Monday, May 23, 2011

Surprise Reunion! An Important Message from Son Goku!

Travel Multiversal
Friendly Chaos Chronicles
“Surprise Reunion! An Important Message from Son Goku!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

 Ashuro and Pepper walk are walking together when they both see a new face, Dominik Adawolf, lounging around in the area. They see that he's another Ookami like their friend, Skylar, and decide to introduce themselves.*

Ashuro: Hey there!

Pepper: Hi; I never thought I'd see another Ookami anytime soon.
I'm Pepper Quil...

Ashuro: And I'm Ashuro Kamake; nice to meet you.

*Ashuro and Pepper offer their hands for a handshake with Dominik; instead of shaking their hands, he just looks at their hands and then their faces.*

Ashuro & Pepper: Uh...

Dominik: ...heh...Excuse me but, I didn't ask for you two to introduce yourselves. If I wanted to know, I'd said it. And what's with those clothes? Sorry, but I simple do not have time for the likes of you...

*While keeping the same facial expression, Dominik turns and starts to walk away*

Ashuro: -_-

Pepper: Well...that was unnecessary...-_-

Ashuro: I think it's safe to say that this guy isn't one of Skylar's friends...-_-

*When Ashuro says Skylar's name, Dominik comes to a stop and stays still for a couple of seconds before speaking up again.*

Dominik: .....Skylar? As in "Moonshredder"?

Ashuro: Yes, that's the one.

Pepper: He's our uber cool comrade.

Dominik: .......So...that low-class decided to live afterall... Tell me, where is he? I'm quite interested in seeing him again...

Ashuro: No way are we telling you! >_<

Pepper: You can say that again!
If you're gonna have that kind of an attitude, then as you said "Sorry, but we simply do not have time for the likes of you..."

Dominik: Thank you for taking your time speaking with me.

*Dominik bows in front of the two of them and starts to leave again. Confused by what he just said and did, Ashuro and Pepper both look at each other with puzzled expressions. Dominik finds himself on the right way as he chuckles and speaks to himself*

Dominik: Those two didn't have a clue... I found Skylar's scent on them, so now it's a lot easier to find him. Now, where could he be~?

*Dominik travels pretty far in his search for Skylar. He soon sees a girl, no older than himself, happily walking on the sidewalk on the other side of the street from him; her hair covered her eyes and she wore a purple blouse, a pink skirt with green bike shorts underneath and a pair on knee-high boots of the same color. To Dominik, she was really pretty and attractive; a girl he saw worthy enough to become his own. He decides to put his search for Skylar on hold for the moment and approach the beauty that had caught his eye.*

Nikki: *humming* So happy *humming* gonna go see my man *humming* gonna kiss him all over 'cause he's so sweet *humming* gonna... *sees Dominik if front of her* Oh, hello there.

Dominik: Good day to you, my lady. What is such a beauty like yourself doing around these parts? *smiles and takes hold of her hand, kneeling down infront of her* My name is Dominik. May I ask you of what your name is?

Nikki:'s Nikki.

Dominik: A pleasure to meet you. *kisses her hand*

Nikki: OwO;; Yes, likewise *nervously pulls her hand out of his grasp* Well, if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go now.

*Nikki quickly leaves the scene*

Dominik: ...Well...that was weird, and sudden...

???: Nikki! Nikki, where are you?!

*Dominik sees a young boy who was of the same race as Nikki. In appearance he was a little bit shorter than Ashuro; he had orange hair that covered half of his face. He wore a dark green shirt with a light green bandana tied around his neck and blue shorts; another noticeable feature was a unique looking glove on his right hand. Seeing as how the boy seemed to know Nikki, Dominik decided to approach him in hopes of getting more information about her.*

Snoopy: Where'd she go? I just saw her turn the corner in this direction a few seconds ago...*sees Dominik in front of him*Hello, have you seen a Lobinu girl wearing green boots pass by here?

Dominik: Ah, you must be one of her friends. She went that way about a minute ago *points* May I join you? I'd like to know more about her, if that is okay.

Snoopy: You can come if you want, but if you have the intention of trying to get her to become your girlfriend or something, then you're out of luck; she's already got a boyfriend.

