Wednesday, February 8, 2017

A Warrior's Return! Welcome Home, Jason!!

Travel Multiversal
Ookami Hearts Episode 26
“A Warrior’s Return! Welcome Home, Jason!!”
An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

A few minutes later Jason returns to the spot where he and Mujakina first met Sundae. He arrives to see Mujakina trying to help Sundae squeeze back into her old clothes but with very little success.

Mujakina: This is hopeless! *fluttering her wings as she tries dragging Sundae's clothes on* How did you even fit into these!? DX

Sundae: They went on fine before; we're beginning to think that we had a growth spurt during our imprisonment XO

Mujakina: NO YOU DON'T SAY!?

Jason: We'll just have to buy her some clothes then.

Mujakina: I'm not in the mood for your comments, Jason! Not after you went ahead and....and....a... *abruptly turns her attention to Jason* ..... J-Jason...?

Jason: ...Shit, I went ahead and made you worried, didn't I...?

Sundae: had us both worried! QnQ

Jason: I'm sorry, I'di-

Mujakina: A "sorry" is not enough here, mister! You're going to work hard and long after scaring me like that! I actually thought you were-

*She is interrupted as Jason hugs her, keeping held close as she starts to sob a little*

Jason: ...This better?

Mujakina: ...mhm....

Jason: Good. *Sits down and pats the spot next to him* Come here, Sundae.

Sundae: ;w; *takes a seat next to Jason*

Jason: *Strokes her thigh* ...Mujakina, did you complete the transport?

Mujakina: ...Yeah, we are free to leave at any point. *huddles against him*

Jason: *looks up at Sundae* ....Well, since you don't really have any other options, Sundae...would you like to come live with us?

Sundae: Yes, of course I do, hubby~ ^///^

Jason: *Stands up* Alright. Mujakina?

Mujakina: *nods and claps her hands together, creating a portal, surprisingly enough, which she floats through*

Jason: Ladies first, Sundae.

Sundae: *crouches down and gives Jason a kiss with each head before heading through the portal*

Jason: *Enters the portal last*

*The other side of the portal didn't offer much to the common earthling. It was just a normal living room they were transported to, in a small house not far from the suburb areas.*

Jason: Mujakina and I usually transport back home and then continue wandering from where we left off when we have no place to sleep....but I guess we can stay home for a bit now.

Sundae: Cozy~

Mujakina: Alright Jason, I am going to the store to see if I can pick up some clothes in her size...meanwhile you two can just...I don't know, bond and plan your future together or something, I dunno.

Jason: Stop joking about that.... ._.;

Mujakina: *Sigh* Alright, least make her a bit more...."presentable".... *walks out the main door*

Chocolate: She's real nice

Vanilla: Um...are you two...y'know? .//3//.

Strawberry: If you are we don't mind sharing

Jason: ....? Oh, no she is but my close friend. We have been working together for years now, but we are nothing more than close friends. But yeah, what she said about making you...presentable...she meant to give you a bath. Not to be rude, kinda smell....

Vanilla: O//w//O ... *does a sniff test and winces slightly*

Strawberry: I guess we are a bit ripe. We'll be out back with the hose then; do you have some soap or shampoo we can use?

Jason: *Shakes his head* You're not going to wash off in the yard. Come here, the bath is right here down the hall. *walks ahead of her and opens a door*

Vanilla: Ooh~ an actual proper bathroom OwO

Chocolate: Deluxe~

Jason: Do you need assistance or can you wash yourself?

Vanilla: We can wash ourselves ^^

Strawberry: Although, our arms can't reach EVERY part of us; think you could give us a hand?

Chocolate: Wouldn't it be easier if we sep-

Strawberry: *covers Chocolate's mouth with her right hand to silence her* -w-

Jason: Well, sure, I guess...? </_/<

Vanilla: *wrestles control from Strawberry and places her hands together* Separate! >//o//<

*Sundae separates into three separate bodies again.*

Vanilla: It's-it's okay; the three of us should be able to manage like this ^///^; *darts into the bathroom, covering herself*

Chocolate: Bath time-Bath time~ ^o^ *skips into the bathroom*

Strawberry: Party pooper... -3- *walks past Jason* then you'll have the honor of drying us off then~ *does a sexy hip shake before walking inside the bathroom to join Vanilla and Chocolate*

Jason: .... =//=; Hrm......

