Monday, December 12, 2016

The End of Chaos - The BBQ Party Resumes

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 27
“The End of the Chaos – The BBQ Party Resumes”
An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

The newly named Mewtwo begins to stir as she awakens from her slumber.

Anemone: *groans a bit then touches the swollen side of her face* OWWiE!! What happened to me!? WAAAAHH!!

Ryuko: Yep, that's my baby sister. -w-

Aquamarine: Yay, she's back to normal~ ^o^

Shuryo: *gently places his hand on Anemone's head* You've not been yourself and we had to knock you back to your senses. Sorry for that. *turns to the others* Someone got an ice bag?

Haruka: *walks up to Shuryo with an ice bag and hands it to him* ^^

Shuryo: Thanks. *gently holds Anemone* Okay, this might sting at first, but just bare through it, please... *carefully presses the ice bag to the side of her face*

Anemone: *squeals lightly as fresh tears fall from her eyes*

Shuryo: There-there, we will make sure you heal up just fine...

Leaf: *offers Anemone a flower* ^w^

Anemone: Th-Thanks *takes the flower and smiles*

Shuryo: *can’t help but smile, kneeling by the two of them and making Anemone and Leaf also get on their knees* this is...apparently my daughter. Her name is Leaf. Anemone, I hope we can all get along, now that you seem to be part of my small and weird family. ...... *looks to Emily* .... *sighs* That apparently includes you too, tubby, so get over here... >.>;

T-Rex: *nudges Emily gently, to get her going*

Emily: *walks over towards Shuryo* .///.

Shuryo: ... *pats his lap* Come here. >/./>

Emily: *gently sits down on Shuryo's lap* ./w/.

Shuryo: ...... *clears his throat and lets her lean back against him, while gently petting her* ......Looking at Leaf....convinced me to give you a chance... Just come visit me one day, and maybe we can do something together... >/_/>;

Emily: O-Okay .///. May-maybe I could make us dinner someday; I'm pretty good at cooking, y'know...

Shuryo: Sounds good to me....but for now.... *grabs her and bends her forward a little, flipping and keeping her skirt up* I need remind you that your actions have both been immature and that you have been causing quite the ruckus at my place...

Emily: Wait, what are you...!?

Flicky: *chuckles nervously*

Angela: Oh dear...

Trina: *looks on with eagerness*

Shark: I hope she squirms and tries to get away... *watches as well, crossing his arms*

Shuryo: I am just gonna set a little example for what happens when you "MissBehave"... MissFortune? *raises his hand and starts to swiftly smack her panty-clad bottom; his large hands managing to spread out well over her rather large posterior, even as bottom heavy as she was. Each of the slaps were aimed at the center of her butt cheeks, even if covered, and Shuryo was not showing any change in his pace with this punishment*

Emily: OOH! AAH! EEK! KWAA! >A< *squirms about trying to alleviate the incoming pain*

*Both Masaki and Cheryl wince at every smack Emily receives, as if they themselves were actually getting it from their husbands.*

Masaki: *winces* that's nearly the same amount of power Gin uses... -//m//-

Cheryl: *shifts a bit where she stands* And he is not shy about doing it in public, either.... >//.//o;

Shuryo: ......hrm... *undoes and actually pulls off her skirt, laying it on the side* It's just getting in the way... *Firmly grabs and rubs her buttocks before striking her again, getting a decent feel of her plump and plushy butt* Let me take a wild guess, you enjoy your sweets an awful lot?

Trina: Enjoys sweets? That's an understatement; her very last name is Sweet.

Shuryo: ....Really now? <_< ...Hrm...that's a bit cute, truth be told... *Rears back his hand and proceeds to spank her a bit harder than before, angling his slaps to strike more of the underside of her rear as well*

Emily: EEP! OWWiE! HAN! OOH! (What...what is this feeling? I'm being humiliated yet I can't find it in myself to resist or disobey him. It's my first spanking and it hurts but it feels exhilarating at the same time. Why am I feeling this way?)

Shuryo: Pardon me, Emily... But I am going to lay the finishing touches, for breaking my window that one time. I know it was an accident, but even if it was on accident, you are still in the wrong for causing it. *Slips his thumb down between her butt cheeks as he hooks her panties, promptly sliding the garment down and leaving her plump and plushy butt exposed for everyone to see*

Shark: *Snaps a picture* =w= Making memories~

Emily: Eep! O_O;

Shuryo: *Cracks his knuckles* About 30 seconds should do the trick...

*Shuryo's right hand starts to glow a light shade of pink as he raises it in the air. Taking aim, he brings his huge palm square down on Emily's exposed bottom, whacking the plump target about as hard as he could without it being dangerous for the girl. And as soon as he struck her, not even a second after, followed another with as much force as the other. Each slap practically bouncing off of her butt but then ricocheting right back for an equally snappy and punishing blow*

Emily: *unable to do anything but bawl her eyes out and flail her arms and legs about, not caring about losing what little dignity she had left*

*Both Gin and Ronald look on in amazement, thinking to themselves that they'd have to get Shuryo to teach them how to do that one day. The look of great interest on their faces didn't go unnoticed by Masaki and Cheryl as they simultaneously sympathize with Emily and worry for the future of their own bottoms in the coming days.*

Shuryo: *Abruptly stops and carefully lifts Emily up into his lap, holding her in his arms* Alright Emily, I am done now. That's enough for the time being... *Keeps her close and gently rubs her buttocks, to soothe the stinging he just brought onto it.*

Shark: ....Heh.... She took that rather well, despite crying like the little brat she actually is.

Shuryo: Hush Shark, let her be.

Angela: Considering that that was her first one she did very well.

Flicky: Besides, I don't think anybody could keep their cool during the session that she had.

Shark: She did way better than you guys too~ *pinches Angela and Flicky's butts*

Flicky and Angela: YEEP! OxO *jumps in surprise as their butts were still a little sore from a previous session with Shark*

Shark: Kyahahaha!

Kevin: *sighs* Well, at least we can all continue with the family and friends festivities now. Especially with these new kids having showed up.

Shuryo: *nods* We got out of that crisis, and with minimal damage as well. *looks to Anemone's face and Emily's sore butt* ....Mostly... -//-; *helps Emily put her skirt back on*

Emily: Thank you .///. ... *looks around* where are my panties?

Flicky: They flew off somewhere while you were kicking like mad during that last part.

Emily: Well did you see where they went?

Angela: *opens her mouth to speak*

Trina: *covers Angela's mouth with her hands* a gust of wind caught them and carried them FAAAAR away from here~

Emily: WHAT!? You mean that I gotta go commando until I get home?

Trina: 'fraid so~ ^3^

Emily: T3T Bummer... *tries to pull her skirt down in the front but is unaware that her tail is lifting it up in the back*

Trina: Sorry 'bout that *pats Emily's back*

*Shark spies a familiar pair of panties poking out of his mischievous fox girlfriends skirt pocket, figuring out what really happened and thought that it was his time to have some fun as well.*

Shark: As much as I would love seeing that plump bottom bounce in view for the rest of the day... Emily, you are in luck, because Trina here... *Places both of his hands on Trina's shoulders* She just so happens to be carrying an extra pair of underwear today, just in case~ >|3

*Shark smiles as he fishes the panties out of the pocket, holding the pair up in clear view*

Shark: Well I'd be... They are the same kind as Emily wore just a few seconds ago... The same size as well! What a coincidence. Or is it...? *Grins as he grabs hold of Trina's shoulder, preventing her from getting away if she tried to, while handing Emily her panties back* Here you go, buttercup.

