Friday, March 25, 2016

Rex and Lucca! Electrifying Pre-Date Battle!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 19
“Rex and Lucca! Electrifying Pre-Date Battle!!”
An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

Today is a special day for Rex Tyrant: it is his first date with the girl who helped retrieve his Mewtwo, Gene, from a Pokémon thief. He arrives at her home early and goes inside as she left the door unlocked for him to get in. While wondering where Lucca was he stumbles into her bedroom where he finds the pirate-themed trainer in a rather compromising position...

Rex: ..... *shakes his head and clears his throat* Well, err....I did not expect that we had Pikachus hiding around these parts... =//~//=; *holds out his hand to help her up*

Lucca: Oh R-Rex *takes his hand and is helped up* I-I didn't expect you to be early... *doesn't realize that her pants are still down*

Rex: A business man knows when to be early and when not to be... *blushes as he glances down at her exposed underwear* .....Did I catch you at a bad time...? -///-;

Lucca: *notices that her pants were still down then scrambles to pull them up* I realized what time it was and tried to get ready fast and then I couldn't find my belt so I was searching and searching and then...well...I just kind of ended up like you saw me earlier...

Rex: Rrrright... Well, that is one memory it will not be easy to forget.

Lucca: Yooooou haven't happened to have seen my belt on the way here, have you?

Rex: So it is not just for fashion purposes. It kinda looked that way... *Rex backtracks out of the room and picks up up her white belt from the floor before coming back in.* This one, I suppose?

Lucca: Oh thank you so much~ *takes the belt and loops it around her pants to keep them from falling* that's much better... ^^

Rex: Yeah, just don’t get too comfy in the pants...I have a feeling that it is not the last time they are going to find themselves around your ankles this week... Or even today, for that matter. But, uh...nice to see you again. >/_/>

Lucca: ^//w//^

*Looking around Lucca's room Rex sees quite a lot of Pokémon memorabilia as well as a few recognizable souvenirs from various different Pokémon regions.*

Rex: *whistles* You have really been around the block, haven't you...? Some of these things are only found in select locations.*picks up a small replica of the lighthouse in Olivine City, and one of the Nimbasa Tower/Gym.* Not that I am surprised by that, you have the adventurous look in your eyes.....I mean, eye. Singular. ./_/.;

Lucca: It's okay; believe it or not even this bad eye of mine is Pokémon related, having happened just a few years before I became an official trainer.

Rex: Oh, damn. Sorry to hear that...

Lucca: It's fine, really; it taught me a lot about Pokémon behaviour and how to approach certain ones.

Rex: ...Well you have survived for so long, so I understand you have a brain in that pretty little head of yours.

Lucca: Well, I've also got one other guy to thank for me getting as far as I have; have you ever met a trainer named e-chan?

Rex: ...Well, we have not really met formally or talked that much, but I do know about him and have stumbled upon him a few times, yes...

Lucca: Well, it was him who taught me how to be a Pokémon Trainer. As a little girl at seven years old back in Viridian City I just couldn't wait the three extra years until I could legally become a trainer. So I would often go out into the forest to try and catch my own Pokémon despite my parents' constant warnings. Since I didn't have any Pokémon, like the "smart" kid that I was I tried to weaken the wild Pokémon by throwing rocks at them.

*Thinking back, Rex remembered doing the same thing as a kid...and it didn't end well...*

Rex: ...Yeah...I can say from experience that such a thing might not really be the smartest move you pull...

Lucca: One day my aim was off and I threw a rock into a tree that hit a Kakuna. It was just my luck that it chose to evolve right then and there into a Beedrill. It managed to get me several times, including the left side of my face unfortunately. It would've been worse if e-chan hadn't found me when he did and use his little Pichu to battle and defeat the Beedrill. He carried me to the hospital and I got patched up; my parents were happy that I got out safely but definitely let me know how upset they were that this happened in the first place.

Rex: Yeah, I wouldn't really expect anything else when a kid does something reckless.

Lucca: Yeah...but it was worth it to finally meet a travelling trainer. Even though he had just started his journey the previous day he had interesting stories to tell. We exchanged phone numbers and he would call me whenever he reached someplace new and tell me all about it; he even sent me pictures of him and the Pokémon with him at each location. That really helped me over those last three long years. Then the day finally came: I got my first Pokémon and started my journey around Kanto. I went back to the Viridian Forest ready for anything. Although I caught many Pokémon since that day there is one that has eluded me thus far...

