also surely but steadily build up my dream harem of cuties and hotties. I'm already off to a good start~ *points to Snoopy* Cutie~ *points to Ruby* Hottie~ *points to Zero* Hottie~ *points to Sally* Super Cutie~ *speedily gets behind Gaura and hugs her from behind* Mega Hottie~ *playfully nibbles on Gaura's left ear*

Gaura: Hey-wha-Ah~! >//o//<;

Ruby: Ohohoho~ I know a few people that would love to build an harem for themselves, but you are the first one who is actively seeking out to do it. With Skylar, it sorta just happened, lucky wolf-boy~ But lots of them are too shy to admit it or bring it up... Some because they don't want to hurt their significant other's feelings, which is sweet on it's own. And thanks for the compliment.

Sally: O-oh dear me.... I-I am not that cute...

Zero: Sure you are~ *nuzzles Sally's squishy face*

Snoopy: ...only cute?

Ruby: Well you are lacking in the "handsome" department, Snoopy~ *Hugs him firmly from behind* But that doesn't make you any less lovable...

Sally: *pulls up the neck of her sweater in a weak attempt at hiding her face* /////

Snoopy: ^///^ I can live with that

Tsubaki: And best of all you all get to relax on the beach after a tough day~ ^o^

Gaura: *breaks out of Tsubaki's hug* Guh...y-yeah. Thanks for that... =//=

Tsubaki: Well, you all enjoy yourselves now; I'm going back for another swim. I've never been on a planet with such abundant water supplies; I LOVE THiS PLANET! *runs back towards the beach and dives into the water*

*From out of the beach mansion emerge Dandelion and the kids.*

Ichigo: Hey, over here~ Breakfast is ready! ^o^

*Snoopy, Ruby, Sally, Zero and Gaura's hearts sink at the thought of eating Ichigo's cooking again.*

Dandelion: Don't worry, I was the one who did all of the cooking this time; the food is safe and edible! ^o^

Ruby: While that is relieving, we do not really know how well YOUR cooking is either. No offense to you, Ichigo. I just really want to eat something that is not going to come right up again, today...

Sarita: It's okay, Mama; I've tried Miss Dandelion's cooking myself and I can honestly say that it is very good

Brendan: Same here

Ruby: ...Well good. =w=

*As everybody walks over to the beach mansion, Ruby notices Snoopy staring up at the sky, seemingly in a state of self-reflection.*

Ruby: ...Anything on your mind, love?

Snoopy: Oh, it's just that I was thinking. In two weeks’ time we've dealt with an attack from the Vacuum Co., managed to somehow render Benjamin Koco absolutely powerless and even traversed the forces of nature to save my cousin...and Ashuro was nowhere around. I know that he's most likely okay but I can't help but worry about him, especially since he hasn't returned yet.

Ruby: ..... *Leans on Snoopy, hugging him close* Please don't think about it...mostly because if you think about it, we might have to do something once again...

Snoopy: ...yeah, you're right. I'm sure Ashuro has a good reason for why he hasn't returned just yet. There's no stopping that guy when he sets his mind to something. C'mon, let's go eat.

*Both Ruby and Snoopy head into the beach mansion, completely unaware of what had happened in deep space with Ashuro and a few of the others and just how much their universe had changed...but that is a tale for another time...*

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