Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Player Select - Game Start!

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 13
“Player Select – Game Start!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

Seeing that escape is no longer an option, Skylar is forced to play whatever game Nikki has in store; to save herself from doing something she'll regret for the rest of her life this is one game that he CAN'T afford to lose. Once the conditions were set, the game begins and Skylar immediately blacks out. When he comes to, he notices that everything around him is...well...different; it was as if he got sucked into an action JRPG game. But the bigger surprise comes when he realizes that he looks exactly like a chibi doll; and to add to the confusion, he also sees six of his other friends, who were also chibi dolls, asleep on the ground next to him. Just what kind of game is Nikki making him and the others play?

Skylar: *looks around, looks at himself and his friends* Wha-? What just happened there? I was about to..... Nikki, she has something to do with this... But, I don't get this at all. Why am I and the others, looking like this?

Ashuro: *yawns* Hey, Skylar! *looks at Skylar, himself, the others and his surrounding* Did I miss something fun?

Kevin: *sits up* apparently we all did...

Skylar: Um...I think Nikki did something...

e-chan: *yawns* ... *looks around and then goes back to sleep*

Snoopy: OwO;; This place looks vaguely familiar somehow.

Ruby: You all look so cute~! ^w^

Trey: *mumbles* -_-;

*e-chan tries his best to block out any noise that would prove that he's not dreaming.*

Kevin: ...Time to wake up... *gives him a shock to get him to his feet.*

*Skylar starts to tell what had happened...*

e-chan: Hoo-boy; I'd say that I should've just stayed in bed this morning...if it wasn't for the fact that I was brought here WHiLE I was taking a nap in my bed.

Snoopy: But I wonder, why did she bring all of us here?

Ashuro: ^3^ *chasing after a butterfly in a cute, chibi manner in the background*

Kevin: Skylar, she's your girlfriend. You should know what to do.

Ruby: *nods* That’s right.

Skylar: But I don't! T_T Truth told, I think that I really need to sit down and talk with her parents after this, to learn new and old stuff about her...

Trey: *watching Ashuro* ...

Snoopy: Well, remember how I told you that Lobinu don't have mating seasons, Skylar? While it's true that we don't, we CAN go into that mind-set if we repress certain emotions and urges for far too long. I meant to tell you this, but Nikki was always so in control of herself that I didn't think she would get like this.

e-chan: That's more than likely what caused the whole situation; she was repressing all of those emotions and urges for years. It was alright because she didn't have anybody special in her life during that time, so there was nothing to bring all of those feelings out, leaving them all dormant. Now that she has Skylar in her life, those years of build up finally awakened and overwhelmed her in the end. In other words, Skylar, none of this is your fault.

Ashuro: ^3^ *chasing after a cuckoo in a cute chibi manner*

*Seeing all the fun Ashuro was having, Trey decided to join him in chasing the cuckoo, whacking it with his Zanpakuto when he was able to get close enough to it, which wasn't frequent since it was so fast.*

Skylar: Well you guys could've told me about it... I could've at least helped Nikki with- CAN YOU TWO PLEASE FOCUS?!!!

Trey: *stops up* OwO; Sorry...

Kevin: Anyway, what do we do? It looks like we're in Final Fantasy 3, DS edition...

e-chan: *looks around the area and sees a game board like design on the ground they're standing on* I don't think so; Final Fantasy 3 doesn't have anything like this.

Snoopy: Wait, I recognize this area; e-chan, doesn't this look like the starting point of that game you brought with you that we all played on our last game night?

e-chan: *looks around focusing on the detail of the area* You're right! We're in Dokapon Kingdom, Wii edition.

*Ashuro and Trey are seen looking at one of the game's signature monsters, the Wabbit.*

Ashuro: have cool ears.

Wabbit: ^w^

*The Wabbit sucker-punches both of them using its ears and runs off quickly*

Ashuro and Trey: YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT!!
*Chases after the Wabbit.*

e-chan: -_-; Yep, this is definitely Dokapon Kingdom.

Kevin: Weird... So, Nikki brought us into this game?

Ruby: Apparently, yes.

e-chan: She must've been experimenting with her Pensword to get it to do something like this; originally, I thought that she could only use it to connect to the Realm of Nightmares, but as we can see that is no longer the case *takes another look at his body and sighs* I sure hope this look is only temporary...

Skylar: I'm sure Nikki can change us back... But now, since we're in a game, I'd say that we have to win the game to get out.

Ruby: Makes sense.

