Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Everybody Gather! The Summer BBQ Party!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 22
“Everybody Gather! The Summer BBQ Party!!”
An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

"You are invited to the Cook/Bo home for a massive BBQ Bonanza! There will be great food, games, live streaming of good anime and great company. You are encouraged to bring your friends, family and even your Pokémon as the resident Pokémon will also be hosting their own BBQ party on site as well. We hope that you can come and share in an event that you won't forget anytime soon. e-chan and Scooter."

Many of these invitations have been sent out to e-chan's and Scooter's friends in the hope that they'll be able to attend.

With Ring, his three kids and some of their Pokémon by their side, Kevin head towards e-chan and Scooter's house to have fun at the BBQ they were all invited to. Looking over to his left Kevin saw his beautiful fiancé Ring walking with him, giving a piggyback ride to their youngest future daughter, Amethyst; walking next to her was her Greninja and Pikachu, Ivan and All-Star, who were keeping a vigilant lookout for any trouble as they continued on their way. Looking over to his right he saw his oldest future son, Arthur, walking with his Dewott, Samantha, his Garchomp, Sharkey, his Infernape, Sierra, his Ambipom, Annabelle, his Charmander, Coal, his Snorlax, Olaf, his Espeon, Phillip and his Gliscor, Satonaka. Looking above him he could see his second youngest future daughter, Samantha, happily riding on the back of Ring's Charizard, Red, as he flew just above them. Yep, everybody was still here; he could tell that today was going to be a fun day.

Kevin: Everyone seems to be in good spirits today.... That makes me happy. It's good to see everyone having a good time.

Coal: Even though we are not there YET.

Kevin: Still.

Ring: *giggles* A-Are you okay up there, Samantha-honey?

Samantha: Yes mommy, all is fine, just enjoying myself~

Arthur: She is quite the courageous one, this sister of mine.... ._.

Philip: Or maybe you are just a bit wimpy?

Arthur: Err.... <3<;

All-Star: Oh Phillip; as salty as ever~ ^3^

Philip: I am not salty. >_>

Amethyst: *nuzzles the top of her mom's head* Mommy, do you mind if I ask...was there anyone in your life before daddy? Someone you crushed on before?

Ring: B-Before Kevin? If anybody it was definitely Ashuro. But many of the girls that traveled with Ashuro had a crush on him due to him reaching out to us all in unique ways.

Amethyst: *wags her tail*

Kevin: What about you Amethyst? Got any crushes hidden from your mom and dad?

Amethyst: No! Ew~! >/w/<

*As the group continues on their way they encounter another person who was headed to the same destination, one Chispa Dulces and her Vaporeon, Liquid.*

Ring: Chispa-san!

Chispa: Oh? Well if it isn't Ms. Puffles and her little possy?

Kevin: Heh, hey Chispa; should have figured that you were coming too.

Chispa: Duh.

All-Star: *sees Liquid* Ooh~ who's this tall drink of water~?

Chispa: This grump here is Liquid, my trusty partner and friend.

Liquid: *bows his head* Hello.

Philip: He originates from the same place as I grew up in: the Orre region.

All-Star: Ooh, that's not too far away from where I grew up: Hoenn. ^^

Liquid: That explains the heart-shaped mark on your tail. It's more common fare to see female Pikachu with that trait down in those parts.

All-Star: I see Ivan, take a break and come introduce yourself. ^^

Ivan: *glances at Liquid and politely nods at him then resumes looking out for danger*

All-Star: So serious -3-

Liquid: Eh, dont worry, it's alright. *places a paw upon her head and pets her gently*

All-Star: -w-

Red: *sense something strong coming* heads up, something is coming!

*Soon after Red uttered these words Kevin looks up and sees a large black shape flying high overhead. Using his hand to block out the sun to get a better look Kevin could see that it was a black Charizard...a very familiar black Charizard carrying two equally familiar people on his back: Trey and Emerald.*

Trey: Hello there, kitten squad the family!

Samantha: Oh, it's Mr. and Mrs. Hothead! OwO *wags her tail*

Kevin: ...Heh, "hothead" is right... =w=

Ring: Emerald-san!

Emerald: Ring, it's so great to see you! ^o^ Have you grown a bit since I last saw you?

Amethyst: *squints her eyes* .... Aw, doesn't look like she has appeared yet...

Rex (Charizard): Alright, going down. *gradually descends until they land on the ground*

Kevin: *walks up* Hello you guys, long since last.

Emerald: You're right; so what is new with you? ^^

Kevin: Eh, not much as of lately; been taking a step back to just enjoy the peace and quiet while we have it, while also spending time with the little ones. *nods to the kids*

Arthur: *looks at Emerald, tilting his head a little* ... (I thought she would be taller...)

