Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Memorable Moments Among Friends - The BBQ Party Finale!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 31
“Memorable Moments Among Friends – The BBQ Party Finale!”
An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

Meanwhile, back in the Pokémon city, the ring has been rebuilt and several more exciting rounds have come and gone. In the stands sits several more Pokémon that have won and lost their battles.

Annie: Why couldn't I beat that witchy ghost girl!? I had the Mega Evolution ability on my side and everything!

Kyle: The ability that allows you to hit her doesn't do any good if all you're hitting are illusions created by her.

Noodles: *snuggling up against Samantha*

Samantha: Heh, even after that punishment, you still keep a smile up....and you sure are cuddly too. =w= *pets her*

Rex (Charizard): *ruffles Annie's fur* Better luck next time, bun-bun...

Ryu: *resting against Momo, a bit tired* =3= ....mrfh....

Tina: Now, for the final round one on one battle: it's Simon VS Pauline!

*From the back of the stage comes Simon, the timid Ralts, followed by an equally timid little Poliwag girl. Both take the stage and face each other nervously.*

Pauline: O//.//O *shakes nervously*

Simon: *Trembles a bit as he swallows* >/~/<;

Raven: Simon is...not the best battler among us. It's actually shocking to see him up there.

Ryu: *weakly glances up at the stage* He is trying really hard to prove himself...

Kyle: The same can be said about Pauline to tell the truth.

Pauline: >///<; *trembles as she tries to build up her confidence*

Tina: *looks at both battlers with a worried expression* ...okay...whenever you two are ready, you can begin at any time

Simon: *trembles a bit before bringing up his hand and making a red chain-like energy beam circle around him before vanishing entirely. Afterwards he looks up with nervous frown on his face*

Ryu: …Lucky Chant. Critical Hits can no longer occur when Pauline is attacking.

Pauline: *trembles a bit before hopping upwards slightly and creates a small rain cloud above her head as it begins raining. After looking up at the small rain cloud she looks down again with a very disappointed look on her face*

Kyle: ...Rain Dance. Her Water-type attacks increase in power and her speed increases due to her ability Swift Swim...but with a cloud that small she'd have to stay in that one spot unfortunately.

Simon: *Opens his mouth and lets out a cry, which in turns sends a purple-pink wave of energy towards Pauline, as he is using Disarming Voice*

Raven: ...Huh? Not going for a Psychic attack, little guy?

Pauline: *tries to run but immediately trips over her own feet and falls face first* >//~//<

Simon: (Alright.... Try to not hurt her too much...just push her off...)

*Simon starts to use his Psychic and visualizes the move grabbing the Poliwag by her sides and then pushing her backwards and off the ring. And...something was pushed and flung off the ring...but neither was it Pauline, nor was it any of her clothes, for once. No instead, Simon was now standing frozen in the ring, meanwhile the lower part of his robe was just gone. Exposing his not-so-intimidating night sky patterned briefs*

Raven: *facepalms and sighs* And there we go again....

Philip: Tsk..... He should really stick to the weaker moves...

Pauline: *looks up and sees Simon then blushes madly and quickly covers her eyes with her tail* >///<

Simon: Oh for..! >///<; *covers his crotch (to no avail) and continues to just use Disarming Voice to grind at Pauline's stamina.*

Pauline: *uses Bubble to attack but all of her bubbles miss Simon and hit those unlucky enough to be on the front row of the crowd*

Rex (Charizard) Ey! >~<; *wipes his face*

Tsurugi: Not cool, lil' girl.... =^=;

Cathy: Ahn~! Cold....

Pauline: S-Sorry! *uses Hypnosis in rapid succession but once again the attacks miss Simon and hit a select few in the crowd watching*

Ryu: ...!! Oh n...nnn....night... *face plants into Momo's chest*

Satonaka: =~= ....... =o= *falls backwards and onto her back* Zzzzz....