Emily: Thank you *gladly takes her panties back and puts them on*

Shuryo: *adjusts her skirt so it's not kept up by her tail* ...

Shark: Now, as for you, my sweet Trina... If you think it's so funny to have a young girl stripped, spanked and in a forced state of undress...why don't you take Emily's place instead? *Grabs and promptly tears off both Trina's skirt and her panties*

Trina: *giggles nervously*

Claire: She SO wanted this to happen -w-

Fuu: *Pets her* Hush or I might join in and spank you for accidently stripping naked, Claire... -w-

Shark: *taps her forehead with one of his cards* Alright, reduced your weight, aaaaand.... *grabs and lifts her over his shoulder, allowing him to nuzzle against her butt a little* Up you go~ And |3

*Shark holds her legs with one hand and proceeds to spank her with the one that was free, while keeping her elevated over his shoulder like that. Said hand being enchanted to sting her a bit more than usual, and quickly made her bottom red and sore*

Trina: *squeals in pain but mostly delight and happiness*

Arashi: She sure likes it when you assert your dominance on her....

Shark: Heh, she sure does. *pinches her butt a bit as well* Meanwhile Flicky and Angela are a bit more...well, whiny~

Angela: Whiny?

Flicky: We can't all have the same pain tolerance as Trina -3-

Shark: I know, I know. But it is kinda funny to see a girl as ripped as you are, turn to tears from a little butt-based pain. *winks at Flicky* And Angela, don't cry. Okay, maybe whiny was the wrong choice of words...but your squeals are still the most adorable out of you three. -//u//- *smacks Trina again, a bit harder*

Trina: *squeals cutely again from the sting of the smack*

Shark: .....But Trina is a close second, on the cuteness scale of squealing. Flicky, you better step up your game. </3/<

Kevin: Okay, now he is just pushing it. X'D

*Samantha smiled a bit smugly and confidently to herself, knowing her mother was capable of squealing even cutely after having listened in her and her father quite a few times.*

Amethyst: I can see that smirk. Whatever it is you're thinking of doing: Don’t do it. =O

Samantha: Okaaaaay~ <w<

Blaze: *Jumps up and down, hand in the air* Oh! Oh! I know someone who squeals and even meows in pleasure when spanked! She says she has come to enjoy it...except when it's harsh and painful..... OwO

Kevin: Oh yeah, we still don’t know who you belong to, do we?

Blaze: I can give you a hint, uncle! I like guessing games! >w<

Emerald: Guessing games? Are we playing guessing games? I love those too!

Blaze: Okay okay okay, so..... My mother has a huge temper, and an equally big mouth, as my father least when she does get angry. Aaaand....aaaaand..... Erm....she is named after a....a..what are they called again... Some colored rock. o3o

Arthur: *facepalms* Ugh.....

Leonora: Quick tip: Asking who she got her brains from is not going to help... -w-;

Sylvia: Leonora, hush. That's mean. <_<

Emerald: Wait, I know this! Um-um...hmm...who do we know who shares a name with a colored rock? Uh...Ring's last name is Diamond but you don't look like one of her kids. Let's see, um...there's Ashuro's mother, Jade, but she's way too happy all the time to have a temper and doesn't have a big mouth. Hmm, who could it be...?

*Everybody else facepalms, including Trey, who had already figured it out long ago.*

Trey: For the love of kitten kisses... *Kneels down next to Emerald* Honey...let me ask you something... What's an "Emerald"?

Emerald: A gemstone usually green in color.

Trey: *looks into her eyes with a stern gaze* .......A colored rock, in other words.

Blaze: My mom also wears glasses and is very short.

Emerald: ...... *processes the information* ...... AH! OoO Y-Y-You mean that she's...!?

Trey: Yes, my sweet little firecracker. She is ours. Our flesh and blood.

Blaze: *Jumps into Trey's arms* Daddy~! >w< You look as handsome as in the photos~!

Trey: Oh...heheh, thanks, Blaze... ^//^

Emerald: She's so beautiful~ *tries to reach up to hug Blaze but is a bit too short to do so*

Trey: ... *leans down and lifts Emerald up to hug the two of them* Just like her mother.

Blaze: Daddy loves babying you~

Emerald: I know, and I love him for it.

Rigby: >w> *looks at Alexis*

Alexis: *Adjusting her overalls a bit when she notices him looking* ....Is there anything wrong, squirt? <_<

Rigby: *stands up and walks over to her and gauges how tall each of them are* (is this really her? She doesn't look at all like the Mom I know...better test her...) ...from where I'm standing, you're the squirt? *takes her hat and holds it above her head*

Alexis: Wha-!? Hey! *jumps up to grab her hat* Gimme my hat, you dumb brat! >O<#

Tenrio: *notices the commotion going on* Whoa, what's going on here?

*Rigby looks away when he hears Tenrio speak and Alexis uses that minor distraction and lands a gut punch to Rigby's stomach.*

Rigby: OxO;; *drops Alexis' hat*

Tenrio: Yeesh, Alexis, you didn't have to release your full force on him; 25% force would have been enough. ^^

Rigby: Nah, it's okay; didn't really hurt all that much. But wow, it really is you after all, Mom.

Alexis. Yeah you bet your sweet firm.......what was that...?? o_o

Rigby: You heard right; believe it or not, you're my Mom. I just couldn't believe that it was you when I first saw you but after seeing that trademark short fuse of yours I knew without a doubt that it was you. ^w^

Alexis: ....That’s cool, I guess. >/__/>; *crosses her arms and pouts a bit, visibly annoyed* ...don’t have a short fuse...

Tenrio: Aw, don't be mad; it's one of your more endearing traits *hugs the pouty Alexis*

Rigby: I've never seen any pictures of the two of you when you were this young so it was hard for me to believe that it was the two of you *takes a photo out of his pocket* take a look at this photo of the two of you from my time.

*Looking at the photo both Tenrio and Alexis see their future selves. Tenrio was a bit taller, a bit more muscular and even more handsome yet rugged at the same time, like a warrior who has seen many battles. Alexis, on the other hand, was drop-dead gorgeous; she had developed into quite a lovely lady with a knockout body. Neither Tenrio or Alexis could believe their eyes.*

Tenrio: O//3//O ... *wolf whistles* looking good, sweetie~

Alexis: O//o//O I...I...I...Tenrio, don’t stare at my future self like that! D///X *flails at him in a cute and frustrated manner*

Tenrio: ^w^ is she still like this however?

Rigby: She doesn't change one bit. ^^

Tenrio: Awesome *purrs happily and nuzzles Alexis*

Alexis: >//^//O; ....

Arashi: ...That's kinda cute.

Tia: Yeah.

*Looking to the purple-haired duo, the gang could see that Tia had placed herself on Arashi's lap, leaning back against him while he is keeping her cuddled close himself*

Arzekiel: *chuckles* when did you two get so close?