Emerald: That's good; with the things that happen in our lives you really got to take advantage of these times when they come *notices Arthur's quizzical look and smiles warmly at him*

Arthur: You are so....tiny. From our timeline, you are at least at shoulder length with daddy. ._.

Kevin: ...? *measures the height from his shoulders to the ground*

Emerald: Wait, you mean that I actually grow a bit in the future?

Arthur: ....Yes...Why wouldn't you grow? ._.

Trey: Maybe you learn to utilize your "grown-up" form a bit more, or something? >w> *pets her* Though, your size does not matter to me.

Emerald: Yeah...thanks

*The now large group continues on their way, talking to one another about recent events. When almost at e-chan and Scooter's home they all run into another group that was on their way there. It was Rex, Lucca and their future son Raphael; along with them were Gene, Rex's Mewtwo, and Riley, Lucca's Lucario. Gene was dressed in her usual finery and had apparently picked out some clothes for Riley to wear as well, although Riley seemed uncomfortable in them as they really highlighted her small chest and large bubble butt.*

Lucca: *sees Kevin's group* looks like we've got some company

Gene: Oh goodie.

Rex: *looks up* So it seems...

Raphael: Hey guys

Amethyst: Raphie! ^o^ *jumps down and rushes over to his side, pouncing on the bat-boy*

Kevin: Hello everyone. All well?

Olaf: *bows gently to Gene*

Gene: *curtsies in response*

Raphael: *chuckles* it's good to see you too, Amethyst.

Lucca: We're doing alright; thanks for asking. Let's see here, we've got... *looks at the group* Kevin, Ring, Chispa and Trey, right?

Ring: H-How did you know our names just like that?

Lucca: I keep track of all of the top, upcoming and promising trainers out there.

Chispa: Well well, someone is well informed... .3.

Rex: *steps forward and shakes Kevin's hand* Good to see you guys again...

Kevin: That's a surprisingly nice greeting from you. Heh, what has gotten into you lately?

Rex: *looks back at Lucca and Riley* .... Nothing, really... <//_//<

Gene: *levitates a couple twigs with her telekinetic abilities, creating a couple arrows, pointing to Lucca and Riley's butts*

Riley: C-Cut that out >//o//< *cutely tries to cover her butt with her paws*

Gene: No use hiding. That butt of yours is too big to conceal~

Satonaka: ...Oh dear, she...she is not lying. It o//o;

Coal: Huge. It's huge. >//>;

Rex: Okay, enough, leave Riley alone. She deals with enough as it is, and certainly does not need you guys rambling and staring at her. >/_/># *positions himself between Riley and the rest of the gang*

Rex (Charizard): .... *Whispers to Emerald* If I did not know better, I would say that my namesake over there has a thing for the Anubis-looking Pokémon.

Emerald: *nods in agreement*

Lucca: Oh, before we go any further, Ring, I need to know, did you bring your Seviper, Brooklyn, with you?

Ring: No, she's at home; she doesn't really like big crowds.

Lucca: As much as I would've liked to have seen her it is probably good that she didn't come; I heard that e-sama would be there too and he more than likely has brought his Zangoose, Daisy, with him. I sure the last thing you'd want to see is that genetic blood feud activate.

Ring: Y-Yeah (I completely forgot about that O_O; it's actually a good thing that Brooklyn was so adamant about not going...)

Sierra: Dodged a bullet there, Princess Diamond...

Annabelle: Mhm.

Ring: Yes...

Lucca: If that's the case we're all good then; as far as I know nobody else who's attending has a Seviper.

Trey: Let’s hope so...

*The group continues on their way and after about three more minutes of walking they reach e-chan and Scooter's house. After ringing the doorbell the front door opens seconds later and everybody is greeted by little Snow Almond.*

Snow: Hey, you all made it ^o^

Arthur, Samantha, Amethyst: PUPPY! *all three pounce on Snow instantly and starts to snuggle and cuddle with her*

Kevin: Ahahahaha! Kids, calm down! X'D I get that Snow is adorable, but you cant just pounce on her like that.

Samantha: But I love her sooooooo....!

Trey: Hehehehe; kids.

