Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Invader's Farewell! Jason Moonshadow VS Toma!!

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 25
“The Invader’s Farewell! Jason Moonshadow VS Toma!!”
An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

Times had been rough for Jason Moonshadow, and his partner and friend, Mujakina, over the last couple months. Almost two years of his time, even. All of it spent on tracking down, fighting and/or searching for more leads regarding Toma, and the situation never seemed to end up positive, as they would either lose their track of him after following one lead for a month, end up being outplayed by the rogue warrior, or the fights would end in a stalemate and he would escape.

This was all starting to get really frustrating for Jason, and it was showing, as he would visually, and sometimes physically, expressed that frustration. Luckily he had not actually hurt anyone yet due to this, but they have had some close calls. So, to take a break away until they got a new lead, both Jason and Mujakina were wandering the nearly-untouched wilderness down south.

Jason: *lets his hand softly stroke against the sides of a couple trees as he and Mujakina stroll through the forest on the mountainside.* ...I wonder how the rest of the family is doing these days...

Mujakina: *Skipping alongside some boulders* You should probably visit them sometime. It would do you good.

*As Jason continued to walk forward he felt something underfoot when he made his next step. Lifting his foot he saw that it was some sort of capsule, like an ancient early design of that used by the Capsule Corp.*

Jason: ....Well, this is something else.

Mujakina: I love it when we go on a treasure hunt without even knowing it.

Jason: Yeah yeah, funnsies all around. Let’s just get this out of the ground.

*After digging the capsule out of the ground Jason holds the capsule in his hand and takes a better look at it. Despite the fact that it looked like ancient technology it looked surprisingly new, with the outside looking a bit weathered and pale in coloration due to being in the ground for some time.*

Jason: Now what does this thing do all the way out here in the middle of nowhere...

Mujakina: As opposed to the middle of somewhere...

Jason: Not funny. -.-; *Attempts activating/opening the capsule*

*Upon pressing the right button the capsule turns into a large some sort of ancient-tech cage with a see-through cage door. Inside the cage was a very large muscular Ookami woman...with three heads, wearing tribal native to Jason's home planet. She seemed to be in stasis as some sort of energy surrounded her. He could tell that she was probably trapped in there for quite some time as her clothes were now way too small to cover her effectively.*

Jason: What in Chroma's blazes... *places his hand on the door for a moment before starting to attempt opening it.*

Mujakina: Are you...sure you should open this?

Jason: I can regret the decision later, if that is the case...

*After looking at the door for a few more seconds Jason sees the control panel. With the very simple interface he manages to disengage the lock and stasis mode and get the door to the cage open. The large, three-headed Ookami woman stumbles out of the cage on wobbly legs, throwing punches in a wild fashion*

Three-headed Ookami: *throwing random punches all over* is that all you can muster, Ferdinand; rushing me with your puny minions!? *stops flailing about when she notices her surroundings* huh? This isn't Ferdinand's fortress...

Jason: No, you are currently in the forests of this mountain in south Rivendare. And from the looks of it...you might have been here for a while...

Three-headed Ookami (Middle Head): Riv-en-dare? I've never heard of this place...

Three-headed Ookami (Left Head): You mean there is a place that you don't know about?

Three-headed Ookami (Right Head): So much for being an expert on our home planet~ ^3^

Three-headed Ookami (Middle Head): I AM an expert on our home planet! >o< Maybe this is an area that isn't on the map; you two, which part of Planet Skovos is this? Is this area part of one of the established colonies?

Mujakina: You're off by...a couple light years.... And possibly a dimension or two...

Jason: Not to mention years. You are on Planet Earth, of the Milky-way Galaxy in Universe 7, year MMXVII

Mujakina: Roman numerals?

Jason: It’s what we used on my home planet. Sue me. >_>

Three-headed Ookami (Middle Head): Earth? Universe 7?? Year MMVII!?

Three-headed Ookami (Left Head): Wowie! We're in another world! ^o^

Three-headed Ookami (Middle Head): That's not good! We were at a crucial point in the war against Ferdinand's forces; this one battle could've tipped the balance in our favor to save our planet's water supply! Commander Cinder, the others, our planet, they're definitely all dead by now! We're homeless!

