Friday, May 13, 2011

Enter Toma - Face to Face with a Nightmare!

Travel Multiversal
Friendly Chaos Chronicles
“Enter Toma - Face to Face with a Nightmare!”
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

Wounded, bleeding and at the edge of dying, Skylar manages to drag himself home to Gin, Masaki and Nikki. May death ignore Skylar for now and let him survive...

Masaki: OoO;;

*runs up to Skylar and catches him as he falls forward.*

Gin: Masaki, grab the bandages and call Snoopy and Ashuro; we need to stop his bleeding immediately!

Nikki: SKYLAR!!

Gin: Hang in there, Skylar my boy; we'll get you healed up in no time.

Skylar: Uhhh...So...kudo.....Rai..en...Shigi..... *passes out*

Nikki: ...Sk-Skylar? Skylar?

*Nikki feels Skylar's heartbeat grows slower and slower until it stops beating completely.*

Nikki: *hyperventilating* SKYLAR!!!!!

*Skylar's heartbeat returns and continues to beat at a normal rate, but only Nikki is unaware of this. Despite her Mom and Dad telling her that he's okay, she is unable to hear them; she had gone into shock and couldn't be reached by anybody, no matter how much they tried to snap her back into reality.*

Skylar's mind: Huh? ...Where am I?

*Skylar looks around, finding himself in a big and white area, floating in the air, with nothing or no one around at all...*

Skylar's mind: Oh yeah...I remember... Wait, am I dead? .....I can hear crying...but there's no one here...

*Skylar listens closely as he can hear Gin and Masaki's voices being heard.*

Gin: Nikki, sweetheart, he's okay; Skylar is going to live. His heartbeat has returned, can't you feel it?

Masaki: Please, baby, calm down; he's breathing again. Please, baby, you don't have to worry anymore.

Nikki: SKYLAR!!
How could they do this?! How could they just take him away from me like that?! He was "the one!" He loved me; no boy has ever loved me the way he has! I wanted to be his bride more than anything else in the world; now that'll never happen!

*Gin and Masaki's words aren't able to reach their distressed daughter who can no longer seem to realize what's going on around her anymore.*

Skylar mind: I've passed out? ...I have to wake up again... to...

*Skylar's hand slowly starts to move, his mouth opens as he tries to make out a word. Despite trying as hard he could, he couldn't manage to say anything... He's about to give up, but then he clenches his hand into a fist and tries once more...*

Skylar: .....N....Ni...Nikki.....

Nikki: *hears Skylar's voice* *gasp* Skylar... you''re alive. You're really...WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!

*Nikki wraps her arms around Skylar and buries her head into his chest and sobs deeply, overjoyed that's he's still alive but terribly frightened about how she almost lost him. When Ashuro and Snoopy arrive, they patch up Skylar enough so that he can be safely transported to the hospital. That night, Skylar gets the treatment he needs and rests peacefully. The next morning, Skylar awakens; he's still a little bit sore from yesterday but otherwise he's okay. The doctors have ordered him to stay for an additional night just to make sure that there are no further complications; although he knows he'll be alright, he decides to follow their orders anyway and get some additional rest. Laying there in the hospital bed, Skylar thinks back to what happened to him last night.*

Skylar: ...It was worth it, was it? ...I got what I needed...I got information on something important...

*Skylar smiles and laughs a bit; the info he got was obviously very important to him and meant a lot. Being attack and almost killed by 3 super fighters... he has learned to not be so reckless ever again.*

Skylar: ...I hope Nikki is okay... I hope I didn't terrify her that much...

