Tuesday, February 7, 2017

A Once-in-a-Lifetime Instant Connection! Zippy and the Mute Singer!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 32
“A Once-in-a-Lifetime Instant Connection! Zippy and the Mute Singer!!”
An RP between MidoriKuroba and eshonen

It was another day at the kart races, the sound of them zooming around the tracks filled the air. Zippy the mouse had found his way to these tracks and watched the karts go for a moment.

Zippy: Okay, remind me why I'm here computer?

*His AI gauntlet's control panel lit up with a small face on it*

Gauntlet: I want you to see the designs they use for these karts! See how they work! ^^ It will be beneficial when we build one our self!

Zippy: I guess that makes sense. *His gaze drifted to one of the racers getting ready for the next race and a pink blush appeared on his red cheeks.* Whoa... who's that tall dark cutie out there on the track? O///O

Cornet: *changing her kart's tires*

Gauntlet: Hmm, I do not know. My database is for mechanics, not organics.

Zippy: Then maybe I'll just go meet her. >w>

Gauntlet: Sir, I must protest. We are here to see karts, not pick up girls.

Zippy: See, as an AI, I'd expect you to at least think like an organic would. And as an organic male, I'm here to pick up chicks. *He quickly hopped the fence and made sure it was safe to cross the road before running over to her. He paused when he got close enough.* That kart looks pretty impressive! Did you make it yourself?

Cornet: Why yes, yes I did ^w^

*Zippy is a little caught off guard when he hears the tall lady's voice come out of the collar around her neck instead of her mouth. He rubbed his chin and examined it with a smile.*

Zippy: That's a fancy looking voice box you got there. I don't think it's for translation, so I assume you can't talk without it. A very handy invention, wish I'd thought of that. Did you make that too?

Cornet: No, I didn't make this one; it was a gift from my parents. But I have customized it a lot since I got it years ago. ^^

Zippy: Very nice! I myself am an inventor. A mechanic if you will. ^^ I came here to take a look at the karts for inspiration, and I gotta say, yours definitely caught my eye.

Cornet: Really, is it that interesting? I always thought that it was pretty standard looking compared to a lot of the other one out here.

Zippy: Well, it helps that it was made and is driven by a tall pretty girl like you. *He got a sly smile and winked at her.*

Cornet: Oh, that's also a first; I've never been called cute before ^///^

Zippy: I can't imagine why, you're adorably attractive. ^///^ My name is Zippy, but I prefer being called Zipper or Zip. May I ask your name ma’am? ^^

Cornet: I'm Cornet, Cornet Kibble. ^^

Zippy: Well Cornet, sorry to distract you from your Kart and racing, but I just had to meet you. And maybe... ask you out on a date, if you were interested? ^^

Cornet: A d-date!? O///O I've never been on one of those before; golly, today has had two firsts for me. Sure thing! ^^ I've got a few races lined up right now but afterwards definitely. If you're looking for kart designs be sure to stick around and watch some of the races. ^w^

Zippy: Sounds great! ^^ I'll be on the side lines and watch you race! I look forward to it! Go out there and win, and I'll treat you to dinner when you’re done.

Cornet: Right!

*Cornet finishes her customizations done just in time as her first race begins. While watching, Zippy saw that Cornet was a pretty skilled racer as she took 1st place in three of her four races, managing to take 1st place in the Grand Prix.*

*Zippy cheered for her the entire time, taking time to examine the other race cars as the races went on, but they went by so fast he didn't get much info from them. But he got plenty from Cornet as he watched her, understanding fully well why she kept winning until the very end. When the prix was over and she had gotten her trophy for winning, the crowd wild with cheers and applause, he hurried down to see her.*

Zippy: Cornet, that was amazing! You're amazing!

Cornet: Thank you very much; today was the first time I ever took first place overall.

Zippy: Well then we'll have to celebrate! How about dinner, on me? ^^

Cornet: Sure thing ^^

Zippy: Awesome! Oh, but, do you need to drop off your kart or your trophy at home?

Cornet: Yeah that would be wise...maybe we could meet up somewhere?

Zippy: Well, I'd be more than happy to come with you if it's more convenient. ^^ Unless your uncomfortable with me seeing your place?

Cornet: That could work too. ^^

Zippy: Great! I'll come with you then. Got anything you need me to carry?