*Everybody looks up as they hear some screaming in the sky...followed by two object colliding into the ground hard; it was Ashuro and Trey. Apparently they fought the Wabbit...and suffered a most humiliating defeat.*

Ashuro: ...guys, we're in trouble. I can't stretch or use my time/space techs and Trey can't call out his Zanpakuto! All of our abilities are gone!

*Alarmed by this news, the others try to use their techniques and are unable to use them. e-chan can't generate E-nergy, Kevin is unable to do a basic Kamehameha, Snoopy can't create barriers and Ruby can't transform into Masked Eagle. Unlike the others, only Skylar is unaffected and can use all of his techs.*

Kevin: Not even a spark! And when I sneeze, nothing! >_<

Skylar: Isn't that a good thing?
Anyway, I'm fine...

Snoopy: Aw man; how am I supposed to protect anybody when I can't even make a shield?

e-chan: And without E-nergy to charge my regular stuff, none of my usual tactics and strategies will work; I'll have to rely a LOT more on my physical strength.

Ruby: You'll be okay Snoopy, I believe in you. ^^

Skylar: *sighs* e-chan, do you know what we have to do in this situation?

e-chan: Well, for starters, even before we got to this point we should've been able to choose which class we want to be first...

???: Sorry I'm late! ^w^

*Everybody turns their heads and sees a chibi-doll version of Nikki flying towards; in size she was actually smaller than the rest of them and she was dressed as a fairy...with real working wings.*

Nikki: Everybody ready to play? ^o^

Kevin and Trey: *blinks* ...What the-?????

Ruby: So cute~!

Skylar: *tries his best to resist glomping on Nikki* ...Yes, we're ready.

Nikki: Great! The game functions like a board game, but because they take a LONG time to play, I've modded a few things to make it go by faster. The spinner that determines how many steps you may take at one time is disabled and everybody will be teamed up so that there 4 groups consisting of two players each...which is as follows:
Team #1: Ashuro and Trey
Team #2: e-chan and Kevin
Team #3: Snoopy and Ruby
Anymore questions before I continue?

Trey: Why did you pick me? -_-;

Ruby: Don't whine... *sighs*

Skylar: Ignore him, so can we begin?

Nikki: Almost; as for your partner Skylar, take this *hands Skylar a card that has an image of a gate on it.*

Skylar: .....Uh.....and...what am I supposed to do with this???

Nikki: I decided that you should get to choose your own teammate; so think of somebody that you want to join you and charge the card with your E-nergy to bring them here. But before you do, I'll explain about the problem the rest of you are experiencing right now. As you've noticed, only Skylar can use his natural abilities. You'll have to choose one of the job classes within the game that suits your style best.

Kevin: Okay with me.

Skylar: Hmm... I don't know who to pick... Give me a minute...

Ruby: We'll just pick our classes then. ^^

Nikki: Okay then; normally you'd have to unlock other job classes through maxing out different combinations of available jobs, but I've modded things and unlocked all of the job classes to give you more options. Now everybody, except for Skylar, choose your job class! ^o^

*A game menu appears before them all and lists all of the jobs classes along with the benefits of each and which weapons would be most effective with it.*

Ashuro: I choose Monk!

e-chan: I'll take Cleric.

Snoopy: Spellsword for me!

Ruby: Ninja me!

Trey: I choose Warrior!

Kevin: I'll go with Thief.

Nikki: Alrighty!

*Ashuro, Trey, e-chan, Kevin, Snoopy and Ruby are automatically changed into their job specific costumes and each are armed with their job classes cheap, basic weapons.*

e-chan: Hey, Nikki, you messed up; I'm an Alchemist instead of a Cleric.

Nikki: Whoopsies!
Sorry, but it's too late to go back and correct my mistake; you'll just have to make do with being an Alchemist.

*stares blankly at Nikki* Well, Skylar, if you're able to get through this and learn only one thing, it's this: when Nikki goes into H-mode, she turns into a ditzy airhead.

Skylar: ...Right... -_-; Okay, I've decided my partner, how do I get him here?

Nikki: As I said earlier, have a mental image of the one you want to summon in your head and charge the card with your E-nergy to activate it and bring your chosen partner here.

Skylar: Right... *focuses*

*After a little time with waiting, a guy appears next to Skylar. He was dressed in a golden armor with bear-like looks. He was sitting with his feet crossed...and he was sleeping...*

???: Zzzzz.....

Kevin: Oh! Kintaros?!

Skylar: Correct!

Ashuro: Whoa; how did you meet this cool guy?

Skylar: just happened...It was a strange set of circumstances...