*Everybody is welcomed inside and Snow shows them to the backyard where everybody else was. There were plenty of tables and places to sit each under a canopy to provide shade. They could immediately see that Ashuro, Victora, Megumi and Masquerade were poolside with their kids. Also there were some of Ashuro's Pokémon family. Elise, Sophie and Violet were lounging on lounge chairs; Elise and Sophie were in sexy bikinis while Violet was in a more reserved and basic swimsuit, reading a book. The chubby and cute Berry and Macaroon were sitting at the pool's edge each wearing a cute one-piece bathing suit with their feet in the water. Pinky and Boa where having a stylish diving contest, while Jane was lounging on an inner tube with sunglasses on and Cloud was helping his chubby girlfriend Milk-chan learn how to swim with Mint cheering her on. Before Kevin could go and greet them all a blur of green speeds up to and tackles him to the ground; it was e-chan's Chikorita, Green, just very happy to see him.*

Green: *nuzzling up against Kevin*

Kevin: D-damn, Green. You are very strong for your size. ^//^; *pets her* Good to see you as well.

Trey: Her butt adds a few pounds, and at that speed, the weight is at least tripled.

Annabelle: I should know! >w< *smacks her own reasonably sized bubble butt*

Ashuro: *notices that Kevin and the others have arrived* Hey Kevin, Rex, over here!

Tsubasa, Valencia and Minami: Arthur, Samantha, Amethyst, Raphael!

Kevin: *sits up and holds around Green, carrying her instead* Hello there.

Trey: I am here too, mister....

Rex: *rolls eyes and walks forward*

Amethyst: Everyone! Hello~! ^o^ *dragging her brother, sister and Raphael with her over to the others, excited as she was*

Ashuro: Glad to see that all of you made it, especially you, Trey and Emerald; it feels like forever since I last saw you two. What have you two been up to? ^^

Trey: Well, we went on a little trip again and ended up staying longer than expected when we figured out it was a place where we could train undisturbed. But we started to miss everyone and came back home not too long after. After returning we basically spent more time by the dojo...teased and had fun at Jamie's expense, all while trying to plot what else we might want to do from now on.

Rex: I heard you were looking for a new job, as well? >.>

Trey: Yeah actually. Since the old cinema closed down, my income has stagnated a little...

Ashuro: If you liked your previous job you could try the new movie theater that opened up not too long ago. I took Annaliese and Tsubasa there the other week and it seems like they're looking for experienced personnel and possibly managers. If not I'll keep my eyes and ears open for other job openings.

Trey: Yeah, we shall see, in the near future and stuff. But thanks anyway.

Valencia: Samantha, Amethyst, come swimming with us. ^^

???: If you don't have a swimsuit I can provide one for you today~

*Floating up to the group wearing her cloak and massive backpack was Sui.*

Raphael: Sui, you're here too.

Sui: Yup; Mom and Dad are over there with e-chan and Scooter. I just sold them a great new grill to replace that tiny one of theirs today.

*Looking past some of the tables everyone could see e-chan, Scooter and Bastion setting up the grill while Renezmay directed them with instructions from the manual.*

Kevin: So this is THE Sui that Bastion has told me about on our meetings...? Heh, glad to meet you, little one.

Chispa: Its almost overwhelming how many little kids there are here now… @ W @

Samantha: *hugs around Sui's neck* We did not know there would be swimming, so could you pretty please help us with it, Sui?

Arthur: Not me. Last time I borrowed a pair of trunks, it was a pair that was enchanted to slip off every 10th minute. -//^//-#

Sui: And for the 100th time, I'm sorry that happened. Like I said it was a mistake on my part that one of my custom items got mixed in with one of my regular items; that's why I now put patches with my face on my custom stuff so that I won't make that mistake again. ^w^ Tell you what, as an apology and sign of good faith, I'll give you all a free swimsuit; a merchant can't be a success if their customers don't trust them and I'm going to be the best merchant around. So...please~

Arthur: ..... *crosses his arms and pouts* Fine...

Sui: Yay! *opens her backpack and begins showing everybody the swimsuits she brought with her*

*While everybody else was looking at the swimsuits Kevin and Annabelle walk over to Berry and Macaroon to say hello.*

Berry: Prince Kevin, I'm so glad to see you here.

Macaroon: ...H-Hi... .///.

Kevin: Hi Berry, Macaroon. Glad to see you both again. Are you doing well? This is one my trusted partners, Annabelle. She has come all the way from Sinnoh.

Annabelle: Charmed~

Berry: Hello, Lady Annabelle; nice to meet you.

Macaroon: ...H-Hello... .///.

Kevin: .... *Looks them over* ...You're looking quite good in that swimsuit, Macaroon; you too, Berry. ^//^

Annabelle: Mhm, I would say~

Berry: Why thank you. ^^

Macaroon: .////.;

*They look over to Cloud as he hold Milk-chan's hands as she kicks her tiny legs in an attempt to swim; she was wearing a cute but tiny bikini and Cloud was averting his gave with a blush on his face to keep himself from staring at her breast and wobbling butt. Mint was at the foot of the pool cheering on Milk-chan to keep her spirits up; she was wearing a two piece bathing suit complete with a sarong around her waist.*

Milk-chan: *kicking her little legs* am I doing it right, Cloud?