Cornet: Yeah, can you help me load my truck up? *points over to a small U-Haul type truck in the distance*

Zippy: Sure thing! Heavy lifting should be a breeze with these babies on! *He holds up the gloves he's wearing, which quickly become armor coated gauntlets* Pretty cool, huh? ^^

Gauntlet: *A small panel reveals a digital face* Sir, are you using me to pick up girls? >.>

Zippy: What? Nooooo, no no no. I'm using you to 'help' a lovely lady load up her things. ^///^

*In very little time Cornet's kart and tools are all loaded up in the truck and she leads Zippy over to her home. It was a decent sized house with a large garage that an aspiring racer could make good use of. Inside the garage Zippy also notices that she has a variety of surfboards and rollerblades.*

Zippy: So I take it you like to keep active, what with all the roller blades and even surfboards. Very nice choices. ^^

Cornet: I surf and skate casually and occasionally competitively. ^^ But my real passion is music~ ^3^

Zippy: Get out of town! You're a singer?! Way to work past your disability! ^^ Can I hear you sing sometime?

Cornet: You'd really like to hear me sing?

Zippy: I. Would. LOVE! To hear you sing. ^^

Cornet: Okay~

*Cornet leads Zippy inside her home; it was really nice and well cleaned.*

Zippy: You're very organized and clean. I try not to be messy but I always somehow make a mess of my place. -w-

Cornet: Thank you; it helps if you remember to put things back where you got them from as soon as you're done with them. ^^

*Cornet leads Zippy to a closed door and opens it; with all of the instruments inside of it Zippy figures that this room is her studio.*

Zippy: Oh wow, you got a huge stock of instruments here! 0_0 Do you have a band or something? Or do you just like dabbling in them? =O

Cornet: I don't have a band or anything like that just yet but I can play all of these. I'm trying to figure out which one fits me best.

Zippy: Wow, you can play ALL these instruments!? I'm not sure if I could play even two or three! You're really talented Cornet. ^^ *He found a spot he could sit and smiled crossing his legs.* So when do I get to hear you sing? ^^

Cornet: I don't have any sound equipment just yet so how about we hit up one of the local kareoke places?

Zippy: Awww you tease! >w< Gonna make me wait to hear you sing? I bet you sound like a vocaloid too. Okay okay, we can go do karaoke but I suck. I'll pay thought. ^^

Cornet: Great ^^ *notices that she has grease stains and dirt on her clothes and in her fur* but I think that I need to freshen up first. Make yourself at home while I get cleaned up. ^w^

Zippy: Er, okay, sure. =O I'll just go down to the living room and wait for you, or something. ^^

*Zippy goes to the living room as Cornet heads to her bathroom and begins taking a shower. In the living room Zippy sees many photos of Cornet and her parents as well as some awards, ribbons and trophies in a display case. That's when he hears some amazing vocals coming from the bathroom; he figured that Cornet was the type that liked to sing when she showered.*

Zippy: I hope that thing she wears is water proof. But her singing sounds... incredible!

*He blushed fidgeting a little and decided to get closer so he could hear better. He went back up towards the bathroom, trying to listen from outside. Cornet's vocals from up close sounded even better. Zippy was amazed that her voice collar could produce such amazing vocal quality; he gets lost in the sound of her voice. He smiled and sat down by the door, closing his eyes gently as he enjoyed the sound of her singing. He could just imagine her, before an audience, the shower water creating a mental image of a waterfall in the background. It was lovely. But then he recalled she was taking a shower at the moment and blushed as a mental image came to him of her nude. He tried to shake the mental image away and just focus on her beautiful voice. As the minutes tick by Zippy continues to listen to Cornet's singing. Soon afterwards the shower water stops as Cornet gets out of the shower and begins drying off. The sound of blow drier fills the bathroom and Zippy takes that as a cue that Cornet was close to coming out so he goes back to the living room to wait on her. Zippy rushed into the living room and sat down innocently, twiddling his thumbs with a light blush as he waited for her now. One blow dry session later Cornet emerges from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body and hair as she heads to her bedroom. After picking out some cute clothes she gets dressed and makes her way back into the living room to meet up with Zippy.*

Cornet: Sorry for making you wait so long ^^

Zippy: Oh nonsense, it's no trouble at all. ^^ In fact I think I got a small preview of your singing from down here. I'm looking forward to it.

