Monday, December 5, 2016

Mega XD002 VS Everybody! The Unexpected Finishing Blow!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 26
“Mega XD002 VS Everybody! The Unexpected Finishing Blow!!”
An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

The girls, Spoony and the other Mewtwo go through the ring and then finally so does the Hoopa to escape from the ship. When they arrive they find themselves in the Pokémon city where they see e-chan battling against Big Boss with his Gothorita, Sugar, his Greninja, Asui, and more surprisingly, two different Riolus, Aurora and one neither of them had seen before.

Megumi: Since when has e-chan had two Riolus?

Hoopa: *recognizes the mystery Riolu* so that's what happened to Rukia; she must've escaped notice like Strawberry and Blueberry here and wasn't turned into a Shadow Pokémon.

Victora: That's all well and good but where did big, tall and scary go?

Masquerade: *Looks around franticly* We can’t let that thing just run wild...! The plan was to have Rex and Gene engage in combat with it. They are our safest bet right now...!

Big Boss: *charges at Sugar and Asui with Shadow Blitz*

Asui: *gracefully leaps out of the way*

Sugar: *tries to do the same but fails and gets knocked to the side upon collision*

Aurora and Rukia: *gets behind Big Boss and performs a double Force Palm on his back, sending him flying into a tree*

e-chan: Here we go, my last Snag Ball! *tosses the Snag Ball at Big Boss and catches it successfully* Yes!

Sugar: *gets up and pouts, disappointed in her performance* TT 3 TT

e-chan: *picks up the Snag Ball then goes over to Sugar and pats her head reassuringly before noticing Masquerade and the others* huh? I thought you guys were on the ship.

Masquerade: We were, job finished, but we have a bit of a bigger issue now! There is a rampant shadow-induced Mewtwo around here, and it means trouble!

e-chan: You mean that one *points over to the very friendly Mewtwo*

Mewtwo: *makes a funny face*

Victora: This derp? Does that really look like the face of a rampant shadow-induced Mewtwo? -_-

Mewtwo: *makes another funny face*

e-chan: ...I suppose not...

Masquerade: I made a mistake, alright? If that thing is down here, then the kids are also in grave danger!

e-chan: The kids...alright, how can I help?

Megumi: Do you know where Rex and Gene are?

e-chan: I think I saw them pass by earlier; he was carrying a Smoochum and Riley was with them. I think they went th-

*An explosion could be heard high in the sky. Looking up they could see the Shadow Mewtwo shooting Shadow Blast attacks at Marco's freshly abandoned massive ship.*

e-chan: What is that thing doing!? OoO;;

Masquerade: Aaaaaah, none of my plans are working out....!

*Scooter appears on the scene.*

Scooter: There you are, e-chan my man.

e-chan: We've got a big problem, Scooter; that Shadow Mewtwo up there, if it takes out that ship our home and everyone gathered here will be in grave danger.

Scooter: *looks up at the Shadow Mewtwo* I see...then we'll just have to get it to come down here so we can deal with it.

e-chan: How?

*Scooter turns to the friendly Mewtwo and the two of them look into each-others’ eyes for a few seconds.*

Scooter: You, what is your name?

Mewtwo: ...I don't have one...

Scooter: Then I'll give you one to match your beauty; how does Aquamarine sound?

Aquamarine: Aquamarine...I like it.

Scooter: Will you help us protect our home and our friends and family, Aquamarine? If you like you can stay here once it is safe.

Aquamarine: ...okay

*Aquamarine rockets off in the sky towards the Shadow Mewtwo. When she reaches her Aquamarine uses Iron Tail to slam her sister down to the earth with a mighty crash, stopping her assault on the ship. The Shadow Mewtwo doesn't stay down for long as she rockets back up and engages Aquamarine in close quarters combat. Kevin, Shuryo, Rex and everybody else who had went off to battle the wave of Shadow Pokémon gather underneath the battle in the sky to put together a plan.*

Emily: I've got some good news and bad news about this Shadow Mewtwo.

Shuryo: Good news first, then bad ones... <_<

Emily: Like any Pokémon, it is possible for this one to be defeated in battle or caught, plus it is quite easy to get her attention so as long as we keep up the pressure we don't have to worry about her going after the ship or anybody not engaged in battling.

Rex: I guess the chub has a point.

Shuryo: *pets her*

Emily: Sadly that's the end of the good news.

Kevin: Come with it.

Emily: The bad news is that when I was going over Marco's notes on that Shadow Mewtwo's development I came across some rather troublesome details. For one, in addition to that Shadow Blast attack it has he gave her three brand new Shadow attacks of his own design, each one very unbalanced and very annoying.

*Kevin, knowing the nature of Shadow attacks in general, face palmed and groaned when he heard this bit of news.*

Kevin: Uuuuuuugh.... And with Shadow moves being super effective on ANYTHING that is not a Shadow, that is going to be a pain in the ass, worse than the spankings that Ashuro and his friends dish out...

Rex: *rolls eyes* So what's the deets on those moves...?

Emily: I guess there is some good news here as well since none of these moves does damage.

*Kevin breathes a slight sigh of relief upon hearing that.*

Emily: The first move is called "Shadow Armor." Not only does it negate all damage and status effects upon activation but it'll have a 30% chance of increasing all of her stats by one level.

