Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Dinner with the Sweets! Welcome to the Family, Shuryo!

Travel Multiversal
Friendly Chaos Chronicles
“Dinner with the Sweets! Welcome to the Family, Shuryo!”
An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

It was the day after the huge BBQ party at e-chan's home. Many more had met their future children that day and was taking time to get to know them; one of these children was Leaf, the future daughter of Emily and Shuryo. Amidst all of the chaos of that day both Emily and Shuryo became a couple. Before leaving that night Emily told Shuryo that she wanted to introduce him and their daughter to her parents as soon as possible but thought that it would be best if they waited for the next day so that she had some time to talk to them beforehand. So that night Leaf spent the night with her father; it was an interesting experience for Shuryo; never before did he think that he'd ever have a child of his own. The following afternoon after her classes ended, Emily went over to Shuryo's place so that all three of them could walk to Emily's home together.

Emily: Thank you so much for watching Leaf last night; I'm sure there would've been chaos if I had brought her home with me last night without having explained the situation to my parents beforehand.

Shuryo: I understand, Emily. And it actually was really...enjoyable, actually; though she did put up a little bit of a fight when I tried to give her a bath. Little rascal she is. *Pets Leaf gently*


Emily: Well thanks to you giving me some time both Mom and Dad are up to speed. It helps that they've been aware of what's been going around here lately. ^^

Shuryo: Alright then. I hope they are not too surprised by my....appearance.

Emily: Don't worry; I was very detailed in my description of you. ^^

Shuryo: ....Okay you little stalker, good to know. -w-; *strokes her cheek*

*In time the three of them find themselves in front of a massive gated mansion.*

Emily: Well, here we are; home sweet home~ ^o^

Shuryo: ...A mansion...should have seen that one coming.

*The elderly gatekeeper greets Emily and opens the gate for them to walk through. The three walk down the path in the middle of the well maintained lawn. The front door opens for them and they are greeted by a few of the maids. Shuryo noticed that many of the maids were in fact various monster girls.*

Shuryo: Keeping a nice variety in your staff, I see...?

Emily: Yes, my Mom is one of the biggest driving forces of support for equality for non-humans around here. That includes everything to making places for non-humans to live in, providing jobs and even fighting off the Vacuum Co wherever they pop up.

Shuryo: *picks up Leaf* Sounds like grandma is quite the person, eh Leaf?

Leaf: Uh-huh

Emily: Let's see, it's after 4:30...so Dad should be in the library and Mom should be in her lab. Who should we see first?

Shuryo: I...guess we can see your father first, if that is okay?

Emily: Okay the library is this way.

*Emily leads Shuryo and Leaf to the library. In reality it was a public library that the Sweet Family owned and maintained; just like with the maids there were several non-humans and humans alike working together. There were several people inside; some were doing research while others were simply enjoying a good piece of literature. Emily approaches one of the tables where they see a man with bluish-green hair, wearing a white shirt, lake blue cargo pants and sandals was writing away in a notebook.*

Emily: Daddy~

Steve: Emily, my sweet little jelly donut; come here, sweetheart *hugs Emily lovingly*

Emily: Daddy~ *motions to Shuryo* this is the man I told you about last night: my boyfriend, Shuryo.

Shuryo: *Nods gently* Hello Mr. Sweet, nice to meet you.

Steve: >_<# ...so you're the one who spanked my little jelly donut and kissed and held her naked.

*Shuryo begins to sweat nervously from Steve's tone and the fact that Emily went that far into detail.*

Steve: >_<#... *laughs heartily out loud* sorry, sorry, I just had to try the overprotective father bit at least once in my life *laughs some more and pats Shuryo on his back* but in all seriousness, it's good to finally meet you, Shuryo

Emily: Daddy, don't scare us like that! >3<

Steve: I'm sorry, sweetie even I want to play jokes every now and then; why should your Mother get to have all of the fun?

Shuryo: =//=# *Places his hand on Emily's head* You sure like to get into detail, don't you, jiggly?

Emily: Sorry, but I just can't lie to them when they ask the more detailed questions

Shuryo: I get it, I get it.... Huff, remind me to be extra careful with what I share with you, however.

