Saturday, July 30, 2011

Pizza Rain and Weird Dreams! Another e Appears!

Travel Multiversal
Shirokku-D Chronicles
“Pizza Rain and Weird Dreams! Another e Appears!”
An RP between Shirokku-D and eshonen

SUCCESS!! e-chan has got a date with Lalao!

e-chan: YiEEEEEEEE!! I can't believe it! I never thought it would happen! I got a date with Lalao! *rolling around on the ground*

Scooter: Congrats dude! ^o^

Megumi: You did really well. ^w^

*Door bell rings*

Megumi: Is the pizza here already?

Scooter: Pizza Time! Pizza Time!

*Scooter quickly darts out of the e-chan's room into the living room and opens the front door to greet the visitor.*

Mizuki: Hi, Hi. ^^

Scooter: Hey, how are you doing, Mizuki? What can I do for you? ^w^

Mizuki: Just Visiting... ^^

Scooter: Okay, feel free come on in; Ring is in the backyard if you want to go play with her. ^w^

Mizuki: RING-SAN!

*Mizuki dashes inside past Scooter to go see Ring.*

Scooter: Hehehe; it's nice to see that Ring is finally making friends.

*Closing the door, Scooter is about to go back to where e-chan and Megumi were until he heard the doorbell ring again; this time it was the pizza man...but the one delivering it was...*

Scooter: OwO Pfft! Goth Boy? Is that you wearing all of those bright, happy colors? *tries his hardest not to laugh*

Goth Boy: Yes.... -_-;

Scooter: Well *snickers* at least it's an upgrade from *snickers* Turkey-on-a-Fork!

Goth Boy: Quiet You.... -_-;

Scooter: *snicker* Okay, okay, I done *hands Goth Boy the payment in exact change with coupon and takes the pizzas off of his hands* don't worry, dude; you're secret is safe with me. XD Hey, is that Yuki? Hey, Yuki! *waves to get her attention* it me or does Yuki seem a bit...different than in creepier? ^^;

*Goth boy turns around to see Yuki; his face goes pale and he begins to shake fearfully when he sees who it really is*

Scooter: Does Yuki have a twin or something...? Goth Boy; are you sick or something? You're as white as chalk.

Goth Boy: U....U....U....Uber.....Y-yu-

UBER Yuki: Hhhhhhiiiii.....

*Uber Yuki starts shooting lasers; a stray shot hit's Goth Boy's car and destroys it...along with the many other pizzas he still had to deliver.*

Goth Boy: Hey! That'll Cost ya!

UBER Yuki: My Bad.....

Scooter: OoO Oh man, that doesn't come out of your salary, does it?

Goth Boy: Oh, Ya think?!

UBER Yuki: HEY, you two wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world...?

Scooter: O_O;; Get inside quick, dude; she's about to fire the second round!

Goth Boy: *runs in the house* O_O;;

Scooter: Hurry, this way! *leads Goth Boy to e-chan's room*

*In the backyard…*

Mizuki: Ring-Chan; where are Youuuuuu...?!

Ring: Mizuki-chan! I'm over here! ^w^ *waves to get Mizuki's attention*

Mizuki: RING-San! :D

Ring: *runs up to catches Mizuki when she leaps upward at her for a flying hug* It's s-s-so nice of you t-to come visit u-us! ^w^

*A slice of pepperoni pizza lands on Ring's head, causing her to look up and see pizza raining from the sky*

Ring: OoO e-chan s-said that he had a d-d-dream like this o-once before.

Mizuki: なに?! O_O

*A slice of anchovy pizza lands in Mizuki's mouth*

Mizuki: *eating the pizza, by making cute nom noises* Nomnomnomnom....

Ring: *sniffing* A-Anchovy... *drools*

Mizuki: Mmmmmm...Yummy...! ^^

*Back inside, Scooter and Goth Boy have just entered e-chan's room out of breath.*

Goth Boy: "sigh" Aluma, you idiot...

e-chan: Hey, Goth Boy *looks out of his window* why is it raining Pizza...and auto parts?

Megumi: Wait, that sound man, the pizza man got blown up... -_-

e-chan: But what could've done something like...*looks up and sees UBER Yuki standing on the ceiling looking down at them*...that?

Scooter: OoO;; How did she get in here?

Megumi: What I'd like to know is how she's able to stand on the ceiling upside down like that without her dress falling down...

UBER Yuki: Heeeheee...

Goth Boy: Dammit...

e-chan: ... *looks around the room for something to shield himself with*

Scooter: O_O;; *keeps his eyes on UBER Yuki*

Megumi: (Cue random, convenient

*Yuki enters the room, chowing down on some of the pizza that was falling from the sky, and wonders what is going on.*

Yuki: Huh? What's Going on--?!

UBER Yuki: Hi.....Looooong Time Nooooo Seee....Yuuuuuuuki....

Yuki: Ekkk! EVIL YUKI! AAAAH! *runs as fast as she can*

*UBER Yuki chases after Yuki*

Yuki: Noooo! Get away from Yuki!!

e-chan: OoO Oh-no! I've got to help her! *dashes after them*

Scooter: I'm going too! *follows e-chan*

Megumi: Finally some action! :D *follows e-chan and Scooter*

*Yuki runs into the backyard where both Ring and Mizuki are with UBER Yuki right behind her.*

Ring: I d-didn't know that Y-Y-Yuki had a t-twin...*takes a closer look at UBER Yuki* O_O;; AHHH! S-S-SCARY!!

UBER Yuki: Ohhh....Rinnng? What to here the most annoying sound in the world....?!

Mizuki: Who's that?

*Ring starts to kneel down and beg for mercy*

e-chan: OoO;; OH CRAP!! RETREAT!!

Scooter: But what about Ring?!

e-chan: At this point in time, UBER Yuki is the one that needs to be worried.

*Fear overwhelms Ring and she grows into her giantess size.*

UBER Yuki: ......?


*Ring aims her arms at UBER Yuki and the sleeves of her shirt straighten and
harden as they begin charging up energy to attack with.*

UBER Yuki: HURRRRRRR!! *shoots the lasers at her but hurt her, till....*

Ring: *feels the lasers stinging her butt* OWWiE!! *two beam cannons emerge from Ring's shirt sleeves and they fire two charged energy beams directly at UBER Yuki.*

*UBER Yuki moves out of the way, but the real Yuki tackles her down*

*e-chan dashes over to Yuki to assist her in restraining UBER Yuki*

Yuki: Evil Yuki must DIEEE!

UBER Yuki: Nooooot tooodaaay.... HURRRRRRRRH!!! *blast yuki, and e-chan off*


*Ring grabs UBER Yuki with both of her sleeved hands*

Ring: L-Leave my f-friends alone, you big b-b-bully! >_<

UBER Yuki: I'm sorrrry.....Me won't do it again......for now.... *teleports away*

Yuki: When did she do that??

Ring: O_O *looking around confused by UBER Yuki's sudden disappearance*

Yuki: ???! *shrug*

Mizuki: O_O; ......????????????????

e-chan: *notices that pizza is still falling from the sky* O_o *sees Goth Boy next to him looking depressed, watching the pizza fall* ...just how many pizzas were there in that car of yours? *catches a slice of Veggie Lovers pizza before it hits the ground and begins eating it*

Goth Boy: God, I'm sooo fired... -_-;;;

e-chan:'m pretty sure your boss will understand if you tell him what happened.

*Goth Boy looks at e-chan with a "you can't be serious" expression on his face*

e-chan: ...I'll...vouch for you...^^;

Goth Boy: I'm flooding with sorrow now...

*e-chan hands Goth Boy a notebook and pencil only to receive a confused look*

e-chan: What? When you're in a mood like this don't you always find inspiration for new poems?

Goth Boy: Yes... I'm going back.... Bye...or whatever... *leaves*

*Everybody looks to the sky and wonders about the exact same thing...*

Scooter: ...why is it still raining pizza? ^^;

e-chan: I've learned that it's best not to question things like this and just accept what's happening. -_-; *catches another slice of Veggie Lovers pizza and begins eating it.*

Scooter: *sigh* I guess that's the only thing you CAN do. *catches a slice of Super Supreme pizza and begins eating it*

*Aside from the weird raining pizza phenomenon, the rest of the day past uneventfully. e-chan rested in his bed that night ecstatic about his first ever date with Lalao and the fact that she accepted his confession. Despite all of that, there was still something plaguing his heart: Samantha. He still cared and worried about her even up to this moment.*

e-chan: TTnTT Samantha...I'm sorry for being such a horrible person. *falls asleep*

*Within his dreams, e-chan finds himself in a familiar dark void area.*

e-chan: O_O Not this place again; the last time I was here was the day that e-kun appeared and escaped from my body *hears footsteps approaching him* OoO;; OH C'MON!! Please tell me that I didn't unknowingly create another e-kun! TToTT

*In front of e-chan stands a man with long black hair, wearing a red and green shirt, blue jeans and boots; from the state of his clothes you could tell that he was a wanderer who's traveled across many lands and experienced many things. Three other notable features he had was the sword on his back, a Y-shaped scar on his face located just between his eyes...and that his face greatly resembled e-chan's face just like e-kun's did. Unlike e-kun, this man bore no signs of hate or malice what-so-ever; a small amused smile appeared on his face when he saw e-chan.*

???: *light chuckle* Fear me not, e-chan; I'm mean you no harm in the least little bit.

e-chan: Phew, that's nice. ^^;

???: You're worried about Samantha, right?

e-chan: ...yes, I am; I'm very worried about her safety.

