Friday, March 25, 2016

Bride and New Mother! Welcome to the Koco Family, Sylvia!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 18
“Bride and New Mother! Welcome to the Koco Family, Sylvia!!”
An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

Byakuru and Sylvia: *walking in the park together hand in hand*

Byakuru: *stops walking and turns to Sylvia* Sylvia, my dear, I want you to move in with me.

Sylvia: R-Really? But I thought you'd wanted us to be...

Byakuru: I know the wedding isn't for a few more months but I thought that now would be best to get you moved in so that you could get used to the place and know where everything is and not get lost.

Sylvia: What are you talking about, Byakuru? I've been to your place several times already and in truth it is no bigger that my home.

Byakuru: Oh, we wouldn't be moving into that place. I stayed there because it was the place that Ada and I chose together live together in. I can't keep living in the past, especially if I want to live in the present and future with you, my love; so I'll be selling that place pretty soon and moving back to my original home: the Koco Family compound. It doesn't look exactly like this but here is where we'll be going *takes a photo out of his coat pocket and hands it to Sylvia*

Sylvia: *jaw drops* Y-Y-You live here!?

Byakuru: Yep. The only difference between the Koco Family compound and this photo is that there are a few more tropical fruit tree around the area. ^^

Sylvia: O.....O....Oh my dear goodness, you got to stop it with these surprises! I am going to collapse eventually... O_O;

Byakuru: Sorry, honey; I thought that now would be a better time to show it to you as opposed to later when the shock might be too much.

Sylvia: ... *leans on him and rests her head on his shoulder* You are just too good for me, you know that? <//<

Byakuru: *puts his arm around Sylvia* I feel the same about you, you know? >//>

Sylvia: ... *nuzzles against him* Want me to bake some muffins tonight, honey? Would be nice to just have something to snack on...mid-snuggle.

Byakuru: That would be great ^///^

Sylvia: Yeah, indeed.... Late-night relaxing and the likes of that is always good.

*Byakuru's cell phone rings.*

Byakuru: *looks at the caller ID* excuse me, dear, I have to take this one; it's my little brother...

Sylvia: Okay, I understand. *Lets him go and takes a step back*

Byakuru: *answers his phone* hello, brother...I was just having a moment with Sylvia...yes she's with me...and she knows about the compound...why, why do both of us need to come right now? ...uh-huh...what?? .........okay, we're on our way, bye *hangs up then turns to Sylvia* it seems that there is a visitor at the Koco Family compound that would like to see both of us ASAP.

Sylvia: ....Me as well? Ooookaaay....weird.

Byakuru: I don't know if you've noticed or not but we've been getting several visitors from the future coming to this time for a while now.

Sylvia: Mhm... *nods*

Byakuru: Well apparently one of them is at the family home and wants to meet with us.

Sylvia: ...Okay, I guess I have to come with you, in that case. ._.

Byakuru: Okay, the car should be here anytime now.

*Soon after Byakuru said that a sleek, black limousine pulls up besides them.*

Sylvia: ....You serious...? o-o

Byakuru: *rubs the back of his head then opens the door for Sylvia* after you, my dear ^^

Sylvia: Thank you, love. ^^ *she giggled a bit as she got into the car*

*Byakuru gets in the car as well and it drives off to the final destination: the Koco Family compound. As they pulled up to the massive mansion Sylvia was taken aback by just how grand it was in person and the fact that this would soon be her new home. When the limo came to a stop Byakuru got out and opened the door for his fiance.*

Byakuru: We're here~ ^^

Sylvia: ... *She slowly rose out and looked around at her surroundings* Feeling a bit overwhelmed, but...I-I might get used to it, eventually. o_o

*The first ones to emerge from the mansion was a tall batman with dreadlocks and a goatee wearing sunglasses, a dark blue vampire-style coat, white slacks and dark blue boots; by his side was a beautiful bat woman with tall blonde hair wearing an elegant and poofy rose dress.*

Byakuru: Sylvia, meet my brother Brighton and my sister-in-law, Elizabeth.

Brighton: *bows slightly* welcome ^^

Sylvia: *bows her head slightly* Hello, glad to meet you.

Brighton: It is great to finally meet the woman my big bro can't stop gushing over.

