Monday, December 19, 2016

The Tournament Begins! Exciting, Intense and Sexy Battles Abound!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 28
“The Tournament Begins! Exciting, Intense and Sexy Battles Abound!!”
An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

Meanwhile, both e-kun and e-sama are with Zack and Toothpick, showing off the new Pokémon they got from e-chan.

e-kun: Check it out, I got a unique cutie from e-chan just now *opens the Poke Ball in hand to reveal a shiny Braixen* her name is Karin; I don't know why but seeing her just made me think of that silly fox.

Karin: *twirls her flaming twig like a baton just to show off* X3

Zack: I see. *nods* Shiny Braixen has a nice color to them, I have to say.

e-kun: I know, right? And this one... *takes out another Poke Ball and lets out a shiny Dedenne* makes me think of my favorite ice cream, Rocky Road...which is why I named her Rocky Road.

Rocky Road:

Toothpick: *Sniffs the little rodent* Fairy. =3

Zack: Heh, I always liked Dedenne.

e-kun: They are so cute, chubby and fit perfectly in your hands.

Rocky Road: *sniffs the big alligator* Water!

e-sama: She's cute, but so is the one I got today *takes out a Poke Ball and lets out a Tropius* her name is Tropicana, named after my favorite juice brand. I hope with her help that I can make some tasty homemade juice in the future *pets Tropicana*

Tropicana: ... *looks over and sees Toothpick* O.O;;

*Looking at Tropicana, Toothpick realized that the two of them might have met before; she looked just like the Tropius from the story he had told his new friends earlier.*

Toothpick: ....Heeeeeey... You remind me of someone~

Tropicana: No I don't! I...I have somewhere to be, excuse me!

*Tropicana flies off in such a hurry that she doesn't see the two conveniently placed side-by-side trees; she ends up flying between them and getting stuck in the exact same way she did back in Hoenn. Seeing this Toothpick knew for sure that it was the same Tropius from before.*

Tropicana: No, not again... TT.TT

Toothpick: Don't you ever learn? *Walks over and pats her rather massive rear*

Zack: ...Oh yeah, we encountered this specific Tropius back in Hoenn while hunting for Mega Stones. o.o That's quite a convenience...

e-sama: Ah Hoenn; the first region I ever journeyed through. I'm actually thinking of getting a vacation home there one of these days. ^^ How is Mauville City now? The last time I was there they were just starting some construction for something big.

Zack: The entire city is basically inside this huge super market complex now. It’s insane.

e-sama: Really? That...actually sounds kind of cool. You wouldn't happen to have any pictures, would you?

Toothpick: *holds up some photographs, now leaning back against the big-bottomed Tropius* Got ya covered.

Zack: There you go. -w-

e-sama: Ooh...nice-nice...they added a food court, nice...and there are even apartments and a rooftop park.

Zack: Yeah, it is easy to get lost there too. Quite the place.

Tropicana: Master? Little help? TT.TT

e-sama: Oh, sorry sweetheart; think you two can give me a hand in freeing this girl?

Zack: Yeah, sure.

Toothpick: *Gets up and places both hands on Tropicana's bottom* Just try to push her out, yeah?

e-sama: Right Ready? Push!

*All three of them begin pushing Tropicana but are unable to budge her. e-kun, Karin and Rocky Road add their strength to the trio as well but poor Tropicana was REALLY stuck this time around.*

e-sama: we're going to have to get creative with this situation.

Toothpick: *Huffs and grunts, glaring at the two trees*

Zack: I mean, if we rub her butt in with something, we might just make her slippery enough to slip out?

e-sama: Maybe somebody has some extra lotion around here somewhere; can one of you go check?

e-kun: On it *leaves to go retrieve some lubricant of some sort*

Tropicana: TTwTT *wishing that the ground would open and swallow her up to spare her the embarrassment she was experiencing*

Toothpick: =3=# ..... *drops a towel over her bottom, covering her, before walking around to face her* I really wish I could just snap the trees...but you could get hurt if I tried to do that. =^=#

Claire: Perhaps we can help~ ^^ Hiroshi, do your thing! ^o^

*The Gallade that Claire got in a trade from e-chan jumps on top of Tropicana and then uses his long legs to push and bend the two trees trapping her, giving her enough space to finally wiggle free.*

Tropicana: *breathes a sigh of relief*

Toothpick: ..... *crosses arms and pouts* =3=#

Zack: Hey, you tried, buddy. That's what mat-

Toothpick: No. <_<#

Zack: ..... ._.; Okay.

*A girl Druddigon slowly approaches Toothpick from behind; stopping every now and then t make sure she hadn't been spotted by him...without noticing that Zack had long since seen her coming.*

Zack: >_> What is this, now...?

Victora: That is Embers, my new Druddigon courtesy or e-chan, and she's making her move right now. >w>

*Once directly behind Toothpick, Embers taps him on his shoulder.*

Toothpick: *turns around*

Embers: *plants a mighty big kiss on Toothpick's lips*

Toothpick: o//^//o ....Rowl? Wh-what was that for...?

Embers: When you see something that you like you claim before somebody else does.

Toothpick: <//__//> ....

Zack: Mr. Popular Heh....kinda miss Gust and the others now...

Victora: Well when you see them again you can tell them that their pal Toothpick got himself a new girlfriend.

Zack: Not sure how official it is, but okay |D

Victora: Oh it's official. I haven't known her for long but I can tell that she's the kind of woman that won't let go of whatever it is that she pursues. |)

Zack: Like you? >w>

Victora: Yeah, just like the current me who knows the sting of letting a grand opportunity slip right through her fingers by not being serious about the whole thing. -w-;

Masquerade: *Walks up and hugs Victora from behind after hearing this* ....I might not be as amazing as Ashuro, but... I am going to try my best to make you feel happy. Despite being quite the mess myself.

Victora: QwQ ... *returns Masquerade's hug* and I promise that I'll always let you know how much I love you.

Zack: .... I am going to look forward to watching you two and Megumi grow into a fine family. I have high expectations of how your lives are going to turn out.

Masquerade: *While cradling Victora close to him* Mmmm.....really?

Zack: Yes, really. While everyone looks happy together...I feel like the three of you shine the most in terms of happiness.

Victora: The three of us shining in regards to happiness? I never thought about it like that; if anybody I thought that Uncle Byakuru and Auntie Sylvia would fit that category more.

Zack: ...Maybe it's just your forehead blinding me, then?

Masquerade: HAHA!

Victora: Ha-ha-ha, very funny. Just you wait; when I get older I'll have so many golden locks on this head that nobody will be able to picture me with a forehead like this.

Valencia: *overhears what Victora says then sweats a bit, trying to look away nonchalantly*


Zack: I am not saying your forehead is a bad thing though. *Gently places his hand on her head and kisses her forehead* You look perfectly cute and pretty the way you are.