Rex: So it is a Protect on roids...

Shoryu: Annoying.....

Emily: The second move is called "Shadow Warp." Think of this one as a reverse Teleport; instead of warping herself someplace else she can warp opponents to different places or even trap incoming projectile attacks in an endless loop void to call upon for later. However, on the plus side, this requires some recharge time after every use so she can't spam it at least.

Kevin: Sounds like a brain twister, that one...

Emily: The third one is by far the worst for us; it is called "Shadow Heal." This move not only restores ALL of her HP but it also completely restores all of her energy and stamina as well. With this one move you have an unstoppable force that'll never get tired or weak. That's why we either have to catch or knock out her unconscious and then catch her to truly stop her.

Shuryo: .....There has to be some drawback...

Emily: You're right, there is a drawback, a major one. According to Marco's notes this Mewtwo isn't exactly complete yet. And from his notes I quote "she has become to aggressive to finish making the necessary adjustments to safely. I need to figure out how to remedy this before the overflowing Shadow energy she is producing overwhelms and consumes her alive like a blazing fire."

Kevin: .....Oh.....

Rex: That is potentially morbid.

Emily: That's why if we want to save her and ourselves we need to act soon.

Shuryo: You have done well finding and sharing this information. Thank you. *Pets her again*

Rex: This won’t be easy, however...

Emily: And one more important piece of info, she can freely Mega Evolve between her two forms.

Ashuro: For an opponent like this we'll need both Pokémon and fighters.

Shuryo: *Kneels down and looks Emily in the eyes* Can you try to run around and get as many people to join us here...?

Emily: Okay

*Emily goes around the Pokémon city and inside of e-chan and Scooter's home to gather people and Pokémon that could help them fight. She brings back a rather large group of fighters, Trainers and Pokémon to aid their cause...including some very young recruits that definitely weren't there before. They consisted of a red-headed boy with a large afro, a young girl with fiery hair and wearing very short clothes, a muscular catboy with spiky hair, a dark-skinned catgirl with short hair and wearing a simple red dress, a girl with violet hair and a scar on her forehead and finally a chubby raccoon girl with really big hair.*

Ashuro: Hmm? I see we've got some new faces here.

Kevin: Little new faces! =O

Zack: More of your kids?

Cameron: Hey-Hey everybody, the name is Cameron; this is my little sister Jessie *points to the fiery haired girl*

Jessie: *waves and winks*

Cameron: This buff kitten is Rigby *points to the muscular catboy*

Rigby: Eeyup ^^

Cameron: This little bundle of softness and cuteness is Leaf *points to the chubby raccoon girl*

Leaf: Hi~

Cameron: This cool-eyed beauty is Tia *points to the violet haired girl with a scar on her forehead* and finally this playful, kitten-shaped bundle of energy is Blaze *points to the catgirl in the red dress* We're all here to help

Tia: ... *bows quietly*

Blaze: Hey hey hey! *waves excitedly*

Kevin: Well well well, aren't you adorable. ^^ We appreciate it, but we also don’t want to put you kids in trouble.

Cameron: It wouldn't be any trouble; we can help, really. Both Jessie and I are good trainers.

*Cameron and Jessie each take out a Poke Ball; Cameron calls out his Eevee while Jessie calls out her Chimchar.*

Cameron: Then there are Rigby and Leaf here; Rigby knows how to fight and can hold his own against tough opponents.

Rigby: *flexes his arm muscles then easily lifts Olaf up with one arm* Eeyup~

Cameron: And Leaf here, we haven't been able to accurately measure her strength with anything at our disposal.


Olaf: ...Please put me down... .w.;

Shuryo: *kneels down to Leaf and pokes her belly* Hmm...lots of power hidden behind a plump surface... I can sense power from her, but still, putting kids at risk is not one of my practices... <_<

Skylar: hey, all we need to do is to bring down the psychic shadow menace and the kids won’t need to join in, right?

Rex: Easier said than done, steak-breath...

Skylar: =A=;

*Looking up everybody could see that Aquamarine's stamina was fading fast as XD002 began getting the upper hand.*

Cameron: Okay, tell you what, we'll stand back, watch and only get involved as an absolute last resort; sound fair?

Shuryo: *nods* You do that, kids.

Kevin: Alright, the right way to do this would be to use some Shadow Pokémon who still remember at least one of their natural moves, to make the battle less one-sided on the Pokémon Battle aspect.

e-chan: While searching for my kids I managed to catch six different Shadow Pokemon and they each seemed to have remembered one of their natural moves.

e-kun: I caught one that has remembered two of them.

Victora: Megumi and I each caught one but they don't seem to have remembered any of their original attacks.

Kevin: I am not even sure about mine...

Rex: Lucca and I gathered some. Didn't really check the moves...

Zack: Toothpick sadly reformed all of them instantly. No Shadow moves here.

e-chan: That's amazing; maybe we can get him to do what he did to the ones you have to her if we can get her worn out enough. ^^

Zack: Well...we can hope it works?

Trey: Better than nothing.