Cloud: *blushing with his head turned* Y-Yeah, keep it up >//_//O

Mint: You can do it, You can do it, Milk-chan! ^o^

Kevin: Hehe, stubby little cow.

Annabelle: ....Sorry. Have to. X3 *kneels down by the pool and uses one of her tails to firmly smack Milk-chan on her bottom*

Milk-chan: Yeep! OwO

*The firm smack seems to act as a trigger and causes Milk-chan to break free of Cloud's grasp and actually start swimming forward.*

Milk-chan: Hey...Hey! I'm swimming, I'm swimming! ^o^

Cloud: That's all it took; a swat on the butt? I'll have to remember that for next time. Thanks for your help. ^w^

Annabelle: Motivation! X3

Gene: ??? <w< .....

*Gene smirks to herself and uses her telekinesis once again. Rex notices both his hands moving and glances at Gene, but before he could ask what she was doing, his hands swing and ends up smacking against the bottom of Lucca and Riley respectively*

Lucca: Whoo! So frisky~

Riley: AiEEP! 8O *butt wobbles at contact*

Rex: O//~//O GENE!! When I get my hands on you...! D//X

Gene: *casually walks away from them as she is making Rex just firmly grope the two of them instead*

Samantha: ...Never a dull moment with that girl around, huh...? -.-;

Raphael: You have no idea ...still, she makes for great entertainment. ^^

*Chispa goes over to where e-chan, Scooter, Bastion and Renezmay were to say hello.*

Scooter: *working on the grill then notices that Chispa has arrived* Chispa, babe, you're looking lovely as ever today

Chispa: Why thank you, I try my best to be as presentably attractive every day.

Scooter: I'll be sure to grill up something extra tasty just for you~ ^3^

e-chan: That is if we get this grill set up; are you sure you're not skipping over pages, Renezmay?

Renezmay: Sure I'm sure.

e-chan: I don't know much about assembling grills but it feels like there are steps that should have come earlier than others...

Bastion: ....And you are sure you are not holding the instructions upside-down? >_>

Renezmay: Of course I'm not; what do you think I am, some sort of ditz who...? *looks at the instruction manual again* ... *spins the manual by 180 degrees* ...oh, my bad...

Bastion: Yeah, that was what I was afraid of...

Chispa: Oh gosh...

e-chan: Well it is a good thing that you all came early; that way the serving of the food should still be on time. Oh yeah *walks over to where everybody is* as it said on the invite the Pokémon are having their own BBQ event in the mini town they've set up over there so all guest Pokémon are free to wander about wherever they please. And for this day only, some of the businesses run by our Pokémon, like Sweethearts Bakery, are offering some of their best dishes for free in order to bring in new possible customers.

*Annabelle's ears twitch and her eyes sparkle upon hearing this news.*

Masquerade: Ah, that is interesting.

Olaf: Mhm, sometimes, you gotta spend money to earn money.


Megumi: Sounds like an offer too good to pass up on *digs around in her bag and takes out six Poke Balls* Come on out everybody~

*Megumi's Poké Balls open and out of them come her Samurott, Seashell, her Zoroark, Zoe, her Lilligant, Lillil, her Darmanitan, Lii, her Golurk, Titan, and her newest member, her Petilil and daughter to Lillil, Lolipop.*

Megumi: Go and have fun, everybody ^o^

Seashell: Okay, it'll be nice to see my son Kyle and how much he's grown since last time.

*Hearing Seashell's words Samantha approaches the large Formidable Pokémon to introduce herself.*

Sam: So you are the mother of Kyle? Name is Samantha, call me Sam, I am a friend of the little guy. <.<

Seashell: Hello Sam, my name is Seashell...and I'm his father, actually.

*Samantha blushes deep red.*

Seashell: It's okay, many make the same mistake when they first see me and then hear my voice for the first time so don't worry about it

Zoe: You should've been with us when we were on our journey; I can't tell you how many wild Pokémon approached him with flowers and proclaiming their affection only to find out that he was a guy.

Seashell: I felt so bad for them afterwards though

Sam: Erk....*covers her face and groans* I'm just...I am going to stand over there and let this pass... -//_//-;; *Turns and walks to stand by the corner of the backyard*

Coal: .....She's getting better. Usually, such an event would have made her really angry; damaged her pride, even. <_<;

Sierra: She is learning...

