Sunday, July 19, 2015

Save the Sunspot Kingdom! Time to Set the Salty Trap!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 5
“Save the Sunspot Kingdom! Time to Set the Salty Trap!”
An RP between Flashshadow and eshonen

Hoping to break himself out of the case of blues he was feeling, Andy Apollo decides to go to the mall and wander about in hopes of finding something interesting. While sitting on one of the mall benches after walking around for a few hours, he sees two small creatures walk by in front of him. Out of curiosity he walks over to them to get a closer look; they were both holding bags containing comic books and video games, the type he would read and play. The two creatures seemed to be looking for something or someone but he couldn't understand the language they were speaking. What he did understand was that they needed some help...and he was just the one to do so.

Andy: Um, hello there. Little... people? Are you lost?

Nabi (Jumpsuit): Aco aco!

Nabi (School U): Aco aco aco! ^^

Andy: I guess I'll take that as a yes... Well, my name is Andy Apollo. If you want, I can try and help out as best I can.

Nabi (School U): Aco~! ^^

Nabi (Jumpsuit): Aco-aco-aco. Aco aco aco-aco-aco! *points over in the north eastern direction*

Andy: You wanna go that way? Um, okay. I can escort you there, if you like.

*Andy follows the two small creatures at their pace so as not to lose them in the crowd of people they were passing through. Soon after passing through the crowd of people they find themselves at an automotive department store.*

Andy: Hmm, comics, video games, and car parts? Isn't that a bit much for you two?

Nabi (Jumpsuit): Aco aco aco aco!

*The two small creatures point to the inside of the automotive department where Andy soon sees a girl who looks just like the small creatures who also happens to be accompanied by two more of the same small creatures talking to one of the store clerks.*

???: Please, have you seen my other two helpers anywhere around here? I can't believe I lost track of them; oh, they're probably out there somewhere lost and scared...

Andy: Wow, she's pretty cute...

*Andy stops his gawking and looks back down at the two little creatures that resembled the girl and then back at the girl. After putting two and two together he realized the two creatures were with the mysterious girl.*

Andy: Um, excuse me, miss. Might these, um girls(?) belong to you?

???: *turns around to see the two small creature* Ahh, there you are! *runs up to them* I'm so glad to see that you're both okay!

Nabis: Aco aco~ ^^

Luna: *looks up at Andy* you, thank you so much for finding these two for me; we must've gotten separated in that big crowd out there. I-I'm Luna, Luna Draco; and you are?

Andy: Oh, um, I-I'm Andy. Andy Apollo. N-nice to meet you.

Luna: And these little ones are my helpers, the Nabis. ^^

Nabis (All four): Aco~

Andy: Nice to finally put a name to your cute little faces. *pats one of the Nabi's heads.*

Clerk: Here's that part you wanted; can something like this really be used in a rocket ship?

Luna: With the right technical know-how, yes it can. ^^ *takes the part from the clerk*

Andy: W-wow! You're building a rocket?!

Luna: Yep! I've always been fascinated with space and what's out there. There are many different types of people out there that live on other planets and such and I want to see as many of them as I can. Um...if you'd like I can tell you more about it over lunch at the food court, my treat of course; it’s the least I can do for you finding my two missing Nabis... .///.

Andy: R-REALLY?! Ahem, I mean sure. That's cool.

*Andy and Luna go to the mall's food court and have lunch. They talk about many things like favorite comic book series, movies, video games, school life experiences and many other things. From the way they talked you'd think that they had been best friends for years.*

Andy: Man, Luna. It must be so cool being a super genius. You get to make all kinds of cool stuff and even things that can help people. You're practically a super hero in your own right.

Luna: And to think that you're THE actual Cosmic Man I've been seeing in the news. It must be awesome to be able to have all of that strength at your disposal... ^^

Andy: Yeah, it is pretty cool. I wasn't always so good at controlling my powers, but it helps that I had such good friends to help me out.

Luna: That's nice; it's always great to have good friends.

Andy: It sure is...

Luna: So, what have you been up to lately?

Andy: Well, not much actually... In fact, I came to the mall to try and take my mind off a few things.

Luna: ...if you don't mind...would you like to talk about it?

Andy: Well, it's a little embarrassing... And I'm not sure you'd believe me if I told you.