*Suddenly, Aquamarine is struck by a heavy blow by XD002 and is sent rocketing down to the ground and crashing pretty hard. XD002 follows her down but before she can land another attack a gigantic Hyper Beam erupts from the ground underneath XD002, stopping her in her tracks and sending her sky high. Everybody was surprised by the sudden and surprise happening and looked at the hole in the ground where the Hyper Beam had come from.*

e-chan: >_> ... *cautiously inches closer to the hole*

Kevin: Why do these things keep surprising me... o_o;

*Suddenly something big and green rockets up out of the hole and does a flip in the air before landing on its feet. It was a Tyranitar, one just as big and strong as Shuryo's Tyranitar. He turns around to face e-chan with a slightly worried look on his face then speaks.*

Tyranitar: H-Hi, I'm back, e-chan...

e-chan: Huh? Back? Do we know each other?

Tyranitar: Um, yes; although the last time we saw each other I was much smaller than this...

e-chan: Smaller? ... T-Tank!? Is that you? OMG it's so great to see you again; you had me worried, guy! *hugs Tank*

Tank: Sorry I've been away for so long *hugs e-chan*

Satonaka: O-oooooh... O//.//O *tail swishes back and forth*

Coal: *nudges her side* Keep your composure, you just got in the arms of the Charizard, don’t blow it...

Satonaka: Q//3//Q; .....

Kevin: Damn, I remember seeing Tank when I was over some time back... He sure grew. =O

Trey: Well he IS a Tyranitar now... -.-

Kevin: I know that! I mean just that it happened way quicker than I have seen a Larvitar normally evolve! He must have trained a LOT.

e-chan: What have you been up to? I knew that you were high level to begin with but how did you get like this in the end so quickly?

Tank: Overcoming my fears and paranoia little by little by having small adventures and helping other Pokémon in need that I met along the way. I learned that my usual battle tactics didn't work in every situation so I had to learn how to adapt, even if it meant learning new moves...or even evolving, I became what I needed to be to overcome the challenge. That's when I thought about what I've been doing. With my previous trainer I became what I needed to be in order to help her...but I'm not with her anymore. You're my trainer now; you gave me a home and love when I had nothing left. So I decided to become what you need: a strong Pokémon worthy of an accomplished and experienced trainer like yourself. And judging by the looks of things I came back at just the right time to help you; why is there a giant ship and a reverse-colored Mewtwo here?

Gene: *warps next to him* Long story short: Evil scientist screwing with our family outing. =w=;

e-chan: And by the way, that was an amazing Hyper Beam; that Shadow Mewtwo is STiLL being carried higher in the air by it.

Tank: Thanks but I don't think it'll stay like that for long; once it breaks free from it I have the feeling that it'll be pretty angry.

Zack: Like Vegeta....

Rex: Seems like we need to pull all the stops... *unveils his key stone* Going all out.

Kevin: Seems like a plan. *reveals a key stone as well, which he had worn under his shirt, like a necklace*

Trey: *Shows that his wrist clock had a hidden compartment, hiding his own key stone* Yeah, that shadow queen ain't got nothing on us by combing our strongest Pokémon.

Sharkey: Alright! I get to go all-out again!?

Gene: *shrugs* I guess I can show my special form to everyone here. We are all friends, so... =w=

Rex (Charizard): *grins* Yeah, getting to show-off for all the ladies here sounds like a prime option for me~

Toothpick: Don’t get full of yourself~

Lucca: *pushes some of her hair aside to reveal her Mega Earring* you ready for this, Riley?

Riley: *nod confidently*

Victora: *gently flicks the Mega Earring on her right ear* you all rested up, Earl?

Earl: *yawns and stretches* yup =w=

Ursula: *pouts a bit* -3-

Victora: Just because you can't Mega Evolve doesn't mean that you can't battle too, Ursula.

Ursula: *looks eager and excited upon hearing that*

Claire: *taps her feet a bit to make the anklet on her right foot jingle and to show there was a Key Stone along with the bells*

Piper and Melody: *perform an energetic dance to get themselves pumped for the upcoming battle*

e-kun: *equips his Mega Ring* now, can the two of us cooperate long enough to deal with this threat, Annie?

Annie: *limbers up* I suppose so...but you and the girls have to treat me to a spa day afterwards ^3^

e-kun: But I just gave you a...! ...fine... -_-

e-sama: *equips his Mega Ring and exchanges a silent gaze and nod with Takeshi*

Takeshi: *nods back to e-sama*

e-chan and Tank: *fist bumps*

Fuu: Guess I am in as well.. *pulls out a key stone attached to a key holder, of all things*

Eon: *nods*

Blitz: Gregory, you up?

Gregory: Kekekeke, always~

Skylar: *pulls out a pin from the inside of his jacket, symbolizing the family crest, housing a key stone*

Ryu: I told you I had more tricks to show-off...

Shuryo: Seems like everyone is up and ready to go... *Pulls out a necklace, similar to the one Kevin wore*

T-Rex: *Roars towards the sky*

Ring: *equips her Mega Ring and looks at Red with a smile on her face*

Red: *roars towards the sky as well*

Scooter: *helps Aquamarine to her feet* you okay?