Steve: *sees Leaf* and might this little jellybean be my little granddaughter?

Emily: Oh, yes, this is Leaf, our daughter that came from the future. ^^

Steve: Aww, she's adorable; come give your grandpa a hug, sweetie~ ^o^

Leaf: Gran-pa~

*Before either Shuryo or Emily could stop her Leaf gave Steve a mighty hug...which resulted in hearing some bones pop, leaving Steve with a pained yet happy expression on his face.*

Steve: QwQ ...like mother, like daughter, I suppose... TwT

Shuryo: o-O; .....Um.....better call a doctor to get that looked at right away...

Steve: No worries; this isn't the first time I've been squished like this. Although, I've got to admit that this little one feels quite a lot stronger than you were at her age.

Shuryo: *Picks Leaf up* So....abnormal strength runs in the family?

Steve: No, not usually; it started with Emily and it seems to have carried over to Leaf one way or another.

Shuryo: .... *Glances at Emily* Well, this lump of cake has not actually shown me that supposed strength of hers, which made the display of Leaf's powers....even more surprising...

Emily: That's mainly because I know how to control my strength at this point; this little one, on the other hand, must still be learning just as I had to when I was her age.

Shuryo: Right, okay, I guess.

Steve: In any case, I'll be fine *tries to stand up, only to cause more cracking noises to be heard by all* or not one of you, be a dear and help get me to my wife's lab; she'll be able to take care of this.

Shuryo: I got you, sir. *Lifts Steve up and carries him on his back* Sorry about the hair getting all in your face. <_<

Steve: It quite okay, really ^^

Emily: I'll show you the way to Mom's lab.

*Exiting the library they take a few turns through some hallways then take a flight of stairs down until they reach the only door on that particular part of the floor.*

Emily: *knocks on the door*

*A small hatch at the eye level of the door slides open and all that can be seen is a pair of pale violet eyes*

Dixie: State your busi- *sees Emily, Shuryo and Steve on his back* oh hi, sweetie~ I guess time got away from me again; I'll join you in the living room in just a few moments, okay?

Emily: Actually Dad needs "that" for some possible...no...definite broken bones.

Dixie: Wow, it's been a while since that has happened. Okay, hold on, I'll let you all in.

*The door opens to reveal a chubby raccoon lady that looked exactly like Emily but without the tanned skin. She was wearing a blue blouse with a heart on it, a light green ruffle skirt, orange shoes, a white lab coat, and most distinctively, a magenta leaf on her head. She lets them inside the lab and Shuryo sees that it was very roomy and well organized complete with a small kitchen, living room, private bath room complete with tub and shower, a queen-sized bed off to the side and everything else one would need for extended periods of working and living.*

Dixie: Just set him on the bed and I'll get what he needs *goes over to a cabinet full of various bottled drinks and formulas*

Shuryo: ....THAT is the lady of the household?? She looks young enough to file as Emily's sister. >.>; *places Steve on the bed*

Dixie: *pulls out a jar with an orange drink in it* here it is *goes over to Steve* open up, honey *put the jar to Steve's lips as he gulps down the drink*

Steve: *finishes the drink then burps up an orange cloud* orangey~ *cracking noises can be heard as bones realign* ooh, there it is; and......nap time *suddenly goes to sleep and begins snoring lightly*

Dixie: There, he's all better now

Shuryo: ........I am not going to question it. I will just roll with it. >_>;

Dixie: That was just one of our many products in action. Hello, Mr. Shuryo, my name is Dixie Sweet, founder of the Sweet Foundation and this little butterball's mother *jiggles Emily's belly*

Emily: Mother! I told you to stop doing that >3<

Shuryo: *coughs a bit, actually blushing slightly at Emily's belly getting jiggled* Nice to meet you madame... -////- You're...quite different than I imagined you would be. Not in a bad way, though.

Dixie: Charmed~ Emily was very detailed in her description of you but that pales in comparison to actually seeing you in the flesh *touches the leaf on her head to transform it into a pair of small glasses that she places on her face*

Shuryo: *Kneels down to her level* Meanwhile all I heard about you was regarding your position and what your company does... Did not expect you to look as young as your daughter.

