Monday, November 14, 2016

The Party Continues to Grow - Fun with Friends

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 23
“The Party Continues to Grow – Fun with Friends”
An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

Zapple leads Stealth into the Pokémon city. Everything was nice and decorated for the event; in what could be considered the town square there was a huge bonfire being constructed by the resident Pokémon. Also within the town square there was a large stage being constructed for events to take place later on.

Stealth: Oh…oh wow... Everyone is working hard.

Zapple: Yup; we've been planning this ever since e-chan and Scooter first mentioned hosting a BBQ. That bonfire will be used and maintained by the resident Fire-types to cook the food. And that stage being built over there will host our battle tournament and a stage show later on tonight. ^^

Stealth: *places his hand on Zapple's head and pets her* Looking forward to it.

*A Hawlucha makes a flashy entrance before Stealth, jumping high in the air and pulling off some great acrobatic moves before landing in spectacular fashion.*

Chuck: Greetings visitor, my name is Chuck.

Stealth: o_o ..... Do all Hawlucha unintentionally showoff like that? Don’t want to generalize, it just...seems that way...

Chuck: Just wanted to make sure I had your attention for what I'm about to say next. ^^

Stealth: R-right, okay. ._.

Chuck: I don't know if you know already but we'll be holding a battle tournament later on today. We're trying to get as many guests involved as possible; the grand prize is a great trophy and a special 1 year VIP card that'll give you 50% off of anything in the shops here as well as other special benefits.

*As if on cue, Annabelle appears before them all with sparkling eyes, possibly excited at the prospect of getting all of her cakes for half price for a year.*

Annabelle: Where do I sign up!? OwO

Stealth: Damn girl, you are fast for such a bottom-heavy monkey! O__O;

Annabelle: >3>; ...

Chuck: Over there where the Clefairy with the clipboard is *points over to where Tina who was standing next to the stage being constructed*

Annabelle: *happily skips over, her bottom jiggling and bouncing under her jeans*

Stealth: ... >///>; How she manages to maintain her agile movements is beyond me...

Zapple: Our Honey is the same way to tell you the truth

*Ursula the Excadrill wanders onto the scene, choosing to explore the town on her own.*

Ursula: I've searched everywhere else; where could the battling be taking place?

*Toothpick suddenly walks in behind her, scoops her up and points in the direction of Annabelle*

Toothpick: Right there, it seems! OwO

Ursula: Whoa! OoO Huh, really? Finally!

Toothpick: *carries her over and plops her down next to Annabelle*

Annabelle:! O3O ...Oh, hello. ^^

Ursula: Is this where we sign up for the battles?

Annabelle: Yes, yes it is. ^^

Ursula: Great!

Tina: Are-are you all h-here to register for the b-battle tournament?

Ursula: It is why I came here in the first place

Annabelle: Yes yes. ^^

Toothpick: Sure. Sounds like fun~ Lots of fun. ^^ Fat Pokégirls fighting for food~

Annabelle: o//^//o; T-toothpick, hush. >//3//<;

Tina: *presents the clipboard and a pen to everybody* j-just sign your names here and you're all s-set.

Toothpick: Thank you cute lady. ^w^ *gently nudges her with his snout*

Tina: *blushes a bit*

Annabelle: Don’t worry, Toothpick is harmless. ^^

Tina: Oh, okay ^^ *looks very relieved*

Ursula: *signs her name* wow, looks like a pretty impressive lineup here so far.

Annabelle: And I am sure there will be more. =O

*A few more of the visiting Pokémon walk up to Annabelle and the others.*

Munchies: So you'll be joining in as well, huh? ^^

Roy: Woo! This is gonna be fuuuuuuun!

Yoko: I agree; it'll be great to see if my training has paid off. ^^

Daisy: As for the prizes I can care less about the trophy; I want that VIP card

Ursula: Why wouldn't you want the trophy? That is the ultimate symbol of accomplishment.

Daisy: The VIP card has uses outside of sitting on the mantle and collecting dust. When I win it I'm going on a shopping spree; I'll get some new clothes from Silk's shop, get a new hairdo at Milao's shop, then finish it off at Sweethearts Bakery with all of the cakes I can stomach.

Takeshi: Your clothes barely fit you as is right now and you're going to stuff yourself with more cake? I felt so sorry for poor Ryu when he had to carry your fat self up that hill. >w<

Daisy: Shut it! I'm not fat, I'm pleasantly plump >3<


Annabelle: ... She can borrow some from me if needed; wouldn't want her to accidently bare her cheeks mid-battle or anything. owo;

Toothpick: *sniffs at Yoko before nuzzling her* Smells like sweet sap~ >w<

Yoko: *giggles* the trees around here are plentiful with my favorite food ^^

Ursula: Don't worry; ain't nothin' wrong with a few extra pounds, especially if you can use them effectively against your opponent ^3^

Annabelle: Yeah, just ask Olaf.

Stealth: Just be careful with the clothes, like Ms. Chub-Monkey said.... -//-;

Daisy: Yeah-yeah, I'll be careful -3- *pats her belly, causing it to jiggle a bit which in turn causes the button keeping her tight shorts buttoned up pops off like a rocket and hits Stealth right between his eyes, knocking him off his feet* O//_//O;;

Zapple: Ooh! Are you okay?

Stealth: Aaaauuu.... that stung... >~<;

Toothpick: .3. .... *kneels down and pokes Daisy's plump bottom* You fat. .-.

