Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The Tournament Continues! Determined Until the End!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 29
“The Tournament Continues! Determined Until the End!!”
An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

Tina: Round 9 is Gregory VS Daisy!

Daisy: *climbs up onto the stage looking a bit nervous since she didn't have the best luck fighting Ghost-types in the past*

Takeshi: *gives Daisy a nod and a thumbs up*

Daisy: *smiles back as she is filled with confidence*

Gregory: *Emerges from the shadows, behind Daisy* |3 ..... Boo~

Daisy: OxO;; *yelps and jumps forward, genuinely surprised by Gregory's sudden appearance* Must you do that?

Gregory: Must I? No. It is just fun~

Tina: Let the battle, BEGiN!

Daisy: *quickly puts some distance between her and Gregory and keeps her sights set on him as she takes a battle stance*

Gregory: *Simply sits down and watches her* Hmm.... Hmm....

Ryu: Come on, Daisy! You can do it!

Daisy: *keeps her focus on Gregory as she slowly inches closer to him while circling him at the same time*

Gregory: *Creepily follows her with his eyes, keeping his big grin* Kekekeke~

Daisy: *shudders a bit from Gregory's creepy stare*

Takeshi:'s happening again...

Ryu: Huh? What is...?

Takeshi: She's letting the fact that her opponent is a Ghost-type get the better of her again. It all started back when we were in Hoenn taking on the Elite Four; we only made it to Phoebe before we hit the wall. Because she was the last to fall Daisy believes that it was her fault that we didn't advance beyond Phoebe and took the defeat very hard. Now every time she's up against a Ghost-type she is overly cautious which gives the craftier ones the chance to mess with her head and unnerve her.

Ryu: ...Oh, I can see that...being a problem.

Gregory: .... *Carefully stands up*

Daisy: *psyches herself up* you can do this... *uses Shadow Claw then dashes towards Gregory*

Gregory: *Glares at Daisy with his big red eyes as he uses Hypnosis on her in the middle of her dash*

Daisy: *stumbles and falls when she suddenly feels very sleepy* N-No... *fights desperately to stay awake as she tries to get back up on her feet*

Gregory: Shhhh... *Places his short and stubby arms on her back, starting to give her a soothing and relaxing massage* You are so tense and worked up...relax~

Daisy: *struggles for a few seconds more before finally falling asleep*


*Gregory scoots around a bit before leaning back and using Daisy's rear as a pair of pillow as he just...well, laxed around*

Ryu: But for- Get off of her butt, you little gremlin! D//X

Gregory: Ey, I do what I want during this fight. Besides, it’s not like I am not fighting her right now. =w=

Ryu: Huh....

Lexie: Gregory used the move Nightmare on her as she fell asleep, you see. However…Gregory has this unique little ability to make the Nightmare move....not really inflict Nightmares, at least not until the very end.

Satonaka: Which...which means?

Lexie: Gregory is draining her stamina with Nightmare as the move usually does, but the victim doesn’t constantly feel pain.

Gregory: My Nightmares are pleasant dreams until a jump-scare awakening. =w= Kekekekeeeeee...cozy fluffy buns~

Takeshi: Yeah, that's a pretty good strategy he's got there; it's just too bad for him that he's used it on this particular Pokémon.

Gregory: *shrugs* -w-

Ryu: ...?

Takeshi: You see, a pleasant dream for Daisy is fighting off hordes of Seviper. And whenever she has that dream...

*Daisy suddenly kicks her legs out, sending a very surprised Gregory flying forward a little.*

Takeshi: ...she goes into this sort of state where she's not fully asleep yet not fully awake where she sees every moving thing in front of her as a Seviper. That's why e-sama has her sleep in her Poke Ball at night.

Daisy: *rises to her feet, looks over at Gregory but sees a Seviper instead of the Gengar that he was* you wanna dance, Seviper? Then let's dance! *uses Shadow Claw as she ferociously charges at Gregory*

Gregory: Aw, and I was enjoying it there... =u= *Dodges and counters with his Dark Pulse*

Daisy: *flips out of the way despite her chunky body and homes in on Gregory midair using Aerial Ace*

Gregory: *flips back after being hit, shaking his head* Uff, she hits hard~

Daisy: *goes after Gregory and attacks him with Crush Claw, but the attack phases through him due to it being a Normal-type attack, causing her to fumble and fall on her face rather hard, waking her up completely* Oww! Huh? What happened?

Takeshi: You were sleep fighting again.

Daisy: Really!? How embarrassing... -///-;

Gregory: Oh, don't be embarrassed, fluffy. Even asleep, you are a formidable fighter, kekekeke~ *Helps her to her feet*

Daisy: Thanks

Takeshi: Daisy, you're not going to improve until you get over this bump in the road. Please listen to and believe me when I say that it is not your fault that we lost to Phoebe. We were under-prepared; none of us were truly ready to take on the Elite Four at that time. But despite that, you managed to defeat not only that Dusclops that wiped the rest of us out but also her two Banettes and her Sableye. It was only natural that by the time her Dusknoir came out that you were out of energy.