Luna: I work with a guy who has had five different beings come out of his head, each born from a certain aspect of him, and I'm friends with a pirate cat and his crew. It would be hard for me not to be able to believe something no matter how unbelievable. So go on ahead, tell me, please, friend? ^w^

Andy: Well, okay... I went to participate in a sort of fighting tournament to win an obscene amount of money and a fancy island fortress. During the first round I had to traverse a massive underground sewer system in order to locate some "Old Spice" deodorant. While I was down there I was attacked and beaten by a foul-mouthed jerk who’s body was made up of floating numbers. To add insult to injury after I was beaten I was attacked by sewer dwelling velociraptors and some kind of ogre. After barely escaping those things, I get lost and had to wander though filth and waste for days until I found an exit. Since I ended up losing and used up most of my power I was stranded in a dingy for weeks until Europa rescued me. Worst experience of my life...

Luna: O_O; ...whoa, heavy; that does sound rough...

Andy: Yeah, it was pretty bad... But, on my way back, I met this Kobe guy and he told me that I shouldn't let that experience keep me down and I should try to prove to the world that I can be a true hero. I just wish I knew how to do that.

Luna: You'll get your chance soon enough, I'm sure of it. ^^

Andy: Thanks, Luna. That really means a lot.

Luna: You're welcome. ^^ Let me go and throw our trash away.

*Luna takes both her and Andy's tray over to a trash can. Andy couldn't deny it, he was quite taken with Luna; he just wished that there was a way to truly win her over. While thinking this he happens to notice a young wolf boy was right next to him, staring at him intently.*

Wolf boy: ...

Andy: Hmm? Can I help you?

Wolf boy: You're... *sniffs Andy* ...Andy Apollo, aka Cosmic Man, correct?

Andy: Um, yes. How did you know that?

Wolf boy: I can track anything by scent and energy type.

Andy: Well, makes as much sense as anything else, I guess. So how can I help you?

Chili: First let me introduce myself; my name is Chili Quil and I've come from the future back to this time period to change the future for the better.

Andy: Wait, you're a time traveller?? THAT IS SO COOL!

Chili: Y-Yeah... I was told to come see you when I got here, so...can you help me?

Andy: Um, sure I'd be happy to try.

Chili: I need your help in stopping a notorious space pirate from taking over the Sunspot Kingdom on planet Mitosa.

Andy: Space pirates?

Luna: I'm back~ ^o^ ...whoa, are you okay? You look a bit pale.

Andy: I'm sorry, Luna. I would love to stay and talk to you some more. But something really important has come up and I have to leave.

Luna: Oh, okay...sure that I can't help in some way?

Andy: Well... Do you know anything about fighting evil space pirates?

Luna: Hmm...I fought against Team Plasma in Unova...does that count?

Andy: Works for me!

Chili: Great!

Luna: Oh, and who might you be? ^^

Chili: I'm Chili Quil, and I've come here from the future to get Cosmic Man's help.

Luna: You're from the future?? SO COOL!!

Andy: I know right?!

Chili: Okay, now that that's settled, do we have a place where we can talk privately?

Luna: We can go to my workshop.

Chili: Okay, let's talk there.

*Sometime later everyone arrives at Luna's home and go down to her workshop where Luna and the Nabis resume working on their rocket ship. Andy and Chili take a seat so they can talk as a Reuniclus brings them both a drink.*

Chili: Awesome! Is that an alien?

Andy: I think that's a Pokémon. *pets Reuniclus' head* so what did you want to discuss?

Chili: Oh yes *takes a sip from his drink then reaches into the backpack he had with him and pulls out a bounty poster* this is Salty "Dogg" Josiah, a notorious and skilled space pirate that often offers his services to those who can afford them. However, depending on the job, he won't hesitate to double-cross his employer and make off with what they pay him to get for them.

*Andy looks at the poster to see a slender wolf man with classic evil eyes and a distinctive pointed cone-shaped nose and sharp fangs.*

Andy: (YIKES! ) Boy, he sure looks intimidating. But, I'm sure I can handle him.

Chili: He has a rather unique power. He can absorb powers and abilities from others and use them as his own. In fact, now that I think of it, he's actually a huge reason as to how you obtained your powers, Cosmic Man.