Momo: *blushes slightly but decides to let Ryu sleep as he is for a little while* ^//w//^

Fireworks: *pulls Satonaka onto his lap to let her sleep upright*

Rex (Charizard): She...needs to practice her aim. A lot. -~-;

Kyle: Yeah...

Samantha (Dewott): *Starting to get exhausted and yawns* Damn...plump tadpole kid.... =~=;

Simon: >^<; *Timidly steps forward towards Pauline*

Pauline: *sees Simon walking towards her, panics then starts blowing big water bubbles that bounce towards him...then over him and once again into the crowds where they pop and soak the crowd, including those that were hit by her Hypnosis earlier, waking them up*

Ryu: *jumps up and accidently kisses Momo in panic* HMHMM!? O//O

Satonaka: Iyah! O//A//O *jumps up and clings to Fireworks*

Samantha (Dewott): .... =^=; ....

Simon: >~O; Just...need to hit...! *gathers his Psychic energy and directs it all downwards at an angle to attempt to actually hit Pauline this time*

Pauline: *gets hit by the Psychic attack and gets pushed to the very edge of the ring then struggles to keep her balance and stop from falling off the ring*

Simon: *Stumbles forward a bit to push her off*

Philip: Is that it? Is the plumpy going down?

Pauline: *finally loses her footing and falls off the stage onto the grass below* -3-

Kyle: Yup -w-

Tina: Ring Out! Simon will be moving on to the next round!

Simon: *breathes out* =.=; ....phew.... *pulls his shredded robe to him and sews it back onto the rest of his attire...albeit sluggishly and it only serves to cover him up*

Tina: Next will all who have lost their matches come up onto the stage? We will now determine who will fill the final spots of the tournament.

*Ursula, the newly evolved Mochi with new clothes, Raven, Lady Eve, Rex, the Roserade Cloud, Sierra, the newly evolved Desert Rose who finally managed to rid herself of her excess water, Gregory, Milkshake, Noodles, Aurora, Cathy, Ami, Annie and finally Pauline go onto the stage.*

Tina: Fry, you can bring it out now.

*A Lickilicky brings out a retro capsule machine full of little toy capsules; the capsules themselves were all solid-colored so there was no way to tell what was inside of them.*

Tina: *opens the top of the capsule machine, removes one capsule then closes the top again* there are now 15 toy capsules in the capsule machine. Inside each capsule... *opens the capsule she removed* is a little bouncy ball; 13 of the balls are red like this one here and 2 of them are actually green. You will each take turns and turn the knob of this machine to receive one capsule. Once everybody has received one you'll all open them to see what you got. Anybody who gets a green ball will get a chance to battle again but anybody who gets a red ball loses that chance. Any questions?

Cathy: Doubtfully. It's a really simple ruleset, after all.

Tina: Okay then; with that you each may now receive your toy capsule.

*Everybody takes turns with the retro capsule machine until each of them has a toy capsule in hand.*

Tina: Alright, you may now open your toy capsules.

*Everybody pops open their capsules; out of everybody there the ones who managed to get the two green balls were Ursula and Rex.*

Ursula: Yes!

Annie: Darn it! >o<

Aurora: Guess I won't be facing off against big bro this time... ._.

Raven: *shrugs* You can face Ryu any time you like, kiddo. Come over for a visit once in a while, if you want. >.>

Rex (Charizard): Well-well-well, I guess I am a little bit lucky, after all.

Tina: Alright, now will all those who won their rounds please make their way up on stage?

*Everybody aside from Ursula and Rex return to the stands as all of the winners of the earlier rounds, Annabelle, Ryu, Phillip, Cloud, Toko, Toothpick, Daisy, Olaf, Lexie, Samantha, Fantasia, Momo, Shirona and Simon make their way onto the ring.*

Tina: Now this next round is actually the final round. We'll be adopting a new battle format that's commonly used in a tropical region far from here known as Battle Royale. It will be a free-for-all battle. During the first phase of the battle no Pokémon attacks are allowed and a battler loses when they either submit or fall out of the ring. When only four battlers remain the second phase will begin and all battlers will be allowed to use Pokémon attacks again and a battler loses when they are KOed or fall out of the ring. If there is anybody who wants to drop out now is the time to say so.

