Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Evening the Odds! Unleash the Heavy Neo Storm!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 0
“Evening the Odds! Unleash the Heavy Neo Storm!!”
Part 5
An RP between Flashshadow and eshonen

After reawakening from Shonnie's final attack, the already super-charged Byakuru and Damien, as well as Screwloose and Shifty's bodies suddenly surge with corrupted E-nergy; getting back up on their feet, all four of them become even stronger than they were before. Screwloose and Shifty were at 2x strength, Damien was at 3x strength and Byakuru was at a frightening 4x strength!

Cheeko: Man, oh, man... O_O;;

Shonnie: (Why can't I ever catch a break... -_-; )

*The other heroes ready themselves for battle once again.*

Ashuro: Space Vacuum!

*Ashuro increases the gravity surrounding his opponents again. Screwloose and Shifty are unable to move are still standing while Byakuru and Damien are unaffected.*

Ashuro: ...Pause!!

*Byakuru and Damien freeze in their tracks; the time around all four of them stops completely*

Ashuro: Okay, time to think up a plan before they become resistant to Time E-nergy as well.

Shonnie: Well, are best bet would be to knock them back out, while at the same time not, actually defeating them...

Hammer Hound: That's easier said than done...

Shonnie: Not necessarily...

Hammer Hound: Huh?

Flexi-Girl: How so?

Shonnie: *reaches into his afro and pulls out a foreign looking pistol that Ashuro recognizes from a past adventure with Shonnie.*

Ashuro: Hey, I remember that.

Shonnie: *points the gun at Byakuru and co.* Even if the effects from your moves wear off, the powder will put them to sleep so they don't attack us again.

Ashuro: Sounds good; I don't know how long it'll keep them down but I'm sure it'll buy us enough time to think of something good.

Shonnie: Right! *Shonnie fires a direct shot at Dr. Screwloose, Damien, and Byakaru's faces* Because of Damien and Byakaru's advanced senses, it should have a stronger effect on both of them. I can't use it on Shifty since he's a robot dog.

Ashuro: It'll take all of us combined to take these four out all at once... *sees something behind everybody* Look out!

*Everybody quickly goes on the defensive as they turn around to see a portal opening up; Shonnie and Jimmy charge up their hands with energy while Jenny takes a shock pistol out of her Starcruiser X watch, taking aim directly at the portal. As somebody emerges from the portal, Jenny reacts from fear by closing her eyes and shooting blindly at the person coming out of.

???: Hey g-- AAAHH! *does a crazy frantic, dance to avoid being hit by the shots*

*When everybody else recognizes that the person was e-chan, Flexi-girl quickly disarms Jenny to halt her firing. As her pistol is taken from her, she opens her eyes and see a very rattled, wide-eyed e-chan who was clutching at his chest as if he was about to have a heart attack.*

e-chan: O_O;;; *breathing heavily*

Jenny: Oh, jeez! Sorry e-chan!

Shonnie: e-chan! Man, glad to see you dude.

Jimmy: Did you find anymore of our friends?

e-chan: *catches his breathe before speaking* Yes; once we freed all of our more technically knowledgeable pals, they managed to hack into the security system of Pyro's stronghold and completely reprogram the entire thing; it's currently preventing Pyro's army from escaping so that they won't be able to come to his aid should he need them. And all of those who are capable of fighting are now battling that army. I was actually sort of surprised actually, some of those that I never thought capable of fighting were holding their own pretty well; I never knew that Sarna had super powers.

Shonnie: Yeah, she's quite a woman... ^w^

Cheeko: Oh, brother.

Jimmy: ^^ *giggles*

e-chan: You should've seen her, dude; she was kicking butt and taking names in there, especially when her and Elska teamed up.

Shonnie: That's my gal. ^///^ BTW, did you find Sashi? How does she fair? O_o\

e-chan: *smiles* you can ask her that yourself right now. ^w^ The cavalry has arrived. ^o^

*A few more people come out of the portal who Shonnie and the others quickly recognize as their friends. Kai, Nicole, Tobei, Maddie, Ookahara, Sashi and Hayama had come to assist them all.*

Sashi: I'm doing just fine, Shonnie; thanks for asking.