Daisy: *groans* ._.;

*Claire's Medicham, Piper, approaches Tina and signs up for the battle tournament after seeing the whole incident with Daisy's button.*

Piper: And that is why I wear stretchy pants ^w^

*Despite saying this, just by looking at Piper everyone could see that despite her pants fitting her they didn't cover all of her rather ample bottom.*

Coal: *approaches from the side* Yeah, um... That's fine and all, Piper. -//- *leans over to Tina and whispers* It's the same case with Ma'at... The Medicham species have such big bottoms, it's kinda insane... >///>;

Annabelle: Track pants and yoga pants for you, Zangoose... -w-

Daisy: Never! I can lose weight, just you wait and see! >_<

Takeshi: You are aware that you've been saying that since last year and with little to no progress, right? -w-

Daisy: S-Shut it! >o<

???: Maybe she needs a little help?

*Just entering the area and approaching the group was none other than Ryu and Cathy, Skylar's Gallade and Lopunny respectively*

Ryu: Yo. Decided to walk ahead of the Ookami gang and arrive early.

Cathy: Hey-o! ^o^

Ursula: The Gallade, huh? You entering the battle tournament too?

Ryu: Hmm....I have been practicing, so...sure, I can try my hand at it. ^^

Ursula: Great; I can't wait!

Ryu: Fair warning: I don’t hold back. *smacks her rear* So good luck to ya.

Ursula: Whoo! O//x//O

???: Well aren't we fresh~

*Joining in with everyone were the Garchomp, Momo, and her little sister Gible, Mimi.*

Momo: Hey there, handsome~

Mimi: So this is the Ryu you always talk about. *leaps up in the air with her mouth wide open about to chomp down on Ryu's head*

Momo: OxO;; OH-NO! *quickly catches Mimi before she bites onto Ryu's head and pulls her away from him*

Mimi: Aww, why'd you do that? -3-

Momo: Because you don't know how to control the power of your jaw! >_<

Ryu: Momo. ^//^ Hello beautiful. I see you got a new little friend?

Momo: Yes, this is actually my little sister from back home in Sinnoh; her name is Mimi and as you can see she has this play biting habit.

Ryu: Oh, like Sharkey used to have? Or...still has? I dunno if he has grown out of it. *kneels down and pets the Gible* She is a cute one, though.

Mimi: ^///^

Ryu: You are going to be a big and beautiful dragon, just like your sister, I know it~

Momo: Oh you~

Mimi: Kihihi~

Daisy: About what you were saying earlier...

Ryu: Oh, yes. If you want it, I can try to help you train and burn some of the calories away. Well, only if you want it yourself, because you look really good as you are, Daisy... ^//^

Daisy: Really?

Ryu: Yeah, really. Really really. ^//^ *places his hand on her head and gently pets her*

Daisy: *squeals happily* in that case I won't worry about it and instead not go overboard in my workouts and diets so that I don't burnout only days after they've begun. ^^

Ryu: As long as you don’t go overboard with eating either, you sweet honey bun. *grabs her and actually lifts and hugs her off of the ground, much more easier than he ever could before, showing that his training had REALLY payed off.*

Momo: Look at you; so strong~ But I wonder if you're strong enough to beat Gon, our resident Chesnaught...

Ryu: Maybe? I am hiding a few tricks behind this pretty face.

Cathy: Mhm-mhm~ Ryu-kun is suuuuper strong right now~!

Zapple: I believe you, I really do. Gon has been really inspired to get inventive with his abilities and training routine ever since e-chan introduced him to the Dragon Ball series.

Toothpick: Anime and manga. It does stuff to ya. =3

Zapple: True, but I've got to admit, he always puts on quite the show whenever he practices. ^^

Stealth: Oh, really. ._.

Zapple: It's more of a comedic show than anything, especially when he was teaching himself how to use Solar Beam.

Cathy: Oh boy, I can imagine it. X3

Zapple: But watching him kind of reminded me when I was starting out learning new attacks. A lot of us here have an attack that we are good at and kind of defines us. Mine, believe it or not, was Hidden Power; ever since I first learned it when e-chan and I were starting out mine was unique in that I could actually choose which type it would be. I've since taught the others who use Hidden Power how to do that as well. How about you guys; do you have an attack that defines you or that you are particularly good with?

Stealth: ...Eh... Fake Out, for the most part. It just seems to be the move I use the most.

Toothpick: Dragon Dance Ice Punch!

Ryu: I have kinda always known Pyscho Cut...but my own inexperience left that move as a wildcard that had a huge chance of failing. Well...I would say I can fully use it now, however. So...yeah.

Piper: Acupressure! with it I can actively choose which parts of me to enhance for a short period of time~ ^o^

Ursula: For me it is definitely my Drill Run; nothing compares to the feeling of drilling through tough soil and rock or your opponent's best defenses!

Momo: Fire Fang, just to see the look of surprise on the faces of cocky Ice-types who think that they're about to score an easy win due to type advantage.

Mimi: I like to Dig!

Annabelle: Last Resort. When all else fails, just wing it and hope for the best~ But you know, boys. *tuyrns to Stealth and Ryu* ...I am shocked.

Stealth: Shocked?

Ryu: How come? ._.

Annabelle: ...I thought that your special moves were Attract, or if you had somehow managed to get Cute Charm "Skill Swapped" onto you before we meet, every single time~

Stealth: Sh-shut up... <//<;

Ryu: o/~/o; *nervously pokes his fingers together*

Toothpick: Oh hey, I wondered where Ryu went. =3 Turns out he hides his shy self under his new layer of-

Ryu: Quit it, please... >////<;;

*The attention is taken off of Ryu as Moe comes into view flailing about, covered in purple slime, with the Joltik known as Munchkin securely wedged in his long silky hair as well as being pursued by the Muk, Mudpie.*

Moe: It's in my hair-It's in my hair! I need a bath!