*To help pass the time, Skylar decides to turn on the TV in his room to see if anything good was on. After a little bit of channel surfing, his remote control's batteries run dead and he is force to watch the about boring central. He was about to get out of bed to change the channel manually when he hears the newscaster on the screen say the name Trigger Shigi. Skylar watches the report in detail as it is announced that he had been attacked by an unknown assailant and how he was found unconscious just a few miles out of town; his condition has been stabilized, but he has yet to awaken from his slumber. Skylar sits there with his mouth wide open, trying to imagine there being somebody out there that was actually bad and bold enough to even approach Trigger, let alone lay him out like they had did.*

Skylar: .....Wait a minute.....Didn't he shoot me up like a cheese yesterday? Did it happen after I fled from him perhaps?

*As he listens to more of the report, he learns that it was estimated that this happened only a little bit over an hour ago that morning. The strange thing was that there was absolutely no evidence what so ever of another person being there at the scene; no footprints, no weapons, no nothing. It was if he was attacked by a phantom or something like that.*

Skylar: .....This is...scary...But to think Trigger was beaten...Must've been a sneak attack; Trigger wouldn't lose like that...not 1 on 1...

*When a commercial break comes, Skylar decides to get out of bed to stretch his muscles and to do some basic, light exercises like sit-ups and push-ups; there was no way that he was just going to lay in bed all day without doing something physical. Feeling refreshed and satisfied, he sits on the bed and thinks about what he'll have for breakfast. The news resumes and the 3rd report that comes up is an update about the incident with Trigger; he had woken up and was telling the reporters about what had happened earlier. He reveals that he was confronted by somebody with black spiky hair wearing some sort of battle suit. He asked me if I had information about a certain person he was looking for; when he refused to say anything, the stranger rose his right arm up and started shooting energy blasts at him. Trigger tried to fight back, but none of his shots even fazed the stranger who just laughed mockingly at his attempts and later just shot several large blasts of energy at him; he had been completely defeated. Before he left, he said something about seeing "the other two" and how he would do the same to them...and destroy the entire planet later if he couldn't find the individual in question.*

Skylar: can't's impossible.....

*Memories flashes in front of Skylar's mind as he sits there. He doesn't move, but his expression changes slowly...*

*Nikki enters the room with a box of donuts in her hands.*

Nikki: Good morning, my love!

*Skylar blinks upon hearing Nikki's voice, cheering up at once. He gets up on all-fours with his tail wagging*

Skylar: Nikki! Finally, someone familiar! And since it's you, it makes it so much better!

Nikki: I'm glad to see that you're feeling better already. You scared the three of us sick when you came up to our door looking like that; what happened yesterday?

Skylar: seriously beat up by Rex's teammates after I...well, "borrowed" something from Trigger's archives... -w-;

Nikki: exactly what was SO worth getting yourself all messed up for?

Skylar: A couple of papers from a file...and THIS picture.

*Skylar takes a picture out of his pocket. It was taken in France two years ago. In the picture, people were standing crowded near the Eiffel tower. Some talked to one another, one was dancing; there was even a mimic on the picture. Skylar makes Nikki turn her focus to one person on the picture. Nikki couldn't see his face, but he had grey hair, a brown jacket, a pair of green pants... and a long grey tail and hands similar to Skylar.*

Nikki: Another Ookami?

Skylar: Nikki...not just that...look...

*Skylar flips up the picture of his brother Blitz*

Skylar: See...

Nikki: What the... Your brother??

Skylar: .....He's been here this whole time Nikki... this WHOLE time...

Nikki: Do you remember if he was off planet when that Saiyan attacked?

Skylar: Truth told I didn't see him once that day... Tanya said he left early that morning...

Nikki: He must've left the planet before the attack then; and just like the situation with the Saiyans, this must mean that there may be other survivors from your planet out there as well. Come to think of it...Skylar, have you shown this picture of your brother to Pepper yet? After that whole Qurupeco incident happened, I remember him telling me about how he met another Ookami a while back; could it have been your brother?

Skylar: Yes, it's possible.......but Nikki, how could I POSSIBLY have shown Pepper this picture if I went directly to YOUR house after I was attacked? *chuckles, patting her on the head*

Nikki: I dunno; I thought that maybe you had another photo of him like you had of you sister. Anyway, let me call him up; this is definitely big news.