Three-headed Ookami (Right Head): You there! *points to Jason* who are you and how are you involved with us being here?

Jason: I guess some introductions are in order? My name is Jason Moonshadow, also known as "Phoenix". This is my partner, Mujakina.

Mujakina: *waves lightly* Hi there.

Jason: We found this capsule *holds it up for the "cerberus Ookami" to see*, and inside of it, you were locked away in this cage and apparently put in stasis. *Nods at the cage* I am not involved in whatever transpired that got you here, I just let you out.... And as far as Planet Ookami is concerned...it still exists, through some complicated thing-a-majigerry that I have no clue about...

Three-headed Ookami (Middle Head): *looks at the capsule and then the cage as some memories start returning to her* I...see what happened now. Ferdinand knew we were all coming and set a trap that we all walked right into. Seeing as how we were sent in last that means that he got everybody...

Three-headed Ookami (Left Head): Oh, then everything is okay then

Three-headed Ookami (Middle Head): How can you say that!?

Three-headed Ookami (Left Head): If the same thing that happened to us happened to the others then they must all be on this planet...or at least other planets in other universes better off than the one we came from.

Three-headed Ookami (Right Head): More importantly, don't you realize that something amazing has just happened?

Three-headed Ookami (Middle Head): What? o3o

Three-headed Ookami (Right Head): This man saved us from eternal imprisonment. No man has ever saved us before and do you remember what we decided to do when one finally did?

Three-headed Ookami (Left Head): OMG, you're right! And he is very cute as well~

Jason: .... *whispers* is it too late to start regretting?

Mujakina: You reap what you sow....

Jason: *sighs and speaks up again* Dare I ask whatever it is you are talking about? All...three of you...?

Three-headed Ookami (Left Head): Let us introduce ourselves. My name is Chocolate~ ^o^

Three-headed Ookami (Middle Head): I am Vanilla .///.

Three-headed Ookami (Right Head): And I'm Strawberry. But you can call us by our nickname: Sundae; we're an Ookami Cerberus.

Chocolate: As for what we were talking about, well...

Strawberry: We never thought that we'd need a man due to how much stronger we were compared to them. So we decided that if one managed to save our life that we would devote our heart, body and soul to that man.

Vanilla: So, um, what we're saying is...

Sundae: *bows down* please treat us kindly~

Jason: ....Errrr right. Just...don't over-do anything..."Sundae"... *gently places his hand on Vanilla's head and pets her....then Chocolate and then Strawberry* Gotta start somewhere. Glad to meet you, and-

Mujakina: And you are welcome to come along with us. Though I doubt you'd want to leave...judging from what you were saying earlier.

Jason: Devoting your heart, body and soul...I hope you know I am not a prince or anything, so I don’t want you to put yourself in harm's way for me. =/

Strawberry: That's sweet of you but you should worry more about anybody who thinks that they can take us down in battle

Chocolate: That's right, we can take on anybody and win! ^o^

*Sundae pumps her fist in the air and when she does her top comes undone from the sudden force and her massive mammaries flop outwards.*

Vanilla: EEP! OxO;;

Chocolate: Huh? What happened to our clothes? They used to fit perfectly.

Strawberry: How long were we imprisoned in that capsule? *squishes her boobs together, noticing how much bigger and softer they've gotten since she last checked*

Jason: =/////^/////=; *covers his blushing face* ....Pumpkins?

Mujakina: Yep, pumpkin size. Not melons.... .//_//.;

Jason: You were imprisoned for a long enough time..... I heard about the Cerberus part of the race before, but I never would have imagined they'd be this....well, massive....

Mujakina: In....more ways than one...

Vanilla: *tries her best to fix her top to no avail* what, are you saying that Ookami Cerberus are rare in this dimension?

Jason: Yes, like...near extinct and stuff like that... And I think you should give it up. Your top won’t fit anymore... ./_/.;

Vanilla: It-It'll fit! >//~//< I just need to do some mild compression here *once again tries to squeeze her boobs back into the top but once again to no avail*

Chocolate: I think he's right, 'Nilla

Jason: You'll just end up ripping the top even further if you try to force it.... Just cover with your arms until we get you something to wear.