Victora: *digs around in her bag and also pulls out six Poke Balls* All of you too, come out and have some fun~ ^o^

*Victora's Poké Balls open and out of them comes her Serperior, Aeris, her Excadrill, Ursula, her Swoobat, Victory, her Purugly, Sonia, her Latios, Iceberg, and her Slowbro, Earl.*

Victory: Yay! Time for fun-fun-fun! *flies about excitedly*

Earl: *yawns then immediately goes to sleep*

Sonia: only Earl could come to a party just to sleep. Hey *smacks Earl upside his head* wake up!

Earl: *snores, not even noticing that his head had been smacked*

Ursula: I came for the battling; I heard that there would be battling.

Aeris: I said there "might" be battles, "might" be battles.

Iceberg: ... *flies off towards the Pokémon city*

Masquerade: I see Aeris has fully evolved? =O

Victora: Yeah, it's strange, really; for the longest time she didn't care about evolving but a run-in with a bully a while back changed her mind about that. She wouldn't tell me the details though and just wanted to take part in more battles. =O

Masquerade: I see. Well...maybe some of my guys should join in as well, then... *takes out 3 Poké Balls and lets the Pokémon inside of them out, which included his Roserade, also named Cloud, like one of their other Pokémon friends, his Mismagius, named Fantasia, and his Mew, Mirage*

Cloud: *stretches out* Ah, nice weather today. Good.

Fantasia: So many people~

Mirage: *just gently floats about overhead*

Aeris: *sees Cloud then chuckles mischievously*

Cloud: *looks up* Hmm? Ah, princess cookie lover evolved, I see? ^^

Zoe: Yup

*Around that time a few more guests arrive: e-kun, e-sama and their kids.*

e-kun: Hey-hey, it's party time~ ^o^

Cookie and Cream: Party! Party! ^o^

e-sama: Greetings.

Samuel: H-Hey guys.

Raphael: Hey Sam. ^^

Samantha: Sams and Samanthas everywhere! @ W @

Arthur: The twins are here!

e-kun: Alright everybody, we're here.

*e-kun reaches for the Poké Balls at his belt with both of his hands and calls out the six Pokémon he brought him: his Feraligatr, Munchies, his Heracross, Yoko, his Emboar, Roy, his Pansage, Joker, his Octillery, Scylla, and his Lopunny, Annie. Munchies, Yoko, Roy, Joker and Scylla go off to the Pokémon town to explore while Annie stays behind...and casually punches e-kun in the face hard.*

e-kun: OW! Annie, I told you the face was off limits! >o<

Annie: *chuckles mischievously*

e-kun: *casually swats Annie's butt hard*

Annie: EEP! 8O

*Annie shoots a glare at e-kun before pouncing on him and the two of them begin fighting each other.*

e-chan: Oh dear, the dysfunctional pair are at it again; how that Lopunny is able to Mega Evolve with the relationship she has with him I'll never know... -w-;

Rex (Charizard): It is a mystery. -w-

Fantasia: She has quite a bubble butt; sexy bunny.

Philip: Aye aye.... Shall I break them apart...?

e-chan: If you can do it safely without getting yourself hurt then yeah; they're kinda killing the festive mood that we're going for.

Philip: Allow me.... *Grabs hold of them both using his Psychic, restraining their movements long enough for him to drag them apart from one another*

e-kun and Annie: *panting while looking at each other*

Philip: Are we going to behave or do we need to put you two in the timeout corners?

e-kun: I have no problem with acting civil as long as I don't get punched or kick anymore today.

Philip: And you, missy?

Annie: >3< ... *mumbles something to herself*

Philip: ..... *whacks her posterior with a telekinetic-paddle* I said: What about you, missy? -_-#

Annie: Yeow! I'll behave-I'll behave! ToT

Philip: Yeah you better, or else we can easily slap you in the spanking-stocks. -_- *lets them both go*

Rex (Charizard): Heh, disciplinarian Philip on the scene.

*Upon being released Annie runs off towards the Pokémon town but stops long enough to raspberry e-kun and taunt him by lightly slapping her butt before running off for good that time.*

e-kun: *shakes his head* that girl, she's a handful...but I can't help but love her to pieces. ^^

Sierra: Quite the brat, if ya ask me. =I

Cloud: I would say... -w-

Kevin: Well, not everyone can be perfectly behaved and all that. And the world would be boring if everyone was the same.

e-sama: I guess it is safe enough to let my companions out now.