*A few minutes later, Pepper shows up in Skylar's room; he looks intently at the photo that was handed to him.*

Pepper: Hmmm...No, this isn't the same guy I saw.

Nikki: So that means that there ARE more Ookami out there aside from your brother, Skylar.
Isn't that good news?

Skylar: I guess it is... though there IS some people I absolutely DON'T want near me... *frowns* Don't ask...

Nikki: Um...okay.

Pepper: I've also been going through the guild's records of those who've worked there within the last year; after what seemed like forever, I actually found the Ookami I spoke to back then *pulls a folder of files out of his bag and shows them to Skylar* He never left his real name with the guild, but he goes by the codename: Phoenix.

*Looking at the profile page, Skylar sees that Phoenix is indeed an Ookami; he has a black spiky hair and fur coloration as well as a set of piercing green eyes. He also noted the jacket he was wearing, which had his family's emblem printed on the back of it.*

Skylar: This guy...he...almost look like... O.O The news! They described someone that attacked Trigger, and it can be this guy!

Nikki: Wait, Trigger was attacked?!

Pepper: If that's true then why Trigger; what could Trigger have that he would possibly want?

Skylar: ...The files I stole...maybe he wanted to know what Trigger knew! ...They said he was looking "individual"...

Pepper: If that's the case, it must mean that he refused to tell him anything...Skylar, please tell us everything you learned in that news report so that we have a better idea as to what's going on.

Skylar: I'll try...

*Skylar tries his best in re-telling what he heard on the news; he has to think hard to come with all the details. After he is done, he grips his own head and lays down*

Skylar: my head is aching...

*Nikki sits on the bed and begins to message Skylar's head.*

Pepper: *thinking* Provided that he hasn't already found his target, I know where he'll be headed next now that I think about it. He said something about seeing two others to get information...and last night you were attacked by three individuals. Since he's already dealt with Trigger because he refused to tell him what he wanted, these other two he's talking about must be Fuu and Kiki.

Skylar: I don't really care... I just...want to relax here... *snuggles against Nikki's lap*

Pepper: ...okay...*sits down on nearby* (How could he not be interested in what's going on? I thought that he'd be overjoyed and pumped now that he finally had a lead.)

*Meanwhile, back in town...*

Claire: *licking ice cream cone* Mmm, Marble Slab makes the best waffle cones; I'm so glad I tried your recommended combination of Dutch Chocolate mixed with fresh Oreo cookies, e-chan.

e-chan: Hehe, I knew you'd love it. *bites off the tip of his waffle cone*

Claire: Fuu, Kiki, what did you two pick for your cone combinations?

Fuu: I pick my favorite tastes; lemon and strawberry.

Kiki: I go with vanilla and pear, yummy. ^w^

Claire: I'll have to try one of those next time. ^w^

e-chan: Fruit in ice cream just doesn't register with me...unless we're talking about a banana split.

*As the four of them walk down the street, they are confronted by a spiky haired man wearing what looked...Saiyan battle armor; he looks at them with an arrogant smirk on his face.*

e-chan: ...Can I help you?

Toma: Hmph. Help from you? Not a chance. Your two friends, on the other hand *looks at Fuu and Kiki* can help me a great deal.

*Fuu positions himself in-between the stranger and Kiki and Claire, planning to shield them from danger if needed*

Fuu: Stay back girls, I don't trust this guy...

Toma: Heh, how amusing; I haven't even moved a muscle and already you want to fight. At least your other friend heard me out before he started shooting at me.

Fuu: I don't trust you, that's all there is to it...

Toma: *smirks* Now-now, no need for that; contrary to popular belief, we Saiyans can be quite civil when we want to be. If you can help me by providing me with the information I need without any resistance, I'll happily leave and be on my way. So, what will it be?

Fuu: Tsk... Fine... I'll answer your questions...