Aquamarine: Uh-huh Guess it is time to get serious *shows Scooter both of her hands to show that she had two Mega Stones in her hands as well*

Scooter: Sweet~ *pulls a pocket watch out of his afro and opens it to reveal a key stone in the center of it*

XD002: *finally flies back down to the ground and lands, looking pretty pissed* *sees Aquamarine and charges at her*

Sugar: *uses Psychic to slow then stop XD002 in place* be...shown up! >O<

Rukia: *dashes up to XD002 and kicks her with all of her might*

XD002: *gets sent flying back into a tree*

Sugar and Rukia: *high fives* *begins glowing brightly*

Stealth: Hello Deus Ex Evolution.

Simon: *shields his eyes a little* Always bright... >.<;

Sugar: *evolves into a Gothitelle* foul beast *bends backwards like Boa Hancock and points at XD002* Know your place!

Rukia: *evolves into a Lucario...with a butt exactly like Riley's* Hot stuff coming your way!

Aurora: O_O; ...I sure hope my butt doesn't get that big when I evolve -.-;

Riley: *senses Rukia's aura* OoO That aura coming from, it can't be...can it?

Lucca: What's up Riley?

Riley: Nothing; it's nothing, really...

Simon: .....Su-Sugar evolved o///o

Ryu: That's our sister-line, alright... *kneels down to Aurora and playfully grabs her butt* I dunno, you rear is pretty ample, even now.

Aurora: *groans cutely* -~-;

XD002: *floats towards the group and glares at them* *Mega Evolves into Mega Mewtwo Y*

Scooter: Looks like she's getting serious now.

Momo: Master, let me fight too!

Scooter: Sure thing, Momo!

Kevin: Alright time!

*The collective group from Kevin's side all activate their Mega-Evolutions respectively, bringing out the potential of some of their strongest teammates and pushing it to the peak*

Sharkey (Mega-Garchomp): *drags his scythe-like arms against one another* Fired up and ready to go!

Ryu (Mega-Gallade): *tosses his cape back and smirks* Heh.

Rex (Mega-Charizard X): *cracks his knuckles* Oh-ho-ho alright, time to lay down some smack~!

Eon: (Mega-Latios): *Hovers above the ground with folded arms* ...

Gregory: (Mega-Gengar): KekekekeKAAAAAH!! Shadow Tag, active, she can’t escape now~!

T-Rex (Mega-Tyranitar): *Simply roars to the high heavens again*

Gene: Oh, the special version, huh? Well, time to face you on even playing fields~! *Changes shape and shrinks down a bit to her own Mega-Mewtwo Y form*

*Toko, Lulu, Kunai, Cotton, Yoko and Pearl gather at e-chan, e-kun and Ring's side, ready to fight as well.*

e-chan: *hands Rukia a bracelet with a Lucarionite in it* Let's win this and then resume with the good times!

*The collective group from e-chan's side all activate their Mega Evolutuions respectively, bringing out the true power of some of their best teammates.*

Toko (Mega Blaziken): *does a few rapid kick at the air* OH YEAH!!

Lulu (Mega Latias): I'll-I'll do my best!

Kunai (Mega Scizor): I'm gonna hit 'em hard, hit 'em fast and over and over again! *throws a few punches at the air*

Cotton (Mega Altaria): *hums a melodic and graceful tune that erases any lingering fear her teammates might've had*

Rukia (Mega Lucario): Feel the full force of my aura! >w<

Yoko (Mega Heracross): My hits may seem weak at first but they definitely add up when I don't miss! ^^

Annie (Mega Loppuny): Heh, this shouldn't take long now that I'm here.

Takeshi (Mega Sceptile): Another battle, another time to refine my skill *brandishes his massive tail about*

Piper (Mega Medicham): See the majesty of my dance *moves about rhythmically*

Riley (Mega Lucario): *makes a staff with Bone Rush and twirls it around masterfully*

Red (Mega Charizard Y): Drought, active, let the sunshine in~

Pearl (Mega Aggron): I won't let anything get through my defenses! *roars up to the heavens*

Momo (Mega Garchomp): Can't let my Ryu have all of the fun~ *winks at Ryu*

Aquamarine: Eh, when in Rome... *transforms into her Mega Mewtwo Y form*

Melody (Aria Form): I can't Mega Evolve but I can do this~ *does a little dance and uses Relic Song on XD002 to transform into her Pirouette form*

XD002: *doesn't even flinch or fall asleep from the attack*

Melody (Pirouette Form): Aw, she didn't fall asleep...

Philip: It was a nice try, though...

Gene: *Floats next to Riley and squeezes her buttocks* Lots of muscle, but still a bubble butt, my dear friend. <w<

Rex (Mega-Charizard X): Alright then, seems like ev-

*Rex is interrupted when a metallic-sounding roar, almost like something out of a horror movie, rings through the air. And speaking of the started to get colder*

Kevin: ....Wait, what? Even SHE is joining in!?

Skylar: *shielding his ears* WHAT!? SPEAK LOUDER, I CANT HEAR A THING AFTER THAT! >o<

*Skylar and the others didn't need to wait long as the looming presence of the cold and ruthless ice dragon from Kevin's team comes crashing down between the gang and XD002. Freyja the Kyurem, immediatly changing into her Black form, gaining traits from the Zekrom DNA she had on hand*

Frejya: Mewtwo cause noise! Bothersome! Will deal with personally!


