Thursday, December 1, 2016

Infiltrating the Invader's Ship! XD002 Unleashed!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 25
“Infiltrating the Invader’s Ship! XD002 Unleashed!!”
An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

Meanwhile, Holon and Phillip find themselves on the run from eight nimble ninja-like opponents that kept themselves hidden in the trees.

Holon: *running with Phillip* I didn't think that every member of our evolution path could move like that in the trees. >~>

Philip: Or that our species could move like that in trees at all, for that matter. >.>;

*One of the opponents hidden in the trees activates the move known as Shadow Sky, making balls of Shadow energy fall upon both Holon and Phillip.*

Holon: Ow! What the heck is this? I've never seen a weather attack like this.

Philip: Erk! Sh-Shadow Sky...have not seen that move in years... Shadow Pokémon, I thought we got rid of all of them...

Holon: Shadow Pokémon are real!? I thought that Yuki Z was just making stuff up like she always does when she told me about them...

Philip: You are looking at the son of two Shadow Pokémon hunters.... And my teammate Olaf is the son of a Snorlax who used to be a Shadow Pokémon herself. So yes, they are real; VERY real.

*Dropping down in front of the two to cut off their escape route was a very fit Flareon. She proudly puffs out her fluffy chest and grins at both Holon and Phillip as her teammates consisting of Vaporeon, Jolteon, Espeon and Umbreon came out of the trees and cut off four more possible escape routes. Looking upwards, Phillip could see a Leafeon, Glaceon and Sylveon standing in a triangle formation in the trees; both Holon and Phillip could already see that these ladies weren't going to let them go easily.*

Holon: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...where are the other three?

Philip: Right above us, little guy.... Damn, I wish we had Mary, Shannon, maybe even Fran with us...they would have helped a lot...

Holon: Got any moves or tactics we could use against a large group like this?

Philip: A Dazzling Gleam is all I have that can function on multiple targets. But My Magic Bounce ability should also help us...

Holon: My Adaptability lets my Quick Attack and Trump Card hit harder. And if we had some sort of distraction and enough time I could make us another escape route *paws at the ground lightly*

Philip: ....I see... I don’t think these girls are going to let us slip away that easily... strange that they did not try to go for a bigger group.

Holon: Maybe this is how they do things: breaking apart bigger groups and then overwhelming the smaller groups they create this way. In any case, we-

*Suddenly the Flareon trembles cries out in a very embarrassed voice as some invisible hands go about groping her chest. Then behind them the Espeon and the Umbreon get grabbed by something invisible and lifted into the air, the Vaporeon and Jolteon get levitated and restrained. The Leafeon, Glaceon and Sylveon come out of the trees to try and help but are also quickly levitated in the air by something unseen. When all eight members are restrained their assailants make themselves visible. The Gengar known as Sabrina appeared behind the Flareon, still having fun groping her chest while Titan, Fantina and Cat had the remaining seven at their mercy.*

Titan: Greetings.

Cat: Hi-Hi~ ^o^

Philip: *shudders* Ghosts.... -~-;; Surprised they even got the Umbreon...

Sabrina: My-my-my~ aren't you a fluffy one~?

All eight Eons: *shuddering*

Holon: *notices that the Flareon and her companions aren't exactly fighting back* ...say, you don't suppose that they're...afraid of Ghost-types, do you?

Philip: .....Could be.... =~=; *Is visibly shuddering himself* I-I would say that the groping is not making the girls more comfortable either. Especially little miss cute and fluffy...

Sabrina: You're so precious~ ^w^

Flareon: *finally breaks away from Sabrina and hides behind Philip and Holon, seemingly forgetting all about wanting to battle and capture them earlier*

Philip: >.> .... *Places a hand on her shoulder, gently* Yeah, okay, stick to us if it makes you feel safe, puffy.

Holon: ... *turns to the other seven Eeveelutions* I've got a proposition for you all: if you don't attack us and do as we say we'll get the Ghost to let you go and not bother you anymore; deal?

*All of the Eeveelutions unanimously agree to Holon's conditions.*

Holon: Great! You can let them go now but be sure to stay close, just in case.

*In another area of the Pokémon city another battle is underway, this time it was Bonbon the Snorlax and Honey the Ambipom VS a Marowak, Donphan, Drapion and Pawniard. The two chubby Pokémon were definitely outnumbered and overpowered.*

Bonbon: *trying to catch her breath* so fast...

Honey: You've done a great job dodging and countering though ^^

Bonbon: But I'm getting tired and hungry; I can't keep this up for much longer... -o-;

Honey: Don't worry; I get the feeling that the tide is going to turn any time now.

*And just as she said that, none other than Satonaka crashes into the Drapion from above, eyes now spinning around and leaving her disoriented...not quite the change of tide Honey talked about*

Satonaka: Hoooooow...? @~@; I was using the current to go up, but it flung me down instead....

Drapion: *gathers her bearings from the impact then aims her long tail at Satonaka who was on her head*

Honey: Look out! OoO

Satonaka: Meep! O~O; *Uses her tail to spring-jump off of Drapion before she could strike her down*

Drapion: *uses her tail to attack but misses and strikes the back of her own head hard, dazzing herself* @ o @

Marowak: *takes aim at Satonaka with his bone*

Satonaka: *knocks her head on her way up and ends up crashing to the ground beneath her; her butt now suggestively raised for their aggressors* Owwie.... Why am I so bad at this...? @ ^ @;

Marowak: *tosses his bone like a boomerang at Satonaka*

*Just before the bone made contact with its target the Charizard known as Fireworks comes down from the sky and catches the bone with his bare hands with great timing and tosses it back at the Marowak who catches it easily.*

Fireworks: Hands AND bones off my girl. >_<

Satonaka: o//o ?? *recognizes the voice and hurriedly sits up, facing Fireworks* H-H-Hello again! O////O; Sorry, I’ not good at flying. And especially bad at flying and battling... <//<;

Coal: *From above them, sitting on a branch* Well, you didn't crash into a tree, for once...

Satonaka: H-how did you get up there...?

Coal: Not important. -3-

Fireworks: *helps Satonaka to her feet* you okay, beautiful?