Toma: Heh, wise decision. It has come to my attention that there are at least two survivors of the Ookami race here on this planet; he has valuable information that I need to recover before it ends up in the hands of the wrong people. This Ookami I'm searching for go by the names Phoenix and Blitz; both of them bear the symbol of the Moonshadow clan. Your partner refused to tell me what he knew, so I dealt with him accordingly. So I'll ask you as well; what do you know about these two?

*Fuu and Kiki realize that he's after the files that Skylar had taken last night.*

Fuu: To tell the truth, nothing.

Kiki: Nya, not really... Trigger knew everything...but... Hey Fuu, what about that guy with the blue hat?

Fuu: ...Yes, of course! Why didn't I think of that?

Toma: This man who wears the blue hat, who is he and where can I find him?

*Fuu is about to speak, but doesn't because he still doesn't trust this demanding individual who stands before him. Knowing what Saiyans are capable of, what guarantee did he have that Toma wouldn't try to harm him or his friends after he got the information he needed? And even if he didn't harm them after he got his information, what would he do when he found Skylar or the other two he was looking for? Either way Fuu knew that there was going to be chaos and lost lives. Now he just needed to decide which action would cause the least amount of casualties.)

Toma: Well? Speak up! Where can I find this man you speak of?!

Fuu: ...The lives of my friends come first... I attacked him last night! If he is still alive, then I don't know where he is. If he is dead, then he is lying somewhere in the forest about 14 kilo meters from here, to the east.

Toma: *activates scouter* 14 kilometers east...there are no significant power levels over there...

*Toma disappears and warps to the location that Fuu gave him.*

Was that "instant transmission?!"

Fuu: *let out a sigh of relief* May the heavens forgive me for what happens next...

Kiki: Fuu...

*Toma reappears before them.*

Toma: Seeing as how he wasn't there, it must mean that he's alive somewhere around here. *groans* This is so annoying; I'd destroy this entire planet and be done with the whole thing if it wasn't so crucial that I recover those files! *looks at Fuu and Kiki more closely* Wait, I recognize you two; you both work for Rex Tyrant.
Perfect; this is just perfect! He'd be an excellent candidate for our improved surge implant; it's a good thing we tested them out on those bird monsters back then.

e-chan: Bird monsters...
You were involved with that?!

Fuu: ...Rex? ...As a test subject, you mean? "pfft" You're an idiot if you think you can get to him with your words! And I'm sure you know how strong he is, right? Well, let me tell you something...Rex is about to break his limits, he's getting stronger for each passing minute, he doesn't even need to train, all he need to do, is wait...

Kiki: *nods, though not understanding what Fuu meant*

Toma: Hahahaha! You're the fool if you think I'd actually waste words on a guy like him! All I need to do is cut him once and it'll be over from there.

(If he gets one of those devices inside of Rex, the incident with Skylar and those monsters would seem like nothing in comparison. But this dude is scary; he could kill me in an instant! Yet, if something isn't done about this now, millions of lives could be lost in the long run. Crap! This sucks; I hate fighting! But if it'll help protect the ones I care about most...then so be it!) *finishes waffle cone and takes a counter-attack stance*

???: "All I need is a cut"? How foolish...

*Fuu, Kiki, Claire, e-chan and Toma turn their heads towards the voice they just heard. The source of the voice was a tall guy with brown hair, red irises with yellow pupils, a pair of white pants with yellow burn markings painted on, and a pair of orange wing-like structures sticking out of his back*

Kiki: Shuryo! O_O

Fuu: RX-ZERO?! W-what's he doing here?!

Toma: *clicks on scouter* that’s strange; despite how powerful this one seems, my scouter isn't picking up a single trace of power from this man. Darn it, don't tell me this thing decided to randomly break down again! Hmm, it's either that're hiding your power level, aren't you?