Mudpie: I'll make one for you and then I can join you later~

Moe: No! The water will become soup if you get in! Stop following me! TToTT

Mudpie: Aww, don't be like that, sugar~ ^3^ now give us some love~

Munchkin: *uses Giga Drain on Moe to sap some of his energy*

Moe: *gets dizzy and slows down*

Mudpie: Gotcha! *body slams Moe with her slimy exterior*

Moe: Ugh...

Munchkin and Mudpie:

Stealth: ....That just happened. -w-

Annabelle: *struggles to hold back a laugh*

Zapple: Despite him being a shameless flirt I can't help but feel for him at times like these

Ryu: Yeah... Gotta agree.

Moe: *twitches a bit* this is my nightmare! TTwTT

Lady Eve: *passes by Moe and laughs out loud at his situation* nice catch, ladies; never let your man go.

Munchkin: *winks*


Lady Eve: *sees Ryu and Cathy* oh, I didn't know that you all were here already. ^^

Cathy: Oh, we hurried ahead. We could not wait.

Annabelle: Hey shorty~

Lady Eve: Hey, Cake Monkey; I take it that you're entering the battle tournament after hearing about the grand prize, huh?

Annabelle: Guilty as charged. -w-

Coal: *walks past them* She likes her sweets...

Lady Eve: I thought so ^^ *looks around* so where's the little ice bird; is she not here yet?

Ryu: ...Little ice bird? Not sure who you mean.

Zapple: *thinks for a bit* ... *figures it out* you're not talking about Raven, are you?

Lady Eve: Of course I am; unless any of you know any Articuno or Delibird I could only be talking about her. >3<

Ryu: She should be here soon. -w-; It is kinda confusing when you call her a bird, just because her name is Raven.

Zapple: Eve, you're not going to cause any trouble, are you?

Lady Eve: That's "Lady" Eve, honor the honorific! And no, I'm not going to cause trouble. It's a hot summer day so I'm just going to cool her off when she gets here.

Zapple: "Cool her off," huh? And do all of those chilled water balloons I saw you making earlier?

Lady Eve: Uhh...of course not, no...that was...something I whipped up for the kids to have fun with.

Zapple: Really? Then I was right to have the master's children stash them away somewhere else for later use?

Lady Eve: WHAT!? Where are they now!?

Zapple: Only they would know and I told them to make sure they were properly hidden. But what do you care, you made those for them to have fun with, right, so there is no need for you to hold onto them.

Lady Eve: *grumbling to herself*

Zapple: Besides, if she needs to cool down, we have the pool.

Stealth: And you have me: your personal cooler.

*The group is then joined by Fuu's Pokémon, consisting of Kaze his Pidgeot, and two new faces to the group: Capone the Honchkrow, and the big surprise that was Eon, Fuu's Latios*

Kaze: Did we miss something? Monkey girl finally let me go...

Capone: Ah, lookie here. The fighters are all joining in one big group. How wonderful.

Eon: .... >_>; *scratches his nose* Um...hey?

Ursula: Flyers...this could be a problem to my game plan; I'll need to rethink my strategy.

Piper: What, you never faced off against Flying-types before?

Ursula: I never had to because I was always with teammates that could handle them better; I've never actually fought against an opponent that could fly.

Piper: Then you are in for a treat

Eon: ...Don’t you have Mold Breaker? It at least lets you hit me. ._.

Ursula: Nope, I have Sand Rush; it works for the most part but sometimes I wish I had that ability. .3.

Eon: Oh, I see.

Annabelle: You should invest in learning Rock Slide, Ursula. ^^

Ursula: I'll think about it


Eon: *registers himself up*

Kaze: Oh, Mr. Jet-plane is up for a round?

Eon: ....Yeah. So?

*Lulu flies down to where everybody was to drop off her two passengers, Aurora and Ami.*

Lulu: We're here~ ^o^

Aurora: Big bro! ^o^ *glomps Ryu*

Ryu: Aurora~! *spins around with her after catching her mid-glomp, nuzzling her cheek* Mmm, I have missed you~

Aurora: Will you be battling today, Big bro?

Ryu: Sure will.

Aurora: Yay! ^o^ So am I; if we meet up in the ring you'd better not go easy on me.

Ryu: If you say so, Aurora. *sets her up on his shoulder*

Ami: ...I'll admit he's cool...but not as cool as Master Bloodberry. -3-

Ryu: Oh, sorry; didn't mean to be rude. Who are you, little friend? I haven't seen you before.

Ami: The name's Ami: one of the best battlers to come out of the Unova region.

Ryu: Really? You seem a bit young to be one of the best, especially from Unova.

Ami: Hey, I was undefeated at over 150 with the wild Pokémon and Trainers alike until e-chan and Kyle came along and broke my winning streak. >~<

Ryu: 150? That is quite a feat.

Cathy: Especially since your record is, like, 7~

Ryu: =_=; ....

Ami: Since then I haven't even come close to getting back to that number; when I got here the highest I've ever been able to go up to was 2, occasionally 3 =~=;

Annabelle: The world is vast. There will always be challenging opponents hiding somewhere.

Ami: You're right. I learned that there was only so much that self-training could do for me; that's why I got Master Bloodberry to become my teacher.

Aurora: And all you had to do was beg and plead with tears in your eyes until she said yes.

Ami: you were watching?

Aurora: It happened right here in the open when her trainer brought her over so it was kind of hard to not to see what happened; a lot of us saw what happened that day.

