Wednesday, April 6, 2016

From Stalker to Friend! The Official Meeting of Fireworks and Satonaka!

Travel Multiversal
Friendly Chaos Chronicles
“From Stalker to Friend! The Official Meeting of Fireworks and Satonaka!”
An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

Satonaka once again spies on her crush, Fireworks, from behind the large rock in the field while he's training with Kyle and Ami. After Fireworks pulls off a rather cool counterattack, Satonaka ducks behind the rock again and kind of goes off into her own little fantasy world, something she usually did when watching him. However this time was a bit different when her daydream was cut short when she heard Fireworks' voice snap her back into reality; it turns out that the Charizard had known about her frequent visits and decided that he should take the first step and talk to her. Extremely flustered, Satonaka quickly apologizes and takes to the sky to fly away but a sudden gust of wind blows her off-course and causes her to crash face-first into a nearby tree. As she fell back to the ground she found that Fireworks was right there to catch her before she hit the ground. As the Charizard smiled warmly at his catch, the lovestruck and panicking Gliscor could only make a derp face she hadn't made since she was a Gligar.

Satonaka: ......Nnnnnn......nnnnnn....!!

Fireworks: You okay, cutie?

Satonaka: C-c-c-c-cutie...!? Um...I...I eh....I am...fine... ./////.;

Fireworks: *sets Satonaka down on her feet* so, do you have a name or will I just have to stick with "cutie?"

Satonaka: S-S-Satonaka! My name is Satonaka, sir! O//O; N-not "Satonaka, sir", just "Satonaka". My name is Satonaka. .///~///.;

Fireworks: Nice to finally meet you, Satonaka. As you already know I am Fireworks and this land is where me and all of my friends and comrades live. I've noticed that you've been a regular visitor here. -w-

*Satonaka feels as if she's become stone when she hears that Fireworks knew of her presence for a while now.*

Satonaka: Eh..! I-I-I...I am sorry for spying on you! Please don’t be mad! >//A//<;;

Fireworks: Haha, I'm not mad; far from it, in fact. It was nice having an audience during my training sessions; gave me a reason to do my absolute best. ^^

Satonaka: .////. ....And the...the parts where you look amazing while doing your that part of the act or...are you just that good...looking....? *hides her face behind her pinchers, highly embarrassed she actually asked that, and still holding the same derpy face*

Fireworks: A little of both. ^^ I thought about calling out to you a few times but sometimes you would disappears just as quickly as you showed up or when you stuck around I thought that I'd give you the chance to make the first move...and you came close several times I must admit.

*Satonaka remembers those times that Fireworks was talking about; she was about to come out of her hiding place those times but her nerves always got the best of her in the end.*

Satonaka: Erm...y-yeah.... You are right....I guess...

Fireworks: I figured that you must be the shy type so today I decided to make the first move and introduce myself. Sorry it took me so long to do so.

Satonaka: I-I am not always this shy...I just.... I lack confidence... <//^//<;

Fireworks: Lacking confidence, huh? ...maybe me and my friends can help with that. ^^

Satonaka: Erm, eh...maybe...kinda... I-I can still hold my own in battles though...a little bit...

Fireworks: Well you seemed to have a little mishap with the wind earlier and I'd hate to see you get hurt again from a similar incident. Maybe we can help you with that first, if that is alright with you.

Satonaka: ...Y-yeah... As a Gligar, I usually just...We float through the air, we don’t actually fly... I am like a giant kite. I...guess it is alright.

Fireworks: I know, each Flying-type has their own way of flying...except for Gyarados; personally I've never seen one actually fly anywhere :/

Satonaka: ..... *shrugs*

*Looking up in the sky Satonaka sees something gliding on the wind behind Fireworks as it tries to swoop in on him. He simply ducks as the gliding thing misses him and tumbles as it lands on the ground in front of Satonaka. On closer examination it was a Gligar girl.*

Fireworks: Nice try, Yuki Z.

Yuki Z: Aww, how did you know I was coming this time?

Fireworks: I saw your shadow circling us a few times before you made your move.

Satonaka: ....Uh....okay, that just happened, I guess. ._.;

Fireworks: Sorry for the interruption; this is Yuki Z: a little prankster that loves to swoop down on others by surprise and bite their faces. We have another one like that but I don't see her anywhere...

Yuki Z: You mean Echo? She's napping somewhere *turns to Satonaka* ooh~ who's the cutie, your girlfriend~? >w<

Satonaka: Nonononono, I-I am not his girlfriend! J-just an admirer- I mean fan- I mean friend! O///O;

Yuki Z: Sure you are~

Fireworks: What are you doing here anyway, Yuki Z?