Grim: You pretty much took on an entire Elite Four member's team by yourself and almost won; we're proud to have you as our friend and teammate and you should be proud of yourself too.

Daisy: *wipes a tear from her eye as she feels her confidence return*

Takeshi: Now give your opponent the battle he deserves.

Daisy: Right! *takes on a more confident and offensive stance, ready to give it her all*

Gregory: Kekekeke~ Alright then, now that you are actually ready to fight...I guess it's showtime~ *Forms and starts lobbing Sludge Bombs and Dark Pulses at Daisy*

Daisy: *charges through the barrage of Sludge Bombs and Dark Pulses using Close Combat to throw a flurry of punches and kick until she got close to Gregory then she switched to Shadow Claw*

Gregory: *Rolls to the right and slaps Daisy on her rear as she passes him, sticking his tongue out at her* Should you be using Close Combat so recklessly?

Daisy: Perhaps not...let's try something different *uses Crush Claw on the stage to send bit and piece up in the air then uses Aerial Ace to knock them at Gregory who defends against them*

Gregory: Ey! Ey! Don’t toss debris at me! >~<;

Daisy: *quickly closes the gap between them and successfully lands a Shadow Claw on Gregory*

Gregory: *Gets bashed into the ground by said attack, comically holding up a white flag and waving it in defeat*

Daisy: I did it? ...I DiD iT!

Tina: Knockout! Daisy will be moving on to the next round!

Daisy: *helps Gregory onto his feet* thanks for the great battle. ^^

Gregory: Heh...try not to be too scared around us Ghosts. =w=

Daisy: Okay, I'll try. ^w^

Tina: There will be a brief intermission to repair damages done to the stage from the previous battles; the next battle will begin once all repairs are finished.

*Meanwhile back with e-chan and the others the party is in full swing. Skylar was playing a little bit of football with Roger and Corie when Snoopy came up to him.*

Snoopy: Hey Skylar, you got a minute? ^^

Skylar: Oh, sure. *Gives Roger the ball* You two play nice while daddy talks a bit with Snoopy, alright?

Roger: Sure thing, Dad ^o^

Corie: *tackles Roger to the ground, takes the ball then runs off with it*

Roger: Hey, no fair, I didn't say start yet *chases after Corie*

Snoopy: *chuckles*

Skylar: They are so precious....

Snoopy: They sure are. I've been meaning to ask, how are things with you and Nikki? There haven't been any more bizarre or outlandish events like in your early dating days such as getting sucked into a video game world, have there?

Skylar: Nope, nothing out of the ordinary; just spurs of jealousy when I give attention to anyone who is not her, even the kids to an extent. X3

Snoopy: Okay, that's good news. Remember back then how I said that Lobinu don't have mating seasons?

Skylar: I can vaguely remember that, yes. I was the one who asked.

Snoopy: Well, it seems that I was only half right in making that statement. Pure Lobinu don't have mating seasons but after doing some genealogical research I've learned that only 1% of all Lobinu are actually pure. Turns out that as some pure Lobinu started creating children with other species and races the number of pure Lobinu being born started to decrease with each generation. So that means that Nikki, and even me myself, aren't pure Lobinu. It turns out that the Lobinu genes actually suppress the chemicals that triggers the mating season BUT they can be overridden with the right kind of stimulation. Nikki has said that she loves your touch, has she not?

Skylar: ...Yes...she has made mentions of that...among other things... >//3//>;

Snoopy: I just want to say "be careful." You apparently have the skill to trigger Nikki's, and maybe even Ayaka and Connie's, mating season prematurely if you're not careful.

*Thinking back Skylar does remember both Ayaka and Connie each coming on strong to him on separate occasions when he was just messing around with them; he would indeed have to be careful.*

Skylar: ..... *Looks at his hands* With great power comes great responsibility.

*At that time with e-chan, Rex, Lucca, Riley and Rukia...*

e-chan: *rubs suntan lotion on Rukia's bubble butt*

Rukia: *squeals happily*

e-chan: Yeah, I can definitely see how you and Riley are sisters.

Riley: What does that mean? .3.

Rex: Means you both have rather large assets. *He rolled his eyes as he started rubbing in both Lucca and Riley's butts at the same time*

e-chan: But despite that rather appealing feature, Riley proved to be my greatest challenge when Lucca and I battled each other for the first time at the Unova League.

Lucca: I remember; I was so excited not only to meet up with you again after all that time but to also battle you in a big tournament. I had followed your trainer career ever since we first met in Kanto and I was so eager to show you how strong my Pokémon were. That battle, I still play it back in my mind till this day...

