Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Invasion Party Foul! Catch All of the Shadow Pokemon!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 24
“Invasion Party Foul! Catch All of the Shadow Pokémon!!”
An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

A few minutes later and the grills were lit and the pool was bustling with kids and the new swimsuits that Sui had gotten for them as they were all having a ball swimming together and getting into various water hi-jinks with one another and Ashuro's Pokémon family.

Elise: *chuckles to herself as she looks out at the pool* such a lively bunch

Ruby: Oh, you can say that again. The future generation is a lively one.

Rose: *growling as she swats a pool ball back and forth* =3=#

Arzekiel: Like an angry little kitten

Rose: Shut up... =3=#

Arashi: Just leave her be, she will come around...

Arzekiel: I know, she was just so cute that I had to tease her a little

Arashi: ....True enough. -w- I get what you mean.

Arzekiel: Yeah...I wonder if I'll ever have another kid myself.

Arashi: You and Dena are grown up enough to decide that by yourselves. I say go for it, just don’t rush it or anything.

Arzekiel: Well, that's sort of the thing; we have been trying for years now. There's nothing wrong physically with either of us so I'm thinking that it might be something psychological. I think that having our egg taken from us all those years back may have affected us both more than I thought. I'm still bothered by it and poor Dena; she puts on a strong and brave face but there are just those days where she just cries...it really breaks my heart that I can't help her more.

Arashi: ....I think I can understand... I still don’t know there whereabouts of Earthia, the dragon that nursed and raised me as a kid. And I don’t even know my biological family. There are times where I just...get to the conclusion that she abandoned me and Rose, still an egg at that time... It is really something that sinks it's dirty fangs into you, and doesn't let go. But the important thing is that you are there for her. It might not seem like much, but I think Dena really appreciates your comfort, even if that is all you can do for her at those times, and doesn't want you to over strain yourself either.

Arzekiel: Thank you what about you; ever think you'll have a kid of your own?

Arashi: Well...potentially, maybe? I have not really settled down with anyone yet, though I have my interests.... *shrugs and takes a sip of his drink* I guess I wouldn't...mind it, if that is the right words to use.

Arzekiel: I'm sure you'll find that somebody soon

*Around then some of the final party guests arrived as they walked into the backyard consisting of Tenrio, Alexis, Isis, Felix, Amber and Lynette. While Tenrio and Felix were dressed in their usual wear, Alexis, Isis, Amber and Lynette were decked out in some really cute summer wear.*

Pepper: I was wondering when you'd show up, Tenrio

Tenrio: It took a little convincing to get Alexis to come here dressed like this

Victora: Amber, Lynette, there you are~ ^o^

Flicky and Trina: Isis-chan~

Snow: *nuzzles against Felix* ^///^

Felix: *kneels down and picks up Snow in his arm, letting her snuggle against him* Taking a day off is good, sometimes.

Alexis: *pouts* Summer dresses...pwey... -/3/-#

Isis: Hello~

Amber: Dressed for success also means being dressed for the right occasion, no? That is why I took the time to get you all such elegant yet not-too-flashy dresses to wear.

Lynette: I-it's nice... And it was smart to not wear a pantyhose...it's very hot today. ./w/.;

Isis: Agreed, mhm.

Tenrio: But you look so pretty, love~ *gives Alexis a quick hug and kiss on the cheek*

Alexis: >///< Nyegh!

Isis: *giggles*

Tenrio: So where's Mugz and the rest of your crew? I thought that for sure that they'd be here.

Pepper: Well you know Bone, he loves his fishing trips; and where Bone is Jack is sure to follow and vice-versa. As for Mugz, he's having a family outing with his daughters, Caramel, Karin, Annaliese and Paprika.

Ashuro: Well that explains where Annaliese is

Kevin: Cheer up bud, you will see her soon enough.

Arthur: And more than you bargained for... -w-

Ashuro: That's good...really wanted to see my cute Nekofi-half girl in a bikini today though ^3^

Kevin: Who knows, maybe she surprises you later? *gives him a little noogie*

Ashuro: *chuckles*

*Something happens to catch Ashuro's eye when looking off towards the Pokémon town. A Buneary was stumbling towards them; it looked very exhausted and beat up.*

Ashuro: Hey e-chan, Scooter, do any one of you have a Buneary?

e-chan: I wish; I never ran into a wild one during my time in Sinnoh or my second visits to Hoenn and Unova.

Scooter: Why do you ask?

Ashuro: Because there's one right there that looks like it needs help *points over to the Buneary*

e-chan: Huh? *sees the Buneary* oh my goodness! *rushes over to the injured Buneary*

Sally: ...? Oh dear me..! OAO *gets up and quickly joins his side*

Amber: ...?

*e-chan scoops the Buneary up in his arms just as it was about to collapse from exhaustion. Sally took note of some sort of hi tech-looking cube that the Buneary had with it and picks it up off the ground. When they return to the group Berry steps in to assist them.*

Berry: I can help; I recently learned just the right move for this kind of situation.

*Berry uses Heal Pulse on the exhausted Buneary to heal it's injuries.*

Berry: That should do it. ^^

Rex (Charizard): Not bad, chubby nurse. -w-

Berry: Thank you ^w^

Buneary: *moves around a bit*

e-chan: Hey, she's coming too.

Buneary: *yawns then opens eyes slowly* =w= ... OxO; Oh-no, I fell asleep! I need to hurry and get to the Cook/Bo residence before it's too late!

Scooter: Cook/Bo you say? Well no need to worry, you're already there. ^^

Sally: You just calm down. Breathe...