Satonaka: ... *shuffles cutely* Yes... <//<

Fireworks: Here, Bonbon, a pick-me-up *tosses a Sitrus Berry to Bonbon*

Bonbon: *catches the Sitrus Berry in her mouth and eats it, recovering a lot of health and energy* oh yeah! ^o^

Fireworks: *looks at the opponents* I think that all of us can take these guys

Coal: *Jumps down* You can leave the little Steel-Type brat to me. Focus on the big ones. <_<

Satonaka: Careful though....she looks dangerous. .//-//.;

Coal: She is a Pawniard, a walking knife drawer, of course she looks dangerous!

Satonaka: .....Do you think she might want a hug?

Coal: What..? =A=

Fireworks: I think that that's the last thing on her mind, sweetie

Bonbon: I'll take the rolling tank over there.

Honey: And I've got bone boy. >w<

Fireworks: That leaves the big, violet bruiser to us, eh?

Satonaka: S-sure... I am just saying, maybe not a lot of people have actually-

Coal: DONT CARE! >A<

Satonaka: MEEP! Q~Q;

Coal: *throws his fedora onto a nearby branch* It's game time...

Pawniard: *does an "I got my eyes on you" motion to Coal before slowly circling around him*

Marowak: *changes his stance before bolting towards Honey using Shadow End*

Honey: *sidesteps and uses Double Hit quickly as the Marowak passes by*

Donphan: *curls into a ball and rolls at high speed towards Honey*

Bonbon: *gets in front of the Donphan and catches him as he rolls into her* Up... *lifts the Donphan into the air* ...and over! *tosses the Donphan behind her and on top of the Marowak*

Marowak: >_<# *punches the Donphan to get him off his back*

Donphan: *gets angry at the Marowak and begins fighting him*

Honey: Wow, this is interesting.

Coal: ...... *waving his tail slightly as he circles the Pawniard in turn* Just try it....

Satonaka: *swallows, looking to the Drapion* I think I pissed her off earlier...

Drapion: *rubs the back of her head then gears up, ready to fight again*

Fireworks: Looks like she wants to fight; then let's give her a fight to remember.

Drapion: *charges at Fireworks with a Shadow Rush*

Fireworks: *puts his arms out to catch the Drapion, getting pushed back slightly*

Satonaka: Hnnnn... GYAAAAAH!! >O< *Leaps into the air and slams both her pinchers down on the back of Drapion's back, using Earthquake on her*

Coal: ....! *finally uses Fire Spin in an attempt at trapping the Pawniard female*

Pawniard: *spins in place and uses Shadow Storm to blow away the Fire Spin*

Drapion: >~Q *fights through the pain and tries to reach behind her to grab Satonaka*

Fireworks: Don't think so! *grabs the Drapion's arm to restrain them*

Coal: *Uses his tail to attempt tripping the spinning blade-girl over and in turn launches a Flamethrower, aimed straight at her*

Satonaka: o_o; ....! *quickly raises her pincher again and slams it down for another Earthquake…on the Drapion's rear.*

Drapion: QxQ *cries out from the impact on shaky legs then tries to take aim at Satonaka with her tail again*

Pawniard: *takes the Flamethrower attack in full but lands on her feet, still ready to fight*

Satonaka: Time to run ag--!! OxO; *slips down and accidently grabs onto Drapion's tail* Oh help... o__o;

Coal: ...Heh, you are strong, for such a little one...

Pawniard: *charges at Coal to engage in close combat*

Drapion: >_< *shakes her tail about trying to throw Satonaka off*

Coal: Oh no, fuck that! o_o; *side steps her*

Satonaka: EEEE!! >A<;; *Ends up slipping so she is hanging from the base of the tail instead, her face deep in the Poison/Dark Pokémon's bottom now* o///O; .......

Drapion: O//^//O;;

Fireworks: An opening!

*Fireworks releases the Drapion's arms then delivers a Thunder Punch to her chest; the electricity flows throughout her body but doesn't affect Satonaka due to her being part Ground-type.*

Drapion: ... *spits out a puff of smoke before fainting*

Pawniard: *misses her first attack on Coal but circles around and tries again*

Coal: (Shit, she's fast..!) *Attempts to do a quick turn, but he makes a wrong step and twists his ankle in the process, halting and stopping up* RGH! Damn it...! >^<;

*The intensity of the battle combined with a surge of adrenaline caused by his current situation actually prematurely activated Coal's Blaze ability. As the Pawniard leaps in the air, leaving her unable to dodge any attack that comes her way, to deliver a high-flying slash attack Coal decides to take advantage of this by using a full powered, Blaze assisted Fire-type attack.*

Coal: *Bends back until he is aiming straight up at her* Go flying! *Proceeds to unleash a full-power Flamethrower, straight into his airborne opponent*

Pawniard: GYAA! >A<

*The Pawniard gets caught up in the powerful torrent of fire and is blasted into the sky, later falling back down onto a nearby felled tree, getting both her bladed head and hands stuck in it. She feebly struggles for a few seconds to free herself before falling unconscious.*

Coal: ...Phew... -.-; *sits back, rubbing his ankle*

Honey: Great job, fiery one. Our opponents, on the other hand, seem to have forgotten all about us; they've been battling each other since earlier.

Marowak and Donphan: *battling each other*

Bonbon: I think that it’s about time to end this infighting.

*Bonbon mightily leaps high into the air despite her massive size and plummets down on both the Marowak and Donphan with a high-flying Body Slam, creating a loud Ka-Boom and crater in the process.*

Bonbon: *rolls off of her opponents*

Marowak and Donphan: *stuck in the ground, unconscious and twitching* @ o @

Bonbon: First time taking out two opponents at once ^^

Satonaka: M-maybe we should...take these back to the others, so one of our trainers can...capture them?

Coal: *tugging on the Pawniard girl stuck in the tree* Maybe...! >.<

Honey: *goes over to the stuck Pawniard girl and tries pulling her out with Coal but fails* man, she's really in there; hmm...maybe...what if we... *pulls down on Pawniard girl's body like a knife handle which causes her blades to slice through the felled tree and allows her and Coal to successfully pull her out*

Coal: Tough little brat, this here...

Satonaka: ...Not unlike the one carrying her... <3<

Coal: ...Said something? <.<

Satonaka: No. .3.;

Bonbon: *places the Donphan on one shoulder and the Drapion on the other* so where are we going again?