Shonnie: H-hey, Sashi! *hugs Sashi* I'm glad you're okay; ^w^ you too, Hayama. *shakes Hayama's hand*

Cheeko: It's great that we're getting more of our friends back. ^w^

Jimmy: Nikki! You're back! *hugs Nikki*

Nikki: *rubs Jimmy's head* Glad to be back, kiddo. ^w^ Have you been helping everyone out, too.

Jimmy: Yes, ma'am!

Flexi-Girl: Kai! *glomps Kai*

Kai: Oof! O_O Hey, sis! I should've known you'd make it out okay.

Aero Man: Maddie-lass! Glad to see you're alright! *high fives Maddie*

Maddie: Aye, e-chan over there helped get us out; he's got true Celtic spirit.

Aero Man: He sure does. ^w^

Williams: Hey Kohta, you old dog. Hard to believe you got caught as well.

Tobei: Hmph! I could've found a way-out just fine. But these ragtag pups wouldn't have lasted a minute without my guidance.

Williams: Just admit it. You just wanted to be sure they were okay. Didn't you? ^w^

Tobei: *turns his head* I don't know what you're talking about... *looks sympathetically at the happy reunion.*

Williams: Speaking of which. How are you doing Ookahara?

Ookahara: Ook-Ook! Doin' great, Master Willy! With Hana-chan safe and sound with the others, I've got nothing to worry about.

Sashi: When we learned about who you guys were up against we all thought that you could use a hand.

Hayama: Seeing as how your opponents get stronger every time they're able to revive themselves, you'll need to have several strategies on hand for whatever situation arrives...and I happen to have many such strategies in my head.

Williams: *smiles*

Shonnie: Brilliant as always, Hayama.

Jimmy: We could use all the help we can get.

Hayama: *takes a look at the downed/paused opponents then takes a pen out of his shirt pocket* Scan... *the pen activates, making a light humming sound* ...0o0 Whoa! Mr. Koco and Damien are giving off some crazy power levels.

Ashuro: We have to K.O all four of them simultaneously; if all of them aren't K.O'd within 30 seconds after the first knockout, they'll just revive themselves and get a huge power boost.

Shonnie: Hmm...

Tobei: I could use a sealing jutsu; it may not K.O. all of them, but it should keep them from receiving anymore power boosts.

Ashuro: Yes, that'll definitely help; if you can do that, all we'll have to focus on is wearing them all down enough to the point where one good hit will take them all down for good in one shot.

Hayama: *makes some calculations based on the power levels of everybody in the area* we're going to have to separate these guys from one another and get them out of this warehouse. But seeing as how they're all at different power levels... I know what to do; are you guys ready for this?

Shonnie: Fire away, chief. ^w^

Cheeko: Hey, that's my line!

Aero Man: Aye, so what's the plan, laddie?

Hayama: We'll divide into three teams, one that'll fight Damien, one that'll fight, Screwloose and Shifty and finally one that'll fight Byakuru. The only thing we need to consider now is which team to assign everybody too *takes a few seconds to think* Compared to Byakuru and Damien, Screwloose and Shifty are by far the weakest out of them all right now. So...Cheeko, Jimmy, Nicole, Jenny and myself will fight Screwloose and Shifty, okay?

Jimmy: Okay!

Jenny: Sounds good.

Cheeko: Wait, a minute! Why do I get picked to take on the wimps?

Nikki: Don't be like that Cheeko; besides every group needs a power player. ^w^

Cheeko: I guess that's true... ^ ^

Hayama: And they're not exactly wimps at this moment. From the files I pulled up in Pyro's database back at his stronghold, this foul E-nergy pumping through their bodies gives them a boost to both their physical AND mental strength. That means that they'll be a LOT more clever and tricky than usual, so be extra careful when fighting them.

Nikki: Of course.

Cheeko: No need to tell me twice.

*Jenny and Jimmy nervously nod in agreement.*

Hayama: For the next team...Ashuro, Ookahara and Shonnie will handle Byakuru while the rest of you fight Damien.