Andy: What really?!

Chili: Yes, really. As you might already know, space pirates were after the meteor fragment that gave you your powers. What you might not have known is that it was Salty and his crew that were commissioned to steal that meteor fragment. Salty had intended on betraying his client and take the fragment for himself but things didn't quite work out for him when he lost it and it crashed down on Earth.

Andy: So the pirates that attacked Europa and her unit... That was Salty's doing?!

Chili: You see how much power that meteor fragment gave you? Salty is already powerful; can you imagine how bad it would be for him to have absorbed that power from that fragment?

Andy: You're right! We cannot let him get away with that!

Chili: What's worse is that in the future another meteor fragment turns up but this one is way different than the first one. It exudes a sinister kind of cosmic energy that negates other sorts of energies. Not only will he have the power to absorb energy but also negate the energy of others...and...well...

Andy: He'll be completely unstoppable...

Chili: I think I came to an early enough time to before that particular meteor fragment surfaces. My plan is that we set a trap to bring Salty out in the open so that he can be caught, arrested and brought to justice!

Andy: Wow, awesome! I better call, Europa. She's gonna wanna piece of Salty, too.

*Luna's Reuniclus floats up Andy with a phone in one of its soft, jelly-like hands.*

Andy: Thanks, Reuniclus. (I so need to catch one. ^^)

*Andy dials the phone to call Europa.*

Europa: This is Europa, report.

Andy: We got trouble, Europa. BIG trouble!

Europa: What kind of trouble? Is Killocke wrecking a city block again?

Andy: No, no. Not this time. This one happens to be a "Salty" space pirate.

Europa: WHAT?! *hangs up*

Andy: Yeah, the space pirate that attacked your... Hello? Europa?

*Almost immediately after Andy's brief explanation. The door to Luna's lab was kicked in by an attractive blue alien with large spiky hair and wearing a police uniform. She then approached Andy with a very angry expression.*

Europa: Alright, where's that murdering monster!

Andy: We don't know just yet. But he's going to try and steal the powers of the meteor again.

Europa: No... We cannot let him do that! Power like that should not be in the hands of someone as cruel and merciless as Salty!

Nabis: *busily goes to work on making repairs to the lab door*

Chili: You want to get this guy too, huh? Then I think that this might help in apprehending him. *takes out a clear, secure container that has what looks like a meteor fragment surrounded by a dark aura inside it*

Andy: N-no way...

Europa: That looks like one of the meteor shards... But something is off. It feels different, sinister even. Where did you find this shard?

Chili: This is from a comet that appears in the future; my Dad gave this shard to me to bring back here. About a year from now, Salty finds a large comet fragment and absorbs the power from it and gains the very dangerous ability of being able to negate other people's powers and abilities.

Europa: For the sake of the universe and my fallen officers I cannot allow that to happen!

Andy: But, how is this shard gonna stop Salty?

Chili: As long as he doesn't absorb it first, the same power of negating other powers can be used against Salty *gives the container to Europa* take this and have it analysed. If my Dad's guess is correct you can put the power of this shard into an object like handcuffs or something like that or even replicate the same disabling effects.

Europa: Understood. In the mean time, Andy continue to lend your support to.... Er....

Andy: This is Chili and the lady who owns this lab is Luna.

Europa: Right. Continue helping them out, while I get this shard analysed.

*Europa hurries out of Luna's laboratory, once again kicking down the door before leaving on her hover bike.*

Andy: Well, that's my boss.

Nabis: ... *sighs then goes back to repairing the door again*

Chili: Now, a way to lure Salty out into the any suggestions?

Andy: Well, from what we know. Salty craves money and power. Maybe if he's led to believe there's someone who's powerful and has a large bounty on their head. Maybe that will draw him in.

Chili: Yeah, you're right, his greed knows no bounds. Once he acquired the power from that meteorite fragment he was no longer satisfied with simple looting jobs, he had to attack and conquer my Mom's... Wait, that's it!

Andy: Eh?

Chili: There is something that Salty will fight tooth and nail for: the hand of my mother; there are hundreds of men who are already fighting for her hand in marriage.

Andy: Your mother sounds like a popular lady. Kinda like my friend Princess Cherry.