Byakuru: Brother... *lightly and playfully punches Brighton in his arm*

Brighton: Hahaha

Elizabeth: Well I do declare, she is absolutely beautiful, darling Kuru~ ^^

Sylvia: Gee, you are making me blush here. You are quite the gem yourself, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: You are SO precious, sugar pie; I can tell that the two of us are going to get along like peaches and cream~ ^^

Byakuru: So you said that we had a visitor here to see us?

Brighton: Oh yes, she is right this way.

*Brighton and Elizabeth lead both Byakuru and Sylvia inside the massive mansion. Sylvia is taken aback by the marvellous decor and paintings of the past Koco bosses as they went down the long hallway.*

Sylvia: ....Woah...I think I might have stumbled into something on a bigger scale than I imagined...

Elizabeth: Don't worry, darling, you'll get used to this all quickly ^^

Sylvia: I sure hope so.

*Brighton leads them into a guest room where Byakuru and Sylvia see Victora and Megumi sitting next to a little cowgirl with brown hair and reddish-pink eyes wearing green-framed glasses and blue drop-seat overalls and was eating an ice cream cone.*

Victora: Uncle, you're here ^o^

Megumi: And just in time, too; she ate all of the ice cream

???: I was hungry...and you didn’t offer me anything else...

Byakuru: Hello my beloved nieces *squats down to the little cowgirl's level* and hello to you too

Leonora: Leonora is my name~ *the little girl giggled and jumped at Byakuru, embracing him by putting her arms around his neck, nuzzling his cheek* Mmmm~

Byakuru: *chuckles* well aren't you a darling one; so sweet~

Leonora: *giggles*

Sylvia: She....kinda looks like me, does she not...

Byakuru: She indeed does; tell me, Leonora, have you come with several others from some time in the future to this time period?

Leonora: ...Oh, so the others have arrived.... =O

Sylvia: .... *kneels down* Hey...are you...mine?

Leonora: *pouts and wiggles in place* It was supposed to be a surprise...

Byakuru: O.O ... *gets teary-eyed as he smile widely*

Sylvia: *hugs the little cattle close to her, sighing happily and getting teary-eyed herself* You are so beautiful....

Leonora: Thank you, I know I am~

Byakuru: I get a second chance for a happy family life ^w^ ... O_O; N-Nothing bad happens, right? No car accidents or the like...right?

Leonora: No no, nothing like that. =O

Byakuru: Oh thank goodness

Leonora: Nope, just snuggly goodness~ *snuggles between her mother's breasts*

Sylvia: ^//^ Hehe...

Byakuru: I am SO happy right now. I have a beautiful fiancé and I have a daughter in the future; I've always wanted a daughter~ ^^

Sylvia: Same here, I feel the exact same way. I have always wanted a daughter myself. *Lifts Leonora up while hugging her*

Leonora: I am little ball of joy sprinkled with mischief~ X3

Byakuru: After we show you around we've definitely got to go and see your Dad and show him that he'll be a Grandpa. ^^

Sylvia: Oh boy, having to explain this timetravel stuff to him is going to be a bit rough.

Leonora: :3

Byakuru: We'll explain it to him together ^w^

Sylvia: Of course we will. ^^

Leonora: Before or after you decide to "compromise" me~?

Sylvia: Wha-? Hush with you, child... =//3//=;

Brighton: Actually, if you want to go and see him now you can do so. With your little girl arriving when she did I completely forgot to give the order to have your rooms converted back into bedrooms as opposed to additional libraries for our extra books and texts. Boxes everywhere and the like there.

Elizabeth: So go and see your father, honey pie. I want my new best friend and sister-in-law to be wowed when she sees the best room in this entire place ^w^

Sylvia: Well...we just arrived, but...okay, I guess?

Byakuru: Well we can still tour the rest of the place since we're here and make the main bedrooms our absolute last stop after we see your Dad.

*Sylvia's stomach growls loudly.*

Byakuru: ...we can make the kitchen or mess hall our first stop if you'd like. ^^

Sylvia: Sorry... I had a light breakfast today.

Leonora: Sure mommy, whatever you say~

Sylvia: I did! D//X

Byakuru: Follow me, I'll cook you up something nice. ^w^

Sylvia: ....Yes, okay.