Fireworks: *places the Marowak on his back* wherever our trainers are. No doubt they've noticed what's going on and have already come here; we shouldn't have too much trouble bumping into one of them.

Satonaka: *Pouts a bit upon seeing Fireworks deciding to carry the Marowak* =3=; ..... We-well....maybe we should just walk around, then...?

Coal: Hopefully we find them before steel-butt wakes up and stabs me... <_<

*Just then the Bulbasaur, Joe, runs by and happens to see them all.*

Joe: Oh, there you guys are and you're all okay... *sees that Coal has a slight limp* ...more or less.

Fireworks: Joe, what's the situation?

Joe: Chaotic; so far the only casualty was the flower garden.

Bonbon: Aw, that was my favorite napping spot...

Fireworks: Have you seen e-chan, Kevin or any of the other trainers around?

Joe: Not yet but Philip, Holon and some of the Ghost-types have set up something of a holding area for our invader friends here.

Fireworks: Really? Can you lead us there?

Joe: Sure, no problem ^^

Fireworks: And can you take care of these two? *points to the male Marowak on his back and the Pawniard girl that Coal was carrying*

Joe: Sure thing *uses his vines to tie up and carry the Marowak and Pawniard above his head*

Fireworks: Now that that's taken care of... *turns to Satonaka then playfully lifts her in the air* alley-oop~ *places Satonaka on his back*

Satonaka: Meep! O//^//O .....

Fireworks: Alright, Joe, lead the way

*Joe marches forward to lead the others to the holding area. Meanwhile Kevin, Sierra and Annabelle have stumbled upon Claire and Piper in a battle where they were overwhelmed and outnumbered three to one; the two of them were up against a very agile and limber Medicham and her two partners: a hyper Vigoroth and a Mankey with black fur.*

Claire: There's no doubt about it, Piper. Those movements, the way she dances about the field and incorporates that same dance into her battle; that's Pied.

Piper: Sister...

Kevin: Seems like you two are in a bit of trouble... =O

Sierra: What is the situation here?

Claire: That Medicham over there used to be a part of my team when she was still a Meditite. Because she wanted to travel and compete against other strong Pokémon I traded her to Fighting-type specialist trainer for one of his Tyrogues. I don't know how she ended up here but the fact that she knows those dance moves and implements them so well in battle and even managed to teach others how to do the same is proof that it is her.

Kevin: Wow, what a strange turn of events.

Annabelle: Not stranger than usual, though.

Claire: If you can do something about her two teammates I can put all of my focus on Pied; I don't know what happened to you since we last saw each other but Piper and I will do everything we can to help you.

*Kevin coincidentally noticed that Pied's two helpers just happened to be the final two Pokémon missing from his dream roster.*

Kevin: Well, you are in luck, Claire, because you have me by your side now. Leave the monkey and sloth to me and my girls. We got your back.

Sierra: And we got potions stored, so we are ready for more fights. -w-

Pied: *points dramatically at Sierra and Annabelle*

Vigoroth: *jumps at Sierra and begins a frenzied battle dance to attack her*

Mankey: *jumps at Annabelle and goes into an unpredictable break dance routine to attack her*

Pied: *performs a Spinning Bird Kick move on Piper*

Piper: *moves quickly to block all of the spinning kicks*

Claire: That's a new one. .3.

Sierra: *Lights a flame at her feet as she steps back, trying to fend her opponent off* Uff, what is it with these unpredictable ones!?

Annabelle: *coughs as she is knocked to the side, shaking her head* Brat! Eat less sugar and stand still! DX

Claire: Pied has taught them my old battle tactics well: start off fast and hard and then keep up the pressure to keep them guessing.

Annabelle: Well first strike is mine, either way! *smacks at the Mankey with a steadfast Fake Out attack*

Kevin: No worries! As long as we don’t fight the Medicham, all is good!

Sierra: Do you still have that irrational fear? <_<

Kevin: Only when fighting against the evolution line!

Mankey: *flinches, stopping her approach and leaving her wide open*

Vigoroth: *begins hopping around Sierra in an unpredictable manner*

Pied: *begins a samba-esque dance while throwing in some punches and kicks at Piper*

Piper: *performs the same dance to counter Pied's attacks*

Mankey: *tumbles over quite a few times before landing on her face, unconscious* @ @

Vigoroth: *tries to speedily swipe at Sierra*

Sierra: *Blocks the attacks in Wonder Woman fashion-styled movements, while trying to use her tail to strike her opponent down as well* you are making me dizzy, stop running! >_O;

Annabelle:*squats down on the Mankey* Not going anywhere. -w-

Vigoroth: *chuckles then promptly trips over Sierra's tail while speedily moving about, causing her to fumble and crash*

Sierra: *faceplants into a nearby tree* Muh fach.... T3T;;

Kevin: Ow.... >.O;

Vigoroth: *gets up but is dizzy from the fumble* @ 3 @ *looks over at Sierra but sees two of her due to the dizziness, then stumbles over to swipe at her but mistakenly swings at the illusion and gets her claws stuck deep in the tree*

Kevin: .... >w> *walks over and breaks off a thin branch* Let me help you out, Sierra. >|3 *whacks the Vigoroth on its rear using the thing branch like a make-shift whip with quick and sharp strikes*

Annabelle: Oh boy, Kev-Kev is getting in on the action. Owo

Vigoroth: *dance about in pain as she futilely tries to escape the branch strikes but is unable to due to her claws being stuck in the tree*

Kevin: *stops whacking her long enough to give her rear a soothing little kiss, chuckling* Not so tough when your butt is vulnerable, are you?

Vigoroth: TwT ~ *calms down and stops resisting*

Pied: *changes to a high tempo dance and begins throwing in very fasts punches and kicks*

Piper: *having trouble keeping with the change and takes quite a few punches and kicks in the process*

Claire: Man, she's gotten way stronger and craftier since last time...but so have we! Piper, use Acupressure: Speed!

Piper: Got it! *jabs pressure points in both of her legs with her fingers to stimulate them and increase her speed by two levels*

Claire: Now, Ice Force Palm!

*With her increased speed Piper dodges all of Pied's incoming attacks, gets behind her and uses the combination move of Ice Punch and Force Palm on Pied's left side, freezing part of it in the process, slowing down her movements.*

Kevin: Wow, look at you guys go! You got her on the ropes!