Masquerade: That's for sure. *kisses Victora as well*

Victora: *looks happy and pretty proud*

*Meanwhile, now that Blaze and her friends had decided to actually wad a little through the water, Rex (the Charizard, not the boy) was allowed to go off on his own and just enjoy himself as he saw fit. He is eventually approached by Philip...*

Philip: Hey man, how is it going?

Rex (Charizard): It goes fine, thanks for asking. How are you doing? Still together with that pink Vulpix and her little possy?

Philip: *nods* Yeah, Mary, Fran, Shannon, Minerva, all of them are lovely girls and I am glad that I get to spend time with them as often as I do. How about you Rex, seeing anyone special?

Rex (Charizard): Eh, you know me...kinda hard to find the right girl, and asking is not really my forte...

Philip: Right.... *Looks out at the Pokémon that was gathered around them, his eyes falling on one particular one.* How about Echo, the Noivern over there? She is pretty cool, I bet you two could hit it off.

Rex (Charizard): Well...meh, you know...

Philip: You are too shy about girls, big guy. -.-; Or is it fear of getting attached and tie the knot?

Rex (Charizard): Ey, I am not scared, alright? Don’t try to pull that shit. -_-#

Philip: Well I don’t see you ever try to approach the opposite gender, and I know for a fact you are not gay, so what else can it be??

Rex (Charizard): Watch it, or else that pretty face is not going to remain pretty, Pinkie Pie.

Philip: Bring it, Soot Lizard.

*One could almost see the sparks between the eyes of the two. A friendly rivalry that got a bit too heated at times...*

Ryuko: *sees Rex and Phillip and sighs as she goes up to them* alright you two, break it up *effortlessly pulls the two away from each other*

Rex (Charizard): Hey, dont butt in. >_>

Philip: *Groans, pushing away from her* Tsk.... -_-#

Ryuko: That wasn't to be meddling. The little Clefairy just finished putting together the chart for the battle tournament happening in ten minutes. And just look who you'll each be facing in your respective first round.

*Ryuko holds up a large sheet showing the tournament rounds and by looking at all of the rounds both Rex and Phillip see that their first match was against each other.*

Rex (Charizard): ......Well then.

Philip: Oh...

Ryuko: Now that that's settled, I need to speak with whoever came up with these prizes; in particularly the prize selection for the two runners-up. One of the prizes that 2nd and 3rd place get to choose from is a date with any one of the resident Pokémon here.

Philip: ....That's an odd choice of prize. =/

Ryuko: I know, right? That would mean that there was a possibility that I would be chosen as well. Can you believe anybody actually choosing me to go on a date with? Unbelievable, right? -3-

Rex (Charizard): you want to go on a date with someone or not?

Ryuko: Well, I'm not exactly saying that I don't want to go on a date. I mean, I wouldn't turn down an offer for a date if I was given one; every girl wants that kind of attention every now and then... >_>

Philip: ...Is it more like...there is someone special you have your eyes on, and would prefer that one, instead of being someone's "prize"...?

Rex (Charizard): I can imagine that some of the guys would love to just have the option of dating something like you. >.>

Ryuko: Really? much as I hate the idea of being somebody's prize it is nice knowing that I can be desired by other if only the guy who caught my eye was competing... >//>

Philip: Maybe he is?

Rex (Charizard): Eh, we gotta prepare, either way. Good luck, and welcome to the gang, Ryuko. *Pats her back before walking off*

Ryuko: Thanks

*Philip and Rex make their way to the little waiting area behind the newly built stage where they see many of their Pokémon friends waiting and warming themselves up for the upcoming battles.*

Ursula: *slicing at the air rapidly*

Annie: *shadowboxes her shadow*

Rex (Charizard): Hmm, the competition is looking pretty tough...

Philip: Mhm, yeah...

*Just then Annabelle darts in behind Rex and Philip as if she were late for class, apparently having just remembered that she was taking part in the tournament.*

Annabelle: Made it! @ o @

Philip: ....You might be plump, but you still retain the speed your species is known for. ._.

Annabelle: *panting* Yeah.... Apparently...

Ursula: I was wondering when you were going to show up; I definitely wouldn't want to win the first round by default.

Annabelle: sure sound confident.... What makes you so sure you are going to win? =w=

Ursula: I did help my trainer get a 50 win streak at the Battle Subway back in Unova so I'm quite confident in my battle abilities. ^^

Philip: Come back when you have achieved 70 wins in the Battle Frontier's Battle Tower. <.<

Rex (Charizard): Heh, for such a short stack, you gotta admit, she both looks and sounds strong.

*From the stage, everybody could hear Tina as she timidly tested the mic on the stage floor.*

Tina: Um, t-testing, testing... c-c-can everybody hear alright enough?

*The many spectator Pokémon wave and nod to answer Tina's question.*

Tina: O-Okay, the b-battle tournament will now begin. To advance to the next round our participants must either 1. knock out the opponent, 2. make their opponent submit and admit defeat or 3. make them fall off of the battle floor, AKA a ring out. Pokémon attacks, support moves and natural weapons like a Cubone's club are allowed but outside weapons are forbidden. Only the top three battlers will win prizes. Um...was there anything else I forgot to mention...? *thinks for a bit with a worried expression on her face*

Toothpick: What the actual prizes are. You forgot to say anything about them. =O

Tina: Oh, r-right! Third place will receive a bronze trophy filled with a variety of tasty Poke Puffs. Second place will receive a silver trophy as well a free date/outing with a resident Pokémon of the winner's choice. First place will receive a gold trophy along with a special VIP card that'll give the winner fantastic discounts off of all goods and services offered on this property as well as other special privileges.

*Hearing about the VIP card reignites the fires within Annabelle making her feel refreshed, ready and super determined once again.*

Annabelle: Yeah! That’s the stuff~! X3

Philip: She is so simple...

Tina: Okay, was there anything else...? *thinks for a bit* I guess not. Then without further ado, let the battle tournament begin! Our first match will be Annabelle VS Ursula. Will the two combatants please take the stage?

Ursula: Sounds like we're up.

Annabelle: Oh, I get to tango with the mole-drill. Cool. .w.

*Both Annabelle and Ursula walk out onto the stage.*

Ursula: Just know that I'm going to be coming at you with everything I've got. >w<

Annabelle: Heh, wouldn't feel right if I didn't beat you fair and square~

Tina: Ready, BEGiN!

*Right off the bat Ursula rockets off towards Annabelle using Drill Run. Annabelle sidesteps to avoid the attack as Ursula keeps going and...lands outside of the ring. Apparently the battle crazy mole was so into the battle right at the beginning that she had completely forgotten about the tournament's special rules.*

Tina: We have a winner! Annabelle will be moving on to the next round! ^o^

Ursula: What the!? I lost!? How!?

Tina: You landed outside the ring...


Sharkey: Tsk.....Sucks....