*Byakuru leads Sylvia and Leonora through the massive mansion, showing off the various rooms and wings they passed along the way to the kitchen. The dining room was actually styled to look like a cool cafe complete with bar, arcade games, TVs on the walls and many other cozy options.*

Byakuru: This dining room is quite popular with everyone stationed here and is often the place to hang out after a long and busy day.

Sylvia: ...Now I get why Kevin always say that rich people cheat in life.... Look at this... o_o

Leonora: You get used to it.... -w-

Byakuru: So, what can I make for the two of you? ^w^

Sylvia: dont know, some pasta linguini, maybe....?

Leonora: Saaaame~

Byakuru: Coming right up *goes into the kitchen to begin cooking*

*Sylvia sits there in the back waiting, spending time playing a little with Leonora, which involved lots and lots of snuggling. About half an hour later Byakuru returns with three plates on a tray.*

Byakuru: Here you go, an order of Spicy Linguine with Clams and Mussels~ *places a plate before Sylvia then Leonora then takes a seat next to Sylvia with a plate of his own* enjoy ^w^

Sylvia: Thanks a lot sweetie, it looks delicious. *takes a seat*

Leonora: *Already munching down on her food* Mmmm...!!

Byakuru: *chuckles* I see that I haven't lost my culinary touch just yet

Sylvia: Got that right.

Leonora: If you were this good at cooking food at this point in time, I can see why mommy insists that you make the food for us. And here I thought it was because she can’t cook or anything~

Sylvia: H-hey...hat is not nice... *pouts a little*

Leonora: Well I have never seen you actually cook, so how would I know? =O

Byakuru: Well I happen to know that your Mother is great with sweet things. ^^

Leonora: Oh, okay. =O

*Sylvia gets a little bit of everything on her plate onto her fork for one flavourful bite; the spice of the pepper, the savouriness of the seafood, the delicious sauce, she could taste it all and it was incredible.*

Sylvia: Mmmm....!! =///3///= *her tail swishes back and forth as she thoroughly enjoys the food, looking absolutely lost and in pure bliss*

Leonora: Oh, that is a nice expression~

Byakuru: *begins eating as well* Mm-mm-mmmm, I may have outdone myself this time. =//w//= I've got some extra leftover; maybe your Dad and sister will like it as well.

Sylvia: Mhm...maybe so.

*A few minutes later and everybody is finished with their meal, dishes are washed and portions of the remaining food are packaged for Sylvia's family.*

Byakuru: Was there any other place here you wanted to see before we see your Dad?

Sylvia: ...Well...not that I can think of right away.

Byakuru: Well before we do leave there is one place I want to show you. It is the pride and joy of the entire Koco Family: our library.

*Byakuru leads both Sylvia and Leonora to the lower levels underneath the mansion. Upon arriving they are at an absolutely massive library complete computers, other people doing research, an outdoor terrace for working in the fresh air, and thousands of bookshelves full of books, scrolls and other materials.*

Sylvia: ....Wow.... All the time I could spend in here... =O

Leonora: Mhm, quite the place. =3

Byakuru: We've got some of everything here: historical accounts, genealogy records, literature, text books of all kinds, even comics and manga, you'll find it here. And if you're seeking a change of environment there is an outdoor terrace to see the great view outside and get fresh air, a coffee shop to get a drink and snack and even a manga cafe to lounge and unwind with some reading, gaming or TV watching. ^^

Sylvia: *smiles and embraces Byakuru, nuzzling his cheek lovingly* It is fantastic, I love it~ Finally a decent place for this big bottomed teacher to relax and unwind~

Leonora: Oh, you have no idea...

Byakuru: Haha, I glad you like it, dear. As scholars this is the Koco Family's pride, joy and ultimate goal: to make the most comprehensive and complete database of knowledge there is to share with the world.

Sylvia: I hope I can be of help with this in any way.

Byakuru: We'll gladly accept any assistance you can give us. So how about we go see your Dad now and tell him the good news?

Sylvia: The fact that I am not pregnant but will be, and he is not a grandfather but will be?

Leonora: Basically that.

Byakuru: Yep; come, we'll take one of the cars in the garage. ^^

Sylvia: Alright. ...I am not gonna act surprised if there are like 10 cars there. -w-

*Going out to the garage with Byakuru, Sylvia sees just as many cars as she thought there would be: exactly 10, each a different type of car for different occasions.*

Byakuru: Which one should we take?