Shuryo: Correct, young flower bud. the answer in-correct, perhaps? *looks up to the sky and watches as a bird land on his shoulder* Hi there. Do you want to join us as well? *strokes the bird's feathers gently*

*While Toma is distracted by Shuryo, e-chan gathers Fuu, Kiki and Claire around him.*

e-chan: Guys, this has gotten really serious; if Ashuro's guess is right, we REALLY can't let him get close to Rex or anybody just as powerful as he is.

Fuu: Don't worry, I know Rex... Rex's body is really sturdy...

Kiki: *nods* He won't be cut that easily, it'll need someone at an equal power to do so, nya...

e-chan: I believe you two, but just remember: Never underestimate what your opponent is capable of...especially on the first encounter.

Claire: Ashuro is proof of that statement; I can't even begin to tell you how many victories he won because of his opponent's cockiness and overconfidence.

Fuu: And you guys shouldn't underestimate Rex either...

Kiki: Can we just get going with this, we know what we have to do, nya.

Toma: And where do you four think you're going? I need all the tools I can possibly get when I go meet Rex personally...and the two of you will make excellent bargaining pieces.

e-chan: ...No sense in trying to avoid confrontation now, I suppose. Claire, you can sense power levels, right?

Claire: Yes.

e-chan: Can you sense Rex close by?

Claire: *focuses*...!!

Toma: What's this? *clicks on scouter* WHOA! Another person just arrived where Rex is...and this one's power level is...WAY BEYOND 9000!!

Shuryo: Hmm... *looks in the direction where Rex is*

Fuu: *looks to the sky*...

Claire: He's over in that direction *points to where Rex is located*

e-chan: I need you to make sure that both Fuu and Kiki make it to Rex, okay?

You're not gonna fight this guy by yourself are you?

e-chan: Only long enough for the three of you to make it to Rex and warn him about what's happening. Besides, due to my fighting style, I should be able to handle him without too much trouble.

Claire: *sigh* Fine; just don't die, okay? *runs off with Fuu and Kiki*

e-chan: Right...

Toma: Don't think you can get away from me!

*Toma creates a giant ball of energy and takes aim at the fleeing trio. Before he can fire it, e-chan gets in Toma's path.*

Toma: So you want to be the first to go? Fine by me; I have no use for you anyway!

*Toma launches his attack at e-chan who simply just smacks the attack back at Toma. The blast hits him with twice the speed AND power!*

Shuryo: Whoa, nice going there, little guy. If you need help, don't be shy to ask. *watches the trio running*

Toma: *grumbling* (What the heck was that? Not only did he send my attack back at me, he made it twice as fast AND powerful. Could he be suppressing his power level...or was it just a fluke? Let's see him handle this!)

*Toma fires two large blasts of energy at e-chan who actually catches the first one with his bare hands and somehow uses it to absorb the power of the second one, creating a huge ball of power; the ball begins to shrink until it is the size of a marble, later being sucked into a portal that e-chan opens. Toma again is at a loss as to how to handle his unbelievable opponent.*

Shuryo: Hmm... *stands by and watches*

Toma: blast attacks are ineffective on this one...and that's just fine with me; I prefer the up-close and personal method anyway!

*Toma flies at great speed and delivers a heavy punch to e-chan who simply swings his arm down on Toma's attacking arm, redirecting him to the ground where he crashes hard on his face.*

@o@ How...?

Shuryo: I get it; you're just like a Wynaut, aren't ya?

e-chan: More or less.

Shuryo: Hehe, you'll come far. Until you reach the top, don't stop up and die on me... I'll wait for that day, when the chosen ones have advented above everyone else... *strokes the bird's feathers again, then let's it fly*

e-chan: Dying is the last thing on my mind, believe me. (Chosen Ones? "Pfft" I KNOW he's not talking about me)

*By the time Toma is back on his feet again, Claire, Fuu and Kiki are long gone. Seeing on how it's pointless and energy-consuming to continue fighting with e-chan, he flies off in their direction to confront Rex.*

e-chan: Wow...he's REALLY gonna try and take on Rex after this just happened...