Chili: Wait, you already know my Mom as she's known in this time, Princess Cherry Galactic?

Andy: *spits out his drink* Wait, Cherry is YOUR mother?!

Chili: She sure is and she's a great Mom~ ^^

Andy: She sure is. I guess it's safe to assume that your dad is Pepper, right?

Chili: Right you are.

Andy: Wow, I always thought those two were great together. I guess you're proof enough of that.

Chili: Yeah. Oh, and I'm not the only one who's come to this time period; many, many more of my friends came through the time gate with me.

Andy: Whoa, really?!

Chili: Yep. There are many things that'll be happening to our parents in this time period that all adds up to one major problem that later appears and dominates our time period. We're doing our best to try and weaken this bigger problem by helping our parents out with the problems they're about to face or will face later on down the line. I've heard from six of my friends already and their initial missions have been a success so far and I hope that mine goes just as well; that's why I really need this trap to work out.

Andy: I see... Well, don't worry. For the sake of your future and my friends, I will do whatever I can to help.

Chili: Thank you. As you must already know, Sol Galactic, Cherry's father, wants the best and strongest mate for his daughter. There are many royals out there that want Cherry as their wife; some for love, while many others just so that they can rule her kingdom. He knows that in her heart that she's chosen Pepper to be her one and only, and he himself thinks very highly of Pepper since he saved Cherry from the Vacuum Co. But to see if he was truly worthy of his only child, Sol wanted to test Pepper's body and soul by having him battle all of her suitors; if he managed to get them to concede to him in any way he would proudly and happily allow him to marry his beloved daughter. Apparently, this is an arrangement that has become tradition within the Galactic Family for the daughters who have chosen the one they love.

Andy: Boy, that sounds pretty extreme. I can't imagine what it must feel like to LITERALLY fight for love... Then again, I never really had a love to fight for.

Chili: Well, I'm sure the circumstances are different for each particular case.

Andy: I suppose that is true.

Chili: Besides, getting them to concede to him doesn't always mean battle. A lot of these suitors aren't battlers so Pepper had to win challenges against them in other fields. The only ones remaining now should be battlers, Salty included. This is where you come in.

Andy: Oh? How so?

Chili: You're going to throw your hat into the ring and act as another potential suitor for Cherry. And when you do you'll issue out an open challenge to all of the suitors in the form of a tournament!

Andy: I don't know. I haven't had the best.... "experience" with tournaments. Are you sure it will work.

Chili: Don't worry, nothing at all like "that" should happen at any time during this. All you'll have to do is defeat each suitor one by one; I'll make sure to arrange it so that Salty is first and Pepper is last. Just before your match with Salty, we'll discuss a game plan on how to fight him. You don't have to defeat him, you just have to wear him down enough so that he can be arrested by your partner. Once he's taken care of just fight the remaining suitors and then Pepper...and when you're up against him, there's something big that I want you to do...

Andy: Okay. What's that?

Chili: I...I want you to let Pepper win. I'm not asking you to outright throw the fight because that would make things looks suspicious. Give him a good fight that makes him work hard and when you think that enough time has passed act like you're low on energy or something like that and give him an opportunity to take the victory. I know this may be a lot to ask but if he defeats the one who has beaten all of the other suitors all of those victories will go to him and Sol will be able to officially declare Pepper worthy of Cherry.

Andy: Well, I guess I can do that. At least this way Pepper and Cherry can finally be together and I don't have to look like a complete loser... Okay, I'll do it.

Chili: Great! I knew I could count on you! Now we just need to get to planet Mitosa so we can meet with Grandpa Sol and set everything up. When Miss Europa has something ready to apprehend Salty with using the energy of that shard, we'll initiate the plan.

Andy: Well, I'm sure Europa will be along soon. But we still need a way to get to Mitosa....

Luna: And...finished~ ^o^ *walks up to Andy and Chili* you guys say you need a ride to a distant planet? Well, I might be able to help you with that.

Andy: Wow, really?! How, so?

Luna: Step outside and I'll show you. ^^

*Andy and Chili exit Luna's lab and walk outside. The hangar doors on the side of what looks like a recent addition to the lab open and out comes a large spaceship.*

Andy: I-is that... A spaceship? A real working spaceship?!

