Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Girl Who Fell from the Sky! Secure the White Star Dragon Balls!!

Travel Multiversal Episode 1
Chapter 7
“The Girl Who Fell from the Sky! Secure the White Star Dragon Balls!!”
An RP between CobaltClaw19 and eshonen

The Moonshredder siblings were back on their home planet to visit their parents and introduce them to their fiancés. Prior to their arrival, Cheryl Moonshredder had done a little research of her own on all three of her children's fiancés and was ready with her reviews of each of them. She interviewed and reviewed each of them thoroughly. Jim was first, receiving a 9 out of 10 score, seeing him as a great match for her daughter, Tanya. Nikki was second, receiving a 6 out of 10 score, seeing her more of a hit-and-miss than success with her youngest son, Skylar. iDEAL was last, receiving a 3 out of 10 score, seeing her as trouble due to her being trouble prone but did acknowledge how well she and her eldest son Blitz got along. After the visit was over, Tanya suggested that the six of them go eat at their favorite restaurant hangout when they lived here. While waiting for their drinks to arrive, they all talk to one another but soon realize that iDEAL has been silent and not her usual energetic self; she was indeed feeling the sting from her soon-to-be mother-in-law's review. Even sitting in her beloved Blitz' lap wasn't cheering her up; looks like it'll be up to all of them to help the little kitten shake off this case of the blues...

Tanya: Hey now, don't let my mom bring you down like that. It's just some dumb point system, and she doesn't know how cute you and my brother are together.

Skylar: As a matter of fact, I don't remember him being this calm, or smiling so much since....ever...

Blitz: Hey, I used to smile all the time....well, when I was not grumpy...

Tanya: Which WAS most of the time. -w-

iDEAL: *sighs*

Nikki: Hey, I'm not a big fan of the score I got or the reasons behind it either, but when that happens it just makes me want to prove that person wrong. And that's just what I intend to do here and so should you.

Jim: Cheryl didn't exactly like me either when we first met all those years ago but as she got to know me over time her opinion of me changed. You've just got to give her some time to get to know you, iDEAL.

Blitz: And in the're still a 10 out of 10 on my scale. I like you just the way you are. *rubs iDEAL's back*

iDEAL:'s not so much the score itself that bothers me...

Jim: Really? Then what is it?

Nikki: ...I think I have an idea what it is...

Skylar: You can share it with us, kitten. We are your friends, after all.

Blitz: ....Is it...Mom herself that bothers you?

iDEAL:'s just that...I feel that if I were to start a family now as things are between us that we would have the sort of relationship where she would absolutely love our kids but hate my guts at the same time, which would make our multiple visits and encounters very strained and awkward. I...I don't want that kind of relationship with Cheryl. I've never had anything like a mom or a dad before so I want to be on good terms with my mother-in-law...

Tanya: Oh iDEAL....

Blitz: ........ *pets her* we'll....we'll figure something out, my love...

iDEAL: I sure hope so...

Nikki: It'll happen, iDEAL; I promise. ^w^ Right now let's focus on the right now; this place is amazing and we're actually going to get to try out some authentic Ookami cuisine. It must be nice for you guys to finally be able to eat your home planet's cooking again, huh?

All 3: It's been over a decade since last time.

Skylar: "sigh" *rests his head on the table* I've completely forgotten the taste of.....everything I used to eat. Neither do I remember what I used to eat...

Blitz: Same here... *brushing iDEAL's hair*

Tanya: My memory is kinda wiped as well. Again.

Jim: Then I'll be happy to help you rediscover your favorite foods again. I was stationed here for a while and got to try a large variety of your planet's food. Let's start with the sampler and go from there. ^^

Skylar: Yes please.

*After their drinks arrive Jim orders a sampler for the table. Once the food arrives and the Moonshredder siblings take their first bite, the flavor sends a rush of delicious culinary memories back to them as they enjoy every single bite of the food before them. Nikki, iDEAL and Jim have to eat just as quick to make sure they get enough to eat before their Ookami mates eat everything up. As night falls, the group of six steps out of the restaurant will full stomachs as they breathe the cool night air.*

Jim: I take it that you all enjoyed your meal? ^^

Tanya: Oh you know I did, snuggle-bear~ *holds around him and nuzzles his neck*

Skylar: We all did. S-sorry for making you eat so fast though....

Blitz: We just couldn't help ourselves...

iDEAL: I'll have to learn how to cook some of those dishes for you then. ^w^

Nikki: Same here. ^w^

Tanya: Then you'll both have to put on loincloths and join me on a hunt. Fresher ingredients = Better food.

*Skylar and Blitz both get goofy smiles on their faces when they imagine their two loved ones dressed as skimpy as their sister. Looking high up into the sky, Nikki sees two shooting stars streaking through the sky.*

Nikki: Look, double shooting stars! Everybody, make a wish now!

Skylar: I've got everything I can wish for right now, since I've got you. But, I can attempt to make a wish...

*Blitz and Tanya smile and close their eyes as they both wish for something under the stars. Nikki and Jim do the same as they make their wishes. iDEAL continues to look at the shooting stars as she seriously contemplates on what to wish for. After thinking back to earlier that day she finally knew what to wish for.*

iDEAL: *closes her eyes* (I wish for a chance to gain Cheryl Moonshredder's approval and unconditional motherly love.)

*Once they all finish making their wishes they look up again at the shooting stars and see that something isn't quite right. After looking at them for a little while longer they notice that they were moving way too fast to be shooting stars. Their suspicions were confirmed when one of the shooting star objects landed in the woods, shaking the ground with a loud boom not too far from where they were, and the other landed in the mountains very far away.*

Jim: Whoa, what was that?!