Buneary: You mean I made it? Thank goodness...

Skylar: *kneels down* is something the matter...?

Marietta: Oh, yes there is, but first let me introduce myself: my name is Marietta and I belong to a band of Pokémon mercenaries called the Sweet-tooth Crew. We are a band of abandoned and homeless Pokémon led by our boss and father, a Shiftry named Big Boss. Because he's not all that keen on remembering a lot of names he gives us number codes that happen to coincide with our number as listed in that National PokeDex thing. If there are two of the same species he'll just add a letter like A or B at the end of our number. Oh, I'm getting off topic, right now all of the Pokémon on this property are in danger of being caught and turned into heartless slaves.

Rex: And how is that going to happen? -.-

Kevin: Yeah...?

Marietta: Well that will require some backstory. You see, from our ship we can receive all sorts of different jobs via a message board. For this one job in particular the client contacted us directly. He was some Awesum scientist with a robotic arm that wanted us to retrieve some data for him from an abandoned facility in the Orre region.

Pepper: Awesum scientist with a robotic arm? ... *sighs* oh come on, not him again... -~-

Sylvia: Well, we are not going anywhere, so go on and continue, if you'd please? ._.

Marietta: Okay...the job was simple: with a special flash drive of his own creation we were to go into an abandoned facility and insert said flash drive into one of the computers to extract some data. For the longest time I was waiting for an assignment that I could tackle myself and this seemed like it could be just that...but Big Boss turned the job down, saying that it wasn't worth the trouble getting involved. I wasn't about to let a chance to show my worth to Big Boss slip through my hands so, in secret, I took the job for myself; when some other jobs took us to the Orre region I got right to work without rousing any suspicion. Despite a few minor hiccups I got the job done and got the flash drive delivered back to the client with the information he was seeking. He said that he would send the payment the next day at 12 PM, that he was very thankful and then he patted my head with a smile. Then the next day at 12 PM, just when I was going to tell Big Boss about my accomplishment...our ship was attacked!

Silk: Oh my goody! Did you survive!? OoO

Bella: ...Take a wild guess. -.-;

Marietta: It was unlike anything I had ever seen; our ship was attacked by a swarm of these bone dragon things then suddenly the whole ship was warped inside of an even bigger UFO-like ship.

Pepper: ...yep, it's definitely him...although the bone dragons are definitely new though.

Skylar: *leans over and gently strokes the back of Marietta's head*

Trey: There is always something going on around these parts...

Marietta: Somehow the bone dragons found their way inside the ship, causing a panic with everybody on board. Some tried to fight them, others tried to run from them; as for me, I hid in a secret compartment until I could figure out what to do next. A few minutes later and everything went silent. I came out of my hiding place and searched the ship to find that I was all alone; all the others had been captured. I exited the ship to explore the ship we were all taken aboard. While staying hidden and out of sight, I eventually stumbled upon a room where my client, the Awesum scientist with the metal arm, was...and he wasn't alone; he was with this VERY tall bat man in a blue coat.

*This little bit of new immediately caught everyone's attention as they knew exactly who Marietta was talking about when she mentioned her client's company.*

Arashi: And there it is...

Rose: *growls*

Marietta: I overheard them talking; the Awesum scientist is planning the revival of something called the "Shadow Pokémon plan," saying that he's found a way to improve it. He said that he even created some special Poké Balls that each act like miniature "Snag machines," whatever those are.

Kevin: A Snag Machine is a device that turns Poké Balls into Snag Balls, letting you capture Pokémon belonging to other trainers... The use of the Snag Machine was primary used to capture rouge Shadow Pokémon over in the Orre Region, a couple years back...

Marietta: If that's true then he's made Poke Balls that can do the same thing without that device. According to him, he's going to make an army of Shadow Pokémon to take his revenge on something called the "Helping Hand Guild."

Jim: Yep, all signs definitely point to "him" as you thought, Pepper.

Pepper: Marco Polanski.

Zack: Who the heck is that?

Pepper: I could go into a long, drawn-out backstory, but it is easier just to say that he's an idiot mad doctor that never got over losing his right arm.

Zack: That works.

Rex: *rolls eyes*

Pepper: My buds and I are usually the ones that stop whatever hair-brained scheme he comes up with. He's usually not hard at all to deal with but the fact that he was seen with Benjamin Koco is what worries me.

Marietta: Benjamin Koco?

Jim: The tall bat man in the blue coat you mentioned.

Blitz: Anything involving that guy is bad news for all of us...

Marietta: From what I overheard from this Benjamin, he knew that you would all be gathered here today and that he wanted you all to pay for a humiliation he suffered during one of his last encounters with you all.

iDEAL: A humiliation; from us? How could we have possibly humiliated him? >~<

Ashuro: Hmm...he's probably talking about the time when both Annaliese and MissFortune gut-checked him to bring him to his knees and then make him fall unconscious. ^^

Kevin: Good for you, soon to be brother-in-law, but not so good for all of us.

Shuryo: *finally makes his appearance with the group, walking up and towering over most of them* pardon me for intruding, little kitten, but I think it would be in the best interest for everyone not suited for battle to take shelter in case something goes wrong.

Rex: ..... *whispers* It is so weird hearing that from who used to be my ultimate super-weapon...

Cazador: *whispers back* You tell me. I created the guy...

Ashuro: R-Right *sees Emily dressed in her MissFortune costume on top of the house* Hey, over here~

Emily: OxO; *sees that her cover has been blown and leaps gracefully down to the ground to face Shuryo*

Emerald: Who is that?