Annabelle: ...Um....yay...I won. .w.;;

Tina: Alright, on to the next round. Round 2 is Ryu...

*Ryu hops onto the stage from the stands.*

Tina: VS a newcomer to our family, Mochi! *looks around* is...she not here?

???: Wait-Wait! I'm here-I'm here! >o<

*A Glameow wearing a pink tank top, sky blue shorts and violet-framed glasses rushes out onto the ring. As she began to take her place on the stage she trips and falls flat on her face in the process.*

Mochi: Ow... T.T

Jane: *face palms*

Ryu: ._.; ..... *walks over and kneels down, offering his hand to the Glameow* You alright, missy?

Mochi: Y-Yeah; this happens all the time *takes Ryu's hand*

Ryu: *Gently helps her up on her feet, placing a hand on her head afterwards* As long as you are okay.

Mochi: *smiles warmly as she adjusts her glasses* I just hope that I can get through one battle without my curse activating...

Ryu: ...Curse?

Mochi: Oh, you have nothing to worry about from it; it only affects me, it seems...

Tina: Let the match, BEGiN!

Mochi: *uses Shadow Claw then timidly charges towards Ryu*

Ryu: (This almost feels unfair...) *Raises his hand and fires purple-blue fireballs at Mochi, using his Will-o-Wisp*

*Mochi surprisingly weaves between the Will-o-Wisp fireballs and swings her shadowy claws at Ryu...way too early. Her attack misses him by a complete 2 feet which results in her losing her balance and falling flat on her face once again. Ryu couldn't get a good read on this girl; either she was lulling him into a false sense of security or she was a terrible battler who had no business in the ring.*

Ryu: =-=; .... *Tightens his fists and goes on the offensive with Close Combat to beat her back...but feels himself holding back against her, feeling a bit bad about it*

Mochi: *gets lightly pummeled but counters by jumping backwards onto her springy tail and rockets herself into the air, then spins around in the air to build up momentum as she straightens out her long tail and uses Iron Tail as she descends*

Ryu: *crosses his arms and extends his elbow blades, blocking her tail with his Psycho Cut*

Mochi: *tries her hardest to break through Ryu's defenses but is bounced backwards and onto her butt* Owwie... *hears a rip as she stands back up then look back to see that there was a small rip on the seat of her shorts*

Ryu: Haaaaaa!! *Swings both of his arms downwards, sending two projectile Psycho Cuts in her direction, like spinning buzz saws*

Mochi: *uses her curly tail to spring up and over the incoming Psycho Cuts*

Ryu: Gotcha, spring tail...! *Jumps into the air to meet her head-on with his Close Combat, as she can’t dodge while in the air*

Mochi: OxO;; *in a panic she extends her tail like a spring outward and by some miracle manages to trap Ryu's arms in her tail coils*

Jane: I've got to admit that that's great use of the tail =o

Philip: Comes with the Glameow species, I guess?

Ryu: o_0 ?! *lands on his feet again* Strong tail....

Mochi: Opportunity! *swings at Ryu with Shadow Claw...but is unable to reach him due to his arms being stretched outward away from his body* rats... >.<

Ryu: .... *Smirks a bit to himself and grabs part of her tail to keep her there. Then he creates the purple-blue fireballs of his Will-o-Wisp again, circling around his being, across his arms and towards the conveniently trapped cat-Pokémon.*

Mochi: Crap...! *tries to unfurl her tail from Ryu's arms but is unable to* Double crap! OxO;;

*The fireballs all connect, smacking into and burning Mochi from various angles, inflicting the not only the burn-status, but also scorching her slightly in the places struck. One particular fireball spinning around and hitting the torn spot on the rear-area of her clothes*


Ryu: Sorry cutie. I want to win as well. *breaks his arms loose from her grip* Aie, I repeat, that is a strong tail. >.o;

Mochi: *rolls around on the ground to put the miniature fire on her rear out then stands up to inspect the damage* ... I got off easy for once; usually my curse results in much more embarrassing results *begins to glow brightly* um, what's happening?

Twig: I know that glow; she's evolving. =o

Jane: Oh-no...

Philip: Anime-logic would imply the battle will be harder for Ryu now...

Ryu: *swallows and takes up a defensive stance* .......Purugly might be a plump Pokémon in appearance, but it is really fast......wait, wouldn't her clothes not.... Oh drat. o//o;

*As Mochi's body grows all at once all anybody could hear were loud ripping noises as the little kitty Pokémon became a very plump and chubby one. She had gone from flat-chested to at least D or maybe even E cups that her little tank top could barely contain and her butt was massive, evidenced by her shorts and pink striped panties in tatters on the ground.*

Mochi: *feels a breeze on her butt* O///O KYAAAAA!! *attempts to pull her tank top down enough to cover her lower area but was unaware of how big she now was and actually ripped the tank top off completely, setting loose her huge puffies for everyone to see* Q//^//Q ...I knew I wasn't lucky enough for my curse to let me off that easy... TTwTT

*While most of the onlookers woo-ed and whistled at the plump and exposed Purugly, Ryu made his way over, calmly. Taking off what was apparently a green skin-tight shirt, revealing his pale white and surprisingly muscular though slender form as he used the cloth to cover her butt as he held her close, covering her front at the same time*

Ryu: I think you should just surrender and save face.... <///<; *Keeps get close in the covering-hug, pressing her gently against his chest*

Mochi: Yeah, that would be the smart thing to do.

Tina: you like to continue or...?

Mochi: No, I surrender; could you get me a towel or something before you announce the results though?

Tina: Oh, hold tight *goes backstage and returns seconds later with a towel and hands it to Ryu*

Ryu: Thanks Tina... *Starts to wrap the towel around Mochi* Sorry about this, Mochi...

Mochi: It's okay, Ryu; it's not your fault at all. This is my curse: the fan service curse; whatever I do I somehow end up in some sort of embarrassing predicament. To counter that I pretty much stayed locked away inside my room and did many indoors activities but I guess e-sama saw that I wasn't truly happy. He traded me to e-chan in the hopes that he and the Pokémon here could help me and encouraged me to try new things and to try and go with the flow when embarrassing things happen. And even though something really embarrassing did happen like I thought it would, I had fun; it was an honor to battle you in this tournament, Ryu *bows to Ryu, revealing her huge butt to the crowd in doing so*

Rex (Charizard): *Whistles* Hubba. =/w/=

Satonaka: St-stop staring, you guys! She has had enough! >//0//<#

Ryu: *rolls his eyes at the crowd and puts on his shirt again* Yeah, it was really fun. When you have become accustomed to your new body, why don’t we have a rematch to settle things? And if you ever want to do anything...just contact me. I would like to spend some more time with you sometime. *places his hand on Mochi's head, petting her sweetly* ...You've kept your fur healthy and clean, I will give you that. You're really soft and smooth. ^//^

Mochi: ^//w//^ *smiles warmly then heads backstage*

Tina: Okay, now that that's settled, we have a winner! Ryu will be moving on to the next round! ^o^

Momo, Mimi, Shirona and Aurora: *cheers Ryu for his victory*

Ryu: ..... ^/~/^; *waves to the crowd of friends and other Pokémon as he walks off the arena himself*

Raven: He still has some of that shy personality under that gentleman-like appearance and demeanor... -w-

Tina: Now onto the next round. Round 3 is Raven VS Lady Eve!