Cornet: I wasn't too loud was I? I just can't help but sing when I'm in the shower. ^^

Zippy: Not at all, it was very feint, but very lovely. I'm looking forward to hearing you sing up close. ^^ Shall we?

Cornet: Yes, let's go ^w^

Zippy: Alright. I'll drive. Gauntlet, can you summon transport?

Gauntlet: *Lights up* Right away sir. It will arrive in five minutes.

Cornet: Wow, that's really nifty ^^

Zippy: Thanks! These gauntlets were gifts, and they're super helpful. Say hello gauntlet!

Gauntlet: Hello. He has yet to give me a proper name. -u-;

Cornet: Hello ^o^ So how long have the two of you been partners?

Gauntlet: Ever since Ms. Penelope went into hiding. =O

Zippy: My sister. It's a long story.

*A motorized car rounded the corner and stopped in front of Cornet's lawn*

Zippy: There's our ride! I'll tell ya the story along the way if ya like.

Cornet: I don't mind hearing it if you don't mind telling it. ^^

Zippy: Sure I suppose. *He opened the passenger side door for her* You see my sister was a genius with mechanics, but she was also a thief. One day she started working with an upstanding group of thieves that worked against other criminals, but then... she betrayed them. I don't understand why, and in the end she went to jail. Recently I heard she broke out, but I haven't heard from her since she did.

Cornet: Hmm, what would you do if you found her?

Zippy: Well... I suppose the first thing I'd do is... hug her... I miss her Cornet. As much as I want to know why she did it, I love Penelope. I just... I want my sister back, you know?

Cornet: I understand.

Zippy: *He sighed softly and shut the door once she was seated, hopping into the drivers seat.* Well, let's forget about the whole fiasco with my sister. What's the name of the karaoke place? I'll look it up. ^^

Cornet: It's actually more of a deluxe manga cafe. They've got everything from manga, games, kareoke and all sorts of other things. I think that it is called "The Hangout" or something like that.

Zippy: I'm sure I can find it with that. Gauntlet, navigate me to this hangout place.

Gauntlet: Of course, sure. I'm a GPS now. =I ...Oh wait, I am. Okay, head straight.

Zippy: *Starts the car and drives off, finding the location Cornet spoke of rather quickly.* This the joint?

Cornet: Yes, this is the place

Zippy: *Parks the car and hurries out, opening her door for her.* M'lady. ^^

Cornet: Why thank you~ ^w^

Zippy: *He gently takes her hand, leading her inside.* So would you like to grab a bite before or after we do some karaoke? ^^

Cornet: Well I am pretty hungry after my races today; we can eat something before we sing. ^^

Zippy: Yeah, don't want to sing on a dry unrelaxed throat! *When a waitress approached he got them a table for two, further showing his gentleman like qualities by pulling out her chair for her.*

Cornet: Why thank you~ ^^

Zippy: *After pushing in her chair, he sits down across from her.* So why don't you tell me a bit about yourself? Or maybe a family member? ^^

Cornet: Well, I grew up with my Mom and Dad as their only child. They really helped me "find my voice" during my younger years by teaching me that everyone has their own personal obstacles to overcome and by helping me overcome my own. ^^

Zippy: My sister helped me overcome several obstacles too, and taught me everything I know about mechanics and engineering. Were your parents super smart?

Cornet: They sure were; they made this collar of mine and showed me how to make improvements on in when I deemed them necessary. ^^

Zippy: So you're pretty tech savvy too, huh? Maybe I'll show you my workshop sometime. *He looked into her eyes and blushed, getting a goofy smile and just staring into them for a bit.* You're very pretty...

Cornet: O///O R-Really? Wow, nobody has ever said that too me before~

Zippy: I guess today is full of a lot of firsts for you, huh? Maybe by the end of this date, I'll be your first boyfriend? *He gave her a playful wink as the waitress approached to take their orders.*

Cornet: you're so sweet~

Waitress: Can I take your orders? ^^

Zippy: I'll have the grilled cheese, and a pink lemonade to drink. Cornet, I'll pay, so help yourself to anything. ^^

Cornet: Okay let's see... *looks at the menu* Ooh~ I'll take the chicken and waffles and some sweet tea to drink. ^^

Waitress: Coming right up! Be sure to order dessert if you two have room. *She takes their menus and skips off.*

Zippy: So, I'll be honest. When I heard you singing earlier? I snuck up to the bathroom and listened from outside. I couldn't resist. ^///^;

Cornet: O///O Oh...did...you like my song?