Shuryo: ...My stalker. -_-

*Kevin, Trey, Skylar, and a good amount of the others, has to choke back a laugh due to that sentence, and the way he said it.*

Emily: I can't figure you out: you're supposed to be the boss of the Nekoichi gang but no matter how much research I do I can find no files on you and no matter how much I observe you I can never catch you doing anything; just who or what are you and what are you planning?

Emerald: ...seriously, who is she? ._.;

Shuryo: ...Neko-who? Kid, I have no idea what you are talking about. <_< I work as a forest keeper, the "bouncer" kinda type of keeper who chase out unwanted guests. I live in the outskirts of the forest, in the house you have been keeping a steady eye on, and trampled my flowers a few times in the process, mind you. I am Shuryo, RX-ZERO, and I think someone has tricked you into believing I am some sort of evil mastermind...

Emily: I was...tricked? *thinks for a bit* ... darn that Nyanko, looks like she got me good this time. No wonder I couldn't find anything on this guy: there was nothing to find... -o-

Shuryo: *groans and shakes his head* Honestly....

Emily: I'm sorry, my mistake; I'm big enough to admit when I've messed up.

Shuryo: Good. Next time you bother me, it better be for something that is actually important. -_- *pets her*

Emily: I'll make it up to you, I promise.

Shuryo: Sure, whatever kiddo. -.-

*Sally steps forward with the hi-tech cube that Marietta had dropped earlier.*

Sally: Um...she dropped this earlier...can...can anyone identify what it is...

Marietta: Oh thank goodness; it is a good thing that I didn't lose this. Now that I have this I can actually provide you with the tools for my request.

Ashuro: And what might that be?

Marietta: With that Marco guy talking about making a Shadow Pokémon army there is no doubt left in my mind that my comrades, my family, have been turned into Shadow Pokémon by now and it's all my fault. Our ship has been greatly damaged and is now in the hands of Marco so I don't think we'll be able to return to our way of life anytime soon. So, if we must be caught then I want us to be caught with our freedom of mind still intact. That is why I did some snooping around and found out where he was hiding these.

*Marietta pushes a button on the cube and out pours a mountain of different kinds of Poke Balls.*

Marietta: He'll probably be here soon and use my family to try and take your Pokémon captive. So before he does that, please use Marco's own specially made Poke Balls against him and catch every member of my family. If we can get them all together we can cure them of the shadow process with this.

*Marietta pushes the button on the cube again and out of it falls what looks like some sort of flute.*

Marietta: According to Marco's notes that I found next to this flute the Pokémon Celebi has the power to undo the shadow process instantly and that this flute can summon it. If we can get everybody in one place we can call Celebi afterwards and free them from the shadow process. Will you all help me?

Kevin: We would have tried even if you did not ask us, little one.

Fuu: Yeah; if there is one thing we don’t like, it is when the freedom of others is taken away.

Marietta: *looks very happy and relieved* also, could you keep these in a safe place?

*Marietta pushes the button on the cube once again and out of it comes 8 brown and tan Pokémon eggs.*

Marietta: I found these eggs as another side project of Marco: an experiment to create Pokémon that hatch super strong. I couldn't bear to think of the life they would have as his experiments so I took them as well.

e-chan: I'll make sure to give them a good home when they hatch. ^^

Ashuro: Just what is that cube thing? The energy I'm sensing from it feels familiar.

Marietta: It's basically an infinite space backpack; he uses these special stones as the source and built machinery around it with a touch screen interface to store and withdraw and infinite number of items.

Ashuro: Sounds like he's using Quad stones like the ones embedded in the hand of Ring and I.

Hayumi: So it IS possible to make those stones usable for everybody...do you mind if I take this and examine how he did it?

Marietta: Sure *hands Hayumi the cube*

Hayumi: EEE! Just think, Cazzy; once we understand how this work we can make more of these and solve our storage space problem in the lab. ^^

Cazador: And maybe we can convert it to a material able to contain your massive behind... -w- I am just teasing. I would love to have a bigger space to move in.

Scooter: Is there anything else that we need to know? Like, say for instance, the kind of Pokémon we can expect to be going up against.

Marietta: OxO I can't believe I almost forgot about that. An important detail you need to know is that my family does have a Pokémon called Hoopa in our ranks. Marco will probably keep him aboard the ship and have him warp the others and whatever else he chooses down here using his rings. You'll have to find a way to get on his ship to catch him in order to stop reinforcements from popping up wherever Marco chooses.

Trey: That might be a bit of an issue...

Zack: Hoopa and their hula hoops...

Valencia: Don't worry; I can get a small team inside that ship easily.

Victora: Uh...why don't you leave that to me, sweetie?

Valencia: But mommy, I know I can do it~ >o<

Victora: And I believe that you can do it too but you I'm sure you're aware of your own misfire ratio...and you wouldn't want to risk the chance of that happening...in front of all of these people, right?

Valencia: ... *gulps* I-I'll leave it to you, mommy ^//~//^;

Victora: That's a good girl~ *pets Valencia's head*

Masquerade: Just be careful yourself. You have had a few misfires lately too.

Victora: T-That's because you and Megumi kept surprising and doing things to me to break my concentration at the critical moments

Megumi: Yup but it was worth it see you mess up after bragging about how unshakable you were -w-

Masquerade: And I just love to see that embarrassed look on your face... ^//^

Victora: You guys... -w-

Scooter: Any other powerful Pokémon we should look out for?