???: Worry no more, e-chan; I'll find Samantha and stick with her for the rest of my life. She will be well taken care of, so please don't feel bad anymore about not being there for her. After all, if you didn't care about her, I wouldn't be here at all right now.

e-chan: ^w^, what's your name, friend?

???: *smiles* My'll know when you wake up. Good-bye, e-chan; the next time we cross paths, Samantha will be right here next to me. *disappears in the darkness*

e-chan: *wakes up and looks around his room and sees that nobody is around* ...that name...I like the sound of it. ^w^

*Meanwhile far away, Samantha is in a flowery meadow looking up at the shining moon. Her focus on the moon is broken when she notices somebody approaching her. Upon seeing the person in front of her, Samantha is amazed by how much he resembles and reminds her of e-chan. Feeling no hostility from him, she approaches and begins talking to him; the next day…*

Lalao: *knocks on the door*

e-chan: *yawns* who could it be this early in the morning? =_= *opens the door with a half-asleep look on his face* Lalao...?

Lalao: Wow... have you forgotten to drink some coffee? O.O

e-chan: No it's not that; I had one those...weird dreams again, and it took me forever to get back to sleep... =_=

Lalao: At least you're not on Elm Street... Sorry, it's just a joke...

e-chan: *laughs* ^w^

*Lalao seems happy that e-chan wasn't annoyed or upset by her joke*

e-chan: Oh, where are my manners? Please, come in; it's already this hot and it's not even close to noon yet *motions for Lalao to come inside and cool off*

Lalao: *walks right in* Thank You.

e-chan: *closes the door behind him* By the way, you didn't happen to see another guy around that looked a bit like me, did you? ^^;

Lalao: What?

e-chan: Here's the thing; that weird dream I had last night, it was exactly like the one I had when e-kun appeared. I'm just hoping that the dream I had STAYS a dream and nothing more than that. -_-;

Lalao: ....Um...Okay...?

*More knocking is heard coming from the door.*

e-chan: Another visitor?

*Opening the door, e-chan stands face to face with the person he saw in his dream last night; to Lalao, he looked like a more rugged version of e-chan with long hair*

???: Hello again.

e-chan: o_o ... *slowly closes the front door* T_T ...can't this weird stuff at least wait until after I'm fully awake? *opens the front door again* am I still asleep?

???: No, you are not.

e-chan: That's what I was afraid of...So, you must be e-sama, correct?

e-sama: Yes; I'm pleased that you remembered my name despite this being our first time meeting in reality. ^w^

Lalao: .... *slap herself to know if she's not going crazy* O.O;;; Wha? Wha? Wha?

e-chan: -_-; well, come on in; I was bound to have a nervous breakdown sooner or later anyway...

e-sama: Thank you; I'd hate for milady to get overheated.

e-chan: O_o Milady? Who else is...?

*e-sama steps to the side; the person behind was none other than Samantha.*

e-chan: ... *passes out and faints*

Lalao: *comes to e-chan, with a concern look on her face*

e-chan: *out cold*

e-sama: ... *pokes e-chan a few times* he's okay; he'll wake up in due time.

Lalao: .....What did you come for?

Samantha: ......

e-sama: Mainly just to inform e-chan that Milady will be okay from now on...and about a pressing matter regarding something I've discovered on my journeys.

Lalao: *listening*.....?

e-sama: It would take too long to explain, but when he wakes up, please tell him this: "The chest has been found."

*Lalao nods with a confused expression on her face*

e-sama: He'll know what you're talking about when you tell him this. Things are about to get chaotic and crazy in the coming days; be careful and stay safe no matter what happens. I must be going now; there is something that out there that needs to be found in order to stop this incoming invasion.

Lalao: Got it...

e-sama: Thank you, both of us shall take our leave now; sorry for disturbing you so early.

*As the two are about to leave, Lalao calls out to Samantha; she just had to know what was going on with her lately.*

Lalao: Samantha, can I ask you, what is up with you?! Why are you acting so strange?

Samantha: ....... T_T

Lalao: ...?

e-sama: ...I'm sorry, but that's something that can't be discussed right now.

Lalao: ......

Samantha: *walks off*

e-sama: Please understand, Milady carries a heavy burden on her shoulders and doesn't want any harm to come to those she cares about.

*Samantha grasps e-sama's hand and nods at him.*

e-sama: I see; once again, sorry for disturbing you both this early in the morning. We'll be on our way now *leaves through the front door with Samantha*

Lalao: ...Bye...

*Lalao hears a snoring sound and looks down at e-chan to see that he is fast asleep, finally getting the rest he was unable to get the previous night. She tries to wake him up, but he doesn't budge one bit; he must be a real heavy sleeper.*

e-chan: beautiful and cute...zzzzzzzzzz

*e-chan smiles with a happy and goofy expression on his face while fast asleep; looking at him, Lalao couldn't help but giggle then kiss him on his forehead, touched that he cared about her so much*

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Is This the End?? When All is Said and Done...

After a pleasant night with Nikki, Skylar begins to think hard about the important matter at hand. After a few days of contemplation and consideration, Skylar decides to meet up with e-chan to talk about what he had come up with and what his opinion.

e-chan: After considering the facts and what you know about Nikki, there are at least two important points that need to be addressed. #1. Who do you think these two people are that Nikki wants you to approach first?

Skylar: Well...I'd think that those two persons are her parents. I mean, it's logical, isn't it? ...Or could she mean someone like Pepper, Ashuro, Ring or Snoopy... I'd think it's her parents though... Well, at least I've narrowed down my guesses.

e-chan: You got it right; her parents are the two people she's talking about.

*Skylar looks relieved knowing that he solved the first part of Nikki's puzzle.*

Skylar: Phew, hehe...then the 2nd part. In the beginning, I was sure I knew what question to ask, but now...after thinking about it, I'm not so sure anymore... -_-;

e-chan: I think deep down you know what the question is, but your just a little unsure as to whether or not you really want to ask it at this point.

Skylar: ...I guess you're right. *smiles and blushes a bit as a thought comes in mind* Heh...I...I think I might have figured it out...or at least, it's something I WILL ask her sometime.

e-chan: ^w^ I'd recommend you asking her parents that question first; I've got a good feeling that they'll approve without hesitation. Then you can take all the time you need before asking that question to Nikki.

Skylar: That was the plan. And you're right. Her parents are really nice people, though they can be a bit weird at times... One example...uh...when I first met them...

*Skylar tells e-chan about his first encounter with Gin and Masaki during that Qurupeco incident.*

e-chan: OwO; Yikes; talk about staring death in the face twice in a row. Those Onyx Qurupecos were very, VERY annoying; if you though a Diablos was bad, try handling an Uragaan with a wicked Rollout attack that could turn on a dime and hit you with incredible accuracy.

Skylar: Yikes... O.O;; But you know, I'd love to help out beat some more monsters...especially this thing.

*Skylar takes a piece of paper out of his pocket and unfolds it, revealing the paper to be a poster with the picture of a monster on Alatreon.*

e-chan: ...this thing...I saw it once before...

Skylar: You did?! Where?! WHERE?!

*At this moment, Skylar is shaking e-chan uncontrolably*

e-chan: *regains his senses* it was during that Onyx Qurupeco incedent; Trey, Emerald, Yachiru and I had just finished dealing with both the Agnaktor and the Uragaan that the Onyx Qurupeco had called to it's aid. All of us were pretty beaten and banged up by then, but we still had enough energy to take that irritating birt out. That's when it made another call...and that dragon appeared *shivers upon remembering it* we didn't know what we could do at that moment, but the problem was taken care of very quickly when that dragon attacked and killed the Qurupeco and then flew back to where it came from; I guess it wasn't pleased to be awakened from it's sleep to respond to a fake call for help.

Skylar: The Alatreon...I wish I could've seen it with my own eyes...

e-chan: ...tell you what; you go and ask Gin and Masaki that question you came up with and I'll tell you everything else I know about this dragon. Deal? *offers his left hand for a handshake*

Skylar: ...Okay, deal. *shakes his hand*

*Sometime later, Skylar manages to meet up with Gin and Masaki at their home while Nikki was out running some errands. Standing in front of them, he gaters up his courage and resolve and asks them the question that's been on his mind for the past few days.*

Gin: ...

Masaki: ...

*Awkward silence...*

Gin & Masaki: ... You have our blessing! *both hugs Skylar tightly*

Skylar: O_O;; Too..tight...Need...air...

*Both Gin and Masaki release Skylar from their hug*

Masaki: Sorry about that; it's just that we're so excited! Our little girl has somebody who cares about her so much that they'd dedicate themselves entirely to her!X3

Gin: We weren't expecting to hear that question this early, but we're glad to hear it none the less. We already consider you and your sibilings as a part of our family; we've thought of you all like that for a long time.

Skylar: It makes me glad to hear you say that. And I promise that when that time comes, I'll take care of Nikki as good as I can.

Gin: HARHARHARHAR! We know you will...son.

Skylar: ..... "sniff" W-what did you call me...?

*Not having been told that word since he was a little kid had quite an emotional effect on Skylar, it seems*

Gin: Because, that's what you're like to me, a son. I love Nikki with all might, but I never got to feel that sort of bond a father would have for his son. It wasn't until after meeting and spending time with you that I started to understand what it feels like...*tears well up in his eyes* I'm sorry! *goes into the other room to try and collect himself*

Masaki: I apologize if that upset you, Skylar-dear, but what he said is true...for both of us.