Zippy: I loved it. I was so lost in it. ^///^ A-Also I promise I was outside the door the entire time. >///>

Cornet: That's good So, do you have any hobbies?

Zippy: I mean, aside from my inventing things? I like to play video games. I've also been to a few renaissance fairs. ^^ What about you?

Cornet: I like video games too. I haven't been to a renaissance fair just yet but I have been to a few surfing, skating and racing tournaments and did relatively well in all of them. ^^

Zippy: Right, you mentioned those sports! Maybe you can teach me how to do them, and we can do them together. In return, maybe I can teach you more about mechanics. Like an assistant... only with more snuggles.

Cornet: That would be very nice; I look forward to it

Zippy: Awesome! >w<

*Just then the waitress came back with both their food and drinks.*

Zippy: Whoa! Fast service. I'll have to leave a nice tip. ^^

Cornet: *gets a whiff of the food* Mmm-mm, it smells good too. ^w^

Zippy: Even without the promise of karaoke, this place isn't half bad. ^^ *He cleanly ate his meal now.*

Cornet: *takes a chicken strip and dips it in the homemade honey mustard sauce then takes a bite* Mmmm, perfectly seasoned and very crunchy~ ^^

Zippy: *Chuckles and says* My... grilled cheese is melty and delicious? Food is food to me. *He chuckled a bit.* So what kinds of music do you like to sing?

Cornet: I like to sing all sorts...except for rap and heavy metal; it does a number on the speech collar and I'm just not that big a fan of them.

Zippy: Yeah, I... can't say that I am either. >.> Personally I like pop and rock, personally. ^^

Cornet: Some of my favorite songs are from those genres; lately I've been trying my hand at singing some J-Pop. ^^

Zippy: It would suit you with a voice like that. *He finished up his meal and smile.* You ready to go sing?

Cornet: *finishes up her meal at the same time then takes a gulp of her drink* now I am

Zippy: Great! So how does this work? Do we rent a room?

Cornet: I'll show you ^w^

*Cornet flags down one of the attendants and explains how she and Zippy would like to sing some kareoke. The attendant leaves briefly then returns with a key with a room number on it and hands it to her.*

Cornet: Okay, we're all set ^^

Zippy: That was easy! Don't we have to pay or something?

Cornet: Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

*Cornet waves down the waitress that had been serving them.*

Cornet: We'd like to pay for our meal now.

Waitress: That won't be necessary; your meal has already been paid in full by that sweet little girl over there *points over to a little ferret girl wearing pink googles on her head, a light blue tank top, a pink skirt and matching pink boots*

Ferret girl: *waves at Cornet and Zippy*

Zippy: She did? Cornet, do you know her?

Cornet: No, I don't; this is the first time I've ever seen her here and I'm a regular at this place.

Zippy: Well, you wanna go thank her? Find out why she paid for us? =O

Cornet: Yeah, it's only natural to thank somebody for getting you something.

Zippy: *Smiles and nods, making his way over to the girl.* Excuse me? Thanks for paying for our meal, but who are you? I don't think either of us knows you.

Cornet: What is your name, sweetie?

Milk: Milk ^^

Zippy: Well it's nice to meet you, Milk. ^^ You're either very short or a little girl. If the latter, what are you doing paying for random folks meals in a place like this?

Milk: Well the two of you are exactly random folks to me. How can I explain this? ... let me sing with you two; I think that you'll be able to put the puzzle together then. ^^

Zippy: Well... this is a date... but, what the heck? Cornet, why don't we let her come sing with us. I don't mind a third wheel on a night that's been pretty great so far. ^^

Cornet: Sure, I don't mind; we have plenty of time so we'll all definitely be able to sing together. ^^

Zippy: Come on then, Milk. Let's all go sing! ^^

Milk: Yay~ ^o^

*As the three of them walked down the hall to their room Zippy couldn't help but notice a certain tune that Milk was humming; it was the tune to a song he always remembered his sister sung when she was happy and one that he would hum to himself every now and then.*

Zippy: *This got Zippy blinking in surprise. He tilted his head a bit, did she know his sister?* Where did you hear that tune you are humming, Milk?

Milk: My papa~ ^o^

Zippy: Huh... You just keep raising more questions huh?

