Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Trap Falls Apart! Cosmic Man's Dangerous Struggle!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 6
“The Trap Falls Apart! Cosmic Man’s Dangerous Struggle!!”
An RP between Flashshadow and eshonen

*For the next two days Andy and Luna explored the kingdom, checking out every area and meeting with the many people that lived there. While the two of them were out exploring, Europa and Chili checked out the arena and the area surrounding it. The arena had a force field dome that could open and close easily, perfect for galactic police ships to hover above in stealth mode to move in at a moment's notice. Finally the day came, the start of the tournament. Before Andy makes his way to the center of the arena, Luna, Chili and Europa meet up with him one last time.*

Chili: So, how are you feeling, champ?

Cosmic Man: As long as I don't fight a guy who shoots numbers again. I should be fine.

Europa: Andy... >_>

Cosmic Man: Relax, Europa, just a little pre-battle humour. But seriously. I'm ready to bring my best!

Luna: We'll be cheering you on from the stands. ^^

Cosmic Man:

*Luna and Chili make their way to the stands and Europa leaves to take her position to get ready for what was to come while Cosmic Man makes his way into the center arena. After the announcer gives him a grand introduction and explains the rules of the tournament to the many spectators, Cosmic Man prepares to face his first opponent: a very short orange-haired competitor, Runzoe Delmonte.*

Runzoe: *looks up at Cosmic Man with a very grumpy expression on his face* ...

Cosmic Man: Holy molly! What a cute little puppy! *squats down towards Runzoe.* Hi, there little fella, my name is Cosmic Man! Don't worry, I'll try and make this fight as short and quick as possible. I don't really like to pick-on little guys. *pats Runzoe's head.*

*In the waiting area...*

Baron: I guess nobody briefed him on Runzoe...

Pepper: Let's see how he gets out of this.

*Back in the arena.*

Runzoe: Friggin' giant making fun of me!? DiE!!!

*Runzoe draws his sword and begins slashing rapidly and furiously at Cosmic Man while yelling angry Spanish. After feeling the first few stinging slashes Cosmic Man quickly puts some distance between the two of them but Runzoe keeps homing in on him with great speed and fury. He knew that if he didn't do something soon that it would be him that needed help.*

Cosmic Man: AIEEEEEK! You compliment a guy, and he tries to carve you like a turkey! I need to think of something quickly! Gotta use my head... Hey, wait. That's it!

*As Cosmic Man continued to fly ahead of the speeding Runzoe, he does a sharp U-turn back towards colliding head first into Runzoe.*

Runzoe: YEOUCH!! *stops to rub his head while muttering to himself angrily*

Cosmic Man: I better not let up, otherwise that crazy puppy will really let me have it.

*Cosmic Man quickly flies at Runzoe, putting the stunned Chihuahua in a headlock.*

Runzoe: URK! >3- *strongly struggles trying to free himself from the headlock*

Cosmic Man: Sorry, puppster! I'm not letting go for anything! >_<

*Cosmic Man strengthens his grip on Runzoe in an effort to keep Runzoe restrained.*

Runzoe: PUP!? I'M A MAN!! When I get free I'm gonna...! *yells very angry Spanish*

*Runzoe thrashes about even more violently trying to break out of Cosmic Man's headlock. However due to all of thrashing around Runzoe had turned Cosmic Man's headlock into an unintentional sleeper hold as he found out seconds later when Runzoe suddenly stopped struggling and went limp. Seeing what happened Cosmic Man quickly puts him down as the arena medic comes and examines Runzoe.*

Arena medic:'s okay, he's just unconscious; he'll be fine once he wakes up.

Cosmic Man: I hope so. I wanna win, but I also didn't want to seriously injure the little-- I mean the BIG dog.

Arena medic: Well, in the meantime, we'll get him out of here.

*Another medic comes into arena then both of them carry Runzoe out on a stretcher. Cosmic Man is declared the winner of the match by knockout. The next challenger immediately takes his place and it happens to be Baron Quick.*

Baron: *looks closely at Cosmic Man* ...

*The tall, muscular wolf man definitely looked stronger and more intimidating than Runzoe so Cosmic Man immediately took a defensive stance, ready to take on anything that Baron could possibly throw his way.*

Cosmic Man: Oh, man. This guy looks tough... But at least I don't need to hold back. *charges his body with cosmic energy*

Baron: ...I forfeit.

*Cosmic Man looks surprised as that was the last thing he expected his opponent to do.*

Cosmic Man: EH?! J-just like that?!

Baron: Yeah, the thing is that I recently got a really cute girlfriend not too long ago and I completely forgot that I was still registered as a candidate for Princess Cherry. I meant to update the King and Queen but I just plain forgot too. Besides, I know that she has eyes only for my bud Pepper so if there's anything I can do to help increase his chances to earn her hand, I'll do it. ^^

Cosmic Man: W-wow. That's actually very noble of you.

Baron: Well, good luck with the rest of these guys; I highly doubt the rest of them will give you a win easily.

Cosmic Man: R-right, thank you.

*The tournament continues as suitor after suitor enters the arena to fight Cosmic Man and leave in defeat. While they were waiting for Salty to appear Europa was surprised to see that a lot of these so-called suitor for Princess Cherry were actually intergalactic criminals that the Galactic Police had been looking for, for some time. Once these particular ones left the arena they were all properly arrested and sent to a ship with a holding cell; eventually that ship had to leave to drop off the criminals before returning back to Planet Mitosa. Over 50 matches later, Cosmic Man is taking a small break in the waiting room reserved especially for him when Luna, Chili and Europa enter to see how he's doing.*

Luna: You were amazing~ ^o^

Chili: You're doing great, champ!

Europa: We came here to bring Salty to justice. But, in the process we've helped arrest several notorious criminals from all across the galaxy. You've certainly outdone yourself, Andy.

Andy: Thanks, everyone. Those guys were much tougher than I expected. But, I'm sure I can keep up the pace.

Luna: *looks around at Andy's waiting room* Wow, this place has everything.

Chili: Yeah, we made sure to have this place well catered to fit Andy's needs for prolonged battles.

Andy: Thank goodness.

Chili: Well, the good thing is that you only have two left to fight; but the next one you fight is the entire reason that we're all here for: Salty.

Luna: I don't get it; if Salty is the one you're after why wasn't he the first opponent that Andy faced?

Chili: We arranged things so that Salty should've been the first one that Cosmic Man fought; I too was surprised when that little guy with short fuse came out first. I got word from Baron that Salty exchanged his number with that little guy so that he would get to go later after seeing how Cosmic Man fought.

Europa: Damn, Salty. He's as crafty as ever...

Andy: Oh, man. He must've seen all of my best moves.