*While the trio that make up Sundae were taking their time with bathing, Jason went on to prepare the guest room so she would have a place to stay the night. Changing the bed, making space, and cleaned just a bit.*

Jason: ...Maybe a bigger bed is in order....I don't know....

*From where he was Jason could hear the various yelps, squeals and laughs of the three girls as they learned how to get the water temperature right, how to use the detachable shower head and what sides of the body sponge to use. He just hoped that they didn't flood the bathroom before learning how everything worked.*

Jason: ... *laughs a little to himself* Cute...

*Next Jason decides to look for some temporary clothes for Sundae but was doubtful that he would find anything that would remotely fit her large frame.*

Jason: No this is not going to work...neither Mujakina or me wear clothes that are even remotely going to fit her.... *rubs his forehead* ....Unless they stay split apart for a bit... <.<

*Just then Jason is pounced on from behind by Chocolate. In this form she was fairly light but still naked, still slightly wet from getting out of the bath and was wearing her towel as a cape.*

Chocolate: Squeaky clean, hubby~

Strawberry: Yeah, you should've joined us; oh well, maybe next time *laughs heartily*

*Strawberry walks in, also completely naked, slightly wet from getting out of the bath, with her towel draped across her shoulders. She had also apparently raided the fridge as she was holding a strawberry milk in her hand.*

Jason: Well you just needed to call if you needed anything, you know? *reaches back and pets Chocolate* We should probably get you girls something to wear, until Mujakina comes back from the store.... *Looks around* Where is Vanilla, by the way? Still in the bathroom?

Strawberry: That clean freak? Probably still scrubbing the bathroom clean.

Chocolate: I didn't think we made that big of a mess

Vanilla: A mess is still a mess no matter how big it is! >o<

*Vanilla walks into the room with a towel wrapped around body and another wrapped around her head for her hair; she was clutching a scrub brush in her right hand and a mop in her left.*

Vanilla: Thanks for leaving me to clean the entire bathroom by myself you two >~<

Chocolate: But you love cleaning

Strawberry: Besides, we only used the tub, why did you feel the need to clean the entire bathroom?

Vanilla: It's a wife's duty to take care of her husband's home ^w^

Jason: Vanilla gets points for being considerate, but...please, for now, don't worry about stuff like cleaning *Places his hand on Vanilla's cheek and strokes it gently*

Vanilla: *in pure bliss*

Jason: Now then, if "Super Boobie-Woman" could let go off of me back there, I will find you something to wear until Mujakina returns if you don’t mind staying separated for a bit.

Chocolate: *flips over Jason's head and into his arms* that's fine; we can stay separated like this for as long as we like

Vanilla: It is rather annoying that we always end up naked whenever we separate like this... -~-

Strawberry: If we were clothed we wouldn't be able to use our some stealth techniques as effectively as possible. Besides, it ain't so bad once you get used to it

Vanilla: But I don't want to get used to it! >3<

Jason: I don't think I am going to get used to having three naked and well "gifted" young ladies parading around in the nude either, to be perfectly honest.. ^//~//^; *His blush is quite apparent now, now that he can't hide it as his hands were occupied with holding Chocolate up*

Chocolate: That's okay, hubby~

Vanilla: The only thing the three of us know is war, so seeing a planet at peace is actually quite new for us. ^~^;

Strawberry: But we're definitely loving it

Jason: Well, I hope you can enjoy the peace then, or learn to adjust to it.... Something that I need to do as well. *Sets Chocolate down* And a good way to start doing so, is to just...let loose and have a bit of fun... Which I am now going to have at your expense, Vanilla.

*Without giving the girl any other form of warning, Jason grabs the side of her towel and jerks it from her hard enough to make her spin on the spot, and causing the second towel to be flung off as well*

Vanilla: *spins about for a few seconds then comes to a stop looking a bit dizzy, temporarily forgetting that she was now naked*

Jason: ... *chuckles a bit* that looked more fun than I imagined it would be... ^u^

Chocolate: Yay, hubby is happy!