Pied: *brims with Shadow power that melts the ice on her left side then charges at Piper with Shadow Blitz*

Claire: Now use Psychic to restrain her!

Piper: *uses Psychic to gradually slow down then completely stop the charging Medicham*

Pied: *struggles to break free*

Claire: Now raise her in the air and give her a spin! >w<

Piper: *uses Psychic to raise Pied in the air then spins her around rapidly to get her dizzy*

Annabelle: @ . @ Round and round......

Sierra: >.o; ....

Claire: Okay, set her down.

*Once Pied was back on the ground she stumbled about dizzily trying to regain her composure.*

Claire: Piper, Acupressure: Attack!

Piper: Right! *uses her fingers to jab pressure points in both of her arms, increasing their attack strength*

Claire: Let's finish this up; Double Force Palm!

Piper: *charges at Pied and delivers a full-force Force Palm with both hands, which when combined with her Pure Power ability and Acupressure attack boost, resulted in a massive that sent Pied flying like a bullet towards the tree the Vigoroth was still stuck in. Kevin and Sierra scrambled to get out of the way in time as Pied collided with the Vigoroth, resulting in a massive crash that toppled the tree, knocking both Pokémon out.*

Pied and Vigoroth: @ 3 @ *KOed*

Annabelle: *raises her arms* Three points!

Kevin: Woo...that is that, I guess. .3.; Your Pokémon are as strong and scary as you are, Claire....while being adorable/beautiful.

Claire: Why thank you~

Piper: *blushes*

Claire: *goes over to the KOed Pied and hugs her* I don't know what happened to bring you here but I promise that you'll have a home with me if you so choose to return *takes out a Snag Ball, charges it then gently taps it against Pied's forehead, capturing her inside it*

Annabelle: Snag time~! >w< *pulls out two Snag Balls and taps them against the Mankey and Vigoroth*

Kevin: How did you get my balls. o_o

Annabelle: It's easy getting into your pants. =3

Sierra: ....Snnnnrrrt....


*Both the Mankey and Vigoroth get sucked into the Snag Balls and after shaking for a few seconds they ding, signaling that the capture was a success.*

Annabelle: Done.

Kevin: Nice, nice.

Sierra: *walks over to Piper* You really are an odd case. You don’t look that strong in the upper body, and your bottom is a huge plump lard, yet you have all that power hidden.

Piper: If you think that's something then you should see my teammate, Lucile. She's tiny and has all sorts of trouble keeping her pants up but she packs so much of a punch in that tiny body that she took a Hydreigon out with one well-placed hit.

Sierra: Really? My trainer would love to meet her.

Kevin: =3=;

*Meanwhile, elsewhere in the Pokémon city, another battle of sorts was taking place. It was a 2 VS 3 battle of Gene and Riley VS a Cloyster, Smoochum and Drifloon. The Cloyster and Smoochum had made the area around them iced over giving them the ability to skate about easily while the Drifloon would just float around the area and provide extra attacks or support. Thinking that she could take them on herself and without Lucca around to tell her otherwise, Riley went on the offensive and got trapped in her opponent's pace. If Riley went after the Smoochum or Drifloon the Cloyster would skate in and either block her attack or ram into her to send her slipping off course; if Riley went after the Cloyster the Smoochum and Drifloon would attack her, usually targeting her sensitive, over-sized and obvious target of a butt. Gene just sat back, gently floating above the icy terrain, waiting for either Riley to ask for help or for Rex or Lucca to arrive and come up with a plan of their own.*

Riley: *tries to go after the Cloyster*

Smoochum: *skates up behind Riley and smack her butt as she makes a u-turn*

Riley: Yow! Oo< Why you little! *uses Bone Rush to turn around and go after the Smoochum*

Cloyster: *shoots a blast of water to increase her speed and get between Riley and the Smoochum, blocking Riley's Bone Rush before it hits the Smoochum*

Riley: Darn it, again!?

Drifloon: *gently floats in and smacks Riley's butt then quickly backs off again* ^3^ ~

Riley: Owwie! Q~Q why do you two keep targeting me there!? >o<;

Gene: Well duh, it's because your butt is huge, not to mention it is fun to slap it when we see your reactions all the time. *twirls her finger and smacks Riley's butt using Psychic herself* Couldn't resist.

Riley: Eep! OxO; Now cut that out >o< These three aren't taking me seriously; they're more interested in playing around than battling me seriously. >3<

Gene: That is because they can see how easy it is to tick you off. Maybe you should get on their level, not actually try to fight, but play with them or something? -w-

Riley: Play with them?

Gene: Not in the actual sense. Just...don’t actually fight against them with your fists. =/

Riley: *thinks for a bit* ... I think I know what you mean *uses Bone Rush to form a pair of makeshift aura ice skates* okay, let's try this~ X)

*Riley skates towards the Cloyster and as the Smoochum skates up behind her Riley does a quick spin to the side, causing the Smoochum to miss her target and leave herself wide open when Riley spins around and smacks her bottom with her tail.*

Smoochum: *jumps in surprise to the tail smack* OxO;

*Now that Riley was thinking more clearly she was able to sense the floating Drifloon coming in from behind her which allowed her to duck out of the way and spin around real quick to create a gust of wind from a kick to send the Drifloon floating off course.

Drifloon: O3O; ???

*The Cloyster shoots another burst of water to rocket herself towards Riley but now being able to see through her tactics Riley shoots a quick Aura Sphere at the ground in front of the Cloyster. The explosion that followed sent the Cloyster up in the air and Riley readied another Bone Rush staff and pointed it at the Cloyster, but the Bivalve Pokémon quickly rights herself and clamps down on the edge of Bone Rush staff, grinning to herself inside of her shell. However, Riley grinned to herself as well and then slammed the Cloyster on the icy ground multiple times like a hammer, finishing up with one particularly strong slam down. When the Cloyster's shell opened again everyone could see that she was out cold with a dizzy grin on her face.*

Cloyster: *knocked out with a cocky grin on her face*

Gene: There you go, my plush bootied friend. See how easy it is when you just let yourself go with the flow of the battle?