Chili: If you truly have shown all of your moves then the last thing you want to happen is for Salty to control the fight; don't let him do that.

Andy: You're right. I came too far to let fear stop me. We're gonna take down Salty and finally bring him to justice.

Europa: Well, said, Andy.

Chili: That's the spirit, champ! When you're ready step out into that arena and do your thing; we'll all be on standby watching out for any other sneaky trick Salty may try.

Andy: Right, on. Well, let’s get COSMIC!

*In a brilliant flash of light, Andy Apollo instantly changed into Cosmic Man. Everybody takes their positions as Cosmic Man makes his way back into the arena. The name of the next competitor is announced as he slowly and nonchalantly makes his way onto the arena floor. Cosmic Man was now face to face with the reason for his being on Planet Mitosa as well as the reason behind his becoming the hero he is: Salty "Dogg" Josiah.*

Salty: ... *looks up at Cosmic Man then grins slyly*

Cosmic Man: Gulp... O_O;

*Cosmic Man shakes his head and gets into a fighting position. The match had started but Salty didn't move a muscle. Keeping in mind what Chili had said, Cosmic Man's instincts were telling him to attack but his head was telling him to wait for Salty to make the first move so he could counter it. Moments pass without either side making a move and then Cosmic Man realizes it: he's already been letting Salty control the fight by letting him get inside his mind by not doing anything.*

Salty: *chuckles deviously*

Cosmic Man: N-no, I can't let him psych me out. I need to hurry and take him out.

*Cosmic Man charges full speed at Salty, ready to deliver a mighty punch to Salty.*


Europa: Wait, And-- Cosmic Man! Stop!

*Salty smirks then in a burst of speed seems to disappear. Cosmic Man immediately realizes his mistake as Salty appears above him and uses a powerful axe kick to send him into the ground.*

Salty: HA! So, this is the mighty Cosmic Man...

*Cosmic Man struggles to pull his head out of the ground.*

Cosmic Man: Oww, jeez! This guy hits like a tank! @ o @

*Cosmic Man eventually gets back to his feet ready to face Salty again.*

Salty: I know what you are; you're nothing more than just a container for the energy from that comet fragment that I lost. Well here's some news for you *instantly appears in front of Cosmic Man in a burst of speed* by the end of this fight I'll be taking back what should've been mine from the start.

Cosmic Man: YIPE! *stumbles backwards and quickly gets back up.* I-I won't let you get your hands on the Megalos Star's power!

Salty: Then take your best shot, comet boy!

Cosmic Man: TAKE THIS!

*Cosmic Man launches a powerful cosmic beam from his hands at Salty which explodes in a brilliant flash. As the dust from the explosion clears Cosmic Man sees Salty still standing with his arm pointed out forward and the palm of his hand covered with the cosmic energy he was just hit with.*

Salty: That won't work... *instantly appears in front of Cosmic Man and punches him powerfully as the cosmic energy in his hand explodes to deliver extra damage* try again.

*Cosmic Man is sent tumbling across the ground from the impact of the cosmic explosion.*

Cosmic Man: Ow, ow, ow... And here I thought nothing could hurt worst than numbers.

*Cosmic Man struggled to get back on his feet, but notices something distressing. His body appeared to be flickering, between each flash, Cosmic Man's body appeared almost translucent.*

Cosmic Man: Oh, man! That move took a lot more than I thought. I need to hurry and stop him before it's too late!

Salty: Hmm, looks like your time is almost up; and if I had to guess, it takes time for you to completely recharge, right?

Cosmic Man: (Uh-oh ) N-no! No way! I can still defeat you!

Salty: You still think that, huh? Then let me fill you in on something: I've been hip to your whole operation since this "tournament" began. Do you think that I haven't noticed most of the competition suddenly disappearing from the planet soon after leaving the arena? Or how about the galactic police cruisers hovering in the sky in stealth mode? Or even the many galactic police scattered in and around this arena? You think you have me trapped here? Well, I've got a surprise for you all too. My ship has been here in plain sight too, recording all there is to see and feeding it back to me. It took me a long time to find this ship; its ancient but it's technology if way more advanced than anything anybody else has. One of it's best features is that it can't be tracked by any radar available to your galactic police...

*Salty takes out a remote control and enters in a command which causes lasers to be fired out of nowhere which hits all of the nearby galactic police cruisers in stealth mode in the sky. Europa witnesses the destruction from the audience.*

Europa: NOOO! How could this have happened!

*Cosmic Man watched in horror as the various police cruisers were blasted out of the sky by Salty's laser fire. He then turned back to Salty, with a face red with fury.*

Cosmic Man: You heartless bastard! I won't let you get away with this!

*Cosmic Man charges at Salty throwing a fearsome volley of punches and kicks at the wicked space pirate.*

Salty: *speeds up and dodges all of the punches then enters in another command on the remote* looks like rain is coming~

*Lasers start raining down on the battlefield.*

Cosmic Man: YIPE!

*Cosmic Man in almost a reflex grabbed a hold of Salty and used him as a shield to block the incoming laser rain in the battlefield.*

Salty: What are you...!? *gets hit by a laser blast* AUGH!

*By this time there was total chaos in the stands as people were panicking from the attack. Europa and the galactic police within the stands shift focus on the people and begin trying to evacuate the arena. Cosmic Man uses Salty to block several raining laser blasts. Taking the remote in hand again, Salty enters in another command that stops the rain of lasers from targeting the battlefield and instead starts shooting random spots throughout the kingdom. Seeing the situation spiral out of control, both Baron and Pepper step out onto the battlefield to assist Cosmic Man.*

Cosmic Man: You leave them alone, you creep!

*Cosmic Man leaps into the air while still holding Salty and slams Salty head first into the ground.*

Salty: *looks unscathed due to hardening his body before the impact then breaks free from Cosmic Man's hold* it's gonna take more than that to break me!

Baron: Okay, cone nose, funs over.

Pepper: When you start attacking innocent people you become my problem.

Cosmic Man: Pepper... Baron...

Pepper: This place is Cherry's home and I'm not gonna let some two-bit pirate destroy it! >_<

Cosmic Man: He's right! Your reign of terror ends now, Salty!

*Cosmic Man's body appeared to flicker again, turning his angry frown into a worried grimace.*

Cosmic Man: (I hope... )

Salty: "Hunter Wolf" Pepper Quil and "Iron Body" Baron Quick. Thank you for coming directly to me; this saves me the trouble of having to search for you to steal your powers away.

Baron: You talk big but let’s see just how good you are when up against somebody on par with your speed.

Salty: Oh don't worry about that; I'm more than fast enough to keep up with both of you. Just ask your old man how fast I really am...

Baron: Wait, you fought my Dad?