Marietta: Yes, there is also a Nido duo of Nidoking and Nidoqueen, a Steelix, a Shaymin and a Heatran in our family; next to Big Boss I think that those five are the most powerful.

Zack: Toothpick can deal with four of those, type based, at least.

Scooter: Who else is there?

Marietta: Um... there are 8 "eons" in our family: a complete set...until some other branch is discovered that is.

Skylar: Hoho! That is quite a lot.

Tanya: So, no actual Eevees, just the evolutions. .w.

Marietta: Yeah

Cheryl: ....So, um, we can cover our rumps again if we are going to help...right...

Ronald: .....Hmmm...I dunno... =w=

Gin: Hmm, that's a good question... =w=

Masaki: *in a whiny voice* Ginnnnnn~ ToT

Scooter: Keep 'em coming, Marietta.

Marietta: There are three chubby, bottom-heavy "Simi" sisters in our family as well; they're very funny together, always getting into some sort of trouble due to them always fighting amongst themselves.

Kevin: Oh joy, monkey-mon =3

Cazador: Maybe they share your problem with tight spaces, Hayumi. =w=

Hayumi: Har-de-har-har~ =w= *butt suddenly expands again* OwO; ...hey, the bottoms stretched with it *tugs on the bottoms slightly and lets them snap back to make her butt jiggle* and they seem capable of stretching further without any signs of wear. ^w^

Marietta: Whoa, that happens to you too? OoO

Cazador: *tugs on her bottoms and lets them snap back as well* ^//^ Yeah, Hayumi is a balloon butt, basically.

Marietta: A few years back, when the Simi Sisters were still the Pan Sisters, the those three chubby monkeys were scrounging around the compound of what seemed like a scientist mafia looking for stuff to possibly sell for big bucks.

Hayumi: ! *pays close attention*

Marietta: The three of them happened upon a sealed container; after figuring out how to unlock it they found this big bottle of lotion with the description stating that it will make your skin forever soft and will never wrinkle in water. They decided to keep it for themselves and ended up using the entire bottle on themselves.

Hayumi: That was my failed experiment! I sealed it in that container so nobody else would use it; it was in the hazardous waste bin for crying out loud! >o<

Marietta: So that was your place? Well, ever since then their bodies have been completely smooth and soft and their already big bottoms suddenly expand at random times, more often whenever the three of them fight amongst each other.

*A few of the guys made a mental note to themselves: catch one or all of the Simi Sisters.*

Kiki: So, has anyone of Hayumi's experiments...actually worked?

Gaura: Not important. But I have to say that we seem to go full circle without decisions and adventures at times. <.<

Marietta: Let's see... *thinks for a bit* we also have a silent Marowak, a hot-headed Donphan, a cocky Cloyster, a shy Grotle, and an overly-affectionate Drapion...

Ruby: Is someone taking notes? =O

Masquerade: *holding a scroll* Yup.

Marietta: Think, think *rubs her temples in attempt to stimulate her memory* there is also a mischievous Drifloon and Smoochum, a rebellious Pawniard, a knuckleheaded trio in the form of a Treecko, Chimchar and Emolga...and a flirty Carnivine.

Masquerade: Got it.

Kevin: Wow, you are quite the mixed bunch, huh?

Marietta: Yup, just like a real family. Okay, I think that's everybody...no wait, there's also a battle dancing trio consisting of a Medicham, a-

*Suddenly a huge shadow covers the area; looking up everybody sees this huge UFO-like ship that literally blocked out the sun with its sheer size.*

Marietta: Oh-no, he's here! Quick, those who can battle and catch Pokémon grab some of those Poke Balls!

*Some of the group grabs a few of the special Poke Balls.*

Marietta: According to the notes I found these act like normal Poke Ball unless you press and hold the extra button on top of it for a few seconds to charge and activate the Snag mechanism; remember that!

Cazador: Press the button to snag, got it.

Rex: Simple and easy, huh?

*The massive UFO ship comes to a stop over top the Pokémon city.*

e-chan: *takes a look at the group of kids to make sure that everyone was there* ...wait...where are... OH CRAP!!

Kevin: What? Is something wrong?

e-chan: e-chan Jr. and Haruka; I just remembered that they wanted to help the Pokémon setup their BBQ party. That means they're still in the city with the rest of the Pokémon; I have to go and get them out of there!

Scooter: Calm down, buddy; a lot of us will be going there as well so we'll help you find them.

Byakuru: I can stay here and protect the kids and those not going with you just in case something makes its way over here.

Brighton: Not alone you're not; I'll help out too.

Elizabeth: Don't forget about me~ ^u^

Sylvia: ... *grumbles a little, frustrated* Damn, I guess I am staying behind too. I hate sitting out and just having people do stuff for me, but it seems I have no other choice in the matter today. -.-;

Kevin: Alright, just keep yourselves and the kids safe while we deal with the rest.

Valencia and Minami: Be safe, Daddy *cling to Masquerade*

Victora: We're going too, y'know... -3-;

Megumi: *giggles at the pouty Victora*

Masquerade: Do not worry my little mischievous angels, daddy will be fine. *hugs them gently*

Fuu: Alright Silk, Bella, stay here and don’t make a scene or anything, okay?


Victora: Okay, besides Megumi, who else is going to go with me to attack the ship from the inside?

Masquerade: If you think I would leave you without some sort of protection, you are mistaken. I am coming, of course.

