Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Forgiveness - The Two Girls' Final Decision

Travel Multiversal Episode 0
 “Forgiveness – The Two Girls’ Final Decision”
Part 7
An RP between eshonen and Shirokku-D

Soon after the fight has started the rain began to pour upon the battlefield; a sure sign that Annaliese's team was running out of time.

Annaliese: 0o0 It's starting!!

Marius: ....

*Five of the N Claire clones charge towards Annaliese but they're defeated by Ashuro when he attacks them all with a barrage of rapid stretching punches, disappearing in a puff of smoke afterwards. Another clone charges straight at Unishau who slices it with her sword; unlike the first five, this one doesn't disappear and grins evilly at Unishau. Her battle trained instincts take over and she quickly dodges out of the way just in time as the clone explodes, avoiding taking critical damage!*

N Claire: Be careful now; half of us explode when attacked~

Marius: That's Good...

Ashuro: Got any long-range attacks, buddy?

Marius: Let her do it. Sounds Crazy, but just wait for it.

Ashuro: Alright, but make sure to keep an eye on her; if she's anything like the Claire I know, she's very tricky.

*A few more N Claire clones charge at the group.*

Marius: .... *waiting for it*

N Claire clone(s): I'll blow you away! *within striking distance*

Marius: Try Me!

*All of the N Claire clones try to attack Marius at once.*

Marius: *make copies of himself*

*The N Claire clones are surprised by the sudden appearance of the Marius clones, leaving themselves wide open for a counter-attack.*

Marius: Attack!!

*All the clones attack all of the Claire clones, shooting Shirokku-Fire Balls at them*

N Claire clone(s): AiEEEEEEEK!! *disappears in a puff of smoke*

Ashuro: Nice one! *gets an idea then climbs onto Marius' back* I'm gonna give you a power boost with my E-nergy; show her who's clones are stronger!

*With Ashuro's E-nergy flowing into him, Marius easily creates 200 clones with little effort at all. N Claire gets a little nervous and creates more clones of her own until she has 200 clones as well. In the confusion of the mass outbreak of Marius and N Claire clones, Saturn sees an opening and hits N Saturn with a hard attack.*

Saturn: Plasma Ring! *fires at the N Saturn*

N Saturn: *gets hit by the attack and becomes disoriented*

Marius: *grow his fist* what the s***?! ...AWESOME!

Ashuro: Whoa, that's new... *activates his scan sight and examines Marius* looks like your Shirokku has even more mysteries than either of us thought.

Marius: *spins his arm like Donkey Kong*

*The N Claire(s) are curious to see what he is doing*

Marius: *use his huge fist to smack 10 of them away*

Ashuro: Can't let you have all the fun now, can I? *grabs his tail and starts spinning it around like a flail* Nekofi Flail! *tosses his stretchy tail with great force, taking out another 10 N Claire clones in a straight line*

Claire: *looks at the battlefield* they're all distracted; we can get to Angel now!

*After taking a bravery boost from Claire, Annaliese leads Damon, Oriyame and Unishau through the chaotic battlefield while miraculously avoiding getting caught in the crossfire of powerful attacks coming and going from every direction. Finally they reach their negative doubles as they continue to drain Angel of her energy.*

N Annaliese: C'mon, just a little bit more... *continues to absorb energy from Angel*

Angel: *looks extremely exhausted and her knees begin to shake, struggling to remain standing*

Annaliese: Okay, let's hurry! Let's go, Go, GO!

Oriyame: *grabs N Annaliese by the back-of-the-neck, like a cat* Now, This Ends.

N Annaliese: *smiles evilly* thanks for coming; the lady in red was nearly out of energy so we couldn't charge up all of the way...

*All negative copies, except for N Marius, aim their free arm out at their originals and streams of energy can be seen coming from them as their remaining energy is drained from them; Annaliese's team had fell into a trap that they never saw coming and are now literally powerless as their remaining energy is absorbed by their negative doubles, bringing them back to full health. Once Angel's remaining energy is completely drained, she collapses to the ground and falls unconscious. N Marius goes over to Angel, puts her over his shoulder and runs off with her back to the town.*

Claire: Dang...they got us; I can't move a single...muscle. -_-

Annaliese: We Lost? TT_TT

Claire: Not yet...we haven't *pants from exhaustion*

N Claire: Oh, really?