Olaf: Sounds interesting to me.

Simon: Aw man.... T~T;

Sugar: I object!! >o<

Tina: Y-You do?

Sugar: I sure do! *uses Telekinesis to levitate Simon into her arms and holds him close* I object to this one facing any more danger! >///<

Simon: o////o ... *blinks* W-what?

Satonaka: He...would kinda get trampled, wouldn't he...?

Sugar: You've fought hard but I won't let you get hurt unnecessarily; why don't you watch the rest...with me? ^///^

Simon: o////o ... *leans his head back against her chest* Okay....

Philip: .....

Tina: Okay, well, that happened. If there are no further objections...then let the next match BEGiN!

*Fantasia immediately takes to the air, deciding to wait out everybody else who couldn't fly until the number of opponents decreased and she would be allowed to use attacks again.*

Rex (Charizard): *flies up behind her* And where do you think you're going?

*The Ghost-type was definitely taken by surprise as she forgot that Rex could fly as well. On the ground the other faced a problem of their own: Olaf. They all saw the battle he had with Milkshake and knew that approaching him carelessly could end bad for them.*

Cloud: ...nothing ventured, nothing gained! *rushes Olaf and tries to push him over in a futile effort*

Olaf: Nice try, squirt. *picks Cloud up with almost no effort needed*

Cloud: *suddenly realizes the futility of his plan* I'm beginning to think that I should've ducked out like the Ralts did...

Olaf: Sorry pal. *holds him firmly and gently tosses him out of the ring*

Tina: Ring Out!

Toko: *examines Olaf for possible weaknesses and exploits* this one is not going to be easy...

Ryu: *distances himself a bit from the action going on and whispers to Toko* I bet we could get him out if we work together. Better safe than sorry, right?

Toko: *whispers back to Ryu* right, but I don't think that we have to whisper; it seems that everyone else is keeping themselves busy ^3^

*Toko motions towards the others. Momo and Daisy seemed to have teamed up against Samantha and Toothpick, Shirona and Phillip were on the run from Lexie who going after them quite aggressively, both Rex and Fantasia were midair trying to wrestle each other to the ground or force a ring out on one another while Annabelle kind of held back at one of the corners and anchored herself to the ring with her tails, sort of surprised that nobody was coming after her but ready to defend if necessary.*

Ryu: ......Yeah, guess so. >_>; Quite chaotic.

Toko: I was thinking that we throw off his balance and let gravity do the rest ^^

Ryu: You go low and I go high? *winks*

Toko: Right *winks back then charges at Olaf, feinting as if she was going high but then quickly goes low and to his side and does a sweeping kick on the back of his feet to trip him up*

Olaf: Woah-ey! O_O; *stumbles a little*

Ryu: Apologies pal... *Jumps at the Snorlax and kicks off of his chest, using the force in his legs to push Olaf over and tumble out of the ring*

Olaf: Uff! >_<; I was not expecting a tag team.... >.O; *sits up and shakes his head*

Tina: Ring Out!

Toko: Way to go! ^o^

*As Toko and Ryu high-five each other Phillip runs in between them and Shirona gracefully jumps over them in a panic. They don't have to wonder why for long as Lexie dashes between them in pursuit. She stops momentarily and takes advantage of both Toko's and Ryu's close proximity and gives both of them a powerful open-palmed shove that sends them both rocketing out of the ring to the ground.*

Tina: Double Ring Out!