Yuki Z: I came to offer my assistance, of course. ^^

Satonaka: ...Yeah, add that to my track record: Needing to be taught how to do basic stuff from my pre-evolution... ;^; *hangs her head in defeat*

Fireworks: Geez, don't you have any tact?

Yuki Z: I'm doing this for our species as a whole; I aim to prove that Gligar and Gliscor are the best when it comes to flying! With my help I know that I can turn her into an ace flyer!

Fireworks: Yep, no tact at all; please, pay her no mind Satonaka; Yuki Z is one of the more competitive ones...

Yuki Z: *suddenly looks downcast as she pokes at the ground* ...I am a good flyer... T3T

*While Fireworks was talking Satonaka got a good look at Yuki Z's face after Fireworks berated her; it was a very familiar look, one of frustration and failure. Maybe she understood what Satonaka was feeling more than she thought...*

Satonaka: ...... *Sigh* I guess I can swallow what little pride I have left..... *Kneels down to the Gligar* Yuki......Please help me.... T/~/T *She clearly did not like that she needed to actually ask a Gligar for help...*

Yuki Z: Really? OwO You won't regret this~ Fireworks, you come and help your girlfriend out too.

Fireworks: We're not official just yet but I will come and help just make sure you don't make her do anything too dangerous.

*Hearing Fireworks say that they weren't official "yet" made Satonaka's heart jump a little bit with joy.*

Satonaka: Eheheh~ *shakes her head* Err...y-yeah...

*At Yuki Z's instruction Fireworks flies both her and Satonaka up to the top of the waterfall on the border of their home. Being up that high was definitely a bit unnerving for Satonaka as she looked out and down at the vast landscape below.*

Yuki Z: Here we are; there are plenty of wind currents to ride on up here. ^^

Satonaka: *clinging to Firework's tail* D-d-d-d-d-do we need t-to be up so high for starters...?? Q~Q;

Yuki Z: For around here this is actually the lowest point where we can still catch good air currents.

Fireworks: *lands on the waterfall to allow Yuki Z and Satonaka to disembark*

Yuki Z: *hops off of Fireworks' back goes over to the waterfall edge and inhales deeply then exhales* ah, gotta love that fresh air~ ^^

Satonaka: ...Y-yeah, that is a perk with being so high up.

Yuki Z: Okay, let's start with the basic of basics: the take-off. Now one thing you should know about our species; our tails can actually be used for many things like a spring takeoff, attacking and even something new I discovered: if you find yourself headed for an obstacle if you do a quick flip or spin you can use your tail to stop and spring off said obstacle to continue your flight. Trust me, it beats flying into something face first.

*Satonaka knew the sting of flying into things face first and made sure to make a mental note of Yuki Z's advice.*

Satonaka: Yeah...gotcha...

Yuki Z: Okay, let's try a simple flight exercise: a u-turn.

Satonaka: So just...basically come back the way I came from.

Yuki Z: Yeah, I want to see how you do with sharp turns. I should warn you that up here for some reason the wind has a bad habit of changing direction in an erratic fashion. If that happens try to remain calm, go with the flow of the wind and replot your course.

Satonaka: ...Alright, just...just gonna round that tree over there and get back. No worries. *Gets up and uses her tail to push herself into the air like her Yuki had commented on earlier and proceeds to gently glide towards and around the tree in question*

*Suddenly the wind changes direction and actually pushes Satonaka back towards the cliff face.*

Satonaka: H-hey, wha-!? O_O; *Panics a little bit* Why does it happen on my first try!? QAQ

*Seeing herself headed for the cliff wall Satonaka remembers Yuki Z's previous advice and quickly uses her tail to spring off of the cliff wall and back into the air to avoid crashing into it. She was surprised at how that actually worked for her.*

Satonaka: Ho boy...Too close for me... .___.;; But efficient it is...

*The wind changes direction again, this time pushing Satonaka higher and higher into the sky than she was naturally comfortable with.*

Satonaka: H-hey! No no no! Wind, cease! Stop! QAQ; HELP! *she was really starting to panic now, especially since she was unable to do anything in the face of the wind. She was like a big kite, as she previously stated, and at the mercy of the wind*

Fireworks: *takes off after Satonaka* I'm coming! *quickly gets above Satonaka and catches her to keep her from rising any further* gotcha, babe

Satonaka: Q/~/Q .....Nnnn.... *Curls up a bit in shame and embarrassment*

Fireworks: It's okay, there is nothing to be ashamed of; like you said, you're like a kite so you can't help where the wind takes you.