Salty: Yeah, I was hired to lay waste to the Quick Family compound by a certain someone from a certain Family you know and...

*In a giant burst of speed Baron tackles Salty to the ground and has one mighty hand around the pirate's neck.*

Baron: Who was it!? Who hired you that day!?

Cosmic Man: Whoa!

Europa: Baron, wait! Get out of there!

Salty: Hahahaha! What's the fun in just telling you? It's much more entertaining knowing that you're scraping the bottom of the barrel for whatever clues you can find! Now if you would be so kind... *raises his left arm in an attempt to grab Baron's arm*

Baron: O_O *quickly releases Salty and speedily jumps backwards out of his grasp*

Salty: Thank you *gets back up on his feet*

Baron: Hmph, you know what, you don't have to tell me Now that I know that you were involved I can come after you for answers when the time is right. But right now my goal is to help Pepper stop this takeover.

Andy: That's right! If we combine our strength, there's no way Salty will have his way here!

Europa: Um, Andy...?

Andy: Europa, you're not supposed to call me that when I'm Cosmic... Man?

*Andy stops and looks at himself when he realizes that he is no longer Cosmic Man and has reverted back to his original form.*

Andy: Oh, frag me, sideways.

Salty: Ahahahahaha! Surprised? I don't necessarily have to touch you with my hands to use my powers; even through just a little physical contact I can absorb massive amounts of energy if I so choose to.

*Thinking back to all the times that Salty had touched during their fight Andy realized that his words were true; no wonder he ran out of energy that quickly.*

Salty: And now... *powers up with Andy's stolen cosmic energy* the real fight begins.

*Salty disappears in a burst of speed and delivers a powerful blow to both Baron and Pepper, knocking them over to the other side of the arena before re-appearing again.*

Salty: Wow! And that's just from absorbing the energy used to hold your transformation; I can only imagine what I'll be capable of once I absorb the core of your powers.

Europa: You're not going to get the chance to find out!

*As Andy ran off to check on Baron and Pepper. Europa begins unloading her laser pistol blasts at Salty, hoping to at least buy some time so her friends can recover.*

Andy: Baron! Pepper! Are you guys alright?

Baron: Man that was fast...

Pepper: I didn't think it was possible but when hopped up on your energy he's actually way faster than us.

Baron: True, but he can't get us like that again if we keep some distance between us. No matter how fast he may be he can't get both of at the same time.

Pepper: It's worth a shot.

Andy: I'm gonna try and help Europa stall Salty. You two jump in whenever you are ready.

*Andy hurries over to Europa as she engages Salty.*

Salty: *stands there and takes the laser blasts* amazing; with this energy I don't even feel these shots...but they are starting to piss me off. -_-#

*Salty casually walks up to Europa who takes a few steps back now knowing that her laser pistol has no effect on the pirate. Baron speeds in and delivers a steel-hardened punch that Salty simply blocks with one hand and blocks Pepper's sneaky long sword slash with his other hand before emitting a powerful energy pulse that sends everybody flying backwards from where they were located.*

*Andy leaps onto Salty's back and grabs a hold of his long ears.*

Andy: I don't care how much power you absorb! We won't let you have your way with this kingdom or the Megalos shard!

*As Andy desperately holds onto Salty, he violently pulls on the evil space pirates ears.*

Salty: OW-OW-OW-OW-OW!! *spins and thrashes about trying to shake Andy off* GET OFF!!

*With a powerful shake Salty flings Andy off of his back and onto the arena floor.*

Salty: I've decided: as soon as I take the comet's power from you, you're the first one to die!

*Salty walks angrily up to Andy who fearfully backs away from the furious pirate. Salty reaches out to grab Andy and then...*

???: Flamethrower!

Salty: Huh? AUGH! *gets hit by a powerful stream of fire* FiRE!!

*Andy looks behind him to see that Luna has stepped out onto the arena with her Emboar, Seismitoad, Scrafty, Archeops, Eelektross and Haxorus.*

Luna: Great shot, Ace!

Ace: Emboar!

Luna: I won't let you harm my boyfriend; prepare to hurt! Ace, Hammer Arm!

*The Emboar charges at the still on fire Salty and delivers a heavy armed slam onto the pirate's head, stunning him a bit.*

Andy: B-b-boyfriend...? Me? O///O

*As Luna and her Pokémon team fend off Salty. Europa tries to help Baron and Pepper on to their feet.*

Europa: Oh, thank goodness! We may have a chance after all!

Andy: S-she called me her... B-boyfriend? O///O

Luna: Croakers use Drain Punch!

*The Seismitoad uses Drain Punch on Salty but gets overwhelmed by the energy extracted from him, getting immobilized for a few seconds.*

Luna: Okay, looks like draining that energy with Drain Punch isn't going to work...we'll just have to force him to use it all up then. Chrome use Headbutt!

*The Scrafty runs up to Salty and rears back to prepare the Headbutt attack. Salty quickly recovers from the previous two attacks then jumps high to avoid the powerful Headbutt.*

Luna: In that case, Peco-Peco use Acrobatics!

*The Archeops meets Salty in the air and repeatedly attacks him midair, forcing Salty to quickly descend back to the ground.*

Luna: Chopper, Giga Impact!

*The Haxorus charges at Salty with all of it's might but Salty counterattacks with a powerful punch that seems to end in a stalemate for both sides. The Haxorus then surprises Salty by grabbing a hold of his arm and holding him there.*

Luna: Great! Now Leech, use Zap Cannon!

*The Eelektross comes in behind Salty and shoots a powerful, point blank electrical blast at the wolf pirate.*


*The Zap Cannon's secondary effect kicks in, hindering Salty's movements.*

Europa: Now's our chance! Everyone get ready!

Andy: Everyone is trying so hard... I gotta try and transform again!

*Andy does his best to try and restore his cosmic energy.*

Salty: *roars angrily* THAT'S iT!! *begins brimming with the stolen cosmic energy*

Luna: O_O; Uh-oh! A-Ace, Heat Crash!

*The Emboar leaps high into the air, surrounding himself with fire as he descends in a cannonball form. Ace lands directly on Salty with great force but the pirate quickly recovers and effortlessly lifts the Mega Fire Pig Pokémon up and hurls him powerfully on top of Luna, knocking them both out.*

Luna and Ace: @ w @ ...

