Friday, March 25, 2016

Rex, Lucca and Family! Chaotic Funhouse Finale!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 21
“Rex, Lucca and Family! Chaotic Funhouse Finale!!”
An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

The group went around the carnival having fun wherever they could find it. From playing more games, going on the more tame rides and finally ending the night by going to the main attraction of the carnival: the massive fun house course.

Flicky and Trina: *standing in front of a reversing mirror and sees themselves as very chubby* ...freaky... -.-

Angela: *standing in front of the same reversing mirror and sees herself as trim and skinny as she does a variety of poses* ^3^

Shark: Haha, that is so weird!

*In another section of the fun house Lucca, Rex, Brighton and Elizabeth try to navigate the trick maze with crazy stairs, floor panels that undulated up and down, tipped from side to side and moved forward and back, either motorized or activated by the person's weight.*

Brighton: *stumbling about, managing to step on every spot that activated motorized sections that sent him various directions* there's a pattern here somewhere, I just need to find it...

Elizabeth: *moving forward and just going with the flow* Oh Brighton-dear, not everything has to be figured out; sometimes you just have to go with it and have some fun~ ^o^

Lucca: Haha, kinda reminds me of the Trick House back in Hoenn. ^^

Rex: *stumbles and falls from time to time, growling* Brighton, pardon me for saying this, but your wife is a big show-off...

Brighton: She is but I can't help but love her all-the-same. Her confidence bordering on overconfidence is just one of her many quirks that I fell in love with.

Rex: Hmm, I can understand that.

*In another section of the funhouse both Gene and Riley were in a room surrounded by padded walls. The floor would start spinning at high speeds and despite Riley's best attempts to stay in the middle with Gene she would always end up getting tossed around by the centrifugal force. Gene however was unaffected as she simply just hovered about an inch above the ground when the floor started spinning.*

Riley: *desperately runs, balances and does everything to try and adapt to the spinning floor that constantly changes directions*

Gene: .....You know, since you are busy trying to clear this obstacle, I shouldn't bother you with questions...but I wonder, are your species wearing shorts? It looks like shorts covering your bum.

Riley: *trying to adjust to the spinning floor* it varies from Lucario to Lucario; some wear shorts that resemble their lower half while others go without. *regains balance* They may not look like it but I'm actually wearing a shirt and shorts that mimic my body's natural work.

Gene: Oooooo... Any chance I might get a peak, or do I have to pry your clothes off by force mid-battle?

Riley: You'd like that, wouldn't you? -3-

*Gene's eyes sparkle with mischief as her hands make a grabby motion.*

Riley: O_O; Wait...!

*Meanwhile, in another room, Victora, Megumi, Amber, Lynette and Isis were trying to get through a mirror maze littered with pressure plates that would set off compressed air jet that shot air from various angles. Unknown to the girls was the fact that Masquerade had gotten to that room ahead of them and had quickly put in a few of his own traps to mess with them.*

Amber: Huff, this part is so annoying- KYAH! *Pushes her dress down as it is raised by the air jet, exposing her cream colored bloomers*

Isis: Well we gotta be out soon, right? >/^/< *Struggles to keep her own dress down, not wanting her star print underwear to be exposed more than needed*

Lynette: At least we just have to deal with the air jets... ^//^;

Victora: *struggling to keep her dress down in an attempt to keep her pink frilly panties from being exposed* Wait, wasn't Masq with us just a moment ago?

Megumi: *not seeming to care as the air jet raises her dress, revealing her aqua string panties* I think that he went ahead of us when we got stuck in the huge ball pit.

Victora: O_O; What!? Why didn't you say anything?

Amber: ...What? Is that an issue...?