Sam: Doesn't really matter as long as she directs her destructive powers on that Shadow Psychic!

*XD002 doesn't at all seem intimidated by Frejya's sudden appearance then attacks her with Shadow Blast. Nobody thought it was possible but after that attack Frejya looked even more pissed than earlier.*

Lulu: Sh-Should we be standing this close to them?

Eon: *stances himself between Lulu and the Kyurem, gently pushing her back* Maybe us dragons should stay back a little. She is an Ice/Dragon type, afterall... <_<

Frejya: *Brings her claws together, a white-bluish ball of energy surrounded by an electric current starting to form in-between them and grow larger* Attack good...but lack finishing touch. Frejya show you....

Sharkey: Back off back off BACK OFF! It's a Freeze Shock! O__O;;

Rex (Mega-Charizard X): Fuck that noise! *takes to the skies*

XD002: *uses Shadow Warp to switch places with Eon and Lulu, putting them directly in front of Frejya's attack*

Emily: She used Shadow Warp! Whoever owns this Kyurem please get her to re-aim her attack; XD002 can't move for a little while after using that move!

Kevin: Frejya! Hold fire, don-

Frejya: Shut face! Frejya will-

Kevin: Amazon is asking if you are feeling alright... -3-

Frejya: .//. Oh. Yes. Frejya is fine. *Instantly seems to have calmed down, even if for just that instant*

Kevin: Aim THERE! >O< *points to the spot where Eon and Lulu stood in before...where the other Pokemon were sorta crowded around XD002*

Frejya: ..... *growls and charges the attack some more before taking aim*

Ryu: Isn't that attack sorta an AoE? Won’t we be hit? o_O;

Sharkey: There is this thing called dodging!

XD002: *sees Frejya charging her attack but is unable to move a muscle*

Sugar: *gets out of Frejya's blast radius and uses Psychic to hold XD002 in place to make sure she doesn't move* Ohohoho~

Frejya: GRAAAAH!! *fires the energy ball at XD002, causing a burst of electricity to hit the Shadow Pokémon before encasing her in ice*

Eon: ...Yup, I do not want to be hit by that...

*XD002 plummets to the ground, causing the ice encasing her to shatter and free her. The attack had done some massive damage as she is forced to use Shadow Heal to recover health and energy.*

e-chan: That's going to be our chance to attack. We put on the pressure and make her use Shadow Warp; then when she's recovering we go all out and attack to wear her down then try to catch her.

Kevin: So how do we go about this offensive?

Ryu: You know what they say: Ladies first.

Momo: Don't mind if I do *rockets off of the ground towards XD002 and uses her scythes to slash at her*

XD002: *uses Shadow Armor to protect herself*

Momo: Psyche! *veers to the right slightly to get behind XD002 then swings around quickly to hit her with her tail and send her hurdling towards Ryu*

Ryu: *holds his arm out and shrouds the blade-portion with his Will-o-Wisp, slashing at XD002 in a quick instant, enveloping her in a purple shadowy flame for an instant* Seems like you got on my girl's bad side~ But enough of my ghostly shenanigans...let’s let a real ghost in on the action. Gregory!

*XD002 is suddenly encased in a pitch-black sphere, while the Gengar's cackling kept ringing in the air of everyone present, for about eight seconds, until the sphere dissolved and revealed the Shadow Pokémon...drenched in saliva*

Lexie: Again with that nasty tongue of yours! >O<#

Gregory: Kekekeke, hey, it works~ *casually holds up a hand and blasts the Mewtwo back with a powerful Dark Pulse*

XD002: *takes the Dark Pulse head on then tries shake off the coat of saliva*

Momo: Interestingly that Shadow move where she protects herself seems to only work from the front and side but not the back.

Sharkey: *grins*

Rex (Mega-Charizard X): *points at Sharkey* This guy is good at going for the... "back"... >.>

XD002: *prepares a massive Shadow Blast*

Eon: *does a full loop and blind-sides her by suddenly striking her in the back with a powerful Dragon Claw attack* ...I sat up some Dragon Dances while you were looking away...not your smartest move.

Gregory: ... *blinks* That was fast. .3.

XD002: *flinches and accidentally fires the incomplete, massive Shadow Blast into the sky*

Lulu: *fires Mist Ball at the Shadow Blast, making it explode*

Toko: *rushes in at top speed towards XD002 and Blaze Kicks her backwards* the Latios isn't the only one who's been building up speed gradually. Not to mention that form of yours is not exactly built for physical attacks. >w<

XD002: *regains her balances, flies into the air and spins around while shooting multiple mini but powerful Shadow Blast attacks at everybody below*

Ryu: Everyone, group up! *Brings his fists together before creating a barrier in front of most of the team, as he was using Wide Guard to protect as many of them as possible, but as the attacks were powerful, his stamina quickly depleted*

Eon: *stays above the shadowy rain* ...Feisty one...

Annie: *pats Ryu on the back* thanks for the assist, stretch *hops on Red's back* takes us to the sky, big red; I'll bring her down to ground level. ^^

Red: Roger!