Rex: .....Mhm? How did that go?

e-chan: It was the final match of the Unova League and each of us came with the team we had traveled through the region with.

Lucca: We both knew each of us would start out strong so we each sent out one of our strongest Pokémon. I sent out Hydreigon...

e-chan: And I sent out K-Rock, my Krookodile.

Lucca: The battle had this sort of rubber band effect: it was one-sided at the beginning for one of us then one-sided at the end for the other.

Rex: That happens quite often.

e-chan: I knew that K-Rock couldn't take down this particular opponent without any buffs so I went for a risky play that I hoped would pay off. I had K-Rock dodge and evade until he could find an opening and use Dragon Tail. He did and forced a switch out.

Lucca: And as my luck would have it the next Pokémon that got switched in was my Ampharos. That sudden switch took me by surprise and before I could react that Krookodile used Earthquake for a Super Effective One-Hit KO.

e-chan: Thanks to K-Rock's Moxie, his attack power increased.

Rex: *Shifts most of his rubbing over to Riley, being quite firm in his grip* Mhm...? Moxie is quite the dangerous ability. It can easily snowball into disaster if you let it get off.

Riley: O//w//O ... -//w//-

Lucca: You're right, and I learned that the hard way that day. I sent Hydreigon back out to battle the Krookodile; even though I knew it had Dragon Tail there wasn't anything I could really do the help Hydreigon getting hit by it again and forced to switch out with another one of my Pokémon. The next one to come out was unfortunately for me another one of my power-hitters that was weak to Ground-type attacks: my Darmanitan.

e-chan: Darmanitan didn't make it easy though. It started out strong with Hammer Arm and K-Rock barely managed to escape and counter with Dig for another win, getting another Moxie boost.

Lucca: I sent Hydreigon back out hoping to get at least one Tri Attack to land but she was more injured than I originally estimated from the Dragon Tails given how much slower she was moving. She managed to fire off and connect one Tri Attack to the Krookodile before finally being taken down by one more Dragon Tail. And just like that, before even three minutes had gone by, e-chan had swept through half of my team with just one Pokémon. Within another two minutes that Krookodile managed to one-shot both my Serperior and Golduck despite having the type disadvantage. Then I was down to my final Pokémon: Riley.

e-chan: And that's when the battle changed big-time.

Rex: Oh really? So what did Ms. Wonderbutt do that battle? *Digs his fingers deeeeeep into her bottom, making sure his massage was not just thorough, but effective*

Riley: O//W//O *squeals happily*

e-chan: This Lucario here absolutely wrecked my team. I had K-Rock go in for an Earthquake because I didn't want to risk going in close but she jumped straight into the air, all the way over to the other side of the ring, then delivered a Force Palm so powerful that K-Rock was KOed upon impact, not to mention getting pushed deep into the ring. I knew right then and there that Lucca had truly saved her absolute best for last. None of the other Pokémon on my team for that battle had the raw strength that K-Rock had but they definitely had spirit; after our last Unova League defeat they were determined to go beyond their limits for this second chance.

Lucca: And boy did they do their best.

e-chan: From then on the battle had done a complete 180. I sent out Karoo, my Unfezant, who managed to score a critical with Air Cutter but it didn't phase Riley in the slightest then she took Karoo down with one critical Force Palm. I sent out Silk, my Leavanny, and had her go for X-Scissor. Riley dodged it easily and used Copycat to use X-Scissor on Silk for a one-hit KO. I sent out Sugar, who was still a Gothorita at the time, and had her use Telekinesis to keep Riley airborne. Riley used Extreme Speed to break free and hit Sugar multiple times over for a knockout.

Rex: The Lucario species is downright terrifying to go up against, not gonna lie. It's like they have a built-in ability to just turn battles around. That, coupled with how insanely strong they are, makes for nightmare fuel in the form of a blue blur....a blue and rather jiggly blur, in this case here. *Slaps Riley's ass in-between rubs*

Riley: *yelps cutely*

e-chan: Yeah, you're definitely right about that. I thought that maybe I could score some decent damage with some Fire-type attacks so I sent out Juan, my Pansear, next. Knowing that I wouldn't get a second chance I had Juan use his most powerful attack right off the bat: Fire Blast. Riley uses Bone Rush, spun the bone staff around like a fan and charged straight through the attack, only taking a quarter of the damage from the attack...too bad I couldn't say the same for poor Juan who took a barrage of Bone Rush strikes afterwards.

Lucca: I had Riley use Force Palm to finish the Pansear off, but to my surprise she uses Aura Sphere instead; I kinda felt sorry for the little guy.

e-chan: Finally, I was down to my last Pokémon partner: Kyle, my Oshawott. This was when the battle got exciting for the two of us as well as the audience watching.

