Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Game of Heart-Pounding Panic! Don't Get Caught by the Creeper!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 0
“Game of Heart-Pounding Panic! Don’t Get Caught by the Creeper!!”
Part 6
An RP between kamehamehadude and eshonen

Skylar's team find themselves in a dark yet windy cave, Blitz' team winds up in an ice cave while Tanya's team is inside of a volcanic area. Once each team began searching for the exit, something else began its search for them...and Skylar's team was the first to notice...*

???: *stealthily following Skylar, Arashi and Sora* ...

Arashi: ...You feel it too, right?

Sora: Do you even have to ask...?

Skylar: Someone is following us...

*The hidden assailant halts their movements, preparing to attack the very moment they see an opening...something that these three had no intention of doing.*

Arashi: Sora...

Sora: ...Shadow Step: Hunter Realm...

*Sora impales the ground and her shadow with her sword, causing the shadows in the area to expand until the three of them, including their assailant, in a different layer of their dimension. Everything was colored in a shade of black and purple, except their bodies.*

Sora: Welcome, to the Hunter Realm...the Shadow World...


Skylar: Wha...the heck? O_o;

Sora: -_-; *shakes her head and face palms* More stupidity...

Arashi: Stupidity or not...keep your guard up...

???: ... *light chuckle* oh, Sir Moonshadow, the expression on your face is quite...comical. ^w^

*The black squiggling mass in front of them transforms; in its place stands Count Sako.*

Sako: So, how was my performance? Pretty dead-on I would say. ^w^ *chuckles*

Skylar: This is no time for jokes and/or fooling around, vampire-sennin!

Sora: O_O;

Arashi: O_O;

*Apparently, Skylar was the only one forgetting what he had seen happen to Sako, Rex and Trigger just a couple minutes ago. Meanwhile, Blitz' team is about to have a similar encounter.*

Ashuro: Huh? *looks around the new icy location*

Blitz: *ears twitch a little* what's wrong Ashuro?

Ashuro: Is that who I think it is?

*Standing atop any icy pillar, looking down at the trio is Trigger Shigi.*

Kevin: Trigger Shigi...

Trigger: ..... *pulls out his gun*

Kevin: Great...he's too far away, is a long-distance fighter AND he's got the high-ground...

*Around that same time, Tanya's team was having a little trouble of their own with the final missing member.*

Jim: *quickly takes shelter behind a rock wall with Tanya and Nikki* Well, the good news is that our good friend Rex Tyrant is alive and well...

Nikki: And the bad news, as if we have to ask? -_-;

Jim: He's hurling giant rocks at us.

Tanya: Nah, you don't say. I thought we were witnessing a meteor shower... -_-;

Rex: Raaaaah!!! *hurls another giant rock, which crushes part of the wall the others were hiding behind and lands right in front of their feet, nearly crushing them.*

Tanya: O_O .....You know what, that's it! That kid is going to get it now!!

Jim: No doubt that this is Pyro's doing; sorry Rex, but we're gonna have to smack you around quite a bit.

Nikki: *kicks the air rapidly like Chun-Li* Alright, I'm ready!

Tanya: *bares her fangs and brings out her claws, letting out a howl towards the sky before facing Rex again* Time to shake loose some of my old tricks, once again...!

*Meanwhile, Skylar's team also find themselves under attack by Count Dracule Sako.*

Sako: Master Skylar, I'm coming in from your right!

*Skylar sidesteps Sako's attack.*

Sako: Sir Arashi, watch your back!

*Arashi ducks just in time to miss getting sucker-punched from behind.*

Sako: Lady Sora, above you!

*Sora dodge-rolls away to avoid an aerial attack. All three seem to be confused as to what's going on.*

Arashi: Why the heck is he warning us?

Sora: I don't know, but I am confused...

Skylar: Just keep on dodging, we'll figure it out as the battle goes on...

Sako: My body is being controlled by that scoundrel Pyro.

Skylar: Figures...he's too cowardly to fight us on his own.

*An illusionary image of Pyro appears above Sako.*

Pyro: Quite the stubborn old man, aren't you?

Arashi: ...Wait...he's resisting the control, or something?

Pyro: I'll admit it, you have a strong will to be able to resist me...let's just see how strong it really is.

*The illusionary Pyro turns into a black aura that surrounds and envelopes Sako.*

Sako: Argh!

Skylar: Old man! Damn it...! *tries to push Pyro's aura away by channelling some of his nature aura into Sako, but it doesn't look like it's working...*

Pyro: It's no use he's mine n--

*Sako smirks then breaks free from the aura which reforms back into Pyro*


Sako: It's as I thought, you really don't have enough strength to control both my body AND mind.

Pyro: What did you do?!

Sako: The exact same thing that you're trying to do: hacking your mind. Not a very pleasant feeling, is it?

Pyro: Grrr...