*The real N Claire stands before Annaliese while her clones continue to keep Ashuro, Marius and Saturn busy. She touches Annaliese on her back and uses some corrupted E-nergy to literally pull Claire out of her body.*

Claire: 0o0; H-H-How did you...?

N Claire: I just realized something: without you here to provide your leader here with courage and strength, she's be nothing more than a weak and cowardly little girl. Let's see if my theory is correct. *punches Claire in her stomach with so much force and power that not even her Nekofi body could reduce the impact*

Claire: O_O; *her breath is knocked out of her, making it hard to breathe*

Annaliese: C-Claire!! Leave her alone!! *tries to hit her*

Marius: *still fighting the clones, and uses a fire uppercut* SHIROKKKEN!!

*Makes the clones feel more damage than usual*

Marius: Yo, Ashuro... ever heard of Nekofi Football? ^^

Ashuro: No...but I'd love to see it!

Marius: *Shapes Ashuro into a football* you might wanna charge up your energy on this one.

Ashuro: *charges his body with E-nergy* all set.

Marius: Hyah! *kicks him right to them*

Ashuro: Nekofi Football! *releases a giant shock wave of E-nergy that immobilizes all of the N Claire clones and N Saturn upon impacting the ground*

Ashuro: Marius, Saturn, GO! One good attack will take care of all of them for good!

Marius & Saturn: Right!!


N Annaliese: It looks like you were right... *grabs Annaliese by her throat and lifts her up in the air slowly* nothing than a weakling once again.

Claire: *shakily tries to get up* Who...are you calling...weak?

N Annaliese: Huh?

Claire: You're the ones...that have to steal energy from others to stay strong *manages to stand up again while shaking weakly* and then resort to kicking your opponents when they're down. YOU'RE THE ONE THAT'RE WEAK!! >o<

N Claire: *punches Claire hard and sends her to the ground, quivering with pain* shut up. Open up your eyes and realize the truth; you've lost.

N Oriyame: And seeing as how you're going to die in a little bit, I think we'll all just play with you until that time comes.

*The negative doubles walk over to the rest of Annaliese's downed teammates and begin torturing them mercilessly.*

Annaliese: T_T Do anything to me, but don't hurt my friends, or brother! Please...!

N Annaliese: Really?


*Marius, his clones and Saturn all charge towards the remaining N Claire clones and N Saturn to deliver the finishing attacks. Saturn uses his Super Ring Plasma and the Marius clones all use Shirokku-Rush. All of the N Claire clones are wiped out*

N Saturn: GYAAAAR!!! *falls to the ground* how...can you be...so...strong? *corrupted E-nergy leaves his body and turns back into plain water that falls onto the already soaked ground.*

Ashuro: WAHOO!! ^o^ You guys did-- *hears Annaliese cry in pain then sees all of his comrades lying on the ground* 0o0 ANNA-CHAN!!

N Claire: *ears twitch upon hearing Ashuro's loud call* What the...?! They destroyed all of my clones AND they killed our Saturn! And what's worse is that--

*Before N Claire could finish her statement, Ashuro appears next to her and delivers a powerful kick to her face that sends flying a few feet away.*


*Giving himself a huge speed boost Ashuro runs so fast that he literally looks like a laser beam that bank shots off of the negative copies multiple times before sending them flying in the same direction as N Claire. He stops afterwards then immediately runs over to Annaliese's aid.*

Ashuro: Annaliese! Annaliese, what hap...pen? @_@ *falls backwards from exhaustion but is caught by Marius before he hits the ground* thanks pal *regains his balance and stands up again* this isn't good, I've lost contact with the real Ashuro; something is keeping him from sending me his E-nergy to keep fighting like this.

Annaliese: Ashuro! Are you okay?! T_T

Marius: .... *look something closely, and sees Aluma*

Ashuro: I'm fine, Anna-chan; this clone me won't last for much longer...and you guys are pretty messed up right now... *takes a deep breath then helps Annaliese stand up* Annaliese, I know that you'll win this battle. You were both brave and strong before you united with Claire. I'm going to use the rest of my E-nergy to heal and revitalize all of you; after that, you're all have to go on without me.

*Ashuro concentrates and uses the rest of his E-nergy to fully heal everybody and renew their energy to 100%*

Ashuro: *takes Annaliese in his arms* I believe in you Annaliese...and I always will.