Strawberry: I've gotta say, that's a nice smile you got there

*Vanilla finally snaps back to reality and sees she is naked. In her frantic attempt to cover up she falls face first with her butt in the air. A small detail that detail that Jason hadn't noticed until now was that Vanilla had a small birthmark in the shape of a crescent moon on her butt.*

Jason: .///w//.; .... *kneels down and gently grabs her butt as he takes a closer look* A moon-shaped birthmark...? That

Chocolate: Oh, that? We each have one, see? *wiggles her butt cutely*

Strawberry: *turns around to show Jason her's as well* when the three of us are combined the three marks line up in such a way to create a full moon

Jason: I did not notice. Well, for now, all we have are three moons orbiting around my person. *pats Vanilla's butt, making it jiggle in his hand* .....And you three are warriors? With this much excess fat? ^//^;

Vanilla: It-it-it just happens to collect there O///O;

Chocolate: There and here too~ *playfully squishes her boobs together a few times to make them jiggle*

Jason: *Pulls Vanilla up onto her feet again* Just don't go shoving them in people's faces.... Especially not in my cousin's face as his girl is a jealous and short-fused pup.

Chocolate: That won't be a problem, hubby, 'cause this view is only for you~

Jason: As long as neither of you make a mess or misbehave or anything. *pets Strawberry now* ....I am still not sure on the whole "hubby" thing, to be fair...

Strawberry: Then we'll just have to work hard to show you how good being our hubby can be

Jason: Fair warning before you do anything will be punished if either me or Mujakina sees fit to do so.

Chocolate: Got it~ ^o^

Vanilla: We'll be careful then

Strawberry: Sounds fair to me

Jason: Good..... And just for the record: Being nude is one of those things, but it's alright for now.

*Jason heads out to the living room and lays down on the couch to relax a bit. While Jason relaxes the girls go about trying out the clothes in the closet and dresser. They eventually join him in the living room to relax as well, rightfully exhausted after everything they had learned about and did that day. After quite a few more minutes the front door opens and in comes...a cat girl with light blue hair in twin tails a big violet and white fluffy tail holding a bunch of bags and boxes containing clothes and food. Behind her was Mujakina and a slime lady who also had some bags and boxes also containing clothes and food.*

Caramel: Look commander! *points to Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry*

Cinder: It really is you!

Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry: Commander Cinder! Caramel!

*The three girls tackle Caramel and Cinder to the ground in sheer happiness.*

Jason: *looks up* Hrm...? What's going on? =.=

Mujakina: Turns out these two here are friends of your...."future wife", Jason. -w-

Vanilla: I was so worried that I'd never see any of you again!

Chocolate: I just knew that you all were alive and well

Strawberry: How did you track us down?

Cinder: Well, both Caramel and I happened to be a clothes store in the mall where we saw Mujakina here shopping for clothes that were WAY too big for her. We asked if we could help and she mentioned how she was looking for something that would fit a Cerberus. We asked further questions and found out that she was talking about the three of you; when we learned that we just had to stick around and help get everything that you'd need to be comfortable here.

Vanilla: What about the others; did they make it here too?

Caramel: Quite a few of us made it to this place. Aside from the two of us we've heard from Estella, Vivi, Cheryl and Penelope. I'm positive that the rest of them are just waiting to be found somewhere on this planet ^o^

Jason: Well, that's good to hear.

Mujakina: So, got any plans for what to do now?

Cinder: Actually, yes. Seeing as how our comrade has chosen to stay here with the two of you we'll be sure to set things up so that you two can comfortably live with an Ookami Cerberus. In short, we'll make this place bigger for all of you. ^^

Jason: ...Wait, really?

Mujakina: Ooooooo I always wanted a bigger house!

Cinder: Really-really we take care of one another in my brigade. Besides, with all of the info I've been collecting about this dimension since I was first freed, I've been slowly learning that there are forces of evil out there that make the one we were fighting back in our home dimension look like child's play. Key among which are the Vacuum Co.

*For the third time that day Jason had heard that group mentioned. Was this group with the weird name really so dangerous?*

Jason: Alright, so, I am tired of being left in the dark. What is this "Vacuum Co." group, and why is it being brought up so much today?

Caramel: They're a bunch of anti-non-human nut jobs.

Cinder: They believe that the human race is perfect and superior to anything non-human and that the entire Multiverse would be better off without any non-humans around. So they dedicate all their time to eradicating all non-humans as well as humans who associate with or support non-humans. They prefer to work from the shadows but aren't afraid of flexing their muscles when they feel they have to make an example out of someone or some place. If they can't convince other humans to agree with them they won't hesitate in using brainwashing techniques and blackmail to get their way. This has increased their numbers to dangerous heights over the centuries and they are continuously growing.