*The wind stops blowing upward, allowing Satonaka to continue gliding.*

Satonaka; *gently glides through the air as she is slowly moving towards the ground again* Easy steady...

Fireworks: *glides beside Satonaka* there you go; calm, nice and easy... ^^

Satonaka: Y-yeah, I know I know... ^//^;

*Satonaka and Fireworks make their to the tree and circle around it without any trouble.*

Satonaka: Phew...everything went fine this time around... =.=;

*The wind again changes direction, this time acting as a tailwind that increases both Fireworks and Satonaka's speed.*

Satonaka: Oh! Now...this I actually have no problem with...


*Satonaka and Fireworks glide the rest of the way back to their starting point with no trouble from the wind and Satonaka manages to make a rare perfect landing.*

Satonaka: Oh! Okay, that went...well, actually. .w.

Yuki Z: That was very good; you're already a good flyer, you just need to practice on reaction to sudden and extreme changes in air direction...and possibly your fear of heights.

Satonaka: *shrinks a bit back with a pout* ....As if you don’t have fears of your own...

Fireworks: She doesn't show it but she has an abnormal fear of the water. -w-

Yuki Z: F-Fireworks!! O~o;

Satonaka: *sticks her tongue out at Yuki Z and giggles a bit* Bleh.

Yuki Z: Hmph, l-like you two aren't afraid of water too -3-

Fireworks: There is a distinct difference between not liking water and being absolutely terrified by it. Not liking water means that you find getting wet annoying or troublesome while being terrified of water like you means that you won't go to the beach or get on a boat unless you're safe inside your Poké Ball. -w-

Satonaka: What he said...

Yuki Z: W-Whatever! Anyway, I want you come back here next week and I expect to see improvement in that time. >~<; *glides away with a pouty look on her face*

Satonaka: ...O-oh... I upset her...

Fireworks: Don't worry, she'll get over it real quickly ^^

Satonaka: Well I hope so. Don't want her to be mad...

Fireworks: So, what would you like to do now?

Satonaka: I-I don’t know... I...usually just hang around and enjoy the weather and... s-stuff...

Fireworks: Sounds like an ideal way to unwind after a challenge or workout; mind if I hang around with you?

Satonaka: o///O; ...N-no I don't...I don't mind...

*Both Satonaka and Fireworks relax at the cliff edge, enjoying the wide open scenery below them which showed off the entirety of e-chan's massive backyard and the mini-city that the Pokémon had made there.*

Fireworks: This is one my favorite spots ^^

Satonaka: is very nice, yeah... ./u/.

Fireworks: I remember when all of that land down there that we call home was empty. At the time there were only 14 of us and we put together a plan for what we wanted our home to look like and got to work. My trainer e-chan and his friend Scooter provided the funds from their respective travels and jobs and we did the rest. As each of them added more Pokémon to the family we expanded and developed newer additions to accommodate the many different one that arrived.

Satonaka: .....*curls up a little* You guys are so efficient....we have a ranch with dorms, but...nothing like this...

Fireworks: Well to tell you the truth that's what we originally were going to go for but thanks to Scooter's architectural visions we were able to go beyond that. If it's okay with your trainer maybe we could help make something similar to this for you and your friends.

Satonaka: .... Y-you know... Sometimes, even if you want to have great things, and people offer you that...y-you just don’t think it is right, or...stuff... Wh-what I am saying is...we like it as we have it now. And...even if Kevin agreed to it...I...I think he would feel a bit sad that he, you know, couldn't provide us with such luxury of his own...

Fireworks: *smiles warmly at Satonaka* I didn't think about it from that angle; you are a very wise and considerate individual

Satonaka: T-thanks....///. *curls up further, her tail actually swishing a little back and forth*

Fireworks: Another bit of interesting news about this area, a friend of ours recently discovered that if you follow the waterfall further back you'll find a cave that houses a portal to a world that mirrors this one. Sometimes I think about it and wonder what the me of that world is like...

Satonaka: .....Who knows, really? <3<

*The sweet scent of baked good wafts on the winds and catches the attention of both Fireworks and Satonaka.*

Fireworks: Mmm-mmm smell that?

Satonaka: OoO ....y-yeah.... *Drools a little*

Fireworks: Smells like Honey and Candy are baking again; want to sample some of their work?

Satonaka: S-sure, if they do not mind me...