Vanilla: -3-; *covers her boobs with both of her arms as best she could* well, at least the bottom half is holding out okay...

Strawberry: Despite the fact that it's barely doing anything for us as it is now... -3-;

Vanilla: Huh??

*Sundae looks down and sees that the bottom half of her outfit is just barely keeping her front covered but when she turns around she sees that it's not even covering 90% of her massive bare butt, giving both Jason and Mujakina a nice view of it as she did her inspection.*

Vanilla: When did this happen!? OxO;;

Jason: =/////=; Cerberus kin....grow really huge, huh?

Mujakina: She is bigger than me, to scale.... ./_/.;

Strawberry: Like what you see, hubby~? *does a sexy hip shake that make her butt jiggle a bit*

Jason: Uh...wait, hubby? What? o//_//o;

Mujakina: *pats his back* You can start regretting now.

Chocolate: Yay! Husband, husband~

Vanilla: What else can us giving you our heart, body and soul possibly mean?

Jason: I thought it meant something in the same manner as a knight or follower...! o//~//o;

Mujakina: You dug this hole, you get out of it. *struts back* I am going to prepare transportation, so you two just spend some time here and...get to know another. -w-

Jason: *watches Mujakina leave* But I....geez.... -//~//-;

Strawberry: Traditionally I'm supposed to abduct you and take you back some place safe and make you fall in love us but I think that that won't be nec... *ears twitch* O.O

Sundae: *sniffs the air and begins looking off in the distance*

Jason: .....What's the matter?

Sundae: *continues to sniff the air* we're not alone...

*Sundae picks Jason up and places him on her back then gets on all fours and darts off towards the scent at amazing speed. Her running was pretty graceful for how big she was. As the two of them got closer to whatever destination they were headed Jason then sensed a very familiar energy; the very same energy belonging to the one he had been pursuing all this time. They arrive at the entrance of a hidden crystal cave and Sundae enters "Stalker" mode and creeps stealthily towards her target before getting behind a wall. When both of them look around the corner they see him: the Saiyan Toma. Jason was amazed that Sundae managed to track down such an elusive target by scent alone.*

Sundae: *growls softly* Saiyan: a scent I'll never forget; Ferdinand had lots of Saiyan mercenaries working for him on our home planet.

Toma: *mumbling to himself while inspecting a cluster of crystals*

Jason: .... *places his hand on her shoulder* Shhh, stay low, don't do anything rash.... I want to see what this bastard is doing....

Sundae: *nods in agreement*

Toma: *grumbles* freakin' bat! Making me, an elite warrior do the menial work of a lowly low class for free! If he didn't hold my life force in his hands I'd... *power spikes highly and his hair briefly goes from black to blonde for a few seconds before going back to normal, unaware that he almost became a Super Saiyan* ...no...don't lose your cool here. These crystals are very sensitive energy of all sorts. The bat wants a purest and most pristine one out of the thousands that are here that filled to the brim with natural E-nergy. I can't risk losing my temper and possibly destroying and of these... *goes back to examining the crystals*

Jason: ..... *Gets off of Sundae, unknowingly snagging a bit of her remaining cloth onto his person and thus loosening it, and keeps himself low* The situation seems to be getting worse... I need to act... *looks around the area to see if he could figure out a plan* the crystals in factor....I can’t destroy those, so what do I do...?

Sundae: *looks at the area that Toma was in and sees all of the exits he could take* 1...2...3....4...we'll trap him in here by blocking his exits. He won't try using energy attacks if he doesn't want to damage the crystals.

Jason: *nods* Yeah....the question is, how are we actually going to stop him. *Looks at Sundae* ...Oh right, muscles.

Sundae: Not to mention, you'll also have the help of three once I separate ^^

Jason: .....Say what?

Sundae: Watch *puts her hands together* Separate

*Sundae then splits into three separate bodies that made each of them look like normal sized girls for about their age. Even if they looked a bit toned down compared to their regular body you could tell they could still lay the smack down if they had to fight. Chocolate had the more childish of bodies to reflect her innocent, tomboy personality. Vanilla had the most feminine body with sweet curves. Strawberry definitely looked the most like the original form but in a more manageable size. Despite them all having different body types they all still retained the same large boobs and butts of their original form.*

Vanilla: We use these forms for taking a more tactical approach to battles.