Jason: .....Well that's just flat-out retarded...

Cinder: Agreed; unwarranted hate like that is hard to deal with.

Jason: Tsk, Planet Ookami followed the Alpha leadership route, and we do have full-bloods who think they are better, like the Dominik fellow used to... But its not a racial or cultural hate on no basis...

Mujakina: Specism is more of the word...not that there is a word like that...

Cinder: All I know is that they're out there and know about all of us so just be careful when you are out and about from now on. Wouldn't want anything bad to happen to the one our Sundae has chosen now, would we? ^^

Jason: ...... *shrugs* Do what you want with that.

Mujakina: Someone doing stuff for Jason's safety? That's new.

Cinder: Well, for now, we'll help put all these clothes and food away. We'll come back tomorrow if you'd like and we'll draw up plans for the house expansion. Caramel, help me out, please ^^

Caramel: Okay

*While Mujakina, Cinder, Caramel, Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry head to the kitchen to put the food away, there was a knocking on the front door. Answering the door Jason sees a white wolf wearing a red long sleeve shirt, violet pants and goggles on his head.*

Pepper: Jason Moonshadow, I presume?

Jason: Yes, that is me. Do you want to come in too? We are starting to get a bit cramped, but I think we can squeeze you in, as long as Strawberry doesn't sit on you... >_>

Pepper: Thanks but I'm actually just here to deliver this to you *hands a folded card shaped like a square hand with a "!" mark on it to Jason* I represent the Helping Hand Guild; the founder wishes to speak with you and your team personally.

Jason: ...? I have just opened a whole can of worms, it seems... =.=;

Pepper: Don't worry, this is a good thing for you, a really good thing. You're free to choose whether you want to meet with him or not but I strongly recommend that you do. Well, I hope to see you there; gotta run now, bye *runs off at sonic speed*

Jason: .... *rubs the back of his head* Aye aye aye, and here I thought I would have time to settle down after Toma was out of the way... *walks back in after closing the door.*

Mujakina: Who was it?

Jason: Eh, just some messenger guy...

*Opening the card Jason read what was inside to see that he was basically given a job offer where he could work as much or as little as he wanted and earn more than enough cash to live well as a special privilege to secret areas for ones as accomplished as him and Mujakina. But to learn what that privilege was he would have to meet with the founder, Jim Noori, in person.*

Jason: .....Guess I have my scheduler filled for tomorrow morning?

Mujakina: That's good, right?

Jason: Well, I suppose..?

*After saying goodbye to Cinder and Caramel, having a nice dinner and finally a good night's sleep the next morning comes and Jason, Mujakina and Sundae, in her new clothes, make their way to a teleporter and warp to the Helping Hand Guild. They make their way to the Founder's office and are let inside. There they see that they are not alone; inside the room with the founder, Jim Noori, were the three Moonshredder siblings and even Dominik Adalwolf.*

Jim: *approaches Jason and shakes his hand* Jason *turns to Mujakina and shakes her hand* Mujakina *turns to Sundae but has to look up to see her faces* and you are...?

Sundae: We're Sundae~ ^o^ *grasps Jim's hand with her massive hand and gives him a strong handshake that turns Jim into a living rag doll as she swings her arm up and down*

Jim: *looks very dizzy* so strong...

Blitz: Haha!

Jason: Sundae, you have to be more careful with that strength of yours! =_=;

Sundae: Sorry~

Jim: *shakes his head to snap back to reality* that's okay; a handshake like that tells me a lot about a person. I'm so glad that the three of you came; can I get you anything? Some water, a coffee, a cookie?

Chocolate: Cookie!?

Jason: *nods to Sundae* This one likes sweets, so something for her at least. I am fine as I am.

Mujakina: *flutters up* I would prefer some tea, though.

Jim: Right

*Jim gets a plate of cookies for Sundae and pours a cup of tea for Mujakina then invites them to sit on the couch in the office and get comfortable.*

Jim: Now I'm sure you've wondered why I've asked you to come here today and I'm pretty sure that you have some questions of your own so let me get right to the point. Jason Moonshadow, I would like you and your team to join the Helping Hand Guild. We got work missions that fall into every sort of category you can think of and you can take on as many or a as few jobs as you'd like. And since the jobs come from all parts of the universe you never have to worry about not having something interesting to do. All of you...will have access to the many facilities here, from weaponry to food to information and beyond.