Rex: *Drums on Riley's butt before ending with a firm slap, followed by a soft kiss before he started to rub her in again* Oh do tell, this should be good.

e-chan: It was a intense battle; the powerful and strong Riley VS the determined and scrappy Kyle. Neither one was willing to back down and went at each other with everything on the line. Riley went in with her powerful attacks that one-shotted the rest of my team but Kyle met each one and countered with Revenge for double damage or used two to three moves in combination to match her power.

Lucca: Back and forth, back and forth; just when it seemed like one of them was getting the upper hand the other would turn it around in their favor. Neither of them was backing down and giving it everything they had.

e-chan: Finally, the two of them were down to their last reserves of energy; they decided it in a final clash of attacks: Razor Shell VS Aura Sphere. The charged at one another and delivered their attacks at point blank range; both took damage and were pushed back by the force of their attacks. Then they just stood there looking at each other, using their remaining strength just to outlast the other in standing upright.

Lucca: Each second that ticked by was a show and test of their resolve and stubbornness. Finally, after about two minutes, Riley passed out and fainted...

e-chan: Then exactly one second after Riley went down, Kyle too fainted. Kyle was deemed the winner for lasting that one second longer.

Rex: Whoa.... Impressive.

e-chan: Yeah, that was quite the battle. Afterwards Lucca and I caught up and exchanged journey stories and Kyle and Riley became good friends. From what I hear from him the two of them still write each other letters.

Riley: It's true I haven't ever had an opponent quite as formidable as him...until I met Gene at least... -w-

Rex: Yeah, Gene gives you a bit of a run for your money, doesn't she? *Let go and plants a kiss on her butt, before scooting over to Lucca* Okaaaay, now I can focus on you, madame~ *Cracks his knuckles a little before firmly grabbing both of her butt cheeks, kneading, squeezing and rubbing them as thoroughly as he could, mirroring the treatment he gave Riley*

Lucca: Oh yeah~

e-chan: ^w^ Too bad Lalao had to miss this; I would've loved to give her the same rubdown treatment.

Desire: *runs up to e-chan, still in her tiny, chubby body, wearing a bikini and hops on top of Rukia's bubble butt* e-chan~ me next, me next~ *shakes her butt cutely*

Rukia: Hey, that's not a cushion, short stack >3<

e-chan: okay, sweetheart ^///^ *takes Desire in his arms and gives her a kiss*

Rex: .... ^//w//^ That's a cute little catgirl, for sure; beats Kiki by a landslide.

e-chan: Yeah, she super cute in both of her forms. ^^

Rex: Amen to that. -/w/- *Smacks Lucca's ass a bit harder*

Lucca: O//w//O; it weird that I like what you're doing?

Rex: ...What? You mean this? *Slaps her ass a bit harder, but on her other cheek this time*

Lucca: O//w//O Yes, that *blushes and buries her face in her arms, a little embarrassed having just realized she had just admitted that she likes being spanked*

Rex: ...No, it's not weird. In fact....since you like it, why don’t I give you more?

*Rex proceeded to grab Lucca by her legs and pull her back over his lap and up-turned knee, where he starts to repeatedly spank her bared ass with hard and well-aimed slaps from his right hand, bouncing it off of her bottom*

Lucca: *squeals a bit but doesn't even try escaping from Rex or shielding her rather pert bottom*

Rex: Turns out Lucca, and even her Pokémon, is weak to spankings. Take note of that for your rematch in the near future. *Chuckles a little and keeps punishing Lucca's bottom with his bare hand, taking some time between smacks to feel and dig his fingers into her bottom, groping a feel*

e-chan: Noted ^^

*Meanwhile, back in the Pokémon city, the battle ring's repairs have been finished as Tina takes the stage to announce the next match.*

Tina: Okay, now that the ring is back to normal let's get back to the battles! Round 10 is Olaf...

Olaf: That's me. =w=

Tina: VS another newcomer to our family, Milkshake! ^o^

*A well-developed Miltank wearing a school outfit reminiscent of Sakura Kasugano's, complete with headband, gloves and even a backpack, steps out onto the stage. The only thing about her outfit that was different was that her shoes looked more like Sonic the Hedgehog's famous shoes.*

Milkshake: *takes a bottle of Moo-Moo Milk out of her backpack and offers it to Olaf*

Olaf: .... *accepts the bottle* Thank you, sweetie.

Milkshake: *walks back to the other side of the ring and drops her backpack over the side so that it wouldn't be in the way then does some stretches to limber up*

Olaf: *sips some from the bottle* You seem like quite the fighter, dear. Like someone straight out of a video game.

Ryu: If only he knew... -w-

Tina: Let the battle, BEGiN!

*Milkshake starts running in place until her feet begin making a blurry figure eight then takes off around the ring, running at an unbelievable speed that you wouldn't expect from a Miltank. The super speedy cow literally begins running circles around Olaf as he tries to keep his eyes on her.*

Olaf: Hmm...alright, not panicking. Just uh....a bit unsure how to react or counteract this... ._.