*Red flies up to XD002 and gets into firing position.*

Red: *uses a powered-up Flamethrower on XD002 while charging at her*

XD002: *uses Shadow Armor to protect herself from the front but realizes that she lost sight of Annie*

Annie: *drops down from the sky using Quick Attack to zip about before tackling XD002 from behind and then using Thunder Punch to send her back down to the ground* Bulls-eye!

*As XD002 hurdles to the ground Eon quickly gets in position for Annie to gracefully and gently land on his back before she gained too much momentum in her descent.*

Annie: Nice save

Eon: Eh, no biggie....

Gene: *Sways to the side as XD002 lands next to her, face-first into the ground* You just do not have a good day today, sister.... <.<

Yoko: Target acquired *fires Pin Missile at XD002*

*XD002 quickly rights herself then uses Shadow Warp to switch places with Gene. The sudden change didn't phase Gene as she simply just redirected the incoming Pin Missile back at XD002, hitting her with super-effective damage.*

XD002: *twitches, unable to move due to using Shadow Warp*

Gene: Like I said. =w=

Sharkey: Time to strike~

Rex (Mega-Charizard X): *pushes XD002 forward a little, causing her to bend* She is ready. >|3

*The way Sharkey then started to move was almost creepy, as he moved along the ground like wadding through water, as if he was an actual shark. Then he proceeded to jump into the air and pounce on the Shadow Mewtwo, sinking his sharp teeth into her bottom with his powerful and crushing Crunch attack*

XD002: QxQ *screams loudly and rockets into the sky then slowly descends, furiously rubbing her now super swollen, red, throbbing behind* TxT

Gene: Heh, her butt almost looks as big as yours, Riley~ X3

Frejya: Sharkey, why never serious? <_<

Sharkey: Hey, I am serious...... I just find time to get some booty, even mid-battle. =/3/=

Eon: Save it for the egg-making session with the Dragonite...

Sharkey: Wha-!? O//O; B-butt out of that! None of your business! <//A//<;

Isabelle: *blushes cutely*

Gene: I wouldn't mind having a bunch of little Dratini around. They are cute~ OwO

Gregory: Kekekekeke, shall we give them a room after we are done here~?

Sharkey: Shut uuuuuuuup! Q//A//Q *covers his face in embarrassment*

XD002: *fixes her sights on Sharkey then transforms into her Mega Mewtwo X form, preparing another Shadow Blast*

Gene: *Warps herself between Sharkey and XD002* Now-now, don’t be mad just because he bit your poor little buttocks. *Holds up her hand, preparing a Psystrike*

*XD002 fires the Shadow Blast but the attack seems to stay in one place, barely moving at all, which kind of confuses the other Pokemon.*

Eon: ....Um... It is not supposed to do that, is it?

T-Rex: ..... *makes a low snarl*

Sharkey: Keep your guard up, just in case...

XD002: *punches the Shadow Blast to make several homing lasers shoot out of it and home in on those closest to them*

*Gene takes most of the full blast, meanwhile Eon and Sharkey gets struck down by a good chunk of several homing shots. Ryu's Wide Guard managed to block some other incoming attacks, but it eventually proved too much for him and he instantly pass out and reverts to his normal form*

XD002: *punches the Shadow Blast to make more a few more homing lasers shoot out of it with the remaining power the attack had*

*Earl comes in like a spinning top at mach speed, making all of the lasers home in and hit him with full force, barely taking any damage. XD002 seems surprised that her attack had little to no effect on him or that her opponent was actually that fast.*

Victora: He's been building up the Calm Minds while waiting for the opportune moment to strike. Oh, and if you're wondering about the speed, when Earl is fully rested he can use his excess power to increase his speed for short bursts. Now Earl, uses Surf!

Earl: *uses Surf to make a huge wall of water rush XD002 and engulf her*

Victora: Now switch to the Typhoon Tornado!

Earl: *uses Psychic on the Surf to turn it into spiraling water tornado that did rapid, continual damage to XD002*

Berry: *uses a widespread Heal Pulse to heal Gene, Eon, Sharkey and Ryu and restore their energy*

Sharkey: Geh...saved by the tubby maid.... =A=;

Ryu: Ugh... How much more damage can that freakshow take...?

Rex (Mega Charizard X): Do not worry, she has been giving most of us waaaay too much time to power up...

Trey: Six layers of Dragon Dances, to be correct.

Rex (Mega Charizard X): *Red aura swirls around his hands, creating giant claws when it got a solid form* Dragon Claws, ready! Yo, Earl or whatever it was, lower the spiraling water! Chipping away at the health like that does not work. We need to burst her down...!

Earl: *drops the water tornado surrounding XD002*

*As soon as the Mewtwo was visible, Rex charged in and swiped her with his Dragon Claw, before vanishing and reappearing to her left, slashing her, disappearing, swiping her from behind, and continued to do so until he had reached 13 consecutive slashes, ending up behind her*

Rex (Mega Charizard X): And to finish! Flare Blitz! *rams into her back and sends her flying away from him*

Fuu: Tough Claws is a scary ability....

Kiki: *nods* Indeed...

*A few seconds later XD002 comes back into view, having used another Shadow Heal to revitalize herself then took the time to look at all of her opponents.*

Ashuro: I know that look; she's finally realizing that she can't overpower her opponents through sheer brute strength alone, meaning that she's going to be very cautious from here on out.