Shonnie: Sounds good. I look forward to working with you, Ookahara.

Ookahara: Ook-Ook! Same here, Shonnie-Bro! Leave the sound warfare all up to me.

Hayama: Ashuro, could you go and... *whispers a request to Ashuro*

Ashuro: Oh right, I almost forgot about that; I'm on it *heads over to Williams and Tobei*

Hayama: Shonnie, may I talk to you for a moment? There are a few details I need you to know about before this battle begins.

Shonnie: *listens intently*

Hayama: Among all of us, only you have the power to defeat all four of those guys all at once. The main point of dividing them up like this is so that we can wear them down enough for you to deliver the final attack. And from what I've seen, you're going to have to hit them with all 3 of the new attacks I sent you while you're Neo Shonnie.

Shonnie: All three of them, at once?

Hayama: Oh no, that would be impossible; what I mean is that you'll end up having to use all three of them in order to put those four out of commission for sure. Pyro has got some real spectacular technology at his stronghold; with all of the things there at my disposal, I was able to create something that would've taken me years to accomplish in mere minutes

Shonnie: You don't say.

Hayama: For now I'll just give you this one upgrade. The other ones I've made require testing and now definitely isn't the time for that *takes two stickers that looked similar to the ones that e-chan uses out of his shirt pocket and places one on each of Shonnie's F-Gloves, causing them to glow with a bluish-green light* okay, it's loading now.

Shonnie: *looks patiently at his gloves as they load the new data.*

Hayama: And...it's done.

*Shonnie notices that even thought the upgrade is finished, his F-Gloves are still glowing*

Hayama: Don't worry they're supposed to glow like that whenever you have them activated. Your F-Gloves can now hold seven charges, giving you seven repeated chances to use those three new attacks or transform into your Neo mode before you have to recharge them.

Shonnie: Man oh man, Hayama, your awesomeness is boundless. *looks over his gloves with an excited grin*

Hayama: I'll explain the extra features once we win this fight *looks over at Byakuru* but seeing as who your opponent is I'll tell you about one that'll activate in times of crisis or high tension.

Shonnie: Shoot.

Hayama: It's called Synapse Spark; whenever you're in a bind when you need to think of a way to figure out how to get out of a tense situation, Synapse Spark will stimulate your brain and allow you to think and calculate faster than before. I've made it so that it'll only last for 5 seconds at a time for safety reasons.

Shonnie: Five seconds is all I need with this thing.

Hayama: *thinks* y'know, since you are, as Sashi would say "The Great Shonnie Flash" I think I'll give you access to this one last feature. But promise me that you won't activate it in this battle particular battle, okay?

Shonnie: Scouts honor.

Hayama: Great, thanks...let's see...there was something else that I...*takes a small notebook out of his pocket and begins flipping through the pages* Oh, here it is *tears the piece of paper out of the notebook and hands it over to Shonnie*

Shonnie: *looks over the piece of paper carefully.*

Hayama: That's a combination attack that, in theory, should be powerful enough to defeat all four of them at the same time; when that moment comes just say the phrase on that paper.

*On the paper were instructions on how to create combination attacks and the name of the one that was already programmed into the gloves: Heavy Neo Storm.*

Shonnie: (Heavy Neo Storm...) Okay, I got it, dude.

*Once they're done talking, Shonnie and Hayama go and talk to the others; meanwhile with Ashuro...*

Ashuro: Master Williams, Master Tobei, there's something I'd like to give you both before things get started.

Williams: Lay it on us, kiddo.

Tobei: If it'll help us stop them...

Ashuro: With Damien as powerful as he is now, I'm afraid of what would happen in a prolonged battle...

*Master Williams thinks back to a few minutes earlier when he attacked Damien and ended up hurting himself in the process.*

Ashuro: So that's why I'm going to use some of my Time E-nergy to restore your bodies a bit.

Master Williams: If you're sure, kiddo.

Tobei: Hmph! My age has little to do with my skills. But, I suppose a small stamina boost can be helpful...

Ashuro: Alright, just relax yourselves as much as possible and I'll take care of the rest. ^^

*Master Williams and Master Tobei do as instructed and relax themselves.*

Ashuro: Cell Buunshin!