Skylar: *wipes his tears away*'s okay... *smiles a bit* I'm glad...glad that you both feel like that. I'm proud to say that you two will be my mother and father.

Masaki: IYAAAAAiii! That makes me feel SO happy!

Skylar: *with a very cute voice* Mommy~

???: ^w^

*Skylar turns around and sees that Nikki is standing there; she had just walked in and neither Masaki or him had noticed.*

Nikki: I see that you figured out my little puzzle, huh? Aw, don't look at me like that; you should know by now that I play for keeps. ^w^ And before you say anything else, there's one more thing I need to tell you; you ready?

Skylar: (Heh, I'll have to do something to pull a prank on her sometime...) *noods, smiling hopefully as he stands up infront of her*

Nikki: I do; I'd be honored to be your wife. Lv. 100 reached.

Skylar: I love you...

*Skylar steps even closer and wraps his arms around her, their noses touching and rubbing against one another. He could see her eyes and blushing face behind her hair, causing him to laugh a bit before Nikki kisses him.*

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 16
”Is This the End?? When All is Said and Done...”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

It's just a peaceful summer day, with birds singing and lots of sunshine. Tanya had come over to speak a bit with Masaki about Skylar and Nikki. When they where done, they decided to go get the two of them and take them on a camping trip. However, when they open the door to the room they are in...

Masaki: *opened the door* Hi kids. Tanya and I wondered if you- HUH? O_O

Tanya: Oh dear... O.O

Nikki: Skylar, seriously, stop! >//<

Skylar: After all you've done this week? You've teased me at the beach, here at home AND on our date yesterday while I haven't been allowed to do anything... and you even made me get out of my shirt just a couple of minutes ago...

Nikki: B-b-but this is different! You can't just-

Skylar: Now you listen... You've been naughty towards me and haven't let me have my share of the fun... So now you can get out of your shirt and pull down your skirt, so I can give your butt the punishment a naughty girl recieves~

Nikki: Oh no... T.T

Masaki: .....I-is this what he does to my little baby when I'm not there? O//O

Tanya: Oh little brother... ^//^; You naughty prankster~

Gin: Hey everybody, how's it h-- *sees the scene in front of him then immediately turns around and walks back the way he came* (Everything is fine, apparently...-//-)

Skylar: *sits down and pins Nikki over his lap. He grabs her skirt and pulls it down in an instant, proceeding to rub and pat her butt playfully* Ready~?

Tanya: *giggles and watches the scene unfold*

*Gin returns to the scene*

Gin: Alright, c'mon you two, let's go; this is between the two of them so lets let them sort this out privately.

Tanya: Come on, I wanted to watch that~

*Gin leads Tanya and Masaki away from the door and downstairs; both Skylar and Nikki were totally oblivious to the fact that they had been seen*

Skylar: *begins to speak with her while he slaps her butt gently* ...Nikki, Snoopy told me that story about when you first used your pensword, right? He said that the day before, you two had done something and got spanked because of it, but it was worth it... What exactly happened?

Nikki: What the...what does that have to do with this?

Skylar: It just popped up all of a sudden... Buuuuut if you'd rather take a spanking than telling a story, then... *prepares to spank her hard*


Skylar: (Heh, I'm good at negotiating...) *places his hand on her butt and massages her there* Okay, I'm ready to listen.

Nikki: It was like this: there was this really snobby and stuck up girl in our school; she looked down on, insulted and ordered EVERYBODY around. The teachers and staff didn't do a thing because it was her parents who provided the school with most of it's funds.

Skylar: Hmph...annoying, eh? Why do I think of Dominik when you describe this person?

Nikki: *giggles*

Skylar: Anyway, do continue.

Nikki: Okay; after a while of this, most of us had had it with her. Rocko came up with a plan on how to get at her with a cool prank. He had obtain the schematics of her mansion's plumbing system and suggested that we cause all of the toilets in there to erupt like a geyser at the same time while she was using one of them.

Skylar: And this was while you were just...8 years old? He's smart...

Nikki: Actually, he's a year older than Snoopy and I, so he was 6 years old then; he was skipped ahead from a 1st year student to a 6th year student in elementary.

Skylar: Ah...okay...So, what happened?

Nikki: He guided me and Snoopy through the entire process, telling us exactly were to place the charges...they were cherry bombs, nothing too dangerous. When those things went off, all of us heard this piercing wail; it definitely belonged to our intended target!

Skylar: Hehehe.

Nikki: Yeah, it went off perfectly; too bad Rocko didn't know about the hidden cameras...-_-;;

Skylar: That's not good...

Nikki: You're telling me; and what really irked me about the whole thing was that Rocko was the only one that didn't get caught and escaped punishment.

Skylar: Huh... That's weird... And then, the next day... Yeah...

Nikki: Oh, there was a reason he wasn't caught; he was never over there with us. He guided us through the entire thing from his home, keeping a watch on everything through that giant telescope on top of his workshop. That rat was smart...TOO smart.

Skylar: Aww... Sounds like someone is a bit mad that her furry butt got punished~

*Skylar teases her by tickling her on the nose and making baby noises at her*

Nikki: Hmph! Easy for you to say; you've never experienced one of my Dad's spankings.

*Skylar remembers the size of Gin's hands and shivers a bit.*

Skylar: I see what you mean... O_O; Poor little Nikki~ *kisses her cheek and gives her butt his usual massage threatment*

Nikki: ^w^

*Nikki relaxes when her massage begins, even wagging her tail a little bit; she seems to have completely forgotten about the situation that she's in.*


*As he continues to massage her butt, Skylar starts to grab and squeeze it a bit, playing with her butt cheeks and nuzzling her tail.*

Nikki:'s alright if you want to touch them directly.

Skylar: *smirks, whispering in her ear with a sarcastic yet playful and funny voice* What was that~? Could you tell me what you said once more, but a bit more detailed this time~? *kisses her on her butt*

Nikki: Aww, you're really going to make me say it?

Skylar: Yes I do. I want to hear you say it~ *begins to pull off her shirt and nuzzles her back as he does*

Nikki: >w< Alright...Skylar, you're free to remove everything I'm still wearing and touch me with those wonderfully relaxing hands of yours.

Skylar: I'd love to!

*In one swift motion, Skylar had turned Nikki over on her back, removed all her remaining clothing AND grabbed both her breasts. He looks at her with a gentle and loving look in his eyes that made her even more relaxed than she already was. He proceeds to move in closer and lick her on the lips before kissing them*

Skylar: Like this, Nikki?

Nikki: Yes.

Skylar: Glad you like it.

*Skylar moves his right hand away and proceeds to lick on that one breast instead, while his left hand is rubbing her other breast and his right is rubbing her hip*

*Masaki and Tanya peep through the doorway*

Masaki: -//- ...

Tanya: You sure like her Skylar...oh, no no, I don't think Nikki told that you could lick there~ *wagging her tail as she continues to watch*

Masaki: her Mother, I should do something...but doing anything now would just make things completely awkward...

Tanya: Now, don't be like that. Besides, things could get WAY more awkward either if you do or don't... Believe me...I've been in Nikki's position before... -w-;

Masaki: Really? Do tell.

*While Tanya begins telling Masaki her experience, Skylar sees his opportunity; Nikki had comepletely forgotten about what led up to her current situation. Determined not to pass up on taking the element of surprise, Skylar quickly and effortlessly flips Nikki back over on her stomach, adjusts her position so that he'd have the best aim, and gives her butt 3 quick, firm smacks. That was the first time he had given Nikki and handspanking...he really liked the feel of it. Hearing the smacks, Masaki and Tanya immediately return their attention to peeping throught the door again.*

Nikki: OWWW!!

*From the look of disappointment on Nikki's face, Skylar could tell that she had counted on him forgeting all about the punishment he had planned to give her. Thinking about it a little more he realized that Nikki NEVER gives him offers like the one she had just given him; he would always have to ask for something like that...she had just tried to use her charm to escape punishment. In his mind, he thought "Such a naughty girl deserves a little something extra." Looking to his right, he notices Nikki's bed slippers were right next to her bed. He picks one up and places it on Nikki's warm bare butt, sending a chill of panic down her back.*

Nikki: S-Skylar, honey; w-w-what was that I just felt?

Skylar: Oh, just one of your slippers, "honey"~

Nikki: OwO;; Isn't that a little much for just being teased a little?

Skylar: Oh, what are you gonna do about it? Try to CHARM your way out of this situation too? I'm sorry, but you set this up by yourself, so you take the punishment. *lightly pats her butt with the slipper*

Nikki: *whines* but it's gonna sting; my butt is very delicate and I won't be able to sit for the rest of the week...T_T

Skylar: Nikki...don't try to make me feel bad... *slaps the slippers against her butt, not that strong, but enough to make it sting a little*

Nikki: YiP! *mumbles to herself* [I don't get it; Mom said that this tactic works everytime...]