Fireworks: Oh they won't mind, especially if it means they'll have another potential customer. They run a little bakery of sorts with delivery services. C'mon, I'll show you *begins gliding back down to the mini-city in e-chan's backyard*

Satonaka: C-coming! *tumbles a little, but glides after him*

*Both Pokémon glide down to a cluster of buildings and land in front of one of them named "Sweethearts Bakery."*

Fireworks: This is the place ^^

*The scent from the building was even more delicious-smelling up close.*

Satonaka: If I were a cat-Pokémon, my tail would be going crazy... =//.//= It smells so good...

Fireworks: *opens the door to the bakery* after you~ ^^

Satonaka: *cautiously walks in, looking around*

*Satonaka is greeted to the sight of a cute interior with display counters filled with candies, pastries and cakes that could be found in regions like Hoenn, Sinnoh and Kalos. A little Wynaut pops up from behind the register to greet them.*

Waffo: Welcome to Sweethearts Bakery; my name is Waffo and I'm here to serve you~ Oh, hey Fireworks; you here with a date today? ^^

Fireworks: Something like that ^^

Satonaka: O///O; *hangs her head in embarrassment and curls up a little as well in an attempt to hide herself*

Waffo: She's funny Anyway, we've got a wide variety of stuff to choose from, all of which is made fresh daily. Whether you like PokéBlock candy, Poffin, PokéPuffs or everything in between, we've either got it or we can make it with the talent of our two star bakers: Honey and Candy.

*An Ambipom with a bubble butt and a chubby Slurpuff, both wearing matching aprons, come out and greet them.*

Honey and Candy: Welcome~ *curtsies*

Satonaka: Oh, h-hello. *Bows her head gently*

Honey: So what can we delight you with today?

Candy: For newcomers who feel overwhelmed by the variety we do have a complimentary sampler available. ^^

Satonaka: Um...I... Do you have something you recommend for a....a girl who likes her strawberry-tasted stuff? .//^//.;

Waffo: *goes over to the PokéBlock candy and takes some in hand* here, try some of this. e-chan used to make this for us when we were travelling through Hoenn: strawberries and cream PokéBlock. ^^

Satonaka: *Looks at the square-like candy for a while before putting it in her mouth, chewing slowly...and gradually getting more and more lost in the sweet taste* Mmmmmmm....!! =////=

Waffo: Another satisfied customer~

Satonaka: Mhm mhm~ ^//^

Honey: We've also got a delicious strawberry shortcake. ^^

Satonaka: ... *glances at Honey's bottom* ...I think I will pass on that, as good as it sounds. I know where it goes. .//.;

Honey: It goes somewhere? Where?

Fireworks: You of all people should know that by now, Honey Buns.

Honey: Hey, only e-chan can call me that. >3<

Satonaka: ...My trainer is a big nut for Ambipoms, he would be all over you... "Honey Buns"... .//.; *looks down*

Honey: Hmm

Candy: You sure I can't interest you in some strawberry PokéPuffs? *does a little twirl with a plate of PokéPuffs and the rest of her body jiggles in response*

Satonaka: *relucantly picks up one of the PokéPuffs* I...guess one bite won’t hurt...right?

Candy: Of course not~

Satonaka: ....*sinks her teeth into the thing* ..... =/////= Mmmmmm....sooooo good....

Candy: Yay~ it does my heart good to hear that you like it. ^///^ I'll prepare you a sampler to take back home with you~ ^o^ Honey, help me, please *goes behind the counter to get to work*

Honey: Will do *goes behind the counter as well*

Waffo: The sampler, huh? Fireworks, do you have time to make sure that this order can get back to her home? All of our available flyers are currently out on deliveries.

Fireworks: Sure, no problem ^^

Satonaka: *Keeps eating the PokéPuff, eyes closed, ears lowered, while she is sitting against the wall, wiggling in place cutely* ...


Satonaka: *Gets back on her feet after finishing* Why do I love sweets so much... =//=

Fireworks: Maybe because something that tastes good always makes us think of happy times we had. Even if you're having the worst day of your life something tasty will always turn the tide of the day for a while. ^^

Satonaka: ...Mhm, well said.

*Both Honey and Candy soon return with a huge box filled with various pastries, treats and pieces of cakes.*

Honey: Here we go, one sampler for you and all your friends back home~

Waffo: And this is something just for you: some more of the strawberry and cream PokéBlock candy *hands Satonaka a small bag wrapped with a decorative ribbon*

Satonaka: Th-thanks... Feel...feel free to come by and stick around for a bit if you ever want to...

Honey: Oh, now I recognize you; you're Annabelle's teammate, right?

Satonaka: Y-yes, that is right.