Ami: =_=; Ugh...

Ryu: *gently pets Ami* Well, it's not like you are the only one who has done something...well, embarrassing. Aurora walked around with her tail lifting the back of her outfit this one time, and she did not notice until I pointed it out.

Annabelle: I remember that~ X3 It was the same day that Sierra accidently got dye in her bath and she had to walk around with pink fur the next month.

Sierra: We promised not to speak of that again, ever. >/_/<;

Aurora: *blushes at remembering the event*

Zapple: ...I once allowed Kunai and Katana to give me a full spa and grooming session...I had to stay out of sight for two months while waiting for everything to grow out evenly again...

Ryu: *hugs Aurora close* ...Do all Riolu and Lucario have big butts, or is it just the ones we know? </3/<

Stealth: .... swimming trunks were washed away at the beach one time...did not notice until I was far out of the water. >//~//>;

Toothpick: Same with me; happened back when I was a Totodile. Embarrassing ^w^ *yet he keeps a gleeful grin on his face...*

Piper: Haha, at least none you had a pants blowout during a dance performance there wasn't a bloodless nose in the entire audience that day *doesn't look bothered at all as she remembers the event*

Mimi: Sis did a sexy naked dance after drinking too many of Scooter's special drinks

Momo: QxQ;;

Ryu: ..... *slowly turns his head to Momo* .///_///.;

Kaze: Sorry boy, seems like you missed out on that show. -w- *pats his back*

Ryu: ...Me missing out is nothing new. *pouts a bit, annoyed*

Mimi: Then stick around for later tonight; I'm sure it'll happen again, especially when her and Bouquet get together.

Momo: -///-; ...

Ryu: .....Okay..... >///>;

Capone: Oh my, if I knew we would get into more naughty circumstances, I would have brought some of the luxurious wine I have stashed away.

Eon: *whispers* He is a bit of an odd one...but we love him. He is surprisingly good with kids too...though they prefer Kaze and his long wavy hair/feathers... >.>


Annabelle: You know, Mimi is quite like how Sharkey used to be. She is even kinda tubby, just like he was.

Sierra: ...Now that you mention it. =O

Mimi: *happily pats her belly like a bongo drum*

Momo: That's...not something you should be particularly proud of...

*As if on que, Sharkey, accompanied by Philip and Samantha, joins up with the group*

Sharkey: What is everyone standing here for? =O

Zapple: A. To sign up for the battle tournament later today and B. to share interesting stories about ourselves it seems

Sharkey: Ah. =O I see, I see....

Sam: Great, there are three of the ankle biter dragons now... -3-;

Momo: Ankle biter? o3o

Mimi: Wakka-wakka-wakka! *opens and closes her mouth rapidly like Pac-Man*

Sharkey: ... *kneels down and picks Mimi up, hugging her* Been a long time since I saw a fellow land shark...that is still unevolved.

Mimi: *playfully noms on Sharkey's head*

Sharkey: *winches a little bit* Woah-ho, you have some strong and sharp teeth, little one. I will give you that. >wo; *pats her back*

*Looking around the area Sharkey sees the battle arena being constructed by a few of the resident Pokémon. It was going to be a simple stage elevated a yard above the ground. Working on the arena was the Primeape with pure white fur, Prima, the silly Blaziken, Toko, the calculating Magnezone, Mag-2, the shy Sceptile and Hydreigon, Lara and Iris, the tomboy Salamence, Ridley, and Sharkey's GF, the chubby Dragonite, Isabelle. Watching her jiggle about as she worked hard on the stage brought a smile to his face.*

Sharkey: |///3 ...

Toothpick: ... *waves in front of his face and lightly flicks his forehead* Wakey wakey! OwO

Sam: He is gone into la-la Land.... =/

*The Unfezant, Karoo, flies onto the scene.*

Karoo: Oh, Zapple, there you are.

Zapple: What's up, Karoo?

Karoo: Just wanted to give you a status update. Everything is going swimmingly; the various shops have their goods on display, the team in charge of finding firewood are on their way back and the performance stage is near completion.

Zapple: Great

Karoo: Oh, and that tall guy with the lion's mane is lounging in the garden meditating on something again.

Zapple: Really? He must've gotten here early; it's always nice to see him when he comes. ^^

Stealth: Lion's mane?

Eon: Must be Shuryo...

Zapple: Yeah, that's the one: Shuryo. The Grass-types have constructed a little flower oasis further in where they go to relax; Shuryo goes there to hang out and interact with the Pokémon that go there. ^^

Eon: That's...interesting.

Kaze: What business does he have around here though? I thought he retired and got himself duty as a forest keeper north for here?

Zapple: From what I hear from the ones who hang out alongside him this is just one of many places he frequents when he's up for a change of scenery.

Kaze: ...I...See...

Zapple: Well if he's here then is "she" also here?

Karoo: The chubby raccoon girl in the superhero costume? Yeah, she's here, spying on Shuryo from afar as usual.

Zapple: Of course -w-;

Stealth: ...What is the deal with that... ._.

Zapple: Well this girl thinks of herself as a villain but is only a villain to other villains by messing up their plans which in turn makes her a hero to others. Well, a trio of thieves that she usually ruins the plans of got her to believe that Shuryo is their boss so she's been spying on him trying to find out if he's up to something. He's been pretty cool about the whole thing since she hasn't bothered him or anybody else so far.

Ryu: ...That...err...I have no comment to that; sounds weird. ._.

Stealth: Agreed.

Zapple: Yeah, we get a lot of weird ones over here

Stealth: .....Yeah, indeed.