*Hearing this and noticing how Snoopy brought up the BF/GF subject, Dominik automatically jumps to the conclusion that Snoopy must be Nikki's boyfriend, seeing as how he's so familiar with her. Dominik begins to ponder on what to do with Snoopy.*

Dominik: Oh... REALLY NOW? Hmm...and I guess that this person is...someone I know about? *stares him down*

Snoopy: I dunno; maybe.

Dominik: You don't say...Well, listen here, I ALWAYS get things my way...

Snoopy: Pfft! You're funny; there's no way that any one person can ALWAYS have their own way. Ashuro proved that when he faced off against Victora, somebody who actually has the power to get her way all of the time.

Dominik: Of course not, but on my home planet, it's just a figure of speak. If you were an Ookami, you'd understand... now, can we get going? *pokes him on the forehead*

Snoopy: Hmph...*rubs his forehead and looks at Dominik with suspicious eyes* I...think I can handle this on my own now; thanks for showing me the way...I'll see you later, I guess *tries to walk past Dominik who refuses to let him go any further.*

Dominik: LISTEN BOY! I've had a hard time since I arrived on this giant water sphere of a planet! I'm seperated from my friends and family, most of them are most likely dead, so don't think I'll let something like this pass as easy as that! *grabs Snoopy by the collar, lifting him up off of the ground* Got that, shrimp?

Snoopy: I'm really sorry to hear that...but...

*Snoopy wraps his legs around Dominik's waist and points arms downwards to shoot a pulse of E-nergy at the ground, sending them both about 2 feet in the air. Snoopy quickly shoots another E-nergy pulse to flip both of them upside where Snoopy uses the pulse's momentum to slam Dominik into the pavement head first, breaking free from his grip.*

Snoopy: There's no way I'm going to let a guy with your sort of attitude get anywhere near Nikki!

*Ashuro and Pepper watch the scene from a far; they were still very suspicious of Dominik and decided to follow him in secret in way that he couldn't sense them at all.*

Ashuro: I knew that guy was trouble.

Pepper: Should we step in and help Snoopy?

Ashuro: No; Snoopy's dream is to be able to use his strength to protect those he cares about. In this situation, we would only get in his way. So for now, let’s just watch him and jump in ONLY if he gets in over his head.

*Dominik slowly gets back on his feet and glares at Snoopy, who simply just glares right back at him, showing no trace of fear.*

Dominik: Why you..... *Dominik raises his head to the sky and howls, too loud for Snoopy, Pepper and Ashuro so they have to cover their ears. Even though they do, they still hear everything and their vision starts to get blurry. That's when Dominik's howl is cancelled out by another. All 4 look in the same direction, spotting Skylar, slowly walking towards Dominik*

Dominik: Oh? Well, haven't you made things easy... *chuckles*

Skylar: Long time no see... *sighs sadly and looks to the ground*

Dominik: Is this guy a friend of yours? He's quite troublesome for such a little guy...

Snoopy: One more crack at my size, and you'll regret it!!

*Ashuro, Pepper and Skylar are surprised by the complete change in Snoopy's demeanor; it was highly unlike him to be so angry.*

Skylar: S-snoopy...please, don't do matter what he say or do...

Dominik: That's right, listen to Skylar now...he knows best... *smirks*

Snoopy: Guys like him...I HATE THEM THE MOST!! I won't let parasites like you get near Nikki!! *inhales and exhales to regain his composure* Remember your training...keep a cool head at all times...

*Raising his arms, Snoopy creates a giant dome barrier around him and Dominik that expands far, pushing Ashuro, Pepper, Skylar and everybody away so that nobody would get hurt or interfere. Dominik attacks the barrier many strong attacks; the barrier gives but never breaks. He's trapped with Snoopy inside the impenetrable dome that turned a large part of the town into a grand arena.*

Dominik: Hmm... Interesting, reminds me of one of my old friends' abilities...too bad he died...

*Snoopy forms two circular disks of E-nergy that levitate beside him, one disk per arm.*

Dominik: Hmm? You know...I could play with you for a while...but I'm in a hurry right now...

*Dominik throws off his jacket and looks to the sky, letting out a howl. Meanwhile, a good distance away, Skylar falls down to the ground and shakes uncontrollably. The expression on his face was filled with fear, terror. He struggles, but manages to get to his feet again*

Skylar: Must get Snoopy...out of there...quickly...