*Amber's question was quickly answered when she stepped on a tile, but no air jet came and blowed at her this time. Instead, a hand popped up from the floor, grabbed the bottom of her dressed and promptly tore it off before vanishing into the floor again and leaving Amber with her bloomers on full display, and thus causing her to squeal, duck and cover in embarrassment.*

Isis: What the heck was-!? *Screeches as a jet of cold water hits her from down bellow with enough force to push her dress off, leaving her in nothing except her now soaked panties*

Lynette: O-O;; These crueler...

Victora: Crap-crap-crap-crap! This place is a mirror maze and we have no idea where to go!

Lynette: o~o; ...*backtracks out the same way they came in, quickly vanishing from the others' sight*

Amber: W-what? Where did she go??

*Megumi is next as she steps wrong. She is snatched up and tossed over a vault that rose from the floor. Within seconds her butt is fully bared and she starts to get a firm spanking, with her cheeks being treated as bongo drums by the mechanical/magical hands*

Megumi: Yowee! Qo<

Victora: Nobody move; I think that as long as we don't move we won't trigger any traps.

*What Victora didn't know was that Masquerade had it set up so that he could trigger whichever trap he wanted at anytime. Next thing that happens was that Victora suddenly had her dress dragged up over head and tied in a knot. This trapped her arms in there and made her unable to see anything, plus her underwear was now impossible to cover. Megumi's spanking stopped, but both her and Isis were now getting fully stripped and tickled by feathers while being held in place*

Isis: Ahahahaha! Oh Goooood whyyyyy!?!? HELP! HAHAHAHA!!! Heeeelp Meeeee!!

*Near the exit of the funhouse were Valencia, Minami, Leonora and Raphael as they stood by the final obstacle, the barrel of fun: a horizontal revolving cylinder that takes the utmost of balance to get through without falling down.*

Raphael: *ears twitch* do you guys hear anything that sound like screaming?

Valencia: *tries to listen* can't really tell :/

Minami: *listens for the screams* sounds like Daddy is having some fun ^w^

Leonora: *her tail swishes a little as she listens in too* He always was the kind of person who took a lot of pleasure from others' misfortune....but he never really hurt anyone with his antics, right? Uncle is not a sadistic person or anything? =O

Minami: Nah, nothing like that; a perv, yes, a sadist, no. ^w^

Leonora: Mhm... He is nice....not as cool as uncle Rex, but nice. ^//^

Raphael: That's my Dad, cool as a cucumber. Think you guys can make it through that?

Minami: Easily ^^ *walks through the spinning tunnel without any trouble whatsoever to the other side* Ta-da~ ^o^

Leonora: You are just a big show-off as your mother. -w-; *Leonora tumbled a bit through the spinning tunnel, falling over a few times, but managing to get to the other side rather quickly. Not without having the backflap of her overalls pop open and expose her butt to the two friends behind her* Phew....I am too tubby for this... -w-;

Raphael: O//3//O ...cute peach.

Valencia: Oh cousin, your backdoor is open~

Leonora: ...My backd- Oh cookie crumbles! O///O; *turns around, facing the two* M-Minami, a little help, please? >//>;

Minami: Sure thing ^^ *goes to work and buttons up the back of Leonora's overalls*

Leonora: *Making a cute and embarrassed expression as she tries to avoid the gazes of Valencia and Raphael* ...Huuuurryyyyy.... >//~//>;

Minami: *purposely taking her time to get a good look at Leonora's juicy peach, humming a little tune* ^w^

Leonora: ....=//~//= ...Well, you two have at least managed to stay covered...

Minami: *finishes buttoning Leonora up* there, all finished~ ^^

Leonora: Thanks cousin...

Raphael: Okay, I'm coming across now.

*Instead of walking through like Minami and Leonora attempted to do, Raphael strafes to the side as he moves forward to stay in the middle of the rotating tunnel. However just as he was at the end, one of his shoelaces becomes undone and he trips on it and stumbles out, running into Leonora. The two of them tumble and roll and end up with Leonora on top of Raphael with her butt in his face with the seat of her overalls open again.*

Raphael: @ o @

Minami: need bigger buttons. ^^

Leonora: Q////~////Q;; ...... *Remains frozen in place, extremely embarrassed by all of this*

Raphael: @ o @ *comes to* O///O *like a gentlemen he buttons Leonora's open flap back up then helps her up on her feet* sorry...