Arashi: We just sat back and watched the battling unfold, to be honest.

Tia: Got time to talk.

Arashi: And she is my daughter, apparently. *Looks down at her* And the stern yet calm look...makes me believe that Kat is her mother.

Tia: *closes her eyes and rests against Arashi, sighing cutely*

Arzekiel: That's so sweet looks like everybody will have kids in the future... *looks back at Dena talking to some of the kids* ...well, almost everybody... *looks a little sad*

*Seeing Arzekiel look a little depressed actually reminded Tia of a message that she had been asked to pass on to him and motions for him to come closer.*

Arzekiel: Hmm? You want something sweetheart?

*Arzekiel gets on level with Tia as she leans in and whispers her message to Arzekiel.*

Arzekiel: Hmm? ...yeah...uh-huh...wait... OxO Are you serious; is all of this true?

*Tia nods to say yes.*

Arzekiel: *looks for Emily* Miss Emily! *runs towards her*

Emily: Y-Yes? O.O

Arzekiel: That bone dragon that was supposed to be on Marco's ship, where is it?

Emily: I caught and stored it in a special container then safely stowed it away at my place to be studied; why do you ask?

Arzekiel: Please, I need you to bring it here right away!

Emily: O-Okay, I'll be right back then; Spoony, I need to get to the lab again.

Spoony: Of course, milady *teleports away with Emily*

Arthur: *clinging on his mother's back* What is going on?

Philip: Patience little adventurer, the answers will come soon enough.

Sam: And with soon enough, you mean really soon.

Philip: Whatever. -3-

*Spoony and Emily soon warp back with the bone dragon in its container.*

Emily: Okay, here it is; what are you going to do with it?

Arzekiel: *walks up to the container, stares at it for a couple of seconds then frees the bone dragon from it*

Emily: OxO; What are you...!?

*Before the bone dragon could fly off and begin attacking by creating more bone dragons from its shadowy aura, Arzekiel lets out a loud, draconic roar that strikes fear in the bone dragon, making it submissive, and surprises everybody else besides Dena.*

Rex: Okay, now you are even freaking me out, and I have live dinosaurs at home. o_o

Ashuro: Master Arzekiel, what was that? You sounded just like a huge dragon. OoO

Arzekiel: Just a little something I learned from some of the Elder Dragons that I met during my travels. Now, on to business.

*An orange aura surrounds Arzekiel's arms and hands to take on the form of clawed dragon arms. He then jams his arms into the shadowy bone dragon and grabs a hold of something. Arzekiel pulls back with great force and manages to pull a slime-encased lump out of the shadowy bone dragon who actually turns into a shadowy mist that evaporates into the air. After thoroughly wiping away the slime the lump was revealed to actually be...a dragon egg.*

Arzekiel: D-Dena! Dena! Come quick!

Dena: *rushes over to Arzekiel* what is it, hon-? *sees the egg and gasps, putting her hands up to her mouth* that what I think it is? Is that...our...?

Arzekiel: Yes's our egg; our child that was taken away from us by Pyro.

Dena: ... *busts into tears as she takes the egg in her arms and cradles it*

Arzekiel: I can't believe it; we finally got it back after all of these years...

Rose: *walks up to Dena herself, looking at the egg.* ......Hey squirt, if you're in there, better listen: Don’t get lost again, and stay by your mommy.....or else you'll both end up sad...possibly alone...

Arashi: *Joins her side and places a hand on her shoulder* Sis....are you...crying?

Rose: ..!! *quickly wipes her eyes* N-no, shut up with you...! Why would I.....


Rose: .... *hides her face in his chest, whining a bit* Don’t look at me like that....

Ashuro: That's yours, Master? But why is it still...?

Arzekiel: Why is it still an egg? Well, Pridescale eggs are...special, to say the least. They need the love, care and E-nergy of their parents in order to hatch. There are cases where some eggs never hatch due to something happening to the parents and in some rare cases the egg manages to hatch when someone other than the parents provides care for the egg. Seeing as how it hasn't hatched and that there are still signs of life within it I can tell that the last time it received any care was when it was last in our care. But none of that matters now that we have it back.

Dena: *nuzzles the egg lovingly*

Rex: Fascinating.... I need to document this.

Zack: It's all coming full circle. Slowly but surely...

*Some new memories flash through the minds of all of the future kids present.*

Roger: It looks like there was another significant change to our future. ^^

Arzekiel: Really, how can you tell?

*Suddenly two orange blur tackle Rose to the ground from behind. On top of her were two little dragon girls: the eldest one was wearing a blue sweater, a light blue skirt, yellow boots and had her long brown hair tied off into multiple ponytails by a large pink hair bow; the youngest one was wearing only a large sweatshirt with no panties underneath and a pair of glasses and hairstyle that was exactly like Dena's. The two girls clung to Rose happily.*

Older dragon girl: Neechan~ ^o^

Younger dragon girl: Rwar~

Arthur: That answer your question?

Rose: Ey! Who tossed the hatchlings at me!? D//X

Older dragon girl: Neechan-Neechan, it's you!

Younger dragon girl: *cutely nibbles on Rose's tail*

Rose: Who are you two!? I don’t have any sisters! o//<; *tries to carefully lift them off*

Arashi: I think these two are the daughters of our dear friends, Rose.

Rose: ...?? *looks at them closer* ....They do look like Dena, now that you mention it...

Older dragon girl: Oh, that's right; I haven't hatched in this time period just yet *gets off of Rose's back* Neechan, my name is Maria.

Dena: Maria? That was the name we chose for if we had a daughter, Arzekiel. ^w^

Arzekiel: I remember, love; Mario if it was a boy and Maria if it was a girl upon hatching.

Maria: *lifts the younger dragon girl off of Rose's back* and this is my baby sister, Denea. ^o^

Denea: Rwar~ ^w^

Maria: She doesn't talk much yet but is very easy to understand despite that.

Rose: Erk.... A-Alright then... Maria...Denea... Hello, I guess? *reluctantly places one of her hands on Denea's head and pets her*

Denea: *chitters happily* ^///^

Rose: *lifts her hand and pets Maria as well* You missed all of the action, kids...

Maria: Really?

Rose: *nods* Yeah really.

Cameron: A major Pokémon invasion and experimental Legendary Pokémon versus Mega Evolved Pokémon.

Arthur: Maybe for the best...don’t want them getting hurt either... ^//^;

Samantha & Amethyst: ~Arthur and Maria, sitting in a tree~

Arthur: Shut up! It's not like that! >//<; Besides, she likes Tsubasa... *pouts and grumbles* Like everyone else...

Blaze: *raises her hand* I like you. You are a good friend.

Samantha: Not what he meant, but nice try...


Denea: *sees Arthur, goes over to him and sniffs him*

Arthur: *looks at her* Hey Denea....what's up...?

Denea: *sniffs Arthur some more* Rwar~ ^o^ *wags her tail cutely*

Maria: I don't know. Either that's her way of saying she likes you or you just smell good to her; either one, I suppose.

Arthur: .... *sighs* It's something...*pets her*

Denea: Rwar~ ^///^ *wags her tail rapidly, revealing her bare butt in the process*

Dena: OoO What the...!? Young lady, why aren't you wearing anything underneath!?