Skylar: ?! Heh, the old man got some tricks as well, I see. *channels his aura back*

Arashi: *smirks* Looks like you lose this one, Pyro.

Sako: You certainly are a mysterious one Pyro...or should I call you by your real name?

Pyro: 0_0 !!

Sako: Yes, that's right; in just that brief moment I was in your mind I learned your real name...and what you aren't. How come you hate non-humans so much when you're a non-human as well? What are you REALLY after?

Sora: ... *looks at Pyro*

Pyro: You want to know? Then dig deeper and find out for yourself!

Sako: I will then; I'm quite interested in what would cause you to go as far as you have. Sir Skylar, Sir Arashi, Lady Sora, I only have one final word of advice for you all.

All 3: We're listening.

Sako: Get to a well lit area as fast as you can.

*Sako closes his eyes as he hacks into Pyro's mind...and Pyro enters his, gaining full control over his body.*

Sako: ... *looks at Skylar, Arashi and Sora then grins evilly*

Skylar: Well, f*** us... -_-

*The three make a run for it. Meanwhile with Blitz' team, Trigger has all three of them on the defensive as they realize that he has an even larger advantage than they had originally thought. The entire room is filled with tall, clear ice pillars that reflect all of Trigger's shots.*

Ashuro: This is bad; there's no place for us to hide here, these pillars can't be broken and we can't reach the exit without being shot at.

*Trigger shoots at an ice pillar that reflects his shot towards Ashuro who barely misses being hit.*

Ashuro: ...and his shots keep getting better.

Blitz: Almost way too good, even with those shades of his.

Kevin: ...Maybe...maybe we could use these pillars to our advantage...? Ice is water, and water lead electricity. I think I might think of something, as long as I don't- *dodges to the left to avoid a shot.* ...get shot.

Ashuro: Got any idea what kind of gun he's using? He's got run out of ammo eventually...*examines a spot where one of Trigger's shots landed* ...crap, he's using concentrated E-nergy instead of bullets. As long as Pyro has control of him he's got unlimited ammo.

Kevin: ...? E-nergy bullets? ...Uh-oh...

Blitz: What do you mean "uh-oh"?

Kevin: Zack fought Trigger once...and based on the information I remember at the moment, I can tell that Trigger is not even trying at the moment. If he wanted to hit us, he would already have done so... *looks back up at the shaded sniper.* ...I was right. That gun he's holding is not the one made at Cazador's labratory...

Blitz: He's toying with us?!

Kevin: Exactly...

Ashuro: ... Wait, I've got something... *reaches into the stone embedded in his left hand and pulls out two badge-like objects* Rocko made these; they'll give you some protection from E-nergy based projectiles *hands the badges over to Kevin and Blitz*

Blitz: Coolio~!

Kevin: Let me guess, he got the idea from using the Franklin Badge in SSBB, didn't he?

Ashuro: Probably; he wouldn't tell me *dodges to the right to avoid getting hit by another one of Trigger's shots* Grr...*looks around and notices that there are a lot of rocks and ice chunks on the ground around them* ...I think I just got an idea, guys.

Both: Our ears are open and our minds are focused, tell us your idea.

*They both look at one another.*

Kevin: Jinx! You owe me a soda when this is over.

Blitz: Dang it...

Ashuro: We may not have a super powered gun like Trigger has but... *picks up a big rock* we DO have a living sling-shot *stretches his arm across two ice pillars to create a large sling-shot.*

Kevin: Ah-ha!

Blitz: Guess you want one or both of us to pull you back to fire?

Ashuro: Yep! Ready anytime you are.

*Blitz and Kevin grab and pulls him back*

Kevin: Ready?

Ashuro: Fire!

*They both let go and fire at Ashuro's command. The rock flung at Trigger is instantly shot down with amazing accuracy.*

Ashuro: ...*scoops up a bunch of rocks and ice chunks to create a gigantic ice ball held together using his E-nergy* let's see him shoot this one down.

*Kevin and Blitz pull back on Ashuro and fire him like a sling-shot once again. Trigger tries to shoot the ice ball down but is unable to due to how dense it was. He is forced to abandon his spot to avoid getting crushed by the incoming ice ball. The moment he landed on the ground was the moment that Blitz and Kevin attacked.*

Blitz: *shrouds his arm in purple energy and positions behind Trigger at mach speed* Sirius Five-Point Star! *Blitz thrusts his arm forward and sinks his five claws into Trigger. The impact causes Trigger to get impaled in the back and get blown away by the force of the impact. Perfect for Kevin to finish him off.*

Kevin: Hissatsu Waza: Rai-Rider Kick! With his leg strength boosted by his Raijin powers, Kevin leaps forward and kick Trigger in the chest with his amplified Thunder Kick, smashing him back down into the ground.* Phew...That should do it...