Jason: Five. But while that offer sounds tempting and everything...why suddenly come to us now, of all times...?

Jim: In truth I've always wanted to contact you for some time now but I wasn't sure if I should interfere with your quest to defeat Toma on your own. After tracking his movements we set up cameras disguised as part of the natural environment in various caves to try and figure out what he was doing. And just yesterday, he appeared in the cave you confronted him inside and in cutting off his exit you managed to provide us all with some valuable information. 1. Benjamin Koco isn't as invincible as we once thought and 2. due to Toma's last act of defiance against Benjamin you now have all of the information he could find on the Vacuum Co. In one day you've taken out a major threat to the Guild and humanity in general, revealed the true nature of a current threat and obtained information on an age-old threat that even the Guild has massive trouble with. Not bad if I do say so myself ^^

Mujakina: He really is something special, this partner of mine, ya?

Jason: .... =//=; *scratches his nose, not sure how to take this praise*

Skylar: *leans on the wall* Some people just have things falling into place for them, and it seems like Jason is one of those.

Jim: The same thing could actually be said of you all as well. Which brings me to the next part of what I asked you over for. I'd like to not only ask you to join the Guild but I want to make you all an Elite members like these four. This status will grant you access to higher ranked quests as well as a certain collection of planets that were originally lost forever, including your home planet. Are you interested, would you like to see your home again?

Jason: .....Well...yes, of course....

Mujakina: Sounds fairly interesting to me. What an opportunity... .w.

Jim: Glad to have you all aboard. Feel free to explore the rest of the Guild as you see fit and don't be afraid to stop by if you have any requests. ^^

Vanilla: *notices that there are several Ookami in the room* soooo...the Ookami race as a whole seems to be doing well and it's just Ookami Cerberus that have died out?

Dominik: Well, we can't really say for sure they died out... History shows they just stopped appearing, so we don't exactly know.

Skylar: But...yeah, for all we are the last Cerberus.

Strawberry: Well between my hubby and me I'm sure we can do something about that *brings Jason close in a mighty embrace*

Jason: .////_////.;

Tanya: Planning for the long game already. -w-

Sundae: Of course

Blitz: Heh, I like this girl....

Chocolate: Hi, I'm Chocolate~ ^o^

Vanilla: My name is Vanilla

Strawberry: And I'm called Strawberry

Sundae: But you can call us all Sundae when we're together like this ^w^

Blitz: Name is Blitz. These two are my siblings, Skylar, the youngest of us, and Tanya, the oldest one.

Skylar: *Gives a quick salute* Yo.

Tanya: Greetings.

Blitz: Blondie here is named Dominik, but don’t bother with him, it's not worth it.

Dominik: I can hear you, scamp! DX

Sundae: Hello everybody! ^o^ Tell us, what is the Planet Ookami of this dimension like? We only have vague memories of our birth planet in our home dimension before we left it at a young age.

Tanya: I would guess we have advanced in technology a little bit from your time.

Skylar: But then again, we have not actually taken time to enjoy our home planet that much in later years.

Sundae: Do you think that I could get some new tribal garb there? While we appreciate these more updated and modern clothing choices we feel most comfortable in the native garb. ^w^

Tanya: I'll ask mom if she can get one in...size XXXXL/Cerberus. ^w^;

Sundae: Wonderful! ^w^ When will we get to go to this dimension's Planet Ookami?

Jim: Actually anytime you want. Hold on a moment... *reaches underneath his desk and pulls out a touch pad that was connected to his PC* this is ID touch pad. Teleporters frequently used by the Helping Hand Guild have these touch pads on the outside of them. With one touch they'll recognize whether or not you're a member of the Guild and open up access to other teleporters that both the public can use and ones only Guild members have access to *starts a program on his PC* okay, the scanner is ready; when you three are ready just place your hand on the touch pad and your unique hand print will be scanned and stored into the system.

Jason: Hmm...that’s convenient enough...

Mujakina: Indeed.

Chocolate: Hmm... *looks at her hands* I wonder if the hand prints are different for each of us...

Vanilla: Better get a print for all three of us plus this form just in case we get separated somehow.

Sundae: *puts her hands together* Separate!

*Sundae separates into Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry.*

Skylar: Woah. o.o

Blitz: That's neat.

Jason: Alright, alright, we will register, it doesn't really matter if we did or not, so might as well...