Leonora: Q//^//Q .... *Hugs him tightly and close, hiding her face as much as she could*

Valencia: *laughs a bit* what was that, Raph? I've never seen a tumble like that!

Raphael: And I suppose that you can do better?

Valencia: Of course I can! You don't go against the rotation, you go with it!

*Valencia runs with the rotation of the tunnel and does some amazing loop-de-loops in the process. However, due to running with the tunnel's rotation Valencia was going incredibly fast and ended up barrel-rolling out of the tunnel at the right angle to send her flying out of the funhouse skyward and into a nearby tree. Minami, Leonora and Raphael go over to the tree to see a dizzy Valencia hanging from a branch by her panties, having lost her skirt somewhere in the tree.*

Valencia: @ o @

Raphael: Oh yeah, you did MUCH better than I did~

Minami: Congratulations, little sis; your best fail by far. ^o^

Leonora: Possibly. I would say it ties with the time she failed the dive from the diving board, causing her swimsuit to get pulled off and she ended up landing on your father's face. Well, now she is in public display, so...bonus points.

Valencia: @ w @ *comes to* ... O_O; EEEP! Where's my skirt? No, better yet, someone get me down, please!

Rapahel: *sighs* Okay, I'm comin', I'm comin'...

Valencia: NO! No, you stay down there. Minami, can't you poof me down or something?

Minami: Are you sure that's what you want~? -w-

Valencia: Yes-Yes! Please get me down before anybody else sees me like this! >~<;

Minami: One moment... *takes out her phone and snaps a picture* there, a little something to show Tsubasa the fun he missed~ ^3^

Valencia: Noooooo, not Tsubasa~ QoQ

Leonora: The Aasheim siblings might like it too~ Oh, and Ookami kids, was that their race name? .w.

Valencia: Don't you dare send that picture to anybody, you cheesehead! Please, just get me down! >o<

Minami: -w-# Relax, sis, I wasn't going to send it to anybody. Now, let's get you down, shall we?

*Minami waves her hand as it glows with energy and in a puff of smoke Valencia is off the tree branch and next to everyone...*

Valencia: That's a relief

Raphael: O//x//O; ...

*...minus her shirt and panties.*

Valencia: ...*notices she's only wearing her gloves, socks and shoes* AiEEEEEE!! MiNAMi!! >//o//<

Minami: That was for calling me a cheesehead.

Leonora: Raphael, cover your eyes! D//X *wraps her tail around his face...she didn’t seem to like the idea of him looking at her cousin. And when she looks up again she starts tapping Minami on her shoulder.* Um...cousin... Y-your dad is-

Masquerade: Right behind you, that is what I am. -_- *Looms over Minami*

Minami: OwO; Uh, Daddy, I didn't see you there...

Valencia: Make Minami give me my clothes back, Daddy! >o<

Masquerade: Minami, give your little sister her clothes back, this instant. -_- *Crosses his arms*

Minami: *gulps*

*Minami waves her hand as it glows with energy and after a puff of smoke engulfs Valencia and then dissipates Valencia sees that she has her clothes back on.*

Valencia: *does a quick check to make sure each article of clothing is back* it's all back ^w^

Masquerade: Hmm...good... *Pulls out a shed of paper* Traps disarming......okay, done with that, the others should be back to normal and able to advance as planned... <.< But now Minami, now we get to you.....

Leonora: *Let go off of Raphael* Oh boy... .3.;

Minami: But Daddy, she called me a cheesehead... -n-

Valencia: Only after you took a picture of me while I was stuck in that tree in that embarrassing situation. >~<;

Masquerade: *Sighs* You are my daughter alright... But so is Valencia, and I need to actually behave like a father and set an example while you two are here...which is why Valencia is now going to be allowed to spank you here in public, Minami.