Blitz: Overkill or Over Powered or not...it did the trick.

Ashuro: *pokes Trigger a few times* ...let's check him for any more weapons before he wakes up.

Kevin: Good idea...

*Elsewhere, Tanya's team has been forced to retreat into a more mountainous area in order to escape from Rex. The team of three are currently hiding out in a cave-like spot.*

Jim: ...well...I can honestly say that I didn't expect Rex to start breathing boulder-melting fire like he did back there. Are you two okay?

Nikki: I'm fine...wish I could say the same about my hair though. -_-;

Tanya: *looking at Nikki's hair and choking back a laugh* ^w^ It's not that bad; in fact, it suits you, in my opinion. And yeah, I'm okay, no worries.

Jim: *channels his E-nergy into his Pensword* Element: Fire!

*The blade of Jim's Pensword changes into a fiery red.*

Jim: Now I can cut down any fire that comes our way!

Tanya: Sweetie, I love you more and more for every passing day~! ^w^ *wags her tail*

Jim: The feeling is mutual, darling! ^w^

Nikki: *raises her right arm up and Horror Sheathe appears in her hand* Strange, I wonder why my Horror Sheathe had no effect on Rex. None of my seals worked on him at all.

Tanya: Sweetie, we're talking about the 12 year old boy with dinosaur pets leading a gang of would-be-assassins...anything is possible, and impossible, on that guy...who knows what his body is like at his current state?

Nikki: I guess that makes sense... I got it! Instead of using Horror Sheathe to try and make Rex weaker, I'll use it on myself to make me stronger.

Tanya: Always full of good ideas, aren't you? ^w^

Jim: *feels the ground vibrate* Something's coming; stay here, I'm gonna go check it out.

Tanya: *nods* Be careful, love...

*Jim exits the cave and climbs to higher grounds to better view his surroundings. Way off in the distance he see Rex travelling in the opposite direction riding atop an Uragaan.*

Jim: Oh man...

*Jim quickly hurries back to the cave to report his findings to Tanya and Nikki.*

Jim: Looks like our friend Mr. Tyrant has befriended one of the many monsters that Pyro brought here with him: an Uragaan.

Tanya: Ura-what? ...wait, is that one of the monsters Skylar hunts?

Nikki: *takes out her cell phone and pulls up a picture of an Uragaan* it's one of these guys *shows the image to Tanya*

Tanya: ...that looks like an armored tank in dinosaur form...!

Nikki: A dinosaur armored tank that loves to use Rollout on everything. -_-;

Jim: And swords like mine and Nikki's just bounce off of its armor if we don't hit it just right. -_-;

Tanya: ......Would water work on it? Or, at the least, weaken it in any way?

Jim: Yes, water would work, but we'd need a lot of it for there to be any effect.

Nikki: I remember seeing a large pool of deep water on our way here; I bet if we could get that monster to fall in it that he'd sink to the bottom and not be able to get out again.

Tanya: Exactly. The weight of that beast is going to be a huge problem were it to fall into a deep pool of water, or even down a cliff...

Jim: ... Gather 'round, I've got an idea.

*While Jim explains his plan to Nikki and Tanya, elsewhere Skylar and his team are on the run from Count Sako. No matter what they try all of their attacks just go right through Sako, not harming him in any way.*

Sako: *chases relentlessly after Skylar, Arashi and Sora.*

Sora: Waaaah! ToT I thought this guy was a vampire of some sort, not a vampire/ghost hybrid!

Skylar: RRR...!! This is too frustrating! Where is that Hank Hellsing dude when we need him?!

Arashi: ..... *in deep thought as he runs*

Sako: *transforms into his Creeper form and gain even more speed while cackling creepily*

Arashi: Okay, enough of this. *turns around and sinks his dragon claws into the ground, causing the whole place to shake and rumble.* Yōganryu no Bakunetsu Kagitsume!! "Lava Dragon's Exploding Claw"

*as on command from Arashi's roar, a wall of lava fires up from the ground, creating the perfect wall to allow them to run further.*

Skylar: What the heck did you just do?!?! OoO

Arashi: ...I'll explain later, just run.

*Sako vanishes from sight.*

Arashi: If the paranormal start to strike me down, I'll resort to help from the planet itself...the lava here, it's like the planet's blood...

Sora: Be more philosophic or whatever later on, please! T^T

*After running for some time Skylar, Arashi and Sora arrive in a dark cave like area that's partially lit by bright crystals in the ground and on the walls.*

Skylar: Whoa...

Sora: O.O Crystals...

Arashi: .....*sits down on a rock, rubbing his forehead* Okay, what now...

Sora: We need a plan, that's what...

*Before the trio can begin brainstorming they hear voices coming from one of the connecting hallways.*


Sora: *hiding behind Arashi*

Arashi: ...Shall we check it out?

Skylar: ...Yes, let's do so.