Lady Eve: *steps out onto the stage* Huhuhu~ I've been waiting for this match up for a LONG time.

Raven: *Groans and slants up onto the stage, crossing her arms* Of course it’s this one in the first round. -3-;

Lady Eve: You've been dodging my requests for a true match for forever; now there's no escape for the butt kicking you're about to get.

Raven: I should warn you....I haven't updated my official move list in, don’t be surprised if you see me pull out a new move you did not know I had, okay?

Lady Eve: I'll be able to take whatever you dish out; it's not about the moves, it's how you use them.

Tina: Let the match, BEGiN!

*Lady Eve begins to circle Raven, trying to get a feel for what her next action will be.*

Raven: .... *Taps her foot at the ground, watching Lady Eve cautiously, not really inching from her spot as the air around her was slowly cooling down*

Lady Eve: *notices the unusual coldness around her despite it being the middle of summer and becomes very cautious*

Raven: *Suddenly lunges at Eve, her left arm glowing a faint blue while the right glows a purple-ish dark as she uses both Ice Punch and Night Slash respectively, shadows and ice circling around her being as she did*

Lady Eve: *defends and blocks Ravens attacks with a dual Metal Claw attack*

Raven: *Vaults off of her blocking arms and over Eve, spinning around and hitting her legs with a Low Kick to knock her off, and deal as much damage as she could*

Lady Eve: *quickly reacts to lessen the damage of her fall by going into a break dance spin and use Aerial Ace with her feet on Raven to counter attack*

Raven: *Grabs her arm mid-move and tosses Eve over her by leading the attack and controlling the movement of Eve's arm* Huff.... -.-

Lady Eve: *quickly rights herself and lands on the edge of the ring* *makes her way back to the center of the ring* okay, time for a little renovation *surrounds her right arm with icy energy then punch the ring floor to make the entire ring ice over and make large icicles pop up in various locations*

Raven: *Looks around her* ....And ice ring, huh...?

Lady Eve: *begins to skate around, gradually increasing her speed due to her knowledge of the icy terrain she had created*

Raven: You do realize that I am a Weavile too, right? -.- *kicks off and slides across the ice, albeit slower than Eve, but able to maneuver it as well* ...Though it has been a while since I have done this, I guess... <_<

Lady Eve: *skates towards a large pillar of ice and slices it into large segments* time for a little bumper pool~

*Lady Eve powerfully kicks each of the ice segments in different directions causing them to bump into other segments and each other in a seemingly random fashion. Because of the way the ice had formed on the ring none of the segments could leave the ring due to the small ice wall that was created around the edges. Raven soon found herself having to work really hard to dodge very fast incoming ice obstacles coming at her from all around as well as Lady Eve kicking each of them around and at her as projectiles.*

Aurora: Cool... *turns to Ryu and Cathy* do you think your friend will be able to figure a way out of this?

Ryu: .....Yeah. Potentially.

Cathy: Raven never loses her cool in a battle. Well, not anymore after her intense training...and I don’t think she is going to let herself lose to Lady Eve's little trick.

Raven: *Dodging, weaving and leaping out of the way of projectiles, finding herself skidding on the ice and getting scratched by some of the obstacles being tossed around, gritting her teeth* Come on, Raven...try to find a pattern...

Lady Eve: Behind you~ *lands quite a few Metal Claw attacks from different sides to Raven while she was distracted then quickly gets out of range to keep the ice segments going*

Raven: Urgh! ....Guh, would figure a little imp like you would be resulting to stuff like this to battle... Well that's fine! *Punches a projectile that came at her, cracking and shattering it. Her whole body glowed for a moment, and suddenly...she looked a bit more muscular than before* I just have to break down your strategy...literally.

Lady Eve: Please, give me some credit. You think that "this" was my main strategy? No, this was only to bring that out; to make you get serious *points to Raven in her more muscular form* now that you've gotten serious I'll get serious as well *her body glowed for a moment as well and then she looked a bit more nimble and speedier*

Raven: ...Very well then. *cracks her own neck a little* ...Come.

*Lady Eve takes off with an explosion of speed that was so fast that even Raven lost sight of her for a second or two but managed to spot and dodge her lightning fast Night Slash at the last possible second. However before she could counter attack, Lady Eve had taken off in another speed burst and began attacking Raven with a fast and relentless Aerial Ace attack.*

Raven: Ugh....but for...! I have had with being pelted over and over by your barrage attacks, so this is where I put an END to your MALARKEY! *As she put emphasis on certain words, she punched the ground and gathered up a huge chunk of ice from the field, and chucked it in one of the directions Lady Eve was coming from, in a sort-of make-shift Icicle Crash attack. Raven was visibly getting frustrated with the fast-moving Weavile.*

Philip: I don’t get it. Shouldn't Raven be able to keep up with the speed of other Weavile?

Ryu: Well....normally, yes.... But Raven is more of a heavy hitter now...

Lady Eve: *uses Metal Claw and her new speed to slice the make-shift Icicle Crash into ice cubes then uses Aerial Ace to send each and every cube back at Raven, pelting her in a shower of ice cube hail*

Raven: *Uses her Night Slash to shield herself before dashing ahead, the ice cracking as she moved and her claws now glowing redish-orange*

Annabelle: What move is that...? o_O

Lady Eve: *uses Ice Punch in combination with Night Slash to create a pair of ice claws and then meets Raven head on using Aerial Ace, attacking relentlessly.*

*The attacks from raven felt...surprisingly heavy, even with how she was meeting the attacks with her own; and even though Raven was visibly taking damage, her own attacks just got stronger. And her muscle mass seemed to have increased even further! She was using Power-Up Punch!*

Lady Eve: *quickly backs away from an incoming attack* another hit like that and I won't be lasting much longer; I don't have any way of reliably boosting my attack so I'll have to improvise *uses Ice Punch and Metal Claw in tandem together to make long and hard ice claws* here goes nothing *speeds up to Raven and hits her with the ice-reinforced Metal Claw with all her might to inflict massive enough damage to make Raven flinch from the pain*

Raven: *Smashes her claws into Lady Eve's....and wouldn't you know it, even though her punch got through the move, Raven had to stop up for a moment, staggering from the pain she felt in her wrist*

Lady Eve: *the ice encasing her hands shatters and falls off from the force of Raven's attack* Ow-Ow-Ow! *rubs her hands furiously, trying to alleviate the pain in both of them*

Raven: ...! *Seeing Lady Eve distracted by her own pain, Raven uses this moment to mount another attack, sweeping Eve's legs up from under her, using Low Kick*

Lady Eve: Whoa! OoO *falls forward onto her face* Crap... *tries to get up but get pinned down by Raven who literally puts her foot down on her back*

Aurora: Oh, I guess you were right, Ryu; for a moment there I thought that Lady Eve had her.