Rex: You three are a strong enough team on your own, so I doubt any others would technically be needed. Not to mention a huge group is not good for infiltration missio-

Bastion: Unless it is for something like the operation to raid the Cooper Clan vault in Sly 3-

Masquerade: Neeeeeeeerd..... =.=

Renezmay: *hugs Bastion and sticks her tongue out at Masquerade*

*Some rings could be seen appearing over and inside the Pokémon city at different spots.*

Ashuro: Looks like they've started.

Ring: *looks to Ivan and nods at him*

Ivan: *nods back to Ring then approaches Kevin* I shall go with you and provide support until we can track down some of the others.

Kevin: Thanks, I might need it. I appreciate it.

Shuryo: I am coming too. *holds up a Master Ball, to everyone's surprise* I have my own partner that might be able to partake should it be needed.

Trey: O____O ..... Let's hope it won’t be needed, because seeing you, of all people, bringing a Master Ball containing a Pokémon, it scares me.

Victora: Then let's move people!

*Victora grabs a hold of both Masquerade and Megumi, concentrates for a few seconds and then all three of them warp out of sight.*

e-chan: Hold on, kids, I'm coming! *rushes towards the Pokémon city*

Scooter: Father on a mission ^^

Chispa: Hey, you would behave the same way, I bet. =w=

Scooter: You're right about that. -u- Let's follow him.

Chispa: March, boys! ...And girls! -w-

Kevin: *Already a couple feet ahead of them* we don’t get anywhere by just standing there and talking, come now.

*As everyone makes their way into the Pokémon city several battles have already started. Next to the Water Pokémon lake one such battle was taking place between six combatants: Sierra, Annabelle and Prima VS the three Simi Sisters. The three monkey girls found themselves at a loss of what to do against their opponents who were using moves none of them had ever seen before that was super-effective on all three of them.*

Prima: *growls and charges at the Simisear with Cross Chop*

Simisage: *grins and uses Shadow Rave to attack Prima from below*

Prima: *gets caught in the Shadow Rave and blasted backwards* O_< ...DARN iT!! *get super angry and begins thrashing about*

Annabelle: Great, they even ruined my favorite sweater. Look at this! It looks like a tattered tank top now!

Sierra: *Frowns and cracks her own neck* Rgh...if only I could hit that green broccoli bitch...I'd singe and roast her bottom in no time...

Prima: Argh! What is up with those attacks!? Those powerful tackles, making weird energy erupt from the ground, purple shadow mist that can't be blown away; it's downright unfair, I tell you!

Annabelle: Well it's not like you can blow away the mist with your fists, either. <_<

Prima: ...I punch when I'm angry... >_>

*The Simipour takes advantage of the ceasefire and uses Shadow Wave to hit all three of them with a super effective hit.*

Prima: Grrrr!!

Sierra: This is not helping... >~O;

*As if on cue, Kevin manages to find them while searching for e-chan. Coming to their aid and seeing their opponents he feels that he lucked out in finding the Simi Sisters before the others.*

Prima: Kevin? Then that means the others must be here too; where's e-chan? As much as I hate to admit it, I can't fight properly without him keeping me calm and focused. >~<;

Kevin: He is looking for his kids, but don’t worry, you've got me now.

Annabelle: Just like Mighty No.9, better than nothing!

Kevin: *becomes like stone* ...That's rude...

Simisage and Simipour: *grins and uses Shadow Rave and Shadow Wave*

*The girls do their best to avoid the Shadow Rave attack as it erupts from the spots they were standing on while simultaneously trying to avoid the Shadow Wave, moving around like they were playing an intense session of Twister.*

Simisear: *sees and opening and uses a speedy Shadow Rush to tackle all three of the distracted girls for super effective damage*

Prima: OH COME ON!! >O< You see what we're dealing with here?

Kevin: She is using Shadow Rush, a move that deals recoil damage. it might not be apparent, but she is taking damage... Shadow Rave and Shadow Wave are the attacks they are using to hit all of you at once, moves with no drawback. Shadow-type moves are also Super Effective against anything that is not a fellow Shadow Pokémon.

Sierra: How the hell is that fair!?

Kevin: This is different from when I was in Orre; that is for certain. *bites his thumb* Prima, what are your moves again?

Prima: Rock Slide, Payback, Brick Break and Cross Chop.

Kevin: ....Do you think you can use Rock Slide in a controlled manner? You know, slam rocks down and split up the monkeys? It's the only move you guys have that have any range to them as well.

Sierra: Yeah, sorry, just physical on my end. <_<;

Kevin: But you do have the Mach Punch to close distance quickly. We have the manners to beat these 3, we just need to strategize, and fast.

Annabelle: Shall I go with my hit and run tactics as usual? <.<

Kevin: It's what you are good at, chubby. -w-

Prima: I can do that; I have been working on a little something inspired by multiple battles with Kyle.

*Prima summons a huge boulder in the sky and sends it hurdling down towards the Simi Sisters like a meteor. At midway the massive boulder splits into several smaller boulders all hurdling in different directions, causing the Simi Sisters to panic and spread out in different directions to avoid the incoming hot rocks, getting farther and farther away from each other with each dodge.*

Kevin: Sierra, Annabelle, "Flying Thunder God" the Simipour, then Annabelle, continue on pelting the Simisage!

Sierra & Annabelle: Roger!

*Annabelle's feet seems to emit wind for a moment as she kicks off from the ground by using Aerial Ace, Sierra following in the slipstream created from the sudden burst of speed. The Ambipom does a somersault in mid-air and uses her tails to boost Sierra, before throwing her with the force from the Aerial Ace, sending her flying straight into the Simipour with her Thunder Punch charged and roaring, while Annabelle herself dive bombed in direction of the Simisage*

Kevin: Prima, keep pelting boulders after the Simisear! Prioritize her as she is weak to the move!