*As the trio travels closer to the source of the voices they become more recognizable.*

???: This place is huge, do you think we're anywhere close to the exit yet? Huh? Hey! Skylar!

*It was Ashuro, Kevin and Blitz along with Trigger who was currently tied up so that he couldn't use his arms.*

Ashuro: We finally found you guys!

Blitz: Bro! You made it!

Skylar: Not surprising, but I'm shocked to see you alive, still.

Blitz: Oh, shut it... -w-

Arashi: By the way, I don't recommend going out right now...that Sako dude or whatever his name was, he's hot on our tail.

Kevin: Goodie... -.-

Ashuro: Wait, you ran into Sako? How did you get away from him?

Skylar: Arashi here suddenly summoned a giant wall of...wait for it...LAVA.

Kevin: No way! OoO Really?

Sora: Yes, really. And after that, Sako just vanished.

Ashuro: Impressive. As you can see, we ran into Trigger; he's still under Pyro's influence but since we tied him up and took away all of his weapons he's been very quiet and compliant.

Kevin: I just hope the girls and Jim can handle Rex...he's most likely after them... *holding and looking at the marble he received from Rex.*

Blitz: Sako first, then we go after Rex, I'd say.

Arashi: *again in deep thoughts* ......

Ashuro: *notices Arashi deep in thought* something on your mind, friend?

Arashi: ...Not really, just...stuff...

Skylar: Stuff that you can think of while fighting seriously? >.>;

Ashuro: I'm sure that s... *looks around frantically* He's here; I don't know exactly where but Sako is in here with us somewhere.

Arashi: Figured as much... *stands up*

Kevin: Oh f***, oh f***, oh f***...this is bad...

Ashuro: *trying to sense Sako* ...above!

*Everybody scatters as Sako dives from the cave ceiling to the ground.*

Sako: *grins maliciously*

Sora: Too much scary for even me! OnO *goes on the defensive*

Skylar: Alright, let's finish this guy off...I want to join up with Nikki again, I'm worried... *snaps his neck in place*

Kevin: If I had someone to join up with, I'd have the same determination as Skylar. But I don't, so I'll just imagine this bastard as something I hate: A "Twilight Vampire".

*Ashuro attacks Sako with a barrage of stretching punches that go right through him, having no effect at all.*

Ashuro: What the...! Why can't I touch him? The last time I fought him he was solid!

Arashi: He's somehow got the powers of a vampire/ghost hybrid...

Blitz: Tell us beforehand next time... D|

Ashuro: Alright then *channels some E-nergy to his fists* I'll hit him until I find the right energy frequency!

*Ashuro hits Sako with a barrage of E-nergy infused attacks that also go right through Sako, having no effect.*

Ashuro: No way...

*Sako steps forward; the light from the crystals shine on him, making him look even more intimidating. Ashuro throws one more punch...and it makes contact! Sako quickly gets out of the light and hides in the shadows. That's when Skylar remembers Sako's final words before he had attacked him.*

Skylar: ...!! The old man told us to get to a well lit area!

Kevin: What?

Skylar: Sako said it himself. He's a vampire. Vampire plus light equals "no-good-for-vampire". The light from the crystal made it possible to hit him!

Blitz: ...MY brother figured that out by himself?!

Ashuro: Light...we need more light in here *creates a ball of E-nergy that radiates with a bright light*

Kevin: If you say so. A bit of electricity and lightning bolts should function as light... *shoots a few bolts at some of the crystals, making them glow brighter* Just like in Chargestone Cave.

Ashuro: *looks around* There he is!

*Ashuro points up at the ceiling where Sako is hanging. Seeing that he had been spotted, Sako once again transforms into his Creeper form and jumps down to the ground and attacks Kevin and Arashi.*

Kevin: Oh shi-!! OoO

Arashi: *pushes Kevin away and brings out his dragon scales to up his defense in his attempt at blocking the attack, or at least defend from it.*

Sako: *bites down hard on Arashi's now scale-armored arm*

Arashi: *crings in pain, but uses his other arm to grab his face...or much more correct, his nose* Got'cha...!

Sako: *releases Arashi's arm* Shadow Grab!

*Sako's shadow attaches to Arashi's shadow.*

Ashuro: Shadow Grab? Wait, I remember this attack...

Arashi: Molten Fireball! *opens his mouth and generates a...well, molten fireball inside it and fires it straight at Sako, creating a cloud of dust in the process.*

Kevin: Damn, can't see! >.<;

Skylar: Did he get him?!

*Arashi wails as his entire body is overcome with an intense burning sensation, as if he was the one who had just been hit by the fireball. The smoke clears but Sako is nowhere to be seen; he had disappeared again.*

Arashi: NGH!!! That old fart...he did something again...! >_O; *on his knees*

Blitz: What the-? Now he's gone too...