Riley: Yeah, you're right

*Both the Drifloon and Smoochum decide to rush Riley. The Drifloon swoops in from high but Riley simply ducks slightly then grabs her by her stringy arms as she passes by. When Riley takes a step back she slips on a piece of the ice that broke loose from her attack on the Cloyster and falls backwards onto her butt just as the Smoochum is right behind her, booty slamming and taking her out of the fight.*

Riley: OxO;

Smoochum: 8P *out cold*

*Gene uses Psychic to restrain and hold onto the Drifloon as she floats over to get a better look at the scene with a smirk on her face.*

Gene: .... O-la-la, booty power~

Riley: -//3//- ...

Rex: *Appears on the scene, seeing Riley and the Smoochum in their current state* ....I am not even going to ask. -//.//-

Gene: Oh, but you will like it. X3 Of course, you might like it more if it was you who were under that hu-

Rex: Shush! -//~//-;

Riley: *stands up and looks at the Smoochum, the Drifloon and then the Cloyster* so what should we do these three?

Rex: *Picks up a couple Snag Balls* Capture them and see if anyone wants them.

Riley: I'm sure that Master Lucca would gladly take them in. ^^

Rex: That much I am sure about. But did you need to assault the poor Smoochum with your butt? You should know more than anyone what that thing is capable off...

Gene: Smothering the faces of her opponents and making her trainer's boyfriend jealous, for one thing~

Rex: =//^//=# *crosses his arms and taps his foot*

Riley: Th-This was an accident; I slipped on the ice here and she just happened to be behind me when I fell. -//3//-

Rex: Whatever you say, Riley... -/^/- *taps the charged Snag Balls against the Drifloon and the Cloyster, but picks up the Smoochum in his arms*

*The Drifloon and Cloyster get sucked into the Snag Balls and are successfully captured.*

Riley: *stomach growls* I hope this all gets resolved soon; my tank is beyond empty... -~-;

Rex: ...*picks an energy bar out of his jacket* Here, get some protein in your system.

Gene: Leave it to Rex to always have some emergency provisions.

Rex: I have diabetes Type 1, so I need to keep my blood sugar up, but I don’t die from not having one bar of chocolate. <.<

Gene: ...O-oh yeah, right. Sorry.

Riley: Thank you-thank you-thank you! Love you~ *begins eating the energy bar in earnest*

Rex: Um... You are welcome, Riley. -//3//-

Gene: .... Want him to rub your sore bum after the beating it took earlier...

Riley: O///O *blushes madly as she buries her face in her paws*

*After being around Riley often both Rex and Gene knew that that was her way of saying "yes" to something embarrassing if she didn't outright say "no."*

Gene: *wiggles cutely* Reeeeex~

Rex: Um...I-if that is what you want then...I would gladly assist... <////<;

Riley: *looks happy*

*Meanwhile, in another part of the Pokémon city, both Scooter, Chispa and Zack stumble upon a peculiar scene. Before them were the male Treecko, the female Chimchar, the male Emolga, the female Grotle and the female Carnivne and with them was Toothpick. It doesn't look like a battle had taken place at all. It looked as though, despite them being Shadow Pokémon, Toothpick had managed to all but completely open their hearts once again, managing to befriend each of them. The Treecko, Chimchar, Emolga and Grotle sat in front of Toothpick and listened intently as he told them some stories about his adventures while the Carnivine had comfortably wrapped herself around him, gently and lovingly nibbling on his head as he talked.*

Scooter: Well, that's one way of doing things. ^w^

Chispa: Wow, I am impressed.

Zack: I have no idea how he does that. He is just...."pure", for the lack of a better term.

Toothpick: …and then the Tropius just had to get her huge rear stuck between the trees. And I just had to ask "Why do you fly through tight spaces when you don’t fit in them?", and all she could do in reply was to lash out at me, embarrassed, the poor thing. But she was let down by some Rangers later on.

Treecko, Chimchar and Emoga: *laughing and applauding Toothpick's story*

Grotle: *lightly giggles*

Carnivine: ^3^ ~

Zack: Kinda weird to see you with so many Grass-Types, and not having an issue with them, TP.

Toothpick: Oh hey! They are quite a joyful bunch; cute little Pokémon, and pretty medium-sized ones. *pets the Grotle*

Chispa: And what about the Carnivine?

Toothpick: Oh, she is not allowed to bite my butt, don’t worry. .3.

Chispa: ....Not…what I meant...

Toothpick: She is not going to bite you either, or else I bite her back. Don’t worry, like I said. .3.

Chispa: .....Oooookaaaaay theeeen.

Scooter: They really seem to be attached to you... *looks at the Carnivine* every sense of the word.

Toothpick: ....I guess so. This girl looks vicious, but...her bites don’t hurt in the slightest. ^^

Scooter: Cute Well Zack, since Toothpick here seems to have imprinted on all of them maybe you should take them with you.

Treecko, Chimchar, Emolga, Grotle and Carnivine: *looking at Zack with hopeful eyes*

Scooter: Something tells me that they'll listen to you without having to catch them. ^^

Zack: ...Alright, alright. I would love to have you guys and gals over as my-

Toothpick: Harem members!

Zack: No! >//<; Ugh... Gust and the others live at my place, not gonna argue with you. -//-


*Meanwhile, aboard Marco's massive UFO-like ship, Victora, Megumi and Masquerade have been hopelessly lost trying to find their way around the place, let alone finding Marco. Several times they found that the corridors would rearrange, doors would lock, various traps would activate and walls would suddenly pop up. Someone knew that they were there and they were being led around.*

Victora: GRRR!! I swear, this place is messing with us!

Masquerade: My sense of direction is officially fucked. I have no idea if we have been here before or not... >.<;

Megumi: Doesn't help that all of these corridors all look the same and how they keep rearranging themselves to lead us further in this maze of a place.

Victora: And why are there so many traps around here!? This thing flies, does he really expect to have many people invading this thing on a regular basis!? >O<

Masquerade: There must be a secret to it....somehow...

*A pair of door shut in front of and behind the three, boxing them in.*

Victora: THAT'S iT!! I'm making my own path now! *summons a Pensword*

Megumi: But I thought that Destiny Scroll wasn't going to be usable for another week.

Victora: This one isn't Destiny Scroll.

Megumi: Wait, but I thought that...