*After giving her a parting kiss, the Ashuro clone disappears in a puff of smoke.*

Annaliese: Thank You. TTnTT

Marius: Thanks Bud...

???: Perfect!

*Everybody sees that their negative doubles have returned.*

N Annaliese: Finally, that annoying cat is gone. And with your strongest teammate gone, you guys won't last for much longer.

N Marius: And to insure that, we've prepared a little something special for you. Bring her over, Angel!

*Angel walks forward, looking fully revitalized, pulling two people tied up with multiple strings made of E-nergy behind her. Pushing them forward, Annaliese's team sees that the captives were two of their Suku friends: Aluma Yakaru and Luna Draco.*

Marius: I don't know, Ashuro is not the only one, guys...

Annaliese: Ashuro.... No....!

Luna: Angel, please, snap out of it! It's us, Aluma and Luna, your friends!

Angel: ...

Luna: Angel, don't you recognize us? TTnTT

N Damon: Don't even bother wasting your breath; "his" influence on her is so strong that even if she hears you she'd never be able to break free.

Angel: ... *tears can be seen rolling down her face*

N Claire: Oh, so she CAN hear you after all it seems.

Aluma: Angel! Please, this isn't the way! Please, snap outta it!

Marius: ...Aluma...

Angel: *tears continue to fall from her eyes*

N Damon: Sorry Angel, you can resist all you want to but you still won't regain control of your body ever again; so be a good girl and let us guide you...

Angel: *struggles for control* I...will...n-never...become yours OR Pyro's toy!

*The threads of E-nergy binding Aluma and Luna together vanish, freeing them as they quickly join Annaliese and the others for protection.*

N Oriyame: You've still got that much fight in you, huh? Well, we'll just have to fix that, won't--

*A portal opens up and out of it comes e-chan.*

e-chan: Aluma, Luna! I was worried when you two got carried off like that; I'm glad that you're both safe. We've gotten things taken care of for the most part, but it's too dangerous for the two of you to be here. Besides, there's still a few more there in need of rescue and we could use your help. And... *takes a sticker out of his pocket, charges it with E-nergy and places it on Angel's forehead which eliminates all traces of the corrupted E-nergy that was polluting her body*

Angel: *the glowing "N" tattoo on her head vanishes as she nearly collapses again but is caught by Luna* T-Thanks, Luna. *smiles at Luna weakly*

*Luna goes back into the portal with Angel in tow to aid in rescuing the remaining captives while Aluma stays behind, refusing to leave Marius' side*

e-chan: *turns to Annaliese and Marius* oh, and I brought a few more reinforcements to aid you. It may only be three of them, but trust me when I say that they're MORE than enough to handle... *looks over at the remaining negative doubles* the shiny tattoo brigade over there. Sorry that I can't stick around, but more of our pals still need help *looks over at Annaliese* And Annaliese, there's a message that Lorenzo wanted me to pass on to you.

Annaliese: What is it? 0o0

e-chan: He says that when this is all over, there's a special gift that he wants to give you. He didn't tell me what it was, but he said it was something that he knew that you'd absolutely love.

*Just wondering about what Lorenzo had got for her was enough to send Annaliese's confidence, courage and determination to their maximum level. There was no longer any trace of doubt or worry left in her at all; she and her friends were going to win this battle for sure.*

e-chan: And with that, I'll see you all later. *waves goodbye and goes back into the portal, closing it behind him*

??? 1: So, you're this Annaliese Fellorr I've heard so much about.

??? 2: Aww, you're absolutely darling~

??? 3: You remind me a lot of my twin sister.

*Everybody looks to their left and sees three individuals standing there that they had never seen before. One of them was a man who had blondish-brown hair and was wearing a shirt that looked exactly like the one that Ashuro wears. The second one was a short, petite dragon girl with spiky red hair and blue eyes who wore glasses and a black and white striped dress. The third one was a boy wearing an orange jacket with the hood covering his head and his long blonde hair covered his eyes so that his face couldn't be identified. Were these the three that e-chan had brought to help them?*

Marius: Well, look what we have here.

Annaliese: *tears of happiness stream down her face* Yes, My Dreams has come true, I am as brave as Brother!