Minami: WHAT!? OxO;

Valenica: Hehehee... Come here, Minami~ >w<

Minami: Daddy, we have to do it here?

Masquerade: Yes, you have to do it here, little missy. *nods in response to her question* Maybe you will be lucky and people will not stop to take a look.

Valencia: *grabs Minami's arm, pulls her over her lap, exposes her bare bottom and begins spanking away at it rapidly*

Minami: AiEEEEEE!! QoQ

Masquerade: *Picks up Minami's phone and starts to record this* Smile~

Raphael: Karma...

Masquerade: Yeah, heh. As I said, she is my daughter after all. I am sure I need to answer to the hands of someone else later on as well. -w-

*Valencia spanks Minami's bottom until it is bright red before letting her up. As Minami does the spanky dance, trying to relieve the stinging pain in her butt, Victora's group makes their way out of the funhouse and over to Masquerade.*

Megumi: I'll admit it, you got us good this time. ^^

Victora: Had you done that outside of an enclosed space I'd be giving you the silent treatment right about now. -3-

Amber: Ditto... -__-;

Isis: ...It..was kinda fun, though. ^~^;

Masquerade: *picks up Victora and holds Megumi close, stroking her butt gently, knowing she had recieved the spanking* Next time, it will be private fun times only, I promise...

Leonora: *covering Raphael's eyes again as Minami dances around, bottomless* -/~/-;

Victora: *sees Minami* what happened here?

Valencia: Justice -w-

Victora: ...yeah...

Minami: *finally stops dancing around then puts her skirt and panties back on* -n-;

*Next out of the funhouse was Lucca, Rex, Shark, Flicky, Trina, Angela and Brighton.*

Trina: That was great! ^o^

Flicky: They really outdid themselves on the funhouse this year. ^w^

Shark: It was quite enjoyable.

Rex: ... *looks around* We seem to be missing a pair of Pokémon and a bat mom... <.<

Brighton: We got separated in the mirror maze with the air jets. We must've missed the Pokemon somewhere along the way.


Brighton: O_O; Uh-oh, I know that voice; the demon has been awoken...

Megumi: Masq, are you sure you removed all of your traps?

*Masquerade was absolutely positive that he had removed all of his traps. However, before he could wonder what could have happened, there was an explosion from within the funhouse and out of it shot what looked like a meteor wrapped in flames that landed in front of everybody. Now that it was close up everyone could see that it was Elizabeth with a face of fury and engulfed in Fire E-nergy, completely naked with the exception of the belt around her waist that held various firearms of varying sizes. Given the type of dresses she usually wore it was easy to see why it would be hard to know she was packing heat all the time.*

Raphael: *rocket nosebleeds*

Elizabeth: *fixes her gaze on Masquerade* MAHiRU!! *tosses a card at Masquerade that he catches then draws her twin pistols on him*

*Looking at the card Masquerade could tell that it wasn't one of his traps but knew who it belonged to. He shot a death glare at Shark who looked away nonchalantly before looking back at the beyond enraged and naked Elizabeth.*

Brighton: When she's like this she can't hear a thing anybody says.

Rex: // ~ // @; *pinches his own nose to avoid his own nose to bleed*

Masquerade: Okay, just...gonna let her go at it until she cools down? Fair enough...if only I was not this weird combination of aroused and scared shitless. O//___//O;;

Leonora: Uncle, this is not the time to be enamoured by auntie's good looks! DX

Masquerade: Silence cattle, I know! >////<;;

Brighton: Oh, and about those guns, they are well built and use E-nergy as ammo. In other words, in this state she has unlimited ammo for guns that won't overheat. So I'd just run and hide if I were you...

*Elizabeth begins firing a barrage of E-nergy bullets and Masquerade's adrenaline goes into overdrive as he begins dodging and then running away with Elizabeth right behind him and the crowds of people clearing out of the area.*

Brighton: Victora, Megumi, can you take the girls with you, please?