*Luna's other Pokémon quickly react to defend their trainer by unleashing their attacks on Salty. Croakers the Seismitoad uses Mud Shot to shoot several mud balls at Salty who effortlessly dodges each of them and delivers a powerful open-face palm into the Vibration Pokémon's stomach, knocking it out. Then in a burst of speed he grabs the Haxorus' tail and powerfully swings it like a bat to hit and knock out both the Archeops and Eelektross then tosses the Haxorus into the Scrafty for a double knockout. Baron and Pepper quickly jump into the fray and double team Salty with all of their might. All the while Andy tries his best to restore his cosmic energy but to no avail; he just needed more time, something he really didn't have the luxury of at the moment. And even if he could do something about Salty there was still his ship that couldn't be tracked with modern radars was hovering somewhere blasting the Sunspot Kingdom apart bit by bit. With one mighty pulse of energy, both Baron and Pepper and blown back into Europa, each immobilized by the cosmic energy pulsing through their bodies. Still radiating with cosmic energy, a very angry Salty walks over to a struggling to transform Andy.*

Salty: When I'm done with you you'll be nothing more than a super dried-up raisin! *grabs Andy by his shirt collar*

*Before Salty could do anything else his and Andy's attention is drawn away by some rocking music being played on what sounded like a ukulele.*

???: Melodic Purge~

*Some new music is played and caused Salty to suddenly drop Andy and back away in pain as the cosmic energy he had stolen seemed to be leaving his body until he was back to normal.*

Salty: What the...!? What's going on here!?

*Somebody then descended into the arena between Salty and Andy; it was a young girl wearing an outfit reminiscent of that of Stella Jam's. Her long green ponytail poked out of the back of her helmet and she was holding a crescent moon-shaped ukulele.*

Cosmic Girl: Cosmic Girl has arrived! *strikes a pose*

Andy: C-C-Cosmic Girl...?

Cosmic Girl: And together we are...

*The young girl strums her ukulele, causing it to light up with a lot of cosmic power then aims it at Andy and shoots the energy out at him. Andy's body instantly absorbs the cosmic energy and instantly transforms back into Cosmic Man.*

Cosmic Girl: The Cosmic Duo! ^o^

Cosmic Man: No way... I have a cute "magical girl" sidekick?! This is SO cool!

*Europa, while relieved that Andy became Cosmic Man, can't help but be puzzled by the mysterious young hero who also seems to posses cosmic energy.*

Cosmic Man: Alright, Cosmic Girl! Let's lay a space age smack down on this dirty pirate!

Cosmic Girl: Righty-O mean, Cosmic Man! ^o^

Salty: HA! You think that some little squirt of a girl is going to make a difference? Then go ahead and take your best shot!

Cosmic Girl: *tunes her ukulele then strums a high pitch melody*

Salty: Q~Q YEEOWWW!! *howls in pain as he tries to cover his large ears*

Cosmic Man: Amazing, Cosmic Girl! You're rad ukulele skills appear to be weakening Salty! Keep up the good work!

Europa: Cosmic Man, now's your chance! While he's incapacitated!

Cosmic Man: Oh, right! ^w^;

*Cosmic Man leaped high into the air, miles upon miles above the kingdom. After gaining enough height he plummeted back down to the ground like a meteorite entering the Earth's atmosphere. The speed of the decent, mixed with the heat of re-entry, and his cosmic energy had turned Cosmic Man into a blazing human projectile. Aimed right at Salty.*

Cosmic Man: This body of mine glows with awesome power! It's righteous burning fury tells me to defeat you! Now take this! My love, my anger, and all of my awesome! BLAZING COSMIC CRAAAASH!!

*Unable to get away in time and no longer buffed up by cosmic energy, Salty takes the fiery crash attack in full. There is a huge fiery explosion that engulfs part of the arena. When the smoke clears, Cosmic Man could be seen on top of Salty in a large crater in the arena.*

Salty: *smirks then grabs a hold of Cosmic Man* seems that somebody didn't learn their lesson from the first...time? *grips Cosmic Man harder* ...what's going on? His powers should be mine right now; why aren't they mine?!

Cosmic Girl: I made the Melodic Purge song just for opponents like you; not only does it drain you of stolen power, it prevents you from using your power to steal other powers and energy for a certain amount of time.

Salty: O_O; *looks nervous then pulls out his remote to enter in a new command but has the remote shot out of his hand* What the...!?

*Everybody looks to where the shot came from and sees Chili standing in the stands armed with a modified Bowgun. Europa quickly secures the remote while Chili shoots a special shot high into the sky where it hits something invisible. The shot seems to short circuit the invisible thing and causes it to appear; it was Salty's massive and ancient ship that was directly above them without anybody knowing, still blasting away at the kingdom.*

Salty: No...

Chili: You're men have a visual target now, Officer Europa; rally together any ships and cruisers that can still fly and do your thing!

Europa: Understood! Officers move in and secure the vessel!

*The remaining GP Units moved in on Salty's ship and began firing upon the ship's cannons to prevent further attacks on the kingdom. The officers would then proceed to infiltrate the ship. Cosmic Man picks up Salty by his collar and slaps the power dampening handcuffs on the villainous pirate.*

Cosmic Man: Looks like your days of evil and plunder are done, Salty.

Europa: It's time you finally answered for your crimes!

Salty: *struggles to break free but is unable to* what's going on? I'm feeling even more drained than usual! *struggles to break free again but is unable to*

Europa: These special dampener cuffs were made specifically for a power mad cretin like you! They not only keep you from using your powers, but they absorb kinetic pressure keeping you from breaking out of them.

Salty: Is that so? Well I'll give you credit for coming up with something like this but you forgot to factor in quite a few other things about me. Number one: my overall speed and the physical strength of, oh let's legs!

*Salty powerfully stomps at the ground to launch himself high into the sky then uses Geppo combined with his already amazing speed to dart about through the air and become invisible to the naked eye, making mini sonic booms every time he used Geppo to go forward or change direction.*

Salty: Number two: this nose of mine isn't just for show!

*Salty speedily darts back down to the arena floor, appearing for an instant before disappearing again in a burst of speed as he rockets forth at top speed and literally skewers Europa's right shoulder with his pointed nose then flings her powerfully into the arena wall before disappearing back into the sky with his speedy Geppo!*

Cosmic Man: Europa, no!!

*Cosmic Man checked on his friend Europa, to see if she was okay. Europa was not conscious and both her wounded shoulder and forehead were bleeding.*

Cosmic Man: SAAALTY!!

*Cosmic Man's body exploded with cosmic energy and he rocketed to through the skies after Salty.*

Salty: Number three: my teeth are just like a shark merman's; they're very sharp and even if I lose some they'll grow back stronger than the ones before! *uses his speed and Geppo to rocket towards Cosmic Man with his fangs bared and spinning like a drill as he crunches down hard on Cosmic Man's left arm then uses he speed and Geppo to escape just as speedily*

Cosmic Man: YEOW! >O<

*Cosmic Man held his arm in pain from Salty's fearsome bite.*

Cosmic Man: Jeez, even bound and cuffed this jerk is tough! But, how can I stop him from zipping around like that? Wait, I got it! But, sweet Luna, this is gonna hurt...