Toko: Darn it! >3<

Ryu: Of for the love of....Ngh... -_-#

Momo: Don't worry, sweetie, I'll avenge you~

*Momo jets off in a straight line, leaving Daisy to fend for herself, over to Lexie. But just before the Garchomp made contact with Lexie, the Lucario jumped up and landed on her back as she was attacking. In attempt to shake off her unwanted passenger Momo takes to the skies and does a series of acrobatics but Lexie once again displays some ingenuity; she figures out how to steer Momo where she wanted to go and decides to use this to her advantage. With the speed Momo was travelling at Lexie was able to maneuver her into a series of one hit strikes that had enough knock back to send anybody out of the ring. First she used her Momo missile on Toothpick and Samantha for a double ring out, then she circled around and aimed for Phillip and Shirona. Phillip was able to dodge out of the way but Shirona wasn't so lucky and was sent flying out of the ring. Lexie then had Momo fly skyward in an attempt to take both Rex and Fantasia out simultaneously but by that time Rex had seen what she was doing and dodged out of the way in time. The Momo missile crashed into Fantasia headfirst and Lexie saw that as her time to bail back onto the ring as both girls fell down and out of the ring. Everything had happened so fast and already they were down to four opponents; the audience and definitely all the others that had just got knocked out of the ring were surprised.*

Tina: Umm...several consecutive ring outs... *looks over at Momo and Fantasia who had KOed expressions on their faces* ...and two knock outs!

Aurora: ...that...was...so...COOL!

Ami: I don't think I could've pulled off a risky gamble like that

Simon: I am now glad I sat this one out. ._.;

Ryu: Um...Aurora, can you come and help me with Momo, please?

Aurora: Oh, sure *goes over to assist Ryu*

Ami: I'd better help too *follows Aurora*

Ryu: I appreciate it Ami. Let's all just enjoy ourselves after this is over, huh?

Philip: *brushes himself off* =~=; Well...the competition just evaporated there...

Rex (Charizard): *Lands again* Yup...

Tina: Now that there are only four remaining all combatants are allowed to use their attacks!

*The moment Tina made that announcement Lexie, Rex and Phillip each suddenly feel as if they've all just taken a sudden heavy attack that none of them saw coming. Lexie immediately goes down, having exhausted herself earlier while Rex and Phillip struggle to stay on their feet and keep their consciousness. Annabelle nonchalantly walks over to the two of them with a big grin on her face.*

Gon: *saw what had happened* ...that monkey is fast; I almost didn't see her move.

Fireworks: You're right; she landed three lightning fast, heavy attacks in almost an instant.

Lady Eve: Of course she did; she REALLY wants that grand prize.

Annabelle: *crosses her arms* Alright boys, shall we make it easy? Since I can easily finish you off right here and now...shall we just give the first place prize to me...or do you want to get buried under my thick and fat purple booty first~?

Rex (Charizard): *frowns* Are you for real....?

Philip: I forgot how strong this girl is...guh...

*After a few more seconds Phillip finally faints, succumbing to Annabelle's big attack from earlier. Then it was just her and Rex; as much as he hated to admit it, Rex knew there was most likely no outmaneuvering her or taking to the sky to avoid her with his head swimming the way it was.*

Rex (Charizard): ...Okay okay, I will...bitterly surrender to you. =~=;

Annabelle: Yaaaay~!

Tina: We have a forfeit! And the winner of this tournament is Annabelle! ^o^

Annabelle: Yay yay yaaaaay meee~! >w<

Olaf: *hoists her up on his shoulders, giving her a little "victory ride" so to speak*

Satonaka: I did not expect her to win...

Fireworks: Just goes to show you what a little determination can do for you.

Satonaka: *leans into Foreworks* Mhm...

Rex (Charizard): *Sits at the edge of the ring, holding his head* Out-witted by the fat-ass monkey and the pretty-boy Espeon, in one day...not my day today... >~<;

*A few minutes later, Phillip, Rex and Annabelle take the stage for the awards ceremony. Sherri came on stage levitating the three trophies for all of them; they were all very big and there was a color for each position. Sherri first presented Phillip with the bronze trophy which was overflowing with fresh Poké Puffs made just hours ago. They all looked very tasty; so tasty in fact that both Rex and Annabelle couldn't help themselves and quickly swiped one each for themselves.*

Philip: Can you not!? =_=#

Annabelle: Sorry... ;w;

*Sherri then presents Rex with the silver trophy that has a date ticket as well as a book with info on all of the resident Pokémon he could choose from to have a date with.*

Rex (Charizard): ......Date Ticket, huh....?