Rex: ...I'm listening, so don’t stop there- Which one?

Lucca: Pikachu; I've never been able to find a Pikachu. I've searched the Viridian Forest, the Hoenn Safari Zone, Mr. Backlot's Trophy Garden, the Santalune Forest and every other known Pikachu habitat around and I still can't find one. -_-;

Rex: .......That is ironic... <//_//<; Well, they are a bunch of rascals...have you tried the Kanto Power Plant?

Lucca: ...wait, where again?

Rex: ....The...Kanto Power Plant.... You know, follow the lake down the side of Dark Cave?

Lucca: O_O ... *scrambles over to her bookcase, searches a bit then pulls a Kanto Town Map out then returns to Rex, opening the map up* where is this Power Plant? I heard from e-chan that he had to take a few detours when Saffron City was blocked off but by the time my journey started it wasn't blocked off and I could just go through Saffron to get to the other towns so I didn't have to take any detours.

Rex: Okay, so here are the two entrances to the Dark Cave... *Points at Lavender and the Route north of it* from the northern entrance, the Power Plant is just a little stretch south, hidden behind the mountain side right here. *Circles his finger around the general area* It is usually only reachable by boat or a Surf-using Pokémon...

Lucca: *goes over to a closet door and opens it to reveal a shelf of empty Poke Balls of various types that have Pokémon names written on them* what kind of Pokémon usually reside there?

Rex: Electric-Types. That is really all you need to know. Electric-Types flock enmasse to that spot. Voltorb, Magnemite, Electabuzz, yes any Electric-Type really, at least in recent years. Well, save for select Legendary ones, Rotom, Stunfisk and the likes......Oh yeah, and I believe it is a nesting place for Zapdos, so that is something to watch out for.

Lucca: Okay *turns to face her Poke Balls again* So definitely Steelix and Mamoswine, maybe Jolteon to absorb electric attacks. Salamence to fly us there, Blastoise to surf the rest of the way and...Blissey for heal support *grabs the Poke Balls for the corresponding Pokémon*

Rex: ....Wait, are you planning to go there right away?

Lucca: Oh, I'm sorry; guess I got a little excited when I heard there was a place I neglected in my search. I thought that the two of us could pop over there real quick and check it out. Salamence is REALLY fast and it sounds like you know the layout of the place but we can do that another time if you'd like.

Rex: ....Well, I guess I kinda owe it to you after you helped me get back Gene, and me seeing your panties...

Lucca: Yay! ^o^ I promise that we'll do whatever you want to do afterwards, pinkie promise even *sticks out her right pinkie finger for Rex to shake*

Rex: .... *shakes her right pinkie with his own* Fair enough with me.

Lucca: Great! Let's go gather the Pokémon. ^^

*Lucca leads Rex to her massive backyard where all of her Pokémon reside. She recruited her Steelix, Mamoswine, Blastoise, Jolteon, Blissey and then approached her Salamence.*

Lucca: Hey girl, how are you doing? *pets the Salamence*

Salamence: *actually purrs affectionately*

*From seeing her Salamence Rex could see just how well Lucca had raised and taken care of her.*

Rex: Wow...I am impressed Lucca. This girl looks really well trained and...frankly, I just have to say that your abilities as a trainer, at least the taking care of your Pokémon part, is top notch.

Lucca: Thank you very much. Salamence is incredibly fast too; she'll get us to Kanto really quick *climbs on the back of the Salamence then offers her hand to Rex to help him up* All aboard~ ^^

Rex: *Grabs her hand and pulls himself on top of the Salamence* Alright Salamence, show me what you are made of, girl.

Salamence: *roars confidently then takes off into the sky at great speed*

Lucca: Woo-hoo~ ^o^

Rex: *holds onto Lucca to not lose balance or anything* Wow, she is a fast one...!

Lucca: You haven't seen anything yet! *moves some of her hair aside to reveal a Mega Earring dangling from her right ear* You ready?

Rex: ...Oh damn, thanks for the warning ahead of time. o_o; *Litterally clings to Lucca, pressing himself against her* Ready.

Lucca: Salamence, it's time: Mega Evolution! ^o^

Salamence: *roars powerfully and confidently*

*The bond between Lucca and Salamence reaches its peak as the energy from the Key Stone and the Salamencite react and causes Salamence to transform into Mega Salamence. With increased strength the Pokémon rockets forward in an incredible burst of speed like a mach jet soaring through the sky.*

Rex: Woah woah woah! She is as fast as Eon! I have to remind myself to tell Fuu about this...! *Continues clinging to Lucca*

*In less than 5 minutes the pair find themselves over Kanto and landing near the Pokémon Center just outside of the Dark Cave's northern entrance.*

Lucca: Great job, Salamence *hugs and cuddles Salamence*

Salamence: *roars happily*

Rex: *Jumps down and walks to her front, stroking the side of her face* Good girl. Thanks for the ride.

Salamence: *nuzzles up against Rex lovingly*

Rex: Hehehe, you are quite the affectionate one, arent you? *nuzzles the Dragon-type a little and places a kiss on top of her head* I look forward to seeing how strong you are as well~

*Taking a look at Rex, he seemed like a completely different person now that he was focusing his attention on Salamence. It looked like he had an easier time talking with her, for some reason. Not to mention how big his smile was now...*

Lucca: *gets off of Salamence and smiles warmly at Rex*

Rex: *Continues to pet Salamence as he looks to Lucca* ...Hmm? Is there something wrong?

Lucca: Oh, nothing; you just looked really peaceful and serene there... {and really cute} -//w//-

Rex: Oh, well... I guess? Sometimes I just can’t help myself with the affection I show. Helps that this girl is as pretty as the one who trains her, too... ^^

Lucca: *blushes and acts cute*

Rex: .....Now wait, I better be fair with the two of you. If one of you is so cute that I would kiss her... *walks over and plants a soft kiss on Lucca's cheek* Then...I guess it is just fair the other one gets the same treatment. <//3//<; *rubs the back of his head* {Wow, I just did that....}

Lucca: *gets excited but quickly regains her composure* S-Salamence, return! *points the Poke Ball at Salamence to recall her* I'm super pumped now! ^w^ Okay, I remember coming over to this spot for training after I got my badge at Cerulean but I never came back after my Blastoise learned how to surf. You say that the water path here leads to the Power Plant?

Rex: *nods* Yeah. It is hidden behind the mountain-side, so it is usually glanced over by trainers who don’t think of coming back and checking the lake downstream. We should start to see Chinchou and Lanturn in the water when we get closer.

Lucca: In that case *takes out another PokéBall* Go Blastoise! *tosses the Poke Ball in the air and out of it comes a Blastoise*

Blastoise: Blastoise!

Lucca: Ah Blastoise, who's my big strong guy? ^w^

Blastoise: Blastoise~ ^^

Rex: Alright then, just remember to be careful when we get close to the Power Plant. Like I said: Electric-Types.

Lucca: Right Blastoise, we're going on a water trip to the Power Plant.

Blastoise: Blast~ *gets into the water and allows Lucca to get on his back*

Lucca: *reaches out her hand to Rex* there is enough room for both of us ^w^

Rex: I could see that. *Takes her hand and jumps on*

*Blastoise swims down the water path with Lucca and Rex on his back. Soon enough they see the Chinchou and Lanturn, signalling that they were getting close. A little while later and they are in front of the Power Plant.*

Lucca: Is this it?

Rex: Mhm, this is the place. The mother of all electric Pokémon nests, besides Chargestone Cave...

*Blastoise swims up to the land and both Rex and Lucca disembark. After recalling Blastoise both of them enter the abandoned Power Plant and begin searching.*

Lucca: Man, this place has seen better days...

Rex: Yeah...well, Electric-Types thrive here, so they have left it as-is. Plus, renovating the place or something would be dangerous with those Pokémon around, both for the Pokémon and the people.

Lucca: I see *hears a most desired Pokémon cry* Wait, I hear it

Rex: Easy now, stay calm...

Lucca: Oops *takes a deep breath then exhales* okay, I'm ready now.

*Rex and Lucca cautiously inch closer to where the Pokémon cries are coming from. In an open area they see what Lucca had come for wandering out in the open: a male Pikachu.*

Lucca: Finally; after years of searching one is finally right before me...

Rex: Yeah, but finding it was just half the battle. Now you actually need to capture the thing...

Lucca: Right; well, here goes... *walks out and faces the Pikachu* Pikachu, I've come to battle and to catch you!

*The Pikachu turns to face Lucca; after getting a better look at his face she could see that he had a tiny scar above his nose as well as fighters tape around his paws and tail.*

Pikachu: *punches the air rapidly a few times before finishing with an uppercut to the air then flicking his nose with his right thumb* Pika Pika~

Rex: Hoho, he is a cocky one it seems like...

Lucca: I like your spirit *takes out a Poke Ball* Go, Jolteon! *tosses the Poke Ball and out comes a Jolteon*

Jolteon: Jolt-Jolt!

Lucca: Jolteon, use Pin Missile!

*Jolteon shoots many Pin Missiles at the Pikachu but it jumps into the air, spins rapidly and uses Iron Tail to try and knock the attack back at Jolteon who jumps backwards to avoid getting hit.*

Lucca: (That's one attack...) Jolteon, get in close and use Double Kick!

*Jolteon rushes towards the Pikachu but it uses Quick Attack to evade and get behind Jolteon then he stops to charge up an attack.*

Lucca: (That's attack #2...) Quick, go for Double Kick again, Jolteon!

*With the Pikachu directly behind him Jolteon goes for Double Kick again but the Pikachu proves to be too fast as it used Quick Attack again to get in front of Jolteon while still charging its previous attack. As Jolteon stumbles from kicking the air the Pikachu uses the attack it had been charging: Focus Punch. It was a direct hit that pushed Jolteon back quite a bit.*

Lucca: (That's attack #3...)

Rex: Okay, so I get what you are doing, but should you really be doing it, though. This is your chance and that little guy has a mischievous grin on his face...

Lucca: Don't worry, I've got a plan for him now that I've seen how he moves. Jolteon, go for Double Kick again!

*Jolteon rushes towards the Pikachu but it simply uses Quick Attack to get behind him once again. What the Pikachu didn't realize was that Lucca had gotten behind him.*

Lucca: Now is the time; Level Ball go! *tosses the Level Ball at the Pikachu*

Pikachu: !!

*The Pikachu quickly jumps into the air to avoid the Level Ball.*


*However the Pikachu didn't see Jolteon use Double Kick on the Level Ball sending it flying right back at him. The Level Ball hits and the Pikachu is sucked inside. The Level Ball falls to the floor and begins to shake.*

Rex: Wow...that was amazing....but no time to celebrate yet. *Watches with her*

*For a few tense seconds the Level Ball shakes before finally clicking, signalling that the capture was complete.*

Lucca: Yes!! Great job, Jolteon!

Jolteon: Jolt~

Lucca: I can't believe it; I finally caught a Pikachu!

Rex: Congratulations, Lucca.

Lucca: *glomps Rex* Thank you; thank you so much for telling me about this place! ^o^

Rex: *throws his arms around her and ends up grabbing her butt* o//o ...Uh...y-you are most welcome. G-glad to help.


*Lucca slowly begins to move in to kiss Rex until a loud Pokémon cry that neither of them had heard before resounds throughout the entire Power Plant. It wasn't an ordinary Pokémon cry belonging to the more common residents of the Power Plant; no, this one belonged to something...powerful.*

Rex: ...What....was that...?

Lucca: I-I don't know; I never heard anything like that.

*The Pokémon cry is heard again followed by flashes of light and crackling electricity.*

Rex: ....Whatever it is, it seems like we have a challenge on our hands...

*The glowing light and crackling electricity gets closer as something flies into the same room as Rex, Lucca and Jolteon and begins circling them in the air. It was the rarely seen Legendary Pokémon known far and wide as Zapdos.*

Lucca: O_O; ...

Rex: ....Well, I did say that this bird nests here... o_o;

Lucca: *quickly scrambles and picks up the Level Ball containing her Pikachu* Jolteon, return! *recalls Jolteon back into his PokéBall* I think we need to leave...

Rex: No duh. *Picks out a PokéBall from his jacket* Want me to use Gene and teleport us out of here?

Lucca: Yes please! >_<;;

*Rex calls Gene out of her PokéBall but the moment she is out the Zapdos hits her hard with a Thunder attack. Gene wasn't seriously hurt but she WAS quite pissed off from the unwarranted attack.*

Gene: ......Oh no, you did not just Thunder me.... -_-# *Cracks her knuckles*

Rex: ....Well, guess that is that. You see, Gene and I are similar: When provoked, we fight back. *smirks and unzips his jacket, throwing it aside and revealing that he wore a keystone as necklace* You have done well, so leave the rest to us.

Lucca: O-Okay...

*The Zapdos hovers in the air as it faces Gene then caws loudly as sparks shoot off its body.*

Rex: Keystone! Resound with my voice and link together the bond of me and my Pokémon! Mega Evolution!

Rex flicks his Keystone and it instantly lights up, which in turn made Gene warp her Mega Stone to herself and firmly grasp it as it started to swell with intense light, engulfing her. The ball of light then cracks as Gene literally punches through it, scatters, revealing the Mewtwo in her Mega Evolved state: Mega-Mewtwo X.

Rex: Bulk Up and prepare for attack!

Gene: Right! *Uses her Bulk Up move which enshrouds her in a red glow, her muscles visibly growing larger, even if just a little bit*

*The Zapdos begins gathering electrical energy within itself; it was using Charge.*

Lucca: Oh man, this next one is going to be big.

Rex: Not big enough. Gene, get in close and keep moving, do not give it any openings!

Gene: Hai! *Runs forward, moving her legs incredibly fast for a Pokémon of her physique*

Zapdos: !! *surprised by Gene's speed and is unable to get a clear lock on her*

Rex: Ice Punch!!

Gene: Fly away!! *Throws her right fist into the side of Zapdos' face and sends it propelling into the side of the nearest wall, the impact being strong enough to partially send the bird through said wall as well*

Rex: Girl Power is a scary thing in the right hands... Heh.

Zapdos: *caws then uses Roost to begin recovering health*

Rex: Psycho Cut!

Gene: *starts launching a barrage of crescent moon shaped attacks at the dual-typed legendary, not aiming to let it recover easily*

Zapdos: *sees the attacks coming and cancels healing to immediately launch into a spinning Drill Peck to rocket through the attacks and tackle into Gene*

Gene: *gasps upon being hit, but stands her ground and brings her hands together and sledgehammers the Zapdos into the ground* Hah.... You might have the Drill Peck, but your Physical attack is pitiful, especially after my Bulk Up....and speaking of which... *Activates her Bulk Up again* The next Ice Punch is not as forgiving...

Zapdos: *quickly rears up and grabs both of Gene's arms with its feet, uses Charge again then begins to ascend into the air with Gene*

Gene: Hey...hey! Don't you know how to treat a girl, you brute...!? *activates her Ice Punch again in attempt at wiggle free*

Zapdos: *uses Thunder to deal massive critical hit damage since it was powered-up by Charge beforehand then drops Gene down to the ground below*

Gene: *twitches slightly as she lays there* >_<;;

Zapdos: *caws and uses Charge again*

Lucca: O_O; Jolteon, Go! *tosses a PokéBall and Jolteon pops out of it* protect Gene!

Zapdos: *shoots another Charge-powered Thunder at Gene*

Jolteon: Jolt-Jolt! *takes the Thunder and absorbs it into his body, getting healed in the process due to his Volt Absorb ability*

Lucca: Jolteon, return! *recalls Jolteon back into his PokéBall* Go, Blissey! *tosses another PokéBall and a Blissey pops out of it* use Softboiled on Gene!

Blissey: Blissey~ *goes over to Gene and hands her an egg to eat*

Lucca: I'll buy you some time to heal, Gene; go, Mamoswine! *tosses a PokéBall and a Mamoswine pops out of it*

Mamoswine: Mamo!

Lucca: Mamoswine use Ancient Power!

*Mamoswine uses Ancient Power to attack Zapdos. The stone chase the Legendary bird around the room as it flies, dodges and counterattacks the many stones coming after it.*

Rex: Man, this thing just does not give up... What is grinding his gears...?

Gene: *gradually healing from the Softboiled*

*Something Rex hadn't noticed when they first entered that particular room due to the lack of lighting was that there were actually a good amount of electric-charred and broken PokéBalls on the ground. As Zapdos flew around the room sparking with electricity and light he also saw that most of the walls were electric-charred. From this he gathered that there must've been several other trainers here before trying to catch it and they not only failed but seemed to have angered and annoyed the Legendary Pokémon over time.*

Rex: ...I see. You have had enough of intruders trying to tame you, huh...? Well, we are not here to capture you, but right now the challenge of beating you is much more satisfying to me... *smirks*

Zapdos: *manages to evade the remaining Ancient Power rocks then does another spinning Drill Peck, this time aimed at Mamoswine, pushing him back a little from the impact.*

Mamoswine: Swine! >_O

Lucca: Mamoswine use Ice Fang!

*Mamoswine's tusks become encased in ice and it lunges at Zapdos but only manages to clip its left wing as it tries to dodge and fly off again. With part of its wing now covered with ice Zapdos' flying seemed to suffer a bit; by this time Gene was back on her feet, having recovered enough from Blissey's Softboiled egg.*

Gene: Someone needs to take you down a peg.

Rex: Ice Punch it into submission, and if it Roosts, Drain Punch!

*Gene jumps at the Zapdos with a heartfelt battlecry, starting to rapidly fire off Ice Punch after Ice Punch and not giving the Zapdos room or the chance to move away from her attacks*

Zapdos: *desperately tries to use Roost to recover health but can't due to the constant barrage of Ice Punches*

Gene: Aaaand lights out! *Does a one-inch punch version of the Ice Punch as an attempted finisher*

*Zapdos stops struggling after the last Ice Punch and collapses. The Legendary bird pants with exhaustion and looks up at Rex as he approaches it, seemingly submitting to his show of strength.*

Rex: *Lowers himself slightly and gently pets the Zapdos* You were a worthy opponent. Thanks for the battle, Zapdos.

Gene: *Reverts to her normal form*

Lucca: Blissey, Softboiled *motions towards Zapdos*

Blissey: *goes over to Zapdos and places an egg in front of it*

Zapdos: ??

Lucca: Zapdos, we didn't mean to disturb you; we only came looking for a Pikachu to join my team.

Rex: Really. Other trainers might come by for the same reasons. You are free to defend yourself if someone approaches you, but don’t ambush trainers. There is no honor in ambushing opponents either. *Smiles a bit*

*Zapdos seems to nod and then begins to eat the egg in front of it to regain strength. Afterwards it caws and then takes to the air and gazes at Rex, Lucca and their Pokémon for a few seconds before flying further back into the Power Plant.*

Rex: ... *Stretches out* That was quite the good workout.

Lucca: I'll say; you and Gene work perfectly together~ ^o^

*Gene smiles and hugs Rex from behind, pressing him back against her as she nuzzled the top of his head.*

Rex: We are just that good partners.

Lucca: I can see that {I hope that we can be that close too~ }

Gene: *Smirks and pushes Rex at Lucca, then uses her psychic powers to make him grab her bottom, like he did before, giggling to herself*

Rex: Oh! Uh...hello again. .///.;

Lucca: O///O *giggles*

Gene: You did say something about doing whatever Rex wanted after this was done, did you not?

Rex: How did you-

Gene: Eavesdropped on you. -w-

Lucca: I did and I stand by that promise

Gene: Rex~?

Rex: ..... *swallows* Um...Lucca.... May I....k-kiss you?

Gene: And after that, he wants to see what you look like naked~ OwO

Rex: Gene, hush! D//X

Lucca: Okay *puckers up and makes a kissy face*

Rex: !! *Blushes and frowns a little at first, but gives in and gently kisses Lucca on her lips, his own eyes closed through the ordeal*

Lucca: ^///^ was...something wrong? Did I do it right? That was my first kiss so I don't know if there was a proper technique or not... .///.

Rex: .... *smiles softly* I don’t know. It was my first kiss too... ^//^

Lucca: Well, I guess we'll just have to keep trying together until it feels right to us. ^//^

Gene: *Leans in and whispers* Want me to get you a couple condoms too~? <w<

Rex: Gene!! D//X


Rex: Urgh...nevermind... -//-;;

Lucca: How about we get out of here and go to a more date-friendly locale?

Rex: ...Yeah, sounds good to me.

*After recalling all of their Pokémon both Rex and Lucca leave the Power Plant then fly on Lucca's Salamence back to Lucca's home and then to Lucca's room where they started off.*

Lucca: How's that for a pre-date?

Rex: It was eventful. Now you have that Pikachu you have searched after for so long.

Lucca: Yep, and it is all thanks to you; thanks again for that. ^^

Rex: Eh, it was nothing. Glad to help.

Lucca: Well, we made it back right at the time our date was supposed to start; what should we do now? ^^

Rex: That is a very good question, actually....I have...never been on a date before, so I am not really good with this stuff.... -///_///-;

Lucca: Well... I heard that there was a carnival downtown; maybe we could go there? ^^

Rex: ...Hmm...Yeah, sure. Sounds good to me.

Lucca: Then let’s go and have some fun~ ^u^ *wraps herself around Rex's left arm in a playful manner*

Rex: ...Uh, yeah, lets...let’s go and have fun, like so... .///.

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