Prima: Got it!

*Prima creates another huge boulder and sends it at the Simisear, making it split into multiple boulders at midway then rain and home-in on the distracted Simisear.*

Simisear: *tries to avoid the incoming rocks but gets pelted by each of them*

Simipour: QwQ *twitching from the electric attack*

Simisage: OxO;; *unable to react in time to the incoming Annabelle*

Annabelle: >83 *spins and lands on Simisage's back, pinning her down with her entire bodyweight* Got her! X3

Kevin: Okay, nice work! *looks to the Simipour and Sierra* ...Oh right, I should try to use the balls... <.<

Sierra: *spanking the Simipour by using Thunder Punch* Take that! And that! And some of this!

Simipour: *cries at each zappy spank on her very plump bottom*

Simisage: *struggles to no avail to get Annabelle off of her back*

Simisear: *flinches from the multiple stones she was hit with*

Prima: HA! THERE'S AN OPENiNG! *speeds in towards the Simisear and uses Cross Chop on her*

Simisear: *gets hit by the Cross Chop and stands still for a moment trying to look tough before finally falling forward and fainting* @ 3 @

Kevin: Alright, that is one of them! *grabs one of the balls he received earlier and holds the button on top, charging the ball up and causing it to buzz before he throws it at the Simisear* Keep the other two busy and keep...attacking them. <//<

Sierra: No problem~! >|3 *rubs both her hands together, charging up further before starting to rapidly drum the water monkey's rear*

Annabelle: ^3^ *uses her tails to restrain the Simisage's arms*

*The Snag Ball hits the Simisear and she get sucked inside of it; the ball shakes for a few seconds before it dings, signaling that the capture was a success*

Simisage: *still struggles but is completely overpowered by Annabelle*

Simipour: *cries even louder*

Kevin: *Charges a new ball* Start giving the Simisage some damage, please, or she won’t stay in the ball. *throws the snag ball and the Simipour...her butt, specifically*

Annabelle: *holds Simisage in place, perfectly, even restraining her legs* Prima, come here, hit her pillows as hard as you can~! *nods to the grass monkey's butt*

Prima: Gladly~ *limbers up her arms then goes to work giving the Simisage a rapid-fire spanking on her glorious mounds*

Simisage: *cries loudly from the unrelenting punishment*

*The Snag Ball bounces off of the Simipour's butt and she gets sucked into it. The ball shakes for a few seconds before dinging, signaling that the capture was a success.*

Kevin: *Charges the third ball* Thank you, Prima. Nice working with you. *Taps the Simisage with the ball*

*The Simisage gets sucked up into the Snag Ball; after shaking in Kevin's hand for a few seconds the ball dings, signaling that the capture was a success.*

Prima: just comes to show you how much we actually rely on our trainers in battle.

Kevin: Though I am not your trainer; though I would not mind if I were. *Pets the Primeape girl* I would love a strong Primeape like you~

Sierra: And hey, now you have the three elemental monkeys. Your "monkey team" is almost complete, sir. X3

Kevin: Y-you still remember that, huh..? ./w/.;

Annabelle: We both do~

Prima: So you're putting together a "monkey team," eh? One question though: do Vigoroth and Slaking qualify as monkeys? I've always been wondering about that...

Kevin: Technically yes, as hard as it is to believe. <.<

Annabelle: Well that kinda makes sense to me. I mean, look at Prima, she also has this "pig-nose" that Slakings have, so I can see the resemblance there~

Sierra: Hehehe, and maybe her overly white fur comes from the fact she has a bit of Slaking gene in her?

Prima: Hmm...I never did know my parents and my fur was always unusually white compared to the other Mankey I grew up with; my dad could very well have been a Slaking.

Kevin: That would be interesting Heh, glad to finally get to talk with you, Prima.

Annabelle: *Hugs Kevin's face against her bossom* Just don’t ask to see her booty, master~! >/w/<

Kevin: I wasn't! Annabelle, stop, you are suffocating me! X//3 *flails a bit*

Sierra: ...

*Meanwhile in another part of the Pokémon city, the brother and sister Floatzels, Wave and Tsunami, face off against another brother and sister duo of Nidoking and Nidoqueen. The power of the Nidos were overwhelming as each of them tried attacking both Floatzels with the powerful Shadow End attack. It took quick thinking to avoid damage as the two Nidos worked together to try and corner the Floatzels.*

Nidoking and Nidoqueen: *strikes various poses*

Tsunami: Show offs! >o<

Wave: Forget that, we need a plan and some backup; these two are getting more and more creative with their combos.

*As if just waiting for the word "backup" to be uttered, a Lucario and Gengar suddenly step forward from behind the two Floatzels.*

Lucario: Tsk, one would think a pair of Water-Types could handle Ground-Types like these two...

Gengar: Guraguragura~ Just means we get to have more fun, darling~

*Following behind the two were none other than the grey-haired Ookami himself; Blitz*

Blitz: Seems like we made it on time, Lexie, Gregory. *looks to the Floatzel siblings* Are you two alright?

Wave: We're okay, thank you.

Tsunami: And if these were normal Ground-types we could most definitely handle them, but they are far from normal. They each have an unbelievably strong tackle that's on par with a Double-Edge attack and they're very acrobatic despite their looks.