Sylvia: Err deh....something casual...

Byakuru: Casual it is then ^^

*Byakuru grabs the keys to the standard white and fuel-efficient car and uses the clicker attached to auto unlock the doors. He opens the door for Sylvia as she gets in then helps Leonora in and buckles her up. Finally he gets in the driver's seat then drives them out of the garage and then towards Duncan's farm. Within a few minutes they arrive and see both Duncan and Sylvia's sister Rosa sitting on the porch each having a glass of lemonade.*

Rosa: And after that, he wrestled the entire thing to the....oh, it seems like we have guests. =O

Duncan: Hmm? Never seen that car before. =I

Byakuru: *gets out of the car and waves to Duncan and Rosa* Hello, you two!

Rosa: Oh, it is Sylvia's future husband. =O

Sylvia: *steps out as well* Hello!

Rosa: And there she is herself.

Duncan: Hello and good day to you both! How nice of you to pay us a visit.

Byakuru: How are you two doing?

Rosa: Eh, can’t really complain.

Duncan: Doing fine, thanks for asking.

Sylvia: *ducks into the car to help Leonora out* Come now sweetie.

Leonora: Carry me! >w< *reaches out towards her mother*

Sylvia: Heh, okay okay. *gently grabs her and lifts her out* There we go~

Rosa: Huh? Who is the kid?

Byakuru: About that...well...she's our daughter from the future.

Duncan: .....What. o_o

Rosa: Whaaaaaaaaat?? D=

Sylvia: She is our-

Rosa: I heard that, I just can’t believe you actually went that far. ._.

Sylvia: .....Gee, thanks. -3-;

Byakuru: It was sort of a surprise when I first got the call but with this phenomenon happening to many others recently I guess that I shouldn't be surprised. I did want to have a kid with Sylvia so I guess that it was only natural that she would come with these other visitors. ^^

Duncan: Woah woah woah, little kids are traveling in time by themselves? I am not sure if I can-

Leonora: *runs over and jumps into his arms* Grandpa~!

Duncan: ....Eeeeeeeeh I guess I am okay with it~ *snuggles her*

Byakuru: From what I've been heard from my own nieces who have also come to this time is that an ancient former boss of the Koco Family that was once sealed away comes into to power in their time and that during these current years a lot of things happen that prevent everyone capable of fighting him from standing up to him with our full power. They've come here to warn us, prevent these upcoming misfortunes and give us a chance of taking him down before he gets too powerful.

Leonora: ....uuuuuuh, yeah, what daddy said. I am, like, super important and stuff. =O

Byakuru: And just to be clear, aside from having to face Benjamin Koco at some point in the future, there are no immediate emergencies that we have expect, right Leonora?

Leonora: ,,,I am not good with remembering all kinds of stuff, but yeah, no emergencies unless you count wardrobe malfunctions. =O

Sylvia: Oh lordy... -///-;

Rosa: Heh.

Byakuru: *chuckles* those kind of emergencies I can gladly live with

Duncan: Even I can live with it~

Sylvia: You are all just the worst, you know!? >//A//<# Hmph! *Stomps off*

Byakuru: Sylvia, honey, don't be mad; you know we all love you.

Sylvia: Yeah, thank you, I know how well you all love me, but don’t think tha- Woah! O_O;

*Duncan had walked over and actually picked the fairly large woman off of the ground. She was lifted into a hug, with one of his arms holding her up by her legs, so she was kinda sitting on his arm, but her bottom-heavy body was dragging her down a little bit...*

Sylvia: D-dad, what is the mea-

Duncan: I always hoist you up when you start to act up like that. A little cuddling like this wipes the frown off of your face.

Sylvia: Dad, seriously, put me down or I-

*She is interrupted, because before she could finish, her father had firmly smacked her across her clothed bottom, causing her to squeal and cling to her father's shoulders.*

Byakuru: ...

*Leonora looks intrigued by her grandfather's action.*

Leonora: OwO ....Grandpa, are you punishing mommy?

Duncan: No no, I am just correcting her attitude a little~

Sylvia: *frowning and blushing, with tears in her eyes* I swear... dad... put me down or I- *Smack!* HIEEEEE!! Q//A//Q

Duncan: Sylvia, calm down or you make things worse for yourself.