Skylar: *shudders* P-p-p-please don't be another Saiyan invasion in the making... Q~Q

Tanya: Shhh~ Calm down bro, calm down... *hugs him close and gently stokes his back*

Nikki: Let's go investigate!

*The six travel to the nearby forest where one of falling objects landed. After doing a little bit of trekking and searching they all come across a clearing and a massive crater in the ground. Inside the crater was a person lying motionless.*

iDEAL: ... *hops into the crater to get a closer look*

Blitz: iDEAL, wait up! *follows down after her*

*iDEAL and Blitz get closer to the person inside the crater. Upon closer inspection they see that the person was a girl of medium height with long sort of messy sky blue hair, wearing battle damaged clothes and had energy blast burns all over her body.*

iDEAL: Whoa...she was either in one serious fight or got burned up when entering the atmosphere...

Blitz: Oh dear.... *carefully grabs the girl and lifts her off of the ground*

Skylar: Everything alright, guys?

Blitz: Um...can't say for sure...

*Skylar goes down into the crater to help Blitz out. When he gets close enough to see the person Blitz was holding he was worried for her but then his heart absolutely sinks when he notices a certain detail about her that neither Blitz or iDEAL had seen yet: a brown monkey tail. The girl that Blitz was holding was indeed a Saiyan!*

Skylar: ...... *twitches a bit as he grits his teeth* .....!!

Blitz: .....? B-bro...?

iDEAL: What's wrong, Skylar? We need to get this girl to a hospit-- *notices the brown monkey tail that is now dangling in front of her face* AAAHHH!! *falls backwards and scoots away* S-S-S-S-SAiYAN!!

Tanya: Without a Saiyan pod or anything!? How?? O__O;

Nikki: Forget the Saiyan pod, how was she able to get here period? Lorenzo said that this dimension was protected and set up so that outside forces couldn't get inside. There's no way he would purposely let something dangerous get in on purpose!

Female Saiyan: *groans in pain then slowly opens her eyes* ...where...where...?

Blitz: *holds onto her firmly to make sure she wouldn't try anything.* Planet Ookami. And I do not think you are that welcome here...

Female Saiyan: Ookami...then it really does work... *pained chuckle* good thing I destroyed it before the portal closed... that should buy me some extra time...

Blitz: I advise you to speak up, because my little brother is not to keen on you being here right now...

Tanya: *suddenly appears and bops Blitz on the head, causing him to whine a bit* No need to attempt at being intimidating. Just be your usual charming self. Trust me, it works much better. -w-

Blitz: Geh, siiiiis...! >//<;

Female Saiyan: *lightly chuckles then coughs in pain* sorry, sorry; that bastard Toma did more damage than I originally kinda hurts to talk right now. Hopefully my actions bought this place a bit more time...

Skylar: !! Toma.....

Blitz: Hmm...alright miss, just relax until you feel better. I'll just...carry you home or something.

Tanya: *nods*

Female Saiyan: Th-Thank you; I promise...I'll tell you everything after I've gotten some rest and healed up some... *coughs a bit then passes out and goes to sleep*

iDEAL: O_O ...

Blitz: Well iDEAL, seems like you and Dream have to dust off the nurse outfits. It's time to make our place into a make-shift hospital.

Skylar: They have nurse outfits just laying around?

Blitz: They cosplay a lot. It's cute.

iDEAL: Yeah, that would be for the best; the last thing we need is for everyone here to know that a Saiyan is on their planet once again knowing what happened the last time they were here...

Tanya: Well don't just stand around. March off you two. Go go go. *She started to push Blitz into walking*

Blitz: I'm going I'm going, don't nag. >~<

*Blitz and iDEAL go back to their dimension and head home with their new Saiyan patient in tow where the two of them, along with Dream work in shifts, act as doctor and nurse to their patient all throughout the night. When morning comes the female Saiyan seems to be much better...or at least her appetite was as she devours her breakfast; knowing that some Saiyans have huge appetites, Blitz prepared more food than he usually would but it still didn't seem to be enough.*

Female Saiyan: *eating quickly* Mmm, so good~ *resumes eating* more please~ ^w^ *holds out her plate*

iDEAL: ...


*Blitz had to admit that aside from some questionable table manners, this Saiyan was surprisingly polite and nice so far.*

Blitz: Okay, you've almost finished everything! How do you Saiyans manage to not starve!? *he filled her plate up and set it down on the table in front of her again, along with a bowl of soup.*

Female Saiyan: Yay~ *begins eating happily*

iDEAL: ...maybe we should get the others here; she did say that she would explain what was going on once she was better... *looks at the female Saiyan eating* ...and I say that if you have an appetite like that you must be feeling pretty good...

Blitz: Nurse Dream, fetch me my phone. Nurse iDEAL.... *flips her skirt briefly* Just keep doing what you're doing.

iDEAL: Hey... >3<

Dream: OwO My turn-My turn~! *flips iDEAL's skirt as well*

iDEAL: Hey! >o<

Dream: Kihihi~! *runs off to the next room then returns seconds later with Blitz's phone and hands it to him* here you go ^o^

Blitz: *In that short amount of time, Blitz had also removed iDEAL's underwear completely and was twirling it around in his hand, having wanted to tease her further* Thank you, sweetie. *he took his phone and started to dial the others*

Dream: I'm wanna go again~ *moves towards iDEAL*

iDEAL: OxO No, get away!