*e-sama takes the six Poké Balls at his belt and calls out the Pokémon within them: his Sceptile, Takeshi, his Zangoose, Daisy, his Dusknoir, Grim, his Servine, Nik, his Panpour, June, and his Meganium, Spice.*

Nik: *runs up to Aeris and hugs her* Mom, it's great to see you~ ^o^

Aeris: *nuzzles Nik* likewise, Nik; you seem to be growing up nice. ^w^

Cloud: Oh damn, the princess has a kid. .3.

Fantasia: *circles around Grim* More ghosts makes the party more fun~

Grim: Greetings *antenna twitches* I sense more ghosts further in; shall we join them?

Fantasia: Yah yah.

*Grim and Fantasia float off to the Pokémon city. Takeshi, Daisy, Nik and June soon follow while Spice follows her nose as she catches a pleasing scent that leads her right over to Kevin.*

Spice: *sniffs Kevin* did you know that you have a great scent? ^//w//^

Kevin: H-huh? No, not really. Must be the new shampoo I am using or something...maybe. .//w//.; *gently reaches over and strokes the side of the Meganium's face*

Trey: *Raises his brow upon seeing this* What is it with that guy and Grass-Type starters? They are drawn to him like flies.

Arthur: Slumber Gigas has an influx of Grass-Types in the future. Maybe dad has a finger in how that happened...? =O

Emerald: Really? that you mention it, after that whole "Destroyer" incident a few years back I've been seeing a lot more Fire-types wherever Trey or I go, especially around our home. I wonder if there is something about Trey and I that seems to attract them...

Trey: But we don’t see Fire-Types getting clingy on either of us, that is something. -w- But I guess they would be drawn to you for being such a hot little kitty cat~ *scoops her up and aggressively snuggles and kisses her*

Arthur: Bleh. Auntie, Uncle, that's gross. Ew. =3=;

Ashuro: *chuckles* with these two lovebirds as your parents I thought that you'd be used to that by now *points to Kevin and Ring*

Arthur: That's different. =I

Ashuro: Really, huh?

*Another group of guest arrive in the backyard in the form of Cazador, Noir, Hayumi, Fuu, Kiki, Claire and their kids.*

Claire: We're here~ ^o^

Noir: Hey-o! ^o^

Bella: Party animals are heeeere~!

Cazador: ....I dunno, this is still kinda awkward. Me, attending a party, of all things...

Hayumi: It'll be a nice change of pace to get out of the lab for just a little bit *takes Cazador by the hand*

*Looking up they hear happy laughter as Fuu's Pidgeot, Kaze, flies overhead with Hana Mercury on his back.*

Hayumi: ...always so carefree and bold, huh? -w-

Cazador: That's our Hana in a nutshell... ^-^;;

*Kaze takes a sudden dive down towards the group, rearing up just before hitting the ground and soaring quickly into the sky again, kicking up quite the draft*

Kiki: Iyan! *pushes her hoodie down* You are blowing up our clothes, you big flying oaf! >/o/<

Silk: Meow! >//O//< *pushes her skirt down too*

Kaze: Just following instructions from the monkey, sorry!

Hayumi: O///O *quickly pushes down her dress* yeah...

e-chan: Haha, things are getting lively. ^^

Scooter: Good news, the grill is finished so we can finally begin cooking.

Renezmay: And we still have all of these extra parts too.

Scooter: Extra parts? There shouldn't be any extra parts...

*Seeing a pattern Bastion takes the manual from Renezmay and discovers that two of the pages were stuck together, which meant that they had skipped a lot of steps in the grill's construction.*

Renezmay: Okay, that wasn't my fault; there are no page numbers in that manual... -3-

Bastion: *rolls up the manual and whacks Renezmay on her bottom, once* I will read the manual, then. -_-;

Renezmay: *squeals at the smack then pouts a bit* -3-

e-chan: C'mon, you can help us put it together instead. ^^

Renezmay: ...okay. -w-

*Soon afterwards five more guests arrive: Brighton and Elizabeth Koco, the soon-to-be married couple Byakuru Koco and Sylvia Pearl, and their future daughter Leonora.*

Valencia and Minami: Grandma, Grandpa, Leonora!

Leonora: *looks up at Sylvia* Mom, is my buttflap properly pathced up? </3/<

Sylvia: Yes yes, of course it is. Well, for now.

Leonora: *skips over to Valencia and Minami*

Elizabeth: Hello-Hello~ We brought something for you all; some homemade sweet tea and lemonade.

Brighton: *places two very large and cold kegs on one of the tables along with some plastic cups* nothing like tea and lemonade on a summer day ^w^

Masquerade: Thanks a lot for that, mother, father. We all appreciate it. *bows his head*

Cazador: Well aren't we fine and proper? >_>

Rex: After what happened at the festival, his behavior is just befitting. -3-

Masquerade: Shove a sock in it, both of you. D|

Sui: Ah, Dex and Leonora, I've got the perfect swimsuits for you two~

Dex: ...Define what you mean with "perfect", because that is subjective. ._.