*Jason places his hand on the touch pad and within seconds his hand print is recorded. Mujakina follows suit as does Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry separately then they combine back into Sundae to register her unique hand print. After typing in some more information all of them are fully registered within minutes.*

Jim: And with that you're all set up. Welcome to the Helping Hand Guild, you three

Sundae: So we can go to Planet Ookami now?

Jim: Of course; just use any of the teleporters around here or outside of here and you can get there.

Jason: Guess we gotta accompany you, Sundae. Don't want to have you running off or getting lost or anything like that...

Sundae: Yay, let's go! ^o^ *grabs Jason and Mujakina under her arms as rushes out the door with them to the nearest teleporter*

Jim: Hahaha, they're certainly going to be interesting

Skylar: And by interesting, you mean they are more than likely to cause chaos and mayhem... -w-

Jim: No more than us when we're all together. Remember the herd of kung-fu ostriches that got away from us when we were tasked with herding them a few towns over?

*Everybody in the room shudders at the memory of that mission. What was supposed to be a simple mission turned to chaos when one ostrich lost its temper and got the others riled up, causing them all to break formation and run wild in the nearest town. And since they had to get them to their destination in tact they weren't allowed to hurt them in any way which made things even harder when trying to coral them all again. This led to many painful, humiliating and demoralizing instances for all five of them throughout the entire mission.*

Jim: *shudders* I can't believe how hard those things kicked and they always went for the stomach or the delicates... -~-;

Dominik: 37 times.... -~-;

Tanya: *hangs her head low and pouts, visibly blushing*

Blitz: Even the best can have a bad day....

Skylar: I prefer watching others' failures... >~>;

Jim: Yeah, that was one rough mission...ironic that the ranch we delivered them to rewarded us with ostrich burgers in addition to our reward.

Blitz: *nods a little bit* At least we are in the clear now...

*Meanwhile, on Planet Ookami, Jason, Mujakina and Sundae arrive on a teleporter stationed just outside in a forest not too far away from Jason's hometown. To Jason the planet felt just as he remembered it.*

Sundae: *breathes deep, taking in the scent of the fresh air*

Jason: .... *Gazes to the sky*'s my old home area, this here. Or at least, near it...

Sundae: *quickly climbs up a big tree to get a better view of the surrounding area* ...hey, there's a town in this direction! *points towards the direction of the town*

Jason: That's my home town, Baskerville, more than likely.

Mujakina: the book? <.<

Jason: Huh?

Mujakina:, nothing.

Sundae: Let's go see it!

Jason: Well, if you insist, then...sure.

*After traversing through the forest the trio arrives at Baskerville. They walk through the city taking in the sights, both new and old; despite how excited Sundae was to see her "hubby's" hometown both she and Mujakina couldn't help but notice Jason's mood was on the decline the further in they traveled.*

Sundae: Hubby, what's wrong?

Jason: ....It's nothing....

Vanilla: Are you sure? You seem sort of...restless.

Jason: .....I just feel a bit uneasy walking here again.....

Strawberry: You've got nothing to worry about; with us here we'll make sure that nobody bothers you

Vanilla: I don't think that's what he's worried about...

Jason: ...I am not entirely sure either... *holds his forehead* It' I am forgetting something important...

Mujakina: Repressed memories?

Vanilla: Hmm...were there any spots here that you visited frequently when you were here?

Jason: Erh..... Not really...beyond the hunting squad's gathering, aka headquarters...

Mujakina: *Pets him slightly* you seem unsure...

Jason: I am. I really don't know...

Chocolate: What about your home?

Jason: ....Yeah, I should be up north...

Chocolate: Then let’s go there; maybe we'll find some clues that'll jump start your memory. ^^

Jason: It might be worth a shot, I suppose...

*As the trio made their way to Jason's home they began to attract more attention from the townsfolk, mainly due to none of them having seen a living Ookami Cerberus like Sundae before.*

Chocolate: Wow, despite not being here in a while these people must remember you, hubby~ ^o^

Jason: ....Sure...that’s the reason they are looking at us...

*Within a few more minutes the group arrives at the front door of Jason's home; it was both familiar yet new to Jason.*

Jason: ....Hrm....I do recognize this place, indeed...