Shuryo: Must be his Saiyan blood, don't you think?

e-chan: Could be; I did just make him feel his own attack at twice the power, so it very possible that that's what happened. Hopefully whatever little power boost he earned from this still isn't enough to actually bother Rex.

Shuryo: Rex has other things to take care of, so he'll just shut the guy up for a while and leave, believe me...

e-chan: Yeah, that sounds a lot like something he would do. *thinks for a few seconds* O_O He's not headed for Rex...

Shuryo: What do you mean, Reflector Guy? If he's not, then where is he going?

e-chan: I don't know; it's as if something else caught his attention. What could possibly be more interesting to a Saiyan than a tough-as-nails person like Rex?

*Inside Skylar's room at the hospital...*

Nikki: ^3^ *gives Skylar a neck and shoulder massage while his head is resting on her lap* ^w^

Pepper: *yawn* Well, if there's nothing else you guys wanna do or talk about, I'm headed home to slee...

*Toma appears inside of the room by means of instant transmission.*



*Toma looks as Skylar and recognizes him instantly when he sees the scar on his chest

Heh, so you survived after all; who'd have thought that there were actually three different Ookami on the same planet.

Skylar: Huh?!

*Instantly remembering the person's body, look and face, Skylar tries to get up from bed and back away as far as he could from him, but the walls stop him from moving, along with his wounds*

Skylar: S-stay away from me...Stay away, you hear me!!!

Toma: And apparently you haven't changed much since then; you're still the exact same snot-nosed little coward who ran away crying his eyes out! And it looks like you STiLL can't defend yourself seeing as how you're here with two bodyguards to watch over you. Your sister would be so ashamed to see what you've become, especially after she gave up her life to save yours.

Skylar: ..... S-s-shut up...I'm not like what I was before... My sister is not dead...she IS alive...She said we'd meet again... And I...I... .......NGH! I don't need help to defend myself anymore!

Toma: Tsk! Not that it matters anyway in your current state *clicks scouter* Strange, I'm not picking up a reading; that must mean...*takes something out of his armor* Hey boy, seeing as how there's no trace of it in your body, you must be familiar with 'this' by now.

*Looking at the object in Toma's hand, Skylar recognizes the object as a piece of Saiyan tech; the exact same type as the one that Ashuro removed from his chest as well as the multiple ones attached to the Qurupeco he fought a while back.*

Skylar: Keep that crazy thing away from me!

Toma: Hahaha! Now, is that any way to talk to the person who gave you such a wonderful gift?

Skylar: Gift? You're kidding right..... I hate you Saiyans beyond belief!

Toma: You can't honestly tell me that you didn't like all of the raw power you had at your disposal. From the footage our cameras picked up, it looked like you were having the time of your life rampaging about. I should really thank your little cat friend for fighting you; it was quite the show.

Skylar: *snaps and rushes at Toma, grabbing him by the neck* I'm not some kind of stupid toy for you to play with! If you think you can control me, think again!

Toma: *smirks* Well, I see you've gained some courage...but not any common sense!

*Toma shoots a blast of power right through Skylar's body and he falls to the ground in shock.*

Toma: Stupid Ookami; it's no wonder your race became an endagered species so easily...
what the...?!

*Much to the surprise of both of them, Skylar is unharmed from the attack; instead, he looks and feels like he recovered health seeing as how his body has healed his remaining wounds all of a sudden.*

Toma: What is wrong with the inhabitants on this planet?! First a sandal-wearing fat man uses all of my attacks against me and now this...from YOU of all people!

*Skylar looks just as confused as Toma. Very annoyed, Toma kicks Skylar rather hard in his chest, sending him crashing into the wall. Upon inspection, Skylar sees that he is once again unhurt and that the area where he was kicked healed up completely and the remaining pain he had there had disappeared. Frustrated, Toma continues to attack Skylar with both melee and energy blasts which all have the same effect. By the time his assault was over, Toma was drained of strength and Skylar was at 100% health; his body was completely healed, he felt no pain anywhere and he was brimming with strength and E-nergy.*

Toma: *panting* How...did you strong?