Dixie: We have good genes and eat healthy ^^

Emily: Eat healthy, you say? *jiggles Dixie's stomach* you who eats way more Udon in a week than I do? >w<

Dixie: Hey! You can never have too much Udon! >3<

Shuryo: *blushes even harder than earlier* =/////=; Well, uh.... Not that...being a bit overweight is a bad thing... It has a certain appeal...

Dixie: Really now? *notices Leaf* and this must be my grand kid; I imagine that you're the reason that grandpa needed his orange drink this afternoon, right?

Leaf: Grandpa always needs some orange drink every time I hug him ^3^

Dixie: Just like your mother...you really are her child, huh? But just how is that possible? He can't... Nukiki~ why don't you three have a seat? I'll make us some tea and we can continue this chat. *goes off to make some fresh tea*

Shuryo: ...*takes a deep breath and picks up Leaf* Do you two play with each others' bellies like that often? >//> You seemed awfully familiar to the situation, Emily...

Emily: *takes a seat next to Shuryo* it's just a little something that developed between the two of us naturally

Shuryo: *Puts Leaf in her own seat* Well it's...really nice to look at... >///>;

Leaf: Lion-Papa jiggles Mama's belly all the time~

Shuryo: ./////.; .... Um...do I?

Leaf: You jiggle her belly, then her booty and then you do this weird wrestling sometimes... ^o^

*Both Shuryo and Emily blush bright red upon hearing that last thing and frantically try to think of something to change the subject.*

Shuryo: We-w-well alright then! >///~///>; Um...Emily, is there anything special you can tell us about your mother's company or...something from one of your days going around dressed like a cartoon character?

Emily: Do I really look like a cartoon character in that costume? It seemed like a good idea when I had it made ^_^;

Shuryo: Well it's not a bad costume, by any means... I honestly think it's really sexy. But...yes, you do look a bit like a cartoon character in it. Fat young girl in such attire and all that... >//-//>

Emily: Hmm, I guess that would make sense when you use Doronjo as a base template for the design ._.

Shuryo: *Pets her* ...I think you should keep it.

Emily: *smiles warmly at Shuryo*

Dixie: Tea's ready~ *brings a tray with four mugs on it; three with tea, one with hot cocoa* this one is for you, sweetie~ *hands Leaf the mug of hot cocoa*

Leaf: Yay! Hot cocoa~ *takes a sip from the mug*

Dixie: And for the two of you *hands both Shuryo and Emily a mug of tea*

Emily: Thanks Mom ^o^

Shuryo: Thank you, ma'am. *accepts the mug and starts to drink a bit from it*

Dixie: You're welcome~ *watches as Shuryo continues to drink his tea* Nukiki...

Emily: *notices her mother's famous mischievous laugh* Mom...you're not up to something, are you?

Dixie: Why Emily-dear, whatever would give you that idea?

Emily: Whenever you do that laugh nothing good ever happens afterwards -3-

Dixie: I don't know what you mean~

Shuryo: ....? *puts down his mug*

Emily: Seriously, Mom, what did you do? >_<

Dixie: Okay-Okay, so serious. I'm ensuring that you two will be able to make my cute little grandchild here later on down the line.

Emily: You put one of your experimental formulas in our tea!?

Dixie: Not both of your teas; just his

Emily: That doesn't make it better! >o<

Shuryo: ..... Mrs. Sweet, you're starting to scare me. <_<;

Dixie: I'm sorry, there's really no need to be scared. I couldn't help but notice that the one who created you made it so that you could never breed; I just wanted to assist in lifting that restriction.

*Shuryo was now curious as to how she pieced all of that together.*

Shuryo: Excuse me, but...how? <_< How are you getting the information and...all that? What do you mean?

Dixie: As for how I'm getting this information, well, I can see it thanks to this *takes off the glasses she was wearing and they transform back into the magenta leaf that was on her head earlier* this is our signature product: the Sweet Leaf. Using the power of science and technology and ancient tanuki knowledge we created a device that'll let anybody perform tanuki ninjutsu to create all sorts of tools. They are designed to disappear after one use or when somebody tries to illegally view it's specs for replication but this one that I have is one of an incredibly limited supply that are coded to be used over and over again by a single person *turns the Sweet Leaf back into a pair of glasses* I simply turned my Sweet Leaf into a pair of glasses that can give me bio information on whatever I view through them. And what I see tells me that you were created by somebody incredibly talented.