N Annaliese: You? Brave?? Don't make me laugh! You're still the same cowardly--

??? 2: How impolite; young lady, you need to learn some manners!

N Annaliese: W-W-What...? Who the heck do you think you are?!

??? 1: Oh yeah, introductions.

*The man wearing the same type of checkmark shirt that Ashuro wears turns to Marius*

Arzekiel: The name's Arzekiel; Arzekiel Kazuki.

??? 2: *hops on top of Arzekiel, sitting herself on his left shoulder* ^3^

Arzekiel: And this is my wife, Dena Kazuki. ^w^

Dena: Hi-Hi!

V: As for me...well...for now you can just call me by my code name: V.

Marius: *shake Arzekiel's hand* Nice Meet you to.

Annaliese: ^o^ *jumps about happily*

Saturn: ^w^

Damon: *smirks* ...hmph


N Marius: These are your reinforcements? They're here to replace Ashuro? AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Rich! This is just too rich!

Arzekiel: *doesn't turn around to look at N Marius* Huh? You say something, butthead?

N Marius: O_O;...what did you just call me?

Arzekiel: I called you a butthead, buttface.


Arzekiel: *ignores N Marius and resumes speaking with Marius*


Arzekiel: But I don't want to look at you. ^3^

N Marius: THAT'S iT!!

*N Marius charges at Arzekiel, who still doesn't turn around to face him. Right when he's about to attack, a spike of energy shoots out of Arzekiel's back and pierces N Marius through his chest without breaking his skin, making him fall down to the ground, desperately trying to catch his breath. Marius recognized this power; it was Shirokku.*

Arzekiel: That one is named Fist Spike; would you like to see some more, buttface?

Marius: Hmph, I don't get that angry... *turns at N Marius* Rich! ...Butt-dumpling...

N Marius: S-Shut up! What the heck is it with you two and these butt insults?! >_O *winces in pain* OWOWOWOWOWOW!

Claire: A.K.! Denea! It really iS you!

Arzekiel: Well would you look at that; little Claire Treasure!

Denea: It's so good to see you again, darling!

Arzekiel: Hey, if your here then that must mean that Ashuro is here too! Where is he?

Claire: Sorry, you just missed him; his last clone used up all of its remaining energy to heal all of us.

Arzekiel: *sighs* that boy never could stay in one place for too long... *senses Marius' energy* Hey, you have the same kind of energy that I have; and here I thought that I was the only one.

Marius: Interesting. We can spar if we can that is. *smirks*

Annaliese: Can't wait for the fight! ....But, Now what?

Aluma: *hugs Marius* TTnTT Are you hurt, Marius?

Marius: I'm Fine. ^w^

Arzekiel: Hmm, let's see what we got here *examines the opponents* Ah, the old negative double scenario; been a while since I last saw this one used. The key to victory here is figure out just what in your life that you regret; it can range from an act you committed in the past, something that you failed to do and even something that you don't like about yourself.

Dena: Once you've discovered what that is, just remember this one thing: these guys in front of you are the you(s) of the past. Don't live in the past; live in the present and move towards a future where you've learned from those experiences and how best to see to it that they don't happen again.

V: We'll keep these guys here busy while you all do that.

*All three of them face towards the negative doubles and get into their battle positions.*

Marius: Ahhh... Then Here Goes...

*Despite all of his talk, N Marius was very nervous; even though he had recovered all of his strength he still wouldn't be able to harm Marius now that he was at peace with himself.*

N Marius: *sweating* >_<;; Three more people aren't going to make a single difference!

Arzekiel: So says the person who just got knocked on his back by one of these three people you speak of.

N Marius: I think that I'll start with you first! *charges towards Arzekiel*

N Claire: NO, DON'T!

Arzekiel: Watch carefully *winks at Marius then charges his hand with energy* FiST Gravity: Increase!

*Arzekiel swings his arm downward which causes N Marius to trip and fall face-first on the ground with a force so powerful that he creates a huge crater upon impact.*

N Marius: @w@ *laughs deliriously from the impact*

Arzekiel: Do tell, what's so funny?

N Marius: *returns to his senses* Wait'll I...! *tries to get up but is unable to* what's going on here? My body feels like it weighs a ton *struggles*

Arzekiel: Well it's obvious that this is what would happen when YOUR gravitational pull becomes stronger

Marius: ^o^...Ha! Well, I regret to be away from my parents.