*Although Nikki said that in a very low voice, Skylar's trained ears heard every word that she said.*

Skylar: I heard that~ And no, it doesn't. *proceeds to raise his hand as high as he could from that position*

Nikki: OwO;; ...yeah, I see that now... -_-;; *tries to brace herself for the impact of the next strike*

Skylar: Here goes... *swings his hand down and spanks her with the slippers*

Nikki: *body tenses up but remains silent, refusing to cry out.*

Skylar: ... *continues this and increases his force on the spanking little by little*

Nikki: ... *tears can be seen beginning to form in the corners of her eyes*

*Skylar sees that Nikki is just trying to endure the spanking instead of learn from it; her stubborness knew no bounds. To get the results that he wanted, Skylar was going to have to break her concentration somehow. He then remembered some of the stories that Ashuro told him about when he was becoming friends with Victora...and the many times he had to keep her in check. Deciding to borrow one of Ashuro's tactics, Skylar picks Nikki up and places her belly down on her bed, with her concentration suddenly broken from this surprise, she is unable to react as Skylar locks his legs around hers to prevent them from moving and then begins to tickle her feet.*


*Skylar's aim was to switch between spanking her butt and tickling her feet. Remembering how Ashuro detailed it, he would tickle for a while and ask if they'd want to be spanked again. This tactic was especially made for handling extremely stubborn cases; and Nikki fit that category perfectly.*

Skylar: Hehehe... *continues tickling her feet, even licking on them for the extra ticklish sensation*

Nikki: *laughs uncontrolably as her body thrashes about wildly* KAHAHAHA!! SKYLAR! STOP! KYAHAHA!! I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Skylar: So you want me to spank you again? *grins, not stopping to tickle her just yet, having to see if the tactic works.*


*The tactic was definitely working; Nikki's resistance was beginning to crumble. But Skylar knew that it was going to take a lot more before she was properly punished. He stops tickling her for 5 seconds so that he could carry Nikki back to the chair he was sitting on get her back into position over his lap. Once that was taken care of, Skylar began peppering his beloved's bottom with a flurry of slipper swats. Although she didn't cry out, Nikki's body was reacting with each hit this time around as opposed to trying to brace herself as she had before. Remembering more of Ashuro's story, now was the time to start asking her questions about why she did the things she did to earn her punishment.*

Skylar: So Nikki..... why did you tease me so awfully many times the last 2 weeks? And why did you try to get away from the spanking so badly by trying to trick me? Care to answer me that?

Nikki: I...I wanted to see how patient you were...and how much you'd let me get away with before doing anything...

*Skylar thinks for a moment; maybe this was just another one of her ways of learning more about him, despite how much she obviously didn't think it through.*

Nikki: ...and you look cute when you get all flustered like that...^w^

*...definitely not the smartest thing to say at a time like this just when Skylar was beginning to think about reducing her punishment session; that surely wasn't going to happen now, which she found out as Skylar delivered an especially hard and stingy slipper swat to Nikki's bottom.*


*Examining his work, Skylar never realized just how tough her butt had become since last time; it hadn't even started to pinken yet.*

Skylar: Hmm...Seems like my own strenght is not enough to get the wanted result in time...

*Skylar starts to think if he shoulde use E-nergy to increase his own strenght or transform by the use of Natural Energy... But a thought also hit him that Nikki might be using something similiar to shield her butt...*

Nikki: Owwie! That one really hurt, y'know! My poor bottom must be brick red by now... TT^TT

Skylar:, it's not, actually...not even starting to pinken yet either...

Nikki: O.O *looks back to see for herself* WHAT THE HECK?! This can't be right! I can feel the pain so why isn't it showing?! The only person I know that's capable of doing something like this is... no way...he couldn't have shown you how to use you E-nergy in "THAT" way, could he?

Skylar: What are you talking about? I hardly know anything about how to use E-nergy...I'm still a newbee and I have no idea what you're talking about...

Nikki: Oh, really; never mind then.

*Seeing how Nikki was real quick to end that discussion as quickly as possible, Skylar is left to wonder if there's something that she's not telling him*

Skylar: you know something that you're afraid to tell me about?

Nikki: *thinks really carefully before answering* um...yes AND no.

Skylar: *turns her head to face him and stares her coldly in the eyes* Speak.

Nikki: O||O;; *gulps* well, y'see...there's a technique using E-nergy that Ashuro utilizes often; it's called "Piercer." How could I describe it...? I know; has Luffy ever told you about that time when he fought Don Krieg?

Skylar: Not really... what about it?

Nikki: Well, after hearing about how Luffy busted Krieg's armor using only his fist, Ashuro created a technique that could penetrate even the toughest of defenses. For lack of a better name, he called this new technique "Piercer." He's made it so that it can be intergrated into just about any attack he uses. I was thinking that maybe he had taught you how to do that or something *wiggles her butt in an attempt to relieve the sting in it* He hasn't had you do anything unusual during your training right?

*Skylar tries to think back to the many training sessions that him and Ashuro had so far. He did remember one particular time when Ashuro did something cool with some playing cards.*


Ashuro: *places a 60 card deck in front of him and swings his arm in a fluid, sweeping motion, using his hand to swiftly sweep cards off the top of the deck into 6 separate stacks containing 10 cards each in less than 20 seconds*

Ashuro: It becomes very easy when you learn the trick to it. I'll show you; first, you gather up just enough E-nergy so that it coats the palm of you, paw.

*Skylar does exactly what Ashuro does, forming a light coat of E-nergy on the palm of his hand.*

Ashuro: Good, now here comes the part that's going to take practice. Take your hand and sweep it over the top of the deck so that the E-nergy sticks ONLY to the top card without damaging it at the same time *shows Skylar how to do it again*

*Skylar sweeps his hand over the deck of cards; his uses a bit too much E-nergy and the entire deck of cards stick to his hand. Putting the deck down, Skylar also notices that the cards are full of visible tiny holes.*

Ashuro: Don't worry, this'll happen when you do it for the first time *takes the deck of cards and restores them to their original conditions* try again, using a little less E-nergy than last time.

*Skylar tries again but this time he only lightly grazes the card, only moving it out of place without it sticking to his hand; he was beginning to feel like Naruto when he was learning how to walk up trees and then on water.*

Skylar: Oy, this was a bit harder than I thought... -.-; But tell me, how exactly may this help me later on? *tries again*

Ashuro: Hmmm...picture this: you're taking on a hoarde of enemies and kicking their butts; now that their boss doesn't have anymore underlings to do his dirty work, it's time for him to fight. So instead of fighting you honorably, he pulls the most cliched and under-handed tactic in the book: he shows you that he has a hostage and that if don't give up now, they'll be hurt. You want to save the hostage and give that coward the beat down he deserves, but you can't do one without giving up on the other; I created this technique to counter this very situation.

Skylar: Oh really? Huh...I'd like to see that in action sometime...

Ashuro: Stand right where you are and I'll show you now.

*Skylar stands and faces Ashuro; after channeling some E-nergy into both hand, Ashuro chucks to slicing shockwaves directly at Skylar! However, instead of getting cut up, they pass right through him and hits the coffee table behind him instead; Skylar is unharmed and the coffee table lies in multiple pieces.*

Ashuro: Yeah...I probably should've given you a heads up before I did that.

Skylar: O_O;; That scared me... So this attack basicly let you hit/hurt anything on the other side of a person, wall, and so on...? That's really cool.

Ashuro: You're close, but that's not exactly it; "Piercer" is an attack enhancer instead of an attack itself. It's designed to only it your intended target regardless of whatever armor they're wearing. In this instance, I was aiming at the table behind you; because nothing else but that table was my target, the attack passed through you and everything else. Now pay extra attention to what I'm about to say now; these are the key things you need to keep in mind to use this technique of my safely and successfully.

Skylar: Mentally TRYING to note all this down, right now.

Ashuro: When using "Piercer" ...just remember to never forget what it is that you're trying to accomplish...and focus ONLY on that. Take these cards for example *sweeps his left hand over the top of the deck and a card sticks to it* just keep thinking "I only want the top card;" places the card down on the table the sweeps another card from the top of the deck* or think something along the lines of "I want this card to remain in the one spot;" *places his hand holding the second card on top of the first card he drew and drags his hand to the side without moving either of the cards out of place despite to force he was using* you can even think something like "I only want to stab the card(s) in the middle of the deck" *slams his left hand on top of the deck then parts it in half to show Skylar the two cards in the exact middle of the deck had punctures* if you get creative, you can do all sorts of things with this technique.

Skylar: Hmm...okay.

<flashback ends>

*From that day on, Skylar practiced using Ashuro Piercer ability whenever he got time to do so, but didn't get any closer to master the technique. Maybe there was something he was missing or something he still didn't understand about E-nergy. But now this was happening; just what was going on; could it be that maybe he was just overthinking it? Skylar goes back to work on swatting Nikki's bottom with the slipper for another minute; although her butt hadn't changed color, she sure enough reacted to each of the hits as she desperately tried to escape from his grasp to escape the unusually strong pain she was feeling.*

Nikki: T_T WAAAAAH! No more; I can't take anymore! *struggles to get free*

*That's when Skylar realized it; he was using the Piercer ability perfectly. The whole time while he was punishing Nikki, he was focused solely on making sure that Nikki felt the sting of each swat he gave her, but at the same time he didn't want to leave any marks. With that mindset, his E-nergy was in fact hitting only the pain receptor nerves in her butt while acting as a cushion so that his had or whatever he was using to punish her with didn't make direct contact with her bare flesh. Now that he had a better understanding of how to use the technique, he had all of the time he needed to make sure that Nikki learned her lesson without fear of causing any damage to her skin; the very thought of this made Skylar grin evily at Nikki.*

Nikki: Y-Y-You did learn how to use Piercer, didn't you?