*Ashuro creates a clone of himself that walks over to Master Tobei while he stands before Master Williams. Just like how he helped Master Williams recover earlier, Ashuro applies pressure to several different spots on their bodies...only this time in something of a rapid jabbing succession. To everybody looking at the scene, it looked as though Ashuro was using the Hyuga clan's Gentle Fist fighting style. Despite this neither Master Williams nor Master Tobei felt any pain.*

Master Tobei: This technique feels familiar... Ashuro, might you know any shinobi?

Ashuro: I've met a few in my travels; Tenrio even introduced me to a few of them. ^w^

Tobei: I see... *nod his head*

Ashuro: We're half way there; for this next part...*looks around* Kai, Zoey, could you two help me out for a few moments, please?

*Kai and Flexi-Girl stretch over to Ashuro.*

Kai: What's up, Ashuro?

Flexi-Girl: What do you need?

Ashuro: This final part will require me to make some very precise strikes to certain muscles. Normally I could do this on my own using Cell Buunshin, but due to our current circumstances I'm going to need some extra help. Each time I strike a certain point, it'll start glowing; what I need you two to do is massage those spots until the glow fades away completely.

*Ashuro gives them a demonstration by jabbing Tobei's left wrist, making it glow light blue; after expanding his left hand slightly, he then uses a single-hand squeezing motion to massage the spot until the glow fades away mere seconds later. Tobei was amazed by how well his wrist felt; it was almost as if his wrist went back in time quite a few years.*

Tobei: Hmph, that's quite an impressive technique, Ashuro *flexes his hand* my hand feels like it's in its thirties.

Kai: Heh, sounds do-able.

Flexi-Girl: Your plan sounds effective Ashuro, but why us specifically?

Ashuro: You two are the only other ones who can expand your hands to be large enough to do a one hand massage.

Flexi-Girl: Oh, okay.

*After making his cell clone disappear, Ashuro resumes his restoration treatment on both Masters Williams and Tobei, while Kai and Flexi-Girl do their best in massaging the spots that Ashuro struck.*

Flexi-Girl: Wow, I never knew I had a knack for massages.

Kai: Hey nothing ventured, nothing gained right? (Too bad the others get to kick butt, while I play masseuse. -_-;; )

Ashuro: And now for the finale; brace yourselves!

Kai: Eh?

*Ashuro delivers a final powerful jab directly into Master William's and Tobei's chests. Using their quick reflexes, Kai and Flexi-Girl firmly plant their feet on the ground and brace themselves in order to keep two Masters in place, both of them feeling a huge shock wave go through them but are left unharmed. As Masters William and Tobei move around to see how their bodies felt, both of the stretchy heroes finally understood why Ashuro asked them for this task; that final jab would've ended up hurting anybody else who's body wasn't rubber-like.*

Ashuro: 0o0 Wow, that turned out a LOT better that I thought it would! From the looks of things your bodies should be like they were when you two were in your early twenties.

Flexi-Girl: Oh, my... That was intense. 0o0

Kai: I know, right? -w-

*As the two elderly martial arts masters walked around the two disappear for a few seconds and then seem to reappear.*

Master Williams: Well, what do you know? I feel like a new man.

Master Tobei: Heh, I can see Ashuro's technique worked, quite well.

*For those who could tell what just happened, Master Willy and Master Tobei had a quick and intense sparring session to test the further extent of their newly rejuvenated strength and abilities.*

Ashuro: And the cool thing is that it's permanent; I hope you two don't mind being around us "ragtag pups" for a lot longer~

Master Tobei: Don't condescend to me, child...

Master Williams: *pats Tobei's back* Easy, bulldog. We're gonna need that aggression for the fight.

Master Tobei: Hmph, Right.