Ashuro: Shadow Grab; it's one of the techniques that Sako uses for multiple targets. He merges with your shadow and attacks others around him. If they try to attack him their attacks go straight through him, leaving him unharmed. The only one that can touch him is the person whose shadow he's attached to but they'll also experience any damage they do to him.

Arashi: Oh, god darn it...

Kevin: Pretty awesome technique, though.

Sako: Shadow Grab!

*Sako's shadow attaches to Sora's shadow.*

Sora: Oh no... O_O I don't like this...!

Skylar: Leave the girl alone, old man!

Kevin: ... *to Ashuro* I think Sora is afraid of vampires and the likes of that, agree? <.<

Ashuro: Yeah *nods his head* Here goes something!

*Ashuro molds the ball of glowing E-nergy into a sword and slices Sora's shadow in half, disconnecting her from Sako.*

Ashuro: Wow that actually worked! It looks like the right amount of light in the right spot can cancel out Sako's technique.

Blitz: Then light the whole damn thing up so we can score the K.O.! D:<

Sora: *runs over to Ashuro to take cover behind him* ...I'm safer here...

Ashuro: Kevin, can you give the crystals another charge like you did before?

Kevin: Piece of cake. *aims at various crystals and fires his white lightning at them*

*The super charged crystals shine brightly leaving no shadowy places for Sako to hide in.*

Ashuro: This is it; hit him with your best move, guys!

*Sora, Skylar and Arashi nods at the others, as if saying they got this. Sora drawing her sword, now glowing a darkish-purple color, Skylar absorbing energy from the nature around him until his arms started to glow green, and Arashi morphing his left hand into a dragon claw, purple scales.*

Sora: Shadow Sword Style: Moon Blade!

Skylar: Ookami Ougi: Wild Fang!

Arash: Lava Dragon's Exploding Fist!

*Sora and Skylar both swing their sword/arms in Sako's direction. Sora firing a crescent moon shockwave, and Skylar one shaped like a pair of fangs that bites down on impact. When both attacks hit, Arashi got up close and pummels him into the ground, creating a fiery explosion upon reaching the ground, ending the attack chain.*

Sako: ... *stands motionless*

Kevin: .......

Blitz: ...uh, did they get him, or not?

*A shadowy mist envelopes Sako and grows to a monstrous size. When the mist disappears, Sako stands nearly 20 ft. tall in his Creeper form.*

Sako: *glares at everybody*

Ashuro: ...to answer your question, yes, they did get him...and it made him mad...VERY mad.

Kevin: ...You can't be serious... *changes into his Thor form, wielding Mjollnir, ready to both defend and attack.*

Skylar: F*** this! We can't keep fighting him like this much longer if we're gonna have a chance against whatever Pyro has in store...!

Ashuro: ...I've got one attack that I can use that I'm sure will put him out...but I'm gonna need a lot of room to use it. But for now let's get out of here!

*Everybody runs down one of the halls to escape the room with Sako hot on their trail. Elsewhere at that moment, Tanya's team has just finished setting up a trap for Rex and his Uragaan.*

Jim: Okay, everything is in place. The moment Rex and passes by that dead tree over there all three of us will push this huge boulder which will roll down the mountain, causing a rock slide that'll sweep that Uragaan of his into that deep pool of water over there.

Tanya: And then we have to take out Dino-Boy himself. Though, I have my doubts about this plan...simply because it's too simple. But, I'll take what I can to stop that thing.

Nikki: Here he comes; get ready.

*All three of them get behind the boulder, ready to push it at the right moment. Just as Rex was getting to the target spot somebody very unexpected warps into the area.*

Nikki: What the...?!

Jim: What's going on?

Nikki: Somebody just appeared in front of Rex...wait...is that...Ring?

Jim: WHAT?!

*Sure enough, the person standing in front of Rex was none other than Ring Diamond.*

Nikki: What do we do? We can't launch our trap with Ring down there.

Tanya: Of all the times that little kitten to decide to show up, it had to be now? And not just that either, if Rex attacks her...We gotta get her out of the way, and fast!

*Rex leaps off of the Uragaan as it starts rolling towards Ring at high speed. Before the monster is able to roll over her Ring grow into her Giantess size and halts the Uragaan in its tracks by grabbing a hold of and lifting it into the air.*

Jim: Whoa, I keep forgetting that Ring is a Giantess. Let's get down there before Rex decides to join in.

Tanya: I forgot too... ._.; *starts leaping down towards Ring*

*Ring tosses the Uragaan into the deep water where it sinks like a brick; she then shrinks back down when she sees Jim, Nikki and Tanya rush towards her.*

Ring: J-Jim-senpai? Is that r-r-really you?

Jim: Ring, what are you doing here?!

Ring: P-P-Please don't be m-mad; I only w-wanted to h-h-help.