Skylar: I sure did~ *swats her butt again*


*Nikki redoubles her efforts to escape but only gets extra stingy swats to her rear end. Skylar never realized how easy it was to use E-nergy; it was all thought based and it's power and effectiveness relied solely on the weilders determination.*

Skylar: Hehe... You know, I think it's about time your butt start to change color, don't you agree~? *He smirks as he continues swatting her behind, drawing his focus away for a bit. And indeed, as he thought, her butt started to change colors just a little bit.*


*Skylar notices the defiance in her speech; clearly she wasn't getting the message. He took note of a spray bottle full of water that Nikki used whenever she needed to make a quick touch-up to her hair. But for what he had in mind to work, he had to get Nikki to let her guard down again; he starts by picking her up and carrying her back to her bed and laying her on her stomach as he rubbed her pinked bottom.*

Nikki: *gulps* I-I'm sorry, Skylar; it just slipped out, honest!

*Skylar acts cool and collected, smiling as if what she said never even bothered him.*

Skylar: It's okay. It's okay... all honesty, I have something to tell you. Just to get it off of my mind and getting to know what you feel after I've told you it...

*Skylar is trying to lower her guard, while also telling her something that is true and a bit important for him to tell her. He's also rubbing her bottom still*

Skylar: You remember Ayaka? The catgirl I became friends with? seems that our friendship has come so far as we've do I say this..."friends with benefits", if you understand what I mean...

Nikki: ...WHAT??!!!

To be continued...

Epic Final Boss Battle! Go K-Skylar!!

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 15
”Epic Final Boss Battle! Go K-Skylar!!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen
Nikki has been approached by the trickster, Weber who offers her the greatest of power in exchange for everything she owns. Her decision...

Weber: If you give up all of the cash, items, equipment and towns that you own, I can grant you the most greatest of power. What do you say?

[Nikki selects the Yes option. Nikki hands over the only thing in her invetory: the Blackmail.]

Weber: Now just close your eyes and relax...

[Nikki is surrounded by dark, corrupted E-nergy that causes the entire sky to darken and crackle with lightning. Nikki becomes a Darkling.]

Nikki: I like this; now it's time to have some real fun. *teleports away and appears on top of Dokapon Castle*

Weber: *looks at what Nikki gave up* O_O; CRAP!!

*The Blackmail activates and K.O's Weber. Meanwhile...*

Kevin: Hmm...I have strange feeling that someone was just blown to pieces by an explosive item...

*In the direction of the explosion, Kintaros stands there, coal-black in color, after the Nitroglycerin in his possession had exploded. Fortunately, the explosion not only happened while Skylar was scouting out the area, it K.O'd the monster that had attacked him. When Skylar returned and saw the scene before him, he rushes over to his aid; when Kintaros burps out a cloud of smoke, Skylar checks his item menu then immediately realizes what had happened. Repressing the urge to laugh at how funny he looked at that moment, Skylar uses a healing item on Kintaros and restores him to full health.*

Kintaros: You know... *coughs* I'm starting to get annoyed by this game...

*The sky suddenly gets dark where the two are and lightning can be seen crackling and striking the ground.*

Kintaros: Great... -.-;

Skylar: What now?

*Atop Dokapon Castle...*

Nikki: Let's see...ah, this will do.

[Nikki uses Come Here! All players are warped to her location]

Ashuro: ...-_-;

Snoopy: N-Nikki?

e-chan: ...sometimes I really HATE this game...-_-;

Ruby: O.O;

Kevin: ...not good... -.-;

Trey: *scratches the back of his head*

Kintaros: Zzzz...

Skylar: What does she have in store for us now?

Nikki: *thrusts her right arm up forcefully and a giant cavern entrance surround by dark mist erupts out of the ground* it's time...time for the deciding battle that'll determine the winner of this game!

Kevin: That didn't take long...

Skylar: Kintaros, let's go!

*The two of them merge together once more*

Nikki: But first, I need to even out everybody's current Ranking.

[Nikki uses Global Assault; all rescued town have been invaded by boss monsters again]

Snoopy: NO! All of the towns Sensei and I rescued are gone!

e-chan: I said, sometimes I REALLY HATE THiS GAME!!

Trey: Damn it girl! You're going to have to answer to my blade after this!

K-Skylar: Can't you play fair?!

Nikki: In the game of Dokapon Kingdom, this IS playing fair.

Ashuro: hard as it is to believe, she's absolutely right; there's no such thing as fair or unfair play in this game. -_-;

K-Skylar: God damn it...

Kevin: Fair or unfair, we're going to win anyway!

Nikki: Hmmm...the Rankings still aren't even how could I forget that? Your cash, drop every single G in your pockets; that way the Rankings will all be equal. ^w^

Kevin: Sorry to say this Skylar...But your girlfriend is ANNOYING AS HELL!!!

K-Skylar: Calm down, would ya?!

Trey: Sorry, but I have to agree on this one! Kevin is right!

Ashuro, e-chan and Snoopy: ... *hands over all of the cash their teams have both gather up to that point* ...

*Trey, Kevin and Ruby look at their teammates with confused looks.*

Snoopy: Look, I know this may sound like I'm trying to make excuses, but there's something you need to understand about the Lobinu race. If we repress our emotions for way too long, we'll become mentally ill; our minds get clouded and distorted which makes us do things we'd never think of doing and we have no control over it. Growing up with her, believe me when I say that I know how she can be sometimes, but what I do know is that the real her isn't like this. Don't think bad of her; I promise, once she's worn out enough, Nikki will regain her senses and return to normal. So please, just be patient for a little while longer.

Kevin: Oh...

Trey: Gee...Sorry...

*Now that he fully understands the situation, K-Skylar knows what he has to do: win the game and somehow make Nikki exhaust all of her energy so that she'd return to her senses. He gives up all of the cash both he and Kintaros earned, which makes all of the rankings even.*

Nikki: Teriffic! With that done, we can now begin! This cave leads to the boss of all monsters: Rico; he's the strongest opponent in the entire game and definitely doesn't play fair. Defeating him will put an end to all of the monsters in Dokapon Kingdom. So...the team that lands the finishing blow to Rico gains instant victory! When you're all ready, step inside and make you way down to the deepest chamber *disappears in a dark mist*

K-Skylar: I'm ready to go!

Kevin: Yeah. Let's do it.

Ruby: *pumps her fists* Woohoo!

Trey: We'll be done here quickly.

e-chan: Let's end this so that I can go back bed and sleep.

Snoopy: This has gotten so exciting all of a sudden!

Ashuro: Yes! I get to eat after this!

*All four teams journey inside of the cave; surprisingly, there aren't any monsters around at all. Soon enough, they all reach the very bottom and see the entrance to Rico's Keep about a football field length ahead of them. As everybody else begins moving forward, both Ashuro and K-Skylar stay right where they're standing. The others turn around and ask them why they're still standing there.*

Ashuro: Don't you guys notice something odd about all of this?

Ashuro: I don't know about you guys, but in every RPG-esque game I've ever played, the area containing the games final boss is usually swarming with the strongest of enemies and is full of sub-bosses and stuff like that. We've been able to get this far down without being attacked and the only thing that seperates us from the grand finale is this very long and wide area; and when you consider how thing usually turn out for us, something will more than likely happen the moment we're all in the center of this place. So before we go any further...

*A shockwave shoots out of the entrance way that everybody was standing in front of and are blown into the center of the area; once they land, both the entrance and exit are sealed off with a wall of dark energy.*

Ashuro: @w@ ...I knew it...

Kevin: @_@; ...uh...I should've known...

???: Well, look who it is; the so-called "heroes" trying to save the land of Dokapon.

*Everybody looks up and sees a boy with shady eyes standing in front of them; he looked a lot like Shark Aikawa and went by the name, Rico Jr.*

Rico Jr.: I am Rico Jr., Prince of the Underworld! *looks at them* Hmph, although there are 8 of you here, none of you look like anything special; if I hadn't told all of the guards to allow you to pass without any fuss, you'd have all been destroyed after taking your first step inside! Wahahahaha!

Trey: This time it's Shark?

Ruby: He's really underestimating us, isn't he?

Rico Jr.: Underestimating you?! HA!! I've seen you guys rushing about on the surface; you're all nothing more than a group of nerdy cosplaying LARPing zeroes playing hero!

e-chan: Man this guy is irritating.:annoyed:

Snoopy: Grrrrrr...

Rico Jr.: Oh, you've got a dog with you? Then you guys must be doing a bad immitation of Motley Crew.

e-chan: ...WHAT??

Ashuro: ...I don't get it...

K-Skylar: ... *his hand is glowing with a faint yellow light, almost un-noticeable*

Kevin: Hey, loud mouth, can you shut up with your trolling behavior?

Rico Jr.: Hehehe! Well, at least it seems that you all have enough guts to talk back; but now, I have a question for you *draws his sword* do you have enough guts to make me stop talking *makes a slight grin and disappears*

e-chan: ...the old insult and run tactic I s-- *gets attacked from behind and is sent flying into the cavern wall*

e-chan: ...OWWiE!

Rico Jr.: *stands where e-chan once was* Ahahahahaha! You actually thought that I had run away? Well, you're half right...

*He disappears again and then Kevin is attacked and sent flying into the cavern wall as well*

Rico Jr.: *stands where Kevin once was* I did run, but not away like you thought.

Ashuro: Not good; he's WAY too fast for me to keep up with as I am right now...Skylar, you and Kintaros still have all of your original abilities because you're not tied into the game like the rest of us are. It's up to both of you to stop-- *gets attacked from the side and slammed into the ground hard*

K-Skylar: Right!

Skylar: (Shall we do it?)

Kintaros: (Let's make him cry, aibou!)

Skylar: (You got it!)