Sundae: Well, might as well go inside ^^ *reaches to open the door*

Jason: *stops her* Sundae... maybe you.... you should try knocking first? >_>;

Sundae: Whoops, sorry we're more accustomed to breaking door open as opposed to knocking; call it a habit of our previous profession *controls her strength and gently knocks on the door with her big left hand*

Jason: It's okay, baby steps.

Mujakina: =w= ...You two...four are going to go so well together...

*After a few seconds the front door opens and the trio are greeted by a little Ookami girl, no older than 6 years old, that shared a lot of features with Jason.*

Ookami girl: Hello? o.o

Jason: *Looks down at her* Hmm...?

Mujakina: Hello. Are there anyone here who goes by the name "Moonshadow" by any chance?

Sequoia: My family name is Moonshadow; I'm Sequoia Moonshadow... *takes a closer look at Jason and sniffs him a bit* look familiar and share the same scent as our family...

Jason: *Kneels down to her level* My name is Jason Moonshadow... This used to be my home before, so...I guess that makes us related..?

*Sequoia gasps then takes a photo out of her dress pocket and shows it to Jason. It was a bit worn but showed an image of a child Jason together with his mom, Argentina, and his dad, Alphonse.*

Sequoia: Now I know why you seem so familiar! This is you; you're my big brother! You were alive after all! *leaps into Jason's arms and hugs him lovingly*

Jason: ... *blinks, looking more surprised and shocked than ever* You...are my little sister...? I have a little sister?

Mujakina: ...And here I thought it would take at least a few months before a new family member was added. =w= *slyly glances at Sundae*

Sundae: So cute~ she looks just like you, hubby!

Sequoia: Ooh, I've got to tell Mom and Dad! *grabs a hold of Jason's hand and pulls him inside* Mom! Dad! Big brother is alive and back! ^o^

*Jason is caught off guard by how strong the little Ookami girl actually was as he found himself being led inside the house. Mujakina and then Sundae, after some intricate squeezing through the door frame, follow behind him inside. Once led inside to the kitchen Jason sees him Mom, Argentina, whisking together some pancake mix in preparation for breakfast.*

Argentina: Sequoia, haven't I told you not to let strangers in before either your father or I meet them? >_<

Sequoia: But this isn't a stranger, Mommy, it's big brother; he was alive and finally came back! ^o^

Argentina: Oh Sequoia, I know you really want to believe that he's alive but that just isn't po- *looks up and sees Jason* ... *takes a closer look at Jason from all angles* ... OxO;;

Jason: ...Um... Hey mom...? *His ears lower slightly as he raises his hand and weakly waves at Argentina.*

*Argentina drops the bowl of pancake mix but it is easily caught by Sequoia.*

Argentina: Oh my goodness; my baby is alive! *cups Jason's face with her hands, sort of smooshing it together as she inspects his face and then the rest of his body from all angles as she goes full worried mother on him* what-what happened to you? Were you killed by the Saiyans like us; were you taken hostage? Did you escape; how did you escape; are you hurt; are you healthy; are you-?

*Jason has to stop and hold her in place in order to try and talk to and calm Argentina down.*

Jason: Mom. Look at me. I am fine. A bit more anti-social, but I am fine..... *Slowly cracks a smile, looking a bit sad and worried* I am sorry.

Argentina: It's okay, honey; the important thing is that you're here, alive and well. And you've brought friends too~ *approaches Mujakina* hello, I'm Argentina Moonshadow, and you are...?

Mujakina: Mujakina Yochina; I am Jason's partner. His co-worker, if you want.

Argentina: Co-worker? What is it that the two of you do?

Mujakina: Up until now it has not really been something set in stone...

Jason: Now we work as members of a guild…so yeah, that is a thing.

Argentina: Guild? Would it be the Helping Hand Guild by any chance?

Jason: That's the one.

Argentina: That's great, honey! That group has done a lot of good for the planet as a whole, taking on our request and providing us with goods that we can't get here. I even hear talk that the founder of the group wants to establish a branch here on our planet in order to more readily assist the other planets currently in this dimension *turns to Sundae* and who might you be, young lady?

Chocolate: I'm Chocolate!

Vanilla: My name is Vanilla.

Strawberry: And my name is Strawberry.

Sundae: But when we're together like this you can call us Sundae ^o^

Chocolate: Jason's our hubby~

Argentina: Oh my goodness, my boy is a married man; welcome to the family, Sundae *embraces Sundae*

Sequoia: Yay! My brother is back and I've got a new sister as well! *hugs Sundae's leg*

Jason: Actually no. I just met her the other day. >_>; But...I am giving her a chance.