Shuryo: Cazador would be overjoyed by the praise.... wonder how he is doing with his girls...

Dixie: You should start to feel a warming sensation throughout your body right about now; when you do you'll know that my rejuvenating formula is beginning to do its work.

Shuryo: ...A warming sen- !! *places a hand on his chest* Y-yeah...

Dixie: Just relax and let the formula do its work of rewriting parts of your code. This stuff has helped many, human and non-human alike, who have trouble starting families and is one of our best sellers. ^^

Shuryo: ...... =~=; Feeling a bit uneasy now.... I did not consent to this...

Emily: I'm really sorry, Shuryo; I thought that Mom knew better by now than to try her products on others without their consent by now >3<

Shuryo: guh....since I don't want anything bad to happen, I am just going to sit here for now...how long will it take, madame? -_-;

Dixie: It'll just be a few minutes more; don't worry, this product is safe and has been used on countless different kinds of beings and had splendid success.

Shuryo: That's beside the point.... -_-;

Emily: You don't use guests as test subjects! >o<

Dixie: FYI, a person is only a test subject when the product you're using on them hasn't been extensively tested out; this product has been tested many times and has a proven effect. Therefore he was not a test subject but more of a customer that I gave a free trial sample to try out.

Emily: Then tell him that from the beginning! >o<

Dixie: But the fun is in the surprise~

Shuryo: ....Emily...permission to raise my hand? -_-

Emily: Um, sure... .3.

Leaf: *sips some more hot cocoa as she watches everything play out before her eyes*

Shuryo: Excuse me madame, but that behavior is not what I would expect of someone of your position. And as such...I am going to respond with an action I deem as fit for the situation.

*Shuryo stands up from his seat and walks over to Dixie, grabbing the plump lady and lifts her out of her seat with ease. She is brought over to his seat and layed across his lap, her skirt getting adjusted so her tail is actually keeping it flipped over. And as he also grabs her arms, it leaves her unable to cover up.*

Shuryo: I am going to spank you for that aforementioned behavior of yours.

Dixie: Ooh, you picked a rather bold one, my dear ^3^

Shuryo: *holds her tail raised and out of the way as he starts to smack Dixie's huge butt with his equally huge (and strong) hands, altering cheeks as he spanked the young-looking raccoon lady*

Dixie: Q//w//Q *squeals in surprise to the strength of Shuryo's strength*

Shuryo: So then, Dixie. Why are you in this position right now...? Care to tell me? *Continues altering cheeks without holding back, even a little bit, causing quite some pain to sting throughout Dixie's bottom, even through her panties, as they did not cushion the blows as much as one would think*

Dixie: I refuse to answer~

Steve: Hahaha, I had no idea that you were "this" playful

*Everyone, aside from Leaf, was surprised as they hadn't noticed when Steve had awoken and was hanging out behind the couch they were all sitting on. Any doubt over what Shuryo was doing quickly left when Steve said...*

Steve: Oh, don't mind me; please continue. In fact... *picks Leaf up and sits in her place and lets her sit on his lap* teach me what you know so that I know how to properly discipline a naughty child. Emily turned out alright but I want to have another kid and I want to be prepared just in case he or she isn't as well behaved as Emily was.

Dixie: Steve honey, you want another child...with me? O///O

Steve: Of course, dumpling; I love you.


Steve: Plus I want to be able to punish you myself whenever you get out of line

Dixie: Boo... -3-

Shuryo: Very well, sir. *clears his throat* If you refuse to tell us why you are in this position right now, then I guess I have no choice but to make the situation worse for you.

*Shuryo went on to hook and peel Dixie's panties off of her butt until they just slid down her legs on their own accord. With her bottom now completely exposed, there was nothing shielding or cushioning the blows... Especially since Shuryo started to use even more force in his strokes, evident by the fact that the Sweet family now could see some aura radiating from his hand, in a deep red color even.*

Shuryo: One more chance, Dixie.... Why are you over my lap, and why am I spanking you...?