*K-Skylar suddenly holds and puts on some fancy belt and presses a yellow button on it. A sound is played, he slides something similiar to a pass over the front of the belt and for a brief second, both of Skylar and Kintaros are visable*

Both: Henshin!

*After a short amount of time, K-Skylar had become suited up in some sort of armor that had motifs of a train station and Kintaros himself*

Axe Form!

K-Skylar: Ore no tsuyosa ni, omae ga naita. Namida wa kore de fuitoke. ("You wept over my strength. Wipe off your tears.")

Rico Jr.: *looks serious* Heh, just as I thought, you guys ARE nerds; dangerous nerds but nerds non-the-less.

e-chan: *gets back on his feet* will you...please just...SHUT UP!!

*Kevin gets back on his feet and sees an opportunity to strike when Rico Jr. turns his attention to e-chan.*

[Kevin uses Steal! Kevin steals the sword of Rico Jr.]

Rico Jr.: What the...HOW DiD YOU...?!

*K-Skylar sees the ideal opportunity and strikes*

K-Skylar: Haaaaa!!! *hits him in the shoulder with an axe-like weapon*

Rico Jr.: AUGH! *clutches his shoulder with a pained look on his face* You're gonna pay for that little stunt you just--

[e-chan uses Debug! Rico Jr.'s HP drop to 1 HP!]

Rico Jr.: UGH!! *looks very exhausted* You punks! *winces in pain* dad will take care of you all; just you wait and see.

[Rico Jr. runs away from the battle.]

Snoopy: At least that's over with *notices that the barriers have dropped* let's get this over with; I'm tired of not being able to use my abilities.

*Everybody charges forward and enters into the final room; once inside, they're all teleported to a land far FAR away from Dokapon Kingdom. The heroes find themselves to the top of a dark, evil-looking tower; and if that wasn't scary enough, their hearts nearly gave out when they saw the person standing in front of them: the King of the Underworld, Overlord Rico! What was so frightening about him was the fact that he looked like an even more intimidating version of Rex Tyrant!*

Ashuro: OoO;;

Snoopy: O_O;;

e-chan: ...we are going to die... -_-;

Trey: O_o;;

Ruby: *holding around Snoopy very tightly*


K-Skylar: ..... *frowns*

Rico: ...heh-heh-heh-heh...

Ashuro: OwO;; I never thought I'd say this, but I prefer OUR Rex a lot more than this one.

Trey: I have to agree with you there... O_O;;

Rico: ...come, servant...

*Nikkia appears in front of everybody, still in Darkling mode; everybody could immediately tell that something wasn't right. She was slouched over and her eyes looked pale and faded, as if she were in some sort of trance.*

Ashuro: ...she's being controled!

Kevin: What?!

K-Skylar: *eyes her, reverting out of the transformation*

Rico: This one was definitely one of the strong ones. She nearly defeated me; if I hadn't chosen to use Super Bounce instead of Defend, she would've defeated me. And to think, I only had 5 HP left *makes Nikki call out her Pensword, Horror Sheathe* this blade of hers truly amazing, you know...

Nikki: ... *stands still while holding Horror Sheathe*

Ruby: So...her strategy backfired?

Trey: Seems like it...

K-Skylar: ..... *split up into Kintaros and Skylar again*

Rico: I'll have to admit, she didn't make things easy; everytime I tried to take that sword away from her, it disappeared out of my hands and back into her's. She refused to tell me how it worked and even went as far as to refusing to hand it over to me; not even after using all of my remaining strength to beat her into submission, she still refused to give in.

*Skylar, Ashuro, e-chan and Snoopy look extremely pissed off and angry.*

Rico: With not a lot of spare energy left to continue my interogation, I thought of something: if she won't tell me how to use it, I'll just make her use it for me.

Skylar: ..... *quietly and calmly tells him to shut up*

Rico: ...okay, as you wish; servant, keep them busy while I take some time to heal.

*Nikki charges forward and speedily slashes everybody except for Skylar and Kintaros with Horror Sheathe, sending them all to the ground. She then turns her attention to Skylar and Kintaros as she begins her tremendous assault. Nikki was at least 10x stronger than she was when she was chasing Skylar before all of this craziness began, leaving both of them totally overwhelmed and unable to do anything to defend themselves as they are soundly defeated in battle. With all of the heroes lying on the ground defeated, Nikki looks at Rico.*

Nikki: ... *smirks*

Rico: What the...??

Nikki: What are you so surprised about? You wanted me to use my Pensword, right? So that's what I did...just not in the way you would prefer.

*Rico watches in surprise as everybody gets back up to their feet, completely healed and full of energy. They even noticed that they were all back in their original clothes and were able to use all of their original abilities, meaning that they were no longer tied into the game like they were before.*


Nikki: NO! My body might've been under your control, but my mind and will NEVER was! I told several times already: I WiLL NOT BE BROKEN!!


Nikki: *sigh* I'm tired of hearing you talk; it's time to end this, NOW!

*Nikki thrusts Horror Sheathe in the air and all of her energy and power from her Darkling class are sent to both Skylar and Kintaros. When the two of them merge back together to become K-Skylar, Rico trys to attack but is unable to move due to one of the many effects Nikki put on him through Horror Sheathe's ability.*

Nikki: Almost *continues charging up K-Skylar* ...DONE!

*With K-Skylar fully charged up with a maxed out AK, DF, MG and SP, he is ready to deliver his strongest attack to completely defeat Rico.*

K-Skylar: Let's go!

*taking the pass from earlier, they transform back into Den-O and proceeds to activate they're Full Charge Hissatsu Waza. He throws the axe he is holding into the air right above Rico, then jumps up, grabs the axe again and swings it down towards Rico. The attacks hits, splitting him in half*

K-Skylar: Dynamic Chop - Final Version!

Rico: ...GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! *explodes into a LOT of coins*

Ashuro: Oh look, coins!

*K-Skylar reverts and splits up into Skylar and Kintaros again*

Kevin: That was simply amazing...if only the real Rex was as easy to take out...

Skylar: *looking at Nikki* ...

Nikki: *looks a little dazed and confused*

Snoopy: Nikki? Nikki, WAKE UP!

Nikki: *snaps back into reality* Huh? What? *looks around confused* Where am I?

Trey: ...Is she...back to normal?

Kintaros: We'll see...

Skylar: *carefully steps closer to her* Nikki, what is the last thing you remember?

Nikki: *thinks back* I remember us going to a cottage you owned *thinks back some more* then I remember us going upstairs *tries to think back futher* and...and...I can't remember; everything past that point is a blur.

*The area around them pixalates and disappears. Taking a look at his surroundings, Skylar sees that they're all back on his land where everything started.*

Nikki: OwO;; Okay, I'm starting to get a little freaked out right now...

Skylar: *smiles a bit, then brings her in for a long and loving hug* You lost control...I went too far and got you into your...Love-sickness mode...But it's over now...

*Skylar explains everything as they go back to the cottage. Soon, they were sitting together on the bed in the bedroom.*

Nikki: I really did all of that?

Skylar: It's hard to believe...but did... *strokes her back*

Nikki: ...what do I do now? *about to cry*

Skylar: .....

*Skylar stands up from the bed and steps a bit away from her. The very thoughts of what Skylar could say being almost too much for Nikki as a mix of guilt, sadness and fear was building up inside her body. After a short while, Skylar turns around to face her and proceeds to kneel down to her eye level.*

Skylar: asked me what to do...well, do you want to stay with me?

Nikki: Yes, I do; more than anything!

Skylar: Then that's what you're going to do... Nikki, if you thought that something like this was going to change anything about our relationship, it hasn't. I'm not going to stop loving just because you lost control, heck, I wouldn't have stopped loving you if you killed me.

Nikki: Skylar... Lv. 99

Skylar: ...What about a kiss, beautiful? *nuzzles her sweetly*

Nikki: ^w^ *kisses Skylar* I...think you already might have an idea of what you need to do to gain that final Lv., right?

Skylar: Yeah, but you know how much I like to hear you talk, so explain it just a tiny bit~ *lifts her shirt and tickles her belly lovingly*

Nikki: Ahahahaha! All you need to do is ask a certain question...

*Skylar opens his mouth, ready to ask the question he believes that Nikki is thinking about but is stopped when she puts her hand over his mouth so that she can finish what she was saying.*

Nikki: ...but it's not me you need to ask...yet.

Skylar: Heh, this might be a bit harder than I thought~ *pulls up her shirt to reveal her breasts*

Nikki: Hmm...I'll give you one more hint; after that, you'll have to figure it out yourself.

*Skylar nods his head 'yes.' He remembered when e-chan talked to him that time; if he still couldn't figure it out after hearing the final hint, he would go to e-chan for help.*

Nikki: There are 'two' certain people, two that you already know, thet you need to ask this question to first. If they give you a positive response, then you can come to me and ask your question; does that help some?

Skylar: Hehe, I think that should be enough~ *nuzzles her and places his hands on her breasts*

Nikki: ^w^

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Game of Random Events! Let's Play Dokapon Kingdom!

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 14
”The Game of Random Events! Let’s Play Dokapon Kingdom!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

With the rules explained and the setup complete, everybody is ready to play to win. But are they truly prepared to handle the true nature of this game? Only one way to find out: Let's Play Dokapon Kingdom!

Nikki: Alright everybody, let's all have fun! Oh, I actually set things up for free roaming.

e-chan: Free roaming? There's no free roaming in this...O_O...wait, you mean there going to be any turn order?! We can just go and do whatever we want to without restrictions?!