*Cosmic Man got in a sort of defensive stance awaiting Salty's next attack.*

Salty: Not going to attack, eh? Then this is where our bout ends; I'll pierce right through that feeble defense you're putting up and be done with this whole thing! Goodbye, Cosmic Man! *uses Geppo to rocket towards Cosmic Man while spinning at high speed with his nose pointed out, coming in like a deadly spinning drill*

*As Salty was charging towards him, Cosmic Man was building up his cosmic energy into his fist. He would then wind up his fully loaded fist ready to strike.*

Cosmic Man: (Please... Please let this work! TT^TT) RAAAAAAAAAAH!!

*Once Salty was in range, Cosmic Man delivered a mighty cosmic-charged punch right into Salty's prized nose. Sending the pirate plummeting back down to the ground.*

Cosmic Man: That'll teach you... You rotten... Salty... Bastard....

*As Cosmic Man spoke he slowly faded out of consciousness and turned back into Andy Apollo. Having used up his energy and reverted back to normal, he began to plummet down to the ground as well. Sometime later, Andy awakens to find himself in a hospital bed with his arm in a cast. Looking over to his left he sees Europa in the bed next to him wide awake with her injuries patched up. Looking over to his right he sees Luna along with Chili and Cosmic Girl sitting in the chairs.*

Cosmic Girl: Hey, he's awake! ^o^

Luna: Thank goodness.

Chili: You did it, Andy; the plan was a success thanks to you. ^w^

Europa: You've done a great service to the Sunspot Kingdom and very well have saved the entire galaxy. You are truly a hero, Andy.

Andy: Gee, thanks everyone.... But I couldn't have done it without all of you.

Cosmic Girl:

*Cosmic Girl's transformation suddenly ends and she turns back into her regular form. In reality she was a young Suku girl wearing white long sleeve shirt underneath a teal T-shirt, an orange jean skirt and white sneakers. She had the Suku's trademark two-tone color hair with her's being yellow and green in a ponytail along with beautiful brown eyes; upon closer inspection she beared a lot of similarities to Luna.*

Andy: Wow, Cosmic Girl you look a lot like Luna? If I didn't know better I'd guess you two were related.

Europa: Hmm...

Cosmic Girl: Actually I am related to her. Like Chili, I came from the future to try and make it a better place; Luna is my mother.

*Andy smiles happily upon hearing this.*

Star: My real name is Star: Star Apollo.


*Andy sort of tenses up and freezes with his mouth hanging open upon hearing this information.*

Andy: A-A-Apollo?! Then that means that you are... You're...

Europa: Yours and Luna's future daughter.

Andy: S-seriously...?

Star: Yuppers! ^o^ I seemed to have inherited your cosmic powers at birth and you've trained me on how to use them and bring them out.

Europe: Sounds like Andy became quite a teacher in the future.

Andy: ..... *looks intently at Star*

Star: ...what is it, Daddy?

Andy: I just can't believe it...

Europa: Andy...

Andy: YOU'RE SO PRECIOUS! *picks up Star and begins twirling her around.* I have a totally cute future daughter! *Brings Luna into a big hug with Star.* We have a totally cute daughter!


Andy: Gaining superpowers, publishing my first fanfiction, and meeting the Neo Force. Those have nothing on this! This is truly the greatest day of my life~!

Luna: ^///^ *snuggles closely to Andy and Star*


*Andy begins sobbing uncontrollably in happiness as he holds Luna and Star in his arms. Europa would then smile and look out the window.*

Europa: We finally did it, Deuce... Salty's finally behind bars, the legacy of the Sunspot Kingdom is preserved, and a brave young man finally gets the happy ending he deserves. If only you were here to see it too...

*The doors open and in comes both Pepper and Baron, followed by Princess Cherry Galactic.*

Cherry: Thank you, everyone. Thanks to your collective heroics, a dangerous villain that has been a danger to our fair kingdom has been captured and our subjects have been saved from harm. I'd like to thank you all in behalf of the entire Sunspot Kingdom; thank you.

Europa: It was an honor to be of service, milady.

Andy: We were more than happy to help.

Cherry: And you young Chili, who came to this time period to warn us all of the true danger that Salty would've wrought, what can we do to thank you?

Chili: ...I could really go for one of your home-cooked meals...Mother. ^w^

Cherry: ...ex-excuse me?

Pepper: ... *looks at Chili a bit more closely* ...well I'll be, I can't believe that I didn't see this before; Cherry, this kid, he's ours. ^w^

Cherry: W-W-Wha!?

Andy: Guess that just proves the two of you were meant to be, huh?

Cherry: *kneels down and kisses Chili on his forehead* he looks just like his father when he was young. ^w^ I'll make sure to fix something nice for you *stands up and embraces Pepper* for both of my men.

Pepper: >w< Awesome...

Andy: Aww...

*A few weeks later, Andy once again finds himself inside the Sunspot Kingdom arena; his one and only opponent this time: Pepper Quil. Having already transformed into Cosmic Man, the two combatants exchange glances as they wait for the announcer to start the match. Up in the stands, Luna, Star and a fully healed Europa cheer Cosmic Man on while Princess Cherry, Chili and Baron cheer for Pepper while sitting next to King Sol and Queen Marine in the skybox area.*

Pepper: We may be friends but don't expect me to go easy on you!

Cosmic Man: I'd be offended if you didn't, Peps! Show me what you got!

*The announcer makes the introductions and then starts the fight. Both combatants start things off with a powerful strike; Cosmic Man goes in with a powerful punch while Pepper goes in with a powerful kick. The power from both collisions send each of them back a bit but are unfazed after sampling each other’s power.*

Pepper: Just as I thought *shakes the sting out of his leg*

Cosmic Man: Ha! Didn't even feel it! (Mother Hubbard, that really hurts! Pepper is as tough as ever. >_<; )

*Cosmic Man pops his knuckles and launches a cosmic blast at Pepper. Pepper curls up into a ball, hardens his fur then does a Sonic Spin to buzz-saw through the cosmic blast. He then bounces on the arena floor to get high in the air then does a Homing Attack on Cosmic Man, bumping him backwards with a lot of power.*

Cosmic Man: Zowie!

*Cosmic Man staggers about from the blow before regaining his footing. Taking a page from Pepper, he decides to get inventive with his powers and his quips.*

Cosmic Man: Hey, Pepper! I sure hope you're enjoying yourself. Because, I'm having a BLAST!