Rosa: Hehe, I love to see her squirm~

Sylvia: Shut up, Rosa! D//X *Smack!* Oww! Stop that! Q//~//<;; *Smack!* YAH!

Duncan: No yelling either.

Byakuru: I heard her talk about these types of times with her Dad before but I never thought that I'd see it in action

Duncan: Possibly you would want to take over, son? ^^

Sylvia: What!? O///O

Leonora: What? .w.

Rosa: Hoho~

Byakuru: ...sadly I'd be lying if I said that I didn't

Sylvia: D-dad, he...he really doesn't need to do it... .//~//.;

Duncan: I know, but I want to make sure he has the guts and determination to even put his beautiful and lovely wife in place, if needed.

Byakuru: ^^ *steps forwards and approaches Sylvia and Duncan*

Duncan: *sets Sylvia down and swats her butt, making her skip forward towards Byakuru*

Sylvia: <//~//<; ....Why am I always in these situations...

Byakuru: I'll make it up to you later, promise *kisses Sylvia on the cheek before taking her over his knee*

Sylvia: Meep! O//O; *tenses up a little* T-this position?

Byakuru: Sorry hun, this is the one I always default to out of habit *lightly rubs Sylvia's bottom before giving it a decent smack that made her butt jiggle a bit*

Sylvia: *jumps a little from the slap, blushing a dark shade of red and visibly more embarrassed by being spanked by her future husband, in front of her family no less...*

Byakuru: *gives Sylvia's bottom another decent smack* (Heh...I can see why Xam likes doing this now ^///^ I'll make this one quick and take my time with future ones.)

*Byakuru gives Sylvia's bottom a few more smacks over the next two minutes, making sure each one counted, before standing her back up and embracing her, letting her bury her blushing red face in his chest so that she didn't have to make immediate eye contact with her Dad or her snickering sister Rosa.*

Sylvia: I hate you all, still.... T////T

Leonora: *walks up and hugs the legs of them both*

Byakuru: And we all love you, still... ^///^

Sylvia: Hnnnnngh.....!! *Starts to hit his chest, frustrated*

Duncan: Hehehe, that was not half bad, son.

Byakuru: Thank you, sir; as a single father I've had to learn how to be a firm but fair disciplinarian *rubs Sylvia's back and sore bottom simultaneously*

Duncan: Heh, no need to praise me, boy. ^-^

Byakuru: Oh, we brought you both something to eat as well. Leonora, could you...?

*Leonora happily skips back to the car and gets two take-out boxes filled with the food that Byakuru had cooked earlier and takes them up to both Duncan and Rosa.*

Duncan: Oh, that is awfully nice of you.

Rosa: Hurrah, free grub!

Byakuru: I hope you like it; I made it fresh today myself. ^^

*They both try out the food at the same time, and just like Leonora, they start to scarf it all down*

Duncan: Beautiful and natural Venus, that is delicious!

Rosa: MMMMM!!!

Byakuru: Couldn't ask for better positive feedback than that.

Sylvia: .....Yeah. -//^//-

*Byakuru cuddles Sylvia a little and eventually gets her to smile again.*

Sylvia: *sighs to herself* You are lucky you did decide against baring my rear. I would have given you the silent treatment for a good 3 days.

Byakuru: I reserve that option for when we're alone or among really close friends. ^^

Sylvia: You have become naughtier, hubby... -//w//- Maybe I have to "step up my game" a little to keep up~ *She leant on him and gave his bottom a firm grope of her own* We are not too old for fooling around, no-no~

Byakuru: Oh you are so right about that~

*Just before the two of them get a little to frisky they both realize that Leonora was looking right at them and that they were still in front of Duncan and Rosa and immediately cease and act nonchalantly.*

Sylvia: So, um...yeah, I have a daughter now. >//u//>;

Leonora: The cutest daughter in the world!

Byakuru: *picks Leonora up and cuddles her* the absolute cutest~

Leonora: *crosses her arms* And don’t you forget it~

*Byakuru, Sylvia and Leonora hang out with Duncan and Rosa for a few hours longer, just talking and having fun together. Byakuru even tells Duncan of how he asked Sylvia to move in with him and Sylvia told him about what she had seen over there.*

Duncan: Really now?