*Milkshake uses Dizzy Punch while at top speed on Olaf's big belly; however that tactic seemed to backfire on her as not only did Olaf's stomach absorb the attack but it also repelled and pushed her back, almost making her fall out of the ring due to the recoil.*

Milkshake: OwO; Okay, that won't work...

Olaf: No it won’t... But uh, props for trying, at least.

Milkshake: Maybe if I build my power up a bit...

*In the stands, Gon the Chesnaught and Ayumu the Emboar arrive to watch the battles as well.*

Ayumu: We finally made it, hun~ ^^

Gon: Yeah; there was a lot more food to prepare than I thought. Hey, has Toko had her match yet?

Fireworks: Yeah, you missed it already, sorry.

Gon: Darn it...

*Satonaka, Phillip, Raven and Rex happened to notice a young Chimchar girl and a young Tepig girl clinging onto the spikes on Gon's back.*

Rex (Charizard): you seem to be carrying some hikers with you.

Satonaka: AWWWWW they are so cute and precious...! Q/u/Q

Gon: Oh, so you noticed them. *lifts the little Chimchar off of his back and places her down* this little lady is Peachy; she's Juan and Nova's daughter. ^^

Peachy: Hi-Hi-Hi!

Raven: *Kneels down* Well well, cute little one, this here.

Peachy: Hehehe~

Gon: *lifts the young Tepig girl off of his back and nuzzles her* and this beautiful little lady is Biscuit, my daughter

Biscuit: *giggles* Daddy~ >w<

Philip: ...Hmm...not a lot of our friends have actually...mated yet. Save for Strings, he and Funka has a little daughter now.

Satonaka: *pokes Peachy on the nose, playfully* They are so small~ >w<

Gon: They sure are ^w^ They love to crawl underneath my shell where I can't reach them sometimes; it feels weird at times but it's a great relief to have somebody that can get to that one spot on my back that these big arms of mine can't reach when I have an itch there

Rex (Charizard): I have the same problem with the spot between my wings.... =3=;

Fireworks: Yeah, isn't that just the worst? Especially when you're midair carrying something heavy that requires both arms.

Rex (Charizard): Not my usual kind of problem, but yes. -.-

Gon: *nuzzles his daughter* my little girl is so full of potential; she managed to inherit both mine and Ayumu's most powerful moves and they certainly pack a punch for one so small and young. ^^

Biscuit: .//w//.

Rex (Charizard): Certainly doesn't look like much though. However, looks can be decieving, as they say.

Philip: Mhm.

*Meanwhile, back on stage, Milkshake tries out several Power-Up Punches on Olaf, but just like her Dizzy Punches, they all just bounce off of his stomach and push her back in the process. Although her attack power was higher now, if she couldn't figure out how and where to land an attack that wouldn't push her back she was in big trouble.*

Milkshake: *huffs and puffs* there has to be someplace I can hit that won't send me flying across the ring...

*While she had been working on just pummeling Olaf, the Snorlax had been storing up his stats by using Curse all this time. He wasn't even trying to fight back that much. However, his fist was covered in flames as he was using his Fire Punch.*

Olaf: Hey, you deserve props. Not just for the amount of stamina....but for keeping yourself composed even while, heh, jiggling everywhere. The name "Milkshake" makes it comical and cute.

Milkshake: Heh, is that so? *looks at Olaf for a bit* ...I see what you did there now. Then it looks like the next move from both of us will decide this one. I'd better go all-out then; Super Spin-Dash Rollout!

*Milkshake uses Rollout but spins in place to build up great speed and power just like the famous blue hedgehog. Once at a maximum charge she shoots off like a bullet at Olaf in a last ditch attempt to push him off the ring. The cool and composed Snorlax was well prepared for this and knew exactly what he had to do.*

*Olaf Holds both his arms out, shrouded by the Fire Punch, and uses them to catch Milkshake in her charge. Though he was not able to stop her spinning, it kept her in place, for now.*

Olaf: Better be careful with how fast you spin. Who knows how much of it you can take? *Smacks his frontal body into her with what seemed to be a minor Body Slam, bouncing her off of his belly with the impact and sending her flying back* Woooo...

Milkshake: *flies backwards and unfortunately bounces off the ring floor and then out of the ring onto the grass*

Tina: Ringout! Olaf will be moving on to the next round! ^o^

Olaf: Sorry sweetie. Sorry.

Milkshake: *climbs back onto the ring* it's okay, friend; that was a good battle. With every defeat the eventual victory becomes even sweeter.