Nikki: Correct! ^o^

e-chan: Then why the heck did you waste an entire episode explaining all of those rules?!

Nikki: *points to the audience* Advertisement! ^o^

e-chan: ...

Snoopy: It' not to question her reasoning -_-;;

Kintaros: Zzz.....

Trey: *punches him in the face* Wake up already!!! .....OWW!!! My hand!!! *jumps around in pain*

Ruby: ^^;

Kevin: Okay, Nikki. Thanks for wasting our time... -w-;

Nikki: Begin! *disappears*

Skylar: I guess we split up then...

Kevin: Let's just get going.

e-chan: *concentrates*

*The game menu appears*

e-chan: Let's see...*chooses view and looks at the entire game board/map* there are plenty of towns to save in this area; I guess we should just do that until something else happens.

Trey: Good. I suggest we split up here in the 4 teams and save the towns in north, east, west and south.

Ruby: That was actually a good idea. ^^

Skylar: .....Before that...Snoopy, can I talk to you for one minute? It's not really important, but I want to ask anyway... *signs for Snoopy to come with him*

Snoopy: Uh, sure *walks over to Skylar* what's up?

Skylar: .....Remember the time you told me about Penswords and what happened to you and Nikki when you were younger?

Snoopy: *nods* yes, I remember.

Skylar: Okay... 2 things... you think that Nikki might be...scared of me a bit now? I mean, after giving her spankings a few times I started to think... Could I be bringing back painful memories?

*Skylar looks at Snoopy with signs of sadness, guilt and regret in his facial expression*

Snoopy: Nah; Nikki is crazy about you. And about that time, everytime both of us remember it *chuckles* we can't help but laugh about the faces those bullies made after Nikki was done with them; despite what happened that time, it's one of the funniest memories we both share.

Skylar: ...Well, I guess I'll have to ask Nikki about that... Anyway...the other thing I wanted to ask you about... I want to obtain my own Pensword...

Snoopy: O_O Seriously? What made you interested in them?

Skylar: ...I want to be sure I can protect you all in the future...Plus, it seems like they take the appearance after the user's personality... I'm curious......

Snoopy: ...okay, I'll help you get one after this is all over.

Skylar: Oh, and Snoopy. Try to ask Ruby out on a date sometime, pal. She likes you, you know. *places his hand on Snoopy's head and gives him a friendly noogie*

Snoopy: O//O I-I've actually got a chance to be close to Sensei at that level? *looks really happy* Skylar, fight hard and win this game; there are a ton of crazy random things that'll happen here, but I know you'll find a way to obtain victory! *dashes of back to Ruby to begin their adventure*

Skylar: Okay then... Kintaros!

Kintaros: Yes!

*Kintaros' body turns clear but with golden outlines and goes into Skylar's body. Skylar's outfit changes into a yellow kimono and his hair grows longer and is tied up in a horsetail, with a yellow stripe in it, like when Momotaros joins bodies with Kevin*

K-Skylar: Ready! My strength will make them cry!

Kevin: That's Kintaros for ya.

*From the castle, the four team go in different directions; K-Skylar heads north, e-chan and Kevin go west, Ashuro and Trey travel south while Snoopy and Ruby take a boat and head east. A little while into their journey, Ashuro and Trey encounter the Wabbit that had beat them up earlier.*

Ashuro: YOU!!

Wabbit: *taunts both of them*

Trey: Duck season? No...Wabbit season! *draws his sword*

Ashuro: ... y'know, the King of Dokapon is very fond of these things; he'd pay anybody who gives him one some major coin.

Wabbit: O_O;;

Ashuro: Just remember, we need him alive; I'm very positive that he won't pay for a dead pet *equips some brass knuckles*

Trey: Don't ruin my fun. I'll capture it...alive...

Wabbit: ^w^;;... *runs off with lightning speed*

Ashuro: Get back here, you coward! *chases after the fleeing Wabbit*

[Trey's field ability activates; Trey uses War Cry! His ATK increases!]

Trey: WAAAAAR CRYYYYY!!! *chases it as well*

*Meanwhile, after defeating a few monsters to gain some extra cash, e-chan and Kevin decide it's time to upgrade their equipment.*

e-chan: There should be a weapon shop around here somewhere; let me check the map again.

*As e-chan checks the map, both him and Kevin are appoached by a man dressed like a doctor...a sinister looking doctor. He looked a lot like Cazador Veins*

Dr. Exiles: WAH-HA-HA-HA-HAA! I'm Dr. Exiles!

Kevin: ...I think "Spiderman" finally lost it... -.-;

*Dr. Exiles takes out his equipment and forcibly gives both Kevin and e-chan a check-up.*

Dr. Exiles: Well, there doesn't seem to be a thing wrong with you, isn't that good news? *takes all of their money* Remember, all the money in the world won't do you any good if you're sick; take care until our next appointment!

*Dr. Exiles runs off with all of Kevin and e-chan's money, leaving them penniless...and in last place.*

e-chan: ...we just got robbed, didn't we?

Kevin: ...Yes, yes we did... Another reason to HATE that man...

e-chan: >_<

*An enemy tries to ambushes them...only to get K.O'd by e-chan and Kevin in an instant*

e-chan: We are NOT in the mood for this crap right now!

*e-chan's Job Class Lv. increases and he learns the "Alchemy" attack*

e-chan::shrugh:Well, I guess that makes me feel a little better...OwO Good news, Kevin; with this new move that I just learned, we can easily gain triple the amount of cash we just lost!

Kevin: At least THAT's something. ^^

*A swarm of monsters appear, ready to fight the duo.*

e-chan: He-he-hee...perfect timing!

[e-chan uses Alchemy! All damage taken by everybody creates money!]

e-chan: *equips staff* Time for some overtime pay! *charges at the monsters*

Kevin: Alright! *charges at them as well*

*Meanwhile, Snoopy and Ruby have reached another town and are fighting the orc-like monster that had invaded it.*

Snoopy: *winces* Ow! This guy is strong!

[Snoopy uses Chakra! His AT and MG are increased by 50%]

Snoopy: I think that I can take him down; I just need an opening, something to distract him for a moment... Sensei, you just learned "Decoy," right?

Ruby: Yes... Ah, I see where you're going.

[Ruby uses Decoy and creates a copy of herself!]

*The orc approaches the Ruby clone and puts all of it's strength into attacking it, only to be surprised that it was a fake. Looking around confused, the orc never noticed that Snoopy was almost right up on him, ready to deliver the final attack.*

[Snoopy uses Pierce! The attack's damage is unaffected by the opponent's DF stats & buffs!]

Snoopy: HYAAA!!

*With the mighty slice of his sword, Snoopy fells the orc as it tumbles to the ground and disappears.*

[Snoopy's Lv. has increased by 1! Ruby's Lv. has increased by 1! Snoopy and Ruby earn 4500G!]

Ruby: Good job, Snoopy! *runs over and hugs him*

???: It looks like this place is safe again.

*A very big, round, purple weasel carrying a big drill approaches Snoopy and Ruby; he looks a lot like Bone Wugga.*

Snoopy: Bone, is that you?

Mitch: Bone? No, I'm Mitch; Mitch Digger at your service! *bows respectfully*

Ruby: Huh... *blinks a bit, looking at him*

Mitch: This entire kingdom is lying on top of one huge hotsprings. For 600G, I can dig for a vein leading to it; if I'm successful in finding one, the value of this town will rise, adding to your overall net worth. Would you like for me to dig for one?

Snoopy: What do you think, Sensei? This would definitely help us take the lead and gain more cash at the same time; at the most we'll only lose 600G.

Ruby: You're the boss Snoopy. You know so much more about games than me~

*Ruby kneels down to Snoopy and hugs him tightly, nuzzling his cheek and also giving him a little kiss there as well. Showing that she trusts him to take the lead and decide.*

Snoopy: ^w^ [selects the "Yes" option]

Mitch: Gyo-hohoho! Let's give it a try!

*A spinner that counts clock-wise from 0 to 6 along with a messages that says that if the spinner stops on a number 2 or higher, the dig will be successful. The spinner starts up; watching it carefully, Snoopy times his stop perfectly and the spinner stops on the number 4. Hotsprings water gushes out of the ground as Snoopy, Ruby and Mitch jump for joy from their success; their town's net worth value increases by 25%, making it worth 185000G! Around that same time, K-Skylar are approached by a little girl walking down the road. Defusing for the moment, Skylar and Kintaros decide to see what she wants; she smiles at them with a genuine happy smile on her face.*

???: ^w^

Skylar: Um...hello little girl.

Kintaros: You look quite what do you want from us?

*Looking at her a bit more closely, she looks exactly like Lynette.*

Leanne: H-Hello, my name is Leanne; will you deliver something for me, please?

[Option box appears; help Leanne? Yes or No]

Kintaros: Of course we'll help.

Skylar: Yeah. [selects the "Yes" option]

Leanne: *smiles gratefully and hands Skylar a box containing a marble cake topped with creamy frosting* this is for the Mayor of the town of Groat *points to the northwest* he'll give you a nice reward if you can deliver it to him before day's end...thank you. *skips away happily*

Skylar:Hehe... Guess we're heading to the northwest.

Kintaros: Sure. Let's get going.

*With the cake in hand, Skylar and Kintaros starts heading to the northwest and the town of Groat. While traveling to their destination, the duo is able to save multiple different towns and take the lead for 1st place, gaining tons of cash. Upon arriving at Groat, they find that it too is under a monster attack like the other ones; this time, they were up against a gigantic cyclops.*

Kintaros: My stength will make you cry! *takes a sumo stance*

Sklar: Uh...okay, you take care of this then...