Victora: Sure thing, Dad.

Brighton: Thank you; Rex, Miss Lucca, girls, it was nice meeting and spending time with you. ^^ *chases after Elizabeth and Masquerade*

Flicky: He forgot to add Shark to his farewell *looks around* hey, where is Shark?

*In all of the excitement nobody realized that Shark had pulled a disappearing act on everybody.*

Isis: *sighs* Guess we still have a long way to go with him....I am pretty sure he is the one at fault here.

Rex: *scratches his nose* .........

Leonora: Got anything on your mind?

Rex: Just trying to keep my comments to myself, regarding both Shark and Elizabeth right now... -//-;

Lucca: They seem interesting to me ^^

Trina: ...

Amber: Lucca deserves applause. She has managed to stay clothed after meeting both Shark and Masquerade. -w-

Lynette: Don’t jinx it.... ._.;

Rex: You know, it has been a long day...shall we all just go our separate ways and get some rest...? After Gene and Riley shows up again...?

Lucca: Sounds good to me ^^

Trina: ...

Angela: *notices that Trina is strangely quiet* ...okay Trina, what did you do?

Trina: Well...about what happened to Miss Elizabeth...y'see...Shark isn't entirely responsible.

Flicky: What do you mean?

Trina: Well while you two were stuck in the ball pit I got the idea to pull a prank on you two by setting a trap. I got Shark to make me two Disarm cards and I set them at two different paths that led out of the maze. I guess that the two of you both chose the one safe exit. I picked up one of the cards but forget where put the last one...and I guess Miss Elizabeth found that one...Sorry

Angela: *swipes the card from Trina* >_<, what should we do about this?

Isis: ...Trina, you and brother are going to get so much bad karma from today. -w-;

Rex: I dunno, it seems pretty harmless in that state. Maybe you should just wait and give it back to Shark?

Amber: Or if you want to, you can use it...?

Leonora: <_< ......Well...yeah, that is an option you could go for.

Trina: Still, I wonder why it hasn't gone off yet; it was supposed to go off whenever somebody other than me or Shark touched it...

Angela: O_o; So you're saying that we've got a ticking clothes-shredding bomb in our hands!?

Rex: ... *notices how they are all standing around and pretty close to Angela* ...Well...I think you fu---

*And he is interupted as the card does indeed go off, shredding every piece of fabric that the group was currently wearing and sending the pieces flying everywhere, and leaving them all stark naked.*

Rex: ...Fucked up... -////-;;

Amber: *covers up with a squeal* Not again! D//X

Leonora: KYAH! *hides behind Raphael*

Flicky and Angela: Not again! ToT

Lucca: O//3//O;

Valencia: Darn it, again!? D//X How can this get worse?

Minami: Tsubasa could see you.

Valencia: *shudders* that would be worse...

Minami: Hey Tsubasa

Valencia: Don't joke around like that! >o<

???: Valencia, Minami, Leonora, even you Raphael?

*Valencia feels as if she has turned to stone as she turns around to find both Tsubasa and Ashuro standing behind them.*

Valencia: *becomes like stone*

Tsubasa: Why are all of you naked?

Ashuro: -.-; ...need a little help?

Isis: Nah, we are just practicing being nudists, obviously. -//-;

Lynette: Yes please, Annaliese's boyfriend! Help us out! Q//Q;

Rex: *With his back turned to the group* Yes Ashuro, if you wouldn't mind helping us out, that is...? <///<;

Ashuro: *aims both of his arms towards the group* Time Field!