*After seeing the two Master's display of renewed strength, both Shonnie and Hayama notice that Ashuro's Pause technique has ended and that Byakuru, Damien and Screwloose are fast asleep. That's when Shonnie remembers another small detail that they all forgot to take care of: Shifty!*

Shonnie: Wait a minute... Where did Shifty go?! 0_0;

Hayama: I-I-I don't know; he was right there a moment ago. 0o0;

Shonnie: Oh, man! Has anyone seen Shifty? 0_0;

*Everyone frantically looks around for Shifty. Knowing well, how sneaky and dangerous he could be if not watched carefully.*

Sashi: ... *sticks her left arm out to her side and a Pensword appears in her hand in its Lv. 1 form*

Ashuro: ...got a plan, Sashi?

Sashi: *nods her head yes* the moment you see him let me know and I'll take care of the rest.

Shonnie: Sure thing, Sashi. *looks around for where Shifty might be located*

Ashuro: ...THERE! *points at Shifty who is rocketing towards them*

Sashi: Needle and Thread!

*Sashi hurls her Pensword straight at Shifty who easily dodges and laughs smugly at her. Sashi returns an equally smug smile back to Shifty as she quickly tugs her arms backward, causing her Pensword to come back to her. Just as Shifty turns around, he is beaned in the head by the Pensword's hilt, dazing him as he dizzily flies around trying his best not to crash into anything.*


*As Shifty sails by Shonnie uses his F-glove to catch Shifty in mid-air.*

Shonnie: Detective, martial artist, and now dog-catcher.

Shifty: Rassin-frassin, ro-good reros...

Shonnie: That was a pretty sweet technique, back there, Sashi.

Sashi: Hehe, thanks; I've been waiting for a chance to try that one out.

*Shifty opens his mouth out wide and emit an extremely loud siren sound that makes everybody else to cover their ears.*


Shonnie: Man, Screwloose may be a major bungler! But, he sure knows how to trick out his dog! >_< *struggles to keep his hold on Shifty but then realizes he still had one free F-glove not holding Shifty.* I hope this works..! >_< *uses his second F-Glove to try and force Shifty's mouth shut, in order to suppress the sonic attack.*

Ookahara: O_O; Ook-Ook! I don't think that that loud noise was meant for us...

*Ookahara points in the direction of the now awake Byakuru, Damien and Screwloose. Despite being awake, all three of them were still heavily under the effects of Shonnie's sleeping powder as they all started displaying narcoleptic behavior.*

Hayama: Looks like that powder of yours did the trick, Shonnie; hopefully this will give us the advantage we need to handle all four of them at once.

Shonnie: Right, we just need a way to keep them all in the same spot... *he notices Shifty is still struggling to free himself from the hold of the F-gloves.* Um, can somebody handle this guy for a moment?

*Kai uses his stretchy body to coil around Shifty like a snake, making sure to use one of his arms to clamp the robotic dog's mouth shut, immobilizing him completely.*

Kai: This outta hold you!

Shonnie: Thanks, dude.

Shifty: Mmph! Mmmph!

Shonnie: Well, that takes care of that. Now, back to the matter at hand...

*Damien's eyes light up from behind his glasses as several tendrils emerge from behind him. Kai quickly releases Shifty from his hold just in time as a tendril attaches itself to Shifty. Another one attaches to Byakuru, then Screwloose, and then many other devices and outlets giving off any electrical power.*

Hayama: O_O ...looks like I'll have to alter the plan a bit. Shonnie, use your eyes to see if you can figure out what Damien's trying to do; I just remembered about something that I need to give to your little brother. Excuse me *hurries over to Jimmy*

Shonnie: Right. *begins examining the energy from Damien's tendrils.*

Jimmy: Hi, Hayama. Is there something I can do for you?

Hayama: *takes another sticker out of his pocket* this one is an upgrade Rocko made for the AR Phones that Ashuro gave you earlier *places the sticker on Jimmy's AR Phones, causing them to glow with a bluish-green light*

Jimmy: W-wow cool... 0o0

Hayama: Now in addition to being able to read your opponent's movements and spotting their weak points, you'll be able to see just how much remaining strength they have left, an ability that'll greatly help us out in this battle.

Jimmy: Awsomeness! I'll do my best to help, Hayama!