Nikki: That's because unlike you, Skylar has friends like us to help him!

Pepper: This is something that someone like you who relies only on themselves will never understand!

*Skylar turns around and sees that Nikki and Pepper had been helping him from the very beginning; but the main question was "How?"*

Skylar: in the...? You guys...? How?

Nikki: I've found some new ways to use my Pensword, Horror Sheathe; in this case, opening gateways to status-affecting realms *motions for Skylar to look at his hand*

*Looking at his hand, Skylar sees a spiral symbol on it; Toma does the same and sees the exact same symbol.*

Nikki: I've opened up a damage absorb gate on Skylar, a phantom gate on Pepper, and a seal gate on hot-head over there.

Pepper: Due to the effects of the phantom gate I was able to shoot spiky-hair over there with all of my bowgun exhaust shots to drain his energy a lot quicker without him being able to see me, hear the shots or feel them when they hit him; and with the effects of the seal gate on him, he's not recovering any energy at all.

Nikki: And with the damage absorb gate on you, all of the damage you took actually healed you up completely and gave you a huge strength boost.

Skylar: ... *leaps at Nikki an hugs her lovingly* I love you girl! You rock! *kisses her deeply on her lips, smiling at her afterwards*

Toma: C-Curse filthy canines! I'll tear that annoying girl in half when I get my hands on her...

Pepper: Ooh, you’re gonna get it now. Hey, Skylar, are you gonna let him get away with saying that? If I were you, I'd do something to make him change his mind about doing that.

Skylar: With pleasure...

*Skylar bends down and then leaps towards Toma, transforming into Super Ookami state before sinking his claw into his shoulder and bite onto his neck as they fly out through a window. Skylar lands on Toma and delivers a punch right to his face, keeping him pinned down*

Toma: ARGH! Don't think I'll take that lying d-

*Toma is unable to do anything more; his energy level had hit 0; leaving him incapable of counter attacking. He knew that he was completely at Skylar's mercy, but was to proud to admit or show it.*

Skylar: Fly away, sucker!

*Skylar throws Toma straight up in the air and begins to charge his energy, his whole hand changing color to silver, energy bursting out of it. Toma begins to fall down towards Skylar again*

Skylar: Here's a trick I learned from Kintaros...

*Just as Toma is right beside Skylar, he quickly spins 360 degrees around and chops Toma in the stomach with his hand, sending him flying a couple of miles, through the woods*

Skylar: .....Dynamic Chop.....

*Toma lands in an open field in the forest as he struggles to get back on his feet.*

Toma: Darn it! I got too careless; I should've kept my eye on his companions. Who'd have thought that they were actually THAT crafty...

*Skylar appears before Toma; looking around, Skylar notices some of the areas around him look all worn and damaged. It was then that he realized that this was the exact same place that Ashuro and him had battled on that night he lost control of himself due to that Saiyan tech that was inside of him at the time.*

Toma: What are you looking all smug and proud about?

Skylar: Oh, nothing really~ *chuckles*

Toma: (As much as it sickens me to admit it, I don't stand a chance against him) *looks at his hand and sees that the spiral symbol is still on his hand* (That filthy canine mongrel; I'll make sure I do away with her the first chance I get.)

*As if he could read his thoughts, Skylar stomps on Toma's chest with great force.*


*The pain is too much for Toma to handle that he is unable to keep his one weakness hidden any longer. His tail unwraps from around his waist and uncurls on the ground; seeing this, Skylar grabs the tail tightly and looks directly in Toma's eyes, smiling devilishly at him. It was a complete role-reversal from their very first encounter all those years ago.*

Skylar: Who's helpless now, Saiyan punk?! *tugs on his tail* I could just chop off your tail right away and give you a serious beating... But, I am the good guy, so I'm not gonna do that... *smirks and tugs harder*

Toma: *spits in Skylar's face* the last thing I need is pity from a miserable mongrel like you!