Dixie: .///. ...I...made you drink something unknown to you without telling you?

Shuryo: ....Sure, that's good enough for me. -.- *Swiftly brings his hand down on her exposed rear and starts to rain down quick, snappy and quite rough/hard spanks onto Dixie's rather humongous rear, causing it to bounce and flails about from said spanks*


Steve: ^//w//^ *mesmerized by his wife's bouncy, wobbly butt but takes serious note of Shuryo's technique*

Shuryo: Glad you and Emily are as fat as you are in the rear. Makes it so I can take some more time actually getting a thorough job done. *Swats away at her sitting spots and at her inner thighs a little bit as well, getting her legs to spread slightly to do so* Giving your family quite a show there, lady... -///-

Dixie: *yelps when Shuryo goes for her sit spots* YAAAAH!! QoQ

Steve: *makes a mental note of Dixie's reaction to that particular part of her butt being spanked*

*After a little longer, Shuryo stops and puts Dixie on the floor, standing with her back turned to Steve*

Shuryo: It's important to keep a rhythm and schedule in the punishment too. Like, how I asked Dixie early why she was being punished. if she did not respond, I would stop at some point later and ask her again. If she didn't full-heartedly respond, refused to, or show that she doesn't really care or understand what she did wrong, I would amp up the punishment a little more. There are "Spanking for Dummies" books you can buy to learn about the proper way of conduct, or you can ask some people with expertise in the field... However, for now, I would just lead by example for how I can make the punishment gradually get worse.

*With that said, Shuryo grabbed the bottom of Dixie's sweater and dragged it upwards, along with her bra on the way, until the garments were completely stripped off of her person. Her skirt followed suit by being dropped to the ground, leaving Dixie standing there stark nude.*

Shuryo: ...probably didn't need to go all the way with her nudity, but whatever. -///- *bends her over the table just slightly and continues to spank her butt thoroughly, putting focus around her sitting spots as he saw how she reacted then as well* Also, keep utensils like a hair brush, a wooden paddle or similar nearby. Shifting between tools is also a good idea, you see.

Dixie: Well you won't find anything like that in here~ ^3^

Emily: Oh really? *takes out her own personal Sweet Leaf* which instrument of bun punishment would you like, honey?

Dixie: Oh poo... T3T

Shuryo: ...Hmm... How about a paddle which has the word "Queen" spelled backwards on it in studs? That way, when her spanking is over, the word will be clearly visible on her bottom? I learned of stud-worded paddles from a woman named Alebra; spanks her daughter with a paddle that says "Princess". Quite a cute yet painful little detail. <.<

Emily: Creative~ *transforms the Sweet Leaf into the requested paddle and hands it to Shuryo*

Dixie: Wait, we can work something out! I can cook you up something tasty; there's no need to use something like that on me, right?

Shuryo: .....You're right, there is no need.... But I am going to do it anyway, because up until now, your cheeky attitude when facing the punishment has shown that you more-so just found it funny and enjoyable, to some extent. So....excuse me, madame Sweet. *Swings the paddle across her buttocks with one swift warm-up strike, which snowballed into repetitive strikes, all aimed in the middle of her cheeks*


Shuryo: Yeah, that's the point, madame. Now prepare yourself, as we got a long way to go...

*3 minutes of harsh paddle-spanking later, and Dixie's butt is left bright red with the letters spelling out "Queen" across both of her cheeks in a deeper red color. Shuryo puts the paddle down at the table before lifting Dixie up and then sitting down with her on his lap as he gently stroked her ass to relieve some of the stinging*

Shuryo: And that's basically it. Got to put in a lot of work with this adorable fat-ass of a lady... *gives her buttocks a firm squeeze as he rubs it*

Steve: I've learned so much; thank you, Shuryo. ^^ *rubs Dixie's butt a bit*

Dixie: ~

Steve: I think I can take it from here ^^ *stands Dixie up and begins redressing her, putting her bra, sweater and skirt back on then fixing her skirt so that her butt stayed exposed* now you said something about making something tasty earlier? *points to the kitchen* keep that skirt up in the back and no rubbing, okay, Queenie? *gives Dixie a kiss on the lips and then a light smack on the butt to get her moving*