Olaf: As long as you don’t let yourself get dragged down too much by your losses. *Pets her*

Milkshake: *smiles warmly at Olaf*

*Both Olaf and Milkshake exit the ring and take their seats back in the stands so that the next battle could begin.*

Tina: Round 11 is Lexie VS Piper!

Piper: *dances out onto the ring*

Lexie: *Enters the ring* ......I dunno if I like this.... I have heard stories about your kin. >_>;

Piper: What kind of stories?

Lexie: Apparently your species is accustomed to just....kill innocent Pokémon, because you feel like it....

Piper: OxO;; Really? Man, I'm sure glad that I haven't run into those particular Medicham yet then. And fear not, I am not one of those type if they really do exist

Lexie: >->; .....yeeeaaaah....

Tina: Let the battle, BEGiN!

Piper: *uses Acupressure on her chest to increase her Defense*

Lexie: *eyes glow purple-ish blue as she starts to fire off Dragon Pulses*

Piper: *nimbly dodges the incoming attacks*

Lexie: *Her eye color switch to blue as she lunges Aura Spheres after Piper, switching between the two as the blue aura balls and purple wyvern beams flew around the ring*

Piper: Yipes! OxO;; *breaks into a crazy dodge dance to avoid the incoming barrage of attacks before finally switching to using Ice Punch to bat the attacks away*

Lexie: That’s not half bad, but I wonder how long you can withstand my attacks...! *Charges her Aura Spheres a little longer, increasing the size of the attacks as she keeps up the barrage.*

Piper: Looks like dodging these isn't the way to go anymore *uses Ice Punch to coat her hands with ice then uses a barrage of Force Palms to deflect the attacks as she moves in towards Lexie*

*When Piper gets close enough, Lexie steps forward and meets the Medicham with her Psychic move, pressing her back*

Piper: ...clever...but two can play at that game *uses Psychic as well to lift Lexie in the air*

Lexie: Woah! Tsk, takes more than a little telekinetic trick to stop me, you know.

Piper: Then how about this? *spins Lexie around in the air at great speed using Psychic*

Lexie: Hey-hey-hey WOOOOOAAAAAH! I DONT LIKE THIS! >A<;;

*Piper lets Lexie gently float down to the ground where she stumbles around dizzily once on her feet. She then quickly closes the distance to deliver a barrage of rapid Force Palms to Lexie.*

Lexie: *Despite the damage, she keeps standing, while trembling, however* >~<#

Piper: *looks kind of winded despite not taking much damage* phew, I was sure that would've been enough to defeat you; I guess that this is the difference in power between a battler and a dancer.

Lexie: *Holds onto her chest* ...Just...shut up...and end me... *A small spark from Lexie's body signified that the Force Palm managed to paralyze her*

Piper:, I refuse to strike a fellow Pokémon when they are down.

Lexie: .... *pushes herself up on her feet, gritting her teeth as she joins her hands, trying to focus the energy she had into using an Aura Sphere* You are going to regret that decision...

Piper: *uses Acupressure twice to increase both her Special Attack and Special Defense* that's more like it; give me all you've got! >w<

*Lexie closes her eyes and lowers her stance a little, looking as if she was about to leap at Piper... And then, as her eyes shot up, Lexie seemed to vanish for a moment before appearing right in Piper's face after using Extreme Speed, her glowing in dischromatic colors: The left eye blue, the right eye purple*

Lexie: SHANNAROOOOO!! *plunges her Dragon Pulse shrouded Aura Sphere right into Piper's upper body, getting tossed back herself from the impact of the attack*

Piper: *gets pushed all the way to the edge of the ring by the attack before finally redirecting it into the sky where it explodes into a colorful explosion* well played

*Lexie looks kind of surprised and annoyed that Piper was still standing after that last attack that she had put everything into.*

Piper: ... *turns around then hops off of the ring and onto the ground below*

Tina: Ring Out!

Lexie: .... *blinks* ...What?

Philip: What?

Satonaka: W-what just....huh...? o.O;

Piper: I lost the moment I tried to block that last attack; it actually hurt a lot more than I'm letting I can't feel my arms anymore and I doubt the feeling will return to them in time for my next battle should I somehow have found a way to win

Lexie: ......No. No no no no NO. You do not just end the fight like that! I refuse to claim victory over something like- *Falls over as she tries to move, completely drained of energy* Ngh....

Piper: Sorry you feel that way but that's how it'll have to be this time. As a dancer I need my arms just as much as I need my legs and I'll do whatever I have to do keep them healthy, even if it means ending a battle prematurely no matter how well or badly I'm doing. You want to be a great battler and I want to become a great dancer so we're bound to have different views on things like battles; I hope that you come to understand that later. Besides, I've got an important gig later on tonight that I need to get some new recruits ready for. So for now, rest up and get ready for another fight, okay? *walks off to go prepare for later that night*

Tina: And with that Lexie will move on to the next round! ^o^

Gregory: *walks up and kneels next to Lexie* You alright?