*Oddly enough, even though Dominik's howl was as loud as his last one, Snoopy is unfazed by it; he didn't fall to the ground OR even bother to cover his ears.*

Snoopy: Sorry, but that won't work twice; no matter how loud you are now, my barriers will block them out.

*Looking around, Dominik doesn't see anything around Snoopy except for the two spinning disks of E-nergy at his sides. He figures that Snoopy HAS to be bluffing; he'd have to be deaf by now after not even attempting to cover his ears.*

Dominik: (He's howl's strength isn't the sound, it's the frequency...No matter... I still got one ace up my sleeve...)


Skylar: *shaking more and falls on his back* There goes my natural energy...not good...

Ashuro: What's wrong, buddy?

Pepper: You look pale, hold on, let me get you something *searches through his bag*

Skylar: should know something about Dominik...something important...

Ashuro: What is it?

Skylar: You know my Super Ookami form? ...It gets stronger the more you use it, and how long you've been able to activate it... So imagine how strong it is...because Dominik...has been able to use it since he was 4 years old...

*at that very moment, the three of them feel an enormous energy wave that felt like an explosion. Skylar swallows and chuckles nervously*

Skylar: And that's just from the transformation...

Ashuro: Wow; that is something... Never-the-less, Snoopy should still be okay; he's got a few little surprises of his own that you might never have thought him capable of.

Skylar: I'm still worried...Dominik has always been at the top when it comes to fighting...I've never beaten him once...

*Back with Dominik and Snoopy, Dominik's appearance had changed into that of a Super Ookami, like Skylar. His tail was a bit bigger, the hair longer, and his fur was pitch-black now*

Snoopy: ...*looks at Dominik's transformation in detail*

Dominik: I warned you...As soon as I decide to end it, I'll end it.

Snoopy: ...take your best shot!

Dominik: Heh...

*Dominik picks up a leaf from the ground and blows it towards Snoopy, making it land on his head. Then suddenly, his claws grow longer and he swings them at Snoopy, sending shockwaves and energy blasts similar to Skylar's attacks at him*

Snoopy: >_<

*Snoopy takes the attack head on and goes down to the floor, but gets back up mere seconds later.*

Snoopy: I know that wasn't your best shot! Stop mocking me!

Dominik: Alright then... Night Mode!

*with his hand pointing to the sky, darkness starts spreading and day turns to night, the full moon shining down on the area. Dominik's claws change color to blue and is suddenly set ablaze with blue flames as he is suddenly in front of Snoopy*

Dominik: Garulu Blaze!

*with a quick swipe with his hand; his claws sink into Snoopy's arm and cuts it off in an instant*

Snoopy: AAGH! Magnet Mend!

*Strands of E-nergy shoot out of Snoopy's shoulder and connects with his recently arm; the E-nergy strands pull his arm back into place and it heals up instantly as if it had never been cut off before.*

Snoopy: At least you're taking me seriously now *looks at the glove on his right arm for a second and then shakes head* No, not yet; not until I see everything he's capable of *looks up at Dominik* I've gotta admit, that was a cool tech you had there *arms are suddenly ablaze with blue flames exactly like Dominik's* hope you don't mind if I borrow it for a bit.

*In an instant, Snoopy is directly behind Dominik*

Snoopy: Painful Memory: Garulu Blaze Revised!

*Snoopy unleashes a barrage of punches and E-nergy claw shaped slashes on Dominik; however, unlike his, Snoopy's version of the attack doesn't cause him any pain and none of his limbs are cut off. Once his assault is finished, Snoopy puts some distance between the two of them and hides somewhere out of sight.*

Dominik: *looks around for Snoopy* A copycat? You guys are so un-original... Your signature moves are attacks you've copied... *looks up at the full moon and stays in that stance* .....

Snoopy: ... (Yeah, keep right on talking, you arrogant, know-it-all jerk; every second that passes is just another second closer to your defeat.)

Dominik: .....Mugetsu.....

*Dominik is suddenly gone from sight, neighter can he be sensed by Snoopy. His smell was gone too. He had literally vanished into thin air...along with the moon and the light it brought. The area was completely pitch-black*

Snoopy: ...Phantom...

Dominik: Feel the darkness, feel the silence. Your body entangled in loneliness. Mighty surge of life, shine down, bring victory tonight. Demon Shroud! Moon Light!