*They found their way to the karaoke room they'd been assigned. It was a humbly sized room with comfy sofas, a table, and a machine hooked up to a tv on the wall. It was colored in a way that almost felt like the room was lit with blue neon, but it honestly wasn't.*

Zippy: Wow, it really looks how I expected it to. Kinda cool, but, kinda cramped too. *He turned off his gauntlets, removing them and setting them down on the table.* Shouldn't need these for right no-OH!" He tripped on the base of the table and stumbled, falling, grasping at air. What he got instead was Cornet's bottoms, and when he sat them down around her ankles from his new place on the floor, he slowly looked up blushing profusely.*

Cornet: Eep! O//^//O

Zippy: C-Cornet, I really didn't mean to do that! I'm... sorry... wow, you have a really cute butt. o///o

Cornet: *tries to pull her shirt down to cover her front but in doing so exposes her boobs to Zippy* Q//^//Q ... *blushes deep red*

Zippy: *Seeing her embarrassment, he stood up and smiled warmly.* Cornet, it's okay. Calm down. I know your embarrassed because I can see your boobs, and your butt, but you know what? They're very sexy, and so are you. I don't think any less of you for seeing them, and find myself just that much more attracted to you. *He walked over and hugged her, though, due to her height compared to him, his face pressed into her breasts and his hands reached around and placed themselves on her bottom cheeks.*

Cornet: *calms down at the affection and hugs Zippy back, smiling warmly* ^//w//^

Zippy: I fell in love with you the moment I first laid eyes on you, and everything so far today has only solidified my feelings for you. *He pulled her shirt down until she completely squeezed out of it and then sat down.* You don't have to be ashamed of yourself at all with a body as beautiful as that. Now come down here and kiss me you big sexy woman. ^^

Cornet: *laughs a goofy laugh with a smile on her face as she goes in for the kiss*

Milk: *tail wags excitedly*

Zippy: *Giggles at her laugh, and when she comes in for the kiss he returns it passionately, bringing her in to straddle him in the seat as they made out." Mmmm, Cornet, I love you. ^w^

Cornet: And I love you too~ ^w^

Zippy: Awww. X3 *He gave her bottom a light smack with both hands, chuckling. Just then he realized they weren't alone and blushed a bit, glancing over.* Er, um... sorry we suddenly got so lovey-dovey and provocative in front of you, Milk. ^///^;

Milk: No problem at all. My Mama and Papa are like this all the time around home; it just reminds me of how in love they are with each other and me~ ^w^

Zippy: Well, as long as you’re not traumatized. ^///^ *He nuzzled her a little more.* Mmmm, lets continue the nude snuggles later. For now, how's about we get to singing?

Cornet: Let's

*After Cornet gets redressed everybody begins looking at the song selections.*

Cornet: So what should we sing first?

Zippy: We? You mean... like a duet? o///o

Cornet: A duet? I hadn't thought about that but that sounds good; yes, a duet. ^w^

Zippy: Doh! >.< But, I don't know what we could sing together! This could end up being OUR song after all. >///<

Cornet: Any song we sing together can be "our song" ^///^ but seeing as how this means a lot to you we can put off the duet until we've found that perfect song just for the two of us.

Milk: Wasn't that last bit of what you said a song title from the past?

Zippy: Wait, you mean the song just the two of us? Pft! That's so corny! But... It could be kinda cute a romantic if the two of "us" sang it. >w> What do you say, dear?

Cornet: Sounds great to me~ ^3^

Zippy: *He grabs the other mike.* Okay! Let’s hear how great we sound together! >w<

Cornet: A 1 and a 2 and a 3~

*As the song begins both Zippy and Cornet take turns singing the lines to "Just the Two of Us" and would sing the chorus together. They were slightly rocky in the beginning but quickly got in sync with each other and began singing like a professional duo. The two of them were so caught up in the moment that they didn't realize that the song had ended until they heard the applause of Milk.*

Milk: Bravo~

Zippy: Well, I think we got pretty in sync towards the middle there. We should sing more songs together. *He chuckled at Milk.* Thanks, you're too kind. -w-

Milk: You two deserved it; you were both great

Zippy: Well, did you want a turn? *He held out the microphone to her.*

Milk: Sure, what should I sing?

Zippy: Well, whatever you want to sing. *Zippy paused and looked her over a bit more.* Say Cornet, are you sure she's not related to you? She looks a lot like you.

Cornet: You know...she sort of does; are you a cousin of mine that I don't know about?