Annabelle: Probably the only way you'd get a date~

Rex (Charizard): ........ I am going to burn you. -_-

Annabelle: OwO;

*Finally, Sherri presents Annabelle with the gold trophy as well as a black plastic card with gold trim and letter that spelled VIP and had her name inscribed on it.*

Annabelle: Come to mama~

Tina: And with that, everybody, the tournament is over. Now feel free to sit back, relax and have a good time. And to help with that we're pleased to announce that all of the food is now ready; so without further ado, let's eat!

Ryu: *Looks to Ami and Aurora* Don't stuff yourselves too much... Or else your behinds might get even bigger~ *playfully taps the Mienfoo and Riolu on their plushy rears*

Aurora and Ami: We won't~ *hurry of to get some food while it was hot*

Ryu: ....They are so cute.

Samantha (Dewott): *Stretches out* Wowwie, I am spent... =3=

Kyle: So what would you like to try first? We've got a wide variety of goodies both grilled and well-made.

Samantha (Dewott): Why don't you just scoop up something you think I would enjoy? Just...nothing too spicy. I don't do spicy food. *Pats him on top of his head*

Kyle: Right away *rushes off to get Samantha some food*

Samantha (Dewott): .... *crosses her arms* Such a lovely little guy.

*Meanwhile with e-chan and the others, the last bits of food have been cooked and everybody is ready to eat.*

e-chan: Attention everyone: the food is now ready. Get it while it's hot! Oh, and to show appreciation and love for some of our guests, none of the meats here are made out of beef, so feel free to enjoy everything. ^^

Sylvia: Oh, sweetie, you didn't need to do that....It's okay, really...

Kevin: Regardless, it is a thoughtful thing to do.

Sylvia: I just...don't want to be a bother or "party pooper", as they call it... o~o;

Samantha: She said "poop"~

Arthur: *rolls his eyes*

e-chan: Besides, the meat that Pepper and Baron brought was super tasty; I never knew the monster meat you guys harvest could taste so good.

Pepper: As hunters we make sure that no part of our kills go to waste. ^^

Baron: We grounded up the choicest cuts for today ^^

Camilla: Expected nothing less~ *stands proudly with her nose in the air*

Shuryo: As long as you don't hunt the beasts extinct...

Pepper: Noted

e-chan: I guess the only thing left for me to say is thank you all for coming...and...well...Let's eat!

Skylar: Thank you, we were waiting for those words! *Hands plates of food to his kids*

Shark: And don’t worry about making a mess...we got some maids on cleaning duty~

Trina: That's us!

Flicky: Y-Yeah...

Angela and Emily: *trying to keep the skirts of their maid outfits down on both ends*

Kevin: ....Heh, they sure look lovely in those outfits... ^///^

Arthur: *Having his eyes covered* Samantha, let go! DX

Samantha: No no~ You are only looking up the skirt of your little dragon friend from now on~!


*Within minutes the party is once again within full swing as everybody eats, drinks, relaxes and has fun goofing off with one another. Heck, even Masaki and Cheryl were getting along and being chummy with one another...although that was probably due to the effects of drinks in a few other barrels that Brighton and Elizabeth had delivered to the party soon after the chaos had ended for the adults to enjoy...in other words, they were blitzed.*

Gin: *looks at the drunken Cheryl and Masaki being buddy-buddy with one another then at Ronald* ...so...uh...

Ronald: Hehe, kinda weird seeing the two of them like that. While I am fine with having them have a competitive rivalry with one another, it would be nice to see them like this on a regular basis.

Gin: Yeah...

Masaki: *hiccups* need a refill, bestie~?