Kintaros: Strange it was... *is appearantly awake now*

Skylar: Oh? You're awake, that's great!

e-chan: Hey, why does Kintaros get to look like an action figure while the rest of us look like chibi dolls?

I dunno...he just looks cooler this way, doesn't he?


Ashuro: I can see why our techs have been sealed, but why can't I stretch? That's something that comes natural to my race in general.

Nikki: Really? Hold on, let me try something.

*Nikki disappears for about 22 seconds before reappearing*

Nikki: Okay, try now.

Ashuro: *stretches his body*
That’s better; it felt really weird not being able to do that.

Nikki: Alright, if that's all, I'll begin explain the official rules and how to win.

Trey: Shouldn't we explain Mr. Hibernating Bear what's going on?

Kintaros: No need to, I know.


Kevin: Once again, just go on... tell us the rules.

Nikki: I’ll break the rules down into categories; I’ll start with “turns.” Each team will be allowed journey forward in 5 minute intervals; that means you each have 5 minutes to travel as far as you can on the given game board path. If you see a pointer icon hovering over you that means it’s your turn and you’ll be able to progress. When your turn is over the pointer will disappear and you are to stop what you’re doing and wait for your turn to come again. If you’re in the middle of a battle, the enemy you’re fighting will call a time out and you’re all free to relax and chat if you’d like. When your turn comes again, the battle with the enemy will resume; this battle process will continue until one of these three conditions are met: 1. You defeat you’re opponent 2. You are defeated by your opponent, or 3. Either you or your opponent flees from battle. If you flee, you have to forfeit your next turn; if your opponent flees, the battle ends but you don’t earn any EXP. Skylar and Kintaros are the only ones here that don’t need to worry about gaining EXP since they’re not bound to the job system like the rest of you are. Any questions before I move on?

Ruby: I guess not...

Kevin: I think we got it all.

Nikki: Okay, now it’s time for what you really need to know: How to win Dokapon Kingdom!

*A tutorial screen pops up and Nikki stands next to it, using a fairy wand as a pointer*

Nikki: You’re goal in this game is to get as much money as you possibly can through ANY means necessary…and doing so is quite simple. There are many, many different towns throughout the kingdom that are all under siege due to a monster invasion. There is one boss monster ruling over each town; if you defeat it in battle, the townspeople will be grateful and you’ll be the ruler of that town. You can invest any money you gained in battle to help improve the town; doing this will not only grant you more money in the long run, but the town will start making things know as “local item” that can be sent to the King of Dokapon to gain more favor with him. Just remember, there are some things he doesn’t like and if you send it to him ‘in YOUR name’ you’ll lose favor with him
*winks* In this game, when each team has had their own turn, that is considered 1 game turn, or one day. After 7 turns, or one week, has passed, the weekly rankings will be posted for everybody to see what place they’re in. You’ll also receive a paycheck from the King for all of your hard work in ridding the Kingdom of monsters; if you get real proficient in your job class, you might even get a raise. Pretty cool, isn’t it?

Skylar: I'd say...

Ruby: Aye, sounds like a lot of work... -w-;

Trey: Skylar, you owe us big-time after this is done... -___-;;

Skylar: Okay, sorry, I get...It's my fault you're here, don't rub it in... -.-;

Nikki: >_< Did you say something, red?

Trey: No.... *groans*

Nikki: I thought so…now where was I…? Oh right, how to win; when the set amount of turns are over, the team with the most combined money, both on hand and the value of the towns you’ve saved, is the winner! Oh, and there’s just one more itty-bitty detail you should all know. Certain conditions outside of the game rules have been set already beforehand *looks at Skylar and smiles sweetly* And due to those conditions, all of you MUST try your hardest to win; if any of you were to do something like, oh…I don’t know, set things up so that another team wins instead of yours…7 of you will remained trapped in this game for the rest of your lives…or not; you never know.

All 8: O_O;;

Kintaros: Wait...I have nothing to fear... But anyway, I'll do my best!

Ruby: Are you guys ready?

Skylar: Yes of course!

Nikki: Terrific!

*Nikki waves her fairy wand in the air and all 9 of them are teleported to the front gate of Dokapon Castle.*

Nikki: Alrighty! ^o^ This will be a 28 turn adventure! So until the end comes: Save towns from monster! Travel through-out the entire Kingdom! Meet new and interesting faces! I know the game's tag line on its memory file says "Destroy your friendships!" but don't really do that, okay? Play to win, but remember to have fun while doing it! So get ready...get set...and let's go! Let's play Dokapon Kingdom! ^w^

To be continued…

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