Skylar: ...the only one miserable here, is you... *places three of his claws over his face* let's call this payback...then we're even for now... *claws across Toma's face, creating 3 wounds on his face that would surely turn into ugly scars*


*Toma covers his face with his hands and thrashes in pain on the ground. Skylar takes great delight in seeing the monster that haunted his dreams rolling around on the ground, looking unbelievably pathetic.*

Skylar: There... Now get lost. Go back to your spaceship and leave me alone... *turns to leave*

*A familiar corrupted E-nergy that Skylar recognizes right away emits from Toma's body. He had one of those devices inside his own body!*

Toma: *slowly gets back on his feet* should've taken my tail when you had the chance, boy; at least then I would've been your equal in terms of strength unlike right now.

*Toma seems to be fully recovered; looking at his hand, he sees that the spiral symbol is no longer there and that he can once again regain his energy.*

Toma: But before I deal with you...*looks in the direction of the hospital* I need to repay your little friends for the humiliation I suffered; I'll start with that annoying girl first! *uses instant transmission and disappears*

Skylar: O_O;; .....Well.......shit... *quickly turns and runs back as fast he can, which is VERY fast*

*Toma returns back to the room where Nikki and Pepper remained and sees that they're still there.*

Toma: Thank you for waiting here for me to return; it saved me the trouble of having to find you both before I destroy you!

*Toma charges straight for Nikki and swings his fist to attack her. What resulted was something that he NEVER saw coming; Nikki stopped his attack simply by grabbing his fist before it connected with her face.*


*Nikki squeezes Toma's fist and he buckles down to his knees in pain. Skylar arrives a second later and sees the scene before him, wondering just how Nikki was able to subdue the Saiyan who was without a doubt much stronger than her in everyway.*

Skylar: .....Okay, someone, please explain... -.-;

Pepper: Call it another ace in the hole.

Nikki: Just in case a situation like this arose, I placed TWO different gates on him. The second one activated when he overwhelmed and broke free of the first one; what you're feeling now, Saiyan, is a strength shredding gate. You're overall physical strength has been drastically cut; now you're no stronger than a regular human child *lifts Toma in the air then slams him down hard into the floor*

Toma: AAAAHHHH! Curse you; curse you all!

Skylar: Listen Saiyan. You can't win as you are now. Leave, get stronger, then maybe you'll actually be a match for us. And remember this: Saiyans aren't the only race that grows stronger as the years pass...

Toma: Hmph...very well then, Ookami. But before I leave this planet of yours, let me tell you something that make you regret your actions today; planet Vegeta and the entire Saiyan race still lives. You can choose whether or not to believe me, but once we find a way to get rid of the only remaining obstacle that prevents us from moving about freely, you can be sure that I'll be back with an entire armada to destroy this planet and everybody living on it *a beeping noise chimes out of his belt* Hmm...looks like my time is up for right now. Enjoy your peaceful days now while you still can, because the day you next see me will be your last.

*Toma's entire body shines bright and he disappears, warping back from where ever he came.*

Skylar: ..... *undoes his transformation and let’s himself collapse onto the bed* Good that's over...

*The rest of the day passes by uneventfully; the next morning, Skylar is released from the hospital and he heads out to go hang out with his friends, Arashi and Sora. When the two of them see him, he seems a lot different than he was before; he looked like he had obtained some long-needed inner peace and reassurance. His usual feelings of anguish and pain had seemed to have disappeared; in its place was confidence and a new found determination.*

Arashi: You look good, old pal.

Skylar: Better than ever!

Arashi: Great, because I need you to come with Rose, Sora and me...A black dragon has been spotted in the northern area.

*Skylar gladly accepts to come, and Team DEATH heads out on their next mission: To hunt down the Black Dragon*

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