Tanya: We're just glad you're alive and well, sweetie. You did well, I'd say. ^w^

Nikki: How did you get here, Ring?

Ring: I t-took a t-t-teleporter here f-from Pyro's Fortress while e-chan was p-putting together teams to c-come and h-h-help everybody f-fighting P-Pyro. e-chan d-didn't want me to c-c-come here but I was w-worried about Kev... O///O...er, I mean...I...I...>//<

Jim: It's okay, Ring; like Tanya said, we're glad you're okay. ^w^ You actually helped us out a lot just now to tell you the truth.

Tanya: Indeed. You should be proud of what you've accomplished today, even if you know what it is or not, sweetie. ^w^ *pets her*

Ring: ^w^ *giggles*

Jim: Now we just need to deal with this one over here *turns to Rex*

Rex: *stamping towards them slowly, his left arm raised and glowing a dark purple color, snarling like a dinosaur. If anyone knew what a dinosaur's snarl sounds like...*

Tanya: Seems like someone should put this bad-boy to bed, without dinner. Well, I've had enough of this so-called dino-boy genius! *bares her fangs and claws as she moves towards Rex slowly.*

Jim: *tightens his grip on his Pensword and moves slowly towards Rex along with Tanya* (Okay Rex, what's your first move gonna be?)

*After walking slowly towards one another for a while, Rex finally leaps forward, his hand clutched into a fist as he closed the distance between the two.*

Rex: Dino-Bone Breaker!!

*Tanya leaps out of the way and pulls Jim with her as Rex tried to punch the two of them, hitting the ground instead. However, the ground split open in a straight line from where he had hit the ground, creating a small fissure.*

Tanya: .....Okay, first priority: Don't let that attack hit...scratch that, don't let him hit you with a physical attack, EVER.

*Before Jim and Tanya realize it, Rex has once again closed the distance between them and is ready to deliver the attack again. Acting on instinct Ring gets between them to protect Jim and Tanya, getting hit by the heavy attack.*

Jim & Nikki: RING!!

Ring: >_O *winces from the pain* G-Got you! *grabs a hold of both of Rex's arms*

Nikki: Ring, are you okay?

Ring: It f-felt like getting s-stung by a bee.

Tanya: Oh man, Ring, you're a bit reckless, aren't you...? I can only imagine what borders you are willing to cross for the one you love...

Rex: *stands still, glaring at Ring* ......

*Rex's glare seems to awaken something deep within Ring as she glares right back at him; her usual timid demeanor had completely disappeared.*

Ring: Grr... *squeezes Rex's arms with tremendous force*

Rex: O_O; *stumbles to his knees* ......

Tanya: O3O ....what...??

Nikki: Whoa, Ring, snap out of it!

Ring: O_O Huh? *releases Rex's arms*

*Rex staggers backwards, trying to shake the sting out of his arms. Seeing an opening in Rex's defense, Nikki tries out a new tactic.*

Nikki: Body Lock: Arms! *attacks Rex with Horror Sheathe*

*Rex's arms go limp.*

Nikki: It worked! He shouldn't be able to use his arms for a while now.

Rex: Rrrraaagh....RAGH!!! *chomps down on Nikki's arm with his sharp teeth, trying to literally rip it off of her torso, and from the looks of it, he would succeed...*

Nikki: AHHH!!!

Jim: NiKKi!!! *sprints over to Rex and knees him hard in his stomach, making him release Nikki's arm* Nikki, are you alright?

Nikki: Owie! *tries to move her arm and winces* It's no good, my arm is useless right now. Darn it, I can't believe I got careless like that. >_O

Rex: ....destroy...! *He lets out a shattering roar and starts to close the distance between him and the group. Something was different though...his suit, as well as his hair, had turned yellow, and his gloves looked slightly different this time around...*

Tanya: What's with the change of attire?

Jim: Looks like what Ashuro told me about Rex is true: he CAN transform.

Tanya: Well, leave this to me. I'll send that boy fly-

*Before she finished that sentence, Rex had already gone flying, and dived down towards her. However, he was just bluffing this, as he stopped just when Tanya dodged, letting him set up his aim and hit her with a sonic wave, that didn't just mess up everyone's hearing, it also seemed to give Tanya electric shocks.*

Tanya: AAAAAAAH!!! Make it stooop!!! *holding her ears to block out the sound*

*Ring grows her right arm to giant size then uses it to swat Rex, sending him crashing to the ground.*

Rex: *stands up, seemingly unharmed...and in a red suit now, before changing his hair and the suit into a light-blue style, and vanishing in an instant.*

Tanya: *whimpering on the ground* Nugh...I didn't expect this... >.o;

Jim: Tanya! *rushes over to Tanya* You alri...

*Before Jim could finish his sentence Rex reappears and punches him hard, sending him crashing into a nearby mountain, knocking him out.*

Ring: *looks over at Nikki, then Tanya, then Jim and then finally at Rex.* Grr...

