Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Accepting the Truth - Farewell My Love

Travel Multiversal
  Shirokku-D Chronicles
“Accepting the Truth – Farewell My Love”
  An RP between Shirokku-D and eshonen

Victora, Maggie and Amber are walking along and hanging out together when they’re seen by e-chan, Ashuro, Marius and Arashi.

e-chan: Y'know, although they're spoiled brats you just can't help but love them, right guys?

-_-; …

Marius: O_O

Arashi: OnO

e-chan: ...guys?

Marius: God…dammit… -_-;

Ashuro: I feel your pain…-_-;

Marius: Really? -_-

Maggie: Marius…

Marius: Ass… -_-;

Victora: Ashuro, my love…

Ashuro: Ugh… -_-;

Marius: ...You are aware that he's taken??

Victora: Ha! You mean that wimpy little girl that runs away crying every time she's teased? Oh please, she poses no threat to me; it's only a matter of time before Ashuro realizes that only a woman like me can please him more than a little girl can.

Ashuro: So says the one who's barely one year older than her.

Marius: *laughs*...^w^

Annaliese: I heard that…

Maggie: Look what the cat dragged in… -_-;

Ashuro: *sigh* C'mon, Annaliese, let's go before things get any worse. -_-;

Victora: *tightly grabs Ashuro's arm, causing it to stretch as he gets further away*

Ashuro: *notices that Victora is still clutching his arm* Victora, let go of me.

Victora: No! I'm not letting you leave this time! >3< *pulls on Ashuro's arm to bring him back towards her*

Ashuro: *resisting* I'm serious, Victora; stop! >_<

Annaliese: Leave him alone!

Victora: Come and make me; that is, if you're brave enough, you big crybaby! *walks up to Annaliese grinning wickedly and showing her sharp bat fangs to look more intimidating*

Annaliese: D-d-d-don't hurt me...

Victora: I knew it; you're nothing more than a pathetic crybaby who's too afraid to stand up for herself. You don't deserve somebody such a great man like Ashuro, you...

Ashuro: Victora, that's enough!! You have no right to...*isn't able to move*...what the...*tries his hardest to move but is unable to*...what's going on here?!

Victora: Oh, nothing much; just making sure that you don't get all heroic here by running up to this girl and cuddling her like you always do; it's sickening, really...

Ashuro: You promised you wouldn't abuse your ability anymore! Better yet...why is it affecting me now all of a sudden?!

Victora: I learned a few things from watching Masquerade and applied them to fit my ability, making it even better than it was before. Now not even you can resist my every command *looks at Marius and then at Maggie* Hey, Fermbuckz, would you like some assistance? I can make your greatest desire possible right now~ ^3^

Ashuro: Victora, just you wait until I regain control of my body again; your butt will be the exact same shade of red as your dress for an entire month by the time I'm done with you.

Maggie: Hehehehe, sounds good. ^^

Marius: Shit... -_-;

Annaliese: Leave him alooooone! *runs up to hit Victora, but hit her wimpily* eeuh! I'm going to make you sorry!

Victora: …seriously; that's the best you could do? *plucks Annaliese on her forehead, causing her to fall backwards onto her butt* You disappoint me. When I heard about how you defended Ashuro from the Mysterious Spanker a while back, I thought that maybe there was more to you than I originally thought. Now I'm beginning to wonder if that ever happened at all.

*Marius finds that he too is unable to move a single muscle.*

Marius: What the fuck?

Annaliese: *sobbing* TToTT

Maggie: Well what do you think from a lame-o like Annaliese? huh? she is the most pathetic, worthless, little girl Ever... "scoff" seriously... She can't even beat up Mizuki, Mizuki kicked her butt all the time...

Annaliese: *sobbing* TToTT

Maggie: "groan" well you cut it out with all that crying??! >_< *hit her on the head*

Annaliese: Owwww! Leave me alone!!!!

Maggie: Oh My god... See?

Ashuro: STOP IT!!!! *struggles furiously* BOTH OF YOU STOP RiGHT NOW!!!! *strongly struggles but is still unable to move* Anna is NOT weak! She truly saved me that day! *continues to struggle* I owe my life to her for protecting me from such a fearsome opponent! You were there too, Maggie; both you and Evellia! You saw what happened that day; how can you even forget that happened?! *pants from exhaustion*

*Annaliese remembers that day when she protected Ashuro from the Mysterious Spanker's brutal assault; she was still surprised herself that she did such a brave thing despite how terrified she was when it happened.*


Ashuro: Because I love her, that's why!

Annaliese: Ohhh… that was scary…

Victora: *tears fall down her eyes* …

Annaliese: A-Are you crying?

Victora: N-No! Shut-up! I-I-I'm not crying; what would give you s-such a ridiculous idea? *tears flow freely from her eyes*

Annaliese: but you are crying...! You called me a crybaby; that makes you a crybaby...

*Victora gets furiously at Annaliese*

Victora: HOW DARE YOU!!

*Victora charges at Annaliese aiming to punch her in the face. Annaliese panics and tries to run away but ends up tripping and falling forward; resulting in her unintentionally head butting Victora on her rather large forehead. The pain causes both girls to drop to ground and roll around in pain while furiously rubbing their foreheads to relieve the pain.*

Victora: OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! *rolls on ground and rubs her forehead*

Annaliese: Owwwwwwwww! TToTT

Victora: ARGH! *stands up and rubs forehead* You...*walks over to Annaliese and lifts her up to her feet by the collar of her shirt* You stupid little girl! *bears her fangs again* I'll show you for this humiliation!