*The spaceship door opens and out comes Luna.*

Luna: It sure is; I made it myself from the ground up over several months. I was tired of paying high shipping costs for materials off planet so I decided to make myself a ship so that I can go and get those materials from the source myself.

Andy: SO... COOL...

Chili: So, does this mean we can get to planet Mitosa?

Luna: Sure does~ ^^

Andy: YOU'RE THE BEST, LUNA! *realizes he's hugging Luna and quickly let's go.* Um, I mean... Thank you. We really appreciate it.

Luna: *looks really happy*

Chili: ... *ear twitches* Huh... that was odd...

Luna: Something wrong?

Chili: Huh? Oh, no, it's nothing, don't worry.

Luna: when do you two need to leave?

Chili: Right away, if possible. ^^

Luna: Sure thing *motions to the open ship door* climb aboard everybody~ ^o^

Andy: Alright, let's go!

Europa: Hold it!!

*Andy and Chili turn to see Europa running towards the ship wielding a sort of hi-tech gauntlet.*

Andy: Oh, Europa. You finally made it!

Europa: It took some doing, but I managed to get the meteor shard's properties analysed and integrated it's powers into a portable device that can--.

Andy: *looks at the strange device* Is it the glove?

Europa: Well, yes. The device is the glove...

Andy: All I needed to hear! Time to save the world, the future, AND OUTER SPACE!

Europa: Right.

*Once everybody boards the ship, it takes off into space. Once Luna has entered in the coordinates and engaged autopilot, she joins Andy, Europa and Chili on the main deck. Andy was looking out one of the windows, amazed that he was in space.*

Andy: Wow, I don't believe it... I am actually in outer space!

Europa: You're really that excited about space, Andy?

Andy: Totally! I've always dreamed about going into space and seeing other planets. Weren't you excited when you first saw what was finally outside your home planet?

Europa: I grew up on a space station, Andy. I've been seeing stars, planets, and aliens ever since I was a child.

Andy: Oh...

Europa: But, I suppose there is a certain enriching feel to learning about the rest of the galaxies and other life-forms.


Chili: Yeah, space is pretty cool... So, Miss Europa, I guess now is as good as time as any to fill you in on the plan.

Europa: I'm listening.

*Chili tells Europa everything that he had told Andy earlier. From what Europa heard it sounded like he had thought up a great sting operation that she would make sure to suggest to her superiors for use in the future.*

Europa: That is quite the strategy you created there, Chili. By some chance have you considered a future in galactic law enforcement?

Chili: Not really; I just made the same kind of plan my Dad would make when he's trying to lure out monsters.

Andy: Oh, right! Pepper was a monster hunter, wasn't he?

Europa: Sounds like a fitting metaphor...

Chili: Yep, one of the best. But he could never do it alone; that's why he sought out people he could trust to help him out...kind of like how I'm doing right now with all of you.

Andy: That's right, little guy. We are like our own Neo Force team!

Europa: I'm not sure I can get behind a team of costumed vigilantes.

Andy: Aww, c'mon, Europa. Imagine how much we could do with our own superhero team!

Europa: I suppose it would help to have more immediate support while on Earth...

Luna: *looks out the window* I believe we have arrived. ^^

*Everybody joins Luna at the window and see the planet they are fast approaching; it was planet Mitosa, Cherry Galactic's home planet.*

Andy: Wow, this place looks amazing!

Europa: I have to admit, it is a pretty nice view.

Luna: Prepare for landing.

*Luna returns to the cockpit to land the ship at the landing port. Everybody exits the ship and makes their way to the Sunspot Kingdom, where the Galactic Family ruled over all that lived there. Like the kingdom's namesake, it was very sunny there and had something of a tropical resort feel to it with all of the tropical plants, white sand beaches and beautiful blue seawater.*

Andy: Wow, this place is awesome~!

Europa: So this is the Sunspot Kingdom...

Andy: This seems like a great place to have a vacation! Don't you think, Luna?

Europa: .... *quietly gazes out at the beautiful beach, seemingly deep in thought.*

Luna: Sure is. It's like a kingdom-sized version of Isle Delfino!

Nabis: Aco-aco~ ^^

Chili: So this is Mom's home world; it's just like she described it to me.

Andy: You've played Super Mario Sunshine, Luna?