*The moon reappears along with Dominik, who is now surrounded by a black fog-like object. He grins, everything in the area disappearing except himself, the fog, and Snoopy*

Dominik: I see you. *chuckles*

Snoopy: ...and I see you too.

*Snoopy motions for Dominik to look behind him; when he turns around he sees a gigantic Snoopy right behind him. Dominik attacks the gigantic Snoopy with everything he has, but all of his attacks go right through him.*

Giant Snoopy: ^w^

Dominik: Wait... Haha, very illusion... -.-;

Giant Snoopy: Oh really? *grabs Dominik with his left hand* Can an illusion do this? *squeezes Dominik tighter and tighter*

Dominik: Huh???!!! Garulu Blaze! *breaks free, quickly getting away from him* Wha-?! How can-?! ...Dominik, calm down...calm down...

*Sensing danger, Dominik leaps forward just in time to narrowly miss being stomped on by the Giant Snoopy.*

Snoopy: You see, this is exactly why I hate people like you! *sends two spinning discs of E-nergy at Dominik who again barely dodges them as they slice up a building they pass through* You all act like you can do whatever you want and take whatever you want! You act all high and mighty and undermine those around you because you think you're smarter than them! *creates a orb of E-nergy in his hand that rains hundreds of homing laser shots down on Dominik, who is really doing his all to avoid being hit* And if there's one thing I hate more than anything else, it's that the fact those like you NEVER take me seriously!

*The Giant Snoopy reads Dominik's movements and kicks him hard sending him crashing into the dome wall. The blow disorientates Dominik, canceling out his technique as all of the darkness fades away and the Giant version of Snoopy disappears, allowing everybody can see inside. Skylar is astonished when he sees Dominik staggering about trying to shake off the state of shock he's in and how battered yet determined Snoopy looks.*

Skylar: O.O;; it so...that everyone around me...beat everyone...I can't just a couple of seconds... *falls on his knees and then lets his face slam down into the ground, not bothering to get up*

Dominik: Grr... Why you... *quickly gets up on his feet and is once again all up in Snoopy's face* AND THIS IS WHY I HATE GUYS LIKE YOU!!! *punches him in the face* You judge me from a few words I say, *kicks him in the gut* my looks, *claws across his chest* and just thinks you know everything about me! But guess what... *pins him down to the ground and steps on his head, stomping on him in blind rage* You don't! You don't! You don't! You don't! NOT ONE BIT!!! *crushes his head down in the ground*

Snoopy: *coughs* Maybe...we both jumped to the wrong conclusion about one another *gets back up on his feet* You're right, I don't know anything about you or the suffering you've been through. To clear up any misunderstandings, when I said that "I hate guys like you," I was mainly talking about the attitude you were displaying. I could never bring myself to hate another person; even those who have truly wronged me *examines his ripped shirt* I must admit, you're just as strong as Skylar was when we all first met him; when he fully understands how E-nergy works, he'll be unstoppable.

*Snoopy dispels the giant dome barrier that was surrounding the two of them. He then walks up to Dominik and bows down apologetically*

Snoopy: I'm really sorry for about earlier; do you think we can start over as friends this time? I'd really prefer fighting alongside you instead of against you...especially when that Saiyan named Toma returns...

*Dominik become very interested in Snoopy when he heard him mention the Saiyan named Toma*

Dominik: ...Toma you said? That sounds...familiar... But yes, I...guess we're better off as friends... especially since if not then you're going to hit hard enough to break my neck next time. Ouch...

Snoopy: Sorry about that I'm actually glad that I didn't release the limiter on my glove.

Dominik: Heh, okay.

Skylar: Maybe so...but if E-nergy is THAT strong, then why should-

*Dominik and Snoopy walk over to where Skylar, Ashuro and Pepper are.*

Ashuro: Skylar, you're not weak; you just haven't truly grasped the true power on how to use E-nergy just yet.

Pepper: Yeah; once you truly grasp and accept the true capabilities of E-nergy, you'll be virtually unstoppable.

*Skylar and Dominik's eyes meet and they glare at one another for a long time without saying anything, just motioning with their tails while their ears twitch a bit.*

Pepper: Tense...