Ryu: *Smiles and nods* That's my fearsome teammate for ya.... Always making the most out of a situation and not letting a moment slip away.


Raven: *Panting* ....Now...let's see how you like the repeated hits.... *Kneels down on top of Lady Eve and plants her knee into her back to keep her down, then starts to use her good arm to rapidly and brutally spank the fellow Weavile on her rather shapely buttocks*

Lady Eve: AiEEE! YOW! EEK! OW! *futilely tries to escape* this is just as bad as when e-chan spanks me!

Raven: *stands again after about 30 slaps* ....Ref, your call...

*Just as Tina was about to open her mouth and announce Raven the winner a shadow looms over Raven and brings her down to the ring floor. It was Lady Eve; she had regained her composure and gotten on top on Raven's back to keep her pinned down.*

Lady Eve: How dare you! Only e-chan gets to touch this perfect rump! Let's see how you like being spanked by someone other than your trainer in front of a huge crowd!

*Lady Eve goes to town on Raven's rather shapely butt, spanking it with great speed and force. Before long Raven managed to free herself from Lady Eve's hold despite having a bright red bottom and the two of them got into an angry cat fight. Both angry Weaviles were really going at each other, forgetting all about the match and everything around them so much so that neither of them noticed it when they both fell out of and landed outside of the ring simultaneously but continued fighting.*

Tina: Double Ring-out!

*Hearing that both Weaviles finally snapped out of it and realized where they were. They both looked at each other angrily for a few seconds but after getting a look at each other and how beat up, dirty and funny looking they were both of them just bust out into a fit of laughter.*

Raven: Hahaha! Pfft, yeah, we both screwed that one up!

Lady Eve: Yeah! Hahaha, we must look ridiculous right about now!

Simon: Y-you do.... .///.;;

Raven: Phey.... -/w/- .... "Perfect Rump", she said. Eve, I have seen a lot of butts, yours is far from the "perfect rump", sweetie... *Nudges her and helps her stand up again, giving everyone a good view of their spanked behinds, once more*

Lady Eve: If my beloved trainer likes it then it has to be perfect ^/3/^ That was a great match; after a great fight like that I respect you too much to ever tease or prank you again.

Raven: As if... -w- *playfully swats Lady Eve on her butt and then puts her arm around her*

Lady Eve: OwO; Oh you... -w- *returns a similar playful swat to Raven's butt then puts her arm around her as well*

Tina: Okay, according to the additional rules, in case of a double ring-out, once all rounds of the current tier have occurred, those who didn't move on to the next round will play a little game in order for one to win a spot to battle in the next round. So for the rest of you who haven't battled yet, if you lose your battle one of you will have a second chance to advance to the next round. Once all of the first rounds have taken place all of those who didn't move on to the next round will gather here on the ring to play the game.

Annabelle: Oh joy, mole-drill will potentially still have a chance. <w<

Ryu: Mochi is probably better off not taking part....she still needs new clothes. .///.

Tina: Now on to the next round. Round 4 is Rex VS Philip!

Rex (Charizard): *flies onto the stage* Alright, about time. -w-

Philip: *Calmly walks up, both hands in his pockets* <.<

Fireworks: *sees Satonaka in the stands and takes a seat next to her* Hey sweetheart, I finally finished my share in preparing the food for later. Did I miss any good matches? ^^

Satonaka: Y-yeah, kinda... Mochi and Ryu had a pretty good match, but Mochi had to throw in the towel after evolving and...her clothes burst.... Meanwhile Raven and Lady Eve tied after a double ring-out.

Fireworks: That must've been quite a show

Tina: Let the match, BEGiN!

*Philip and Rex both leap into action instantly. Rex by starting to fly around the stage and pelting Philip from above with a combination of Dragon Pulse and Air Slash. meanwhile the Espeon is dodging and trying to connect with his Psyshock and Shadow Ball attacks to snipe the Charizard out of the air. Rex suddenly goes even more on the offensive, diving down at Philip while using Fire Spin, catching the cat-like Pokémon as he tried to dodge and pins him to the floor with the fire spiraling around him while Rex ascends again, looking down with his arms crossed*

Toothpick: He just shoved him right into the stage! Like...literally into it. o_o

Cathy: The Fire Spin also makes it even harder for Philip to move, while dealing a repeative amount of damage...

Fireworks: He'd better be careful while flying around like that; it's no fun to be grabbed out of the air by a Psychic-type and slammed to the ground. Believe me, I know. -w-

Satonaka: ...The thing is....Philip only has Psyshock as his Psychic-Type move, and that functions as a physical move. It makes impact.

Samantha (Dewott): Philip is not the best at head-on confrontation, however... Don’t let your guard down against him. Just take a look at him.

*There, through the fire, the other Pokémon could see Philip's jacket being thrown aside as he sat down, eyes closed, trying to focus his mind as he gradually started to make Shadow Balls and fire them at Rex above.*

Rex (Charizard): Whoa-ho! So, the kitten thinks he can withstand the attacks? Well, let’s see how he handles THIS~!

*Rex holds up his Mega Stone...but a different one from the time before. Instead of evolving into his X-Mega, he now evolved into a Charizard-Y! His Drought ability intensifying the sunrays and increasing the damage output of the flames*

Rex (Mega Charizard Y): Time to give him a little parting gift... *With his fist clenched, Rex dive bombs into the stage and slams his fist onto the floor, making an explosion flames erupt from Philip's position, reignite and explode again*

Ryu: *shielding his eyes* Yup! That's a Blast Burn!

Kitsu: Whoa! So that's Blast Burn; I've seen it used before by Pokémon in competition on TV but to see and feel it in person is on a whole other level. ^o^

Sharkey: he gonna be okay...

Rex (Mega Charizard Y): *Descends onto the stage* Huff....that moves takes a lot out of ya...

Holon: Big mistake~ -w-

Philip: *Emerges from the smoke and fire, visibly damaged, but fine. A light-blue aura coating him* Calm Mind...nifty move to use when the opponent thinks you can’t do anything. Like, being trapped by flames...

Rex (Mega Charizard Y): Shoot...!!

*Before Rex could respond or do anything, Philip lifts his hand and blasts the Charizard off of the ring using a super-boosted Psyshock and Shadow Ball combination. Utilizing Blast Burn was his downfall, this time.*

Holon: Yup; big mistake, just as I thought -w-

Philip: ..... *Collapses to his knees* It’s still fire, and the heat knocks me....pretty hard down.... -.-;

Holon: Well, at least he defeated his opponent before succumbing to his injuries.

