Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Speak Up and be Honest Part 1

Travel Multiversal
Shirokku-D Chronicles
“Speak Up and be Honest! Angel & Luna”
An RP between Shirokku-D and eshonen

Angel sees Marius standing around, looking up at the sky; she takes this opportunity to surprise her distracted target by hugging him from behind, leaving him looking astonished with a beet-red face. ^^;

Angel: What's wrong, darling? You seem a bit...tense.

Marius: You just surprised me… -.-;

Angel: Oh, really? ^w^

*Angel hugs Marius a little tighter; he can feel her soft puffies pushing into his back.*

Marius: Umm… -//-; what are you doing here?

Angel: I came to see you of course, silly. ^//^

Marius: I would've guessed… (All right… ^///^)

Angel: I have the whole day-off today; why don't we go and do something fun to… *sees Aluma walking towards them* OwO;;

Marius: Hmmm… I dunno… but--- *sees angel scared* Huh? What's wrong??

Angel: OoO;;; *shakes fearfully as Aluma gets closer*

Marius: What the hell is wrong with you?

Aluma: *skips happily* Hellooooo Marius! ^//^

*Angel lets go of Marius and backs away a little bit while keeping her eyes on Aluma*

Marius: …ummm…

*Aluma notices the fearful look on Angel's face.*

Aluma: *walk to angel* Awww, why are you scared?


Aluma: *blinks* ……Wait, what did she do to me?

Marius: *shrugs* Uh-uh…

*A few seconds later, e-chan comes into view…limping and looking like he had just been hit by a bus.*

e-chan: *wincing in pain* Darn that… *wincing in pain* Angel…

Marius: What the hell happened to you? O_O

Aluma: Oh my, are you alright?

e-chan: Yeah, I'll be fine; just give me a sec.

*Taking a blank sticker out pocket, e-chan draws a heart with a plus in the middle on it and then charges it with his E-nergy. He places the sticker on his head and his body begins to heal; 10 seconds later, he completely healed.*

e-chan: That's better. ^w^ *sees Aluma then looks back in the direction he came from* Yep, that answers why Angel was running so quickly. I tell you, when she ran into me and kept on going like that it felt AND hurt like I was just hit by a freight train.

Marius: *laughs*

Aluma: Who was that girl anyway? I would love to meet her…

e-chan: Her name is Angel Nitori, Lorenzo's secretary. She's a good person, but…she does have some issues. Oh, I actually came to show you something *takes a photo out of his pocket* Take a look at this.

*Looking at the photo, Marius and Aluma see a girl that looks EXACTLY like Aluma; she was definitely a Suku and displayed all of Aluma's best features, including her lovely smile and innocent expression. The only differences that could be found were that this girl's hair colors were reversed (yellow on top, green on bottom) and her eyes were gold.*

e-chan: Pretty interesting, eh?

Aluma: Wow, that girl look like me! O_O

Marius: Shit-yeah… O_O;

e-chan: Her name is Luna; Angel had been bullying her ever since the two of them met in Kindergarten several years ago, all the way up to just before they graduated from High School. Through it all, Luna took her constant abuse and cried a whole lot for all of that time. I don't know what Angel did to her in their final year of High School, but obviously it was enough to finally break that wall that kept all of her anger and rage at bay…as Angel found out…through experience.

Aluma: Oh yy… I wonder if I can make Luna feel better…

Marius: *walks off* Angel…Where are you?

Aluma: *follows him* Wait for me, Marius.

e-chan: *follows them* Don't worry, Aluma; Luna is and always has been a kind and happy person. Although Angel did all of those things to her, she never hated or held a grudge against her or anything like that; she's just that sort of person. ^w^

Aluma: Awwww… ^w^

e-chan: Yeah, that's what I thought too. ^w^ …There's Angel, Marius.

*The three of them look up and see Angel at the top of a very tall tree.*

e-chan: Wow…she actually climbed up that high…

Marius: Angel! Come down, now!

Angel: No way! The moment I come down there I'll be torn limb from limb!

Marius: From whom?!

Angel: That devil with the innocent-looking face!

e-chan: …you ARE aware that this isn't Luna, right?

Angel: You can't fool me; I'd know that face anywhere!

e-chan: You're gonna have to come down sooner or later.

Angel: I'll come down when she goes away; far, FAR away!

e-chan: *sigh* So annoying *creates a small portal and sticks his left arm in it*

*Marius and Aluma look on as they see another small portal opens up behind Angel where e-chan's arm reaches out and grabs her; she is pulled through the portal and is back down on the ground with everybody. Quickly, e-chan and Marius restrain Angel to keep her from running away again.*

Angel: What are you two doing?! Let me go!!

Marius: *grabbing her arm* This…is…not…Luna!

*Angel continues to struggle with extra strength, making it tough for both Marius and e-chan to keep their hold on her*

e-chan: Man, she's a lot stronger than I thought.

Marius: *Pins her down* Okay, Okay… *winks at Aluma*

Aluma: Okay. *runs away*

Marius: She's gone…

Angel: *panting* Really? *looks around and sees that Aluma is gone* Phew, thank goodness…I don't think I'd survive another encounter with her.

e-chan: For the last time, Angel, that WASN'T Luna! I can see how you could confuse the two of them, but that girl wasn't her.

Marius: Yes, Aluma has no memory of you… *notice his hands on her breast* O//O Doood…

Angel: *greatly enjoying Marius' touch* ^w^

e-chan: …something tells me that she didn't hear a single word that you said…

Marius: ……Sorry… *get his hands away, until he sees that she likes it* …eh?

e-chan: Angel, I met up with Luna not too long ago and she said that she was sorry for what happened that day. In other words, she's not going to hurt you or anything; does that help you some?