Lexie: ....... *Just frowns at him*

Gregory: *sigh* Okay, I get it. -w-; *Helps her up on her feet*

???: Looks like I missed out on a good fight....

*The Pokémon are approached by an Umbreon, walking in a calm and elegant manner as it approached the gang. It looked to Lexie and Gregory, shaking it's head and sighing.*

???: That pride of hers is a problem...

Gon: Who's that? Doesn't look like the same Umbreon that was part of the attack today...

Cathy: Oh, that's Midnight, or as she prefers to formally be known as: Night. You might say she is the leader of Blitz's team.

Night: *smiles softly* I am not much for a battler, can say I manage to fill the role as "big sister", pretty well.

Raven: This is not even fashionably late, Night. You are just late. =.=;

Night: I dozed off~ A lady needs her beauty sleep, you know? ^w^;

Fireworks: Did you know that this whole place was basically a war zone a little while ago?

Night: Ah, so that was all the noise I picked up on.

Ayumu: Seriously; the sounds of war didn't even bother you enough to investigate...or even move to a more quiet place? -.-;

Night: Oh, I did come to investigate...but, then the kids distracted me... ^//^

Cathy: And let me guess: Your fur was so soft that they just wanted to hug you...

Night: ......Maybe.... .//w//.;

Fireworks: ...well, nothing you can do about that; those kids really love themselves soft and cuddly things ^w^

Satonaka: ......I can be cuddly too. places... >//>;

Night: No need to be jealous, dearie.

Fireworks: *puts his arm around Satonaka and brings her close*

Satonaka: o/////o .....

Tina: Round 12 is Samantha...

Sam: *walks up to ring* That's me.

Tina: VS newcomer Noodles!

*A graceful Gardevoir takes the stage and bows to Samantha.*

Tina: Let the battle, BEGiN!

*Samantha grabs both of her scallops and leap at Noodles while using both Night Slash and Razor Shell, dual-wielding both moves as real swords*

Noodles: *uses Teleport to avoid Samantha's attack and get behind her then uses Double Team to create multiple illusionary copies of herself that circle around and trap the Dewott*

Sam: Running and hiding among fakes won’t save you for long. *Starts mowing down the doubles, one by one*

Noodles: *steadily creates more illusionary copies then uses Psychic underneath Samantha to lock her feet to the ring floor to stop her from moving* huhuhu~

*All of the Gardevoirs circle around Samantha*

Noodles: Can you avoid the real attack?

*All of the Gardevoirs fire a Moonblast attack at Samantha.*

Sam: Avoid it? Not like this. However... *Holds her arm up before the attack reaches her, and once that fairy dust cleared, Samantha was standing there with a green orb shielding her.* But I can "Protect" myself from it.

Noodles: Okay, how about a change of pace? *looks out into the audience and focuses on Gon* yes, that one will do~ ^^

*Noodles releases Samantha's feet from her Psychic hold and dispels all of her Double Team copies before doing something that nobody there expected.*

Noodles: Transform. *transforms into a Chesnaught*

Sam: Wha- That CANT be allowed!

Noodles: It is if you're not actually a Gardevoir~

Sam: You cheeky little brat...! *Grits her teeth and goes onto dual-wield Razor Shells this time*

Noodles: *raises her bulky arms upwards and causes spikes to surround them as she uses Needle Arm, ready to counter Samantha's attacks*

Sam: .......Tsk. *stays there unmoving, unsure what to do.*

Noodles: *begins absorbing solar energy from the sun*

Sam: *Leaps at Noodles as she surrounds herself with air, kicking Noodles in the gut with an Aerial Ace* Erk...! >.<

Noodles: *toughs out the gut blow as she gets into a familiar stance, ready to fire off her attack* Kaaaaaaa-Meeeeeeee-Haaaaaaaa-Meeeeeeee... *the collected solar energy gathers in Noodle's hands*

Gon: She's copying me move for move... .3.

Sam: Well her novice behavior never use Solar Beam against someone who has revealed Protect. *Uses the shielding move to guard herself with, again*

Noodles: *smirks* HAAAAAA!! *aims the Solar Beam at the ground and launches herself high into the sky* Transform! *transforms into an Emboar then immediately goes into a Heat Crash attack that would definitely break Samantha's Protect from her current height and with her current weight and power*

Sam: *Deactivates her Protect* Oh no you do not! *Tosses one of her scallop Razor Shell up at Noodles, and just in case, moves away and sink her blade into the ring and holds on to not be blown away*

Noodles: *manages to catch the incoming scallop Razor Shell and lands on the ring to create a huge crater that creates a massive flame wall that radiated outwards upon impact that even reached those out in the stands*

Fireworks: O.O;; *shields Satonaka with his wings*

Gon: *has Peachy and Biscuit take shelter underneath his large shell as he uses Spiky Shield to protect from the incoming flames*

Ryu: *Shields Those he could with his Will-o-Wisps pushing back the flames* Damn, what the heck....