*While observing the four of them, Shonnie notices that there seems to be some sort of power shift happening as Screwloose and Shifty's power increases while Byakuru and Damien's power slightly decrease until all four of their power levels are equal.*

Shonnie: Wait, a minute. What are these guys doing?

Jimmy: What's wrong Shonnie?

Shonnie: I could be wrong. But, I think these guys are synchronizing their power levels.

*In one split second, Byakuru closes the distance between him and Shonnie; he grabs Shonnie and flies high into the sky and away from everyone else.*

Ashuro: SHONNiE!!

Ookahara: Ook-Ook! After them!

*Ashuro and Ookahara quickly chase after both of them.*

Shonnie: Let me go! Let me go! >o< *looks down and realizes how high up they are* O_O;; Don't let go! Don't let go! *clings tightly to Byakuru's body*

Ashuro: Hold on tight!

Ookahara: Whatever you do, don't look down!

Shonnie: Down... AHA! *Shonnie clings tightly to Byakuru's body, restraining it tightly.* Neo.... BREAKER!!

*Shonnie's hair began glowing bright blue and he began rocketing towards the ground. With a loud crash the two collided with the Earth.*

Ashuro: 0o0 Shonnie!

*Ashuro and Ookahara rush over to Shonnie and Byakuru to check on their condition.*

Ookahara: Ook-Ook! Shonnie-bro, are you okay?

Shonnie: Why yes Felicia Day, I'd love to date your avatar...@o@

*While Ashuro and Ookahara help Shonnie to his feet, Sashi uses the thread she had with her to tie up Byakuru.*

Sashi: There, that should hold him... ^^ *notices that her right arm got tied to Byakuru* hold on

*While trying to untie herself, Byakuru comes to his senses and stands up with Sashi still attached to him.*

Sashi: EEK! HELP!

*Sashi's cry for help snaps Shonnie back to his senses and he quickly rushes over to Sashi and grabs a hold of her left arm as Byakuru takes to the sky again with both of them.*

Ashuro: 0o0 Not again!

Shonnie: Hang on, Sashi! I'll save you!

*Shonnie reaches around inside his afro and pulls out his old Knockout Gun. He then aimed it in front of Byakuru's face. As Shonnie fired the shot, the capsule collided into Byakuru's face, causing the sleeping powder to coat his face causing him to slowly fall asleep.*

Shonnie: Ha! Right on target!

*As Byakuru's flying starts to get shaky, Shonnie begins to realize just what he had done: he had put Byakuru back to sleep while he was higher in the air than last time with both him and Sashi in tow. Shonnie manages to free Sashi's arm from Byakuru as all three of them begin to plummet to the ground. Shonnie frantically tries to think of a way to save Sashi, Byakuru and himself as they get further and further to the ground. That's when he began to remember back to when he was back in the Paused Dimension training with Snoopy, Victora and Jimmy in how to use his powers in new ways.*

[Flashback - a few months ago in the Paused Dimension]

Snoopy: Shonnie, Jimmy, are you ready for your first lesson? ^w^

Jimmy: Totally! ^w^

Shonnie: You know it, dude!

Snoopy: Your first lesson is on how to use your energy to fly *channels E-nergy to his hands and feet then begins to float* First try concentrating on where you want to focus your power; try to focus on your hands or your feet when you do this.

Jimmy: Okay.

*Jimmy tries to focus his energy to his feet. As he does so he can feel himself being lifted slowly off the ground. He then looks down to find himself floating above the ground.*

Jimmy: Cool! I think I'm getting it.

Shonnie: Okay, let me try.

*Shonnie tries focusing his energy to his feet and hands. But he didn't appear to move from his spot.*

Shonnie: Huh?

*Shonnie makes one more attempt to channel his energy but to no avail.*

Shonnie: Aww, c'mon!

*As Shonnie stomps his foot he appears to be pushed off the ground and into the air near Jimmy.*

Jimmy: Now you're floating too, bro. ^w^

Shonnie: I guess it was a delayed reaction.

*Just when Shonnie thought that he had it down he suddenly stops floating.*

Snoopy: Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it after a while. The amount of energy required to do this varies from person to person; you just need to find that right balance.

Victora: If it helps try imagining how Iron Man does it.