Luna: My friend e-chan lent it to me a little while ago. ^^

Andy: Boy, I really need to start making more friends.

Luna: I've got plenty of them; I'll introduce you to some of them when this is all over. ^^

Andy: Awesome~!

Chili: Let's head to the castle. From what my Mom told me, the castle is famous not only because of its historic value but it also acts as deluxe hotel; it’s a major tourist destination. ^^

Andy: You got it!

Europa: R-right.

Andy: Hey, you okay, Europa? You're seem more quiet and disinterested than you normally are.

Europa: I'm fine, Andy. Really... Now, let's go follow Chili.

Andy: Okay, if you say so.

*Everybody walks through the kingdom town towards the castle, taking in all of the tropical sights around them. Once inside the castle, the attendants direct them to the throne room where both Sol and Marine Galactic were attending to everyday business.*

Attendant: My King, you have some visitors; they say that they have urgent news to deliver to you.

Sol: Urgent you say? *puts down the papers he was reading and walks up to the group* First of all I'd like to welcome you to the Sunspot Kingdom, the sunniest place on planet Mitosa. My name is Sol Galactic *puts his arm around Marine* and this beauty is my wife, Marine Galactic.

Marine: Hi-hi~ ^^

Luna: H-Hello, your majesties, m-my name is Luna Draco.

Chili: (Grandma and Grandpa...) ...oh, my name is Chili. .///.

Andy: ANDY APOLLO!! >O< Ahem, I mean... My name is Andy Apollo. *meekly bows.*

Europa: Lt. 2nd Class Europa Cerul of the Galactic Patrol Corps. It is an honor, your majesties. *bows*

Marine: My-my, so formal. ^^

Sol: So, I hear that you have urgent news for me...

Andy: One of the men requesting your daughter, Princess Cherry, is an evil and notorious criminal!

Europa: The one known as Salty Dogg Josiah, intends to use her as part of an evil scheme to usurp your kingdom and conquer the universe.

Sol: *sighs* so he really is going to try something. I've been monitoring all of my daughter's suitors for quite some time now, keeping a tab on their victories and such, and among them I've been keeping a particularly close eye on that one. I'm very well aware of how dangerous he is.

Europa: Be that as it may, we have devised a plan to lure him out and arrest him.

Andy: But, we may need your assistance to pull it off, your majesty.

Sol: keep that man's hands off of my beloved daughter and the land she calls home, I'll do anything. Tell me your plan and I'll help you all in any way that I can.

Marine: We both will.

Andy: Glad to hear it!

Europa: But first we'll need all of her known... "suitors" to gather here...for a tournament.

Sol: A tournament, you say? I'm intrigued...tell me more.

Europa: We will hold a fighting tournament where her suitors will compete for Cherry's hand in marriage. Knowing Salty, he won't resist a chance to encounter powerful opponents or a chance to quickly make Cherry his.

Andy: But you needn't worry, your majesty. Because our good friend, Cosmic Man will also be competing to make sure Salty doesn't succeed in his wicked plans.

Sol: That sounds like a plan; so what kind of format is this fighting tournament going to be?

Chili: An open challenge type, mean, your majesty. Cosmic Man will claim to have acquired a great number of victories and is looking to get the few remaining ones left with this open challenge. If they manage to defeat him they will be able to claim all of his victories and add them to their own. All those looking for a quick way to get a number of victories will surely attend, including Salty.

Sol: Okay...but will this Cosmic Man be able to handle all of the suitors that come?

Andy: I have a feeling, he will be just fine.

Sol: Okay...then what about Salty himself? He's sure to try something sneaky; how will you go about apprehending him?

Andy: Don't worry. Officer Europa has that covered with her glove.

Europa: Ahem, not a glove, Andy. <_< The gauntlet I'm wearing shall make short work of any underhanded techniques that Salty would dare to pull.

Sol: Hmm...sounds like you have everything covered...except, where do you plan to hold this event?

*Andy, Europa, Luna and Chili draw a mental blank; they totally didn't think about where to stage this sting!*

Chili: I knew I was forgetting something...

Marine: May I make a suggestion?

Europa: What did you have in mind, your majesty?