Victora: That a person could only have one Pensword? Yeah, that rule was never confirmed as absolute truth and I proved it wrong by the fact that I have TWO different Penswords. My first one is Destiny Scroll and this one is...

*Victora activates her Pensword's LV. 2 form which transforms Victora's clothes into a super hero costume in the style of Jun the Swan's but it had the coloration and look of an Excadrill.*

Victora: Drill Dozer!

Masquerade: ....Huh, didn't see that coming.

Victora: In my opinion, the shortest way to your destination is a straight line, and with this Pensword I can do just that by drilling through any obstacle in my way. Observe~ *makes the claws on glove on her right hand grow large then transform into a giant drill then drills through the shut doors in front of them like butter, making a giant hole for all three of them to walk through* now we'll create our own path through this place!

Masquerade: *whistles* Nice work, batsy... =O

Victora: Let's go! ^o^

*After drilling through a few more walls and doors that tried to redirect them, the trio finds themselves in front of a door label "Security."*

Megumi: Security, huh? I wonder if this means that we were being watched this entire time...

Victora: If we were then the one who was messing with us this entire time is in there.

Masquerade: And you two don’t like that. Heck, you even put me on blast for teasing you from time to time...

Victora: Let's pay this troll a visit then

*Opening the door the trio sees a control panel with a bunch of screens on display as expected. What they didn't expect to see, however, was who was at the controls: a pair of sisters in the form of Plusle and Minun.*

Plusle and Minun: OwO;;

Victora: Well lookie at what we got here: a pair of tiny Shadow Pokémon trolls.

Megumi: Well, let's knock out one problem and just catch them.

Plusle: Wait, stop! OoO

Minun: We're not Shadow Pokémon! OoO

Masquerade: ....Really now...

Plusle: Really! We'll prove it!

Minun: Shadow Pokémon always have at least two of those Shadow moves right? Well...

*The Plusle performs the moves Helping Hand, Discharge, Nasty Plot and Baton Pass while the Minun performs the moves Helping Hand, Electro Ball, Agility and Baton Pass.*

Minun: You see? If we were Shadow Pokémon we wouldn't be able to perform all of those moves.

Victora: Shadow Pokémon or not, since you're here in the control room you must be working for Marco.

Plusle: We're not, honest!

Masquerade: Then why the heck are you here??

Minun: Well... When our ship was attacked and those bone dragon things started rounding us all up, the two of us escaped into this room and hid.

Plusle: We thought that we could help everyone from here but we weren't able to. We were too scared to try and make a run for it so we just stayed here...

Minun: ...then we got bored. So we started messing around with the controls here to learn how everything worked...and then you three suddenly appeared so we thought we'd have a little bit of

Megumi: -_- ...

Victora: -w-# ...Masq, darling, would you be a dear and show these two how much we appreciated being a part of their little game?

Masquerade: *cracks his knuckles* I've been meaning to test out my new type of restraining spell.... -3-#

*Masquerade takes one step forward and draws a line with his foot as he started to chant in what Victora and Megumi had just dubbed "moonrunes" because it was completely impossible to understand the words he uttered. A mere 10 seconds of chanting was all that was needed before a pair of stocks erupted from the floor, decorated by skeleton hands that seemed to keep the stuff together. The Minun and Plusle are then thrown in into the stocks, who seemed to shrink to fit their size, and had their bottoms raised by an elevating platform that rose up as well. Now with the electric rodents' rears raised in the air in front of them, Masquerade took to action by "going to town" on their small but firm and round bottoms, smacking and striking the yellow targets with sound and precise slaps*



Masquerade: Well it is going to get worse. So better start apologizing right away! *brings forth a paddle with holes in it, continuing to whack their butts with that instead*

Victora: Did it ever occur to you two that when you saw us that we might be able to help you?

Plusle: WAAAHH! NO, WE DiDN'T!


Megumi: And let me guess: it usually ends up like this for you two, right?

Plusle & Minun: YESSSS! WAAAAAHHH!!

Masquerade: *stops* ......Huff, I almost feel bad for doing this kinda stuff these days. -~- *lets them both go, picking them up in his arms*

Plusle and Minun: *cries into Masquerade's chest*

Megumi: Now, what do we say?

Plusle: We're sorry... TnT

Minun: We'll try and think things through more often in the future, promise... ToT

Victora: Well, the important this is that you learn from this and move on from there. Now, we need to get back to finding Marco...

Plusle: You mean the guy that captured our family? We know where he is. ^o^

Minun: And we can lead you right to him. ^o^

Masquerade: We would be thankful if you did. Just show the way, and I will carry you, for now. Just let the breeze hit your bottoms for a bit.

Plusle and Minun: Okay ^//w//^

Victora: Say, what are your names?

Plusle and Minun: Huh?

Megumi: If you've got names we'd like to call you by them.

Plusle: Well, Big Boss calls me #311, but before that my name was Strawberry.

Minun: And before Big Boss gave me the name of #312, my name was Blueberry.

Victora: I think I'll call you by your original names.

Megumi: Yeah, those names give you more personality.

Strawberry and Blueberry: 'kay~ ^//o//^

Masquerade: Pretty sweet names too, fitting of you little cuties.

Strawberry and Blueberry: Hehehe~

*Strawberry and Blueberry lead Victora, Megumi and Masquerade through the winding corridors of the ship until they soon come upon a room where they hear a voice coming from. Said voice belonged to their target: Marco Polanski. Peeking around the corner they could see him at a huge control panel with many screens showing various spots of the Pokémon city below it along with the Hoopa being held with some shadowy chains. They decided to listen in on him to see what his next move would be.*

Marco: *growls in frustration* that little rabbit really screwed me over. Not only did she escape but she escaped with all of my prototype Snag Balls and my experimental Pokémon eggs AND provided my targets with them. Those things were harder to make than originally projected so I haven't had time to make anymore. I've lost nearly all of my Shadow Pokémon and I haven't even put a dent in my target's Pokémon. I've only got these three left: the Gardevoir, the Zangoose and the Shiftry. The Hoopa managed to help the Buneary and Steelix escape before I got a hold of him and got him to do as I say.

Hoopa: I'm only cooperating because you couldn't make me into a Shadow Pokémon and I know that this plan of yours will fail.