Sylvia: Yes, really. I am serious.

Duncan: Wow.

Byakuru: I'll make sure to set it up so that you two can come over and visit at anytime.

Duncan: Very well then, I appreciate it.

Rosa: *playing airplane with Leonora* Heh, sounds like a fancy place. -w-

Byakuru: *phone chimes* Hmm? *check phone and reads the text* looks like the rooms are ready are ready, Sylvia. ^^

Sylvia: Oh, that was relatively fast.

Byakuru: It was nice getting to see you all again but we must get going; want to get my bride settled in and comfortable. We'll be back to see you again real soon, I promise. ^^

Duncan: I understand. Just keep taking care of my daughter as you have been doing.

Byakuru: Will do, sir *offers his hand to Sylvia* shall we, my dear? ^^

Sylvia: *Takes his hand*

Leonora: But I am not ready to leave yeeeeeeeet...! D=

Byakuru: I promise that we'll come back here again soon, Leonora. Now please, let's go; I've got a little surprise waiting for you too when we get back. ^^

Leonora: ...okay. *Takes her mom by her free hand*

Rosa: Yeah, you better come back, little rascal. I am not done loving you.

Sylvia: *looks back and smiles*

*After everyone is back in the car Byakuru drives them all back to the Koco Family compound. Once they make their way inside they find Brighton, Elizabeth, Victora and Megumi waiting for them.*

Victora and Megumi: Welcome back, Uncle~ ^o^

Elizabeth: Welcome back, Sylvia-dear; did you have a nice visit with your family? ^w^

Sylvia: Yeah, they sure got happy, both of them.

Leonora: *Looks up at Victora and Megumi* Has Uncle Masquerade married you yet...or does that come later?

Victora: It hasn't happened yet but I know that it will soon enough >w<

Megumi: Right now he's spending time with your cousins, Valencia and Minami, while we help out here. ^^

Leonora: Okay... I will just have to wait before I see them, then. *Wiggles a little and drags on the back of her overalls*

Brighton: Now follow us this way; we got your rooms all setup for you. ^^

Leonora: Ok. =3

Sylvia: *Stretches out* Hopefully your beds are big enough for this fatass of a teacher... ^//^;

*Brighton and Elizabeth lead the group upstairs to the top floor where they are greeted by a hallway linked to many bedrooms. They both go up to one door in the middle of the hallway.*

Brighton: This will be your room for the time being, Miss Sylvia.

*Brighton opens the door and reveals to Sylvia a rather spacious, luxurious and fully furnished bedroom. After going inside and looking around she notices that a few of the decorations looked just like the ones in her previous rooms. Upon looking closer at one of them she found they WERE the exact same decorations from her room.*

Sylvia: are good at is almost creepy. In a good way. .3.;

Victora: Actually these ARE your possessions. With my ability getting everything moved over here was a cinch.

Megumi: I helped decorate and get everything in place. ^^

Sylvia: .....Well, arent you two some handy little girls. *Pets both of them*

Leonora: Auntie Victora can be quite a handful at times, though. =O

Victora: True, but after asking Valencia about you I've learned that the same thing can be said about you too~ ^w^

Leonora: ....Huh? .w.; W-whatever the heck are you talking about~? <w<;

Elizabeth: Oh and take a look at your closet honey. ^^

*Sylvia goes over to the closet and opens it up to see that it was a equally spacious walk-in closet filled with her clothes as well as some new fancy outfits and shoes made just for her.*

Elizabeth: It's my little gift to you. ^^

Sylvia: OoO .....

Leonora: Granny is good... =3

Sylvia: You. Me. Closet. Now. I need to try some of these outfits, but have no idea where to start... O_O

Elizabeth: These are a little something that the Venus Family whipped up for us; Sven Venus and his daughter Sashi Venus are geniuses when it comes to new and inventive design.

Sylvia: *Hugs Elizabeth's face against her massive bosom* Thank yoooouuu.... T/w/T This is honestly too much...

Elizabeth: *muffled speech*

Sylvia: ...Oh! *Quickly lets go* Sorry sorry sorry!!

Elizabeth: *quickly gasps for breath* that's okay sugar pie; I'm proud to have such an affectionate and strong sister-in-law.