Marine: We have an all-purpose arena within the kingdom that we use to host many different events throughout the year. If you'd like, you can set up there; we'll make the arrangements and contact all of Cherry's suitors. And to really sell it, we'll make sure to get people to go see the event and even provide you with some of our best knights to assist you for when the moment of truth comes.

Andy: Awesome!

Europa: We should begin preparations as well. As for you, Andy. Don't you think you should "contact" Cosmic Man before the event..?

Andy: Huh? Oh right! Back in a moment!

*Andy quickly runs off until he was out of sight of the group.*

Marine: My-my, quite the busy one he is...

Europa: Well, that's Andy for you.

*In the distance they could all here a "LET'S GET COSMIC!" being shouted, followed by a brilliant flash of light. After about a minute, a costumed young man of muscular build and heroic demeanour descended down in front of them.*

Cosmic Man: Greetings, everyone! I understand I am needed to help bring a degenerate villain to justice!

Europa: Glad you could make it Cosmic Man. We need you to help put a stop to a criminal who threatens not only the Sunspot Kingdom, but the very universe we live in. Will you help us?

Cosmic Man: It would be my honor.

Sol: Excellent; you look more than capable for this sort of job. It will take a while to get everything ready so in the meantime I'll arrange some accommodations for you all here at the castle; I'll get you all some of our finest rooms. And when you're not working feel free to enjoy everything that the Sunspot Kingdom has to offer. ^^

Luna: Th-thank you so much, your majesty *bows politely*

Chili: Thank you; we'll work hard to keep this place safe. *bows politely along with Luna*

*Europa and Cosmic Man take a bow as well.*

Marine: Food, clothes, anything you need we'll be happy to provide for you. ^^

Cosmic Man: Whoo-hoo! That is awesome!

Europa: Ahem... >_>

Cosmic Man: Um, I mean. Thank you for your hospitality, your majesty.

*Some attendants lead the group to the upper floors where the rooms were. Europa, Luna and her Nabis were put in one deluxe room with a great view and Cosmic Man and Chili were put in another deluxe room with a similar great view. Once they were all settled in they all met up in the lobby on the ground floor.*

Europa: So is everyone ready for the event?

Cosmic Man: ....

Europa: Andy--? Er, Cosmic Man. Is everything okay?

Cosmic Man: I-I'm fine, Europa; just a little nervous...

Luna: You'll do fine; I'm sure of it ^^

Chili: Miss Europa and I will meet with the King and Queen and flesh out the finer details of the plan. In the meantime, why don't you go and have some fun here? We'll make sure to brief you on what happened afterwards.

Cosmic Man: R-really?

Europa: It should take some time. So you and Luna should enjoy the reprieve until everything is ready.

Cosmic Man: Oh, okay *looks over at Luna.*

Luna: Shall we? ^///^

Andy: *turns back into Andy* S-sure thing.

*Luna and Andy walk off together to explore the kingdom.*

Chili: ... *ear twitches* whoa... *shakes his head*

Europa: Chili? Is everything alright?

Chili:’s nothing. C'mon, let's go meet with the King.

Europa: Understood.

*Chili and Europa leave to meet up with King Sol and discuss their plan in further detail. Meanwhile, both Luna and Andy have some fun at the one of the nearby beaches. Andy had to admit that he enjoyed seeing Luna in a two-piece bikini. They played in the water, played some volleyball and partook of the many different food and drink options scattered across the beach. Later that night, Luna and Andy met up with Europa and Chili at one of the local restaurants to discuss their plan again.*

Chili: So, did you two have fun?

Luna: Yes, very much fun. ^^

Andy: The most fun I've had in a while.

Europa: Glad to hear it.

Chili: That's great! ^^ Well, here's the lowdown: the tournament will be held at the arena within the kingdom two days from now. Europa and I will be at the arena trying to find the ideal way to set up the sting and get the trap ready. As for you, the two of us talked about it and we think that for the next two days you should go and explore the kingdom. We figured that if you got to know the place you're protecting better that you will naturally want to fight twice as hard for it.

Andy: That... Actually makes sense. What do you say, Luna? Wanna do a bit more sightseeing with me?

Luna: Absolutely; I'd love to. ^///^

Andy: ALRIGHT~! Ahem, I mean... Cool, glad to hear it. ^///^;

To be continued...

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