Skylar: ..... *raises his claws*

Dominik: ..... *does the same*

*There is a long and suspenseful moment before they take each other's hand for a brief moment*

Dominik: ...Long time no see, Moonshredder...

Skylar: ...Back at ya, Adalwolf...

*Ashuro keeps a close eye on both Ookami, ready to break up a fight if one started. They both let go of one another's hand and look away*

Ashuro: (So far so good; they're not going tooth-and-nail at each other yet ) So, Dominik, please tell us your story, if you don't mind.

Dominik: My story? Tsk, nothing interesting there...

Skylar: He's of the high-class breed on my planet... Bloodlines and such...

Ashuro: Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of what happened to you on the day of your planet's destruction? Were you off planet like a few others were?

Dominik: Ah... Actually, I and some others were on the planet when it was attacked. But we managed to escape due to my family owning a couple of spaceships with autopilot so we kids would be sent to a safe place.

Pepper: Were they friends and family?

Dominik: Mostly...I don't know who survived all the way though...

Pepper: *reaches into his bag and takes out a photo* Do you recognize the guy in this picture? He goes by the name "Phoenix" and bears the symbol of the Moonshadow Clan *shows the photo to Dominik*

Dominik: Moonshadow? I've heard about that clan, but not much to remember there…sorry…

Pepper: Right back to square one again, I see. -_-; *sigh*

???: There you guys are!

*Everybody turns around and sees Nikki running towards them.*

Nikki: I take it that all of the commotion earlier was your doing, eh, Snoopy?

Snoopy: *nervous chuckle* Sorry...

Nikki: I thought so *turns to face Skylar* Skylar!
I've been looking all over for you.

Skylar: Hi Nikki. I've been looking for you too. *immediatly starts to rub her butt and behind her ear, making her completely relaxed*

Dominik: *silently watches the scene unfold* …

Ashuro and Pepper: ^_^;

I swear, those two don't seem to have one bit of shame left...

Dominik: Hey, they're in love, let them cuddle like that.

*All of them, except Nikki, but especially Skylar, stare at Dominik as he says this*

Dominik: .....What? I'm a sucker when it comes to love stories...and girly movies...

Skylar: ...Oh yeah, I remember now. ^^

Nikki: *remembers the second reason she was looking for Skylar* Oh, I almost forgot; while I was looking for you, I ran into Son Goku and gave me a message to give you. It's a video file on this SD card, so we can go to your place and watch it if you like; he said that it extremely important that you hear the entire message ASAP.

Skylar: …ugh, do I have to? I still don't trust him… -_-; *one look at Nikki and Skylar understands* Okay, I'll do it…

*All 6 of them travel to Skylar's home and they begin to play the video on his PC. The sight of Son Goku's relaxed, smiling face makes Skylar's anger flare up, but he is able to restrain himself so that he can hear his message. He started by explaining about the reappearance of the Saiyans.*

Goku: We all knew that there were survivors from Planet Vegeta, but we never imagined that the entire planet was still around and thriving. I don't know how it happened, but the entire planet along with all of its inhabitants, had somehow just disappeared before it's destruction. Apparently, what Frieza destroyed was nothing more than a very realistic illusion. When Frieza was finally destroyed, planet Vegeta reappeared in a far away galaxy, somehow staying completely hidden from the rest of the universe.

*Skylar pauses the video*

Skylar: …WHAT did he just say?!

Dominik: Man, that there just make me angry…

Pepper: Well, seeing as how he's telling you all of this, don't you think that Son Goku might actually be on our side?

Skylar: The whole FACT that the race might be okay angers me! I don't care what Son Goku does or acts, but most of my race is gone anyway!

Dominik: I agree with Moonshredder...

*Skylar forces himself to cool down again before clicking the play button again to continue the message.*

Goku: And...I guess that's it.
I'm really sorry about everything that's happened...uh...*looks off screen*what was his name again?

???: His name is Skylar; Skylar Moonshredder. ^w^

Goku: Oh right, thank--

*Skylar immediately pauses the video again; the voice that he heard off-screen was one that sounded like somebody hadn't heard in 7 long years; could it have been that...she was still alive as he had hoped all along? Rewinding and playing that same part of the video over and over again and he was absolutely certain that it was the voice he thought that he'd never, ever hear again; it belonged to his beloved big sister, Tanya Moonshredder.*

Skylar: ... *rewinds the tape again* ....... *rewinds again*

Dominik: Hey, you're going to destroy it if you continue like that... what are- ?!