Brighton: If you like this then you're going to love the next one. ^^

*Brighton leads everybody to the room adjacent to the one Sylvia would be staying in.*

Brighton: My big bro is a bit old fashioned where it counts so he wanted you to have your own room until you two were officially hitched. When you two do get married, THiS will be you'll be moved: the Master bedroom.

*Brighton opens the door to reveal another room just as gorgeous as the previous one but nearly double in size for two people to coincide in; there was even a bathroom connected to the room as well.*

Sylvia: Oh...oh my dear.... This really is too much. I-I-I am being overwhelmed here... Q^Q;

Byakuru: *holds Sylvia close* deep breaths, honey; deep breaths...

Sylvia: Y-you gotta stop. I am not worth this much luxury... o//~//o

Elizabeth: Oh-hohohoho! ^o^ Dear you sound just like dear Ada all those years ago~

Sylvia: H-huh...?

Byakuru: Ada: that was the name of my first wife.

Elizabeth: I'm sorry, Byakuru; I know that you don't like talking about Ada but her reaction was just so similar that I...

Byakuru: No, it's okay, really. After all, she was your best friend way before she was my wife so it's only natural that you'd want to remember her fondly. ^^

Sylvia: ...First...wife?

Leonora: Huh...? ._.

Elizabeth: Yes, back when we all were kids I had a best friend named Ada. We met Byakuru and Brighton when we were teenagers, we fell in love and got married to the two brothers. Ada was quite overwhelmed by all of the luxury of this place as well so at her request both her and Byakuru moved into a more simple home. It was there that they had their son, Batou. I thought that those two would be together forever with how in love they were...but then...the accident happened... Sorry, got a little choked up there remembering it...

Brighton: *puts his arm around Elizabeth to comfort her*

Sylvia: O-oh...I some things are a bit clearer to me...

Byakuru: Batou was just a baby at the time. I was working hard to support all three of us. Ada saw that I was a bit tired that day and told me to relax at home and bond with Batou since it was one of my rare days off while she went to the store to get some missing ingredients for dinner that night. I stayed...I played and bonded with Batou...I was thinking how lucky I was to have such a lovely wife and son...and then the phone call came. I was told that there had been an accident involving a drunk driver. He survived the crash...Ada didn't. There wasn't a moment that I didn't think back to that day; if only I had gone to the store instead. But the thing that saddened me most was knowing that Batou would never know how great his mother was...

Sylvia; no, stop, please...I don’t want to hear more. I-I can’t....I can’t take it... *Places her hand on Byakuru's shoulder, breathing heavily and fighting back tears*

Leonora: ....Mommy...? Q^Q *hugs her leg*

Byakuru: *embraces Sylvia* I'm sorry, dear; this was supposed to be a happy occasion and I went and ruined it by reminiscing about such a sad time.

Sylvia: *Shakes her head* It is just made me think of my own mother...

Byakuru: I'm really sorry about that, honey. I've been meaning to ask about your Mom but I thought that might be a touchy subject but I'm willing to listen if and when you're okay with it.

Sylvia: .... I loved my mother so much...we did everything together, and I am sad that I barely remember her, because I was so young... She got sick and died away from us when I was just starting school... I spent the next week crying, Rosa got angry at me for crying all the time, and dad just kinda disappeared in his thoughts...

Byakuru: I'm sorry, dear; that must have been a very trying time for you...

Sylvia: *nods weakly* Mhm...

Byakuru: There-there, dry those tears ^^ *lovingly wipes some tears out of Sylvia's eyes*

Sylvia: *sniffles a bit* Thanks...

Brighton: Uh, big bro, didn't you have a surprise for your daughter here?

Leonora: *looks up, still hugging her mother's leg* Hmm...?

Byakuru: Yes, that's right. It's over this way...