Honey: Tell her that her bill is past due; she owes me for over 10 cakes and I will collect, one way or the other ^w^# *whips her tails about*

Satonaka: o^o;

Fireworks: Don't worry, she won't hurt her...well, maybe her butt...but that's about it

Satonaka: ...Oh boy... .~.;

*Fireworks and Satonaka walk out of Sweethearts Bakery with treats in tow.*

Fireworks: Okay, get onto my back; I'll get us high enough in the air for you to catch the air currents and you can show me the way to your place from there. ^^

Satonaka: E-eh? O-o-okay... .////.;; *carefully and shyly climbs on his back*

*Fireworks takes to the sky carrying the huge box of goodies in his arms and Satonaka on his back. Once high enough in the air Satonaka springs off of Fireworks' back and catches an air current to glide on. From there she leads him back to Kevin's ranch where a few of the other resident Pokémon could already be seen when the two of them land.*

Fireworks: Special delivery!

*The group of Pokémon who were there consisted of Samantha the Dewott, Fluff the Lopunny, Coal the Charmander, Sharkey the Garchomp, Philip the Espeon and Annabelle herself. And surprisingly, Ryu, Skylar's Gallade, was there too.*

Samantha: There you are, Satonaka! You snuck off again!

Satonaka: S-sorry Sam, I-I just-

Coal: *Raises his fedora as he looks up at the Gliscor* You went to ogle over this guy again, we know. =/

Satonaka: S-shut up! Q///Q; *shrinks a bit away*

Ryu: Guys, come on, let the girl live a little...

Fireworks: *sets the huge box of baked goods on the ground and pats it a few times* compliments of the Sweethearts Bakery

*Close up everybody could smell the deliciously sweet aroma coming out of the huge box.*

Fluff: Oh, I smell goodies~

Coal: *sniffs* ..... Yeah it...smells good, I guess. >//>;

Annabelle: .....Oh shit, that's right. owo;

Satonaka: ..Looks like she realized.

Fireworks: You guys enjoy the treats now...oh, and before I forget, tell your trainers that they and all of their Pokémon are invited to a BBQ at our place in a few weeks.

Samantha: Why are we getting this invitation so early in advance? =/

Fireworks: Better to get it early in advance so you can plan to be there instead of springing it on you all way too close to the actual date that you can't make it. At least, that is how e-chan and Scooter see it.

Samantha: ...Fair enough. <_<

Ryu: Hmm...I do look forward to seeing Momo again... ^//^

Fireworks: Both her and Aurora are looking forward to seeing you too.

Ryu: Oh yes, little Aurora, I have missed her too. The last I saw of her was when she was wearing that outfit the Egyptian chick gave her, then she kinda hid from me for a while.

Fluff: What did you expect when you complimented the little girl's butt when she was wearing that?

Ryu: O//O; It-it just slipped out! And her tail was lifting that outfit and bringing attention to-

Coal: Anyway! D|

Fireworks: Oh, and Petal has been practicing some new dances as well.

Coal: ...O-oh? </_/<

Satonaka: Maybe...maybe it is time to show her some attention? You have been hanging a lot with Ma'at ,so maybe it is Petal's turn now...?

Coal: .....Yes. -/^/- *drags his fedora down over his face, slightly.*

Fireworks: And Zapple and Kyle are looking forward to hanging out with you some more, Samantha. ^^

Samantha: ...Tell them that I feel the same way, in that case. <.<

Fireworks: As for you, Annabelle, if you don't have the cash I'm sure that Honey will wipe the debt clean like last time if you're up for it.

*Annabelle remembered what happened last time; she wasn't able to sit comfortably for nearly two weeks the last time she piled up a huge bill with Honey. "Why did her cakes have to taste so good?" she asked herself as she found herself in this position once again.*

Annabelle: I know I know I know, sheesh! I don’t want to go through that again... Q3Q;

Fireworks: I'll try and get you some more time but I would highly suggest that in the future that you stop putting your cakes on tab and just pay for each of them then and there.

Annabelle: Okaaaaaaay I get iiiit! Q/3/Q

Fireworks: Well I've got to get going now; Satonaka, it was great finally getting to know you a bit better. I do hope I'll get to see you again before the BBQ. ^^

Satonaka: ...Um...yeah.... L-likewise... *looks down, shuffling a bit in place*

Fireworks: Believe in yourself and your abilities and know that you've got one more supporter *tilts Satonaka's head up* and next time, let's go on a real date

*Fireworks kisses Satonaka on her lips then takes to the sky to fly back home leaving behind a very surprised yet happy Satonaka to wonder if what happened really just happened.*

Satonaka: o///^///O .....I.. I think I am just going to lay down for a while....okay...

Samantha: You do that...

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