Sam: *Keeping herself up with her Razor Shell, but the heat from the attack had taken a lot out of air, including her breath. Her state of attire was not much better, as the entirety of her blue body was on show after that attack, clothing scorched away. She coughed and wiped her forehead a bit* What...the that supposed to be....Transform...should not be usable like that...

Noodles: *stands up* you did well to make it this far, but now it ends h...

*A crumbling sound can be heard underneath Noodles just as the spot she crashed into suddenly collapsed into tiny bits and she fell down through the hole in the ring, landing on the ground below*

Tina: *runs over to the hole and inspects where Noodles landed* Ring Out! Samantha will be moving on to the next round! ^o^

Noodles: *climbs out of the hole* well that backfired on me...

Sam: ..... *Chops Noodles' forehead with her hand* This is why relying on the powers of others instead of your own can turn back to bite you in your slim buttocks.

Noodles: I guess you're right about that. Since you were such a good sport about the whole thing I guess I'll show you what I really was this whole time.

*Noodles undoes her transformation to reveal her true form: a Mew wearing a blue overalls dress with a striped red and yellow long-sleeve shirt underneath, complete with a flower headband in her fluffy pink hair.*

Noodles: Surprise~

Sam: ....Well I will be damned...she is actually even cuter than the fake form she had to start. *Crosses her arms, frowning and blushing* I dunno if I should be more angry at the fact you played me for fools from even before the match....or angry that you ruined my clothing... Not that I mind letting my body breathe once in a while.

*Samantha looks back over her shoulder and smacks her butt at those staring, sticking her tongue out before turning back to Noodles*

Ryu: ^//~//^; Eh...gotta give it to her. She is keeping a nice form.

Philip: If she turned around you would see just how good a form she is in. She has a bit of muscle that goes well with that perky bottom. -///-

Satonaka: *Covers Fireworks' eyes* >=I

Kyle: *has heart-shaped eyes as he drools a bit*

Noodles: Sorry about that; messing with people is sort of my thing. You should've seen the look on the face of that poor bat girl with the long blue hair when I transformed back into my true form after she traded me to my new master

*Those who heard what Noodles had said were at a loss as to what to think.*

Sam: hmm...I see... *taps her scallop against her thigh* Would it be anything like the expression one makes while getting spanked in a public a fighting ring?

Raven: *places a hand on Kyle's shoulder* If that Mew takes the are going to get to see one of your girl's strong sides.

Noodles: Yeah, exactly

Aurora: ...she's not very bright, is she?

Ami: For someone who likes to mess with people she sure isn't good at realizing when she's being messed with.

Sam: *cracks her knuckles That's what I wanted to hear.

*Before Noodles could react, Samantha had grabbed her, pulled her down over her knee and raised her overall dress up and out of the way. With her back, and buttocks, turned to the audience, Noodles proceeded to get her bottom whacked and beaten by Samantha, wielding her scallop as a make-shift paddle*

Noodles: AiEEE!! QwQ *kicks and flails her arms and legs about*

Kyle: -w-;

Rex (Charizard): heh, you can have her, little guy. Though I am sure she would be in charge of that relationship. X3

Sam: You know what Noodles? This is not right. I am not gonna sit her naked and deal with you.... *Extends the Razor Shell and cuts through the back of Noodles' dress and shirt, allowing for easy removal of the garments* We are BOTH gonna sit her naked while I deal with you~ *Continues to whack her pink bottom with the scallop, creating a noticable red mark in the shape of said shell.*

Kyle: ...surprisingly I think I'm okay with that -w-;

Noodles: Ow-Ow-Owwie~ Q3< But won't the next fighters need the entire ring to battle? W-We'll be in the way, won't we?

Tina: Actually, those last attacks of yours really damaged the ring so battling will have to be put on hold for a little bit for us to make repairs. And since the two of you are currently on the one area that doesn't need to be repaired you won't be in the way in the slightest; we have plenty of room to work around you.

Noodles: QnQ ...but you'll hurry with the repairs, right?

Tina: Nah, the ones that do the repairs like to take their time and really do a quality job...and by the looks of it these repairs will take a while as is...

Ami: In other words you might as well try to get comfortable because you're not going anywhere anytime soon. -w-

Sam: In other words, we will be the entertainment while the others wait~ *Whistles* Kyle, be a sweetie and fetch me something to drink, and a new set of clothes from the changing rooms....and don’t be worried: I won’t berate you for looking through my wardrobe. *Goes back to whacking and punishing Noodles' exposed rear*

Cathy: *whispers to Kyle* In other words: Look at her replacement under garments if you wish to do so~

Kyle: Okay!

To be continued…

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