Cheryl: Naaaah I-I-I am fiiine~ If I drink anymore I think my balloons might pop, ya kno'? *grasps her own chest* Armor keeps them in check, tho'~

Masaki: I've always been so jeeeeealous of yours, y'know? Mine never really developed beyond rrregular *pulls her pants partway down to expose her butt* the only thing on me that got bigger waaash my butt~ *hiccups and shakes her butt a little*

Cheryl: Heeeee, it is a nice booteh tho', ya kno'? *giggles goofily and starts fondling Masaki's boobs* But...see? See? No need to be jealous when your chest is just like this. Only a bit lesser than mine. Look? *removes her chest armor as she pushes up Masaki's sweater and bra, pressing their boobs together* Sssssee? Hardly any difference, just some size. Little bit. *hiccups a little herself, though it sounded more like a little squeak*

Masaki: Heeeey *hiccups* you're right; now I don't feel sooooooo bad anymore. Thanks, bestie~ *hugs Cheryl*

Nikki: =_=; ... *buries her embarrassed, mortified face in Skylar's chest so that doesn't have to look at the drunken spectacle any longer*

Skylar: ^u^; *Strokes Nikki's back gently, while briefly imagining Connie, Nikki and even Ayaka in a little "drunk argument", but quickly shrugs it off* I know dear, I know...our mothers are quite the spectacle...

*At one of the tables with Kevin, Cazador, Hana, Hayumi and a few others, both Scooter and Chispa were sitting together; Chispa was sitting on Scooters laps as they fed each other and were basically being very lovey-dovey with each other. While that spectacle alone caught their attention it was Hana that noticed a small shiny detail on Chispa's finger: a ring.*

Hana: Ooooh~ Shiny *points to the ring on Chispa's finger*

Chispa: Oh? You like my ring, little one?

Kevin: Wait, hold up? ...A ring? >.>

Hayumi: That's...an engagement ring! When did you get that?

*Both Scooter and Chispa look at each other and then giggle a bit, not knowing whether or not they should go into detail as to when she got the ring a few hours earlier*

Chispa: Oh, you know, veeeery recently~

Hana: Ooka-Ooka, shiny-shiny~ Hana wants a ring just like this one! ^o^

Cazador: *places his hand on her head* In due time, little one.

Chispa: Heehee, it's hard to tell if I shall see you as their guardian, big brother figure, or a lover~

Cazador: We all have different ways we behave, don't we? *picks Hana up and peels a banana for her*

Hana: Yay!

Scooter: Make sure you get your fill of those bananas before Desire realizes that they're here; we had to hide them in order to make sure everyone had a fair chance of eating them. ^^

Kevin: Maybe we can distract her with Masaki and Cheryl, if it goes awry? *noms on a banana himself*

Arthur: *kicking his legs* She does seem fairly drawn to the mama doggies... =O

Hayumi: *looks over towards e-chan and a few others* I don't think that we have to worry about her for a while

*Everybody looks over in e-chan and Desire's direction to see the chubby catgirl really wolfing down the hot dogs that were grilled up, so much so that everybody around her were having to keep the hot dogs and sausages on their plates out of her reach.*

Hayumi: Looks like she has found a new favorite food to enjoy *takes a banana and starts eating it as well*

Trey: ...Is it just me, or is she really enjoying foods of a "certain shape"...?

Kevin: .... *Looks at the banana he was currently munching on, stops for a moment and puts it down* You ruined it. -____-;

*Looking over to his side Arthur hadn't noticed that Denea had already taken a seat next to him and had a large hunk of meat on a bone in both of her hands.*

Denea: *smiles and offers Arthur one of the legs of meat, wagging her tail happily as if she was sharing the spoils of a successful hunt*

Arthur: O-oh...um...thanks, Denea. ^//-//^ *accepts and takes the leg of meat off of her hands* How thoughtful of you.