Milk: Maybe this will help you see who I really am~

*Milk takes the mic and begins singing without choosing a song. Surprisingly, it was the very same song that Cornet was singing while she was in the shower: a song that her mother sang to her when she was little. While singing, Milk went over to Zippy's gauntlets and actually managed to activate effortlessly. Then while striking a pose she pulls down the pink googles over her eyes. Upon closer inspection Zippy finally noticed something about those goggles: they were actually the same pair of goggles that his sister wore when she was younger but seemed to have been lovingly restored to their former glory. This young girl had objects, talent and knowledge that only Zippy or Cornet possessed; it wasn't long before the two of them finally put the pieces of the puzzle together, especially when they remembered a certain phenomenon happening around some of their acquaintances.*

Cornet: Q//o//Q *puts her hands over her mouth* oh my god...

Zippy: It can't be... you're... *He flushes glancing at Cornet for a moment.* You're our daughter! From the future! But... how?! Does this have something to do with my sister's time machine she'd been working on?! O///o

Milk: No, it was nothing like that. Me and my friends from a few years in the future all traveled through a time game to get to this time. The future, our current time, is not a very nice place right now...

Zippy: Huh, sounds like something out of fire emblem. =O But... I'm sorry, I'm so shocked that the woman I met and fell in love with just today... is the mother of my future daughter! Oh my gosh! *He snatched her up and snuggled her.* Look at her, Cornet?! She has your adorableness in bite size! X3

Cornet: She is very adorable how long have you been here on your own?

Milk: I just arrived in this time today; it appears that we're all arriving on different days despite all going through the time gate at the same time. It just so happened that I arrived on the day that you two met; it was risky but I wanted to be a part of that magical day for the two of you. ^^

Zippy: That's very risky you little rascal! *Zippy playfully ruffles her hair.* What if you being here during this moment kept us from conceiving you and then you ceased to exist?! Though, I wouldn't expect Cornet to do something like that on the first date. She's a classy lady with standards. I can tell. *He winked playfully to the tall ferret girl.*


Milk: S-Sorry, Daddy; I just really wanted to see you two in a more peaceful and happy environment.

Zippy: Well, you definitely picked a good time, then. But this does bring up some immediate concerns about what the future is like...

Milk: The future I came from is not a happy time; the entire universe is in the hands of a powerful, ancient tyrant that had previously been imprisoned for over a thousand years. Several events happen during this time that renders those with a fighting chance of defeating this evil unable to fight and defeat him. The offspring of those capable ones, myself included, came through a time gate that opened to warn everyone of these upcoming events and possibly change history just enough to get a better future for everybody. I'm pretty sure that some of the others have made contact with their parents and helped them already because even now my memories of the future are different than they were earlier.

Zippy: Does that mean you'll be able to return to the future when it's a better place?

Milk: We're not exactly sure. We knew that coming here meant that we might very well be stuck in this time period but we were willing to take that chance if it meant a better future for everybody.

Zippy: Well, I'm sure my sister could get you all home. If we ever find her. >.> But for now, I can't imagine you have a place to stay. Why don't you come stay with one of us then? ^^

Milk: I'd like that. ^^

Zippy: Sweet! Oh, but... what about our date? *He glanced at Cornet worriedly.*

Cornet: Hmm...

Milk: ... there is something I can try that'll allow you two to continue your date without having to worry about me. ^o^

Zippy: Oh? But what is it?

Milk: *takes out her cell phone and activates an app* Ta-da~ this here is called the Sui Shop app: an app developed by my good friend Sui so she can respond instantly to her customers. Let's see if she made it here to this timeline...

*Milk pushes the "Order" command on the app and seconds later a twilight portal opens up above them all and out of it flies a little blue and white skinned imp girl with orange hair, clad in a cloak wearing only a shirt and panties underneath and carrying a humongous backpack stuffed to the brim with merchandise.*

Sui: Sui of Sui Shop, here to answer your consumer needs; how can I help you? *sees Milk* Milk-chan! *hugs Milk* you finally made it here; so great to see you. Now that you're here I'm doubly confident in our chances of changing the future for the better

Zippy: Sounds like our girl is important. Heh, well, she already was to us. *He nudges Cornet with his elbow and a wink.* So, introduce us to your friend!

Milk: This is my friend Sui. She's the daughter of Mr. Bastion and Mrs. Renezmay; she's a merchant. If there is something you're looking for she either has it in stock or can find it for you.