Maria: Yeah, apparently she doesn't like wearing anything too confining; no matter what you gave her to wear she would always rip it off and put on that shirt. You still try to get her to wear other clothes while Dad just went out and got her more shirts like that one.

Zack: What an adorable little rascal she is. -w-

Amethyst: Just don’t turn around...

Samantha: Hehe, yeah, if Arthur is anything like dad when it comes to butts, she needs to be careful~

Arthur & Kevin: Hey...! >//3//<;

Cliff: *lightly elbows Arthur in the arm* you gotta admit though, it iS a cute little peach, eh?

Arthur: o/////o; *looks down at his feet, shuffling cutely*

Amethyst: He agrees. ^3^

Maria: *sees Tsubasa* Hey there, Tsu-Tsu; you're looking cute as usual~

Tsubasa: Uh, h-hey Maria

Valencia: *clings to Tsubasa and hisses at Maria*

Minami: The older rival appears!

Tsubasa: You're not going to challenge her to another fight, are you? You know what always ends up happening...

*Some of the other kids remember some of Maria and Valencia's previous fights. They were always fun to watch especially since Maria knew how to push Valencia's buttons and get her to lose her cool which resulted in her losing with hilarious and humiliating results.*

Amethyst: As fun as it is, do you really want to put Valencia in such a pickle in front of this extended audience?

Samantha: you even need to ask?

Maria: C'mon, it's a party. Let's call a truce for the time being and just have some fun; what do you say, truce? *offers her hand to Valencia*

Valencia: *looks at Maria's hand then slowly reaches for then grabs and shakes it with her hand* okay, truce. -.-

Leonora: *breathes a sigh of relief* Thank heavens.... =.=;

*Valencia turns around to head back to Tsubasa when Minami gets a mischievous glint in her eyes. Using her powers she sneakily sends a shot of sneezing powder to Maria's nose causing her to sneeze powerfully and blow out some fire in the process. The fire hits Valencia's butt, causing her to jump about comically trying to put the fire out. When the fire finally does die out it is revealed that the back of her skirt and her panties had been burned off to reveal her red bare bottom.*

Tsubasa: o//.//o

Valencia: O//w//O;; *covers her butt then glares back at Maria*

Maria: Wait, that was an accident! I didn't mean to...


*Valencia leaps on top of Maria and the two of them begin fighting fiercely. Lenora face palms as both Dena and Victora move in to try and separate the two brawling girls with very little success as punches are thrown, hair is pulled, butts, tails, heads, legs and arms are bitten and clothes are ripped.*

Rose: *groans loudly* It had to happen....

Arthur: Should we....intercept? o~o; *hugging Denea close out of reflex*

Rex (Charizard): *Chuckles* Hah! I remember when I was a Charmander, used to sneeze fire a lot of the time myself!

Masquerade: *glances at Minami out of the corner of his eye* >_>

*Minami looks away nonchalantly when she notices Masquerade taking a glance at her. Seeing as how it was his daughter that started the fight he took it upon himself to help Dena and Victora separate the two girls.*

Masquerade: Okay, time to put an end to this... *Summons out one of his scrolls* Area Trap: Slow!

*Masquerade's magic surrounds the fighting girls in a spherical field, slowing down their movements and making it so much easier to pull them away from one another, by pinching and lightly pulling on the ears of Maria and Valencia, holding them in place on each side of him as the effect wears off.*

Masquerade: *Quickly takes a deep breath* BREAK IT UP YOU TWO, THIS INSTANT!!

Valencia: Ow-Ow-Ow-Ow! Okay, Daddy; sorry! >_Q

Maria: Ow-Ow-Ow-Ow! Sorry, Mr. Mahiru! >oQ

Masquerade: *Lets them go* You are both lucky that I am not planning on spanking you either...your state of attire should be humiliating enough... >_>

Maria and Valencia: *takes a good look at themselves then groans lightly* -.-;

Masquerade: However....the catalyst to that whole scene is who I am looking for.... *turns back around while Samantha and Amethyst provide Maria and Valencia with a pair of towels, for now*

*Masquerade couldn't see Minami anywhere nearby but knew that she hadn't went back inside the house or into the Pokémon city, which meant that she was using a cloaking spell or something like that to hide. He had taught his eldest daughter well but there was still much for her to learn especially since he knew exactly how to find her.*

Masquerade: *Rolls his eyes and starts walking in one direction* Minami, we both know that this trick does not work on me, so you better come out now, or else you are going to make the situation much worse for you...

Minami: *undoes her cloaking spell and becomes visible again* *chuckles nervously*

Masquerade: You still need to work on concealing yourself, and your traces. You are leaving a track after you. Now then... *holds her hand and leads her back to Maria and Valencia* What do you have to say to your sister and your friend?

Minami: *chuckles nervously* sorry, you two; that whole fire sneeze thing that just happened, that was my doing. Sorry again

Maria: Why am I not surprised? >_>

Valencia: *grumbles to herself in an annoyed fashion*

Masquerade: Yeah, thought so. Was pretty obvious when you started hiding too. Well, nothing more to do....than to give you what is rightfully deserved. *Snaps with his fingers makes Minami's clothes just fall to the ground as he holds both of her hands, making her unable to run off, and cover for that matter, with her naked behind turned to Maria and Valencia.* And I think it is most fitting if Maria and Valencia where the ones to actually give it to you. <_<

Maria: Gladly *limbers up her hands and wrists*

Minami: Please go easy?

Valencia: Not a chance

*Both Valencia and Maria go to town on Minami's exposed bare bottom with some mighty slaps. All Minami could do was grin and bear it until both girls had had their fill which was going to take a while by the looks of things.*

Rex: *sighs* Well...things are back to normal, at least...

*With everything finally back to normal, and with the surprises seemingly over, the BBQ party resumes. Scooter, Pepper and Baron begin cooking the food; Shuryo and the Shaymin he befriended go back into the Pokémon city to restore the Grass-type's garden and fix any damaged land; the kids are having fun playing together and those who caught Pokémon were taking the time to get to know their new additions. Kevin stood before his five new monkey partners along with Sierra and Annabelle as he decided that it was time to name them if they didn't already have names.*

Kevin: Alright that everything has calmed down, I guess it’s time for us to come with introductions. My name is Kevin, I am an aspiring artist and content creator, and a Pokémon enthusiast on top of that. The two next to me is Sierra and Annabelle, two of my partners.

Sierra: Yo.

Annabelle: Hey hey. ^o^

Kevin: So, is there a name I can call anyone of you by, now that you have regained your senses?

Vigoroth: We don't actually have any names per say. Big Boss just calls us by our Dex numbers since he could never be bothered to come up with or remember names all that well.

Simisage: Between me and my sisters I'm ranked the highest at #512. ^^

Simipour: Just because your Dex number is higher than ours doesn't mean you outrank us.