Rex: *charges at Ring next, raising his hand up* Dino-Claw!

Tanya: Ngh...watch out! >_O;;

*Just as Rex is about to strike, for a brief second, he regained a little bit of sanity and remembered what he told Ashuro: He never hurts kids, and would never do it. However, he snapped back into his mindless rage and continued the attack. Luckily, he had stopped just long enough when he regained his mind, and the attack just barely reached Ring...but the front of her top and dress got split in various pieces, revealing her undergarments, and also her hands...*

Ring: GRRRR!!!

*Now enraged, Ring grows into her Giantess size and grabs Rex with both of her hands as she starts to squeeze him. Rex struggles but finds himself unable to break free from Ring's powerful grip.*

Rex: RRR...! RRRRRR!!!! *Rex glares back at the giantess in front of him, before starting to roar at an inhuman level. His hair started growing, while it and his suit started changing color again...to purple this time.*

Tanya: N-Nikki...I think we should stop those two kids before they snap one another's neck...! O_<;;

Nikki: I agree, but what can we do? Jim is out of commission, I can only use one of my arms and Ring is now 80 ft. tall.

Tanya: ...I'll do it...just carry me if I lose consciousness after this...

*Tanya stands up and takes a deep breath, loosening her loincloths. Then she starts chant something at a language Nikki couldn't understand a word of, and started to get cloaked by some orange energy. This was Tanya's nature energy and spirit. It wrapped around her body partially as some kind of armor, though it clearly wasn't. She let out a howl when her energy died down and her new form was complete.*

Tanya: Ookami Tamashii!! Nature Spirits, Guide us!! *summons 2 wolf-like spirits that started to leap towards Ring and Rex, together with Tanya*

Ring: *keeps her focus on Rex, squeezing him even harder.*

Rex: *continues to roar, managing to press her arms apart a little bit.*

Tanya: *starting to run UP Ring's legs when she gets over to her.* Finishing Move: Wild Dance of the Nature Spirit!!

*Tanya and the two spirits started to rotate around Ring as they ran up her, creating a spiral of nature energy and also cut her body. There was no visible damage, as this attack simple attacked the nerves in her body to make her relax. It was a defensive technique meant to be used on many enemies...or in this case, a big giantess. One of the spirits circled around her arms and started doing the same to Rex when it reached him. The attack was starting to work, as the two started to get more relaxed, and Rex...*

Rex: Nugh...gah...feeling...dizzy...

*Seems like the technique made Rex snap back even more than before...*

*Ring releases her grip on Rex as he drops down to the ground hard. With her muscles fully relaxed Ring loses her balances and collapses...on top of Rex! Ring then falls asleep as her body reverts back to its standard size. Nikki goes over to Ring and rolls her off of Rex who too is now asleep.*

Nikki: Double K.O.

Tanya: *reverts to normal* Thanks We...Ea... *The two spirits vanish and Tanya sits down next to the two kids.* Phew...I'm surprised I'm still awake...Naked, but awake... -w-

Nikki: Here... -w- *hands Tanya her loincloths* that's a rather interesting technique you've got there *looks around* you better hurry, I don't think we're alone anymore; somebody's coming.

Tanya: Oh, thank you. *puts them on* Speaking of which, I still need to find a loincloth for you. You said you wanted to try one, so... ^w^

Nikki: Let's definitely do that after this.

*Seconds later, Skylar and the others run into the area.*

Ashuro: This place should be wide enough for...Hey Nikki, Hey Tanya!

Tanya: Hey guys!

Skylar: Nikki! *rushes over to the two, faster than the others*

Sora: Go get her, Skylar.

Kevin: ^w^ Well, it looks like you two finished...where is Jim?

Tanya: .....Oh sweet-cheeks... .__.; *looks over to the mountains*

Ashuro: ...I'll get him.

*A few minutes later*

Jim: Ow...how long was I out for?

Nikki: About 11 minutes.

Jim: Really? Whoa...how's your arm?

Nikki: A lot better now thanks to Ashuro. ^w^

Tanya: *nuzzles Jim cutely* Mmh...

Blitz: Nikki's arm might be better, but I wish we could've said the same about Ring's top and dress...

Kevin: *pretends not to listen or care about that fact.* >//_//>; ...So, what now? *looks away from the group, out at the horizon*

Ashuro: I prepare my attack; Sako should be getting here any second now *starts gathering and compressing large amounts of E-nergy into a tiny ball the size of a golf ball*

Kevin: Ah, yes. Good idea.

Skylar: Hey, Nikki, sis, Jim...how did Ring end up here anyway?

Nikki: She said that she came here from Pyro's Fortress via teleporter.

Jim: Apparently, she was very worried about a certain somebody *winks at Kevin*

Kevin: .///.; *twiddles his thumbs* Oy...really...?