Rex: Hopefully it won’t drag for too long...

Eon: *Flies upwards again, crossing his arms* we can't just keep pelting her with power moves either... As she can regenerate, we are still at a disadvantage.

XD002: *makes a gigantic Shadow Blast and tosses it at the ship in frustration, making it tilt and wobble upon impact*

e-chan and Scooter: OxO;;

Masquerade: .... Did she....did she just throw a little tantrum and blast the ship for no good reason...?

Zack: Apparently so... o_O;

Masquerade: SON OF A---- *Fuu clasps his hand over Masquerade's mouth as he goes on to swear, muffling down the words so the kids nearby could not pick up on it*

*An audible explosion could be heard coming from the ship as everybody sees something burst out of it an fly towards XD002 in a red and white streak.*

???: You're...being...too...LOUD!!!

*The red and white being struck XD002 directly on her head, sending her rocketing down to the ground! The other Pokémon get out of the way just in time as she creates a crater upon the impact of landing. Looking up, everybody could see that it was another Mewtwo, but was unique in color like Aquamarine fighting by their side. Where there should have been purple there was red there instead.*

Mewtwo: *floats down to the ground in front of e-chan and yawns* Geez, what's a girl got to do to get a nap around here?

e-chan: Another one!? O_O;

Emily: *checks through the notes she acquired from Marco's files again*, how did I miss this? He made three different Mewtwos to try three different variations of his Perfect Shadowfication process on. Apparently the first two processes he tried on the red and blue ones here didn't work but the third process worked on the purple one. But after seeing the end result on that one he decided against using it on the other two until all of the bugs were worked out.

e-chan: So...are you...?

Ryuko: Call me Ryuko; I see that my sister has been giving you some trouble. Where is that "creator" of ours?

Masquerade: *moves Fuu's hand away* He ran off, basically. -.-

Ryuko: Typical. -_- *looks around* so this is the place he wanted to invade? ...looks pretty nice; I wouldn't mind living in a place like this; in fact, that's just what I'll do. Now that I'm free I can choose what to do with my life instead of being just a test subject for bizarre experiments.

e-chan: Um...

Ryuko: What; you got a problem with me staying here?

e-chan: No, not at all, really; it's just that, is she out? *points to XD002*

Ryuko: Oh, her? Yeah, she should be out...

XD002: *rises to her feet, shakes her head then uses Shadow Heal again*

Ryuko: what I'd like to say. Usually a knock on the head like that was usually all it took to deal with her; my little sister is getting stronger. Quite a shame what happened to her though; don't tell her I said anything but she was actually the crybaby of the three of us. What I wouldn't give to have her back to normal...

Kevin: Believe me, after the XD001 incident...I know it will be very hard to do...

Gene: Kinda weird seeing all these different colored Mewtwo...and that is coming from me: A Shiny one.

Toothpick: *walks over to XD002 without notice from the others, and looks at her with his head tilted* don't use that, it puts a strain on your body the more you use it in succession... Maybe you should take it easy?

XD002: ...

*Both Toothpick and XD002's attention are caught when they see young Leaf trying to smash a fly. When the fly flew too close the other kids they quickly ran away like their life depended on it from Leaf who would take a mighty swing at the fly.*

Cameron: Leaf, please, leave it alone!

Jessie: Can't you just ignore it, please?

Leaf: *super focused on the fly*

*The fly eventually lands on the side of XD002's face and Leaf saw her opportunity. A quick jump forward and Leaf swings her right hand at XD002's face for an open palm slap. The slap connects...and causes a massive sonic boom shockwave that blows everybody in the vicinity backwards and sends XD002 off like a rocket with nonstop momentum as she is sent flying through trees, nearby houses, the mountain and anything else in her path, leaving a long trench and trail of destruction. All of the adults had a look of utter fear and astonishment on their faces from what just happened.*

Leaf: *looks at her palm* ...I got 'em!

Tsubasa: *pulls himself out of the side of the house* One Punch Girl strikes again...

Kevin: ...... *retreats under Ring's dress* I'm done. These kids are going to end me...

Toothpick: *coughing and sweating, on his knees* I felt the force of that...

Shuryo: ..... *walks over and picks Leaf up by the back of her dress, holding her up to his face* what kind of monster parents do you have...?

Leaf: Lion-Papa~ *hugs Shuryo*

Ring: OxO;; she's HiS kid??

Kevin: *peaks out from under Ring's dress* At least that makes sense, to some degree... o_o;

Shuryo: .... Err... This is awkward...

Cazador: ...I thought I made Shuryo's DNA unable to reproduce?

Masquerade: Apparently you failed. >_>

Emily: Okay, so he's your father...then, who is your mother?

Leaf: *turns to Emily* Mama~ *nuzzles Emily's face*

Emily: W-W-Whaa!? O.O;;

Ashuro: That explains everything then. One powerful person who obtained beyond superhuman strength at birth and one created with unbelievable power make a child that houses their combined power in one tiny, cute yet dangerous package.

Trey: That explains nothing!