*Cosmic Man charged his hands with cosmic energy and clapped his hands hard launching a sonic blast at Pepper.*

Pepper: *channels power into both his legs then does a two-legged air kick to send out a shockwave to lessen the damaging impact of the incoming sonic blast that hits and knocks him down* Wow, even with most of the bite taken away that still hurt quite a bit... *hops back on his feet*

*Cosmic Man was happily waving to Luna and Star in the crowd after the impressive attack.*

Cosmic Man: How was that, gals! Pretty cool, right?

Star: Way cool, Daddy!

Luna: Very nice, honey, but keep your eyes on...

*Pepper takes off in a burst of speed, running around the arena in a red and white blur at high speed to stay out of Cosmic Man's sight.*

Luna: ...your opponent...

Cosmic Man: Huh? H-hey, where did he go?

*Cosmic Man floats above the arena and looks around for Pepper.*

Pepper: *uses his amazing speed combined with Geppo to launch himself into the air and latch onto Cosmic Man's back* Gotcha!

Cosmic Man: H-hey! No fair!

*Cosmic Man struggles to grab a hold of Pepper. But because of his bulky body, he can barely reach the wily wolf.*

Pepper: *grabs and restrains Cosmic Man's arms then repositions himself so that he can deliver rapid, repeated stomps on Cosmic Man's back*

Cosmic Man: AH! OW! OH! YIPE! OOH! ACHE!

*Cosmic Man struggles to free himself from Pepper's grip. Until he realizes how strong Pepper's grip is.*

Cosmic Man: Hey, Pepper! You sure have a good GRIP on the situation. But, I think it's time you were GROUNDED!

*Cosmic Man reduced his energy output, causing him and Pepper to crash back down into the arena floor. Although the fall was rough and Cosmic Man landed on top of him Pepper was able to reduce the damage he took by hardening all of his fur just before impact. However by doing that he created another problem for himself: his hardened spiky hair left him stuck in the arena floor.*

Pepper: Drat! *struggles trying to pull himself free*

Cosmic Man: Looks like you're in real STICKY situation, Pepper. But, don't worry. I'm sure you'll find this next move very UPLIFTING!

*Cosmic Man places his palms onto the ground, appearing to channel his cosmic energy into the ground. Suddenly the ground under Pepper glows with cosmic energy, before a powerful pillar of energy erupted from underneath him.*

Pepper: AHH! Endure it...endure it... >_O;

*Pepper endures the energy eruption then effortlessly pulls himself out of the arena floor, his hardened hair and fur brimming with Cosmic Man's own energy. Cosmic Man stands in awe of the spectacle.*

Pepper: Surprised? Just a little trick I happened to discover while trying to trap a Lagiacrus a few years ago. Now I should be able to go toe to toe with you for a while.

*Pepper explodes forward in a burst of speed and delivers a mighty punch to Cosmic Man, sending him flying backwards into the arena wall! The power of that one attack was almost on par with Cosmic Man's own natural strength; he soon realized that Pepper must've been waiting for him to use a cosmic energy attack this whole time.*

Cosmic Man: Oww, no fair! My first exposure to cosmic energy didn't go that well! >3<

Pepper: Actually I think I may have just gotten lucky. This technique works fine with electricity but I wasn't sure if it would work the same for other energy types. I took a gamble and it just happened to pay off this time. Now...let's see if I can get lucky twice in a row... *reaches outward and channels the cosmic energy into his hand and forms a staff made out of the cosmic energy* so far so good...

Cosmic Man: No way! Hard-light construction from cosmic energy?! THAT IS SO COOL!

Europa: The application of cosmic energy never ceases to amaze me.

Pepper: *twirls the staff around before taking a fighting stance then dashing off towards Cosmic Man*

Cosmic Man: Let's... Get... COSMIC!

*Cosmic Man charges his fists with cosmic energy and flies full-speed at Pepper. Pepper feints a strike that Cosmic Man puts up a guard for then he quickly jams the energy staff into the ground and launches himself into the air. Unable to react in time, Cosmic Man flies right into the staff, causing it to explode on impact and get stunned in the process. Seeing that his trap had been sprung, Pepper curls back into a ball while still midair and does a cosmic energy powered homing attack into Cosmic Man, powerfully pushing him into the arena ground, creating a crater upon impact.*

Cosmic Man: Did anyone get the name of that truck that hit me? @ o @

Pepper: *tries to use his strength enhanced by cosmic energy to pin Cosmic Man down*

*Cosmic Man struggles with his remaining strength to try and force Pepper off. Only to find that he had exhausted his energy and returned to his normal self.*

Andy: I'm not through just yet, Pepper! Hm? .... Or, maybe I am.

Pepper: *vents the remaining cosmic energy out of his body then helps Andy up* Checkmate, my good friend. The key to being a good hunter is knowing your opponent's strengths and weaknesses. I must say that out of your very few weaknesses there was only one that I could actually exploit: your transformation time. You've got to find a way to either increase your time, replenish your energy faster or something like that.

Andy: I know what you mean, Pep. I try to finish my fights quickly so I don't use up so much energy.

Pepper: Don't worry, I'm sure you'll figure something out to improve, if not fix, that time problem. So where do we go from here? If you've got any more surprises that you've been saving now is the time to use them, otherwise I would just forfeit right now.

Andy: Yeah, no. I'm pretty much spent.

*Andy raises a hand in forfeit.*

Star: Aw, Daddy lost...

Luna: True, but in doing so he's helped cement Pepper's place by his beloved Cherry's side, just as he planned.

Star:'re right.

*Pepper is announced the winner of the match, claiming all of Cosmic Man's previous wins from the other suitors, meaning that Pepper had beaten them all. King Sol, Queen Marine and Princess Cherry step onto the arena floor to congratulate Pepper on his victory. King Sol gives a short speech thanking Andy, Europa and the Galactic Police for all of their help with reining in Salty earlier. Pepper is announced as Cherry's official fiancé as she happily embraces her beloved. Later that night a party is held throughout the kingdom to celebrate Pepper and Cherry's engagement. Andy, Europa, Luna, Star, Chili, Pepper, Cherry and Baron all meet up once again to celebrate together.*

Baron: *chowing down on various pizza slices* the Sunspot Kingdom definitely has some great 'za~ Too bad Camilla had to study for a test tomorrow; she would've loved to party in a place like this.

Cherry: You can bring her here anytime, Baron; you're an honoured guest here in the Sunspot Kingdom, as are the rest of you. ^w^

Andy: Sweet! Looks like we have a new family vacation spot! I wonder if they have time shares here...

Cherry: I'm pretty sure we can set something up for you.

Star: Daddy, I've got to ask, aside from the meteor fragment have you encountered the actual Megalos Comet just yet?