*Byakuru leads everybody out of the Master bedroom and a little further down the hall to another door.*

Byakuru: Leonora, my daughter, this will be your room; I hope you like it~ ^w^

*Byakuru opens the door to reveal a very nice room filled with various things that Leonora absolutely loved, including a nice fluffy bed that she just had to try out.*

Leonora: Ah! My room~! Make way~! *Leaps onto the bed gleefully, giggling and laughing excitedly*

Byakuru: While you were playing with your Aunt and Grandpa I made a call to some of your friends and they told me about some of the things that you like. Usually a father should know what his daughter likes but seeing as how I haven't had the time to learn that to you not being born yet I hope that you can forgive me this one time for asking around. ^^

Leonora: *Bounces off of the bed and down on the floor* It is okay daddy, I love it. And you have a lot of time to bond with me now and after I am born in this timeline~

Byakuru: I sure will, sweetheart~ ^w^

Leonora: ...Oh, I dropped my glasses on the bed. ^w^; *Turns around and leans over on the bed to get her glasses, which she did drop. By doing so, she accidently exposes that the flap of her overalls had opened, exposing her butt underneath. And she was not wearing underwear, for some reason*

Byakuru: And any particular reason you decided not to wear any panties when coming to see us today? -w-

Leonora: ...What? ...Oh! O///O; *Turns around and fiddles with the flap* Er...that is..well...all of my pairs were dirty and....I went back in time without any on-hand... I was going to ask mommy if she could take me to the store later...but...I wanted to is embarrassing to admit to a boy, even you dad, that I am not wearing any undies.... </^/<; *Gets the flap back in place*

Byakuru: I understand, sweetheart ^^

???: Knock-knock~

*Everyone looks behind them and sees Batou standing in the doorway.*

Batou: So this is where everybody is today.

Elizabeth: Batou dear, welcome~ ^o^ *hugs Batou*

Batou: Hey Auntie; I just finished taking Evellia home from training and decided to pay a visit. So Dad, have you moved back in yet?

Byakuru: Yes, everything got moved in this afternoon. You remember Sylvia, right?

Batou: Of course; how can I forget the main woman in my Father's life?

Byakuru: Well I'd like you to meet our daughter who arrived today, which makes her your little sister; Batou, meet Leonora. ^^

Leonora: ^/w/^ Mhm, big brother is looking good as always~ *Hugs his leg and nuzzles against him*

Batou: *squats down to pick Leonora up in his arms* Hahaha, would you look at that; I never had a true sibling before. The closest I ever had to brothers or sisters before now were my crewmates. Hope that I can live up to being the ideal big brother. ^^

Leonora: Well, I am technically the aunt of someone as old as me, so...I think I have it weirder than you. >w< But dont worry, you will be~

Batou: Awesome ^w^

Leonora: Just a fair warning to you... Your little sister and daughter want none of that broccoli stuff. Dont try to get us to eat it when you have to babysit me. -w-

Batou: Daughter? You mean I have another one?

Sylvia: *Peeks in on them* It sounds like someone is trying to work around something she does not like. -w-

Leonora: ....Ehehehe, maaaaybe...

Batou: Hahaha, that's alright; if that's the case then that means that Klarina and I haven't found the best way to cook it. So we'll have all the fun of trying out the MANY ways of cooking it together, sis~ >w<

Leonora: ....bleh. -^-;


Batou: *sets Leonora down* well, I'd better get going home to Klarina; she's in the last months of her pregnancy and I want to be around to get her to the hospital when the moment comes.

Leonora: Understood.

*Batou leaves the room to return to his home.*

Byakuru: So, any requests for dinner? ^w^

Sylvia: No, not really. I am actually just starting to get tired, so maybe I will just rest a little for now...

Byakuru: Alright then, you go and rest, honey.

Brighton: How about you rest too, big bro?

Elizabeth: Leave dinner to us ^o^

Leonora: *Smiles and holds her mother's hand*

Sylvia: Alright...if you need me, I will be resting in bed. *turns around and starts walking towards the master bedroom with Leonora*

Elizabeth: Alright girls, come with me; I'll show you another recipe from my arsenal...Megumi, you pay extra attention.

Victora: Sure thing, Mom.

Megumi: Aye-Aye. ^o^

*Once in the master bedroom Sylvia lies down on the large, comfortable bed with Leonora. As she snuggles with her daughter and thinks about all that had happened that day she truly felt as if the next big chapter in her life had finally started.*

Sylvia: .....I might not be much of a fighter or anything special like the others around me...but...I hope I can be of use to everyone as more than just a teacher...

Leonora: Do not worry, Mama. We all think you are special in your own right.

Sylvia: Hmm, thank you, my child.

Leonora: Love you~

Sylvia: Love you too.

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