*Causing N Marius to feel pain*

N Marius: AGH! What was that?! >_<

Arzekiel: Now that your host is at peace with himself the pain of regret will no longer hurt him...which means that those painful regrets will hit only you and with twice the power. In other words, "Sucks to be you!"

N Marius: O_O;; *realizes that he's absolutely defenseless now*

Marius: I DO Regret from watching 2girlsandonecup...

*N Marius feels weaker*

Arzekiel: *turns green in the face* Dude, seriously? Did you actually watch that entire thing all of the way through? I lost it after that first scene of nastiness *covers his mouth and successfully suppresses the urge to hurl then shivers* I couldn't eat ice cream for two years after seeing that. -_-;

*Annaliese and Claire look confused and curious about what Marius and Arzekiel were talking about.*

Dena: NO-NO-NO GiRLS! Forget what you just heard! Don't let your curiosity get the better of you on this one; it'll mess you up for life.

Marius: What? ...That was a regret I'm not proud of... but anyway, I regret for hurting some of my classmates years ago...

N Marius: *groans weakly* why aren't you guys helping me?!

N Oriyame: *tries to move but is unable to* !! *struggles* what the...I can't move!

N Unishau: *struggles* I feel like I'm being tied down by something.

V: Ha, you guys are soooooo slow.

N Damon: You...what did you do to us?!*struggles*

V: *holds a pair of sewing needles tipped with glowing E-nergy in his hands* this; Venus Succession Technique: Web Threads!

*V taps the tips of his sewing needles together like chopsticks, causing strings made out of light to appear around the negative doubles; it looked as if they were all trapped inside of a huge spider web made out of glowing thread.*

Annaliese: 0o0

Marius: Heheheh...

*The rain begins to fall even heavier than before.*

V: Let's wrap this up fast; I hate being out in the rain *releases the negative doubles from his E-nergy web*

N Claire: So...what was the point of trapping us like that if you were just going to free us all immediately afterwards?

V: I already did what I needed to do *reaches into his jacket and pulls out several smaller needles each charged with E-nergy* ready anytime you two are.

Dena: Only you guys are capable of defeating them, so we'll soften them up so that you each can deliver the final blow with Arzekiel's aid.

Arzekiel: Make that Arzekiel and Marius *turns to Marius once more* here's a little something that this power of ours can do *places his hand on Marius' shoulder*

*The moment Arzekiel touches his shoulder, Marius instantly learns a new ability called "Piercer", a technique that Arzekiel taught Ashuro years ago. It was just like what happened earlier when Ashuro touched him and his hands were able to become gigantic at will.*

Arzekiel: Cool huh? Being able to learn an attack or technique just from making physical contact with somebody is quite useful.

Marius: Wow! Thanks!

N Marius: I don't know what you have planned but don't think that I'm gonna go down without a fight! *charges towards Annaliese and the others*

V: And it begins; Venus Succession Techique: Crossroad Strings - K.O. Point!

N Marius: *a glowing spot appears on his chest* what the...?

Dena: Morph Dragon Shift! *skin and spikes take on a bluish coloring* Ice Dragon! *sprouts wings and takes flight* Ice Laser! *opens her mouth and shoots a beam of freezing Water E-nergy down on N Marius, coating his entire body with ice.*

N Marius: C-C-COLD! COLD! *teeth chattering*

Arzekiel: Get ready to attack when I give you the signal, Marius *charges at N Marius while channelling power into his arm* FiST FURY - PiERCER! *punches N Marius directly in his chest, shattering all of the ice on his body*

N Marius: *gasps for air as the glowing spot shines even more brightly than before*

Arzekiel: Now Marius!

*With the shining spot on his negative double's chest as his target, Marius attacks!*

Marius: *charge up his Shirokku aura* Heat Wave! *fires it at N Marius*

N Marius: *becomes engulfed by the Heat Wave* AAAAAAHHHH!! YOU...YOU...BU... x_x *collapses as the corrupted E-nergy leaves his body and turns back into plain water that falls onto the already soaked ground*

Claire: Three down, five to go! ^o^

Marius: ....That was Easy...

Venus: Let's try four at once now; Venus Succession Techique: Crossroad Strings - K.O. Point!