*The cyclops lounges around, not interested in fighting or even acknowledging that Kintaros is even there.*

Cyclops: ...

Kintaros: .....Is it...ignoring me?

Cyclops: ...

Kintaros: .....Toss him away?

Skylar: .....Maybe...Let's wait and see if it does anything...

Cyclops: *sniffs the air and eyes the package that Leanne had entrusted them with*

*The cyclops gets up, walks over to the duo and takes the package from them. Before they could do anything to stop it, the cyclops had already opened the package and eaten the cake inside. They had failed in their delivery mission...*

Cyclops: *licks his lips then returns to where he was and resumes lounging around*

Kintaros: .....

Skylar: .....

Both: F***ing unbelivable...

Cyclops: Zzzzzzzz... *farts*

*The stench makes Skylar and Kintaros' eyes water and causes them to drop to the ground, desperately gasping for fresh air.*

Kintaros: UH! I'm not the one suppossed to cry! >_<

Skylar: MY NOSE!!! IT BURNS!!!

Cyclops: Zzzzzzzz... *farts*

*The stench from this one was 3x worse than the last one. Both Skylar and Kintaros agreed about the same thing: this dude was going down...right after a quick retreat before they blacked out from the incredibly foul air around them.*

Kintaros: soon as the air clears...

Skylar: We Henshin and destroy that bastard?

Kintaros: My thoughts exactly...

*Sounds of agony, distress and gagging can be heard from the townspeople; even though the two of them had gotten a reasonable distance away from the town, the stench actually reaches their noses again...10x more potent than before. As noble and heroic as he wanted to be, Skylar's nose just couldn't take it anymore and he ran as far away from the town of Groat that his legs could take him; Kintaros tries to call him back, but after a good whiff of the stench passes through his nostrils, even he had to admit that a total retreat was neccessary for their own survival and flees as well.*

//Somewhere far away...//

Skylar: *gasping for fresh air* That..was the most...DISGUSTING scent I've ever smelled! Grrrr, is it fun watching this Nikki?! Just you wait girl, you're gonna get it!

???: Skylar!

*After landing, Skylar turns around and sees that it was Nikki who had tackled him to the ground; he also realizes that both of them are no longer chibi dolls and looked like their regular selves again.*

Nikki: I can't wait any longer; I want you...NOW! *graps both of Skylar's arms and pins him to the ground with amazing strength, leaving him unable to move them at all*

Skylar: What the-?! How did you do, or rather, WHY did you do this all of a sudden?!

Nikki: As I said earlier, I can't wait anymore; I've been holding myself back for so long and I feel like I'll burst if I have to wait any longer!

*Not even thinking about what he was saying, Skylar suggests that Nikki participate in the game.*

Nikki: Me enter the game? But there's already 4 teams, there's no way that I can... I know!

*Nikki uses her Horror Sheathe to hack into the game's programming and makes a few modifications. Once she's done, a little bat appears and hovers over her head.*

Nikki: Now to wait for a few moments.

Skylar: (Hmm...maybe if I can get hold of her pensword and get it away from her...)

*A mist of shadows appear and out of them steps a real shady and sneaking looking man wearing weird clothes then he approaches Nikki; he looked a lot like Masquerade.*

Weber: Hey kid...wanna see some ma~gic? I'm Weber; I've been waiting for you...

Skylar: have? (Freaky~)

Weber: I've got a present for you...

[Nikki gets a 'Contract']
[Skylar gets a 'Blackmail']
[Kintaros gets a 'Nitroglycerin]

Weber: I hope you like it; take care~of it. Bye-Bye...*disappears in a mist of shadows*

Nikki: Alright! This is just what I needed!

[Nikki uses the Contract; Nikki is warped out of the area to another place]

*Skylar opens the items menu to figure out what the items that both him and Kintaros just recieved does. The Blackmail will kill whoever's holding it after a random amout of turns; the only way to get rid of it was to either pass it on to another player/team by using half of your cash to do so, or...just wait for it to kill you. The Nitroglycerin has a chance of exploding and leaving it's holder with only 1 HP when attacked by an enemy in battle. Neither of these items can be sold or throw away...*

Skylar: AAAAH! What the hell?!

Kintaros: Oh my god...

*Knowing that they have two ticking-time bombs in their possession that can't be thrown away, Skylar and Kintaros do their best to regain their composure and think up a plan. When Skylar is able to clear his mind once again, he notices that he's a chibi doll again; something that he decided that wasn't worth thinking about at this point. Meanwhile, Ashuro and Trey have finally cornered the Wabbit that had sucker punched them earlier, and are getting into position to catch it.*

Ashuro: Kihihi...there's no escaping for you now, fuzzy.

Trey: Just come with us, and no one will get hurt.

*The Wabbit whistles and multiple other Wabbits appear and surround the duo.*

Ashuro: Of course THAT would have to happen, wouldn't it! *takes a fighting stance* Now I'M gonna have to remember that we need one alive.

Trey: Easy...

*The Wabbits all attack at once, forcing Ashuro and Trey to fight back*

Ashuro: Gatling! *throws a flurry of quick, stretchy punches that hit many of the Wabbits*

Trey: Ha! *swings his sword and beheads many Wabbits*

Ashuro: *the wind around him starts spinning clockwise* Storm Warning!

*Ashuro jumps high into the air and begins spinning counter clockwise which causes the wind around him to expand outwards, creating a giant whirlwind that sucks all of the Wabbits inside of it and leaving them unable to do anything as they spin around in the whirlwind. Trey sees and opportunity to defeat them all at once and jumps inside of the whirlwind, using his Flash Step to manuver around it and attack all of the Wabbits*

Trey: *calls out to Ashuro* Yo! I think we got most of them now! You can stop!

*Ashuro ends the attack; when him and Trey land on the ground, all of the defeated Wabbits disappear and many MANY coins replace them. Before Ashuro and Trey could begin filling their pockets with their earning, they notice that there is still one Wabbit left; it was the same one they had been chasing after that whole time. Ashuro gives it a light bonk on it's head and it faints, allowing Trey and him to capture it.*

Ashuro: YAY! WE DiD iT! *begins gathering up all of the gold coins*

Trey: Hehe, that was rather easy.

Ashuro: Whoa, look at all of the EXP we just earned after all of that; we both just mastered our job classes!

[Ashuro learns Afterburn!]
[Trey learns Overload!]

Trey: Heh, now would you look at that? BONUS!

*Seeing that they've just earned a huge amount of cash, Ashuro opens up the itmes menu to check their supplies.*

Ashuro: What the...? When did we pick this up?

Trey: Huh?

Ashuro: T-T-T-This is a 'Blackmail'! If we hold on to it for too long, we both die a digital death!

Trey: WHAT?! You can't be serious! Where did that come from?!

Ashuro: Somebody must've ran into to a guy name Weber and made them take this! It's like we're playing hot potatoe with a ticking time bomb!

Trey: Oh my gawd! What do we do???

Ashuro: much as I hate to do it, we'd have to use half of all our cash on hand to pay it off and send it to somebody else... *looks at menu screen and sees that a 5th player has been added* who is this? There's no name here... *looks at the Blackmail* OwO;; Sorry, whoever you are, but we can't afford to get a Game Over at this point! *pays of the Blackmail and sends it to the un-named 5th player* ...

Trey: ...I...don't think that was a good idea... I have a bad feeling about this...

Ashuro: Well, since this is a game, they won't REALLY die. When a player is defeated in this game, they're just warped back to Dokapon Castle and aren't able to do anything for about 1 to 3 turns; afterwards, the player fully revives and can begin playing again. I'm confident that Nikki wouldn't do anything to put us all in THAT type of danger.

*At that moment, Trey start to stare down Ashuro with a lifeless and unimpressed look on his face. After a while he reminds Ashuro about the fact that the Nikki they know, has temporary turned into a nut, in control of this place, able to do whatever she wanted...and at the moment to dumb to realice it*

Trey: Get what I'm saying...? -_-

Ashuro: I get what you're saying...but think about it this way: what is it that Nikki REALLY wants right now?

Trey: ...Skylar?

Ashuro: Correct! Even though Nikki is a bit nuts right now, I don't think she'd do anything that would result in possibly losing Skylar; she a tsundere, not a yandere.

Trey: ...But...if we're out of the way...wouldn't that make it easier? Or am I just overthinking this too much?


Kevin: Hmm...that was weird...I feel a disturbence somewhere...


Trey: ...Well?

Ashuro: *accesses the overworld map and searches for the mysterious 5th player's location* where...? There they are, they're just south-east of us on... *face goes pale*

Trey: ...I'm afraid to ask...

Ashuro: ...and I'm not going to answer, because you're about to see for yourself in a few moments...

Trey: As Demoman would've said... Ah, crape... -_-;

*Meanwhile, Nikki appears on a cursed island.*

Nikki: *checks her invetory and sees that she has recieved the Blackmail*

*Weber appears*

Weber: If you give up all of the cash, items, equipment and towns that you own, I can grant you the most greatest of power. What do you say?

To be continued...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Captain of the Checkmark

Checkmark Crew Captain

When Ashuro began traveling on his own, he started a crew of honorable pirates that traveled the multiverse in search for fun, adventure, treasure and most of all, new friends. The original members Checkmark Crew were:


During their travels they recruited their remaining members:
