Friday, March 25, 2016

Rex, Lucca...and Friends!? Carnival Date Chaos!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 20
“Rex, Lucca...and Friends!? Carnival Date Chaos!!
An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

Both Rex and Lucca head downtown and find the carnival setup there. From there they explore the carnival grounds and play a few games. Rex discovered that Lucca had some amazing aim for the throwing games from her time catching Pokémon; likewise Lucca discovered that Rex had amazing skill and planning for all of the skill and concentration games. And they both discovered that Gene was great at whatever game she played, outdoing both of them for the high scores and even setting some new high scores of her own. After checking out all of the games the trio decide to check out the snack bar.

Lucca: It all looks and smells so good~ ^^

Gene: Reeeeeex, buy us something goooood, pleeeeaaaase~? *winks*

Rex: No need to try flirty tricks on me, I was going to buy something, don’t worry. -//-; Just pick something and you get it.

*While the girls begin making their decision from the many food choices available Rex hears somebody clear their voice behind him. Looking back he sees nobody other than Shark Aikawa along with the Cool Guy Club members Flicky, Trina and Angela at his side.*

Shark: Yo shorty, long time no see~

Rex: !! Shark... What business do you have, approaching me at th-

Shark: Tch, no need to be stingy, sheesh... -3-;

Angela: OoO Look, a Mewtwo...

Trina: And such a sharply dressed one at that~ ^w^

Flicky: *takes out a notebook full of notes and stats and begin writing in it* that girl with the eye patch, I know her from somewhere...

Gene: ^//^ *giggles and shuffles her feet a little where she was standing*

Shark: *Places his hand on Flicky's head* Why not introduce yourselves, girls?

Rex: And please explain what your occupation with this thief is... <_<

Shark: Erk.... =~=; My reputation comes first, I see...

Flicky: I'm Flicky, captain of my school's swim team. ^w^

Angela: I-I'm Angela, head of our school's science and biology clubs. <_<;

Trina: And I'm Trina; I'm not in any official clubs but the three of us make up an unofficial one called the Cool Guy Club. As for our standing with Shark, you can call us overzealous fans turned friends. ^^

Rex: Hmm...charmed. I am Rex, current owner of Tyrant Industries after my father; Pluto Tyrant.

Gene: I am his partner Gene~ Aaaaaaaand.... *Pushes Lucca forward* This is Rex's girlfriend~! >w<

Rex: .... <////<; I.. Have not asked her about that yet....

Gene: Well that is because you are shy about it, but you clearly like her a loooooooot~!

Flicky, Trina and Angela: *gasps excitedly*

Lucca: O///O R-Really? You w-want me to be...? .///.

Rex: Y-yeah...did not plan to ask like this, see...

Shark: -w-; *Smacks Rex on his back* Spit it out.

Rex: Geh! I want you to be my girlfriend...! o//o; about it, okay? <///<;;


Lucca: O-Okay

Shark: .... Well, now that is done. -w- Seems like everyone is finding someone to be together with these days.

Gene: Maybe you would too, if you were not such a jerk.

Shark: Harsh, but true.

Flicky: While none of us may be official he does have the three of us now. ^w^ *puts her arm around Shark*

Trina: *hugs Shark from behind*

Angela: .///. *timidly grasps one of Shark's hands*

Shark: .... .////.

Rex: First time I have seen him look...surprised or shocked.

Gene: Aww, come on, you gotta at least pick one of them and date them~!

Shark: is not as simple as that. -//~//-;

Trina: We don't mind sharing for the time being seeing as how the three of us are the bestest of friends~ *nuzzles Sharks face*

Shark: But it sure will make it hard for me, having to pick between you.... -//^//-

Gene: Polygamy!

Lucca: *giggles*

Shark: ...Is...that even an option...?

Rex: Depends. Are you able to equally show love to all 3, and are they okay with it, and are you okay with the public knowing this? -w-;

Gene: I can read his mind and find out~

Shark: Please do not. o//o;

Gene: Oh, have anything in there you do not want me to see~?

Shark: Yes, of course... -//-;

*One of the PokéBalls in Lucca's belt pops open and out of it comes a Lucario.*

Lucca: Riley? What are you doing out?

Riley: *looks at Shark and begins reading his aura*

Rex: You have a Lucario too? That is cool.

Shark: ..... *blinks* Uh..

Riley: *finishes reading Shark's aura* he's afraid...afraid of commitment and rejection.

Lucca: Riley! OoO I'm sorry, Riley has very little tact when talking to others and just says what's on her mind at the moment; please forgive her. *bows apologetically*

Shark: !! ..... *Frowns, getting out of the girls' grips and just turns away from the group, standing with his back turned to all of them*

Rex: That could have gone better...

Flicky, Trina and Angela: Shark...?

Lucca: *pushes Riley forward* Riley, say you're sorry! >~<;

Riley: Um...sorry... ._.

Shark: .....Fine, whatever...

Rex: *Waves the girls closer* ...I think Shark has problems coping with these new feelings he is feeling... I remember back when he and Angel briefly was a pair... Long story, but to put it short: When that did not work out, Shark just...disappeared on all of us. He left his sister in the care of some friends, and...well, rejection might have been really hard on him, and I think he also blames himself for that not working out, because he is prone to just being by himself a lot... Not that we have any right to peek into his mind to find it out... *Briefly looks at Riley with a soft glare* ...but yeah, I believe he is scared...

Flicky: We fully understand that, but...

Angela: After that one day we all spent together I thought that we were making progress in that regard...

Trina: I guess that it'll take longer than we thought to help him get through this...

Rex: Well he has not pushed you guys away it seems, and he looked genuinely happy with you guys...then again... I...I actually have some doubts regarding both Shark and myself, to be honest... *Glances at Lucca and shakes his head, sighing*

Flicky: Then the best thing I guess we can do is to believe in him and continue being his friends. ^^

Rex: (Yeah, but...seeing how neither of us has had any kids drop by from the future yet, I am starting to feel uncertain for both of us... Well, might as well try to enjoy it while it lasts...) I guess you do have a point there. Hope things work out for you in the end.

Trina: We'll work hard to make sure things work out

Riley: ...BTW do any of you know that kid over there?

*Riley points over to a little boy that quickly ducked behind one of the stands when he noticed that Riley was pointing at him.*

Lucca: Huh?

Riley: He's been following us ever since we got here...

Gene: ....Never seen anyone like him before... =/

Rex: I...can’t say I recognize him either, no.

Shark: ...? *Turns back* What now?

Flicky and Angela: Hmm?

Trina: *looking elsewhere* !! Girls, look, the line the roller coaster is very short! Finally, we can get on! *grabs Flicky and Angela by their arms and pulls them along*

Flicky: Alright-alright, we're coming! >o<

Angela: We'll catch up to you later, Shark!

*Rex, Lucca, Gene, Shark and Riley go over to where the boy was. Upon seeing him up close he had a very distinctive hairstyle with brown and red hair. He had bright light green eyes and a face with bat-like features; he was wearing dark green and white striped long sleeve shirt with a red ascot, blue jeans and green sneakers.*

Bat-like boy: ...

Gene: Hey little boy, are you lost? Need help finding mommy or daddy?

Shark: Hmm, he kinda stands out like a sore thumb, does he not...?

Raphael: My name is Raphael; as for my Mom and Dad, I know where they are so I can find them at anytime.

Rex: Then, why are you sneaking around behind us like this...

Raphael: Oh that; well you seemed like an interesting bunch and ... hey, where did those three girls that were with you go?

Shark: The roller coaster. The line was short so they went to get a ride quickly...

Raphael: Uh-oh, that isn't good...

Shark: ....What is not good...?

Raphael: It's because that roller coaster wasn't properly built at this particular event. The coaster cars end up derailing at one of the turns high up and everyone in those cars don' know...make it...

Shark: ....What did you just say?

Gene: Kid, do you know what you are saying? That is some very dark stuff. =/

Raphael: I know it may seem dark but I was asked, no, pleaded with by a friend to come here and stop that roller coaster from being run today. I've tried to tell the ones in charge what was going to happen when they were setting up but they wouldn't listen to me. But maybe you can do something about it.

Rex: Leave that to me then. Money does wonders. *Quickly walks towards the attraction*

Shark: ....*Sighs and follows*

*Upon getting to the roller coaster they see that it has already started and the girls are on it.*

Raphael: Oh-no, we're too late! O_O;

*When the coaster is at the peak of the first drop a loud creaking then a snapping of chains could be heard.*


Trina: Just regular roller coaster sounds; I'm sure we're fine. ^^

*Back on the ground.*

Raphael: Shark, get some cards ready! *channels energy into his body* Ptera!

*Raphael transforms into a form very similar to Rex's own Ptera Form and rockets up towards the coaster. After the initial shock of what he just saw Rex does the same and flies up with him, determined to stop disaster and definitely get some answers from Raphael afterwards.*

Rex: Okay kid, any plans? I can’t simply stop the ride with force in this form, and standing on the railings to stop the cart can be dangerous too.

Shark: *Pulls out a selection of cards* Just do something, I will take care of things if something goes wrong!

Rex: Hrm... If only I knew where the ride was structured wrong...

Raphael: There is nothing keeping the cars connected to the rails; if those cars goes down that slope there is nothing to stop it from flying off the rails at the first turn with all of the forward momentum they'll have. From what I see we have three options: 1. Keep the cars from going either forwards or backwards on that high slope, 2. somehow adjust the turns so that the cars don't fly off or 3. get everyone out of the cars somehow.

Rex: Seems like option 1 is what we have to go for. And even if we can’t stop it, we have to try slowing it down enough so that turn there is not lethal.

Raphael: Okay

Rex: Shark, you take care of things down there.

Shark: You mean help out if I need to.

Rex: Yeah.

*Rex and Raphael reach the roller coaster cars to find that there were a few other familiar faces on the coaster along with the three girls: a scared Victora, Amber and Lynette along with even Isis Aikawa, each of which had quickly spread out among the cars to keep them balanced after hearing the breaking noise.*

Trina: Strange, why aren't we moving? I'm all for building up suspense but sooner or later I want the action to start...

Victora: Trust me, you don't want the action to start.

Angela: I-I-I'm with you

Amber: Okay, if I knew it was going to be this scary, I would have let you guys talk me out of it! o~o;

Lynette: *Clinging to Angela*

Isis: One of the few times I get out to hang with you guys too...! >~<;

Raphael: They seem to be balanced for the moment... *sees the connection for the middle cars can break at any moment* O_O; but that's not going to last much longer if we can't figure out how to get them all down safely.

Rex: Okay kid, listen to me...we need to lift them out of the cart 2-by-2 to keep it balanced, and let them down to the ground. You should be able to at least float down with the younger ones. Can you do that?

Raphael: Yes sir

Rex: Alright then. *Floats closer to the cart* Okay girls, we are going to help you down from here, but we need to be careful. You are just barely in balance right now. Angela, sorry for this comment, but since you are the heaviest, I will try to lift you down first.

Lynette: A-and me? Q~Q

Rex: ...Err...yeah, I guess, since you are kinda clinging to her...

Angela: If it gets me out of here sooner then I take no offense. QwQ

*Upon seeing Raphael get close to them both Victora and Amber cling to him, making the decision for who he'd take down first very easy for him.*

Victora: *clinging desperately to Raphael*

Amber: Even if we need to get down, no funny business with your hands! >~<;;

Rex: *Lifts up Angela and Lynette, starting to slowly descend downwards to a little cloud-like object, setting them down on it* You should be safe here.

Shark: Yeah, for about 5 minutes, then my ability fizzles.

Raphael: *slowly descends downwards to another cloud-like object and sets Victora and Amber down on it* see? No touchies *waves his hands*

Amber: Thanks. -.- Phew....

Rex: Alright, Flicky, you are next for me.

Isis: *swallows and breathes slowly* ...

Raphael: Coming back up; Trina, you're next.

Rex: Should you not take the smaller one?

Isis: Isis. My name is Isis....and...I guess my weight is less for the cart....So...

*Before Isis could finish her sentence the bolt connecting the middle cars together breaks and the remaining cars start going in opposite directions as gravity took hold. Rex and Raphael managed to get a secure grip on both Flicky and Trina since they were closest but Isis took a chance and jumped out grabbing a hold of Raphael's leg. Sure enough, the runaway car jumped track when they reached the first turn and crashed hard into the ground; fortunately nobody seemed to be injured. Rex quickly dropped Flicky off on another cloud-like thing and then quickly went over to help Raphael who was having trouble staying afloat trying to keep a hold of both Trina and Isis.*

Rex: That was too close for comfort! *Takes Trina off of his hands and proceeds to lower himself to the ground*

Shark: *Catches Isis as she and Raphael come down as well, holding her close* Oh my goodness, you are okay....

Isis: B-brother... I-

Shark: No no, don't say anything. You are okay, that is all that matters right now... *Hugs Isis close and firmly, both of them crying a little bit in one another's arms*

Flicky, Trina and Angela: Aww~

Amber: ... Cute.

Lynette: Mhm...

Shark: .... *Carries Isis to Flicky, Trina and Angela* I is time you guys formally met? Girls, this is my little sister, which I have told you about.

Isis: *Wipes her eyes a bit* are the ones who have kept brother busy while I was staying over at Lynette's place...?

Trina: Yep-Yep-Yep! ^w^

Flicky: We've tried our best in getting close and become his friends.

Angela: N-Nice to finally meet you *bows politely*

Isis: ..... *smiles sweetly* Please take care of him as good you can.

Shark: I-Isis... You are embarrassing me here... <//<

Trina: Or all four of us could look after and take care of him ^^

Isis: ...That would probably be for the best. -w- He is a dumb reckless fool, after all.

Shark: Ugh, don’t make me regret that we helped you, you brat... -/_/-

Isis: *nuzzles against him*

Flicky, Trina and Angela: *chuckles happily*

*With seeing that Shark is okay now that he's reunited with Isis, Rex turns to Raphael, determined to know exactly why he has the same transformation that he has.*

Rex: Okay, now about you then. What is exactly going on here? Your transformation, as simple as it looks, is very similar to my own, if not the same.

Raphael: Well my Father trained me from when I was three and taught me how to take on this form and a few others.

Rex: Your father did? And where did he learn of this technique?

Raphael: He never went into full detail about it. =o

Rex: I...I see... *nods and sighs, leaning back against a wooden stand* Well, you did well today, warning us about the safety of the girls. Thank you, we do not need more tragedies in this world occur due to incompetence.

Raphael: You're right, but some tragedies can't be prevented unless somebody knows what will happen ahead of time. And there is at least one more massive tragedy that hasn't happened but will happen and we need every capable combatant ready for it.

Rex: ..... Wait... are from the future, are you not?

Raphael: That I am

Rex: ....Who...who are your parents....?

Raphael: Well my Mother is a famous gym leader with a travelling gym named Lucca. As for my Father, well, I think it's pretty obvious who that is~

*Rex just looked at Raphael for a while before he grabbed the kid and pulled him against him, breathing heavily and kinda staggery as some tears rolled down the side of his face.*

Rex: *sniffs a little* I..I am sorry...I am just so glad...awestruck...and overwhelmed at the same time...

Raphael: *hugs Rex back*

Lucca: Heeeey, what's going on, Rex; are you okay?

Rex: *Looks up, smiling softly with a few tears trailing down his cheeks* Y-yeah, I am fine. Really.

Raphael: Yeah, Dads going to be alright...Mom. ^^

Lucca: S-Say what...?

Rex: *Lightly hits Raphael on the top of his head* I WAS going to ask you not to reveal that. -~-; Ugh...yes, this kid here is our son, from the future. Long story, I shall explain it later for you...

Lucca: OoO Oh my goodness...

Rex: Yeah, I said, I wanted to keep this secret because I would know, win you over the normal way. I don’t really want you to get together with out of, you know, obligation or something...

Lucca: Hmm... *looks Raphael over* are you sure that you're my kid? I can see the resemblance between you and Rex but you look like you have some bat in you as well. Are you sure that you mom isn't a bat lady who looks like me? :/

Rex: ....Now that you mention it... Yeah, that is a good question.

Raphael: To tell you the truth even I can't explain why that is... :/

Rex: ..... Really now....? *sighs and grumbles a bit*

Raphael: I do have to admit that you DO look a bit different now than you do in my time; you haven't encountered "him" just yet, right?

Rex: No we have not encountered the villain from The Powerpuff Girls. =/

Raphael: Nooo~ >o< I mean "him," the guy we came to stop: Benjamin Koco.

Rex: I know, I was just messing a bit with you., I have not had the honor. The guy trashed my mansion while I was out the other day...

Raphael: That's a relief

Lucca: May I say something?

Rex: Of course you can, Lucca. >.> Go ahead.

Lucca: Rex, regardless of whether or not I really am this child's mother just know that I chose you way before this even happened, back when I saw how close you were to your Pokémon when you were on the search for your missing Mewtwo, Gene. So relax, I really want to get to know you better because I want to. ^w^

Rex: .... L-Lucca... *smiles softly and practically throws himself into her arms, nuzzling his face into her bosom* That makes me so glad to actually hear, you have no idea...!

Lucca: *returns Rex's embrace*

*Everyone else couldn't help but "aww" at the moment shared between the two.*

Flicky, Trina and Angela: Aww~

Isis, Lynette and Amber: Aww~

Shark: That is actually cute. =w=

Lucca: Now how about we all have some fun here, together...minus anymore of the mechanical rides?

Rex: Yeah, sounds like a good idea. And next time, maybe the water park would be a better pick...?

Shark: *raises hand* I second that. It is a nice chance for Angela to get some sun on her pale butt~

Trina: I'll pick out a cute and sexy bikini for her~

Flicky: I'll help ^w^

Angela: OxO; *stammers cutely*

Shark: *Pets Angela* I am just teasing you because I love you.

Amber: Like Masquerade towards Victora~ =3

Victora: Yeah...

Lucca: Fun with new friends; I'm looking forward to it

Gene: *Leans on Lucca* I sure hope you are~

Riley: *takes a long look at Gene's chest then at hers only to see that they are lacking in size* ...

Gene: *glances at Riley* ...You are not envious or jealous, are you?

Riley: ...of course not ^^ (Rival...)


Rex: *Carrying Raphael on his back, for now* .....I am kinda curious if Shark actually ended up with a family in the future.. I mean, all 3 of the girls seem like really nice and lovely young ladies...

Gene: We will see~ *pets Riley a little bit*

Raphael: Given what was supposed to happen here today that originally wouldn't have been possible. But since we acted today and changed those grim events I'm positive that he'll have that chance now.

Rex: I guess........huh? *Gets dragged over to Riley by Gene's psychic powers, which makes him pet the Lucario* ...Gene...

Gene: Come on. She is a cute one. =3

Rex: ....Beautiful and cool would be more fitting descriptions, to be perfectly honest... *Keeps petting her, even though Gene stopped controlling his hand*

Riley: ... -w-

Gene: Well, aren't you gonna show her the same amount of love as you did for Lucca and her Salamence?

Rex: Not with so many people around me, no. -/3/-; *Shyly pulls his hand back*

???: Oh-hohohohohoho! ^o^

Victora: That laugh; I know that laugh...

*Following Victora everyone ends up at an archery shooting gallery game. There they see a well dressed batlady with bow and arrow in hand expertly hitting every target in a swift fluid motion. To her side was an equally well dressed batman in shades carrying a BUNCH of stuffed animals and other prizes.*

Victora: O_O; Mom, Dad?

Elizabeth: Ah, Victora-darling, so nice to see you here, honeybunch~ ^o^

Brighton: Hi sweetie~ ^w^

Victora: What are you two doing here?

Elizabeth: Why, winning some new toys for my for my grandchildren, of course~ ^o^

*Stepping out from behind Brighton and the huge pile of prizes were Masquerade along with Leonora, Valencia and Minami.*

Elizabeth: *hits the last remaining targets with great ease* Perfect game once again; have you three decided who gets to pick the prize next? ^w^

Valencia: Almost. Once again!

*Valencia, Minami and Leonora do a quick rock-paper-scissors and Leonora wins with scissors beating Valencia and Minami's paper.*

Valencia: Again!? Augh, I haven't won a single one yet! >~<;

Leonora: Well you are kinda easy to beat. You have a pattern for what you pick in RPS.... =w=

Masquerade: *Places his hand on Valencia's head* Don’t let it get to you sweetie. You'll get to pick the next one, since you have been losing all this time.

Victora: Masq, girls, you're here too? Then...where's Megumi?

Minami: You know Mom; she's somewhere here giving out free samples of her latest masterpiece. ^^

Victora: Latest masterpiece...? *shudders at remembering the dish* guacamole is great with chips; cupcakes with hotdog bits, not so much... -.-;

*Hearing that combination out loud makes Shark, Isis, Amber and Lynette shudder as well.*

Shark: Ugh, I feel sorry for you guys...

Rex: Masq...How do you stand the cooking of that girl? -~-;

Masquerade: It helps having magic around. She needs the encouragement, and people constantly making faces and gagging noises does not help... *Narrows his eyes at his two daughters and his niece*

Leonora: H-hey, we are just kids! o~o;

*Like clockwork, Megumi approaches the group holding a plate of her experimental cupcakes.*

Megumi: Hi everyone~ ^o^

Victora: Hey Megumi; any luck?

Megumi: Not really; I guess that none of the more adventurous people are here...

Lucca: ...I'll try one.

Megumi: OwO Really?

*Everyone turns to Lucca in surprise and worry.*

Masquerade: ....Well, Megumi's cooking is for the more adventurous person....

Leonora: That is one way to put it... ._.;

Megumi: These are my new experimental treat: Guacamole-Dog Cupcakes~ ^o^

Lucca: *takes a cupcake from the tray and then bites into it, chewing and letting the distinct flavors hit her taste buds before swallowing* ...this...isn't half bad.

Megumi: R-Really!? OoO

Lucca: Yeah; it's not a homerun in terms of execution but the concept is a winner. The frosting tastes like really well-made guacamole, the hot dog bits are perfectly chopped and have nice grill marks and the cake itself is soft and reminds me of a freshly made hot dog bun. Individually these three components work but together they just don't seem to mix; what inspired you to make these?

Megumi: Well I like hot dogs and I like guacamole so I thought that they'd be great together and that I could transfer those great tastes into something new. It's what I do with all of my favorite foods; I combine them in the hopes of finding a new taste sensation, like chocolate and bacon. ^^

*After hearing Megumi's explanation everything about her cooking suddenly made a lot of sense to everybody.*

Rex: ....Woah, she is as innocent and sweet as she looks.

Leonora: ...Uncle Masq, did you know this?

Masquerade: ...N-no...I..never asked. ._.;

Shark: ......You never were good at being a boyfriend or a husband, apparently.... -.-;

Masquerade: S-shut up...

Victora: She's my sister and even I didn't know that; all this time I just thought that she was quirky...

Masquerade: ....Well, she is much cuter now, that her little quirk is put in perspective. *places his hand on Megumi's head, petting her and kissing her cheek*

Megumi: *giggles* well, what should I do to make it taste better?

Lucca: Maybe you should just simplify your approach a little. Instead of trying to combine two or more things into something else try focusing on making one thing into something else. Like this cupcake for example; instead of trying to make a guacamole hot dog into a cupcake you can try making either a good hot dog cupcake or a good guacamole cupcake. Once you've got a winning recipe you can try combining again once you know what works and what doesn't.

Megumi: Hmm... ...sounds like a plan; I like it

*Valencia, Minami and Leonora breathe a collective sigh of relief knowing that their next meals from Megumi in the future sound like they are going to be a bit more tame.*

Masquerade: *places his hand on Lucca's shoulder* Hey, um... It is kinda awkward that someone that just met her could give such a straight answer while I have tried for months to understand and help her...and um.. Well, thanks, I guess... She is not the only one that needs to improve. I clearly have a long way to go before I can properly be calling myself her boyfriend...

Minami: You've got plenty of time, Dad. ^^

Masquerade: *Smiles and picks up Minami, snuggling her* I know sweetie, but still. ^w^;;

Shark: .....Hmm, those two look so peaceful with their kids. -w-


Flicky, Trina and Angela: *clings to Shark* ^w^

Shark: ..... *Puts one arms around Flicky and strokes her butt, the other arm goes around Angela and holds her close, while he himself nuzzles Trina a bit* ....Erm...I love you, guys. -//u//-

Isis: He said it!

Flicky, Trina and Angela: Aww~ We love you too~

Lynette: L-looks like things are working out... ;w;

Amber: Mhm.

Masquerade: And without anyone suffering from indecent and/or accidental exposure~

Leonora: Eh, the day is still young, uncle. -w-

*Everybody watches as Elizabeth plays another round of the archery shooting game and are mesmerized with how fluid her shots are as each one hit it's target expertly on both the moving and stationary targets. It all happened so fast that the game was over nearly seconds after it began.*

Elizabeth: Winner! Another perfect game~ ^o^ Now, which prize...

Game carny: Sorry lady, I'm out of prizes for today... -.-;

Valencia: OH COME ON!! >o<

Masquerade: I am sorry sweetie... Maybe next time....

Rex: ... *Digs a bit in his pockets, checking each one of them*

Elizabeth: Don't worry, my beloved grandchild; I saw another shooting gallery game around here earlier somewhere.

Rex: Well actually... Come here for a moment. *Kneels down to the kids' level*

Valencia: Hmm? *approaches Rex*

Rex: *takes her hand and places an object in her hand. It was a necklace with a silver charm hanging from it, which was shaped like a crescent moon with a star in the middle of the arc* My mom got me this necklace a few years ago. It never really was my style, but I kept it around because I liked it. And...maybe you like it as well?

Valencia: *gasps in delight* it's beautiful; I love it!

Rex: Good. Now, just stand still... *takes the necklace and carefully puts it on her* And there we go. The future beautiful head of the Koco family in the making~

Valencia: Yay, I love it! Thank you, Uncle Rex *hugs Rex affectionately*

Rex: Oh...? ....heh, you are welcome Valencia. *hugs her back*

Leonora: fair, she is going to be uncle's favorite in this timeline too...! >^<

Isis: Well, if you continue to win prizes and she gets last in line, someone is going to spoil her eventually~ <w<

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