Strawberry: We may not pack the exact same punch of our regular body but we can still lay the hurt down on our opponents.

Jason: That's....really interesting. I did not know that was an ability that existed among our race. *glances downwards a little bit* (I guess it would have been too much to ask for this form to magically create outfits for...all of them...) *covers his blushing face a little bit* Just...lure him out and take the other getaway paths and cover them...

*Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry nod then begin stealthily climbing up the walls. Despite being separate they seemed to move as one along the cave wall and ceiling, concealing the bulk of their energy to stay hidden from Toma but using just enough to cling to the surfaces to sneak around him. Once they were all in position to cover the getaway paths Vanilla sends some of her energy along the cave ceiling over to a crystal close to Jason to make it shine particularly bright with energy.*

Toma: Hmm? *looks over to the glowing crystal* could that be the one? *starts walking over towards the crystal*

Jason: *Drops his jacket and gently grinds his claws against the rock he was hiding behind, listening to Toma's footsteps* (Come on, primate....take the bait...)

Toma: *gets close enough to inspect the crystal and unknowingly within Jason's range* ... wait...this crystal, something is odd about it... O_O OH CR-!

Jason: *Leaps out and lunges at Toma, jabbing and slightly cutting the right side of his face* Not today, monkey boy! *Gets hold of his arm* How long has this hunt between us been going? 18 months and counting?

Toma: Grrr, you again!? *struggles to break free from Jason's grip* like I told you last time I don't have time to deal with you right now; especially when I have somebody worse than Frieza breathing down my neck with his ridiculous schedules!

Jason: Your contractor just so happens to be someone I cannot let succeed, which is why I will continue to hunt you down until either the plans are ruined, you leave the galaxy, or you cease to exist! *presses his claws into his back just enough for it to hurt* You being on his side just gives me more motivation....

Toma: *winces a bit* believe you me, the second I find an opening I'll make that bat pay for turning me into his personal lackey; both him AND that fox-faced illusionist!

Jason: *tightens his grip* You're a fool, you know that? The reason you have to look for an opening is because you are not strong enough to take them on and you know this! But whatever makes you live longer, am I right...?

Toma: ......... *chuckles then starts laughing loudly*

Jason: .....What....

Toma: *stops laughing after a few more seconds* ...as much as I hate having to agree with you, you're right...I can't beat that bat, I haven't been able to beat you and even with my ultimate weapon by my side I couldn't beat that other Ookami or his offspring that suddenly showed up. I heard of how Prince Vegeta surpassed his limits several times over and got incredibly strong, even obtaining the power of the gods. Is this really as far as I can go; not even reaching the Super Saiyan state that I know is possible? I can't beat that bat in a head-on fight but the very thought of kowtowing to him any longer makes me sick to my stomach! And what makes me even more sick is how I abandoned my principles and started following his orders to begin with! So you know what?

*Toma creates a big ball of energy and shoots it at the cluster of crystals he was inspecting earlier, shattering them.*

Toma: SCREW iT!! If I'm going to die I want it to be on my terms: as a warrior in battle and not a toadying coward! After my people and planet were enslaved for a second time I vowed that I would never let myself be controlled again! And just knowing that I betrayed this vow not once but twice already just make ME...

*Toma shouts with great rage towards the cave ceiling as his power level spikes higher than ever before and he is bathed in a bright energy aura. The cave trembles and quakes as his hair flickers between black and blonde for a few seconds before finally becoming a bright blonde color. Toma had finally done it: he had become a Super Saiyan!*

Jason: O.O; *Takes a few step backs, slightly overwhelmed by the sudden power spike of Toma* ...No turning back anymore, huh...?