Satonaka: That is true... ^~^;

Rex (Charizard): Ugh... *Sits up and rubs his head* Darn it, I thought I had him....

Toothpick: Better luck next time. =3

Tina: We have a winner! Philip will be moving on to the next round! ^o^

Philip: Thank you. Now...if you'll excuse me....I'm going to nap and dream about Mary and her soft, soft fur...... *collapses onto the stage, face-first*

Sharkey: He never was good with handling heat....kinda ironic how he is now with a Vulpix girl.

Rex (Charizard): ...... *brushes himself off* Hrm....yeah, whatever....

Lulu: *flies onto the stage, picks up Philip and flies backstage with him to perform first aid*

Tina: Now on to the next round. Round 5 is Cloud...

Satonaka: Oh, we get to see that handsome little Meowth fight?

Samantha (Dewott): Oh, this should be interesting.

Tina: VS. ...Cloud? Huh, is this a typo? ...Oh, wait, no that's correct. Um...the Meowth Cloud VS the Roserade Cloud!

Cloud (Meowth): *walks onto the ring* who made these match-ups? -~-;

Cloud (Roserade): ....I feel like this is a bad joke. >.> *Brushes his petal-bangs out of his face*

Milk-chan and Mint: *does a cheer dance for Cloud in the stands while wearing cheerleader outfits*

Cloud (Meowth): -///-; *rubs the back of his head*

Cloud (Roserade): ...... *Looks to the stands* .....Hrm, gotta say I envy you and the support you are getting. But that just means I have to give more of a reason to show people that I am worth cheering for.... So then. *The roses on Cloud's hands suddenly burst and the petals blown around him in a...rather beautiful display, revealing a pair of Gardevoir-like hands who were previously hidden among the flowers* Shall we dance, kitty?

Cloud (Meowth): Lets! *extends his claws*

Tina: Let the battle, BEGiN!

Cloud (Roserade): *Begins by firing a purple orb into the sky, which proceeds to split into many separate small orbs before crashing into the stage, laying layers of Toxic Spikes around the two of them* Heh...

Cloud (Meowth): Hmm... *uses Pay Day to place to large coins on the ground then take a pack of tape out of his pants pocket to turn them into some makeshift metal sandals for his feet* that should do it ^^

Cloud (Roserade): .....

Toothpick: Knock him onto the spikes! =O

Cloud (Meowth): *speeds towards the Roserade and uses Cut*

Cloud (Roserade): *Throws his arm downwards and makes a spiraling Petal Dance circle around him, and also send him airborne, while hitting the Meowth and keeping him occupied* My Toxic Spikes aren’t currently working, Shadow Ball can’t hit the guy due to typing...this is actually very bad...

Cloud (Meowth): *uses Pay Day to toss quite a few coins into the Petal Dance which causes them to go airborne as well, acting as little missiles being shot at the Roserade in the air*

Cloud (Roserade): !! *shields himself from the incoming attacks...until a stray golden coin hits him right in his own set of "gold balls", causing the bouquet Pokémon to shriek in a high-pitched tone as he descends and crashes onto the stage, holding his crotch* You...god damn...fiend...! Q~<;;

Cloud (Meowth): I was hoping for that attack to make contact with you up there...just not in that particular spot...

Samantha (Dewott): Ohoho, that had to sting~

Sierra: *Facepalms* Aye... >w<;

Cloud (Roserade): *Raises himself up, groaning* Who am I even kidding....this kid is going to beat me, and there really is not anything I can do about it... Tsk, well...might as well. *Takes a step forward and launches a second Toxic Spike ball, setting up the second layer to inflict the Toxic status on Cloud if he was lucky enough to trip him over them*

Cloud (Meowth): (This is bad; two layers of Toxic Spikes is bad news if I make a mistake now and he's able to stall for time. It'll be too risky to wear him down through battle...which means my best bet at winning is to send him out of the ring. Well, here goes nothing...) *speeds at the Roserade and feints a Cut attack, which makes him raise his arms up to defend, then he ducks down, grabs him from below, raises him in the air then tosses him to the ground outside the ring before he knew what had happened*

Tina: Ring-out!

Cloud (Roserade): *Lays there, blinking for a while until he abruptly sits up, looking absolutely distraught* Wh....what.... You-you're kidding me...right?

Rex (Charizard): Sorry dude, you hardly even scratched him. This is what we call a "Perfect Victory" in his favor.

Annabelle: Aaaand a rather humiliating defeat in your favor....sorry. ^~^;

Cloud (Roserade): ........ *Grabs onto the stage to help pull himself up*

Cloud (Meowth): Sorry man; not exactly the way I wanted to win but once you set up the perfect Toxic field I had to end the battle as fast as I could or else I would've definitely lost.

Cloud (Roserade): He says after he was in control of that entire match... *Sighs, but with a smile on his face* Guess the audience did the right thing when they did not cheer me on, huh? Heh... *Starts to walk away from the ring, the Toxic Spikes evaporating as Cloud got further away*

Tina: We have a winner! Cloud...the Meowth Cloud...will be moving on to the next round!

Bouquet: *approaches Cloud (Roserade) as he steps off of the ring* hey, you didn't do half bad out there. ^^

Cloud (Roserade): .... *shrugs* I didn't even land a hit and the fight was over really quickly...

Bouquet: Hey, sometimes we just get bad match-ups. You got the field set-up just right for a Poison-type to take advantage of and had there not been a ring-out condition that battle could've shifted in your favor given enough time.

Cloud (Roserade): But that's not the case this time. Quite frankly, I am disappointed with myself....

Bouquet: Then use this loss as a learning experience and get stronger for next time; that's what Pokémon battling is all about.

Cloud (Roserade): Easy for you to say, you're not the one who got tossed around like a piece of cloth. *Shrugs, again*

Bouquet: Well, look at it this way; at least this was just a quirky little backyard tournament and not the final, critical round of something like the Sinnoh League where you're one-shotted by a surprise super-effective critical hit before you can even launch your first move or dodge... *blushes, sweats profusely then once she thinks about the moment from her past some more she begins to look a bit depressed*

Cloud (Roserade): .... *Places his hand under her chin and makes her look at him again* Chin up. You and your team got to the finals. If anything, you just standing there shows how strong you actually are. And if you are as strong as your pretty, well I would not want to get on your bad side. *smiles a little and retracts his hand*

Bouquet: *looks reassured and happy as she blushes a bit* ^//w//^

Tina: Now on to the next round. Round 6 is Munchkin VS Mudpie!

*Quite a few seconds pass by but neither Munchkin nor Mudpie appear on the stage.*

Tina: Um...has anybody seen Munchkin or Mudpie?