*Dream begins chasing iDEAL around the house, intent on flipping her skirt again while Blitz makes his calls to Skylar and Tanya, telling them to bring Nikki and Jim along with them.*

Blitz: Yeah...yeah, she's awake and well....yeah, I think she's ready to talk... *reaches down and stops iDEAL from running away from Dream as she tried to run past him again*

Dream: Whoo~ *flips iDEAL's skirt up, exposing her bare butt*

iDEAL: KYAA! Dream, get back here! >o<

Dream: Uh-oh~ ^^ *playfully runs away from iDEAL*

Blitz: Huh? Oh no, the sisters are just playing. -w- *swiftly slips iDEAL's entire outfit off as she chases after Dream* Hmm? Oh no, they are not a problem at all, if you know how to adapt to the situation.

iDEAL: Wahhh, Blitz... ToT

Dream: I see your bum-bum, sis~ ^3^

Blitz: Alright, fetch the others on the way, will you sis? Excellent. ^^ *he hangs up and gives Dream the same treatment, just quicker* Boom. Naughty nurses in 1-2-3. Sorry Ms. Saiyan, but this is normal playing around this household.....

Female Saiyan: Seems like a fun place ^3^

iDEAL: Hehehe~

Dream: *notices that she's naked but doesn't seem to really care*

Blitz: It is, when I don't have to spank these two. ^^ *hands the girls their outfits again*

iDEAL: *runs off to go dress*

Dream: *gives Blitz a kiss on the cheek then follows iDEAL*

Blitz: Heh, I love those two... ^///^ *he sits down next to his Saiyan visitor, tapping the table lightly.* So then, it's just us two at the moment.

Female Saiyan: *gets close up on Blitz* and I know just how to pass the time~

*Several minutes later, there is a knocking on the front door that Dream answers and finds that Skylar, Tanya, Nikki and Jim have arrived.*

Dream: Hallo~ ^o^

Nikki: Hey Dream, where's Blitz and the Saiyan?

Dream: In the living room, she said that she wanted to play...

*The others suddenly get worried and rush past Dream into the living room...only to find Blitz, iDEAL and the Saiyan playing Super Smash Bros...and the Saiyan was winning in a 1 VS 2 stock battle.*

Female Saiyan: *rapidly inputs combat combos* almost...there! YES, I win again!

iDEAL: could she take out all of our stocks without losing a single one herself...7 times in a row?

Blitz: I guess combat just comes...natural to her?

Skylar: *looks on the scene and whispers* I totally thought we were about to see something awkwardly naughty or something... <//3//<;;

Nikki: Same here O_o;

Blitz: *notices the others* Well, look at that, the others are here. So iDEAL, I guess that even if you lost that little bet, you don't need to perform the "moon dance"...unless our guests tell you too. >|3 *pats the short cat girl on her rear*

Dream: Moon dance, moon dance~ ^o^

Jim: That won't be necessary, iDEAL.


Dream: Aww... -3-

Nikki: So, miss sky blue Saiyan, do you have a name or codename we can call you?

Connie: My name? Oh, you can call me Connie. ^w^

Skylar: Connie? That's....a surprisingly normal name for a Saiyan to have. Not complaining though.

Tanya: Normal for us, maybe. -u-;

Connie: And, if you haven't already guessed, I'm one of the rare peace-loving Saiyans. There's only a small handful of ones like myself who just want a simple, peaceful life back on planet Vegeta; it's a shame really that all the others want to do is conquer and destroy...

Skylar: Yeah yeah, proud warrior race with next to no compassion. -_-

Tanya: Skylar! >_>#

Skylar: Say I'm wrong then. I dare you.

Connie: Skylar...? Wait, YOU'RE Skylar? The Skylar that Toma seems to be so obsessed with killing? *gets close up on Skylar and begins inspecting him*

Nikki: Hey... -_-#

Skylar: o/___/o *blinks and attempts leaning back from her* L-little too close there miss...

Blitz: If I was a bigger ass than I already am, I would've pushed them into a kiss.

Tanya: *hits Blitz lightly on his shoulder*

Connie: seem to have a reservoir of power within that you have yet to tap into. If you could find a way to access and channel that power your strength could very well be on par with the Legendary Saiyan Goku when he's at the Super Saiyan 3 state.

Skylar: W-what? o_o

Tanya: Don't encourage him to train even harder....Nikki still needs him to come to bed at night. -w-

Connie: This shouldn't require any extra training; just an extra push when the time is right~ ^^

Blitz: Extra push it is. -u- *gives Connie a push, so she basically falls into Skylar's arms*

Skylar: Bro?! >//O#


Connie: Shall we dance or would you like to move directly to the kiss~?

Nikki: >//~//< *makes an annoyed squeal as she pulls Connie off of Skylar*

Connie: Relax, Bangs, I'm only joshin'...well, not really.

Nikki: Why you...! *goes at Connie, swing her fists wildly*

Connie: *sticks her arm out and keeps Nikki away* hahahaha, you're a funny one, Bangs~ I like you.

Nikki: *huffs and puffs out of breath as she calms down* ...didn't you have something important to tell us? >~<

Skylar: *pulls Nikki over to him and strokes her back* ......shhh...Yeah Connie...please tell...

Connie: Well, not long after your last encounter with Toma, he was approached by our "benefactor" Pyro Darkesis and he told him that planet Ookami had been saved similar to how planet Vegeta was. When Frieza was still in control, Toma was the one sent out to eradicate planet Ookami; he was quite proud of his track record for planet destruction so you can imagine that he must've felt cheated out of a successful mission. Then when he realized that his last two mission failures were linked to Ookami being involved he began to greatly despise them. I'm pretty sure he told him that just to get a rise out of him; so since then, Toma has upped his research and experiments, determined to make you all suffer a humiliating defeat before killing you all.

Tanya: .......Yeah, I'm not liking the sound of this...

Connie: It gets worse, Red; much worse. Toma's research led to the discovery of a set treasures that when brought together can make wishes come true. During a mission he was completing for Pyro in another dimension, Toma did a bit of searching while he still had time before he was warped back into that prison of a dimension we live in and happened to find a set of those treasures. These treasures are called Dragon Balls; are any of you familiar with them?