*Meanwhile, outside the Pokémon city with e-chan and his guests, some new faces arrive. It was the Moonshredder siblings along with Nikki, Connie, Jim, the D Sisters and their kids. Also joining them was Gin Jen and Ronald Moonshredder.*

e-chan: Thanks for coming, guys.

Desire: e-chan, my love~ *runs up to e-chan and glomps him*

e-chan: Hahaha, it's great to see you too, Desire *hugs her in return*

Desire: O//w//O;; *transforms into her chubby chibi form*

Kevin: o/3/o ..... *blinks* What just happened....?

Skylar: That is just a little quirk with Desire. She can’t take affection that well, so... That happens.

e-chan: *cuddles lovingly with the chubby chibi Desire* oh, did Masaki and Cheryl not come with you?

Roger: They're coming but just a little bit later.

Nikki: They both made dishes to bring here today but Mom shot off her mouth again and they got into a fight as to who made the better dish. -_-

Connie: In other words, she's getting spanked again!

Nikki: *lightly bops Connie on the head* yeah, that... -///-;

Gin: Once again, I'm sorry, Ronald. It seems that every time those two get together it turns into a battle for dominance. I'll be sure to reinforce the important lesson of wisely choosing your battles with her later on tonight.

Ronald: Dont worry, it is fine. Really. Besides, I find it a bit amusing when they fight.

Blitz: Helps that you are a bit of a perv and you get a kick out of "catfights", right? >_>

Ronald: Guilty as charged. ^//^

Tanya: *grabs her father and gives him a bit of a noogie* Dad, hush with you~! Dont make us use the spray bottle treatment on YOU, for a change! >w<

Trey: ....Those canines are always so full of energy. What is their secret? ._.


Kelly: Ooh, they've got a pool~

Corie: And I didn't bring a swimsuit... -3-

Sui: Over here, guys! I've got more than enough swimsuits for everyone~

Kelly: Yay! ^o^

Cliff: I'm down for a good swim

*The kids happily head over towards Sui.*

Jim: And to think, today is just a taste of some of the good times to come for all of us.

Kevin: Surprising how adamant the kids are with keeping it secret if more kids are coming from the future. .3.

Sally: W-well, it just keeps the surprise there for those who do not know...right?

Skylar: Mhm And even we who already met our kids...might have more coming later, if the future is changed drastically. *turns to Connie, smiling and petting her gently*

Connie: *nuzzles Skylar while wagging her tail* ^///^

Skylar: *kisses her cheek and reaches in his pocket, pulling out another Poké Ball* Okay, time to let this lazy bum out.

*Raven the Weavile appears after the light from the ball fades away...noticeably with bigger hips than last time anyone else had seen her*

Raven: We there?

Skylar: Yes, we have arrived.

Raven: Good. =3=


Scooter: Dem hips

Blitz: She got hooked on PokePuffs. Always starts and ends the day with one.....

Raven: I can still kick your teeth in, even if my lower region is bigger now. -3-

Skylar: yeah, watch yourself. She is a beast…with a plush butt. -w- *gently flicks her bottom*

Raven: Aie! O/o/O Sky, you know my bottom is sensitive! >//o//<#

Skylar: Of course I do, why do you think I struck you there? >_>

Raven: .... *pouts and rubs her rear*

e-chan: Well you'll want to watch yourself then; I know Lady Eve is slinking around here somewhere. But don't worry, if she bothers you I'll make sure to take care of her later.

Raven: Oh. Joy. -_-

*Next to arrive were Arashi, Rose, Arzekiel, Dena, Max, Sora, Harold and e-hime.*

e-hime: Yay! BBQ fun time! Where's the food at?

e-chan: We haven't cooked any yet but feel free to help yourself to some drinks and kick back and relax while you're here. ^^

Ashuro: Master Arzekiel, Dena, you're here! ^o^

Arzekiel: So great to see you again, Ashuro, and thank you so much for the invite, e-chan and Scooter. ^^

Sora: Yes, thank you~!

Harold: ... >_> *distances himself a bit*

Max: *pets e-hime* There-there, sweetie. Keep you food love in check.

Arashi: Surprised you guys actually remembered I exist....

Rose: *stays close to Dena, growling* ... -^-

Dena: *grasps Rose's hand and strokes it gently and motherly* there-there~

e-chan: We need to do more stuff together, Arashi; hopefully this can be the start of that happening.

Scooter: Oh, and I forgot to mention, we've got the game consoles hooked up inside for those of you who want to do some gaming.

Harold: See ya there. -_- *walks inside*

Sora: -w- Typical...

e-chan: The important thing is that he came

Arashi: Mhm.... *pulls out a Poké Ball of his own, letting out the Pokémon inside, shown to be a Flygon* How are you feeling Terra?

Terra: Better now that I can stretch out. *flutters her wings a little and stretches* Mmmm....that's much better~

Rose: Dragonfly Dragon...pfft... -3-

e-sama: That's a nice Flygon you got there, Arashi; I have one back home as well. ^^

Arashi: She is my trusty partner; always there when I need a Pokémon's helping hand.

Terra: *nuzzles against Arashi* Mmm~

Arashi: *pets and nuzzles her in return* Yeah, I like you too...

e-sama: That's exactly like my Sceptile, Takeshi; even outside of battles he is a great help to me and a wonderful travel companion.

Arashi: I see. We traveled to Hoenn not long ago, Terra and I....she was quite disappointed when we learned that they had not discovered a Mega Stone for her species yet...

Terra: Sad dragon face...

e-sama: My Zangoose, Daisy, was the same way when she learned about the Mega Stones. ^^

Kevin: One day, we might find something.