Nico: Those two? They're still with Moe; they said something about not leaving his side until he's completely over his fear of grime and bugs.

Tina: that case, once all of the first rounds have ended there will be a chance for two battlers who have lost to get a second chance now.

Sierra: Typical. >.>

Tina: In that case, we'll just move on to the next round. Round 7 is Sierra VS Toko!

Toko: *does a few back flips from backstage onto the rings* Ta-da~ ^o^

Sierra: *Rolls her eyes, as she walks up* Show-off. >.>

Rex (Charizard): Ah, that's the "chicken buns" girl....

Annabelle: We gave her the nickname for a reason. =w=

Toko: Ready to feel the heat, monkey girl?

Sierra: I guess? Odds are the audience will be sweating before we are.

Tina: Let the battle, BEGiN!

Sierra: *Leaps forward instantly with her Thunder Punch charged up and ready to strike, aiming to go for a quick first hit*

Toko: *back flips out of the way*

Sierra: *Kicks off from the ground and flips back after her, trying to score in a mid-air Flamethrower in the process*

Toko: *spins in the air to make the flames whirl around her before landing in a handstand then sending the flames back at Sierra with a powerful upside-down Blaze Kick*

Sierra: *Surrounds herself with a Flare Blitz and spins in mid-air, deflecting the redirected Flamethrower before landing on the ground again* Heh, you Blazikens are something else...

Toko: You haven't seen nothing yet

Sierra: Alright then. So come on, show me~

Toko: After watching a particular anime I managed to tweak my battle style using actions I already use for fun into true fighting moves. I've been practicing these moves for two weeks; you'll be the first opponent who gets to see the result of my training...

*Toko dashes up to Sierra, acting like she was going to deliver a Sky Uppercut, causing Sierra to put her arms up to defend herself...which was just what Toko wanted her to do. Instead Toko does a short leap upwards and wraps her legs around Sierra to keep her arms restrained in place and then does something no rational person would see coming: Toko arches backwards a bit to build up power then...*

Toko: Boob Blast! >w< *powerfully slams her boobs in Sierra's face with enough power to send a mild shock wave radiating outwards for the crowd to feel*

Sierra: *Gets knocked back and skids to a halt near the edge, blinking in confusion, her face flustered* O///~///o; What the fuck was that...!?

Rex (Charizard): ...... Those spheres are filled with pain.... >//>

Toothpick: Pain and jiggles =3

Sierra: *Rubs her face* (D-damn, what the heck was that...? It felt like being punched by a pair of round pillows......squishing around my face...) >///O;;

Toko: Oh, that? Just something I do to e-chan on a regular basis for fun but with way more power that what I use on him.

Sierra: *Grits her teeth* .....Just don’t bust your back doing that...

Toko: Noted ^o^ *begins doing a series of back flips, seemingly increasing her speed with each one*

Sierra: *Distances herself away from the edge as far as she could, charging up her Thunder Punch to guard with this time, but trying to not let another "Boob Smack" happen*

Toko: *lands on her feet after her final back flip and mightily spring towards Sierra with Sky Uppercut at great speed*

Sierra: *coats herself in her Flare Blitz again and attempt to meet Toko's attack with one of her own, combining the Thunder Punch and Flare Blitz for one blow*

*Toko meets Sierra's Flame Blitz-coated Thunder Punch with her Sky Uppercut, taking a little damage in the process. Before Sierra could back away to regroup Toko grabs a hold of her arm and pulls her forward and downward to throw off her balance.*

Toko: Butt Hammer! >w< *powerfully swings her butt into Sierra's chin with enough power to send a moderate shock wave radiating outwards for the crowd to feel*

*The sudden heavy blow to her chin left Sierra in a disoriented state as she stumbled about trying to regain her senses and stop the ringing in her ears.*

Fireworks: Ouch...and to think she uses those same moves on e-chan just to be flirty and playful...

Philip: With this much force??

Ryu: How is he still standing to this day...?

Sierra: *Goes down on her knees and balances using one of her arms, panting while holding her head with her free hand* I...I can’t get a read on this girl at all...! What...what am I supposed to do here? I don’t...I don't understand what is going on anymore.... >~@;

*As Sierra stands up again, her body starts to glow a faint red color, signalizing that her Blaze was activating.*

Toko: *leaps high into the air and uses Brave Bird as she descends back to the ground, aimed at Sierra like a homing missile*

Sierra: Oh for-!! *Tries to retaliate with one Blaze-boosted Flamethrower, her flames bursting out as she fired it off.*

Toko: *charges right through the Flamethrower, getting most of her clothes burned off in the process, but manages to strike Sierra with the super-effective attack to deal massive damage*

*A metallic clang-like noise is heard as Toko impacts with Sierra, knocking the monkey Pokémon off the arena as her golden chest-pieces, fly in separate directions. The Infernape's mammaries freed and bounce happily upon exposure as Sierra lays on the ground, knocked out*

Tina: Knockout! We have a winner! Toko will be moving on to the next round!

Toko: *hops off of the ring down to Sierra* ... *takes off her top, the only piece of clothing that wasn't burned off, and puts it on Sierra to cover her up* a perfect fit

Rex (Charizard):, are all Blaziken just as...."bushy" down there, or...

Olaf: Not that I know of. =/w/=;

Annabelle: *Sighs and goes over to Toko and Sierra, helping her teammate up and puts her over her own shoulder, whistling as she glanced at Toko* You might have the jiggles, but your body is also well-toned. Don’t show off too much; leave the guys wanting more. X3

Toko: *finally notices that she's naked* that last Flamethrower was even more powerful that I originally thought; time for a wardrobe change~ ^o^ *runs off to put on some new clothes*

Annabelle: ...Heh, I like her…

Sierra: Shuuuut uuup..... My head is hurting, can you not be so loud.... =~=;

Annabelle: Okay, sick bed for you. .w.

Sierra: Urgh....

Lulu: *flies over to Annabelle and Sierra* if you come backstage I can provide the needed first aid for her.

Annabelle: Neat. =u= Will do.

Tina: Round 8 is Toothpick...

Toothpick: That is me~

Tina: ...VS another newcomer to our family, Desert Rose!

*A little Cacnea hurries up to the stage, running as fast as her tiny, stumpy legs would take her.*

Desert Rose: *spins her arms around, ready to battle*

Toothpick: ...This should be fun.

Tina: Let the battle, BEGiN!

Desert Rose: *leaps at Toothpick swinging her arm around to use Needle Arm*

Toothpick: *Shrouds his arm with Ice Punch and grabs Desert Rose's swinging arm, blocking her in her path* This is kinda unfair, isn't it?

Desert Rose: Kinda sorta *backs off before the ice forms around her arm* but I thrive on a good challenge *uses Nature Power; it turns into Tri Attack and shoots off at Toothpick*

*Toothpick takes a good blunt of the attack, smirking a little as his body gave off some steam and glowed a faint red for a moment*

Toothpick: Well then little girl, a challenge is what you will get.

