Thursday, March 17, 2016

Rampage Trigger

A request from PowerOfSky

(Reads from left to right)

Panel 1
Ashuro: {Okay, Cam, here's the plan: you-}

Cam: *farts loudly*

Ashuro: O_O;; (Crap!!)

Vacuum Co. Grunt: ! *activates the scanner in his visor* (...Non-humans...two of them!! I'll kill them both and be well on my way to that promotion)

Panel 2
Vacuum Co. Grunt: *takes aim and fires his laser pistol*


Vacuum Co. Grunt: (Got one! Now for the oth-)

Panel 3
Cam: *rockets out of the tall grass and powerfully tackles the Vacuum Grunt into the ground*

Vacuum Co. Grunt: Ooof!

Panel 4
Cam: *pushing the Vacuum Grunt's head into the ground* this was going to be a simple in-and-out recovery mission where I didn't fight anybody...

Vacuum Co. Grunt: *sees Cam and becomes terrified*

Panel 5
Cam: ...BUT SCREW THAT NOW! NOT ONLY DiD YOU JUST SHOOT ME iN THE HEAD BUT YOU DESTROYED MY FAVORiTE PAiR OF SHADES!! *makes her claws appear* Now you all have to die~ *laughs maniacally*

Panel 6
Ashuro: *watches in horror as Cam goes on a rampage, destroying anybody and any part of the Vacuum Co. Base she came into contact with* O_O;;'s a good thing that I used this place as a testing ground to see how Cam operates. It would've been VERY bad if this happened when trying to retake Crimson's base from Benjamin Koco...

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