Arashi: We can hope.

e-chan: You're free to explore Terra; the Pokémon are all having their own events and special things further in that thriving community of theirs.

*Remembering that, some of the remaining Pokémon, aside from Ashuro's Pokémon family, all head towards the Pokémon city to check things out.*

Terra: Oh, I...guess I will follow them, then. =O *joins up with the bunch walking away*

Simon: *peeks out from behind Zack's leg* ... >~>

Trey: Timid little Ralts, isn't he?

Pinky: OwO *jumps out of the pool and charges towards Simon* Hi-Hi-Hi!!

Simon: Charger!! D8 *sets up a Protect shield to guard himself with*

Pinky: *runs face first into the Protect barrier, comically sliding down it like it was a glass window* Hi~

Kevin: Oh hey, it's little Pinky.

Simon: o~o; .... *The Protect fades away after a few seconds*

Pinky: Hi, I'm Pinky! I haven't seen you around before; what's your name? *tail swishes back and forth*

Simon: M-my name is Simon... >~>; I... I don’t get out a lot...

Pinky: Well Simon, let's be friends and have fun for today!

Simon: W-what...what kind of fun...?

Pinky: We can go swimming, or into the little town over there for some shopping, or go inside and play some video games, there's a lot we can do!

Simon: first? ./~/.

Kevin: *kneels down and whispers to Pinky* He might need a little friendly push. Take the lead and show him how to have fun.

Pinky: Okie-Dokie-Wokie! C'mon, Simon, let’s go explore! ^o^ *grabs Simon by the arm and runs off towards the Pokémon city with him*

Simon: H-hey! OAO

Rex (Charizard): ...I will look over them, just in case. *follows, with Raven behind*

*Soon afterwards, four more guests arrive in the form of Shark Aikawa and the Cool Guy Club: Flicky, Trina and Angela, all dressed in their finest summer wear.*

Trina: Made it! Let the summer shenanigans begin!

Shark: Got it. -w- *shoves a pop-sickle he had been sucking on, down into Flicky's bottoms, between her cheeks* Heh.

Skylar: That works!

Flicky: EEEE!! COLD! OwO;; *dances about trying to get the pop-sickle out of her bottoms*

Scooter: It's always interesting when this guy is around ^w^

Shark: They say my antics liven-up the parties a bit... -w- *shrugs a bit*

e-chan: Well I'm glad that you and the girls could make it, Shark; we're almost ready to start cooking now. ^^

Shark: Okay then. *looks to the girls* Do you want to change into swimming gear, or are you good?

Flicky: Like always I'm already wearing mine

Angela: I...couldn't find a swim suit that fit me right... .///.

Trina: Don't worry, I found one that was perfect for you while I was looking for one for me; let's go inside and I'll show you. ^^ *leads Angela inside the house*

Angela: Oh dear...

Shark: ....If anyone makes fun of her or anything, you will find my boot up your buttocks. <_<

Kevin: ....Someone is being overly protective... -w-

Ashuro: You don't have to worry about that, none of us will do that; in fact a lot of us here actually like a bit of chub. ^^

Byakuru: *nods in agreement*

Sylvia: -w- *bumps her hip against Byakuru*

Tanya: So do I spray my brothers with a bottle if they coppertone people, or...?

*Right then both Cheryl and Masaki finally arrive. Cheryl was looking pretty pleased with herself while Masaki, who was wearing an apron over her regular clothes, shuffled behind holding a tray of food in each hand. Everyone was wondering why her face was bright red but soon figured out why when they saw that her pants were pulled part way down to reveal her freshly spanked, bare, bright red bubble butt to all who who looked behind her. This extra humiliation was added due to Masaki not controlling her language and starting the whole incident in the first place.*

Masaki: =//~//= I really have to remain like this and hold these trays like this until further notice?

Cheryl: Yes you do.

Skylar: ... .//w//.; I see mom took inspiration from me...

Arashi: Say what?

Skylar: Eeeeeh....I once pulled Masaki's bottoms down while she was carrying a pie, and...yeah, sorta resulted in this situation here... Kinda. And I sorta told her about that story not long ago... ^//^;

Shark: ...

Gin and Nikki: =w=; ...

Roger: Yep, just like in my time ^^

Ronald: *pets Nikki* Well, both you and your mother are some fine looking ladies. Skylar just teases and picks on you because he really like you two. And from what I have heard, you are not exactly free of the shenanigans either~?

Sora: Oh, you don’t know half of it. =w= Shall we start with the dares where she had to act like a maid, or shall we go for something more naughty, like when the two of them had some "quality time" in-

Skylar: *places his hand over her mouth* Okay! Thank you, Sora! O//w//O;

Nikki: *blushes and cutely buries her face in her hands*

Connie: why's your face so red, Bangs?

Nikki: It's nothing you need to know -//w//-;

Connie: Really? I really want to know what happened!

Arashi: All you need to know is it involves the beach, lost swimsuits, and two buffoons who make headline news with their shiny bums on display.

Skylar: Shut it, will you!? D//8<

Ronald: *holds back a laugh*

Nikki: *head steams with embarrassment upon remembering the event in detail*

Kevin: .... *smiles and laughs a bit* Poor Nikki; so cute and teaseable.

Shark: =w= Almost gets me in the mood to mess about...