Blitz: .....Um...you wouldn't have happened to spot iDEAL somewhere, sis...?

Tanya: No Blitz, I'm sorry...

Blitz: ..... -_- I know she's most likely doing just fine, but...

Ashuro: He's here!

*Sako looms around the corner still in his Creeper Form, this time 50 ft. tall*

Nikki: OoO OMIGAWD!!

Tanya: O_O ...Wake the catgirl mini-giantess and the dino-boy again and get them into another ragefit! PLEASE!! >0< *shaking Jim in panic*

Skylar: Rrr...! I don't have enough stamina left for a big attack... >_O;

Ashuro: I'm betting it all on this final attack that I hold in my hand; here we go! *tosses the golf ball-sized orb of E-nergy at Sako* GO! Galaxy Bang-Bang!

*Sako is caught in a HUGE explosion that fills the sky with sparkling stars.*

Ashuro: YES! I hit him! ... OoO

*As the explosion clears, Sako still stands.*

Ashuro: ...

*Sako shrinks down to his standard size and reverts back into his original form. He walks up to Ashuro...and smiles.*

Sako: Good show, Master Ashuro. ^w^

Ashuro: S-Sako? Are you...?

Sako: No need to worry; I'm back in control of myself.

Skylar: Phew, that's a relief.

Kevin: ..... *feeling unsure about this, so he backs away and shields the unconscious Rex and Ring, just to be on the safe side.* ...

Sako: *the glowing "N" tattoo on Sako's face disappears* I've learned a great many things from my time searching through Pyro's mind. Would you like to hear the good new or the bad news first?

Arashi: *cracks his neck in place* Surprise us...

Sako: The good news is that I learned how to do this *goes over to Trigger and pokes him in the forehead, causing the glowing "N" tattoo on his face to disappear* there, Pyro no longer has any control over your mind *goes over to the unconscious Rex and does the same thing* your mind is free now too. What's more is that I also now know the way out of this place.

Sora: Oh goodie. -w-

Blitz: Well, what are we waiting for then? We can just get outta here!

Sako: The bad news is that we may be too late to stop Pyro from obtaining the power he's been seeking. Him sending all of us to these different locations was a way for him to gather extra power in order to open that gate. All of the energy that we've used here fighting has been going directly to Pyro.

Arashi: ......

Skylar: ......that's...discouraging...

Sako: But there's also chance that he hasn't been able to open the gate; Pyro's plan hasn't gone as planned. Ashuro, Batou, Klarina, Yani and Zero found a way to bypass the final portal and they've been fighting him this entire time.

Kevin: *nods* we can only hope for the best...

Ashuro: Well, let's wake Ring and Rex up so we can get going...*reaches into the stone in his left hand and pulls out some large clothes* after Ring gets dressed that is.

Tanya: As long as everyone agrees to that. <w<

*All of them turns their views to Kevin with smirks on their faces*

Kevin: ....Oh, come on! That's not even funny. D:

Sora: To us, it is. *giggles*

*Once Rex and Ring are awake, and Ring is properly dressed, Sako leads everybody out of the underground labyrinth to the top. The sight above ground is a complete warzone of destruction as Skylar and Tanya remember what was going on: this was the day that their home planet was destroyed.*

Skylar: ...... *shivering*

Tanya: ......

Rex: Whoa...so much destruction in one place.

Sako: There's our exit *points over to a spiralling portal* once we go through that we'll all be right where Pyro is.

Ashuro: I've still got some power left so I'll use it to heal the rest of you. Just promise me you'll be safe everybody.

*The Ashuro clone disappears and everybody feels completely healed and re-energized.*

Jim: ...thank you, Ashuro.

Kevin: ...Nice work everyone. Now, I guess we all know what to do, and what awaits behind that portal...?

Sora: Dude...Ashuro just said so... -w-;

Kevin: Just making sure, that's all......

Nikki: *grasps Skylar's hand* Ready?

Skylar: ...Always, as long as you're with me. *smiles to Nikki*

Blitz: Heh...I got to remember that one, if iDEAL and I get involved in something like this again.

Tanya: Nah, just keep being kind with her would be enough. *giggles and hugs Jim from behind*

Kevin: "sigh" ...Whenever you're ready, you can spend time together...when we're done... *shakes his head* (Focus! This is not the time to feel bad for yourself! )

Ring: *grasps Kevin's hand* .///. l-l-let's do our b-best, Kevin-senpai.

Kevin: O///O *shifts his view from his hand, to Ring's face, back and repeat* Okay...let us do it...

Trigger: *to Rex and Sako* they're very bad at hiding their true feelings, aren't they?

Rex: And yet they don't notice it themselves...

*The group enters into the portal and is warped from the planet Ookami of the past, headed towards Pyro...and the final battle.*

To be continued...

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