Snoopy: ...

Victora: What?

Shonnie: How Iron Man does it... I see what you mean!

*Shonnie tries again, this time he focuses his energy in his hands as well as his feet. He slowly starts to hover off the ground as his body seems more balanced this way.*

Shonnie: Awesomeness!

Jimmy: Cool! ^o^

Snoopy: Good, both of you are doing great. Next I want you both to increase your power output to go just a bit higher.

Jimmy: Okay!

Shonnie: Alright. Wanna start us off, ace? 

Jimmy: Sure. ^w^

*Jimmy channels his energy into his hands and feet once again, this time he increases his energy output. Suddenly, Jimmy shoots up into the air like a rocket.*

Jimmy: WAAAAH!

Shonnie: JIMMY!

*Shonnie quickly uses his F-glove to pluck his brother form the sky and slowly bring him back down.*

Shonnie: He said increase it a little, kiddo.

Jimmy: S-s-sorry... O_O;;

Snoopy: For you Jimmy, since your power level is so condensed, I'd say use either your feet or your hands, not both at the same time just yet.

Jimmy: Okay...

Snoopy: As for you Shonnie, the only thing I can say is practice and experiment a bit more.

Shonnie: Got it.

[Flashback ends]

*Holding Sashi in his arms Shonnie focuses all of his energy to his feet and hopes for the best. As his feet glow with energy, their descent slows down until Shonnie is hovering in midair perfectly.*

Sashi: What the...Shonnie, you're flying!

Shonnie: I am? *looks down at his feet.* H-hey, I am!

Sashi: Since when have you been able to... OoO Oh-no, Mr. Byakuru!

*Both Shonnie and Sashi remember that Byakuru is still falling at an alarming rate. As if on instinct, Shonnie speeds down to the ground where he drops Sashi off and then catches Byakuru before he hit the ground.*

Sashi: @w@ I knew you were fast...I just didn't know you were THAT fast.

Shonnie: What can I say? My mind is faster than my feet.

*Shonnie sets down the slumbering Byakuru on the ground and heads over to Sashi.*

Shonnie: You okay, Sashi?

Sashi: Yes, I'm fine thanks to you. ^w^

Shonnie: Glad to hear it. ^///^

Ashuro: Wow that was amazing, Shonnie!

Ookahara: Ook-Ook! Truly a magnificent show!

Shonnie: Gee, thanks guys. ^///^

Jimmy: You can finally fly now, bro!

Cheeko: I knew he'd get it sooner or later.

Williams. Hmm.

Byakuru: *yawns* that was refreshing...

Ashuro: Mr. Byakuru, are you...?

Byakuru: Yeah, I'm in control of myself...for now at least.

Shonnie: Well, at least you're fine... for now. ^^

Williams: Now, we just have to stop the others.

Hayama: Shonnie, we've got trouble!

Hayama: Somehow Damien has figured out how increase power levels without being knocked out. Look at that!

*Hayama points over to Damien, Screwloose and Shifty who have suddenly gotten a LOT faster and stronger in just a matter of moments. Aside from Master Tobei, nobody could keep up with the three of them moved about and attacked at a super high speed.*

Hayama: We need a decisive counter-attack ASAP! It's time for you to use the attack I just programed into your F-Gloves on those three.

Byakuru: Wait, remember what Pyro said. All four of us need to be defeated together in order for you all to win.

Hayama: But we've got to do something; the others won't last much longer at this rate!

Byakuru: ...this attack of Shonnie's...what needs to happen to make it work?

Hayama: In order for it to work we need all four of you to be close together.

Byakuru: ...leave Screwloose, Shifty and Damien to me; I'll get them all in one spot for you. Just be ready to activate this attack of yours once we're all together.

Shonnie: Right. We're counting on you, Byakuru.

Hayama: Shonnie, to activate the attack I programmed shout "Heavy Neo Storm."

*Byakuru gets close to the action and takes a quick draw stance. He watches as Screwloose, Shifty and Damien continue their relentlessly speedy assault on Shonnie's teammates. He waits for just the right moment...and then...he strikes!*

Byakuru: (NOW!)