Marco: That's what you think; even if these final three should fall I've still got that bone dragon weapon that Benjamin Koco entrusted me with as well as my ultimate Shadow Pokémon that's finally ready for deployment. Now open up another ring portal for me...unless you want another, stronger dose of pain from my special chains.

Hoopa: *looks away from Marco in loathing and disgust but opens up a ring portal nonetheless*

Marco: *releases the Shiftry, Big Boss, as well as the Gardevoir and Zangoose from their Poke Balls* let's see how they deal with the Big Boss *has Big Boss go through the ring and get warped down to the Pokémon city*

Strawberry: Big Boss was the strongest one of us all.

Blueberry: Now that he's no longer on the ship now is your best chance to take that freak on. >~<

Masquerade: *nods* Alright, Megumi, Victora, you two take the lead.

Victora: ...each of you grabbed one of those Snag Balls, right? Get them out and charge them up real quick, I've got an idea. ^^

*All three of them take out a Snag Ball and charge them up. Victora then taps each of them, transferring a small amount of her E-nergy into each of them.*

Victora: There, now each of these has the capture strength of a Master Ball. Think you can get the Hoopa, Masquerade?

Masquerade: .....And this is why I love you, my little Life-Hacker. *Kneels down and gives her a kiss on her lips, just because he could* Surely. You can leave it to me.

Victora: *swoons* *flirty* Strawberry, you come with me.

Megumi: And Blueberry, you come with me.

Strawberry: Will do! *hops on Victora's shoulder*

Blueberry: Okie-Dokie! *hops on Megumi's shoulder*

*Both Victora and Megumi jump out of their hiding place and get Marco's attention.*

Marco: !! What the...!?

Victora: Strawberry, Helping Hand!

Megumi: Blueberry, Electro Ball!

*Strawberry performs helping hand to power up Blueberry's Electro Ball that she tosses right at Marco for massive shocking damage that dazes him for a few seconds. In that time Masquerade sneaks on over to the Hoopa while Victora and Megumi use their enhanced Snag Balls to capture the Zangoose and the Gardevoir.*

Victora: Yes! Zangoose caught!

Megumi: Gardevoir secured!

Victora: And great job, you two.

Strawberry and Blueberry: Yay!

Masquerade: *To Hoopa* Hey there buddy. Looks like you are in a bit of locked situation with those chains around you. *smiles and holds up the Victora-powered ball* your species is full of playful tricksters. I like that. Maybe we can have a friendly chat after all is said and done here?

Hoopa: Get me out of here and I'll gladly listen to what you have to say

Masquerade: *taps the Djinn lightly on the head with the ball*

*The Hoopa gets caught inside the Snag Ball and it almost immediately dings, signaling that he was caught with no struggle whatsoever.*

Marco: *regains his senses* Y-You! How did you get on board!? The anti-air turrets should've taken care of anybody coming from the air.

Victora: We got in here the same way you've been sending all of those Pokémon everywhere: by warp.

Marco: ...hmm, can't do much to prevent warp ins...

Megumi: Listen, I don't know what your ultimate goal is but I think you're done here now. By now the others have most definitely caught all of the Pokémon you sent and you're outnumbered three to one.

Marco: Oh really, then how about...NOW!

*Marco hits a button on the control panel and...nothing happens.*

Marco: O^O;; ...

*Marco hits the button again and again and again yet nothing still happens.*

Marco: O^O;;; ... what the heck is going on!?

Masquerade: If you are trying to build our confidence, it's working. I am not impressed by anything yet. >.>

Marco: What's going on? Ray guns should've come out of the ceiling and blasted you to bits by now *types away on the keyboard at the control panel to pull up some information* what the...all of my defenses have been shut down somehow; well then I'll re-enable them and... *types away on the keyboard but warning beep sounds* What the...!? I've been locked out of my own system!? But how? Who could've...!?

*The screens suddenly switch to the security room where Victora, Megumi and Masquerade were previously. Inside that room stood Emily in her MissFortune costume.*

Marco: Who the devil are you?

Masquerade: ...... Is that the raccoon from earlier?

Emily: Greetings, Dr. Marco Polanski. You have been unlucky enough to be struck with a case of "MissFortune." Your security systems have been disabled, your ship is now putting out a tracking signal and the Galactic Police as well as Helping Hand Guild bounty hunters will soon be here to capture you. It's all over for you now~

Marco: It's not over yet; I still have my bone dragon armada to deal with anything I please and...

Emily: You mean "this" thing over here? *steps to the side to reveal a shadowy bone dragon in a special cage*

Marco: H-How did you...!?

Emily: Your so-called "armada" are actually just shadowy clones created by this one bone dragon who seems to have been modified beyond belief. If you put it in a sealed cage it can't create any clones.

Marco: Grrr! >_< ...wait, when you said that the security systems were disabled did you mean ALL of the security systems?

Emily: Uh...yeah. :/

Marco: *looks stone terrified*

Masquerade: ...The kid...did all of that?

Marco: Then that means there is nothing keeping XD002 in check...

Victora: Just what is XD002?

Marco: My ultimate Shadow Pokémon. Unlike XD001 who was caught and turned into a Shadow Pokémon, I created this one from DNA samples I got off the black market. I built this one from the ground up using the original blueprints from Team Rocket, making my own improvements along the way. However, I didn't take into account how merciless the Pokémon would become after being infused with Shadow energy; it became worse than the original monster that Team Rocket had created.

Megumi: Are you saying that you created a...

*Suddenly explosions can be heard going off in various directions of the massive ship.*

Marco: Yes; a Shadow Mewtwo. >~<;

Masquerade: YOU FOOL!!! What in the ever loving banana creampie is it you wacky scientists can’t comprehend when you create beings that are obviously FAR BEYOND YOUR CONTROL!?

Marco: I made improvements to correct the behavioral issues; who would've thought that the Shadow process would not only undo all of that but in turn make it worse?

Victora: I'm with Masquerade on this one; it's kind of presumptuous to think that you can succeed where the previous failed, especially when they too thought that they had done everything right?

Megumi: And it's not like you made ANY of this yourself; all you did is pick where others left off and add your own ideas to it. Basically you just added to an already bad idea.

Marco: -3-# Yeah-yeah-yeah...