Tanya: They sorta are common knowledge these days on planet earth....

Skylar: But they aren't being used anymore, I believe...

Connie: They are? Then can you tell me what color the stars usually are on them?

Blitz: Red. The stars are red.

Skylar: And the balls are orange.

Connie: Red, huh? I knew the ones that Toma found were a bit odd...

Blitz: .....go on?

Connie: The stars were white.

Skylar: What?

Blitz: What?

Tanya: sure?

Connie: Yes, white; white as snow. And these make an unusual side product. You see, when Toma first used the Dragon Balls to summon the Eternal Dragon he had only one wish: that all Saiyans not be bound to the rules on the dimension they were trapped in. You see, the dimension that Pyro created comes with restrictions, one of them being that any inhabitant of said dimension who leaves it can only stay out for a set amount of time before being warped back. With that restriction gone the Saiyans are free to come and go from that dimension as they see fit; it also explains why I'm still here in this dimension after all of this time has passed since last night. Anyway, when a wish is granted and these particular Dragon Balls disperse, they leave behind an enormous orb of raw energy, powerful enough to destroy three planets if used in the right way. Toma used it as a new energy source for one of his latest inventions that allows travel to any dimension he pleases; and with that much power he can even enter dimensions such as the one your planet is in now.

Skylar: Okay, what Kami, Guru or whoever do we need to kill to get these Dragon Balls to vanish!?

Blitz: More importantly, why did the bonehead not wish for immortality?

Connie: Funny thing, he thought about that right after he made that wish. So after searching for and gathering up the Dragon Balls that had been scattered all over the planet again, he planned to make that his next wish. But you don't have to worry about that wish coming true for a while. ^^

Skylar: And...why is that?

Connie: He doesn't have the Dragon Balls anymore~ ^w^

Skylar: Predictable...but for how long will he continue to not be in possession of them? He'd just need to gather them again.

Connie: He can't gather them up if he doesn't know where to look. You see, I actually stole them from him~

Blitz: Clever girl... .3.

Connie: If a man like Toma is granted eternal life and has constant access to the Dragon Balls, all life as we know it is in jeopardy. I just couldn't let that happen so I took action.

Jim: How were you even able to get that close to the Dragon Balls? It doesn't seem likely that someone like Toma would let anybody get remotely close to where he keeps something so valuable.

Connie: ...I...was his partner.

*A feeling of unease fills the air.*

Connie: It's not what you think! If it was up to me I wouldn't have anything to do with that hothead. He forced me to be his partner because my unusual ability is of use to him and his research.

Tanya: Unusual ability?

Skylar: ....nnnn.... I'm feeling a bit more uneasy around you, honestly... -~-;

Connie: Remember how I told you that you have an enormous amount of untapped energy within you, Skylar? That's my ability: I can see the energy layout of anybody I see and I can help enhance, alter, transfer, link and even remove blocks and restrictions on that energy. Because of this Toma wanted to have me close by wherever he went, only leaving me behind when he went out on a mission. He made it quite clear that he would kill me if I ever betrayed him, so I didn't...until yesterday. To stop him from getting eternal life, I stole the Dragon Balls from his quarters. I put them in my ship, used his dimension opening thing to open a gate to planet Ookami's dimension and sent my ship through it. I then changed the coordinates to another dimension to throw him off the trail and destroyed the dimension opener, making sure not to damage the power source. All that was left was to do was enter the now closing dimension gate and escape to planet Ookami...but Toma caught me as I was flying into gate and blasted me with his full power. I can't remember much after that aside from waking up in great pain surrounded by you guys.

Skylar: ....Well, you're a brave, though reckless girl, I'll give you that.

Connie: Sure you don't want to add something else, handsome~? ^///^ *snuggles up close to Skylar*

Nikki: -_-# ... *pulls Connie away from Skylar*

Connie: Aw, don't be like that, Bangs~

Nikki: Stop calling me Bangs!!

Connie: You look so cute when you’re angry, Bangs~

Nikki: *growls*

iDEAL: But there's one thing I don't understand: why did you chose to come to planet Ookami?

Blitz: iDEAL, come on. She obviously had a plan. It's not like she picked one of the worst possible planets to land, by accident?

Connie: I came to planet Ookami because that is where Toma is going next...and he won't be alone. He's bringing along an extremely powerful experiment that's been over a decade in the making.

Skylar: good at all, that there...

Connie: *reaches into her pocket and pulls out a familiar looking device* I'm sure that you in particular are familiar with, Skylar. Toma implanted these into many different individuals, a bio-engineered cybernetic parasite. It's main purpose was to give it's host the same Saiyan revival strengths whenever it was activated; imagine, gaining that same boost in power and ability that a Saiyan gets after a near-death experience at anytime you'd like. But as I'm sure you discovered, the earlier models had problems such as causing their hosts to become wild and feral. In time, these were eventually perfected under Toma's watch. However, there was another thing they did; they also recorded, what I call, "fighting memories." Years of training, real life combat, perfecting signature techniques and one's own personal fighting style, all of that was recorded as data and sent back to Toma's expansive database. And now, all of that data is in the mind of Toma's masterpiece: a bio-engineered Saiyan created to be the perfect fighting machine...

Skylar: ........That damn...dirty...ape-shit....

Connie: But hope is not lost; you have three things working in your favor right now. ^^

Blitz: ...Which is...?