*Denea smiles warmly then attempts to eat the meat she had but it was more like she was lightly nomming it due to her baby dragon teeth and the toughness of the grilled meat. Overall it looked very cute to those watching her.*

Arashi: Aw, she is like Rose when she was a dragon cub~

Rose: Brother, shut up... =///=;

Arthur: ...... "sigh"~ ^//^

Samantha: *smirks as she glances at her brother, picking up on his sound*

*While sitting with Emily and Leaf, Shuryo does notice something else that his future wife and daughter have in common; they are both very strong and have healthy appetites as they consumed various grilled meats and vegetables in unison.*

Emily: *nomming happily on a kabob*

Leaf: *nomming happily on a grilled ear of corn*

Shuryo: ...... *Smiles to himself a bit* She truly seems to be your daughter...you have that same food-loving spark...

Emily: Satisfying a big appetite after a big workout is one of the best feelings in life ^^

Leaf: *nods in agreement*

Shuryo: *flips the back of the maid dress, exposing Emily's huge rear* Seems like that's not the only time you satisfy the appetite.

Emily: >///< I can't help it if I like udon in all its forms a bit too much... >//3//>

Leaf: Udon!? Where!?

Shuryo: *pets Emily* No udon here, Leaf. Calm down.

Leaf: Aww... -3- *pouts for a few seconds before going back to her corn*

Shuryo: *hugs and kisses his daughter on her forehead* Maybe later, we can buy and prepare some.

Leaf: Yay!

*Meanwhile in the Pokémon city the party is in full swing. Everybody is eating, drinking and having fun with one another. Piper and her dancing team mates were putting on quite the memorable show on the stage for everyone to see...and they weren't the only ones putting on a performance of sorts. Apparently Bouquet had snuck some wine and wine coolers out of e-chan and Scooter's refrigerator and some of the Pokémon who partook of the spirits were definitely feeling the effects. Ranging from cute scenes like the tough but sweet Daisy openly confessing her feelings to long-time partner Takeshi...to the sexy and funny scenes like Bouquet, Momo and Shirona dancing to the music completely naked.*

Mimi: *sitting next to Ryu* wow, it actually happened a second time

Aurora: Why are they acting like that, big bro?

Ami: And why couldn't we drink what they were drinking? -3-

Ryu: Because I don't want you girls to end up doing anything stupid under the influence of said drinks. =///=;

Fluff: *kneels down by their side* Come ooooon, what is the worst that can happen? You're there to protect these youngins in case anything goes wrong, after all~

Ryu: Don't you have anywhere else to go...? =//=;

Fluff: I can go wherever I please, thank you.

Rukia: *walks up to the group* Oh yeah, now it's a party! *looks at Shirona* you know, for a Gardevoir, she's got quite the butt for one with such a slender frame~ ^3^

Ryu: Don't make me draw attention to it...! >////-////<;

Fluff: ~

Rukia: Well, at least it's not as big as the Garchomp's and the Roserade's; they definitely eat well, I can tell you that

*Some of the guys watching the spectacle can't help but cheer in agreement with Rukia's statement.*

Ryu: .... =///~///=; .... *Timidly glances in the direction of said spectacle*

Momo: *dances around drunkenly until she notices Ryu watching* Ryu-honey~ *walks over to Ryu but trips and stumbles into his arms* heeeeeeey *hiccups* come dansh with me~ ^//3//^

Ryu: H-huh!? M-m-me, d-dance!? O///O;

Fluff: Knock 'em on their backs, lover boy~! >w< *pushes Ryu and Momo up and ahead* don't worry about the kids, they can take care of themselves among this group of Pokémon~

*Ryu begins to dance with Momo; it was a bit awkward at first due to her being drunk and naked but after finding a rhythm and getting more used to the bolder side of his girlfriend both of them dance naturally and begin having lots of fun. Once the song ended however, Momo collapsed into Ryu's arms, fast asleep, finally succumbing to all of the alcoholic drinks she had earlier.*

Momo: *snores lightly*

Ryu: >///w///O; *firmly grabs her buttocks as he holds her up* Damn girl, you...you are kinda heavy... No more drinks for you...