Toma: That's right. My time is now limited; I will most likely die before this day is out...but I can guarantee that it won't be by your hand *takes a battle stance*

Jason: I am sorry, but that's where you are wrong...as I am finishing this right here. *Takes a stance as he taps into the natural energy of the area, not fully transforming like Skylar, but getting a noticeable greenish aura to flare up around him, vastly powering him up as well.*

Toma: *sprints in with a high-speed punch*

Jason: *Attempts a block by throwing a punch of his own, but Toma's newfound strength managed to push Jason back, and even manages to make him flinch from the impact.*

Toma: *goes in for a fierce roundhouse kick*

Jason: *Uses both of his arms to block the kick and counters quickly with a swipe with his claws, aimed at Toma's chest*

Toma: *barely dodges out of the way in time to avoid massive damage to his chest area as Jason's claw rip open the chest part of his armor*

Jason: *Not planning on giving Toma time to respond, Jason continues to slash away at him with his claws in rapid succession, with the nature energy amplifying the range of his attacks when concentrated into his claws*

Toma: *does a series of quick back steps to stay just out of Jason's extended range as he tries to read his movements*

Jason: *does a quick spin motion, doing a 360 degree turn with his arms raised before releasing a blast attack from his claws in the shape of a cross, fired straight at Toma*

Toma: *counters just in time with a blast attack of his own*

Jason: *cracks his neck a little* your reflexes are getting sharper. Is it the Zenkai Boost, or is it the Super Saiyan transformation?

Toma: I'm not sure; I just feel like there is less weighing me down now that I've taken this path.

Jason: I guess we can scratch of the requirement for "pure hearted" and just go with anger as the catalyst... *Lowers his stance* Not that the information is going to benefit you any further...

Toma: *changes his stance as well* ...!!

*Suddenly Toma senses something coming in fast from above him and dodges to the right just in time to miss getting pounded hard from above by Chocolate. But he doesn't have time to regroup as Strawberry charges in from the right and throw a punch with enough power to crumble the wall a bit on impact. Fortunately for Toma he flew up in the air to avoid the attack but in doing so put himself in just the right place to be grabbed from behind by Vanilla and tossed directly back in Jason's direction.*

Toma: *tries to evade Jason midair*

Jason: "Helldog Despot!"

*Now with his whole hands shrouded by the nature energy, Jason leaps into Toma and pummels him rapidly with both punches and slashes and creating such momentum that the two of them rise further up in the air for a bit until Jason uses both arms and sledgehammers Toma in the chest and sends him crashing down below. This action managed to fully shatter the Saiyan Armor that Toma had to cover his upper body with, and left some scratches on him as well*

Jason: ... *Glances towards his three (naked) companions.* That was incredibly reckless of you! What if he had responded in time!?

Chocolate: S-Sorry...

Vanilla: We-we just saw an opening and took it like always...

Strawberry: We were prepared to keep him in an endless loop of attacks until we finally landed the hit we needed...

Jason: *groans* We'll talk more about it later...for now, since you have already butted in, you can help me finish the fight. *shrouds his hands in nature energy once more*

Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry: Right!

Toma: *gets back up to his feet* so you had back-up this whole time; powerful back-up at that. Heh-heh-heh, I should be worried; I'm outnumbered and overpowered by now but I just can't help enjoy every bit of this! This...THiS right here is what I've been missing for so long: a true life or death battle! Now that it is like this I'm going to see just how far I can push myself before my body succumbs! *does a battle cry as his power spikes higher and higher, going beyond his previous limits*

Vanilla: Reform, quickly!

*Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry quickly reform back into their original form.*

Sundae: This is bad; none of the Saiyans I fought before have ever displayed this sort of mentality. They were all mercenaries who would rather stay alive at all cost to see their next payday; this one has nothing left to lose and as such doesn't even fear death. He is truly the most dangerous one I've ever come across.

*Toma's power continues to spike until he finally breaks through and reaches the next tier: Super Saiyan 2!*

Jason: *bites his lip* ....Sundae, I will be perfectly honest with you...I do not think we can take him down from this point. You see the sparks in his aura? That's a distinct sign of him having ascended to Super Saiyan 2, which far outranks the power of a regular Super Saiyan. Our chances of survival here are pretty slim... Which is why I want you to get out and escape to where it is safe. *Walks in front of Sundae as he takes a more defensive stance*

Sundae: B-B-But hubby, what about you?