Connie: 1. I destroyed the machine that opens up portals to different dimensions. Something as advanced as that is going to take a lot of time for Toma to properly repair; time we can use to get ready for him. 2. Toma doesn't have me anymore. His plan was to have me enhance his and the bio-Saiyan's energy and to mess with the energy of his opponents but I'm going to do that for you all instead. 3. Toma doesn't have the Dragon Balls anymore; planet Ookami does. We can use them to our advantage if we can think up the perfect wish. C'mon, there's still hope, guys. ^w^

Skylar: .... *nods and pets her* Good work on your part.

Connie: *squeals happily then glomps Skylar down to the ground...hard*

Skylar: @/3/@; ...Nikki, she knows your signature move as well...

Blitz: ...........I didn't want to say anything, but I really think she likes you, lil' bro. -u-

Skylar: @/u/@; popularity is increasing... *gives a weak thumbs up* Woooo.

Connie: ^///^ *tail swishes back and forth*

Nikki: >_<# *tries her best to pry Connie off of Skylar*

iDEAL: ... *ear twitches as she looks at the door* ...

*iDEAL slowly walks over to the door then opens it quickly as three kids fall forward and inside Blitz's home.*

Orange-haired boy: Oof!

Blonde-haired boy: Ow! *looks up and sees iDEAL* what gave us away?

iDEAL: I heard a crunching noise.

Green-haired girl: *crunching on candy then stops* ...oops...

Orange-haired boy: I told you that you were crunching too loud! >o<

Skylar: *ignores Connie and Nikki as he turns his attention to the door* Kids?

Blitz: *walks over and kneels down to the three guests* Excuse me, but you shouldn't be wandering off to strangers' houses all on your own...

Green-haired girl: But you're not strangers, you're o...

Orange-haired boy: *covers the young girl's mouth* shush! >_<;

Blonde-haired boy: We're here to help out; we're going to fight with you when the Saiyans come.

Tanya: Aw, that's cute... But we can't have you guys around. It is simply too dangerous.

Blitz: Yeah, we appreciate it, but we can't accept your help.

Skylar: We might be borderline dumb, a lot of times, but we're not going to risk innocent lives.

Orange-haired boy: We're not exactly weak ourselves.

Green-haired girl: Our parents trained us up to be tough and we'll prove it! *begin to channel energy*

Blonde-haired boy: Wait-wait-wait! Not in here; outside.

*Everybody steps outside where the kids continue their demonstration.*

Blonde-haired boy: We never got a chance to introduce ourselves; my name is Cliff *gathers energy and transforms into a Super Ookami*

Orange-haired boy: My name is Roger *gathers energy and transforms into a Super Ookami*

Green-haired girl: And I'm Kelly~ ^o^ *gathers energy and transforms into a Super Ookami*

Cliff, Roger and Kelly: And we're the Ookami Force! ^o^ *strikes silly Ginyu Force-esque poses*

Skylar: *stands there with his mouth gaping wide open, to the point where a bowling ball could possibly fit in there*

Blitz: ...Did these 3 kids just...?!?!

Tanya: O____O ....... *slowly sits down, softly curling up* ...........

Blitz: ..... *joins her* ....These kids are stronger than us at this point, if Skylar's strength is any indication of how much stronger you get with that form.....

Skylar: *pointing around in many different directions while spewing gibberish that could roughly be translated as various swears, the word "What" and panic laughter*

Roger: Whoa...I didn't think that they'd react like this.

Cliff: We were going to wait until Toma and his weapon was taken care of but we might as well tell you this now.

*Roger walks over to Skylar, Cliff walks over to Tanya and Kelly walks over to Blitz.*

Kelly: Don't worry, daddy; you're way stronger in our timeline.

*Blitz's head immediately shoots up to look at Kelly; after getting a good look at her she did resemble iDEAL a lot.*

Blitz: ....... o____o .... *grabs iDEAL and Kelly and sets them down side by side, comparing appearances* ..........Oh my gosh...

Skylar: *gets on his knees, placing a hand on Roger's head* ....... *A smile slowly creeps onto his face* Then...if that girl is...then you are...?

Tanya: *scoops up Cliff and cries happily as she hugs the little guy against her bossom* Time travelling kids, and they belong to us~!!

Nikki: OoO *raises her hands up to her mouth* oh my gawd...

Roger: Yup, I'm your son, Dad. You have a daughter too but she hasn't appeared yet; strange since we all entered the time gate together...

Cliff: O3O Mom, Mom, you're squishing me...

Jim: Well I'll be; I have a son in the future. ^w^

Skylar: ...Oh no, I hope she is alright! O_O;

Tanya: Mmmmm!! I'm sorry kiddo, I'm just so happy! TwT

Blitz: *hugs both Kelly and iDEAL close as he sobs* iDEAL...look at her! She's so cute and pretty! T~T

iDEAL: I know, right! ToT *cries along with Blitz*

Roger: I'm sure she's okay; we all seem to be arriving at different times in this time period.

Skylar: *ruffles his hair* your mother just as hot-headed in the future? -w-

Roger: Well, MY mother does mellow out some more in the future; my little sister's mother remains more or less the same as she is now. ^w^

*Skylar looks a little confused by what Roger says.*

Roger: Oh that's right, it hasn't happened yet. In the future you become the new family Alpha, Dad.

Skylar: ......huh? W-wait....what? o_o

Blitz: ......Didn' mention that system during our visit yesterday?

Roger: You marry both my Mom, Nikki, and my little sister Rumme's Mom, Ayaka. ^^

Skylar: o//o ...........Well that's a pleasant surprise.

Blitz: *whispers to iDEAL* and if he indeed is an Alpha, then those two might not be the only ones.... *shrugs*

Connie: So these are your kids from the future? Sweet! Hey, what am I doing in the future?

Cliff: ...uh...


Roger: travel! Yes, you travel all throughout this dimension and others looking for fun, adventure and strong opponents.