Blitz: ....I see...well then, we just have to make sure the Nido-pair can’t escape us with such tricks, in that case.

Lexie: *cracks her knuckles* Good, I am up for a challenge.

*The two Nidos mount one another to form a big wheel and begin to spin around in a circle to build up speed before peeling out in a super improvised Rollout attack towards the group. Wave uses Hydro Pump on the rolling siblings but they were spinning so fast that they parted right through the water, forcing him to dodge out of the way.*

Tsunami: Oh come on! They shouldn't be able to use Rollout! >o<

Gregory: Guraguragura~ Not surprised the Nidoking is able to keep his big-butted partner up. Strong species he is~

Lexie: *Glances at Blitz* Any verdict? Me or Gregory...?

Blitz: Hard to tell...I dunno what would be best...

Lexie: Then let’s just fight and figure it out on the way! りゅうのはどう!! "Ryu no Hadou!!" *Charges and instantly fires a Dragon Pulse from her forearm, sending the purple-white aura attack in the direction of the Nido-pair*

*The Dragon Pulse hits the ground just in front of the rolling Nido-pair, exploding on contact to send the pair skyward. However, the pair makes use of this to combo into a new attack. While still rising in the air the Nidoqueen repositions herself while the Nidoking completely curls up into a ball and then the Nidoqueen spikes the Nidoking back down towards everybody like a spiky beach ball. As the Nidoqueen begins to fall she takes on a cannonball pose as she dive bombs back down to the ground, hoping to squish anybody she landed on with her massive butt.*

Tsunami: Out of the way! *uses Aqua Jet to give her the extra speed to dodge out of the way of the incoming Nidoking*

Blitz: Okay, Lexie it is!! O__O;

*Blitz throws up his wrist and unveils the keystone he had obtained, using its power to quickly Mega Evolve Lexie, who was wearing an anklet with her Mega Stone, upon further inspection, into a Mega-Lucario. With a howl and a roar, Lexie thrusts her arms forward and hits the Nidoqueen right on her oh-so-huge and massive butt, with no less than two Adaptability boosted Aura Spheres. This created a small explosion upon impact and caused the anubis-looking Pokémon to skid back, biting her lip and growling.*

Gregory: ...Did that do anything? owo;

*After the dust clears they could see that the Nidoqueen was on the ground looking a bit dizzy with a bright red butt from where the Aura Spheres had landed. The Nidoking emerges from the crater he created upon landing and sees that his sister is in need; tries to go over to her but is blocked by Wave and Tsunami.*

Tsunami: Oh no you don't!

Wave: You two seem to work best together, so I wonder what will happen when you have to fight without one another.

Tsunami: Hyaa! *uses Aqua Tail on the Nidoking to push him backwards*

Gregory: *creeps up on the side of the Nidoqueen* ......improvised Lick-Attack! *uses his massive and almost snake-like tongue to give the Nidoqueen a big, uncomfortable and sloppy lick on her bottom*

Lexie: Ugh, that's nasty... =A=;

Nidoqueen: *squeals a bit from the new sensation* >wO;

Nidoking: >///<#

*The Nidoking gets red in the face and begins thrashing about, making a mighty leap over both Wave and Tsunami over to Gregory in a attempt to stomp him into the ground. In his rage, however, he forgot that his target was a Ghost-type and phased through his body.*

Nidoking: *looks confused as to why his attack didn't hit*

Gregory: *Now on the other side of the Nidoking, charging his Dark Pulse* Guraguragura, your turn~

*Gregory gives the Nidoking the same, albeit weaker, version of the treatment his sister got, by blasting him in the rear with the Dark Pulse attack*

Nidoking: *roars from the attack's unusual placement and swings his massive tail at Gregory but misses*

Wave: Incoming! *jumps at the Nidoking and delivers a powerful Ice Punch in his back*

Nidoking: *roars again from the icy attack*

Tsunami: Don't forget me!

*Tsunami jumps at the Nidoking baring her fangs ready to attack with an Ice Fang attack. However, the Nidoking unintentionally sidesteps to the right while trying to reach for the ice that formed on his back, causing her attack to miss him...unfortunately the Nidoqueen wasn't so lucky as Tsunami's Ice Fang met its mark on her already red and sore big behind.*

Nidoqueen: QxQ *yowls with pain before passing out*

Tsunami: OxO; *talks with a mouthful of butt flab* Sovvy...

Gregory: Aw, I wanted a bite. -w-

Blitz: *picks out one of the Snag Balls, charges and throws it at the Nidoqueen* Just deal with the big purple guy, please!

Lexie: Already on it. *Grabs the Nidoking by his tail* Sorry big guy...Mama Lexie will have to hurt you a little bit more...

*Lexie plants her feet in the ground and holds onto his tail even firmer, getting enough of a grip with her feet that she started to spin gradually faster with the purple dinosaur-like Pokémon. The Snag Ball sucks the Nidoqueen inside it, causing Tsunami to fall on her face. The ball shakes for a few seconds before dinging, signaling that the capture was a success.*

Nidoking: *getting dizzy from being spun around*

Lexie: Aaaaand.....SMASH! *grabs the tail harder and slams the Nidoking into the ground with an over-head throw, causing the ground around them to shake*

Gregory: *floats down onto Tsunami's rear* Job well done.

Tsunami: -3-# Off with you *shakes her butt trying in attempt to get Gregory off of it*

Nidoking: *twitches a bit as he was KO'd on impact*

Gregory: *pats her rear and somersaults off of her* Inne tier~ X3

Lexie: What...? >.>

Blitz: *Taps the Nidoking with another ball, whistling*

*The Nidoking is sucked into the Snag Ball and after shaking for a few seconds it dings, signaling that the capture was complete.*

Blitz: Phew, that went well.