Masquerade: This is really really bad, I am calling Mirage. We might need her help. *presses his fingers to his forehead* Come on, you dumb Mew, stop fooling around, I need you here. Now. >__<#

Emily: Well, I can see that you have one of your own messes to deal with, Dr. Marco, so I'll leave you to it *steps over to the security console and removes a flash drive from it*

Marco: Wait, what's that!?

Emily: A little parting gift for myself...Ta-ta now~ ^o^ Spoony, Teleport us out of here.

Spoony: Yes Milady.

*The Alakazam teleports both Emily and himself off of the ship.*

Marco: ...I'll worry about her later. If that beast blasts any of the engines this whole ship will come down and flatten anything below it. Not a problem for me though, I can easily make another ship. Guess that I won't be getting that support from Benjamin Koco after all; time to cut my losses and start again *pulls out a remote, pushes a button then promptly teleports to points unknown.*

Victora: Oh come on! >o<

Masquerade: Oh yeah, because that's not annoying in the slightest. -_- Freaking coward... And that kid could have stayed and helped. She is getting the paddle after this, I swear. -_-

Megumi: We've got bigger problems right now. Didn't you hear what he said? If those engines get destroyed this ship is going down and we're directly below e-chan and Scooter's home.

Victora: As well as everybody who came to the BBQ and all of the Pokémon.

Megumi: The Mewtwo most likely won't destroy the engines if it isn't inside the we should find it and lead it out of the ship. ^^

Victora: But won't it just go berserk and destroy everything outside?

Megumi: O_O ...

Victora: Crap, we're screwed either way...what about you, Masq; do you have an idea of what we can do?

Masquerade: Well, I can enchant the engines a bit with a two-layer shield... Other than that, we do have this one other enchanted ball you created. I guess....we can attempt to capture the thing?

Victora: Alright then; you take the lead this time. ^^

Megumi: We'll be right behind you all the way. ^^

Strawberry: Right behind you. ^^

Blueberry: The entire time. ^^

*Despite the brave faces the girls were putting on their true feelings of fear and terror were made clear by how all four of them hid behind Masquerade like a human shield.*

Masquerade: ......You guys are cute when scared. Don't worry, I promise to deal with the problem quickly.

*The girls smile reassured as Masquerade leads them deeper into the ship. As the explosions got closer and closer they clung to him closely, knowing that they were getting very close to a dangerous and angry beast with unbelievable power. They reach the engine room and find that the Mewtwo hadn't been by there just yet; it was the perfect time to set up the shields.*

Masquerade: Alright girls, time to get to work.

*Masquerade brought out a scroll and used his powers to split it in five pieces, handing one to each of them while keeping the last himself.*

Masquerade: Just hold these scrolls and chant "Shields Up". It will speed up the process a bit. Leave the rest to me.

*The girls begin chanting the simple command "Shields Up." Meanwhile, Masquerade started messing around with his own scroll and his own "moonrune language" until the scrolls lit up and suddenly vanished. In turn, chibi-fied faces of all five of them appeared scattered on the engines.*

Masquerade: There we go. Shields are up

Victora, Megumi, Strawberry and Blueberry: *taken aback by the appearance of the shields*

Masquerade: Okay, now we just... *Glances at them all* ...Is…is something wrong...?

Victora, Megumi, Strawberry and Blueberry: O.O; Nothing, nothing...

*Suddenly part of the wall close to the engines explodes and what emerged from the dust was the Shadow Mewtwo. Compared to its predecessor, XD001, XD002 looked more like a regular Shadow Pokémon. The only difference was that they could see that it was a female Mewtwo and it had a blue coloration instead of purple on her stomach and tail. She then takes a long look at Masquerade and the girls. She wasn't exuding any anger, malice or murderous intent, just genuine, child-like curiosity.*

Mewtwo: ...

Victora and Megumi: ...

Masquerade: ...... >.>; *looks back and forth* ...Hey?

Mewtwo: *waves to Masquerade*

Victora: ... am I the only one finding this weird?

Masquerade: ... *waves back* Kinda....?

*Suddenly, Emily and her Alakazam, Spoony, teleport into the engine room.*

Emily: Sorry about leaving so suddenly; I couldn't afford to lose that flash drive and had to get it to a safe location first. *looks over and sees the Mewtwo* why hello there

Mewtwo: *waves to Emily*

Emily: Why, aren't you a friendly one, eh?

Megumi: I don't get it; Marco made it sound like this Mewtwo was an out of control beast but when I look at her it doesn't look like she would even hurt a fly. :/

Emily: That's because this particular Mewtwo isn't XD002.

Victora: ._. ...say what?

Masquerade: Uh....I....what?

Emily: It's true that XD002 is in fact a Mewtwo but what Marco didn't mention was that he made TWO Mewtwos. The one you see before you turned out to be too nice and thought for herself and didn't want to cooperate with Marco. Her sister on the other hand...

*Just then something dark purple burst through another wall into the engine room. It was a very bulky Mewtwo with reversed colors and two Mega Stones on her wrists. This one was exuding some extreme shadow energy, malice and rage as she shot Shadow Blast attacks in every direction of the engine room making everybody take cover behind the shielded engines.*

Emily: that.

Victora, Megumi, Strawberry and Blueberry: *cowering in fear*

Masquerade: Tsk, this is starting to get a bit chaotic. *Pulls out the ball he used to capture Hoopa, letting the djinn Pokémon out* Care to help a guy out?

Hoopa: Need an escape route? I can do that ^^

Masquerade: Not exactly, but yeah. If that Mewtwo goes berserk in here, there is a high chance that all of our friends in the surrounding area will be gravely hurt as well. Look, I want you to send the girls and the Alakazam somewhere safe...meanwhile creating another portal that will bring me and that Mewtwo somewhere down below.

Hoopa: Okay, I can do that *enlarges one of his rings* this should lead you down to the front of the house down below. ^^

*The Shadow Mewtwo stops firing Shadow Blasts when she sees the ring portal. Using incredible speed she flies through the ring to escape the confines of the ship.*

Hoopa: OxO;; That...wasn't supposed to happen...

Masquerade: !! Oh no you do not! YOU DO NOT GO THERE!! *Runs in/out after the shadowy menace*

Victora: Hey, wait for us! 8O

To be continued…

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