.....I.....don't believe it.....

*Dominik and Nikki are able to pry Skylar away from the PC so that they could all finish watching the video.*

Goku: Oh right, thank you.
I'm really sorry about everything that's happened, Skylar. Had I known what was going on earlier, I might've been able to do something to stop all of than needless bloodshed *looks genuinely remorseful* There is some encrypted data on this card that'll help you, but to make it work, you'll need to have access to a teleporter of some kind. Once you've met all of the conditions, you'll receive all the information you need in the form I think you'll like. Once again, I'm really sorry, Skylar; I hope that if we ever meet in real life that we could both become...friends.

*The video ends and Ashuro removes the SD card from the PC*

Ashuro: So...shall we go and see Rocko, anybody?

*A few minutes later after arriving at his lab, Rocko quickly goes to work on encrypting the data on the SD card. Skylar and the others wait in Rocko's living room for him to finish.*

Nikki: Skylar, will you be okay?

Skylar: I...I...

Dominik: Seriously, what happened? Why are you so sad all of a sudden?


Dominik: *groans* Ugh...!!!

Ashuro: ...

*Rocko emerges from his lab with a smile on his face*

SUCCESS! It took some doing, but I finally broke that encryption! That data gave my teleporter some sweet upgrades; I must meet the person who developed them one day. So, is everybody ready?

*Inside the lab, Rocko activates the teleporter; it goes to work and shines brightly as two separate individuals stand before everybody. Skylar's heart nearly stops beating when he sees the two that stand before him, both of which he missed greatly: Blitz and Tanya Moonshredder.*

Blitz: Woah, that was sudden... Is my tail still there?

Tanya: Foolish Blitz, of course it's there~ ^w^

Skylar: ........
Nnngh.... BIG BROTHER!!! BIG SIS!!!

*Skylar jumps into Tanya's arms, crying happily as she strokes the back of his head and Blitz places a hand on his shoulder*

Tanya: We're here now, sweetie...don't cry...

Ashuro: ^w^

;w; Skylar...

Pepper: Good for him.

Snoopy: Things have really been looking up for our buddy lately.

Tanya: *looks over at the group* Aww, look at that~ Are these cute kids all your friends? And Dominik is here too.

Dominik: Yeah...hi Tanya-senpai...

Blitz: *whistles* Quite a weird and interesting bunch you got here...

Ashuro: Kihihihihi! Can't argue with you there

Skylar: *quickly gets out of Tanya's grip and goes over to Nikki, dragging her in front of both of them* Blitz, Tanya, there's someone here I'd like you to meet.

D'awwww! Who's this cutie~? ^w^

Blitz: She looks so cute and beautiful too.

Nikki: I-I'm Nikki Jen; Skylar is my beloved one.

Tanya: No way! Little bro, fallen in love? Awwwww~! What has happened all these years~?

Skylar: A lot…

I hope you have been a good girl and treated my bro the right way. ^w^ *rubs the top of Nikki's head*

Nikki: Hehe, I have been. ^w^

Rocko: If you can consider knuckles and feet to the face as being treated the right--

Nikki: Hey, Rocko…

Rocko: What?

Nikki: …

*A flying monitor appears out of nowhere and hits Rocko at top speed*

That's...not how the joke…goes…Ow…

Tanya: OwO Wow…you can be quite an angry one…

OoO …

Skylar: Okay Nikki, I'll just help you relax again...
*rubs Nikki's butt and behind her ear*

Nikki: *relaxes immediately*

...seriously, no shame at all...

Ashuro: ...Son Goku...he's the one that saved you, right Tanya?

*Tanya begins to explain the details about what happened on the day of planet Ookami's destruction; the things that Skylar didn't see when he was blasted off into space. Toma had made his way into the room where Tanya was, and yes, the larger person behind him was Goku. But the reason Goku was there was to stop Toma before he reached Tanya; he did this by hitting Toma hard enough so that he ended up crashing into the ground. Toma was dazed long enough for Goku to take Tanya by the hand and use instant transmission to warp them both off of the planet to a safe location. Frustrated that Goku had gotten in his way once again, he shouted his Saiyan name "Kakarot" with extreme anger and annoyance before he too warped off of the planet, just seconds before it exploded. Skylar couldn't believe it; Goku really was looking out for them all this time.*

Skylar: …I…guess I owe him an apology…for almost killing him and such…

Blitz: Don't blame yourself, bro…I'm sure many people would've acted the same…

Rocko: While decrypting that data to get you two here, I found some additional files that I found rather interesting *pulls up the files on his nearby PC* I thought I recognized the information in these files from somewhere. This highly detailed program that defies all possible logic and reality; this stuff belongs to Lorenzo Saturn!