Dixie: *skips over to the kitchen and begins making a meal*

Steve: She's definitely a mischievous one but that's just a part of what makes me love her so much

Shuryo: I can understand that... But I have another chubby one to shower with love instead. *Smiles at Emily*

Emily: *giggles happily as she leans against Shuryo*

Leaf: *flops onto Shuryo's lap* don't forget about me~

Shuryo: Ah yes, of course Leaf. *Gently grabs and jiggles Leaf's belly*

Leaf: Hehehe!

*Steve and Shuryo continue to talk and share stories with one another as Dixie cooks dinner for them all. Within an hour's time a vast meal is ready for them all and everybody sits together as a family to eat.*

Dixie: Dig in, everybody *gingerly sits down* owowowowow... TwT

Shuryo: Heh, stings, doesn’t it... -w-

Dixie: Ha-ha-ha... -w-

Shuryo: *Smiles a bit and leans over to Dixie, nuzzling her cheek a little* Sorry if I went a bit overboard.

Dixie: It's okay, really it is; things are definitely going to be more interesting around here thanks to you lighting a fire under this laid-back husband of mine with that display of yours. And seeing as how you're pretty much family by this point I'd like to give you this *hands Shuryo a clear case containing a Sweet Leaf* your own personal Sweet Leaf just like ours. This is one of the few that won't disappear with one use and will be coded to work only for you after you channel some of your own energy into it. Only members of the family get one of these. ^^

Shuryo: Oh... That's...really "sweet" of you, madame. Thank you.

Dixie: I'll give you a "3" for the pun but a full "10" for the Thank You. And, you're welcome

Shuryo: Heh.... You sure know how to make a guy feel welcomed. I admit it is kinda weird, as...it has just been me by myself for a couple years now, working as a forester and just taking care of the nature and animals and all that.

Steve: I know the feeling, my friend. Throughout my entire childhood I never truly felt welcomed or wanted by anybody until I started hanging out with Dixie and her family. Even though I was borrowing money from them without being able to pay much of it back they treated me like an actual living, breathing person and not a trained pet.

Shuryo: It's just one thing that really rubs the wrong way about it all... *Place his hand on Leaf's head* This girl appearing...has more than likely brought me and Emily together much earlier than we were supposed to. How did we actually get together in that timeline? What events transpired that led to this? I just can't but feel like the current situation...as nice as it is...feels forced.

Leaf: Mommy saved Daddy from Benjamin Koco's mind control then Daddy saved Mommy from being killed by Benjamin Koco ^o^

Shuryo: ...Hmm, I see... *strokes her cheek* The whole situation is just kinda weird to me, but....I think it's best if I don't think about it too much, right?

Steve: Right, just enjoy what's been given to you. ^^

Shuryo: Will do. Right away. *Grabs and lifts Emily into his lap, holding around and hugging her*

Emily: *squeals happily then returns Shuryo's hug with an embrace of her own and kisses him* ^//w//^

Shuryo: *Smiles and keeps Emily close, stroking along her back and tail* And it seems that the little miss appreciated the attention as well, hmm?

Emily: Oh yes; I never had a set image of what my future husband would look like but you without a doubt have all of the qualities I was looking for in him ^^

Shuryo: And you have certainly made me appreciate the "rounder" qualities in life, just these last few days... *kisses her and jiggles her butt gently*

Emily: Now that everyone is caught up on what is happening Leaf can stay here too while she's in this time period.

Leaf: I wanna stay with Lion-Papa ^w^

Shuryo: How about we let Leaf stay one week with me, then the next week with you and your family, and then me again, so she gets to be with everyone regularly?

Emily: Sounds fair.

Steve and Dixie: Sounds delightful ^^

Leaf: Okay

Shuryo: That's the solution for now, then. But it doesn't stop either of us from visiting. *rubs noses with Emily*

Emily: Of course I'm going to visit; I still haven't made you that meal I promised.

Dixie: And I'll make it so that you can come and go from here whenever you please. ^^

Shuryo: That sounds delightful, if I may say so myself.