Connie: Really? Hmm, I always pictured myself settling down and starting a family but that sounds like fun too! I wonder how many delicious foods I'll get to eat...

Roger: ... *takes Skylar by the hand and leads him away out of earshot from Connie* ...unfortunately in our time, Connie doesn't have a future; she...doesn't survive the upcoming battle.

*Somehow hearing that from his future son make's Skylar's heart sink.*

Skylar: ....... future self was apparently able to remember and tell her story to you guys...... *grits his teeth* She's...deserves better...than that...

Roger: Well that's part of the reason why we're here now. In the end you all eventually won this upcoming battle at the cost of some permanent injury which led to you not being able to stand up against the main reason we're here, which I'll explain later. Right now our main objective is to save Connie and soundly defeat Toma and his weapon.

Skylar: ...I swear, I'll rip his throat out with my bare teeth if I have to...I've had enough.

Roger: And we're here to help you defeat him for good this time. With all of us working together I'm sure that we'll succeed. ^^

*Thinking about what he's just been told Skylar needed to get more information, like when exactly in the battle was Connie killed.*

Skylar: Little Roger, please, help me here so I know what to be worried of, and when...if you know...

Roger: Let me try to remember...I remember you saying that thanks to Connie the battle had shifted in your favor after Toma and his weapon were already at 100%. When he realized that he was going to lose he had the weapon shoot a Special Beam Cannon at him while he was fighting Connie. With Connie distracted while fighting Toma he would knock her into the beam's path and then get out of the way to avoid being blasted by it as well.

Skylar: ....That dirty scumbag... *clenches fist* can't even finish your own fights, can you...?

Roger: But I think that you can turn that dirty tactic against him if you can act fast enough during that event.

Skylar: .......I hope...

Connie: *glomps Skylar from behind* hey guys, what're you talking about?

Skylar: o////O !!!! ....N-nothing.... >//n//>;;

Connie: Okaaaaaaaay... anyway, I suggested that we go and find my spaceship, recover the Dragon Balls and decide what to do with them; the others agreed that that was a good idea.

Skylar: ..... *pets her* Sure.

*The group goes to planet Ookami and return to the area where they first found Connie.*

Connie: Okay, I landed here...but where is my spaceship? Did any of you happen to see where my spaceship might've landed?

*Thinking back to the previous night, the Ookami siblings remember seeing two falling star-like objects in the sky and that one of them landed up in the mountains.*

Tanya: The smartest choice would be to look up in the mountains and the surrounding area.

Connie: Okay, let's start there then.

*Everybody heads to the mountainous area and begins searching for the fallen space pod. After about two hours of unsuccessful searching, they all make it up to one of the mountains where they stumble upon a meadow complete with a mountain spring. Jim and Tanya recognized the area as a place they had been when searching for those stones years ago. It was the perfect place to take a well needed break.*

Tanya: Okay you guys, break time. Lay down and relax. But no love-making in the long'll tempt me to do the same. -/3/-;

Skylar: *puts his backpack down and picks out some water bottles for those who needed a drink* Come here and get hydrated, people.

iDEAL: *plops down on the grass exhausted*

Kelly: *puts her backpack down and takes out some apple pies along with some paper plates and plastic ware*

iDEAL: OwO *seems to be full of energy at the sight of the apple pie*

Nikki: *grabs a water bottle and begins drinking*

Connie: *sits with Nikki and Skylar to rest*

Nikki: ...hey, don't those Saiyan space pods come with a remote? Couldn't you just get it to come here to us?

Connie: Yeah, that would be ideal... *takes a busted remote out of her pocket* ...if only that meathead Toma's attack from yesterday didn't fry the thing.

Nikki: ...bummer... -_-;

Skylar: ....Could be worse....he could've fried you. <n<; *places a hand on Connie's shoulder*

Blitz: *joins his kid and iDEAL with the pies.* Pies~

Jim: Hmm... *walks over to Connie* ...may I see that remote?

Connie: Um, sure *hands the remote over to Jim*

Jim: *inspects the remote* ... give me some time, I might be able to get this working again. ^w^

Tanya: That's my hubbie, so resourceful~

*Some time later, after everybody is relaxed and full on pies, Jim finishes his repairs on the remote.*

Jim: Well, I've got good news and bad news.

Cliff: What's the bad news, Dad?

Jim: I wasn't able to fully repair this thing, so we won't be able to get the ship to come directly to us.

Connie: Then what's the good news?

Jim: I was able to reconfigure it enough so that it works more like a radar; we should be able to find the exact location of the ship now.

Blitz: *Laying in the grass, cuddled up with Kelly and iDEAL* Well, it's better than being completely lost, right?

Jim: Yep. Let's see... *pushes a few buttons on the remote which brings up a map on its small screen* okay, the radar mode seems to be working...and according to what it's saying we're not far at all from the ship. It should be just a little further ahead...that way *points in the direction further in the meadow*

Connie: Really, we were that close all along? Cool, let's go then! *jumps to her feet and runs further into the meadow out of sight from everybody*

Skylar: C-Connie, wait! O_O *gets up and hurries after her*

Connie: KYAA!! HELP ME!!

*Connie's scream makes everybody get up and run towards her. They all pass through some trees to find themselves in another clearing where they see Connie on the ground in a headlock by an unexpected resident, Cheryl Moonshredder. Next to them was Connie's Saiyan space pod and sitting on top of it was another unexpected resident, Ronald Moonshredder.*

Connie: *choking* H-Help...! O_<

Cheryl: Screaming for help won't get you far. Now, it took some time to find you, so be a nice little Saiyan and-

Skylar: Mom! Stop! She's harmless! *makes his way out there*

Cheryl: H-huh!? Sweetie!? What are you doing here?? O.O

Ronald: Sup kids? =u= *waves*

iDEAL: Mrs. Moonshredder, I know this may be hard to believe but that Saiyan is on our side trying to help us and we need her alive to deal with what is soon to come!