Sui: Pleasure to me you two...er...earlier than I'm supposed to.

Zippy: I get the feeling that's going to be a running bit for everyone from your time, kid. But what are you looking for, Milk?

Milk: Oh, I'm not looking for anything; Sui, have you make contact with you parents yet?

Sui: Sure have; I was actually the first one to arrive in this time surprisingly enough. ^^

Milk: Great; do you think that they'll mind me coming over to hang out for a while so my parents can finish their date?

Sui: Sure thing; my folks are both home and pretty cool with me having friends over given the circumstances.

Zippy: Oh! I guess that works. But let’s exchange contact information so we can come find you later. Deal?

Sui: *takes a card out of her backpack* my business card, complete with the home office address and phone numbers. ^^

Zippy: Well, I suppose this works. Milk, we'll come get you soon. ^^

Milk: Okay, Daddy~ *leaps up gracefully and gives Zippy a kiss on the cheek* let go and play, Sui

Sui: Right, hold on tight ^o^

*Sui grabs hold of Milk and flies up and back through the Twilight portal that disappears afterwards.*

Zippy: ....So.... Our daughter from the future, huh? ^///^ *Glances at Cornet.*

Cornet: Yup, our daughter; who'd have thought that we'd have a kid during the first date? ^///^;

Zippy: Well, I'm fairly certain we have her down the line. But I'm surprised. *He embraces Cornet.* She's only HALF as cute as you.

Cornet: oh you~

Zippy: Well, how do we proceed from here? You wanna... do more karaoke? ^///^

Cornet: I'm pretty much up for anything you'd like to do ^///^

Zippy: Well, I want to listen to your beautiful singing voice before we go do anything else. ^///^

Cornet: Then I'll give you private concert

Zippy: And I'll order more snacks and drinks for it! >w<

*Cornet goes through the song catalog and picks out a variety of different songs. She sings each song one by one and puts on quite the performance for Zippy as he watches her in silent awe. Before any of them knew it their hour for the room had already passed as Cornet finishes her final selected song.*

Cornet: Whoa, the hour is up already, huh? I was so in the zone that I didn't even notice it ^^

Zippy: Me too! It really was like watching a private concert, I was just so mesmerized! *He hurried over and clung to her, nuzzling her affectionately.* Mmmm, but you know, one might say you taking the full hour was very... naughty. Maybe you need to be punished? *He had a sly smile on his face as he looked up at her, speaking in a suggestive tone and raising his eye brows equally as suggestively.* What do you say, my beloved?

Cornet: What would you suggest, sweetums~

Zippy: *He took a seat and pat his lap.* I would suggest... a spanking. Over my lap. Would you agree? *It was almost like his eyes were blowing her kisses.*

Cornet: ^//w//^ *happily lowers herself onto Zippy's lap* Ready~

Zippy: *He immediately slides up her skirt to get a look at her panties, feeling up her bottom softly with an excited shiver.*

Cornet: Like what you see?

Zippy: Of course I do. They're adorable. And your bottom is sooo plump and sexy. *He gives it several soft squeezes, before raising his hand just a bit and giving her several brisk smacks. He slaps his hand upwards across her cheeks, making them wobble up and down with a light but growing sting.*

Cornet: Ooh~ ^//3//^

*As he spanks her, a waitress opens the door and begins to walk it.*

Waitress: I'm sorry folks, but your hour is uuuuuuuhhhhhh... o///o

Zippy: *He blushes seeing the waitress, glancing between her and Cornet.* Um... can we get... ten more minutes? >//w//>

Waitress: *She's quiet for a moment, covering her eyes, but then she giggles and blushes.* Um... sure... t-take as long as you need. *She hurriedly left the room, shutting the door for them.*

Zippy: Well, that was nice of her. ^^

Cornet: Y-Yeah... .//w//.;

Zippy: Well... since we're alone and not expecting anyone else. >w> *He hooks a thumb into her undies.* May I, madam? ^w^

Cornet: *nods in approval* ^///^

Zippy: *With that, he slides his entire hand under her panties, sliding them down while rubbing his hand gently over her cheeks. he pushed them down just belliw her cheeks, letting them roll up and cling into the undersides of the cheeks. This made her bottom just slightly more pert. His hand cupped around them, groping them and exploring them with a soft caress.* I think after this you'll need a nice long snuggle session. Want to go to the movies? Or, maybe my place to watch something from the sofa? ^^