*A sphere of Time E-nergy surrounds the group as time rewinds and the shards of clothing return to their bodies and turn back into clothes, making everybody fully clothed again as well as the Disarm card. Ashuro enters the Time Field and then surrounds the Disarm card in a spherical barrier and sends it into space, far away from everybody when later goes off again, before he drops the Time Field.*

Ashuro: That should do it ^^

Rex: .....Thanks...*glances at Lucca then turns away blushing maddly, just having the image of her toned and naked body in his mind now* O///O;

Leonora: *hugs Ashuro* Thaaaank yooouuu...! T/w/T That was so embarrassing...!

Amber: *walks over to Tsubasa* Hmm, so this is your son, huh? Well, your genes know how to pass on good looks, my friend. *pets the little boy*


Ashuro: You're welcome, little one *pets Leonora's head*

Valencia: *hiding behind Minami* so humiliating; I can't face him after that... TnT

Isis: Now that attitude is no good, Valencia. Come here. -w- *drags her out from behind Minami and pushes her towards Tsubasa*

Leonora: *sees what Isis is doing and whispers to Tsubasa* Tell my cousin you are glad to see her. She needs some positive encouragement.

Valencia: .///. ...

Tsubasa: Hey Valencia, it's great to see you here. I heard about how you helped keep Crimson alive; that took some real skill and talent.

Valencia: Y-You think so? I-I-I don't know what to say~

Leonora: You say thank you and offer your hand to him...then he kisses your hand and you both smile at one another and forget this embarrassing episode.

Valencia: .//w//. *gives her hand to Tsubasa*

Ashuro: Hey son *whispers into Tsubasa's ear*

Tsubasa: *leans in to kiss Valencia's hand then pulls her forward to kiss her rather large forehead*

Valencia: O///O *faints*


Rex: Heh, cute... Ashuro, I think there is someone here you should meet. *picks up Raphael and holds him in his arms* This here is Raphael, my son.

Ashuro: Hey there, Raphael ^^ so who's the mother; anybody I know?

Rex: ... *looks to Lucca* The fine beauty here... <///<

Lucca: *waves and smiles politely*

Ashuro: Nice to meet y- OuO Lucca, is that you?

Lucca: Good to see you again, Ashuro. How are Cloud, Pinky and Jane?

Ashuro: They are doing great; they're much more confident in themselves after that journey. Rex, Lucca and I met when we were both on a Mono-Type Pokémon challenge.

Lucca: We crossed paths one day and battled; his Normal-types VS my Water-types.

Rex: ...Oh that thing. Well, I guess introductions are not needed...

Ashuro: So tell me, how did you two meet? ^^

Rex: She helped me stop a Pokémon burglar; tried to snatch Gene from me during the chaos a few weeks back.

Ashuro: That's good; I know what it's like to have a Pokémon taken from you so hearing that one less Pokémon burglar is out there is music to my ears. Speaking of Pokémon, have you two seen this? *pulls out a flyer* there were a lot of these posted all over downtown. Apparently there is a special kind of tournament known as the Ferrum League to be held over in the Ferrum region; isn't it odd that nobody has heard of these regions despite them being there for many, many years?

Rex: I have heard of it... Not too keen on entering myself, really. But, maybe I would try it out...

Ashuro: I understand. I was actually putting together a party boat to sail over there to watch the tournament live. Among them, e-chan, e-sama, Scooter and Ring have said that they wanted to compete in the tournament.

Victora: Another tournament, huh? ...I think I'll compete as well ^w^

Lucca: *looks intently at the flyer* ...hmm...

Rex: ...Hmm...if Ring is coming, I am sure Kevin wants to try his hand as well... That sounds promising... *looks at Lucca* ...What do you say, Lucca?

Lucca: If I want to become a Gym Leader that means I have to be willing to take on any challenge; count me in as well

Ashuro: *phone chimes* Hmm? *checks the messages on his phone* Cool, it looks like the Moonshredder siblings also want to compete *reads the second message* and it looks like your hunch was correct, Rex; Kevin wants in and he's even managed to get Zack interested. ^^

Rex: And I bet that the red-head and his kitten wife are still away on their honeymoon, huh?