Andy: Nope, can't say I have, Star. ^^l

Europa: I've seen a speculated diagram by my superiors. But, not necessarily the real thing.

Star: I see, so you haven't encountered it just yet. You see, while trying to train me you had some trouble trying to explain some of the finer details. Then one day you went out on a mission in space and disappeared for a few days. When you came back you said that you had encountered the actual Megalos Comet and that your full potential had been released and that you truly understood how your power worked. But there was something you said that was even more surprising...

Andy: What? What is it?

Star: According to what you said, the Megalos Comet was...alive; that is spoke to you and answered a lot of your questions. So that makes me wonder, is the comet more than just a powerful, floating rock? Could it actually be another unknown form of life...or maybe someone or something is alive inside it?

Andy: The Megalos Comet is alive?!

Europa: I've always known the comet was special. But I've never imagined it could be a sentient creature...

*This news really made both Andy and Europa think. Not much was known about the comet and from what Chili had shown them there was another comet with a sinister energy somewhere out there as well. Andy thought that perhaps he should try searching for the actual Megalos Comet earlier than he does in the future.*

*Europa's communicator suddenly goes off. The tune it was playing suggested that it was an emergency call. Answering the call, she hears a very frantic fellow galactic officer on the line.*

GP Officer: Europa, come in, Europa! Are you there!?

Europa: This is Europa. What's the problem?

GP Officer: There was a break-in here at the prison! This tall batman wearing a long blue coat somehow got past the guards at the entrance without a fight! When I went to confront him he simply said "let me pass" and my body responded by stepping out of his way! I really wanted to stop him but it was as if I had no control over my body! As soon as I was back in control of myself I locked this place down and started calling back all available officers.

Europa: So much for our grace period... Thanks for the heads-up. Be sure to keep me posted on any further developments. *signs out.*

Andy: Whoa, another villain! And in such a short time frame...

Europa: Well, there's no rest for the weary. But given the officer's description, the perpetrator has some sort of power of hypnotic possession...

Andy: Like Marvel's Ring Master?!

Europa: S-sure....? Either way, this threat sounds serious.

Chili: Hypnotic possession... O_O;;

Star: N-No, it can't be; why is he there of all places right now?

Chili: C-Calm down, Star; it could be somebody else, right? Miss Europa, this perpetrator wouldn't happen to be some tall batman wearing a long blue coat, would he?

Europa: As a matter of fact. That is the exact description of the perp. But, how did you know that?

Andy: Star, sweetie. What do you know about this bat?

Star: Y-You know how we said we came from the future? Well, he's...he's the reason why! He rules over all in our time period!

*Another call comes in from Europa's communicator.*

GP Officer: He's after Salty! I just got word from another who encountered him; he got them to tell him where he was in the medic bay still in a coma! He's on his way there now and we can't stop him!


Europa: Hang on! We're on our way! Andy, did you recover enough to transform?

Andy: I think there's still some gas in the tank, yeah.

Europa: Good, we need to hurry! We can't let Salty escape again; especially not into the arms of evil despot.

Andy: That's right. Luna, Star, we'll be back soon. It's time for Daddy to take down another bad guy.

Star: Please be careful, Daddy.

Chili: This shouldn't be happening; we stopped Salty from getting the power that first drew that man's attention to him. What could have possibly given him the idea to seek Salty out now that he's in did he even know he was in lock-up to begin with!? It's like the timeline found a way to get back onto its original course even after we altered it for the better...

Pepper: Don't worry, son; if anybody can stop this guy it's these two.

*Within minutes both Europa and Andy arrive at the massive penitentiary controlled by the Galactic Police in space where all of the super criminals from across the galaxy were held.*

Europa: Stay sharp, Andy. This is a critical situation and we cannot afford even a single mistake.

Andy: You don't have to tell me twice. Let's get cosmic!

*Andy quickly changes into Cosmic Man, preparing for whatever threat lurks inside the prison. Inside the prison at the infirmary the nurses stand frozen in place, unable to move, as the tall bat man in a blue coat walks by them, passing by all the other possible powerful prisoners until he comes across Salty who is bandaged up and strapped to his bed still unconscious.*

Salty: *asleep and motionless*

Benjamin: ...awaken...

Salty: *opens his eyes and looks around* what the...this isn't the arena *tries to move but is unable to due to being strapped down with restraints* what happened to me? Better yet, where am I and who are you?

Benjamin: You've been in a coma for the past couple of weeks after you were defeated in battle by the superhero Cosmic Man. You are currently in the infirmary of an intergalactic prison run by the Galactic Police. As for me, I am Benjamin Koco and... *frees Salty from his restraints* you work for me now.

Salty: Me work for you just like that? Sorry, not going to happen. I'm grateful and all for you springing me but in case you didn't know, I'm a mercenary; that means that I don't work for anybody unless I get paid, preferably in advance.

Benjamin: ...this isn't a request.

*Suddenly Europa and Cosmic Man bust into the infirmary.*

Europa: Hold it right there, you two! *aims her laser pistol at Benjamin and Salty.*

Cosmic Man: There's no way, we're letting either of you escape from here!

*Cosmic Man stops and notices Salty's nose is still broken from their last battle and tries to avoid laughing.*

Cosmic Man: Oh, wow! I almost didn't recognize you, Salty. How's the ol' tube sock treating you? *gestures to Salty's limp snout.*

Salty: Shaddup! *pokes at his dangling nose* hey you medicinal hacks, you're supposed to make sure that the bones are set and bandaged so that they heal the right way!

Nurse: You're nose was too fractured to completely repair; we have to x-ray you after every time we finished reconstructing your nose to find pieces that we missed.

Salty: *eye twitches* YOU'RE GOiNG TO PAY FOR WRECKiNG MY NOSE YOU COSMiC FREAK!! *gets out of the hospital bed and starts to charge towards Cosmic Man and Europa*

Benjamin: Down...

Salty: *suddenly fumbles and falls to the ground* what the...?

Benjamin: Return...

Salty: *gets up and starts walking back towards Benjamin* what's going on; why am I doing this!? *tries to resist but is unable to*

Benjamin: Now, as I was saying earlier, you work for me now and that is not an option...

*Europa points her weapon at Benjamin.*

Europa: I'm afraid that won't be an option either. Salty is a prisoner and you are under arrest for invading the GP prison!

Cosmic Man: Not to mention trying to break out, Nozzle Nose, there.

Europa: Make this easy on yourself and surrender immediately!

Benjamin: Kneel...

*Europa finds herself lowering her weapon and kneeling on one knee. No matter how hard she tries to struggle against the command she is unable to do anything.*

Benjamin: *turns his attention back to Salty* it's such a shame; you have such a rare and unique ability and you don't even know how to use it to its fullest ability...nor have you done anything to even try to improve it. Such a gift is wasted on one such as you. Those who have no ambition to better themselves are only fit to serve me. But first... *takes out a taser-like device and activates it, making two E-nergy claws form at the end of it* I'll be taking what I truly came for.