Skylar: Huh?

Rocko: Scooter told you about the project that he and Lorenzo worked on a few years back, right?

*Skylar remembers the day when Scooter told him the story about Ashuro's past and how he detailed the experimental program that had caused him so much pain.*

Rocko: By using this program, he was able to go back to the time when planet Vegeta was destroyed. One day before Frieza betrayed the Saiyans, he warped the planet and all the other Saiyans into another dimension and replaced it with an illusional one; in other words, Lorenzo messed with the time line. Planet Vegeta was definitely destroyed at that time, but due to Lorenzo's meddling, it is alive and well; he also made sure that Goku and a few off-planet Saiyans remained in this dimension to insure that the timeline wouldn't get messed up. Planet Vegeta is now within a dimension similar to the Twilight Cage that Sonic and his friends traveled to in order to stop the Nocturnus Clan from escaping and wreaking havoc.

Blitz: Braaaaaaain Freeeeeeeeze... @_@;;

Tanya: Quite a paradox, if you ask me…

Rocko: *sigh* in simpler words, the Saiyans and Planet Vegeta are still around, but they're trapped in a dimensional prison that they can't truly escape from just yet.

Blitz: Asaaaaaahhh.....

Skylar: He wasn't the sharpest kid in the schoolyard... ^_^;

Rocko: They're in jail; does that help?

Blitz: Hey, I understood. No need to get mad.

Pepper: Have either of you two seen this guy? *shows Blitz and Tanya the photo of Phoenix* He seems to be off the Moonshadow Clan as well.

Blitz: Did you say Moonshadow?

Tanya: If that's the case, then he must be one of our cousins…not that I recognize him…

Pepper: Wow, I thought that you two would know who he was for sure; it seems like nobody knows who he is. I ran into him last year at the guild; he was looking for people that would join him in his quest to destroy the entire Saiyan race and all other dangerous races similar to them. Now that I think about it...when he spoke to me, he seemed to know much about my past...especially in regards to loss by the hands of a certain group.

*The 4 Ookami listen intently to Pepper as he begins to remember more details about his brief encounter with Phoenix.*

Pepper: The guild contains information on all members and clients throughout the it is possible that he approached me because of the experience I had back then...I need more information. I'm headed back to the guild to do some research. Blitz, Tanya, Dominik, it was nice meeting all of you. If you even need work or information, I'll be more than happy to give the guild my personal recommendation; Skylar and the others can tell you more about the details and benefits to help you make your decision. I'll see you all later.

*Pepper leaves Rocko's lab and heads back to the Helping Hand guild.*

Blitz: Hmm... Moonshadow, eh? I still got the scroll about our family, so I'll look into it.

Tanya: You do that, ‘lil bro. ^^ While you do that, I think I'll hang around with Skylar and his small friends. ^w^

Blitz: Right... Just go lazing around you... -_-; See ya guys.

*Blitz opens a nearby window and jumps out, leaving the area. Tanya chats with Ashuro and the others, all of them recalling some of the many adventures they've had with Skylar since they met him. Unbeknownst to them at that moment, there were two cloaked individuals watching from far away; one of them being the very person that Pepper had been looking for. It was Jason Moonshadow, otherwise known as Phoenix, and his comrade, Mujakina Yochina.*

Phoenix: .......

Mujakina: Phoenix-Kun, shall I deliver your "message" to these individuals?

Phoenix: ......

*Phoenix turns around and steps quietly away, Mujakina watching him from behind. He stops and looks back at her*

Phoenix: Don't kill anyone.....YET...

Mujakina: As you wish, Phoenix-Kun...

*Mujakina turns back around to watch Skylar and his group, watching over them, readying herself to make a quest appearance in the lives of the Ookami and their friends.*

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