*Rex and Phillip can't help but chuckle at Ryu's situation. Seconds later Holon walks up to Phillip along with the 8 Eon girls that had battled earlier.*

Holon: Hey Phillip, these 8 are going to be staying with us as well. ^^

Flareon: On behalf of myself and my sisters, we would all like to apologize for attacking you all earlier; we're sorry *bows apologetically and politely*

*The other Eon sister bow apologetically and politely as well.*

Philip: .....Hey, no need to worry about it. *Places his hand on the Flareon's head* It wasn't really your fault, so don't stress it.

Flareon: Allow us to introduce ourselves; I'm W.B., the oldest.

Philip: Name's Philip, nice to meet you. *bows gently in turn*

Holon: What does W.B. stand for?

W.B.: Wrecking Ball! *flexes her muscles and strikes a pose*

Philip: ...Charming. *chuckles* Cute and strong.

Jolteon: I'm Dash!

Vaporeon: I'm Springwater.

Espeon: Sola~

Umbreon: Cola...

Leafeon: Chicory

Glaceon: Peppermint -.-

Sylveon: Sakura~

All 8: We're ninjas! *strikes a team pose*

Rex (Charizard): Squad of cuties. -w-

Philip: Super flashy ninjas... Heh.

W.B.: We're going to work hard together to protect our new home.

All 8: YEAH! *pumps their fists in the air with enthusiasm*

Philip: You do that; we'll be counting on you.

W.B.: Alright team, for now let's have some fun, but as always remain vigilant. Break!

*Each of the 8 Eons go off in their own direction. When they were all gone both Phillip and Rex notice a little Ralts girl had been hiding behind them.*

Holon: Oh, Evie, you were here too?

Evie: *blushes and looks down* I-I-I saw your battle earlier and made this for both of you... <//3//<

*Evie timidly hands both Rex and Phillip each a drawing of themselves in a dynamic battle pose from the battle they were in earlier. Despite her young age she was incredibly talented with how well each of them were drawn and how detailed the backgrounds were.*

Philip: Well, this is really nice. We have an aspiring artist here.

Rex (Charizard): *Kneels down to Evie and smiles widely* Thanks squirt, that was really sweet of you.

Evie: *smiles happily then levitates away*

*Seeing how happy Evie was really made Rex smile. He tilts his head up to see the Noivern, Echo, looking right back at him, hanging from a branch by her feet and tail.*

Echo: Howdy!

Rex (Charizard): Oh, hello there....Echo, was it?

Echo: Correct~ ^3^ And you're the Charizard who secured 2nd place in today's tournament, Rex. I saw all three of your fights today: the one against that Shadow Mewtwo, your first round fight and your final round fight. You were pretty awesome today ^^

Echo: Mm-hmm Y'know, a lot of the single girls living here, including a lot of the newcomers, got really excited when they saw that you won the date coupon, yours truly included

Rex (Charizard): ...Hmm...? Oh, right, that thing. I guess I might as well find a proper time to "spend" it...

Echo: Well, when you do decide to "spend" it, keep me in mind, okay? I'll be sure to show you a good time~ *gives Rex and wind and blows him a kiss before flying away*

Rex (Charizard): .... *blinks* Heh...

*As the afternoon turned to night and the party continued, e-chan had the resident Ice-type Pokemon bring out another surprise for his guests: a great big ice cream cake for everyone there made by Roxie Road's Ice Cream Shoppe. Everybody indulged their sweet tooth to round of a great and exciting day; there were a few brain freezes among the kids and adults respectively as the cake was just that good. And to top it all off, a fireworks were lit to brighten up the night and dazzle the audience. Friends and family alike sat and enjoyed their ice cream cake as the fireworks lit up the sky. While the day was certainly chaotic, what with the sudden invasion earlier, it all worked out for everybody like it always eventually does in the end. As they exchanged glances with each other, both e-chan and Scooter were definitely thinking the same thing...*

e-chan & Scooter: ...we're definitely doing this again one day.

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