Mujakina: Not that he doesn't like her or anything =w=

Jason: And I would actually prefer it if things got a bit slower... So many things has happened the last couple hours...

Argentina: Is that so?

*Emerging from a hallway connected to the back of the house comes a rather Ookami male that looks exactly like Jason, except more muscular and rugged from years of hunts and combat, holding many paper bags of groceries; it was Jason's Dad, Alphonse.*

Alphonse: I'm back, dear *places the groceries on the counter* I'm going to go and get some training in before breakfast so I'll be in the backyard... *notices Jason and the others* oh, I didn't know we had company

Argentina: Honey, he's back! Jason is alive and back with us! ^o^

Alphonse: no that Jason, our Jason; the one that was... *approaches Jason with tears in his eyes*

Jason: Hey.... *Approaches his father* Yeah, I...went over this with mom already but...I am here. I am fine. Sorry for worrying you both.

Alphonse: *hugs Jason* you don't have to apologize, son; none of what happened was your fault. It was those blasted Saiyans...and me; if only I were stronger back then I could have protected you...I could have protected everybody. When our lives were mysteriously saved by that Lorenzo Saturn guy I made a vow that I would get strong; strong enough to protect my family and homeland. Seeing you here now, I feel more determined than ever to achieve that goal, that now I've truly been granted a second chance. I-I just...welcome home, son.

Jason: ....It's good to be home. *His tail starts to wag*

Mujakina: o-o .....Jason, are you...are you feeling alright?

Jason: *Looks back* Huh? Yeah, why...? <.<

Mujakina: Your tail.

*Jason blinks and looks down to his tail to see it wagging, causing him to yelp and turn his back away from Mujakina, blushing quite a lot*

Mujakina: ....That is kinda cute.

Jason: Shut it! D//X

Alphonse: *chuckles to himself* it's nice to see that despite growing up into a fine young man that you've retained some quirks from your childhood. And you two must be friends of his, right?

Mujakina: Close friend and business partner *points to Sundae* and this one is your future daughter-in-law.

Jason: *grumbles a bit* =//_//=;

Alphonse: Wow, you're quite a rare sight, young lady; I honestly didn't think that there were any living Ookami Cerberus here on Planet Ookami. Well we're glad to have you as part of the family, both of you. ^^

Argentina: Oh, you're probably all hungry; let me get back to making breakfast for you all~ ^3^

Sundae: *puts her hands together* Separate! *separates into Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry*

Vanilla: I-I can help, if that's alright. ^^

Argentina: I'd really appreciate that, dearie~ Jason, Mujakina, why don't the two of you go ahead and relax in the living room while we get everything ready? *goes into the kitchen with Vanilla*

Chocolate: Hey Sequoia, let's go play~ ^o^

Sequoia: Yay! I have a tree house in the backyard; I've got all sorts of games and stuff we can do up there~ *takes Chocolate's hand and leads her outside to the backyard*

Strawberry: You said that you were going to train, sir? If you don't mind, I'd like to be your sparring partner; I haven't had a good scrap in quite a while.

Alphonse: I'd be delighted; don't hold back now, okay? *goes out to the backyard with Strawberry*

*Since everybody in the family was now occupied with one of Sundae's counterparts both Jason and Mujakina decide to take Argentina's advice and relax in the living room.*

Jason: ..........

Mujakina: How are you feeling, bud?

Jason: ...I dunno...relieved, happy, confused....tired... *drags his hand along the couch* ..... I do remember the place but it's hard to get a firm grasp of the memories...

Mujakina: Not unheard of. But dude, you might be a bit stressed off, so just...relax, okay?

Jason: ...Sure.

*From where Jason was sitting he could see everybody in action. He watched as Argentina and Vanilla cooked and conversed with one another; looking out the window he could see Sequoia and Chocolate playing in the tree house in the back yard, having a load of fun; looking through the clear patio doors he could see Alphonse and Strawberry sparring with one another and putting their hearts into it. He may not have many memories of his past home life but he had to admit that he was looking forward to making new home memories with his Mom, his Dad, his new little sister, Mujakina and even Sundae by his side. As one chapter in his life rapidly came to a close a brand new one was now starting.*

Jason: ...let's see where this goes, then. What's the worst that can happen?

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