*Byakuru shoots towards Screwloose, Shifty and Damien when all three of them were close enough together and with a mighty swipe of his sword sends all three of them flying into the sky before crashing down to the ground. They all land dazed and confused, Byakuru quickly gathers all three of them together and gives Shonnie the signal.*

Byakuru: Now Shonnie!

Shonnie: Right. HEAVY NEO STORM!!

*Shonnie transforms into Neo Shonnie and zooms over to his four opponents. He activates the Neo Pause technique that stops time around Byakuru, Damien, Screwloose and Shifty, leaving them unable to move before uppercutting all four of them high into the sky. Shonnie then takes to the sky and catches up with the four then activates the Neo Cyclone, spinning around and engulfing the four in a tornado of electricity coming off of Shonnie's body. The electricity causes a static effect that made Byakuru, Damien, Screwloose and Shifty stick to each other, putting them in the perfect position for the final part of Shonnie's mega attack as he activates the Neo Quake. Sparkling energy surrounds Shonnie's body as he grabs all four of his opponents shooting down to the ground with all of them, looking like a sparkling meteor.*


*The group disperses out of range of the impact, most of them hiding behind the warehouse crates and against the walls. Shonnie along with Byakuru and his arch-foes crash into the ground with a large blast. A heavy dust cloud covers what appears to be a crater in the warehouse floor.*

Ookahara: *coughs* Ook-Ook! Hayama bro, don't you think that was a little too over the top?

Hayama: *cleans his glasses* Perhaps.

Sashi: Is Shonnie okay?

*When the dust clears Shonnie is seen standing next to the downed Byakuru, Damien, Screwloose and Shifty.*

Sashi: Shonnie!

Shonnie: *coughs a bit* Well, that was quite a blast.

Jimmy: Alright, Shonnie!

Cheeko: Way to go, chief!

Williams: Hmm.

*Everybody gathers around Shonnie to congratulate him on a job well done. The glowing "N" tattoos on Byakuru, Damien, Screwloose and Shifty disappear as they begin to wake up.*

Byakuru: He's gone; I can no longer feel that madman's presence in my head.

*Shonnie approaches Byakuru and helps him to his feet. He then looks back over at Dr. Screwloose, Shifty, and Damien with a fairly guilty expression.*

Screwloose: Ow, my head. Did I get blasted off or something? @_@

*Shifty happily tackles Screwloose and happily licks his master's face.*

Shifty: *wags his tail*

Screwloose: Yes, yes. I am happy to have you back, too.

Damien: That Pyro-bastard will pay for this indignity... >_<

*Damien picks up his sword and slowly rises to his feet.*

Shonnie: Damien. Screwloose.

*The two look towards Shonnie Flash when he calls their name.*

Shonnie: We have a common enemy in Pyro. If you agree to help us, I'm sure we can take down Pyro and end this madness.

*The two villains were quiet for a moment, at the very least they were mulling it over.*

Screwloose: Whatever it takes to down that psychopath! Nobody makes a fool out of Dr. Screwloose and gets away with it!

*Shifty barks angrily in agreement.*

Damien: Hmph! Don't patronize me, detective. My capture was nothing short of my guard being down. I won't make such a foolish mistake again... >_<

*As Damien walks past Shonnie, Byakuru gets a glimpse at Damien's face and senses something more to Damien's motive than just another rematch: something more personal.*

Ashuro: *looks around and notices that most of his allies are hurt* I've still got a bit a power left so I'm gonna use it to heal all you guys. Just promise me you'll be safe.

*The Ashuro clone disappears and everybody in the area is healed up and feeling re-energized.*

Shonnie: Thank you, Ashuro. We appreciate everything you've done for us. We'll make sure to stop Pyro and get everyone back safely...

*A spiraling portal opens up before everybody.*

Ookahara: Ook-Ook! The way out!

Hayama: Are all of you ready for what lies on the other side of this thing?

Shonnie: Of course. Let's put an end to this madness once and for all!

*Everybody enters into the portal, leaving the battlefield...headed to the final battle with Pyro.*

To be continued...

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