Hana: *runs by and sees Masaki's bare butt* OwO Big tushy~ *begins feeling and squeezing Masaki's bubble butt* squishy~

Masaki: Hana, no; don't do that, get away! >o<

Hayumi: It's no use; once she's fixated on something you can forget about snapping her back to reality. -w-

Cazador: Indeed.... -w- She is quite the trouble at times, but boy do we love her. -w-

Cheryl: |3 Might as well keep the pants off~

Hana: *takes a better look at Masaki's butt* were naughty, weren't you~? ^///^

Masaki: Of-Of course not; why would you ever think that? >//~//<;

Hana: Because that's what Hana and Hayumi's tushies look like after we've been naughty~ ^//w//^

Hayumi: Um...yeah...

Masaki: W-Well you're wrong, I wasn't! >//~//<; This is just...sunburn; yes, that's what it is.

Gin: You're not convincing anybody... -w-

Cheryl: *leans close to Masaki* Lying is naughty~ <w<

Cazador: *walks over and pets Hana* If you ever have a kid in the future as well, I sure hope it won’t be as hard to deal with as you. -w-

Masaki: So is walking around in skimpy armor >3>

Ronald: Don’t start again, or else Gin and I will make sure that neither of you end up winning this argument. =w=

Cheryl: *her face suddenly pales* R-Ronald, dear, th-there is no need for you to get involved. I will stop; Promise. owo;;

Gin: And Masaki, you're already in enough trouble; you started this whole mess now so just take the consequences of your actions for now AND later. -w-

Masaki: !! *groans* ;~;

Ronald: Now, stand still for a bit. -w-

*Ronald walks over and steps behind Cheryl, causing her to yip cutely and fidget, looking increasingly more embarrassed until she is spun around by her short and gleeful husband, showing that her loincloth/armor was now tucked up and held up by her tail, showing off her equally round and bouncy butt, just like with Masaki*

Ronald: Now you can both experience this together. Learn from the event. And maybe start acting better towards one another. (Seriously doubt that last part, but I digress...) -w-

Cheryl: *buries her face in her hands in embarrassment*

Masaki: *looks at Cheryl with a smug look on her face*

Cheryl: Wipe off that smug look from your face. >//3//<#

Skylar: Keep Desire away...she'll go nuts. X3

Kevin: ..... >//3//> *Attempts to raise the back of Ring's dress to do the same thing*

Ring: O//w//O; W-W-Why me too?

Kevin: ...Just becau-

Trey, Zack and Arashi: Because he loves your butt, kitten!

Kevin: O////O; ..... *let go and puts her dress back down, looking away*

Ring: .//w//. *tail flicks about happily* ...w-well, I did wear my swimsuit under my clothes...and it was one you said I would look good in so I went back to that store and bought it later...and it has been a bit hot lately, so... ^//w//^

*Ring takes off her shirt and long skirt to reveal a sexy two piece bikini that properly highlighted her boobs and plump butt.*

Ring: Y-You like? .//w//.;

Kevin: O//o//O Oh my gosh, Ring...

Trey: He loves it. =/w/=

Kevin: *nods rapidly* O//w//O

Skylar: ...? *leans to Ashuro* is it just me...or has she put on a bit of weight, especially in the rear-region? <//<

Ashuro: I think that's about normal for a giantess...but then again, I've heard that she's been eating well recently

Skylar: Helps that her future husband took cooking classes in school... >.>

Kevin: *hugs and nuzzles against Ring*

Trey: Hrmf... He sure likes to bury his face in her soft fur. -/w/-;

Emerald: Well, she is a great big fuzzball, it'd be a crime not to do that; I know we all did when we traveled together, especially on those cold winter days ^^

Zack: Not gonna lie...I would love to snuggle with her tail. -w-

Trey: Same... Not that I am not happy snuggling with you, honey. </3/< *holds Emerald close*

Emerald: I know besides, that tail is the best; so plush~ ^w^

Kevin: *gently grabs Ring's butt* Her butt feels the same way, guys. And the best part is: She is mine~ This lovely, cute, beautiful, sexy, heartwarmingly sweet and gentle kitten is mine~

Skylar: ... *snuggles against Nikki* fills me with joy to see Ring receiving this much love, after hearing everything about her.

Nikki: ^//w//^ *brings Connie into her embrace with Skylar* yeah, it is nice.

Connie: O//o//O Bangs...

Claire: *sees that Fuu is feeling a bit envious of Kevin* aw, don't feel bad, Fuu; don't forget, you've got your own super furry girl~ oh, and I also got a new swimsuit for today that I've been waiting to show you~

*Claire takes of her shirt and shorts to reveal...nothing; it seems that she forgot to put her swimsuit on before putting on the rest of her clothes so everybody standing there saw nothing but the totally naked yet sexy body of a monochrome-colored Maine Coon cat.*

Claire: So, how is it~?

Fuu: o//-//o ...... *A lone drop of blood drips from his nose*

Kiki: Oh...dear... o//o; *covers her mouth*

Bella: MOM! Cover up, you are naked! >//O//<

Claire: Huh? *looks at herself to see that she is indeed naked* oh yeah, I knew there was something I forgot to do today *bends down to pick up her clothes*

Fuu: *gives her a firm slap on her buttocks as she bends over, but afterwards just rubs her butt, smiling a bit* "Birthday Suit" is a nice swimsuit on you, but it is not new, Claire... And you know I love it, so please don’t wear it out before our eventual honeymoon...

Kiki: *gives her a firm smack as well* Yeah, what he said! It feels less special when you wear it so many times! >/w/<

Claire: Yeep! Okay, okay, I got it *picks up her clothes and put them back on*

Scooter: That's our Claire

Ashuro: Yup; the same as she ever was

Kiki: It is fun to mess around with her~

Kevin: We can see that.