Cornet: Mmm, your place; definitely your place ^//w//^

Zippy: It's a date! Or in this case, a continuation of one. *He resumes slapping her bottom, a bit more firmly and eagerly now with her cheeks more exposed now. His hand squishes into her cheeks with each smack, making them jiggle about individually.*

Cornet: *squirms slightly, more so from enjoyment than pain* ^w^

Zippy: *Once he warmed her bottom up to a nice toasty but light shade of red, he paused and gave it a soft rub down. His hand soothed out the sting a bit, and he leaned down to give her bottom a playful kiss.* Did you enjoy that? ^^

Cornet: Yes, you were very gentle ^///^

Zippy: Well, it was the first time. I didn't want to hurt you. *He lifts her up from laying down and sits her in his lap so he can give her a comfy hug.*

Cornet: *snuggles up against Zippy lovingly*

Zippy: *Hugs her back happily.* I love you.

Cornet: Love you too~ *gives Zippy a kiss*

Zippy: *Makes out with her, feeling up her still bare bottom as he does.* Shall we continue this at my place? *He smirked and in a playful and joking tone said* Perhaps with less clothes?

Cornet: Sure

Zippy: Great! ^^ *He tugs up her panties gently and then helps her up as he gets up as well.* Let’s go!

Cornet: *hugs Zippy's left arm* Okay~ ^o^

*Zippy drives Cornet back to his house, which turns out to look like a simple one story home. The inside had two different living rooms: One with glass doors for sound proofing and a bunch of video game stuff, and one open air with just a couple of comfy sofas, chairs, a tv, and a fireplace. There was a kitchen the was at the back of both creating a big circle between the three rooms, and in the opposite direction of them all was a hall that led to the bedrooms.*

Zippy: This is my place. I do all my inventing stuff in the garage and the basement so that it's out of the way. ^^

Cornet: So cool! ^o^

Zippy: It's not 'that' cool. ^///^ Come on, I have a lot of movies to pick from. *He opens a cabinet filled with dvds.* Anything in particular you want to watch?

Cornet: Something with action or something funny ^^

Zippy: Then lets watch a Jackie Chan movie! I have all the best ones. They're so cool, and somehow the fight scenes always make me laugh.

Cornet: Sounds great

Zippy: *He opens a cabinet filled with movies and flips through them, taking one out and playing it on the TV. He then too takes a seat on his sofa and motioned Cornet over, patting his lap invitingly.*

Cornet: ^///^ *skips happily over to Zippy and gently sits down on his lap*

Zippy: *He embraces her and starts the movie with a remote so he can snuggle her the entire time. As the movie plays, he gets very affectionate, progressively more so as he starts off stealing kisses on her cheek and stroking her back. But over time, this progresses to him stealing soft kisses on her lips and stroking his hand under the back of her skirt.*

Cornet: *returns Zippy's kisses with kisses of her own as she snuggles up against him and gently massages his ear with her hands*

Zippy: Ooooo. -w- *He melts from the ear massage, gently pressing his head eagerly out to her hands for more of the same attention.* That feels nice, dear.

Cornet: You like that, huh; then how about this? *gives Zippy's ear and even more detailed massage*

Zippy: *His eyes roll back as he looks elated.* How are you so good at this? Ohhhh, it's like you know everything about my ears!

Cornet: I watched my Mom do things like this for my Dad every time he came back from a particularly hard day of work; according to him the anxiety and stress he had would just melt away from her touch ^//w//^

Zippy: Well you got some pretty skilled fingers from just watching that alone! >//w//< Though it makes me want to return the favor. Now where could I massage "you" to get the best effect. >//w//>

Cornet: You're free to find out~

Zippy: Well then, sound like an experiment, one where the true result can only be gained by massaging every inch of your pretty form; from your ears, down to your toes and everything in between. *He winks and kisses her nose.*

Cornet: *laughs a goofy laugh with a happy smile on her face*

Zippy: You're laugh is... so funny, but so cute. *He gives a somewhat goofy laugh as well as he laid her on the couch and crawled on top of her, kissing her passionately. His hands began to explore her ears and work their way down as he said,* I love you, Cornet. I've fallen madly for you, and I look forward to our time together from here on out.

Cornet: And I've fallen madly in love with you too, Zippy; I can't wait for all of the things we're going to do together from now on~

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