Rex: Shut up. -.-;

Shuryo: ..... *looks to Emily* I find this hard to believe. >_> No offense to you little miss, but you have kinda been nothing but a nuisance to me. I don't exactly see how the two of us would compromise this little girl in any near future.

Emily: -3-

e-chan: Hey, you never know, man; those few encounters between the two of you could just be the catalyst to something big and wonderful for the two of you.

Scooter: What have you got to lose at this point? I say just go with it *brings Cameron and Jessie close to him* right, kiddies? ^w^

Jessie: Who said that we were your kids? -w-

Scooter: O_o; You mean you're not? I guess I could've been mistaken, but you both look just like me and-

Jessie: Just kidding~ Gotcha, Daddy~

Scooter: Aww, you~

Chispa: It's easier for you, Scooter, because I have not been a plump little brat who has been bothering you for some time. *nudges him*

Shuryo: ..... *rubs his eyes and groans* This is going to be a pain...

Emily: -3-#

Ryuko: Not to interrupt the little thing you have going on but I'm a bit worried about my baby sister...and whether or not she still has a head after what just happened.

Emily: I'll go and find her; do you guys mind if I borrow some of your flyers to scout up ahead?

Fuu: Not at all. Take Eon with you. <.<

Emily: Okay; so, Eon, I need you to follow the trail of destruction from the air to see if you can see where XD002 landed and I'll follow behind you. If you find her before I do come then come find me and lead me to her; I'll have Spoony teleport us all back if it is safe to do so.

*Eon nods in agreement.*

Emily: Alright; Spoony, return! *recalls Spoony back into his Poké Ball* let's go! ^o^

Eon: As you wish, kiddo. *Reverts to his regular form for now, flying ahead*

Kevin: Be careful, tubby. We can’t exactly come to your rescue if anything happens.

Emily: Don't worry about me, I'm way tougher than I look ^^

Ashuro: I can vouch for that.

*Eon and Emily set off to find XD002. In the meantime, everything else began to settle down; members of the Helping Hand Guild came and seized Marco's massive ship and took it with them back to base and e-chan and the others gathered all of the Shadow Pokémon they had caught, as well as the ones rounded up by the other Pokémon, into one space. Several minutes later, Emily, Eon and Spoony teleport back to where everyone was gathered with an unconscious XD002...who had a very swollen face from Leaf's slap.*

XD002: *out cold*

Emily: Wow, you wouldn't believe how far out she traveled. She landed nearly two towns out from here.

Arthur: One-Punch Girl, up to no good, once more... ._.;

Blaze: How she has not accidently murdered one of us yet, is beyond me, nyah... .3.;

Emily: If any of you are going to catch her, this is your best opportunity.

*Practically everyone turn away and starts minding their own business*

Kevin: Sorry, but...that is a bit too much. I can handle Frejya, but that girl there is just-

Shuryo: *taps XD002 with a ball* .....

*XD002 is caught inside of the Snag Ball successfully.*

e-chan: Well, that's all of them, finally.

Marietta: *hops up to e-chan and presents him with the Time Flute*

e-chan: Thank you *takes the Time Flute* is everybody ready?

Rex: About as ready as we can get.

e-chan: Well, here goes......anybody know how to play this thing?

Kevin: ..... Hand it to me. -.-;

e-chan: *hands the Poke Flute over to Kevin* sorry, I just remembered that the last time I played a wind instrument was back in high school.

Kevin: *sighs and holds the flute to his lips, gently blowing into it and starting to play a simple yet mellow tune on the thing*

Ring: Wow, that's really good ^o^

Kevin: >//> .... *keeps playing for a while*

Trey: ... *Lays down on his back, relaxing* Yeah, your fiancé is right. Keep playing...

*The sky begins to shine brighter and brighter as Celebi appears before everybody.*


Kevin: Ah, there we go... Hello again, Celebi; long since last time. Well, not that I would know if you're the same Celebi, heh.

Arthur, Samantha, Amethyst: Ooooooo! OoO

Celebi: *smiles warmly at Kevin*

Kevin: Sorry to call on your assistance in another one of these situations, old friend...but we have another case of Pokémon with closed hearts. Many of them too. *reaches out to the little pixie Pokémon* Can I humbly ask of a helping hand, once more?

*The Celebi smiles and nods then uses a special healing power on the group of Shadow Pokémon. One by one the shadowy mist that had closed off their hears were lifted and they returned back to normal...all except for XD002, who still laid unconscious and still remained a Shadow Pokémon. That's when the Celebi motioned for all of the other Pokémon to gather around XD002; they did so and when the Celebi used its special healing power again in tandem with the energy of the purified Pokémon the strong shadow energy that had a tight hold over XD002 finally broke and evaporated into thin air, restoring her natural colors in the process.*

Kevin: And that's the end of that... -w-

Trey: Not bad, future king of sweater puppies... -w-

Kevin: Shove a sock in it. -/_/-;

Celebi: *waves goodbye before flying away*

e-chan: Well, it looks like you're in possession of the Genetic Pokémon as well, Shuryo. What will you name her? XD002 doesn't exactly roll off of the tongue...

Shuryo: ....How about Anemone?

Tanya: After the flower?

Shuryo: *nods*

e-chan: Sounds good to me

To be continued…

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