Jason: ....... *Looks back and does something Sundae had not seen him do yet: Smile at her.* It's better this way. I don't want anyone else to get dragged into this, and I can rest easy knowing you and everyone else will be okay.

Sundae: ...if that is what you wish then I'll obey; just please come back, okay? *leaves the cave in tears, not looking back*

Jason: ..... *Takes a deep breath and turns back to Toma* ...Are you done standing there and taking in your own power? Because you are not going to savor it any much longer.

Toma: *sets his sights on Jason and charges into him, sending them both through a cave wall*

Jason: *gasps for air as he clings to Toma's arm, trying to push himself away*

Toma: *shoots Jason with a close-range energy blast*

Jason: *Grits his teeth through the pain and holds onto his Toma's arm even firmer, poking his claws into his flesh as he starts to kick him in the gut, visibly struggling*

Toma: *finally shakes Jason off of his arm and onto the ground then pins him to the ground by stepping on his chest then begins preparing a gigantic energy blast* this battle was nice while it lasted but now it's time to end it. You might've had a chance too if you had the com-

*Toma suddenly stops speaking as he senses another familiar presence in the cave with them. Looking up at the ceiling Jason sees a very tall bat man wearing a blue coat levitating down to the ground.*

Toma: *takes a step back, releasing his hold on Jason* Heh...Benjamin Koco...

Benjamin: That's "Master Benjamin Koco," you pleb. You were late with delivering my crystal so I decided to come and see what was taking you so long...and what do I hear? That you choose to disobey a direct order and furthermore that you choose not to serve under me anymore?

Toma: *chuckles* I suppose that saves us both some time...so let's get right to the point!

*With a huge burst of speed and power, Toma dashes over to Benjamin and delivers a huge kick to his ribs, sending the ancient bat man through several cave walls, causing massive damage.*

Benjamin: *cries out in pain and surprise*

Toma: Hurts, doesn't it? Did you really think that I wouldn't notice? That behind all that facade and power of yours that your body is actually getting weaker and dying a little day by day?

Jason: *coughs and raises his arm, pointing* To be painfully accurate and technical.... We....are all dying a little for each passing day... *turns over and weakly pushes himself up...or attempts to.*

Toma: True, but not in the same way as this guy *goes over to Benjamin picks him up and slams into the ground repeatedly*

Benjamin: *cries out in great pain*

Toma: You see, while he may not look it, this thing is over 1,000 years old. His own men turned on him and trapped him in a room containing an item he sought for unlimited power. For 1,000 years he kept himself alive by the power of that item alone. As parts of his body started dying due to malnutrition he learned how to recreate vital organs using his own overflowing E-nergy. However, this takes an immense amount of concentration due to how many organs he's had to recreate *stomps on Benjamin's stomach*

Benjamin: *coughs up a lot of blood*

Toma: Ever since he tangled with the cat's girlfriend and the costumed raccoon girl he hasn't been the same; losing focus, blacking out and suddenly having violent coughing fits. Day by day his condition gets steadily worse and worse and usually has to think about what actions he'll take far, far ahead of time to keep up this aura of invincibility. If I had to guess I say he has less than of year of life left in him. But still, he's quite powerful; the old me would've indeed had to have waited for just the right opening to get him in this condition...but now...NOW I'll end him for making a fool out of me! Say goodbye, bat!

Benjamin: ...goodbye... careless Saiyan!

*Benjamin points to the ceiling where both Toma and Jason see a shadow hand hanging from the ceiling clutching an energy orb. Toma's eyes go wide as the shadow squeezes the orb tightly then shatters it. Toma's eyes lose color and he reverts back to his standard state and falls to the ground, completely out of energy.*

Benjamin: *weakly stands back on his feet* you knew exactly how I think and act and you STiLL wasted your one chance by showing off *looks over to Jason* and you; I can only guess that you're the reason that Toma's last few assignments were compromised, right?

Jason: More or less... *gets up on his feet* I had my own personal agenda... *Spits up some blood* geh....

Benjamin: You know, you've really set me back quite a bit. Because of you I haven't been able to secure any of the materials that I need to move forward with my plans AND I've had to do away with one of my stronger recruits without being able to fully utilize him.