Desert Rose: *surrounds herself with a dark aura then shoots it at Toothpick, using Dark Pulse*

Toothpick: *Surprisingly leaps into the air with the help of a boosted Waterfall. His teeth glowing as he prepared to sink in a Crunch into the little girl, combined with his Ice Punch-coated arms ready to strike*

Desert Rose: *bulks up both her arms as she fearlessly charges at Toothpick and uses Needle Arm and Brick Break simultaneously in both arms to deliver an uppercut to his jaw*

*Toothpick gets struck right in the underside of the jaw, as Desert Rose aimed to do, halting the descent of the ator-Pokémon... But then, as the two are lined up perfectly, Toothpick's arms grab the Cacnea's sides, his claws slightly digging into her as the Ice Punch started to freeze her over, with Toothpick grinning a little bit as he looked down at her again and they started to fall towards the ground*

Toothpick: Gotcha~

Desert Rose: De...ter....mina....TiON! *body begins to brim with energy as she makes another Nature Power and uses it on herself to break the ice and Toothpick's hold on her but takes some damage from her own attack in the process then quickly puts a little distance between herself and the large gator* *huffs and puffs as she catches her breath* looks like it's finally time...

Toothpick: ....?

Desert Rose: It's time... *reaches into the small flower bud crown on her head and pulls out a small Everstone and a piece of Rare Candy* to advance to the next level of power! *tosses the Everstone out of the ring and swallows the Rare Candy in one gulp then shortly after begins to glow all over in a bright, white and blue light as she began to evolve*

Toothpick: ....Well that’s just typical, isn’t it... =3

*Once the process was complete Desert Rose had evolved into a Cacturne with a very sexy human-like body, complete with golden eyes, big hips, an abundant chest and even long silky black hair with a green streak in a super long side ponytail flowing out from underneath her hat. A lot of the guys in the stands were definitely pleased with the beauty in the ring before them.*

Desert Rose: Oh yeah, now the real battle can begin~

Toothpick: Just skipping puberty entirely, are we? =w= Well, I see why Kevin says green is such a beautiful color.

Desert Rose: Thank you ^w^

Toothpick: *Sniffs the air* ....shame you don’t have any flowers on your person... A plant who looks so beautiful is sure to smell good as well.

Olaf: That is actually not true, Toothpi-

Raven: Let the guy compliment her, bookworm... <.<

Desert Rose: *chuckles* you're a real gentleman, really you are; but now it is time to see if my theory was correct *focuses for a few seconds and then uses Nature Power again, this time it turns into Mud Bomb and a giant ball of mud is hurled at Toothpick*

Toothpick: *shields his eyes from that attack. It didn't do a whole lot of damage to him* Mud Bomb?

Desert Rose: Yes, my theory WAS correct. Normally Nature Power's attack is derived from the user's immediate surroundings but over time I've learned how to expand my area range to draw power for this attack from. By evolving my range has now increased significantly. For instance, there is a particular element that is all around us that would be bad for you~ >w< *uses Nature Power again and this time it becomes a rather large Energy Ball*

Toothpick: HEY WHA-?! *Hit with the full power of that blast, ending up with his hand scorched slightly* Blast attacks and all...ouch...>.O;

Desert Rose: And if I focus just right... *focus on all the nature around her and in the distance* ...Ooh, there's a thunderstorm that won't reach this area...but I can reach it~

*Toothpick goes on high alert as Desert Rose begins to use Nature Power again after saying that, knowing full well which attack it was going to produce this time.*

Desert Rose: *Nature Power turns into Thunderbolt*

Toothpick: Grah!?

*Toothpick shields himself by using the ice from the Ice Punch, but the attack connects either way. The Thunderbolt crackles until the electric surge finally dies down. Toothpick was still standing, albeit panting heavily and now only wearing the scorched remains of his shirt, resulting in a couple squeals and whistles from the female part of the audience*

Toothpick: Geh.... *swallows* Eygh.... Not bad....

Desert Rose: And before you can make a comeback...

*Desert Rose uses Nature Power again; this time it turns into Hydro Pump as she uses it on...herself.*

Desert Rose: Ah, that felt great; thank you Water Absorb. Now that I'm 100% again I can easily... *loses her balance and falls forward* Huh? What the...why do I feel so heavy all of a sudden?

*What Desert Rose didn't realize was that her Water Absorb ability seemed to have a new effect on her body; she didn't realize it just yet, but certain parts of her had expanded to take in the full force of the Hydro Pump she hit herself with, namely her breasts, belly and butt. Sure, Water-type attacks would heal her instead of hurting her, but as a trade-off they would now weigh her down. With this knowledge in hand Toothpick knew just how to turn this battle around for himself.*

Toothpick: *Grins and surrounds himself with water as he uses Waterfall* At 100%, you say? Can we get you above that, I wonder~?

*The Feraligatr lounged himself at the Cacturne, hitting her with most of the Waterfall stream, and doing so multiple times, while moving around her, and being sure to land a couple playful Ice Punch swats to the growing rear and tits of the cactus Pokémon*

Desert Rose: Yeep! Wait! *futilely tries to get up and flails her arms and legs around to no avail, now nothing more than a great lump of boobs, belly and butt that had no way to defend herself*

Toothpick: *Cracks his knuckles* Alright, with the preparations done...let’s give the grASS-type a run for her money~

*Starting by using his claws, Toothpick lightly scratches at Desert Rose's massive jiggly bottom, before raising both hands and starting to pound and smack the jiggly mass around while using Ice Punch to spank her with, even mixing in a few Crunches to bite her back there too, the whole scene looking like it could turn PG18 really easily*

Desert Rose: AiEEEE!! I submit! I submit! No more~ >//w//Q

Toothpick: *Gives her rear a little and playful bite before getting on top of her, sitting down on her back* Ref. =3

Tina: Contestant Desert Rose has submitted; Toothpick is the winner and will advance to the next round!

*The crowd cheers for Toothpick for providing an exciting yet sexy battle.*

Tina: I've gotten word from our on-site nurse Lulu that after malfunction that Mochi experienced earlier that our resident tailor, Silk, has brought a supply of replacement clothes for our battlers to wear should something happen to theirs during battle. You can find them backstage.

Toothpick: Oh, that is handy. *Helps Desert Rose up on her feet, helping her balance* Let’s try to fix you up...a good squeeze here and there might help.... =3

Desert Rose: I don't know, anymore stimulation and I might not be able to control myself. This engorged state seems to have left my body super sensitive to all sorts of touch...if you know what I mean~

Toothpick: Oh, that's naughty. Don’t make me spank you further, young girl. =w=

Desert Rose: *giggles slyly*

*Toothpick leads Desert Rose backstage so that the next fight can begin.*

To be continued…

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