*As everybody began eating their meal and Shuryo was taking in the sights and sounds of his new family he remembered about Leaf's unbelievable strength that he witnessed yesterday and from what he learned earlier Emily herself was quite strong at his new daughter's age. He had to know, just how did Emily get her strength?*

Shuryo: ....Pardon me for asking, but...Emily, where exactly did your strength come from?

Emily: As far back as I can remember I was just born with it.

Shuryo: Really? Just born with such strength...?

Dixie: It's true; but like everything in life, there's more to the story about how she became that strong at birth. ^^

Shuryo: Mhm...? *picks up Leaf* Can you tell me more if you know anything else, though?

Dixie: Of course; I think that it's about time I told Emily how it happened. It all started during my pregnancy with Emily. As first time parents both me and Steve wanted to do everything we could to make sure that our baby was born healthy and happy.

Steve: I suggested that she just take some vitamins.

Dixie: I could've but I didn't know which ones to take. After doing some research I learned about all the beneficial nutrients that pregnant women often don't get in their diets that can help facilitate healthy growth for their baby. I decided to make my own supplemental drink to address that problem. The first attempt wasn't anything special; it was just a bland drink that gave me the nutrients I was missing. The only problem was that I'd have to drink a whole bunch of it in order for it to have an effect so I decided to keep experimenting with the formula.

Shuryo: ...I think I know where this is going to end up.

Dixie: So after a few more additions and revisions I managed to turn it into something like a flavor enhancing spice that also provided the needed nutrients. Basically you sprinkle it on whatever food you're about to eat and you'll get a super tasty and nutrient filled meal or snack. And so I used it on everything I ate during my pregnancy; and with my natural appetite along with my pregnancy I ate a LOT.

Steve: Monkey D. Luffy and Son Goku a lot. ^3^

Dixie: However there was one thing about this product that I didn't realize until I reviewed it after Emily was born.

Shuryo: Do tell, madame. What was so special with it?

Dixie: Well, it turns out that it has an interesting reaction with sodium. Salt seems to supercharge the product.

Steve: And she ate a lot of stuff with salt, like bowl after bowl of Udon.

Dixie: All of those super charged nutrients really did work on Emily while she was developing; making her immune system stronger, strengthening her bones, amplifying her E-nergy capability, the works.

Shuryo: Well....that is apparently a thing now. =I *Pats Emily on her head*

Dixie: This particular product is one of the few that we didn't release to the public, so there's no worry about anymore more superhuman children being born by the same method.

Shuryo: Cross fingers that your second child won't have that kinda "umf" backing them. -w-;

Dixie: Yes, of course...Nukiki...>u<

Shuryo: There's that laugh again. ._.

Steve: Guess that means I can look forward to raising another super-powered child, not that I mind that -w-

Emily: I hope it's a girl; then I can have a sister! ^o^

Steve: We'll see, my little jelly donut, we'll see

Shuryo: Well, that should be interesting. -w- Can't lie, I might just look forward to that new little one too.

*When the meals were finished Steve and Emily showed Shuryo and Leaf the rest of mansion, including a quaint little park in the backyard. Shuryo sat underneath a great tree with Emily and Leaf huddled up against him while Steve played a relaxing song on a banjo while sitting on the nearby bench as the sun began to set.*

Leaf: *pulls Shuryo's arm over her as she nuzzles into his side*

Emily: *looks up at Shuryo* so, how do you like the place?

Shuryo: A bit overwhelming, to be perfectly honest....not even Rex had this much stuff going on at his mansion... At least, not the one he uses to house his crew and friends... But it's not like I dislike it, it's a nice place and all. *Places his free hand on Emily's head* I can get used to it. Over time.

Emily: You know...tomorrow is Friday. Maybe after school I can come over, make you and Leaf some dinner...and maybe spend the night?

Shuryo: .....Sounds good to me. Especially if you have some cute pajamas to wear...though I doubt you're going to keep them on for long. =//3//=

Emily: *giggles a bit then hugs Shuryo tightly* I'm glad that we're together

Shuryo: Same. *strokes his fingers over her belly* I'm glad too.