*Benjamin jabs the taser claws into Salty's chest then rips out an orb brimming with E-nergy. He then presses some buttons on the device then uses it to shove the orb into his own chest; Salty falls to his knees, suddenly feeling very weak from what just happened. Fearing for his life, Salty grabs a hold of Benjamin and tries to absorb whatever power he's using to make everybody do as he says but...*

Salty: ... O_O; what's going on? Nothing's happening; I should've just drained every last drop of his power just now!

Benjamin: That power of yours is now mine. Now, witness what you were truly capable of when you had it. Life Hold! *right hand glows with energy as he jabs it into Salty's chest and pulls out an orb radiating with energy*

Salty: Augh! What-What is that!?

Benjamin: You're very life force. My name is Benjamin Koco; from now on you are my servant. And if you object... *squeezes the orb hard*

Salty: *screams in great pain while clutching at his chest*

*Even if Salty was his enemy and tried to hurt his friends, Cosmic Man could not stand by while Benjamin tortured the space pirate or his friend Europa.*


*Cosmic Man, with his body surging with cosmic energy launches himself at Benjamin. Sending them both into a nearby prison wall.*

Benjamin: *glares at Cosmic Man* that was very foolish. What would you have done if this got shattered? Would you be able to live with yourself knowing that you were responsible for the wolf man's death?

Cosmic Man: W-what?! Salty could die? I know he's a terrible person... But I don't want to kill him.

*Cosmic Man slowly eased away from Benjamin, not so much out of fear but at the thought that he nearly cost a person's life with his rash actions.*

Benjamin: Smart move; a true hero through and through. As long as this orb doesn't break before I it put back his body, Salty won't die. However, whether I put it back in him or shatter depends on how...submissive, he chooses to be.

Salty: *looks genuinely and terribly afraid* ...I...I humbly offer you my services...boss...master *bows meekly and politely*

Benjamin: I'm very well aware of your track record; there won't be any problems later, right?

Salty: Oh no, master, there will be no problems at all; I guarantee it!

Benjamin: Very good. I will provide you with everything you need to carry out your future assignments. Oh, and you'll need this *hands Salty the remote that controls his ship*

Salty: my ship back for me?

Benjamin: Of course. After all, you will need reliable transportation. Now let us go... *opens a portal*

Salty: *cautiously walks through the portal and warps away*

Benjamin: ... *looks at Europa who is still kneeling then at Cosmic Man* Hmm...

*Cosmic Man looks on in both fear and anticipation, due to the circumstances he is unable to act. Less he risks the life of Europa and himself. While still kneeling with her head facing the ground Europa remains silent in utter shame.*

Cosmic Man: .... ._.;

Europa: ..... >n<

*After another glance at both Europa and Cosmic Man, Benjamin walks through the portal and warps away with the portal closing afterward. Seconds after Benjamin left, Europa and the medical staff within the infirmary regain their ability to move. Although there were no casualties the Galactic Police and Cosmic Man were dealt a heavy blow to their pride. A man of unknown origin simply walked into a very secure prison, did what he wanted and freed a prisoner and nobody was able to even touch or approach him. Andy and Europa head back to Planet Mitosa with heavy hearts as they meet up with Luna, Pepper, Baron, Cherry, Chili and Star. Just from seeing the distraught look on their faces both Chili and Star knew what must've happened.*

Star: Daddy, are you okay?

*As much as Cosmic Man wanted to reassure his sweet little girl that everything is alright. He didn't have the heart to look into his daughter's eyes and lie to her. Nor did he bother staying in his super hero form, as he felt anything but heroic.*

Andy: No, sweetie. Daddy really globbed up...


*Europa remained silent and didn't dare look at anyone.*

Luna: *puts her arms around Andy and brings him close*

Chili: He got Salty, didn't he?, this is all my fault.

Pepper: It's okay, son; there was no way to know that this would happen...

Chili: No, it's not okay, Dad! This could've been prevented! I thought that if we dealt with Salty first that we'd have more time to deal with "him." I should have told you all about him from the start so that you had time to prepare.

Europa: ....

*Europa silently walks past the group and heads to her quarters.*

Andy: Europa? Where are you going?

Europa: I just... I want to be alone right now.

*Europa goes to her room and closes the door behind her.*

Chili: Whoa...just...just what happened over there?

*Andy calmly explains their encounter with Benjamin. How he made Europa kneel before him with just a command, how he used Salty to keep from being attacked, how he blackmailed Salty into working for him and basically trampled all over the pride of him and the Galactic Police by not only attempting such a bold stunt but actually succeeding with it.*

Chili: Wait, he took Salty's powers away from him and is holding his life force hostage?

Star: But that's not how it happened in our time. Benjamin took control of Salty's mind and used him as one of his puppets that enforced his will.

Chili: You're right; something just isn't right about all of this.

Star: Yeah...but there is a way to beat that supposed mind control of his! ^^

Andy: Really? How? How?

Star: In reality what's really happening is sound warfare. He created this special sonic sound that was used to control those within the Koco Family when he was the boss. When they trapped him over a thousand years ago he learned how to make that sonic sound control anybody and anything he pleased.

Chili: We've learned that when inside of a building that the sound he emits bounces off of walls; so as long as you're in that room you'll be hearing that sound, thus he can control you. If you can get him outside however his range is limited to a circular field around him. His sound isn't always consistent to keep others from figuring it out so if you can make something that can not only pick up on and read that sound frequency but be adjusted to create an opposing sound frequency, you can cancel his sound out.

Andy: That's just crazy enough to work! Luna, do you think you can build such a device?

Luna: It is possible; I'll need certain parts...and from how bad this guy sounds I'll need to be able to mass produce them so that multiple people can have them. I'll have to collaborate with some of my other technical friends so we can cover all possible bases from weaknesses to improvements.

Chili: That'll take care of his first defense...but knowing that he now has the ability to take powers away from others is very unnerving. Anybody that is super powered or special is a target. And the fact that he's holding Salty's very life hostage means that the next time you encounter him he will most likely be fighting as if his life depends on it, which it will.

Andy: Oh, boy. And I was barely able to beat him before when he was handcuffed... Holy Hubbard, this is gonna be tough.

Chili: True...but then again he might be desperate enough to even make a deal with you. ^^ Is...Europa going to be okay?

Andy: I don't know... I've always looked to Europa like a role-model. No matter how bad things got she always kept a cool and steady head. But after all that just happened, I'm not sure how she'll recover from this...

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