Leonora: Do you have something cute with frills~? OwO *her tail wags*

Sui: See for yourselves *pulls out a pair of what looked like swim tights for Dex and a cute frilly flower-print two piece swim suit for Leonora*

Dex: ...It fits. =/

Leonora: EEEE~! >w<

e-chan: *smiles warmly* your daughter is so cute and lovely, you two.

Byakuru: Thanks ^w^

Sylvia: ^//^ *giggles sweetly*

Scooter: You two excited for the wedding?

Byakuru: Beyond excited

Sylvia: Nervous, actually... ^//^; *pokes her fingers together*

Byakuru: *puts his arms around Sylvia and looks into her eyes* I was quite nervous my first time around...and to be honest I'm just as nervous this time around but just knowing that I'll have someone as amazing as you as my wife just seems to override that nervous feeling and make me overjoyed. ^//^

Sylvia: *Eyes goes wide as she stares into her future-husband's own eyes* Byakuru.... o//.//o *her tail starts to swish around gently*

Renezmay: *gets a bit misty-eyed* darn, that's too romantic... TwT *rubs her eyes*

Bastion: *nudges against her* I am sorry I can’t be as romantic, but...hey, I am here to support you.

Renezmay: *floats next to Bastion and kisses him on his cheek*

Bastion: ^//^

Kevin: Well you two seem to be getting quite well along. ^^

Renezmay: Yup

e-chan: We were just getting these two excited for their upcoming wedding.

Kevin: Ah, I see. I am just interacting with the Pokémon. All of them are so enjoyable to talk to, and not to mention sweet. ^^ Those I have conversed with, at least.

e-chan: They are sweet; even the seemingly violent Annie is sweet when you realize that she is an extreme tsundere. ^^

Kevin: I see, I see....I still can’t help but love Macaroon. ^//^

e-chan: Yeah, she is cutie, isn't she? ^//w//^ BTW, you haven't seen Tank around, have you?

Kevin: Tank...nnnnno, I don’t think so. ._. What about it?

e-chan: Well, it's just that ever since Katana went off to follow her dream of joining Wisp, Tank has been contemplating what his dream is. Then about three weeks ago he just disappeared, leaving only a note saying that he was going on a journey to find himself and that he would return one day. We all searched for him for quite a while but in the end just decided to trust that he knew what he was doing and that he would be okay. I was just asking on the off chance that you happened to see the little guy anywhere. =/

Kevin: Oh. Well....I am sure he will show up, sometime.

e-chan: You're right.

*Next to arrive was Snoopy, Zero and the armored heroines Ruby, Sally and Gaura; they were all looking great in their summer wear, ready to relax and have a good time after a busy month of baddie bashing.*

Snoopy: Thanks for the invite, e-chan; this is just what we needed. ^w^

Ruby: Yeah, especially Gaura. She has been a bit upitty and stuck the last few...months. -w-

Gaura: Hey. -_-#

Sally: .... ^w^;

e-chan: Well kick up your heels and relax for today; we've got sun, drinks, a pool, Pokémon and food...once we finish this grill.

Gaura: Thanks, I guess.

Sally: It's very nice of you to do this. Thank you.

Zero: *loops his left arm around Sally's right arm while holding a beach umbrella and blanket under his right arm* shall we find a lounge spot poolside?

Sally: Y-yes please. o//w//o

*Zero and Sally walk over towards the pool to set up a spot for themselves.*

Scooter: The last's almost done *hands the piece to e-chan and Renezmay*

e-chan and Renezmay: *installs the final piece on the grill* Finished!

Bastion: Woo, finally. -w-

e-chan: Now we can finally start cooking ^^

???: Not without me you're not~

*e-chan looks in the direction of the voice to see that another big group had arrived: Pepper, Cherry, Baron, Camilla, Sander, Annette, Archie, Kim and their future kids. Each and every one of them were dressed in their finest summer wear.*

e-chan: Pepper! ^o^

Pepper: For a party this big just one grill wouldn't be enough.

Baron: So we brought our grills and grill expertise to help you out.

Sander: *holds up a plastic bag* and I brought a lot of marshmallows. Just thought the littles ones might want a snack later on.

Camilla: *rolls her eyes with a smirk* Not to mention you love them yourself, plush bum. =w= *lightly taps her brother on his butt*

Sander: o////o; *looks down, embarrassed*

Annette: *chuckles lightly then grasps Sander's hand gently*

Kim: *groans* I can't believe I let you talk me into wearing this; I look more like Kimiko's big sister than her mother wearing this... -//3//-

Archie: But you look so adorable in this. ^///^

Bastion: I second that statement!