Simisear: If any one of us should be ranked highest it should be me because I'm the oldest. ^w^

Simisage: You only hatched one second earlier than me and two seconds earlier than #516; we're basically triplets! >.<

Simipour: Yeah! If we're being ranked it should be on ability, which means that I'm the highest ranked among us as I'm the most skilled and agile! ^w^

Simisear: Puh-lease! You haven't been agile ever since you got this big ole badonkadonk back there~ *smacks Simipour's bottom, making it jiggle*

Simipour: Yow! OoO

Simisage: Oh, like you're anymore agile with that big beach ball belly of yours *shakes the Simisear's big belly, making it jiggle*

Simisear: Grrr...!

Simisage: I'm way more agile than the two of you~

Simipour: Oh that's rich coming from you: You, who has these massive cow-tits *twists Simisage's nipples*

Simisage: OWOWOWOWOWOWOOWOWOW!! *rubs her breasts furiously* THAT'S iT!!

*The three Simi Sisters begin fighting one another as the Vigoroth and Mankey quietly watch. Kevin could see that he basically had three chubby stooges on his hands that seemed to be in constant competition with one another. Bringing them in line was going to be challenging...but very fun at the same time. After giving the three ample enough time to stop fighting he saw that he, Sierra and Annabelle were going to have to manually stop them.*

Annabelle: *Pulls Simisear back, restricting her movements with her tails and arms* Okay, break it up!

Sierra: *Holds Simisage, using her fire to keep her at bay* Down girls, that's enough!

Kevin: *Grabs and pulls Simipour back himself* It doesn't matter which one of you are the best, girls. You are all lovely and capable fighters, which is why I want you three on my team.

Annabelle: *Grabs and jiggles Simisear's tits* Emphasis on "Lovely" with all their fun-bags. You just want to snuggle and feel these lovely monkeys, don’t ya~?

Kevin: =///=; *clears his throat*

Simisear: -/./-; *clears her throat as well* getting back to the point that #288 was making, we don't and never have had official names.

Kevin: Well... I have some names, just looking at you five. Apple, Blueberry, Melon, Coconut and Cream.

Annabelle: Oh, delicious names~

Vigoroth: Very delicious~ ^^

Mankey: Then who gets what name?

Kevin: Simipour is Blueberry, Simisear is Apple, Simisage is Melon, and honestly, you two can pick between Coconut and Cream, the names would fit either one of you.

Mankey: I do like coconuts; it is my fragrance of choice so I'll take that name.

Vigoroth: Then that make me Cream; tasty, tasty cream~

Kevin: Then that's your names from now on.

Annabelle: *looks at Melon* ...Hehehe, "Melon", fitting. *signs to her own chest and jiggles her puffies*

Melon: W-Wait, don't stimulate them like tha-

*Melon's chest expands slightly while her butt expands greatly, reminding Kevin of what he had learned about these three earlier: that they had used Hayumi's failed soft skin lotion experiment on themselves and were now subject to the same expansions as Hayumi. However, it seems that their expansions weren't limited to their butts and could affect other fleshy areas.*

Melon: Darn it! >x<

Annabelle: Neat! OwO

Kevin: o//3//o .....Wow. *Helps Annabelle out, lifting Melon's..."melons" gently* My fingers just sink into these....

Sierra: Careful lover-boy, they look like they are about to burst. =O

Melon: Stupid experimental lotion! Apple, Blueberry, it's your fault for finding that stuff! >o<

Apple: Me!? You were the one who told us to look in that waste bin for anything valuable that might've been thrown away!

Blueberry: Besides, you're not in any position to start throwing blame around, bubble butt~ *smacks Melon's butt hard, making it jiggle just as hard*

Melon: Yeow!! Wait'll I get my hands on you! I'll...! *futilely tries to grab at Blueberry but is unable to reach any further past her expanded chest*


Kevin: Don’t worry Melon.... You are not going to be in this predicament alone. -/w/-# *Firmly grabs and massages Blueberry's butt, squeezing and playing with it*


*Blueberry's rear suddenly expands, actually bumping Kevin backwards slightly as she falls forward.*

Kevin: *regains his balance after the bump* And...yeah, there, now you can both struggle with this problem. -/w/-# *Smacks her bottom firmly*

Blueberry: Owwie! *pouts cutely*

*e-chan walks up to Kevin and the Pokémon...with the massive Drapion happily clinging to him.*

e-chan: Hey Kevin, having fun now?

Drapion: *wraps her long arms around e-chan*

Kevin: Just putting some brats in place, for the time being. <w< *chuckles a bit*

Annabelle: *Holds Apple in front of her* Try it e-chan, they are squishy and soft and warm. And I am not just talking about the boobs. X3

e-chan: >w> *feels up Apple's belly* wow, so plush~

Apple: O//<//O

e-chan: I'd like you all to meet Saffron *motions to the big Drapion behind him* she may look intimidating at first glance but she's just a big ole kitten in reality. She says she likes this place and wants to stay so I'm going to let her. Say "hi," Saffron.

Saffron: Huggies!

*Wraps her giant arms around Kevin and brings him in for a strong, giant bear hug.*

Kevin: ..... *hugs her back* Even the biggest scary Pokémon can be cuddly. Look at Frejya, she gets insanely cuddly when her girlfriend is over.

e-chan: Very true And also *looks behind Saffron and leads a Lopunny with big hips out to the front to greet Kevin* you've already met but just not in this form; this is Marietta.

*Kevin is a little surprised that the little Buneary he had met earlier and had warned them of all the chaos that was to come had evolved into such a beauty.*

e-chan: She felt responsible for everything that happened and was very depressed; I wanted to help her out of that depression so we got to talking, one thing led to another and now she's also my new family member. ^^

Marietta: *bows to Kevin* T-Thank you for your help; because of all of you everyone in my family has gotten a second chance to live with much kinder people.

Cream: You got that right, Marietta! This guy rocks *motions to Kevin* he's already figured out a way to keep these three knuckleheads in check *motions to Melon, Apple and Blueberry*

Melon: We're NOT knuckleheads! >o<

Coconut:'re right; you're not knuckleheads...

Melon: See?

Coconut:'re more like the Three Stooges in chubby monkey form.

Melon: QAQ ...

Kevin: That is meeeaaaan. *walks over to Marietta and places his hand upon her head, petting her carefully* And no need to thank us. It's what we do.

Annabelle: *Leans over and whispers* he appreciates butt-based "Thank you’s”, by the way. >w>

Kevin: One more squeak out of you and you can wave goodbye to your dessert for the next month. -w-#

Annabelle: Meep! I'll be good! I promise! Q/3/Q;

Marietta: *giggles*

*e-kun, e-sama, Victora, Megumi, Claire and Lucca walk up to e-chan.*

Megumi: Ah, e-chan, just the guy we wanted to see. ^^

e-chan: Hey guys, what's up?

Victora: Trade with us, please!

e-kun: Augh, Victora, we were going to lead up to that slowly! >o<

Victora: I can't help it; I don't like to beat around the bush with my intentions. -~-

e-chan: What's this all about?

e-sama: You see, all six of us have always admired you and your taste for Pokémon. We've always wanted to trade with you but we know that the moment you get attached to a Pokémon there is no way you'll trade them. So we thought that before you get attached to the six that you caught that we'd take this chance to request a trade with you.

Claire: And just so you know, we've talked with our Pokémon beforehand and they are okay with being traded and would love to work side by side with you.