Cazador: ... *nudges both Hayumi and Hana* So, am I the only one not getting a swimsuit-based surprise, then? -w-

Hayumi: Sorry; I would've loved to have surprised you with one but I couldn't find that was both cute but durable for my...uh...condition

Hana: Hana forgot hers

Cazador: *sighs* Never mind... -3-;

Sui: Oh, Mrs. Saturn; I have something special for you *reaches into her backpack and pulls out a cute swimsuit for her* it is custom-made for people with your condition; built to withstand even the largest of sudden expansions and not lose its elasticity.

Hayumi: What materials were used to make this? The Venus Family has tried everything they can think off but still came up short. OoO

Sui: Mrs. Flash visits a hidden Nekofi village sometime between now and our time and learns their way of making clothes: techniques, materials and all. ^w^

Cazador: You mean there are other marshmallow butts like her? .-.

Sui: Probably, but in Nekofi culture, although the genetic makeup of the male and females are basically the same they go about different ways of using their rubber bodies. The males usually resort to stretching their limbs and bodies to incredible lengths to hunt and fight at mid-distance. The females on the other hand usually inhale large amounts of air to inflate their limbs and bodies and increase power or defense to that inflated part, usually for close quarters combat.

Claire, Ring and Emerald: Wait, we can do that? o3o

Ashuro: What? You three seriously didn't know that? It was one of the first things that Master Arzekiel taught me about myself.

Claire: That topic never came up when I was with Uncle Alan. ^^

Emerald: And I'm still relearning how my body works after forcibly making myself an Aquitican...

Ring: In honesty I have just n-never tried...

Kiki: And how does this little kid know so much? ._.


Sai: Mrs. Flash told Mama about the Nekofi village and Mama went there and told me all about it when she came back from her travels. ^^

Bastion: Good work remembering all of it, little one... *tickles his daughter under her chin*

Sui: Kehehe!

Hana: Hey~ ^o^ Do you have a spare swimsuit for Hana?

Sui: Yeah, I've got lots; let's see now *digs through her huge backpack and pulls out a cute swimsuit with bottoms that resembled a skirt* how's this one?

Hana: Ooka-Ooka! It's perfect! C'mon Hayumi, let's get changed so we can swim! ^o^ *grabs the back of Hayumi's dress and begins pulling it upward*

Hayumi: O//x//O Wait Hana! Let's go inside first!

*Hayumi struggles to keep her dress on while simultaneously rushing to the doorway of the house but just as she was almost inside her butt expands, causing her to get stuck in the door way and bouncing Hana backwards in the air.*

Hana: WEEEE!!

*With an automatic reflex Cazador calmly gets in the perfect spot and catches Hana as she falls.*

Hana: Yay! Nice catch, Spider Man!

Hayumi: *struggles to get free but is unable to and hangs in the doorway with her bare, expanded butt on full display* TTwTT ...little help, please?

Cazador: *kisses Hana on her cheek* Love you, monkey girl. Now, lets get Ms. Marshmallow Butt loose, shall we?

*Cazador walks over with Hana and starts trying to push Hayumi through the doorway...but is taking his sweet time, giving her butt gentle smacks and squeezing it while attempting to push her through, having quite the goofy grin on his face*

Cazador: Hrm, been a while since this happened, huh? =/w/= You seem pretty stuck... *drags his hands over her bottom* But some more gentle pushing should work~

Dex: *facing Hayumi from the other side of the door, sighing* Get used to it... -/3/-

Hayumi: *groans cutely* and you're certain that I don't learn how to control this?

Dex: .... Control and control, I dont know... You do wear a bit more underwear in the future, however.

Cazador: *smirks and slips off her dress completely, leaving her nude in the doorway* Okay, so the dress is not stuck~ <w<

Dex: ....Dad likes to torment and tease you though. ^//^;

Hayumi: Cazador~ TToTT

Hana: Ooh, so big and fluffy as usual ^w^ *pokes Hayumi's marshmallowy butt*

Cazador: She is not the only one with a fluffy butt, though. *gives Hana's butt a little pinch, before pushing Hayumi through, finally*

Dex: *stares at Hayumi's enlarged rump* Huff, that sure is wonder I never see you wearing pants on pictures... -//.//-

Hayumi: That's because any pair of pants or panties I wear has a 95% chance of getting destroyed every time this happens; until I find more durable clothes or a way to control this problem I decided to go without them. -w-

Cazador: *puts his arms around her* I like it when your butt bursts out of your clothes, though. But I know it is a predicament to you. *nuzzles her cheek*


Hayumi: =//w//=

Cazador: Now then... Hana, you know Hayumi doesn’t like it when you try to undress her. *Holds Hana by her tail, lowering her shorts enough for her butt to fall out into the open for him to spank her, not too hard, but hard enough.* Bad monkey, bad. -w-#

Dex: Heh...

Hana: Ooh, tingly >wQ Okay, I'm sorry, Hayumi. ^^

Hayumi: It's alright, Hana; as much as I don't want to admit it I'm used to this now

Cazador: Alright then, big kisses to both of you, then you need to go and get changed. *hugs both of the girls close and gives them a big kiss each, both on the lips, even.*

Dex: Stop the mushy stuff... D//|

Hana and Hayumi: -//u//- ~

*Hana and Hayumi go further in the house to get changed. Not wanting his son to feel left out of the affection, and to mess with him a little bit, Cazador brings Dex in closer to him for a hug and a kiss on the cheek.*

Cazador: Dont think I forgot about you.

Dex: BLEH! It's okay to be forgotten! No kissy face treatment! D//X<

Masquerade: *watching the scene with a smile on his face* Heh...Cazzy has gone far...

To be continued…

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