Cheryl: ............Okay, speak fast. >_>

iDEAL: Okay... *inhales* Toma found these White-Star Dragon Balls and wished that all Saiyans not be restricted by their dimension's rules and in turn got a gigantic new power source to power a machine of his making that'll let him go to any dimension of his choosing, including this one, and before he could wish for immortality next and then invade with a new Bio-Saiyan weapon, Connie here stole the Dragon Balls and came to this dimension after destroying the machine that allowed her to come here but got attacked by Toma and ended up crash landing on this planet last night so Blitz, my sister and I nursed her back to health, had a big breakfast and then she told us about Toma's plot and then we met our kids from the future, which would make them all your grandchildren, who came to this time period to help us defeat Toma and his weapon, then we searched for the spaceship, had pie for lunch, then met you here! *huffing and puffing* did I leave anything out, guys?

Tanya: No, I believe that was everything...

Ronald: *already giving attention to his grandchildren from the future* Hey squirts. Welcome to the present-past. How is the future-present?

Cliff, Roger and Kelly: Grandpa~ ^o^ *run over to Ronald and hug him as he steps off of the space pod*

Nikki: *smiles then looks at Connie who is still in a headlock* um, do you think you could let our new ally go or at least loosen your hold a bit? She's starting to turn blue...

Connie: -|||- ... *starts going limp as she loses consciousness and changes color*

Cheryl: ...Huh? Oh! *drops Connie* Sorry, I a bit distracted by my lovely grandchildren~ *joins her husband and the kids* Hey~

Skylar: *helps Connie keep her balance* Breathe slowly, girl.

Cliff, Roger and Kelly: Grandma, Grandma~ ^o^

Connie: *gasps for breath as she clings to Skylar*

Nikki: *helps Connie keep her balance as well* easy there...

Cheryl: *picks up Kelly* Well hi there, lil' one~ *rubs noses with her*


Skylar: You'll be fine. Sorry about mom, she is a bit...explosive... And she apparently harbours feelings similar to mine...

Kelly: *giggles*

Connie: ... *seems a bit sad* ...I can understand; your lives weren't the only ones changed by a Saiyan...

Skylar: .....Want to talk about it...?

Connie: ...Okay...the truth is that I'm only half Saiyan on my mother's side; my father was actually an Aquitican Nekofi *parts her spiky, messy hair to reveal small Nekofi ears and an Aquitican antenna*

Nikki: O_O

Skylar: O____o ........ *pokes her antenna* ...Well I'll be damned...

Connie: My mother told me that before she met my father that she was a lot like most of the other Saiyans around, obsessed with getting stronger and destroying all in their path. But after meeting him and experiencing his way of life she began to appreciate everything around her. The two of them eventually got married and had me in secret. However, what happiness we had was not meant to last apparently.

Skylar: ...... *holds her hand*

Connie: That Toma...he framed my Dad of trying to assassinate King Vegeta. When they found him they killed him on the spot then later did the same to my Mom after she successfully hid me and told me to always keep my ears and antenna hidden while on planet Vegeta.

Skylar: ..... *grits his teeth and stomps off*

Cheryl: *looks up* Huh? Baby, where you going? Skylar, honey?

*He doesn't stop, he just walks away from there*

Ronald: ...Let him be, he seems to be in a bit of an emotional turmoil, from what I can sense...

Nikki: ...Skylar...

Connie: ...

Ronald: Knowing my son right, he might just be trying to suppress his anger towards the Saiyans, and doesn't want us to see him get overly mad just like that.......I'd say you fine young ladies should go and talk with him. I get the feeling that you both just want the best for him, even you, hybrid girl.

Cheryl: .....She? Honey, you can't be-

Ronald: Or I can just be rambling on like a fool. I do that a lot.

Blitz: ....He does that a lot...

Nikki: *nods then grabs Connie by her hand and drags her along as she tries to catch up with Skylar*

Connie: Whoa, I'm coming-I'm coming! O_O

*Within moments Nikki and Connie catch up with Skylar.*

Nikki: ...Skylar, honey...

Skylar: .....I'm just so angry....I'm so angry I feel like literally ripping someone's throat out with my teeth.....!! And I'm sorry, but I can't seem to forgive the Saiyan race, no matter if they have good people among them....I just....hate them...

Connie: ...I understand how you feel...and I feel the same way. Even though my Mom was a Saiyan just like them they still killed her and my Dad in cold blood without even trying to get their side of the story. I...never forgave them; I was trapped in that dimension, having to live with my parents' murderers...I hated it! I'm not going to ask you to forgive the Saiyans since I can't forgive them either. But we're about to be given an opportunity to payback the one Saiyan out of all them that has been the bane of our lives. As long as he lives, the rest of the universe isn't safe and our nightmare will never end. I need to know, will you fight beside me to take him down and end this nightmare once and for all?

Skylar: ....First: Yes, I will.....but secondly... *steps over and bonks her on the head* don't try the tough hero attitude. With that voice and face, it just doesn't work. -//3//-;

Connie: Aww, I thought I was doing a good job at sounding epic just then~

Nikki: No, that just doesn't work for you. -w-

Skylar: You're too cute for that. -u-;

Connie: *squeals happily as she glomps Skylar to the ground*

Nikki: -w- ...

*Skylar runs his hand through Connie's hair to feel her Nekofi ears; they were nice and fuzzy, similar to Ring's and iDEAL's ears. While he definitely hated Saiyans, Connie was definitely the exception. After calming down, Skylar, Nikki and Connie rejoin everybody. Connie opens her space pod and inside are the seven White-Star Dragon Balls.*

Roland: Ah, so that is the mighty balls of power....