Lucca: So, what do you say, will you trade with us?

e-chan: Hmm, tempting offer...what do you think, Kevin?

Kevin: Sure, why not? I mean, it's worth a shot, right?

e-chan: Alright, then let's do it

Victora: Great! Let's go to your transporter first before we go to your trade machine; I need to make some deposits and withdraws.

e-chan: Okay, it's right this way. ^^

*As e-chan leads the others to where the trades would take place, Arthur, Samantha, Amethyst and Ring walk up to Kevin to see how he was doing. Samantha wastes no time in climbing atop Blueberry's massive mounds despite the chubby monkey's cute protests.*

Samantha: Bouncy. ^w^

Amethyst: *Gets raised up into her father's arms* So much for a calm and relaxing day, huh daddy? *wagging her tail*

Kevin: Yeah, I know, right? And now we have these five to add to the team and family. *Nods to the monkey Pokémon*

Arthur: *Holding his mother's hand* So, what now...?

Ring: Why don't you three take the Pokémon and go swimming?

Samantha: Yeah! Arthur can show-off for his new girlfriend! >w<

Arthur: Can you shut up?! D//X

Kevin: *Lets Amethyst down* You do that.

Annabelle: Alright! Swimming party!

Sierra: Ugh... =.=;

Apple: I don't do water... =.=;

Amethyst: You two can sit with me and do my hair. *wags her tail*

Sierra: ....Sure, I guess? Can’t really say no to that face... =w=


*Dena could be seen clutching a swimsuit while chasing after a naked Denea.*

Dena: Denea honey, stop! If you want to swim please put on your swimsuit first! >o<

Denea: No! Too tight! Rwar! >o<

Dena: Arzekiel, help me! >o<

Arzekiel: I'm trying; she so fast, small and nimble that I can't catch her easily! -o-;

*Denea proved to be a very elusive and slippery target as neither Arzekiel or Dena could manage to catch or trap her.*

Ring: she certainly is a lively one, huh?

Kevin: You can say that again...

Annabelle: How do you stop such a kid anyway...?

Sierra: ....I dunno, figure out a weakness...?

Samantha: .... *whistles* Denea! Over here! *waves and points to Arthur*

Arthur: ... What are you....?

Kevin: =w=; .....Wait for it....

Denea: OwO ~ *charges at Arthur and glomps him naked*

Arthur: O//A//O ......!! *stands there, frozen in shock and some embarrassment as the nude dragongirl hugs him*

Kevin: Well, you have more luck with the girls than I did. Must be your mother's charm working it's magic... =w= *Grabs Denea and holds her in place*

Samantha: *Fetches Denea's parents, quickly* You can thank us later. ^3^

Arzekiel: Thank you *grabs a hold of Denea*

Dena: We're sorry about that, young one; we'll make it up to you, promise.

Arthur: *With foggy glasses* ....I'm just...gonna go change.. ////// *Waddles off into the house again*

Samantha: *drops her dress, showing she had the swimsuit on, still*

Annabelle: Oh, cute. ^^

Samantha: I know I am~

Dena: Now, young lady, if you want to go swimming, or any place outside for that matter, you HAVE to wear some form of clothing, understand?

Denea: ...okay, Mommy.

Dena: Good girl *hands Denea the swimsuit* now go get changed and you can go swimming.

Arzekiel: *places Denea down*

Denea: *skips off after Arthur*

Amethyst: I'll join them, just in case...can’t have her getting all cuddly with brother while he is in the middle of changing. Awkward. ^/~/^; *quickly follows behind Denea*

Kevin: ....Even if they do create some problems and are more than a handful at times... I just love having these kids around. It makes me happy seeing them just being themselves...

Ring: So do I; if this is just a snapshot of our future together then I am determined to be whatever I need to be to secure such a future. Let's work together, side by side, and make it happen, my love~ *hugs Kevin, bringing him deep into her soft body*

Kevin: Just keep being yourself, that is more than enough for me, Ring~ *Hugs her back and firmly grabs her bottom mid-hug, while nuzzling into her bossom*

Samantha: =w= ..... Heh...

Ring: *motions with her tail to Samantha to take the Pokémon and go swimming so she could have some alone time with Kevin*

Samantha: *rolls eyes* Okay everyone, come on, mom wants to be alone with daddy... -w-

Annabelle: Don't do anything I wouldn't do~ <w<

Kevin: You have had sex in public before....

Annabelle: Like I said~

Kevin: -//3//-;

*Samantha and the Pokémon leave to give Kevin and Ring some time alone. The two continue to cuddle when Ring speaks up again.*

Ring: I just learned something...important about myself from Ashuro and Emerald that's due to happen sometime next year...

Kevin: ....Yes honey?

Ring: season. .///.

*Kevin blushes slightly.*

Ring: According to Ashuro and Emerald it happened to them both for the first time after turning 15 and that's how old I'll be next year.

Kevin: ...Oh boy, that's....going to be different for you, huh? I mean, we haven't know.... </./<; *rubs the back of his head* Its a bit unexplored territory...

Ring: And apparently when it takes hold it REALLY takes hold. Ashuro says that he has to seal himself away and train like crazy to keep his mind off of it and Emerald has Trey, so I wonder what I should do...

*Thinking back, during certain times of the year he could never find or contact Ashuro for a full month sometimes, which explained a lot. The same was true with Trey who he would catch glimpses of looking very drained and tired occasionally.*

Kevin: Hmmm.... Hard to say what should be done about the situation, but....Ring, I don’t think I can stay away from you for an entire month, so that is out of the question. *Sits down and gets her to kneel beside him* Maybe....maybe we can visit Slumber Gigas and ask for some advice on how to help you with this. And if we don’t find out about something concrete for what to do...some would say we just wait it out and go with it, but I don’t think that's how you would want to "go about our business", and especially not the first time it happens.

Ring: Maybe Grandpa can help us. He's a Nekofi and has acquired much knowledge in his long life; perhaps he'll know something that can help.

Kevin: And then one day, when you truly feel like it, and you think you are ready for it....then we can have our first really intimate night together. *kisses her cheek* Until then, just skin-shipping, cuddling and playful spankings for you, girl.

Ring: *giggles* okay

Kevin: So yeah, don't worry about it. But find someone to talk to about it if you need to. Trust me, it helps. *Gently grabs both her breasts and rubs them teasingly* Hehe, Melon, Apple and Blueberry might me soft and squishy, but nothing beats the Ring Francesca Diamond patent of being soft and squishy, on top of being an adorably sexy kittycat~

Ring: *seems to melt into Kevin's gentle caress*

Kevin: *Lets both her breasts go and watches them jiggle and bounce slightly* Shall we also get into the pool? We could need a refreshing dip.

Ring: Lets

*Kevin takes Ring's hand and helps her up, heading inside to change together with her, meeting their kids and Denea on the way*

Amethyst: *wearing a purple one-piece* That was so sweet of you, helping Denea get dressed~

Arthur: *Wearing blue-green trunks now* She insisted... >///>

Denea: *wags her tail happily* ^w^ ~

Amethyst: You liked it, pushing that lovely peach of hers into that suit~

Arthur: Amethyst, shu--

Amethyst: No. You like butts, just like daddy, and you now it~

Arthur: ....That’s...not un-true... >//_//>;

Ring: *stoops down and pat's Arthur's head* there-there, it's nothing to be ashamed of, honey. We all have our little quirks that define and shape up who we are; this is just one of yours.