Angel: But…why isn't she angry? I did so many horrible things to her; how could she possibly not want to tear me to pieces again?

Marius: Hey, Luna got that same problem as Aluma.

Angel: In what way exactly?

Marius: Aluma has a bully that keeps harassing her as well…

Angel: Really; who?

e-chan: …Ashima?

Marius: Ashima……no, that's not her; it's a girl named Venikashi.

e-chan: Venikashi? That's a name I've never heard before… >_< Where is this person? *punches the palm of his left hand with his right fist several times* I'd like to give this Venikashi a piece of my mind.

Marius: Hurm, nice, she's at jail now…I guess…

e-chan: Hehe, good; what goes around comes around. What was she arrested for?

Marius: Dunno; all I heard about was drunk driving…

e-chan: …wow…I hope nobody got hurt…

Marius: Just Her. XD

e-chan: *phew* That's…^^;…good? XD Do you think she'll mess with Aluma again if given the chance?

Marius: I don't know....

Elska: Ummm, she's dead, remember?

Marius: Huh? Ohhh, I forgot…

Angel: …

Marius: Angel?

Angel: …Maybe…maybe I SHOULD go see Luna and apologize to her for everything I did; the current me would hate to meet an end like Aluma's tormentor without at least trying to make up for the wrongs I've done.

Marius: You should, 'cause karma is a bitch…

Angel: Yeah…but…I'm still really scared. I don't want to go anywhere near her…at least not by myself, that is *looks at Marius, Elska and e-chan with pleading eyes*

Marius: Okay…

Elska: Sure…

e-chan: Count me in. ^w^ I did promise Luna that I'd introduce her to some of my friends the next time I came to visit; this is the perfect opportunity to do just that.


Marius: Uhh, Hey uhhh, Luna?

Luna: Yes? must be…Marius, right?

Marius: How you know my name? O_O

Luna: ^w^ e-chan told me about some of his friends; from the descriptions he gave, I was able to figure out who you were. It's nice to meet you! ^w^

*Not too far behind them, Luna sees Aluma; apparently she had followed them all in secret. Luna could hardly believe her eyes upon seeing somebody who could easily pass for her exact double.*

Luna: OoO

Aluma: O_O "gasp" …Oh my…

Marius: ……awkward…

*Both Aluma and Luna felt as if they were looking at themselves in a mirror.*

Luna: O_O Um…h-hi, I'm Luna Draco; and…you are…?

Aluma: A-Aluma Y-Yakaru… O_O

Marius: …Heh…

Luna: O_O …your hair is very beautiful. ^w^

Aluma: Oh, Thank You. ^^

Angel: *cowering in fear behind Marius*

Marius: Angel, Chill Out… Jeez… -//-;

Angel: Easy for you to say; you weren't the one who was nearly put into a coma by her hands. O_O;

Marius: I---……Never mind… -_-;

Luna: O.O Is that who I think it is?

Angel: OoO;;

*Angel tries to run again, but Marius is able to stop her by lifting her off of her feet and put her over his left shoulder.*

Marius: Hold it Right there…

Aluma: What's wrong Angel? *walks too them*

Luna: Angel; as in Angel Nitori??

Angel: *immobilized by fear and terror*

Marius: Here it comes…

Luna: Angel! *runs towards Angel*


*Angel is surprised when she notices that Luna is hugging her instead of attacking her.*

Luna: TT_TT Angel! I'm sorry about what happened! Please, can you ever forgive me? TToTT

Angel: O_O;; WHA!??!

*e-chan nods to Marius and Aluma then the three of them leave the area so that Luna and Angel could catch up.*

e-chan: I think that went well. ^w^

Aluma: Yes, I think so. ^^ *giggle* such a darling moment.

Marius: I'd just better hope that Angel doesn't make a break for it…

e-chan: I don't think we've got to worry about that; I mean, you saw that astonished and confused look on her face, right? Once Luna explains everything, I'm positive everything will be alright. ^w^

Marius: I'll wait…

e-chan: …I suppose I could hang around for a little bit longer; y'know, just in case. >w-

Marius: *watching Angel & Luna*

e-chan: *observes Angel & Luna* Well, on the plus side, Angel isn't acting as if she wants to run again.

Aluma: ^w^

*As the minutes pass, the two girls continue to talk; Angel is no longer trying to run away as the two of them catch up. A tearful moment comes and passes with both of the girls apologizing and forgiving each other. The two hug once and then part ways; Angel rejoins Marius, Aluma and e-chan with a relieved expression on her face.*

Marius: Huh, I guess I was wrong…^^;

Aluma: Yaaaaay! This is so great; you two are getting along greatly! *giggle*

Angel: Luna and I are friends now…I think that's all I really wanted since the beginning *hugs Marius lovingly* Thank you, Marius-kun, for making sure that I made things right and didn't run away; I'm eternally grateful for having you in my life *kisses Marius on his nose then walks over to Aluma* Sorry about my behavior earlier, so let's start over; hi, I'm Angel Nitori. ^w^ *offers Aluma her hand for a handshake*

Aluma: *looks a little bummed out of her kissing Marius* Oh! Thank you; its okay… ^^ *shakes her hand*

Angel: *Sees some small tears form in Aluma's eyes* Um, excuse us, Marius-kun. ^w^

*Angel takes Aluma further away and out of sight from Marius and e-chan so she could talk to her.*

Angel: *hugs Aluma* I'm sorry, honey; I didn't mean to upset you. I had no idea that you cared about him so much *has a genuinely remorseful expression on her face*

Aluma: *sniffing* I……I…don't know…I'm too scared to tell him my true feelings…

To be continued…

1 comment:

  1. Shonnie: I knew it, Aluma does like Marius! My detective senses never let me down, yet! But it's nice Angel and Luna are friends now. :D