Toma: *struggles to rise* I-I-I'm not dead y-yet...

Benjamin: But you soon will be; I'd say that you have at least 10 minutes at maximum provided that you don't expend any energy unnecessarily. Now, what should be a fitting punishment for a meddler like you? ...seeing as how your fight for revenge shall be over soon I think I'll give you something new to fight; I'm sure that those fools, the Vacuum Co., will keep you busy for some time to come. You've spent so long being the hunter; now it's your turn to be the hunted *opens a portal* Farewell...

Jason: Not farewell....This is merely a promise that we will meet again...when the time is right. But by that time... *His stare intensifies* I will be ready for you...

Benjamin: Heh-heh-heh...we shall see... *limps through the portal then closes it behind him*

Toma: *weakly stands up on shaky legs* ...so you're really going to get involved with him further?

Jason: ....If it helps the family I have left, then yes, I will get in the way and do what I can.

Toma: ...

*Toma opens a secret compartment on his glove and takes out a capsule then tosses it to Jason who catches it.*

Jason: ....What is this...?

Toma: My archives. Information on Benjamin Koco, information on the Vacuum Co. he's going to get you involved with and even the blueprints of my creations...including the completed build info for the one you call the Phoenix Heart. I know you've been making improvements to the one inside you; the details for making the complete version without any of the side effects are in there as well.

Jason: ...You Saiyans are so hard to read, sometimes.. *stores the capsule away in his pocket* ....Thanks, I guess....

Toma: Just make sure that bastard suffers the next time you see him *looks at his surroundings* heh, to think that the day I finally make progress and push past my limits would be the same day I die...and yet...I'm not angry nor do I regret the decisions I've made. Maybe it is for the best that Planet Vegeta isn't brought out of the pocket universe that it is currently in; I keep getting this odd, nagging feeling that it would create some sort of Time Paradox if I succeeded.

Jason: Hrm.... *watches the surroundings as well* .....I am not exactly satisfied with this outcome, myself.... I've spent so much time with this, call it a revenge trip, and now it all just seems so...pointless.

Toma: ...how much energy do you have left?

Jason: .... *feels the cave wall* Quite a lot, if we consider Nature Energy amplification...

Toma: ...the crystal that Benjamin absolutely needs can only be found in this cave; no other cave on the planet has it. Hit this cave with a massive energy attack from the outside and all the crystal here will shatter and the cave will collapse...destroying anything left inside.

Jason: ......... *smirks* You sure you want to go out that way, Mr. Proud Warrior?

Toma: I thought that dying by your hand in battle would be bad...but dying by that bat's hand is actually worse! As I said earlier, I'm not going to follow along with his whims, and that includes how I choose to end it. I don't want to die by his hand and you need this "closure" so you might as well...or do you I need to force you to retaliate in order for you to feel satisfied with all of this?

Jason: ....Weird how things end up playing out, huh... *Heads towards the exit* Hey...if you see the white fart Frieza down there...don't hesitate in giving him just desserts.

Toma: Oh believe me, I definitely will.

Jason: *Salutes him* See you on the other side. *Proceeds to head out, whilst charging and channeling all the energy he had at his disposal*

Toma: *sits down against the cave wall then looks up to see a colorful cluster of crystals* ...fight on, my greatest piece of work. -u-

Jason: *Flares up as he stands at the exit* ...Sayonara, proud warrior of the Saiyan race.... "Helldog Carnage!"

*With a loud and earth-shaking roar, Jason fires all of his stored up energy into the cavern and detonates it. The shock waves and blast causing the walls to cave in and resulting in a chain reaction that gradually destroyed everything inside of the mountain. People would go on to talk about how there seemed to be an earthquake on that specific day due to the tremors and rumbling caused by Jason and Toma. The sound of rolling boulders and clashing rocks continued for a couple minutes until silence rolled over, and Jason, having exerted all of his energy, found refugee by climbing a tree to not get hit by boulders rolling down the mountain side.*

Jason: ....... *Looks up at the skies above, through the branches in the tree* This is fine, isn't it...?

To be continued…

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