Cheryl: Supposedly, yes.

Connie: These particular Dragon Balls are special in that once a wish is granted they leave behind a massive amount of raw energy. If I hadn't taken these when I did, defeating Toma would be absolutely impossible no matter what we did.

Cheryl: I see...

iDEAL: So what should we do? Should we wish for something that'll give us an edge against Toma; or seal the Dragon Balls away someplace secure or something like that?

Connie: As a sign that I'm truly here to protect this planet I leave these in your care *bows politely to Cheryl*

Cheryl: ....... *pets Connie* I'll figure out a safe way to store them away...

Jim: Now that that's taken care of I guess the only thing left to do is to prepare for our visitor's arrival, whenever that is. If you know anybody that's always monitoring the skies, I'd tell them what's going on so that we're not completely caught off guard when they arrive.

Skylar: You guys can do that. I need to help Connie find a place to stay.

Blitz: ...Wait, she's not staying with me, iDEAL and Dream?

Skylar: You've got your hands full with those two alone....

Tanya: He's got a point...

*Skylar, Blitz and Tanya then look at the kids and remember that they need a place to stay as well, preferably with them.*

Blitz: .....Can I at least take my daughter with me, though? >n>

Skylar: Yes, of course....I'm not going to abandon a bunch of kids.

Kelly: Yay~! ^o^

Cliff: I know how to hunt and cook; I can help make a good dinner for you, Mom. ^^

Roger: I'll help you out too, Dad. ^^

Tanya: Well now? Seems like I've raised a fine young man...or I...I will, eventually. <w<;

Blitz: *lifts Kelly up on his shoulder* And you're coming with me for cuddles and fun...and to help me clean up after your mother and aunt. -w-

Skylar: *smiles and ruffles Roger's hair* Good. Remember to keep an eye out for the last one of you kids. The one that hasn't arrived yet. Other than that....just stick around and help us.

Roger: Right!

iDEAL: Hey, I've gotten better *climbs up on Blitz's other shoulder* I haven't caused a major mess in... *counts with her fingers* 1, 2, 3, 4... almost a week...if you don't count what happened at breakfast this morning...

Blitz: .....Yeah, you'll be seeing your mother spanked, for sure. -w-

iDEAL: Erk!

Kelly: Don't be too embarrassed, Mommy; I see that happen to you all the time in our time.

iDEAL: WHAA?? You mean it keeps happening?!

Blitz: Oh goodie, I am still playful with my little kitten at that point in time~

Kelly: *giggles* Bye-bye, Grandma and Grandpa~ ^o^

Cliff: Yeah, we'll see you again real soon. ^w^ *joins Jim and Tanya*

Roger: We'll make sure to be ready for when the Saiyans arrive *joins Skylar, Nikki and Connie*

Cheryl: Bye-bye, my little lovelies~ *waves*

Tanya: They seem to have completely fallen for you little fuzzballs.

*Everybody climbs down the mountain and goes their separate ways; Cheryl and Ronald begin searching for a secure place to keep the White-Star Dragon Balls and the Ookami siblings, their fiancés and their kids along with Connie return to their dimension.*

Connie: So where am I going to stay tonight? Maybe... *nuzzles up against Skylar* ...maybe I should just move in with you~ ^//o//^

Nikki: -_-# *reaches into Connie's hair and grabs a hold of one of her ears*

Connie: Yeouch!

Nikki: That won't be necessary. You'll be staying with me for the time being; let's go! -_-# *begins pulling Connie along by her ear*

Connie: Ow-ow-ow-ow! Bangs...not so rough~ ToT

*Nikki drags Connie by her ear as she walks to her home while Skylar and Roger watch.*

Roger: ...don't worry, Dad; she really mellows out in the future.

Skylar: .....*picks up Roger* I just...hope nothing bad happens....I can't say I feel good letting my eyes off of either one of them right now...poor Connie is going to have a rough time either way...

Roger: I'm sure they'll be fine; after all, they'll be with Grandpa Gin and Grandma Masaki. Speaking of Grandpa Gin, he doesn't know it yet but he's actually half Ookami himself. His grandpa was actually an Ookami who came to Earth many years ago. ^^

Skylar: Wha......okay then... o_o

Roger: Oh, and I think that I should warn you to never leave Grandma Masaki and Grandma Cheryl alone together; some sort of unpleasantness always happens, usually resulting in a victory of some sort for Grandma Cheryl and a humiliating defeat for Grandma Masaki.

Skylar: .......While I do enjoy teasing mother-in-law Masaki, I don't think I'll enjoy that "unpleasantness" whatever it is. ._.;

Roger: Yeah, it usually starts from the silliest of reasons: a disagreement, a dare, a challenge, making certain accomplishments, stuff like that. So if you see something like that going on between them, try to change the subject if you can or get Grandpa Gin or Grandpa Ronald to intervene. ^w^;

Skylar: ....You seem pretty smart, little guy....are you sure you are the son of me and Nikki? -w-

Roger: Well, I had a pretty knowledgeable teacher on the ways of life.

Skylar: ....Who?

Roger: You, Dad. Between now and to the time I get to be this old you gain a great amount of knowledge and experience and you shared it all with me and Rumme.

Skylar: ....Heh, I don't really believe it, but I have no choice but to, at the moment... *his stomach rumbles a bit* ....Hmm...hey bud, do you like pizza? We can pick some up on the way home.

Roger: Sure thing, Dad!

Skylar: ...Hold on tightly, in that case. We're shifting to high gear~ *Skylar grins as he plants his feet in the ground before kicking off, spurting into a jog while he kept Roger on his back*

Roger: *laughing happily*

To be continued...

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