Ashuro: Trey and Emerald? They'll be coming too; no news as to whether Trey will be competing or not.

Rex: Oh. Gotcha. =O

Ashuro: But if I know Trey he'll more than likely compete as well. Make sure to invite the Cazador, Noir and the others, Rex; I'm sure they'll all enjoy a little vacay as well. ^^

Rex: Yeah, I will make sure to do that.

Lucca: It says here that you're only allowed one main Pokémon to battle with throughout the entire tournament but are allowed to choose from an array of other Pokémon to support your Pokémon during battle. Well if there's one Pokémon of mine that I know can handle any battle it's Riley...Riley...yes, that's who I'll go with. ^w^

Rex: Hmm...I might just have to go with Gene, if I cant think of anyone else that I can potentially use.

Lucca: Wonderful~ Another outing with new friends~ ^w^

*Seconds later Gene could be seen floating by holding onto cream-colored tank top, some blue shorts and some cute frilly panties with hearts on them.*

Rex: ...Gene, what are-

Gene: Trophies for my victory in battle =3

Rex: ....Huh....

*Riley could then be seen running towards Gene, covering up her chest and nethers with her arms.*

Riley: Heyyyyy~ come back here! When I agreed to your terms I thought that you would play fair and not float just above the spinning floor~ ToT

*Riley comically chases Gene around the group in a desperate attempt to get her clothes back and maintain what modesty she had left. Leonora covers Raphael's eyes with her tail and Tsubasa eyes with her hands as she sighs, as if this was the day of skin that wouldn't end. Rex thinks about stopping Gene until Lucca speaks up.*

Lucca: Sounds like they had an agreement; can't help her there.

Rex: .... *Leans on Lucca and gently grabs her hand* At least it seems like they are starting to...get along, kinda?

Lucca: Uh-huh

Trina: *watches as Riley chases after Gene* that Lucario has a nice jiggly butt just like Angela~ X3

Angela: Trina! OxO;

Flickly: Yeah, it does jiggle just like Angela's

Angela: Flicky~ ToT

Trina: Don't worry, Angela; we love you and your bubble butt the most

Angela: -3-

Lucca: *chuckles* ...say, did you like what you saw earlier, Rex?

*Rex's face immediately blushes deep red as he remembers seeing his new girlfriend naked just moments ago and he turns his head away from her nervously.*

Lucca: ^///^ *whispers into his ear* 'cause if you didn't get a good enough look I wouldn't mind modelling for you again in more private settings~

*Hearing that Rex couldn't hold back the nosebleed he was trying to keep in check after seeing Elizabeth.*

Rex: @///A///@ L-L-L-Lucca, don’t....! I mean...! We...! *hangs his head embarrassed, timidly squeaking out the words "Yes, I would love that."*

Gene: *pops up next to the two* Oooooo~ I heard that, Lucca. You naughty girl, planting such images in the head of my master~

Rex: Gene, shuuuut uuuuup....! >////<; *hugs himself against Lucca, hiding his face from the others*

Lucca: *hugs Rex back and kisses him on his cheek* best date ever... ^//w//^

Riley: Gotcha! >o<

*Riley lunges for Gene who quickly sidesteps and avoids her tackle, causing her to land on the ground face first. The cheeky Mewtwo then proceeds to sit on the downed Lucario's back to keep her from getting up and decides to see how jiggly her butt is as she begins to playfully spank her butt. Riley had finally met another Pokémon that could keep up with and outpace her every step of the way; things were definitely going to be interesting between the two of them.*

Riley: Eep! Yow! Just you wait; next time you'll be the one having your butt smacked. >~<;

Gene: Sure, whatever you say, blueberry~ *Switches to squeeze and rub her butt instead, really digging her fingers into it* Such a jiggly, pudding-like ass, it is so much more pudgy than the rest of you. >w< ...Maybe I shall get Rex to mess with you~?

Riley: *groans cutely* >~<;

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