*Before Victora is able to bite her shoulder, Annaliese reflexively defends herself by slapping Victora's face with her right hand using an amazing amount of strength. The sting of the slap makes Victora release Annaliese, who promptly runs over to Ashuro for help.*

Victora: AiEEE!! What was that? Where did that strength come from all of a sudden? Great, just great; now my face is gonna swell up!

Annaliese: huh?? Did I do that? O_o *see how angry she looks* AIEEEEEE!!! *runs away as fast as she can*

Marius: *breaks free somehow* that's it! *goes to Victora and grabbed her by the collar on her shirt* don't hurt her, god dammit...! She was doing fine until you being a stuck up bitch to her...!

Victora: She is undeserving of Ashuro; I'll never accept such a timid and cowardly girl like her as his girlfriend!

*An explosive amount of E-nergy can be felt emanating from Ashuro's body, sending a huge chill down Victora and Maggie's spines, making them all shiver a bit. Ashuro had broken free from Victora's hold on him...and he partially transformed into the same form that scared John and Maxal off when he stepped in to save Annaliese that time.*

>_< Victora...

OoO *hides behind Marius*

Marius: See what I mean? You’re going to get it… Ashuro, can you do the honors, while I'll bring Anna back here?

Ashuro: Gladly *grabs Victora by her right ear and pulls her towards him*

Victora: AiEEK! OW! OW! OW!

Ashuro: Oh, and when you find Anna, please reassure her that everything that Victora said is NOT true; the only thing that matters to me is that Anna continues to be herself, the girl I fell in love with and the one I'll protect for the rest of my life *opens a portal* By the time you get back here with her, I'll be back with a very sorry and humbled little bat brat *looks at Maggie* and unless you want what she's about to get, promise me that you'll go with Marius and sincerely apologize to Annaliese for hitting her; if Marius tells me otherwise…well…I'm pretty sure you'll do the right thing…right?

*Maggie quickly agrees to do so, really not wanting to experience what was about to happen to Victora.*

Ashuro: That's nice. *enters the portal, taking Victora with him*

*After searching for a little bit, both Marius and Maggie find Annaliese and they begin to talk to her, making sure to tell her what Ashuro had asked them to tell her.*

Marius: ...Okay Annaliese...?

Maggie: And…I'm……grrrr…

Marius: *smack her on the head*

Maggie: OW! >_< I'm sorry…

Annaliese: Thank You! ^^

Maggie: >3< Awwww…!

*A portal opens and out of it comes both Ashuro and Victora*

Ashuro: Anna!

Annaliese: Ashuro! ^^

Maggie: -_-;;

Marius: There we go… I'm going home… See ya…

Maggie: Marius, don't go!

Annaliese: Awww, Mr. Dixon, I thought you were going to stick around…

Marius: Sorry, I got things to do--! *bumps into Angel's breast* Oof! >_o; What the--! Oh hell…

Angel: Oh, Marius-kun, what a welcome surprise. ^w^ I'd love to stay and chat, but if I don't get going now I'll be late for work; so 'till next time, see you later *rushes off to make it to work on time*

Marius: …Okay… Bye Angel-Chan…

*Victora approaches Annaliese; just by looking at her it was obvious to see that she was unbelievably depressed. It was as if all life had been sucked out of her as she faced Annaliese with pale face and dull, faded eyes.*

Victora: ...I'm sorry, Annaliese...I'm sorry for saying all those mean things and for trying to hurt you earlier...I...I won't bug you or Ashuro anymore, so have fun together...I need to go and do some thinking now… *walks away looking defeated*

Ashuro: … *looks down at the ground with a sad, regretful expression on his face*

Annaliese: *taps Victora on the shoulder*

Victora: Hmm?

Annaliese: It's okay…I Re-Love you again… ^^ and you to Maggie… ^^

Maggie: ………

Annaliese: ^w^

Victora: (No wonder Ashuro loves her so much; she's just...too kind of a person) WAAAAHHHHHH!! *hugs Annaliese thankfully*

Ashuro: *watches the scene before him then turns to Marius* to tell you the truth, I didn't spank her at all. I just ended up talking to her and sorting out certain...details... *still looks a little sad*

Marius: Ahhh...

Annaliese: ^//^ Hehehehe!

Victora: *calms down and stops crying* Fellorr, I leave Ashuro in your care from now on; so do your best to keep that soft-hearted kitten from hurting himself, okay?

Annaliese: Okay, Gladly! ^^

Ashuro: Oh c'mon, am I really that...*stops and thinks for a few moments*...never mind.

Annaliese: ^w^

Victora: Would you and Maggie like to come over to my place and do something fun?

Annaliese: Okay!

Maggie: Sure…

*The three girls had a lot of fun together for the rest of the day. As night falls, Maggie and Annaliese head back to their homes for the day and Victora decides to turn in for the night as well; later that night…*

Megumi: *walks down the corridor back to her room half asleep* -o- Why did they have to put the bathrooms so far down the hall? If somebody was in there, I wouldn’t have made it in time. I’ll have to get the Mistress to request the architect to add a bathroom next to our room.

*As Megumi is about to enter the room she shares with Victora, she hears a faint noise coming from inside. Entering quietly, Megumi follows the noise that leads to the walk-in closet; noticing the door is slightly open, she looks inside and sees Victora crying sadly.*

Megumi: (Mistress?)

Victora: *sobs deeply into a pillow* I'm so stupid; why did I let my pride keep me from telling him for those 2 years? He told me every day that if there was anything on my mind to go tell him, and he would listen to me. He was testing me to see if I would let go of my pride just long enough to say "I love you." WAAAAHHHHHH!! Ashuro…

*Megumi backs away from the closet door.*

Megumi: …Mistress…

To be continued…

1 comment:

  1. Shonnie: What a dramatic read. But I can understand how Victora feels... :(