*A glowing spot appears on N Damon, N Oriyame, N Unishau and N Claire's chests.*

Dena: *wings sparkle with shiny snow flurries* Flash Freeze! *flaps her wings repeatedly to create a windy blizzard that fully coats the bodies of N Damon, N Oriyame, N Unishau and N Claire with ice*

Arzekiel: Damon, Oriyame, Unishau, Claire, get ready to strike the moment that ice shatters!

*Once Arzekiel's attack shatters the ice on his targets and their weak spots shine even brighter than before, everybody attacks!*

Damon: *use a gust of dark fire, and blasted N Damon, causing him to melt into a puddle* ...Tsk....

Oriyame: Nyaah!! *cuts N Oriyame up with her sword*

Unishua: *slashes N Unishau into pieces*

N Oriyame & N Unishau: AAAAAAHHHHHH!!! *turns back into regular water once the corrupted E-nergy leaves their bodies*


Claire: You're saying that now after telling me that I should just lay down and die?! After beating me and my friends up until we were just inches away death?! If you expect mercy after all of that then you're an even bigger fool than I thought you were in the beginning!

*Claire dashes over to N Claire to deliver the final blow but is stopped when N Annaliese steps in and acts as a shield, taking the attack instead of her comrade.*

N Claire: 0o0 A-ANNA!! *catches N Annaliese in her arms as she falls backwards*

N Annaliese: *coughs* it hurts, but I'm fine...ow. >_O

N Claire: *holds N Annaliese's hand* why...why did you do that; why didn't run away to safety while we were keeping them all distracted?

N Annaliese: ... *looks up at N Claire* there's no way I could run away and leave my last friend all alone.

N Claire: ...Anna-chan...

N Annaliese: ...you guys win *a shining spot appears on her chest, indicating her weak point* just make sure to kill us both at the same time; I don't want to either of us to die alone.

*Both Annaliese and Claire stand there unsure of what to do next.*

N Annaliese: ...well, what are you waiting for? Just do it already! *closes her eyes and shakes with fear while holding N Claire's hand tightly, waiting to be attacked*

Annaliese: ...............TTnTT ..... Oh my Goodness... I'm confused...

Marius: What's so confusing? Just let Claire finished them off!

Annaliese: ...TTnTT ...Don't you see this is wrong...? They are just like us...!

Marius: ...Annaliese, their evil... No sign of good in them... Take them to Hell where slime like them belong...

Annaliese: ... (What should I do? Defeat them? Or let them live?!) TT^TT

Claire: ... *looks down at Annaliese and nods her head* let's put an end to this.

*Both Annaliese and Claire walk right up to their negative doubles, looking them right in their eyes.*

N Annaliese & N Claire: >_<;; *closes their eyes tightly while holding one another's hand tightly, shaking with fear and anticipation*

*Instead of attacking, Annaliese and Claire hug their doubles, surprising them the most out of everybody there.*

N Annaliese: O//O W-W-What are you doing??

N Claire: Why didn't you attack us?

Claire: Just like Ashuro did earlier, this is how the two of us choose to end things.

N Annaliese: B-B-B-But we've been trying to kill you this entire time! How could you not want to do the same thing to us??

Claire: We've let our painful memories hurt us for too long; seeing you both today made me realize something: if I continue the way I am right now, this will be real me in the nearby future.

N Claire: ...but we don't deserve forgiveness.

N Annaliese: We should just die...so just put us out of our misery and--

*SMACK! Annaliese and Claire slaps their negative doubles hard across their faces, making them both fall backwards onto their butts!*

N Annaliese: WAAAAHHH!

N Claire: What was that for? *sniffles*

*The rest of Annaliese's team look both surprised and confused.*

Arzekiel: ..."that" wasn't an act; what you're seeing right now are the true faces of your opponents: two scared young girls that don't know what to do or where to go.

Annaliese: ...S-Sorry... T__T ... You see, you Evil Me...this is you if I was with my brothers for too long, if new brother wasn't here to save me... T_T ...and Killing you, is...well...like killing myself...

Marius: .... *looks down, and talk to Annaliese* ...Are you trying to tell them to be with us in peace? Is that it?

Annaliese: TT^TT ...Very much so...! ...I see now; fighting is never an answer, unless it used right....I learned it from a 3rd teacher... *look up to Marius*

Marius: ...*smile calmly* that's very nice for you Annaliese, that makes you a Hero.