Kevin: Listen to your mother, she knows what she is talking about. Now, be nice and take your sister and Denea to the pool, like the little gentleman you are.

Arthur: Okay, okay... =//= *Gently takes hold of their hands* Shall we go....?

Amethyst: Yes brother, please show us the way~

Denea: *hugs Arthur's entire arm* ^w^ ~

Arthur: ....>//^//>; *walks off with them*

Kevin: Did you see his expression change a bit there as well?

Ring: Sure did

Rex: *walks up and looks back at Kevin and Ring's kids* You two have a lot to look forward too, huh?

Kevin: Hey, you too. You managed to hook quite the lady, Rex.

Rex: *scratches the back of his head* ...Yeah, well...I guess you have a point there. >//>

Lucca: Hey Rex~ how do I look? *does a quick spin around*

*Lucca steps out of the room she was changing in to model her sexy two-piece, pirate flag themed swimsuit to Rex.*

Rex: o//_//O look good in black.

Kevin: And good in flags.

Lucca: Why thank you~ ^3^ The ones I ordered were supposed to be a deep navy blue but the traditional black works just as well it seems.

Rex: Either that or it is just you making it work. <//.//<

*Next out of the changing room were Riley and Gene. Gene was wearing a lime green bikini with orange sarong tied around her waist while Riley was wearing a swimsuit that Gene picked out for her that she looked like she could pop out of at any moment with how tight it was.*

Riley: >///<; Why did I let you talk me into wearing this?

Gene: Because I said Rex would like it~

Rex: *Staring with his mouth agape, a rosy glow in his cheeks as he blushed at the sight* Oh...oh dear... o//.//o

Gene: Hmm.... Pirates and Egyptians seems to be his flavor of the year, girls~

*e-chan's newly acquired Lucario, Rukia, came out of her changing room wearing a similar swimsuit, snuck up behind Riley and smacked her butt with her open palm, making it jiggle.*

Riley: Yow! Who did...!?

Rukia: Yeah, I thought it was you, Bubble Butt Oneechan~

Riley: What the...!? That unflattering nickname; the only one who called me that way; it really was you, Rukia! I knew that aura I sensed from you felt familiar.

Rukia: Likewise, sister.

Lucca: Riley, you never told me you had a sister.

Rukia: Yeah, that's just like my sister, to forget to mention such an important detail to her friends and partners. The name is Rukia; nice to meet you all~ *strikes a sexy pose, jiggling a little bit from the movement*

Kevin: Likewise.

Rex: ...Yeah, same here. <//<; Damn, I am glad your Salamence doesn't have a human-like form like the Bibarel and Heliolisk, Lucca.... I have a distinct feel it would be very-

Kevin: Sexy? =w=

Rex: Distracting! D//X

Kevin: Sure, if you say so, little guy.

Lucca: I say give her time and it will eventually happen. It's actually a new phenomenon going around with Pokémon that has yet to be fully understood or explained. Some Pokémon have been reported to be in their regular forms and then suddenly without warning they can take on a more human-like form. One thing that these Pokémon have in common is that they can all speak the human language very fluently.

Rex: That's...interesting.

Kevin: Huh. Well now, I wonder what’s the reason behind that.

Lucca: Beats me. Pokémon are mysterious creatures; perhaps this is just another one of those things that they can do that we humans don't fully understand why yet. ^^

Kevin: I guess there is some truth to that statement.

Rex: Hmm, yeah. *nods and smiles a bit*

Rukia: *inspecting Riley all over then pokes her thighs to make them jiggle* still snacking between meals, I see~ -w-

Riley: *futilely tries to cover her butt* you're one to talk; your body is no different than mine right now >3<

Rukia: True, but the difference between you and I is that I'm proud of my chub~ ^3^ *strikes another cute pose*

Kevin: ....She is like Annabelle. =w=;

Rex: .....The difference is also that Riley's reactions are cuter. The denial and frustration, it is kinda adorable, if you want my opinion. -//-

Riley: C-Cute...? .//3//.

Rex: *nods* Yeah.... <//<

Kevin: Seems like Rex likes the embarrassed reactions.

Rex: *frowns a bit* ...Guess so... <//__//<;

Rukia: Well, it's nice to see that you got some nice people looking after you that care for you so much; you were always so shy that I was afraid that you wouldn't make any friends on your own.

Rex: ...Well, she still has some of that shy side to her.

Gene: *Leans on Rex* Speaking of which, she is still waiting on the butt-massage after that rough battle, Rexie-boy~

Rex: ...Oh, yeah, that's right. <//.//<;

Lucca: -3- Oh... *pouts a little upon hearing that only Riley would be receiving a butt-massage*

Rex: *looks at Lucca* Hey... If you want it too, just ask. You can ask me for stuff like that. I am your...boyfriend, aren't I?

*Kevin and Gene both look genuinely surprised, as it was the first time either of them had heard Rex actually refer to himself as Lucca's boyfriend.*

Lucca: You sure are, darling; and yes, I would like one of those massages too~ *kisses Rex on his lips* But before that *hands Rex some suntan lotion* we both could use some help in applying some sun protection~ ^3^

Rex: Sure, sure... I've got you covered.

Lucca: *wraps both of her arms around Rex's right arm* ^w^

Riley: *wraps both of her arms around Rex's left arm* >3>

Lucca: Lead the way, darling~

Rex: .... Just over here. >//3//>; *starts to calmly walk in the direction of the pool together with the two of them*

Rukia: *grabs a bottle of suntan lotion* Hey, e-chan~ Oil me up! ^o^ *goes off in search of e-chan*

Kevin: Seems like both of them will have their hands full...

Ring: And so will you~ *pulls a bottle of suntan lotion out of the stone in her left hand*

Kevin: Well, if you insist~ I am the only thing that's going to make your butt sore, after all... >/w/>


*After a quick change, Kevin takes Ring and leads her to the pool where quite a lot of their friends, and a couple Pokémon, had gathered and were once again just having a good time together. No worries, just playful shenanigans.*

Kevin: *Begins to apply lotion to Ring's body after getting her settled down in a spot* Heeeere we go big girl, just relax and let me do the work for you~

Ring: Okay ^w^

Kevin: ....But we gotta make sure I get you thoroughly covered~ >|3

*After he said that, Kevin promptly grabbed and pulled down her bottoms to get her rear to bounce out, before starting to rub and squeeze her now-bared butt and apply lotion to the entirety of that area*

Ring: *makes a sudden squeak from the surprise but doesn't mind it happening*

Kevin: Let's make sure to take our time with this~

*While Kevin and Ring is spending their time with the intense "lotion session", the kids were already enjoying their time by the pool, except for a select few who were just relaxing by the edge of it, including Amethyst and the monkey Pokémon, but also Blaze and her father's Charizard, having a joyful little chat*

Blaze: I bet you a jelly donut that one of the guys end up losing their swimming gear first~

Amethyst: No way, it's going to be one of us girls. Trust me. =O

Rex (Charizard): Gotta agree with Amethyst, it's more likely for one of you to get hit before the guys.