Wave: I hope that the Grass girls aren't having any trouble on their end, seeing as what landed in that area...

Lexie: Oh....? >.>

Wave: You won't believe what we saw land in the Grass-type's prized flower garden; it was a...

*Meanwhile in the flower garden maintained by the Grass-types a powerful yet rare Pokémon has appeared and is razing the garden to the ground. It was a Heatran and it was spewing shadowy fire and lava everywhere and fighting against it was a Shaymin.*

Heatran: *rampaging and spewing fire and lava everywhere*

Shaymin: *fighting the Heatran with Shadow attacks*

Petal, Silk, Bouquet and Lara: ... *looks like they're about to cry*

Green, Mana and Josephine: WAAAAAAAAAHHH!! *bawling their eyes out*

Bubble Man: *trying to calm the girls down*

Blake: -|||-; ...sorry

*In the middle of the raging battle, Shuryo comes walking into the area, growing increasingly angry as he walked in the direction of the Heatran*

Shuryo: ....And what rights do you have to raid and destroy someone else's place? -_- *cracks his knuckles*

Blake: Careful, both of them are currently confused due to the effects of my Water Pulse! I didn't think that the two of them getting confused would cause all of this.

Shuryo: Not an issue to me... I will stop both of them from rampaging further with their attacks.

Heatran: *spews a large amount of shadowy flames at the Shaymin*

*The Shaymin nimbly leaps out of the way of the shadowy flames but in doing so accidentally allows the shadowy flames to hit the last remaining patch of beautiful flowers.*

Shaymin: *sees the last flowers get torched* QnQ


Shaymin: *gets super angry and glares at the Heatran before launching herself at him with an all-out Shadow Blitz*

Heatran: *gets hit then gets angrier and shoots a geyser of lava from his mouth into the air, causing it to spread out and land everywhere*

Shuryo: You Water-type take care of the spreading fire as best as you can. We will take care of the rest.

*Shuryo launches his Master Ball in the air and out comes a Tyranitar, bigger than your average Tyranitar, not to mention its coloration has more of sand-coloring rather than the usual vibrant green Tyranitar usually have. And as soon as it appears, a powerful Sandstorm starts raging with said Tyranitar as the epicenter*

Shuryo: T-Rex, lets tear this flame behemoth down!

T-Rex: *Roars towards the sky before stomping its feet, causing jagged stones to pierce up from underground, encircling the Shaymin and Heatran*

Heatran and Shaymin: *surprised by their sudden stone prison*

Blake: You heard the man, Bubble Man; let’s get to work!

Bubble Man:

*Blake and Bubble Man get to work on putting out the fires.*

Shuryo: Stone Edge! Pelt them down!

*T-Rex keeps stomping it's feet and causes multiple rocks to shoot from the ground, striking both Heatran and Shaymin over and over, or attempting to*

Heatran: *gets hit over and over by the multiple Stone Edge attacks*

Shaymin: *manages to nimbly dodge the multiple Stone Edge attacks*

Shuryo: *walks up closer and literally swats the Shaymin* Not easy to hit small targets, so I will do the trick.

Shaymin: *plummets to the ground from Shuryo's swat*

Heatran: *having trouble standing up straight*

T-Rex: *Grabs the Heatran and topples it over, standing above it with his arm clutching the throat of the Legendary Pokémon*

Shuryo: Quite the dominating pose, there...

Heatran: *seems to snap out of his confusion but looks puzzled as to what was happening*

T-Rex: ...... *Growls a bit*

Shuryo: Easy there big guy, easy. Don’t rip the throat out on the thing.

*Seeing the position that he was in the Heatran submits; his heart may have been artificially closed but his brain wasn't, meaning he knew when he was beat.*

Shuryo: Good... *taps a Snag Ball against the Heat Dome Pokémon, while carrying the Shaymin under his arm*

*The Heatran gets sucked into the Snag Ball and after shaking in Shuryo's hand for a few seconds it dings, signaling that the capture was complete.*

Shuryo: Done with that. *looks to the Shaymin under his arm* .....I expected more from Legendaries.... <_<

Shaymin: *wakes up and sees where she is* Q~Q *looks a bit worried*

Shuryo: Shhh...calm down, there's no one here who is going to hurt you. *adjusts the way he is holding the Shaymin, allowing him to pet it while keeping it held close* See? I am friendly....

T-Rex: *growls a bit still, but in a lower tone*

Shaymin: *calms down a bit more then looks out at her surroundings to see that the once proud garden is a burning wasteland*

Shuryo: Shh, it’s okay, it's okay. We are going to fix this. The sand and the water spreading is making the fire die out, and afterwards we can start to regrow everything. You are a Shaymin, so you should have some ability to help with that, after all.

Shaymin: *buries her face in Shuryo's chest as she cries softly*

*From the roof of e-chan and Scooter's house Emily views the scene through her spy scope.*

Emily: Heh, so he really is a nice guy after all *puts her spy scope away then takes a Poke Ball out* Spoony, I need your help.

*The Poke Ball opens and out comes an Alakazam with a headset equipped with a microphone.*

Spoony: How can I assist you today, Mistress Emily?

Emily: I need you to warp me on top of that giant ship up there; I've got some work to do.

Spoony: Of course, right away, milady.

*Spoony and Emily teleport to the top of the ship.*

To be continued…

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