Annaliese: But I didn't feel brave or---

Marius: Don't think that. Being brave, and conquer villains is just the guide to be a hero, its the courage, and how you faithful to justice...

Annaliese: *wipes away a tear of happiness*...!

*Overcome with gratitude, both N Annaliese and N Claire smile with an expression of genuine happiness on their faces as the glowing "N" tattoos on their foreheads disappear along with the corrupted E-nergy inside of them. Unlike their fallen companions, Annaliese and Claire's doubles both turn into energy that spirals around in circles, opening up a portal that would take them all the way up to where Pyro waited at the top of the staircase.*

Arzekiel: It looks like you've passed Pyro's trial. ^w^

Dena: Congratulations! ^o^

V: *smiles and nods his head*

Marius: Yes!! ^o^

Annaliese: We Did? O_O ... B-but, what happened to them...?

*Both Annaliese and Claire suddenly feel stronger than they were before; all of the pain that they were holding deep inside themselves seemed to have vanished as only peace of mind could be felt.*

V: I think that should answer that question. ^w^

Claire: ...yes, I can feel it. This feeling of inner peace...it's her; the only difference is that she's not negative anymore.

*Seconds later, the rest of Annaliese's team suddenly feel stronger as well; experiencing the same feeling of inner peace that Annaliese and Claire were experiencing.*

Marius: Whoa...!

Annaliese: Wow!! I feel...more powerful!! This is AMAZING!! WE CAN DO IT! WE CAN DO IT! WE. CAN. DO IT!! *and then Annaliese look back at her team looking annoyed* ... Did I do something bad...?

Marius: ...-w-;;; ......Oh Annaliese...

Dena: *giggles* It's good that you're eager, but you still need to be careful, dear. ^w^

Arzekiel: Before you all go, I have a request that I'd like to make.

V: Same here.

Marius: Give it to us.

Arzekiel: When you meet up with Ashuro, please don't tell him that you've seen Dena or myself.

Dena: Please understand; we don't want anything to distract his focus right now.

*Everybody nods in agreement with Arzekiel's request.*

V: As for me, if any of you ever meet my twin sister, please give this *hands Marius a really cool-looking ring with a jewel that looked like the planet Venus embedded in it and a key ring that had two key chains on it; one of them was a katana and the other was a wakizashi*

Marius: Sure.

Arzekiel: Thank you.

*Another portal opens up and Angel emerges from it, completely healed and re-energized.*

Angel: I'm coming with you guys; I want to personally return the favor to Pyro for controlling me like a puppet.

Marius: Sure. *high fives Angel*

Angel: Hehehe...^w^

*Arzekiel, Dena and V say their final farewells then enter the portal that Angel came out of earlier, returning to Pyro's stronghold in order to provide e-chan free the remaining captives; once that portal closed, the newly re-energized and reassured Annaliese and her teammates exit through the portal that had opened for them, escaping from their mental prison. As all of them fly through warp tunnel, they can only hope that the other teams were alright.*

Marius: ...I'd admit, going though the portals are fun as hell...

Annaliese: I know right?

*Maurice emerges from underneath Annaliese's hat and yawns as he looks around to see where he is; somehow the little guy had slept through the entire battle.*

Claire: ...that little guy is just like Ashuro; nothing wakes them up until they're ready to wake up.

Annaliese: Oh, Maurice!

*Maurice smiles cutely and waves to greet Annaliese.*

Claire: *sees the exit ahead* Finally, it's time to beat that creep Pyro into the ground!

Marius: But knowing him, it AIN't going to be easy.

Annaliese: But don't worry, while we around, he doesn't stand a chance! With your Shirokku! Me and Claire's Power, Damon's Dark Aura, Oriyame's Ninja Power, Unishua's Sword of Power, and Saturn's Powerful Plasma! We have no reason worrying, right?!

Marius: ...you're right. But as for me, I wouldn't think that, I just have to see.

Annaliese: Okay. *holds Claire and Marius close*

*Everybody exits the portal and find themselves at the very top of the staircase where Pyro was. Much to their relief, both Shonnie and Skylar's teams had made it there too. Pyro stood there in front of the sealed gateway, brimming with power as he sneered evilly at everybody there.*

To be continued...

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