Sierra: Hah, I would like to see that change. -w-

Blaze: Which is why I am betting for it; it might just happen! >3<#

Amethyst: And you are a bit boy-crazed, so of course you want to see it.

Blaze: I have my fantasies, yes. ./w/. *wags her tail*

Haruka: *sits next to Blaze* we have much to discuss then, my friend

Blaze: Oh yes we do! ...About boys, I suppose? .w.

Amethyst: I might as well chime in on this~ ... *Looks up at Rex* this going to be weird for you, or...?

Rex (Charizard): Nah nah, just go ahead you girls.

Haruka: Of course about boys. ^^ I keep notes on all of the boys of interest in this little book *holds up a little black leather notebook* have a look for yourselves.

Blaze: *Scoots over* Show us~


*Within Haruka's notebook were notes and pictures of pretty much all of the boys that all three girls knew of. From boys that were with them, like Tsubasa, Dex and Arthur, to ones that weren't there yet like Batou Jr.; it seemed that the only boy that wasn't documented in her notebook was e-chan Jr.*

Haruka: Well, what do you think; see anything interesting?

Blaze: You even have Rigby and Raphael in there~

Amethyst: Surprised to see my brother. What made you put him in the book?

Haruka: Why wouldn't I have him in here? If you haven't noticed, he is all sort of cute~ ^/3/^

Amethyst: Well, I guess you have a point there. -w-

Blaze: Sure it's not because we have all seen him in his birthday suit~?

Amethyst: Blaze! XD

Haruka: I'll admit that that gave him some extra points but overall I find him cute due to his personality...and that accent~ ^//^

Blaze: Oh yes. I imagine that when he grows up, it will be the kinda voice that makes me purr~ =/u/= Meow~

Amethyst: .... *clears her throat* Well, eh... On the subject of them growing up... If we are lucky, Roger doesn't become such a dog.

Haruka: Yeah ^w^ I can already tell that Ben is going to be one of pretty boy-types when he gets older. ^//^

Blaze: Charm him with your future-booty~ X3 *wiggles*

Haruka: Will do And Kurt, I can see him being the hot wild-man type when he grows up. He's such a good big brother too; I wish mine was more like that sometimes.

Amethyst: My brother could be a bit more determined know, not such a downer at times.

Blaze: You are lucky. I am still an only child... .3.

Haruka: At least if your parents had another child you'd be a big sister; looks like I'll forever be a little sister... .3.

Blaze: *Hugs and nuzzles her* That's not a bad thing though~

Haruka: *smiles* yeah, I guess having a big brother isn't all that bad; they're great at finding ways to get out of reach cookie jars ^^

*That was a fact that even Amethyst had to agree with.*

Amethyst: Not to mention how protective they can be as well.

Blaze: Well, I guess there is one thing I don’t need to mess with that much, in contrast to you two.

Amethyst: ...And that is...?

Blaze: Jealousy.

Amethyst: ...Huh? ._.

Haruka: Eh?

Blaze: You know, as time passes, your siblings might grow more attached to others if they grow to really really like them. And then they have less time for you, even if they still spend time with you, the fact that it is less than before and all that.

Amethyst: ...I, uh...Blaz-

Blaze: Just look at Arthur there in the pool~

*True enough, Arthur was there in the pool and holding Denea's hands as she were kicking around in the water. He looked like he was actually having a lot of fun.*

Amethyst: .... *pouts* =3=; Um... Bro can be with who he wants to be I am still his sister, in the end.

Blaze: You say that, but what if he starts to want to spend more and more time with her?

Amethyst: Hrmf... -^- *crosses her arms*

Rex (Charizard): Haha, she got you there.

Haruka: Well at least I don't have to worry about any girl going after my brother anytime soon. His hobbies are a bit boring; all he likes to do is build stuff, draw and write. Even that silly Fox-HI girl doesn't share those same interests and she seems to like him. I mean, who else could...?

*Blaze points over to e-chan Jr. who was sitting on the edge of the pool next to Jessie. The two of them seemed to be having a lively conversation about something as their eyes sparkled with excitement over the topic of their discussion. The two of them were really having fun just talking.*

Haruka: ...Hmph... *puffs out her cheeks, turns her head away and crosses her arms*

*Just then, both Haruka and Amethyst are splashed by Samantha, who had sneaked up on them from the pool, looking up at them with a smirk.*

Samantha: I heard all of it, but you girls are forgetting one thing: The jealousy works both ways. Our brothers might get jealous when we start hanging with others more than them...though in our case, it’s more like Amethyst and I leave Arthur behind to play and hang with you he might be more sad than jealous at this point. >w>;

Amethyst: o3o;; ...oops...

Blaze: You two are bad sisters.

*Amethyst and Samantha promptly push and drag Blaze into the pool after she made that comment, causing her to flail and quickly push herself up from the water and seek shelter under Rex afterwards, now with a frown on her face*

Haruka:'re right; I go off and hang out with others more than I do with him. Maybe before I let jealous feelings take hold I should think about things from his point of view first.

Samantha: *Rises up and sits next to Haruka, hugging her* Yes you should, or else this kitten will make sure to remind you with her special ways~ >w<

Haruka: *laughs nervously* that won't be necessary...a second time

Samantha: *Smirks and looks Haruka into her eyes* Don’t think I have forgotten how you oogled Arthur when he lost his swimming trunks... |3 *Tail wags slowly*

Blaze: *Quick-dried herself with some heat* I am getting bored, so do something if you are actually planning on doing anything. =w=

Samantha: Oh, I want to do something, trust me. >w<

*Suddenly, Blaze, Haruka and Samantha get shot with a squirt of water but when they look out to the pool to see who it was they don't find anybody. However, when they see a few more kids get squirted with water from an invisible attacker they figure out who it was.*

Haruka: Must be Cassandra practicing her water cloaking technique and water ninjutsu again. -.-

Samantha: Bleh, typical... =3=; She doesn't look like it, but she is quite a prankster....

Bella: *Jumps and squeaks as her butt gets a sudden spray* COLD! O//A//O;;

Silk: ....

Arthur: *Gets sprayed in the face* Ey! *cough* Not the face...! >~<;;

*Cassandra then shoots a jet of water at Cookie that bankshots off of her to get Cream, who was nearby, as well.*

Cookie: Waaugh! >oO

Cream: Who's doing that!?

Haruka: How do you do you find a ninja hiding in their very element?

Dex: *Looks to Minami* Magic, maybe?

Arthur: ...Either that, or a distraction...

Ben: *sighs then looks over in the direction he knows Cassandra is in then breathes an icy wind ring around Cassandra, forming ice that makes her visible to others and keeps her afloat but unable to move her arms*

Cassandra: O.O; *surprised that her cover was blown*

Ben: Cool it, sis; we're all here to have fun, not train.

Tia: Well she can have fun while training....

Bella: Hrmf... =3=;

Ben: I agree, but just not when said training is used to annoy others on purpose.

Samantha: A playful prank once in a while is fine and all...but don’t push it, ninja girl. -w-

Cassandra: -3- *nods begrudgingly*

To be continued…

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