Sander: ...Oh yeah, Bastion really finds Kim adorable, doesn't he?

Kim: *groans and blushes cutely as she buries her face in her plush and fluffy tail* >///<

Camilla: *pats her back* Come on, Kim. Let’s just find a place to settle down in and relax. -w-;

Kim: 'kay

Kurt: Wow, it looks like a lot of the gang is hear already.

Cassandra: Where is Sui? I need to resupply so I can make new bombs and tools.

Bastion: She is helping the others with picking out swimsuits, so inside with the others, I believe.

Cassandra: Got it *dashes off back into the house*

Ben: And please remember to knock on the door before entering a room; they might be changing!

???: My my my, I heard that a lot of kids had appeared, but this is a bit ridiculous.

*To the surprise of a couple people there, Zack came walking in. He was someone they legit had not seen for months, years for some.*

Kevin: Zack, you found the way!

Zack: Well, it is not easy to miss this place when you come walking from the northern hills.

e-chan: Zack, you made it! Did the invite make it to the right place?

Zack: Yeah, no problem. Gust and the others went to visit Lola and their other friends, however. So it is just me here today.

e-chan: Well feel free to kick back and relax with the others; we're about to start cooking now so the food will be coming later. ^^

Zack: Alright, got it. *Pulls out a couple Poké Balls* Hey guys, time for you to come out and relax as well.

*The usual light from the Poké Balls flash as a bundle of Zack's Pokémon appear. Among them were Toothpick, his cheerful and energetic Feraligatr, Stealth the Sneasel, and Simon the Ralts.*

Stealth: Sorry if anyone expected a bigger party of Pokémon....we left a couple guys behind today. >_>

Toothpick: *wags his big tail* Let them do as they want, I say~

All-Star: *sees Stealth* Ooh, why hello there, handsome~

Stealth: ...? Huh? <//^//<

Zack: Seems like you have a little fan.

All-Star: *approaches Stealth* so what's your name, tall, dark and handsome? ^w^

Stealth: The…the name is Stealth....and you...are...? <//^//<

All-Star: I am All-Star: Contest Idol Extraordinaire~ *strikes a pose* alongside my trainer, Ring, we took the Hoenn region by storm in the Contest Spectaculars. ^^

Stealth: not sure if I heard of you, cutie.

All-Star: I guess it takes a while for news to travel from region to region *takes Stealth by the hand* but that's okay, we can take a walk and I can tell you all about our...

???: Okay, that's far enough. -_-#

*Zapple, dressed in sensible summer wear, appears behind All-Star and grabs her by her ear to pull her away from Stealth*

All-Star: Owowowowow! *in a whiny voice* Zapple~ >~<

Zapple: You can flirt with any other guy but this one is off limits. -_-

Stealth: Z-Zapple! Hey! ^//^ I didn't see you at first.

Satonaka: *walks over* Yeah,, sorry to spoil your fun, but Stealth and Zapple is kinda a pair. Or...did you two get on such terms? I-I don't remember. .~.;

All-Star: Stealth... I knew I heard that name somewhere before; so this guy is you BF, huh? Well, he's definitely easy on the eyes, cousin~

Stealth: ...Um... .//.; *taps his claws together*

Zapple: True, and to reiterate, hands off.

All-Star: Okay cousin, no need to worry; you two have fun now, bye~ *skips off*

Zapple: *sighs* sorry about that, Stealth; I sure hope that she didn't make things too uncomfortable for you.

Stealth: No no, don’t worry. I am fine, really; quite the forward one, that girl.

Zapple: That she is -w-; I not too long ago found that the two of us were cousins; apparently she's my aunt's daughter.

Stealth: *nods* Okay then... She is not as bad as that Cinccino guy, though. Not to talk behind his back.

Zapple: Speaking of which, the tables seemed to have turned on him. You know how he likes to pursue girls? Well it seems that two of the new recruits from Scooter's tour of Unova has taken a liking to him and actively pursues him. He can never shake them, especially when one latches onto and buries herself in all of his hair and the other one smothers him with her entire body.

Stealth: ...Heh, the shoe is on the other foot, eh?

Zapple: Yup ^u^ Doesn't help that he's a neat freak that's afraid of spiders and the two pursuing him are a Joltik and a Muk

Stealth: *Has to hold back a laugh* His loss~

Zapple: Okay, come with me; I'll show you the venue we have setup within our little community here. ^^

Stealth: Gladly.

To be continued

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